(Mar 2, 2019) Torah Parsha: Vayak'hel (He Assembled) (Part 1)

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[Music] let's look at the let's look at the tow-rope washer now my good friend Jason who I've been friends with for a very long time probably at least 15 years and you play don't know Jason but he has one of the sweetest spirits of any person you'll ever meet so let's look at what he picked then let the craftsman among you come and make everything I don't know he's ordered the tabernacle with its tent covering fastness planks crossbars posts and sockets not much to go on so I called one I said you know a couple of days ago I said Jane not much go on he goes Oh rabbi you'll make something out of it the tabernacle is is incredibly important I could probably talk about it for a very very long time then we don't have a very long time so I'll dismiss that idea but it was the means through which the Lord chose to dwell with his people that's he dwelt in a manifest presence of the Lord God Himself dwelt in the Holy of Holies and on all levels of glory cloud and and he set up this very detailed way to approach him and worship Him the instructions are very very detailed and to me it just emphasizes to make it very simple that Israel is to worship the Lord according to his word whatever he says and and that goes for us too and and the word is being very bent today I mean the enemy is still saying did did God really say and you have to know the word so well that you can say he sure did get behind me say yeah you have to know it well otherwise he will trick you there was a progression you know and out of courtyard you know when you see the tent when they say the tent of meeting that's not the whole tabernacle that's just where the priests went the Levites went into the holy place and then where one from one tribe from one family one time here went in that was it the holy of holies and that's the really the tent of meeting but you've got the these it's like tripartite you've got the outer courtyard you've got the holy place in the Holy of Holies and all over the Bible and you're gonna find this tripartite you're gonna find so many threes because the number three in Hebrew understanding Inga mantra is divine perfection not spiritual perfection it speaks of God and you'll see so many threes in the Bible you'll see a three right right in Genesis 1 right in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was formless and void and God and and the spirit covered the earth and God spoke its tripartite right there you see the Father Son and the Holy Spirit right from the beginning of the Bible so 3 is important but there was this progression to approaching God and if you'll notice in the in the description Exodus the closer you get to the Holy of Holies the more valuable of the metals they start bronze and then they progress the silver and then it's gold inside the tent of meeting let's try this verse again let's just boom there you go see if you see that word that word is so important ordered oh you do have Roxanne I didn't even see that picture look at that there it is the brazen altar as soon as you walk in that's the outer courtyard and then the tent of meaning is the holy place in the Holy of Holies so that word order is so incredibly important let's take a look at it it's very simple it means sivan means to command and this Sivan is actually the root word of another hebrew word that you're very familiar with commandant or mitzvah which is AP scribed obligation in the Hebrew when God commands something he's prescribing you to be obligated to doing it when he says the word Shema which is the watchword of Israel it said four times a day by the Orthodox community it's Judaism credo if you will or if there was a catechism in Judaism it would be the Shema and in six words it sums up monotheism and that which obey the Lord God it's prescribed you follow it's not a suggestion and I'm not trying to be sarcastic or a challenge or something you think about there's nothing to think about when when we say to God that we're listening that means whatever he says we'll do that's that's what we're saying when he says Shem I sing here not hey you listening he's saying whatever I tell you you have to do so it's a very strong word but this order in in Exodus 35 is not from your boss and most of us you know pretty much when our boss tells us something if we want to do all the job we pretty much follow those orders right it's not from your parent which is incredibly important it says to honor your parent which is almost like worship it's not even from a superior officer some of you are military you don't question your superior officers right this order is from the Lord the Lord God Himself who was supposed to supposed to according to the Bible have full control and authority over those who his that's what the Bible says now whether I do that in my life or you do that in your life it is important but we need to see what this says to see where we are and that's what it says make no mistake God says there is no room for human improvisation you know what improvisation is it's a five-syllable word that I have to use every now and then to make you think I'm smart so let's try another word how about extemporize ations smart winging it there's no room fetal wing okay it is it is words on a page that are very explicit that anybody can understand anybody can understand the Bible this is true in all spiritual matters if it's so true with us following God's orders about a building you know I don't want to play super spiritual with you but I never built a building okay and when when God instruct us to build this building it's clear that it was Lord's will obviously we prayed about everything Bernadette and I fasted and prayed about everything we had no idea what it was supposed to look like what he wanted we prayed about what do you call those baseboards how high should the baseboards be Lord do you want them five for grace do you want them seven for spiritual perfection do you want them eight for new beginnings you want them three to represent yourself what do you want why would we pray about how high does that matter I think everything matters now I'm obsessive there's no question about that but am i obsessive or a lot of people just kind of to loose it all depends on your perspective right I mean it seems like God was very obsessive about how many sockets what what who cares it doesn't matter we don't have to know the reason we just have to follow the orders that's what makes it so simple but we we analyze and overanalyze and spiritualize and try to get new revelation when it's complete and God sending these messages through Yeshua who creates a wireless situation for us our heart is Wireless we're connected through your shoe and God's sending messages now there's things that are explicit in the Bible that all of us have to follow certain foundational doctrinal things but I didn't read in the Bible I was supposed to go to India I didn't read in the Bible or supposed to come to Macon those are things the Lord communicates to us but that's between you and God and you have to connect with God to hear that if Bernadette and I are fasting over us a stupid baseboard don't you think you should pray and fast about how many kids the Lord wants you to have people say to me Oh rabbi you're not supposed to know that you're supposed to have as many kids as God wants really I know people with ten kids you stopped you made the call somewhere along the line don't be super spiritual it's not going to work here don't you want to know where you're supposed to live don't you want to know if God wants you to be an apartment or a house don't you want to know these things maybe not I don't know it's not my business to get in your business that's rude and I don't have that authority okay I really don't however it is my business to teach the Word of God that's my business if God was so detailed about this Tabernacle in the wilderness I think that has to transfer in every spiritual matter we have to follow God's Word to a tee and not deviate one iota a little bit of deviation could cause major problems we're coming into poram look at the little bit of deviation that King Saul just a little deviation he took out all the Amika lights it says in Deuteronomy 21 remember I'm oh I'm gonna take them out for what they did to you and it was time and he took out all the Amika lights except except King Agag why look don't look well the first time I read this I was like wow God you really you're not messing around you're tough he brings back the king he wants a show-off look what I did you know put his foot on his neck parade him around I get it but that King birthed Amon six hundred years later and Haman almost annihilated all the Jews which was his plan and guess what if he annihilated all the Jews in 465 BC there'd be no Jews and if there's no Jews they'd be no Jesus and guess what you'd be spending eternity in hell so it's a big deal this little thing had major potential consequences he didn't know that right and we don't know that if God says put 8 sockets on you might go what's the big deal we'll put 7 listen to me just put 8 just why and why do you have to analyze it why do you have to know so much how much do you know how much do I know people think I know so much you're out of your mind they think I'm a scholar and I know so much I don't know nothing nothing I know the Lord and what he says goes I don't analyze it do you know how many people will analyze things I call it the paralysis of a now this God tells you go to India go what are you waiting for just go what's the worst thing that could happen what's the worst thing that could happen we heard that that drum music before on one of your songs I don't know what it was a burner that says somebody's getting cooked and I went to a really bad place while they do cook you and in Africa and I didn't know the people I was going to see and it was you know I was totally just going because the Lord told me to go but I brought a guy with me who who got recruited to play middle linebacker University of Georgia and he was out of shape but you know he's still 300 pounds so I'm I gave him a shirt once we got to the Africa I gave him a shirt that I made up from black shirt with white letters because what's this I said I just a little gift he said she'll open it now I go I just open a little later so he comes out of this hut and it says I'm the ride bikes I thought if they're gonna cook somebody 300 pounds of feed a lot of villages we you know you know what the Bible says about adding to it says if we add the curses in the book will be added to our lives that we take away our names will be removed no no rabbi nobody's name is removed from the book of life I mean when God orders something he expects to get it as ordered just like when I tell my kids something I don't want I'm not a mean dad I just what's the discussion I'm not mean I love them they have very nice lives but what I'm they listen they don't they don't want to hear me so they just do it which is beautiful but what if you went through like you just you know needed some comfort food and you went through Mickey D's drive-thru and you ordered a Big Mac with extra special sauce and some fries you know McDonald's fries like no other fries they have a special patented oil and that's what makes it so delicious and then you get home and you just tear into the bag and they find a salad and apple slices how you feeling now let me pre amp this by apologizing to all you a gluten-free fat-free sugar-free and cob free let me just taste them you don't sound free you sound like you're in bondage but that's a whole nother story you know you get upset right you go back there or you know you don't feel like old cuz you're thinking now I got to go back and go drive there and you come in there and all of a sudden you forget you're a Christian right I wanted to but I don't think God's all that happy when we don't obey his commands is there's only one way to be holy there's only one way to be godly right whatever term you'll come to it and that's obedience and I know it's boring I know it sounds really boring but the whole idea is to get to the point where you're not obeying God because you have to you're not obeying God for fear of punishment but you're obeying God because you absolutely love it you love it and that's just because you're gonna have prosperity and you're gonna have protection no no you don't want nothing you just want to make God happy and it makes him happy so in turn it makes you happy so when when well it's a win win lose God wins you win and the devil loses it's really simple the Bible is really straightforward and simple it's not as difficult as we make it I think a lot of theologians and intellects have have made this palatable for the intelligentsia you know you get a guy like let's say you got like Ravi Zacharias I don't know them but you have to be very very very intelligent to understand them but God has blessed them with the ministry to the intelligentsia that doesn't mean you have to be intelligent you shouid never spoke with more than three syllables and if you pride yourself on your intelligence that's an issue because if you're intelligent you should be intelligent enough to understand what's simplistic see everybody's got to understand not just you and I could say this is intricate and that makes you happy I could say it's hard but you still understand that right you understand intricate you understand hard right the major theme of the book of Exodus is redemption and and the founding of the nation of Israel they were founded by God they were created the Jewish people were created but redemption goes hand in hand with the creation of the nation of Israel because without the nation of Israel know Jesus Jesus himself said salvation is of the Jews I don't know why that's so lost over in Christian circles the Jewish people the nation of Israel would eventually give Messiah to the world along with two other really important things one is monotheism because you don't know this but back in the day you know most people that were pagan which was most of the world had thousands of gods I still go to places in India there's a mill over a million gods now today we only have one God except for our job and our pension and our anything else we just don't see it that they're God's but they're God's Lilly their worship but we don't see that because we don't want to see it it's not as blatant a really neat way a really neat way to enjoy the book of Exodus it's to see Messiah in it now I'm gonna share something with you not some revelatory thing that's unbelievable not so much that he burnt could you do me a favor could you see if this clip is the lawn I think one of those lousy little kids hugged me and knocked it off I'm only kidding or am I is it yeah I think so thank you thank you she has really sucked the life and out of me these past 35 years just want to be honest with you I'm in the pulpit was they saying bad value of the pulpit right pulpit as I said a really really neat way to enjoy the book of Exodus is to see the Messiah in it now obviously we see issue in Moses right maybe some don't Moses was immediated the people can connect with God Moses represented God before the people and the people before God and we're told in our Bible there's only one mediator between God and man and that's the Lord Yeshua in fact in Deuteronomy it says there was one coming like Moses listen to everything he says this is important because when you read in John when the Jewish people and obviously there's only Jews that he's talking to his audience the Jews go could this be the Prophet and most people just don't even know what that means because they can't connect the old Anna knew there was a prophet coming and they said is this the one that Moses said is coming like him is this was up not a prophet a prophet speaks for God the Prophet speaks as God totally different and it's so said to me one of the saddest things see is when people take scripts out of context and and they use it for their own means to create some theology that's not even biblical and that they can't connect the old and anew and they don't realize that God's Word is a universe universe and they put this big wall between the two so so incredibly sad and so incredibly not of God we obviously see Yeshua in the Passover lamb we see him in the rock I mean they struck the rock and I came living water but the tabernacle do you realize it takes up almost half the book of Exodus 16 chapters it's got to be a lot more important than you realize don't you think yeah so may the Lord do for us what he did for the two disciples on the Emmaus Road now let me tell you something about spiritualization anybody familiar with that term spiritualization some of you have full an incredible pray to it and I love you and you love the Lord but you're way off it's so dangerous if you don't take the word there's five principles to studying the word if you don't take the word literally and you constantly spiritualize it were you looking for some secret meaning it's mystical it's allegorical now granted some parts of the word on metaphor and simile but most of it is very literal and when you start looking for secret meanings you're bringing in Fantasia how do we know if it's accurate how do we know if your interpretations accurate we don't so it's it's based on what it's there's no objectivity to at this it's total subjective and that is incredibly incredibly dangerous and all over the Internet I don't go on the internet to get my theology I read the Bible and I have a concordance that's that's that's why I study the word but all over the Bible there's these sadly enough really off people that are selling their interesting revelations and you're buying it and you're buying it and forgive me but some of these people this families are so out of whack their walk is so out of whack but they're tantalizing you with secret information secret information is not this ism that's what the Lord came against in the seventh churches in the first century and you're falling prey to Gnosticism I don't know what the attraction is is not issue on the cross good enough for you do you not go there every day and say I did that to you I'm so sorry and you break and then he says I love you and then you say I'm so sorry I did that to you right and he goes yeah but I love you I'm so sorry you know what it's like when somebody slaps you and you look at them and say I love you and somebody slaps you and you look good that can go on for who knows but at some point you're gonna stop slapping and break because that kind of love is over-the-top well God's love is way over the top of that and it's enough you can't get anything more than God's forgiveness and if you want to do things special why don't you just pay it forward I don't mean just forgive anybody but look to you know share the gospel make friends with people help somebody out and I know a lot of you do this I know a lot to do this but think about how much some of you study verse how much you do for others there's no real reward in that because it says Yeshua is coming back he says himself in my father's glory to repay everybody not according to what they've studied look at look at just for a minute I just threw this in this morning you didn't get it in your Berean call and again we sent out the brain called it be wonderful if you actually looked at it and studied it and then it'd be really wonderful if this week you go over it people want to be discipled they want to sit down with me one on one like I'm the answer man we're disciple aright now but you're never gonna get all this never it's not possible and then you have a whole week to study it and if not this studies something else but don't don't go extra-biblical you get into lost books you're gonna get lost look at this verse that I just throw in like about it 9 o'clock in the morning this is when Yeshua had resurrected it's the same day of his resurrection and a mass is a town seven mile from Jerusalem and he's walking on the road with clear paths we don't know the other disciple some think it's his wife the idea is because it's not in the Bible it's not important you can surmise all you want you don't have the answer you know that there's people out there on the internet who will tell you when the end of the days are when when your shoe is coming back they have it on their website listen to me Yeshua didn't know and your shoe is said nobody knows what the father and your you're reading this crap from a guy who's totally going into the Bible here's my advice to you okay is my advice to you let's say you're 80 and what what year are we in 2019 help me with the math 2019 so you can't live past 120 according to the Bible right I met a lady in in she was laying on a mat she was about 80 pounds in some village with a drink blood in in Africa and they told me she's 123 and I said no she's not and they were like you know she's like I didn't call the lady lies she couldn't talk I called the village Alya but so you live to be 120 or 80 right so that gives you 40 years so that means you're not gonna live past 2059 right because 2019 if you're gonna predict the end of the world predicted after 2015 are so you don't look like an idiot when it doesn't happen you follow so he's walking on the road he's not revealed himself to them they can't recognize him and they're telling him the story and they're saying we thought he was going to be the one who was gonna free the Jewish people from their oppressors and take the throne but I guess we were wrong but then they say you know but they say that he resurrected some of our lady friends and some of our compadre said that he he wasn't you know he's not there we don't know if he resurrected her what would they they wouldn't see the body and it's not there that's all they know and then he says didn't you realize what the prophets say and then it says he sat down with them after he revealed himself for them and took open Moshe which is synonymous with the Torah of the first five books and all the prophets can you imagine some of you can't sit here for a half an hour he took apart all the prophets now how long that must have taken and do you think Clea Pass and the other disciples like hey we got to go now I know it looks like I'm bullying you to stay you don't have to stay you don't even have to come but it's a sad state of affairs when you could binge walk some binge watch some moronic show but you can't read the Word of God for more than 10 minutes it's a sad state of affairs it's just three I'm not beating you up I'm just saying that said so he uses the first five books and all the prophets what's that the whole basically he's using the Tanakh he's using the whole Old Testament wine use anything in the new wasn't written yet it's being written as he's speaking but you don't need the New Testament to see a schewe in fact if you have the New Testament and don't have the old there's no proof that he's who he is you follow in jail when I just do prison ministry they used to give people the Gospel of John I go what about the rest of it they go well we just get I said no you're wrong you're wrong if you don't have the Old Testament with the 333 prophecies then you don't know if he's who he is so it's incredibly important and he gives them this incredible Bible study so I want you to know what I'm gonna share with you is not spiritualization it's not something that I you know Charles taze Russell or Joseph Smith that I got on a mountain I'm not spiritualizing at all of being allegorical or mystical you know I used to run with a pack of very mystical believers and I walked away from it after a while because in in ways they were really often I just had a problem with it so the first thing we come to is the Ark of the Covenant let's take a look at that you're familiar with that okay so the ark would hold the testimony you read in Exodus it holds testimony which is basically the two tablets of the law aka the Word of God so this is important it was made basically of wood and gold inside and out so it was gold inlaid the Lord was very carefully said inlay gold in and out now gold represents what in the Bible always divinity always divinity now if you if you are wondering about what certain things represent you have to thread it all the way through you've got to see it all the way through you just can't see it in Romans 8 and go that's what it means you've got to see a consistency and God is very consistent when he uses symbolism in figurative language so gold always represents divinity and it speaks to your shoe is deity Yeshua was Lord but would always represents man which speaks to issue as humanity because that's what he was fully God fully man you've got God up in heaven who's fully God you got us on earth who's fully man had he connect fully man with fully God got to get a God man somebody who can hold on to the heavenlies with one hand and hold on to us with the other so this is what this gold and this wood is very important but even more important I want you to know I found this out the first time I was in Israel when I was down in the southern part in the desert and he instructed them to use a specific wood now you might think what's the difference I should use any wood the difference is God said to use a specific wood why are you questioning it so you might not know why but it doesn't matter but I found that something interesting years ago the wood that is used as a Keysha wood it's harder than steel what blew me away was acacia wood in Israel is called incorruptible wood incorruptible wood they don't even know why but it's called incorruptible now that blows me away why because of wood represents men and this is supposed to represent Yeshua he was incorruptible man he was tempted but never sent said there was a reason there's a reason for everything and I might share some things with you that you go wow I didn't see that I'm not trying to wow you I'm trying to get you to worship God I'm trying to get you to feel and I'm trying to get you to make God a priority but some of your prayers haven't been answered and that's because God is not a priority look at John 1 verse 1 in 14 this to me describes the art in the beginning was the word in the beginning before there was anything there was God's Word the Torah wasn't something that just showed up it wasn't an afterthought it always was and the Word was with God just like you have a word I have a word it was with God and it was God it was part of who he was you can't separate God in his word the word then had to become a human being so if you're wondering was Jesus the man in heaven no in the beginning before there was men now I don't want to get too complicated for you because already I see like something not right but Yeshua was the Word of God he became a man he had to become incarnate in order to make the word bleed and to connect God and us you follow so before his incarnation 2,000 years ago he was part of the Godhead he was the word and the word became a human being and live with us Tabernacle the my it had he had to come and live and die and we saw his Shekinah this wasn't just any man this man had the glory of God the Shekinah of the father's only Son a special special special begotten unique full of grace and truth now you know that's our that's our motto and you probably know what it means because you've heard me say it but look I want to share something with you today there is no human being that will ever be full of grace and truth not doable should you try to be is full of grace and truth as you can yes will you know but sadly enough some of you have given so in to the gospel of grace that you're not even trying anymore you're just coasting in your holiness you're not even being spanked by got any more if you feel spanked by God regularly that means you're very close to him what's God disciplines those he loves and if you don't you'll like the Jewish people in Isaiah's time who said God spanking us so we must be doing the right thing you're so far you're so far away that it's you're in a dangerous position really I'm here to warn you thus saith the Lord be very careful of that position you know it's not like you got it locked down he human doors to the end he who enjoys - the enemy so grace you know is just everybody has a definition for it but just think of a bowling alley I don't really care for bowling at all but think of a bowling alley I'm sure you've all bowled at least once you've got these this Lane and if you bow if you get it right in the middle you get a strike which is the objective but if you go too far to the left it's you've got a ball too far the right that's got a ball and we throw a lot of gutter balls because sometimes we go all grace it's a gutter ball sometimes we go all truth it's a gutter ball because all grace leads to it will lead to licentiousness every time if you think that God's good with everything and you're his favorite you're gonna become my centrist there's no question about it it's deception very deceptive if you're all truth and I meet a lot of people in the Messianic world they come in and all of a sudden they have they have a corner on the market the truth be careful you truth seekers because truth is not deception its destructive because the truth is you're gonna absolutely need God's grace but if you go right in the middle that's where you'll find your schewe full of grace and truth everything he did everywhere he went everyone he spoke was completely 100% full of grace and full of truth the grace is full and undeserved kindness to others full and undeserved now I know if you'll like me it's easy to be kind to people who are kind to you kind to people who do stuff for you kind of people who love you that's even you know Yeshua says come on the worldly people do that that's manipulative anybody could do that he's talking about being kind to the people who absolute and full kindness to people who don't deserve it and truth being completely honest and upright and I don't just mean the truth of God's Word I'm here to tell you I meet a lot of people that just in genuine they just fake it's just crazy to be that way completely honest and upright and he never excuse in or proved evil by his death he becomes our Ark just like Noah's Ark they went in the ark and they were safe we go into he's the Ark of God and through going into him we are protected and we prosper it's our and we it's our only hope there was no way you can merit salvation no way impossible we can go into him and he then becomes our Ark the beautiful thing is through the resurrection we become the ark doesn't it say that we are the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit don't take that lightly don't take that lightly yes we get to go through into the Holy of Holies into God's presence but I'm here to tell you when that veil was torn something came out not only can we listen when you talk I don't want to get too into it because it's gonna wake out but when you talk about intimacy you're talking about spiritual intercourse it's not just a matter of us going into God it's men of God coming into us it's incredible to have access to the Holy Spirit you're just just incredible to have that ability to hear God and get wisdom from God just priceless absolutely priceless now I want you to see the mercy seat we've sung a song about that we're not gonna go over all this not even close Wow we'll have to do a lot more of it next week and then we have quorum so much work so little time the mercy seat is part of the Ark it was also in the Holy of Holies it was on top of the ark but I want you to see something then maybe we'll just call it a day I had so much more planned but yeah the word for mercy seat is the poorest the poorest and the Hebrew and it just it's simple place of atonement that's where atonement took place right the priest would go in once a year on Yom Kippur some people like to be antagonistic oh why didn't you shoot down Yom Kippur he didn't die on Yom Kippur because Yom Kippur is corporate for the nation of Israel there has to be one lamb per family you can't get saved through a family God has no grandchildren so that's why he died on Passover but for the nation for the nation's healing in the tone meant you the high priest had to go in there and sprinkle the blood of the animal seven times on the mercy seat the seat of Mercy the place where God would be tender loving and kind and forgive us sense mercy we don't use the word mercy a lot we use grace a lot we overuse it but mercy is crucial grace is giving you what you don't deserve but mercy is not giving you what you do deserve and you have to see the grace and mercy of God it's very very very very important it was a slab of gold and on top of the ark where the high priest would sprinkle the blood and reconcile Israel now look at Romans 3:25 you know it well but it says God put forth yushua as I like this word I don't like propitiation don't take it the wrong way now I'm being technical but first of all I don't think anybody knows what propitiation means unless they're a scholar I mean think about it would you tell a five-year-old Jesus was a propitiation so why do they use it plus propitiation is a word to appease an angry God and I don't think my God was angry because my Bible says God so loved the world I'm not crazy about it I like this word Kippur Oh for sin through his faithfulness and respect to his bloody sacrificial death it just means that atonement is a means by which justice is satisfied justice is satisfied God's wrath is averted and mercy can be shown on the basis of an acceptable sacrifice now I'm not spiritualizing here this is just the thought and if it sounds like spiritualization go Rama is spiritualizing and just let it go but when I think of Yeshua his sacrifice I think a crown of thorns on his head is one place where he bled I think the flogging on his back was another place he bled I think of his hands being pierced as another two places he bled I think his feet being fierce is another two places and I think the spear that was thrust is the seventh so I believe that Yeshua is depicted again in this tabernacle and he is the seat of for our mercy and those who put their faith in Him find mercy by the power of his blood now what about the two angels in Luke did not the women go and two angel spoke to him not one two in fact Luke 24 talks about the angels - there were two angels could they have been sent by God to be like cherubim well if you know in a tomb what it's like it's an ark where they lay on they laid Yeshua on this Ark the top of that Ark was the mercy seat I could see the two angels laying there touching their wings looking down and seeing that blood and going it's finished well good I don't think it's spiritualization because the Bible would have said there was two angels but if it is like I said get rid of it we know he says we know is our sacrifice but I'm here to tell you that God is detailed the whole point of this and the whole point of next week and the whole point of everything I do is to get you and me to understand that God is God and we need to just follow his orders we need to stop asking questions people will tell you it's okay to ask questions what do you see that don't they tell you that old God can handle it had that work out for job job was one of the holiest men so holy and he held out longer than I would ever hold out after losing ten kids and what did he do job I'm coming down brace yourself it's not gonna be fun so when you tell things have become your theology but it's not biblical men it's not bad theology I think it's really messed up I think it's dangerous just my thought just my foot what about the table of showbread it was a wooden table covered with pure gold again wood and gold and then had an ornamental molding this isn't so ornamental but that's not your fault Roxanne is you know what it was very hard for her and I to find pictures you know why because the people the Christians that make these pictures they don't even follow the Exodus you know what's the big deal so there's no molding what's the big deal if I just sleep with somebody else what's the big deal if I tell it all I think it's a big deal well I know God thinks it's a big deal anyway there's a molding there's a molding around the top and it speaks about the king of the Jews why is that twelve loaves twelve wolves for the 12 tribes of Israel what is the showbread the table of showbread called the bread of presence why because the loads were always set before the face of God it speaks about God saying I have my people before me I'm gonna care for them I'm gonna take care of them he took care of them in the wilderness brought bread from heaven water out of a rock his shoes didn't wear out God will provide for you we just got to hold up to our end of the bargain when burned they got and I got married I know it's not popular today but she said in richness and in poorness when we got married I was very very rich I went to Israel with her okay 17 days in Israel in Greece I came back I had an encounter with the Lord I quit my job I went from making a lot of money to making 5 dollars an hour and I did that for a lot of years people see me now they'd go rabbi you're doing pretty well I'm 60 years old and I've been at this for 30 years I rode a bike I had a bike so that really tested the relationship right if she married me for my money then we would have been divorced but obviously she married me for my looks and that's that's waned a bunch said look at what John 6:35 I'm showing you that Yeshua can be seen in every part of the tabernacle and I'm not even getting detailed Yeshua answered and said I'm the bread oh I'm the bread which is life whoever comes to me will never go hungry God sent the bread of his presence the bread is in his presence but God sent the bread of his presence to satisfy spiritual hunger forever if your shoe is not doing it for you nothing will do it for you he's enough Dyanne no he's enough and all who eat this bread which is synonymous to believing in him will be raised on the last day that's an amazing promise that's an amazing future we have it also has a reference that man doesn't live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God that's the bread we have to eat the Word of God now I know listen I understand I didn't understand too well but I understand that I have a job that I can read scripture in the morning and some of you have to go to work burn that has to get kids ready and and and do certain things I understand that but you know what there's a time somewhere where you can read the word in the day because you are doing other things I'm not here to critique you on how long was it this it doesn't say how long you should read it but I'm here to tell you there has to be consistency Jack LaLanne wasn't a weekend warrior he didn't get in some crazy exercise program and they didn't do some imbecile diet that helps you lose 30 pounds in a month don't lose the weight so fast so I mean it got pretty stretched out when you lose it too fast it just kind of get a pull it with you you know come on take your time but his claim to fame was consistency that's all claim to fame just stay in the word daily you know pressing on pressing on press on getting knocked down getting up press on getting knocked down getting up just keep it going you know that's how you keep a fire burning isn't it I've never built the fire I've never lit a fire I don't know how it's done but they tell me you got to keep throwing logs on it right we're almost there look at the menorah it's a seven branch lamb stand that would light the way into God's presence that's what is purpose Yeshua says on the last day of Sukkot enter John 8:12 Yeshua says in John 8:12 I know I know Denise do you know what Irish Coffee is because I know you drink it on Saturday morning but you might not even say this Irish whiskey in it John 8:12 says Yeshua spoke to them again I am the light of the world whoever follows me Yeshua leads you into God's presence you don't stop at Yeshua he's the door he came to you would have a relationship with the father Roman says it well you have a father a heavenly father you can call ABBA I get to talk to my father I had a wonderful father but he died when I was very very young and I miss him to this day 45 years ago he was a great man loved my mom shell-shocked from World War two but he didn't he put it all behind him his hobby was his family and when he died I was heartbroken and then I got introduced to my Heavenly Father I talked to him God what's going on what am I supposed to do what do you want for us sometimes they yell what do you want from me tell me we talk we talked and it's beautiful Yeshua says whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but have the light which gives life the world is in darkness from sin and ignorance but if we fall into darkness with sin and ignorance the world has no hope through your shoe is sacrificed we not only make our way into God's presence but we have complete access to the Spirit of God and the Spirit of God becomes a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path showing us the right way if we defer to the leading of the Holy Spirit we're gonna be sanctified we don't have to it God I don't make it too hard on my kids God's not gonna make it - we just got to defer you know a few years ago one of my friends was a doctor he got a car with one of the first gps's I've never seen a GPS I don't know how many is it was but he he listened woman-beater I used to live he's one of my best friends my dearest friends and he said come take a ride with me I got to go to Jacksonville so I was like okay you know I was like what's that he said it's called the GPS said Wow what does it do he said watch and he plugs in the coordinates and it's talking to him telling where to go now I don't know if it's my blood because my people wanted for 40 years when it should have been an eleven-day journey but I have no sense of direction if you tell me how to get you a house and you ask my wife I have to write it down every single time Bernadette has an unbelievable sense of direction I mean she's like Lewis and Clark or Sacagawea it's unbelievable I'm just totally totally lost so I thought this is unbelievable you know maybe one day out I'll be able to get one well it's telling him what to do I'm flipping out you know I'm like this is unbelievable and it tells us to get off an exit and I said Marty do we have to get off on this exit too you know does it control the call I don't know and he said no and I said what happens if you know what happens he goes it recalculates and gets you back on the right Road back on track to get you to your destination I'm like this is GPS all right this is God's positioning system there's no question about it it was one of the I'm not a good illustrator in fact you heard my my McDonald's illustration pretty much stinks so I don't do well like on the SAT exam you can get 1600 I got like 719 math and I got like he needs to see a psychiatrist in action so to me that was an incredible illustration do you know how many times we go off the road but how many times you want to hear recalculating recalculating recalculating guys it's so dangerous it's so dangerous I've seen families torn apart by the enemy I've seen people that will never recover in this lifetime god absolutely positively loves you but it's very hard to get through to you even the Holy Spirit when you have your own desires and your own thoughts and your own wishes and your own wants it's very hard I can't the Holy Spirit can't even he's sitting and knocking at the door of your heart and you know what you want to do and wild horses cannot drag you away you know what good would you mind if I went over the last two pieces real quick we still have a lot to do next week but I got to get this done because because some poems coming you have the altar of incense that's next they burned incense the Levites all day long it's metaphorically a thing that's well pleasing to God now listen this is kind of important I think prayers begging for mercy for others is a very sweet smell to the Lord when I was sick I got two letters from two widows that I'll probably never meet in this lifetime that told me there if that the Lord wants to take me please take them because they lived enough there's a lady here in this synagogue when burned that had melanoma that prayed the same prayer she's sitting right now in this synagogue it's pretty beautiful to put others before yourself isn't it which is something that's so rare today isn't it how we constantly think about our needs and our ones and i i i i i an issue had totally submitted himself to others he came to serve not to be served look at Ephesians 5:2 it says that live a life of love live a life of love that's a that's a beautiful mission statement just is also just as not not you know the Messiah lived the life of love indeed on our behalf he gave himself there's no greater love than one give themselves up not for a brother for a serial rapist gave himself up is an offering as a slaughtered sacrifice to God with the pleasing fragrance now when offering you'll see this to an offering is anything given to God but a sacrifice includes the additional element of death way bigger than offering yeshua sacrifice speaks of unspeakable devotion and it filled the heavens in god's heart with an explicable joy it was the most extreme act of love ever and who in their right mind could you late some of you good with numbers tell me tell me calculate for me the Niagara of divine wrath that was averted by his prayer father forgive them last but not least the brazen altar and the labor you had the altar first and the labor that was not in the tent of meeting that was as soon as you got into the tabernacle coming in through the east gate isn't an interesting not the east gate that your shoe is gonna walk through the outer wall of Jerusalem the east gate to the tabernacle is it interesting how we go east into the Western Court of getting the Holy of Holies didn't I read today from Psalm 103 that he'll cast our sins away from east is West what God what's the big deal can't we come in the West I don't know how hard I have to stress this but if God says it it's a big deal it's a big deal how do you feel when your kids go what's the big deal I told you to clean your room and your closet you just cleaned your room mom what's the big deal you you go crazy it's a big deal to you because it's a total disregard or a disrespect some of you take it really crazy and you think they're just you know making fun of you and you lose it it happens I mean I do all I can to prevent Bernadette from doing stuff like that Melissa to the peacemakers they shall be called sons of God so they come in through the east gate move Westwood isn't it interesting that Yeshua came from Bethany which is east into Jerusalem to be inspected on the 10th of Nisan is an interesting that he's gonna come through the east gate and go into the temple West that's how he's gonna return now it's very important I think well I think what do I know that you understand what why it's brass and not silver why is it gold everything has a reason whether we know it or not and I'm bringing some things out not to impress you because I'm very unimpressive I'm bringing these things out to impress you about how unbelievable your God is that's the whole idea always point to the glory of God brass is any metal alloy consisting of copper and zinc zinc is an element used in iron you've got iron mixed with copper copper is an element that's quite malleable you could bend copper iron no no you can't bend iron but I think because this is the first stop you know you walk through the door it's a place of humility and you have to bring a sacrifice and this is a sacrifice to avert God's judgment what is God saying in the in the in the brass he's saying listen my judgment is strong if I lay it down it's forever but it's flexible in that amazing that God flexes on his judgment copper is also reflective they didn't have mirrors like we have today with a little silver strip behind glass so when you brought your sacrifice you had to go up to the brazen altar and put the sacrifice on top of the altar you were looking straight ahead what do you think he was seeing your face either did you show last verse John 19:34 one of the soldiers it says however because if you read the narrative you know they they wanted to break the legs because you would die during crucifixion of a fixation it was on a holy day they were allowed to do that to get him off but when he came these guys were so violent and so satanic and so wicked that they love breaking people's legs loved him but he was already dead so this guy got frustrated so instead of hitting him with a sledge hammer in the knees he pisses him with his sword just out of frustration and at once right at once the pericardium sac I'm not a I'm not a medical person but I know what the scripture says at once right away blood and water came out now how how detailed is God why did say water and blood if it did it wouldn't made any difference to us right he died there's a reason because you have to go to the altar before you go to the labor you've got to bring blood before you wash your hands and blood and water came out because bulls and goats and farm animals they don't cut it they can just make you ritually and ceremonial clean to be able to go into the tabernacle but they can't remove your guilt blood and water the sin is gone as well as the guilt I know a lot of us walking guilt you got to understand I was raised in Orthodox Judaism you had to follow 613 laws I could never do it and I tried and I was guilty a lot now guilt isn't a terrible thing because if the Holy Spirit moves on you and you feel guilty that's the only way you've come to confession and confession brings you to the door of repentance and repentance brings you into the presence of God so guilt is not terrible only when you carry it from something you did years and years ago I cannot remove the guilt from for you no more than you could remove it from me now if you're a flagrant sinner and you just like well I'm not even repent because you know I'm under the blood that's an issue there's all these side issues but if you are a remorseful penitent lover of God then when you confess you must wash your hands at the Laver because it will kill you I know I'm 60 years old it's been killing me forever I could remember something at Jeremy's 25 years old like I remember something I did when he was five and I still think about every now and then I'm telling you don't be like me let the blood of Yeshua wash over you and remove your guilt and then empower you with the Spirit to walk out what he's asked us to walk out that we can never do before being regenerated next week we'll go over the the New Testament Porsche that we read today the two verses and what I'm gonna do with that is I'm gonna take the Sermon on the Mount which is you shoe is only sermon and overlay it overlay it right over the tabernacle and show you that the Sermon on the Mount and the tabernacle absolutely positively line up with one another there is no difference so we'll have some fun you already have the scriptures you don't have the pictures but you have the scriptures so why don't you I mean some of you might go to a Bible study on Wednesday do your own see what happens if you just come before the Lord with those verses and a concordance and say the Lord Lord through your Holy Spirit give me understanding give me knowledge give me wisdom I promise I'll use it for your glory I mean how did theologians become theologians how did the guy who wrote the first interpretive Bible right Scofield wrote the first into weighted Scofield get it from you just need a concordance you need a Bible and you desperately need the Holy Spirit amen let's stand together you going home gonna make me some lunch [Laughter] what can I do I'm stuck I made the Covenant besides yushua she's definitely the best thing that ever happened to me she is so you don't know how but she is so independent and so happy all the time never gets ruffled she's never high she's never low like me she stays even killed she sees the good she stays fairly optimistic without being an imbecile she's really really smart a lot smaller than I am and if I told her tomorrow I have to go to Israel she'd be like okay because she's so independent she is the opposite of needy I wish she was needing just one day I'd love to here say I need you 35 years nope and in a way in a way almost too I'd like to be in the knight in shining I'm a one day you know I'd like to be able to help with something hasn't happened yet maybe it will happen in the future I don't know I love you very much make no mistake I do what I do because I'm called to do it and first and foremost I just I couldn't even tell you how much I love God there's no words but I do know that God loves us and I just want you to be aware of that and I want you to be aware that that you can't never go wrong by following him never you know and and like I always tell you these pains and these sorrows that you go through in this world that confined to this world they don't follow us into the heavenlies and they're not going to return when God restores his kingdom and now it sounds like rabbi but I'm struggling now me too you know I used to run five minute miles and hard for me to walk up the stairs and I never took a pill in my life and now I'm seeing doctors and you know going to places that I look like I'm the youngest one in the office and sometimes I say who you picking up I said no here for myself and it's not fun for me it's not I don't mind being humbled or any of that that doesn't bother me I don't mind coming to grips with with what the situation is it is what it is but I have to hold on to this blessed hope it is it is mine blessed hope if you take that away from me I have nothing I have nothing so when I talk about it a lot Oh forgive me you know but I keep it at the forefront of my mind's and listen the hardest thing to do about this job is not hearing from from God for a word or preaching anybody can really you know kind of do that for the most part the hardest thing is the struggle that I have in your pain if I was a regular person that I'm here about some pain in my family I'd hear about maybe a friend's mother you know has cancer but I hear this stuff all day all day and it gets you it just gets there because if you blow it off you feel like you don't even deserve to come to God's presence because you're not a good person right and then if you take it upon yourself you buried and a lot of times I just find myself buried my nephew went in for surgery a few days ago 49 years old back surgery he's dead there was a mistake made in g-gone and it happens all the time see if that was just one thing I can almost deal but I'm here in the prayer Kristen awakened the calls and people are coming they come to my house sometimes in the neighborhood you pray for so-and-so I was in ICU and they're coming in I could even see straight they go rabbi number seven is gonna lose another leg right you know and I'm not ask you to take out the violin I'm just saying that's the tough part so I'm looking so there's sometimes I'm just about ready to give up because I think I can't take anymore and I think God clearly you'll understand I've tried to do as much as I could for you I tried to preach the gospel all the world clearly doesn't stand that I'm can't do it anymore I mean you're not gonna kick me out of the kingdom will you you understand but I was in here the other day and I was like I was on the verge I just wanted to say it's okay I've done my part and I said my heart keeps breaking for the things that break your heart and he said exactly that's the whole idea Greg do you want your heart to stop breaking for the things that that's aren't you supposed to become more like Yeshua your heart will break now and it will continue to break but when you hear well done and your heart never breaks again you're gonna be so happy so for you that can relate to what I'm telling you trying to hang in there okay we're gonna make it God will help us finish this thing I'm sure of it now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the Lord that that was very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace issue yeah Hanoi bhishma raha you're an annoyed point of Allah there ha yes I don't know ho ho novela ha they are Sam [Music] I love you guys this um we got to clear out not too fast you know in about ten minutes because they're doing a poor employ practice here so have a great weekend shabbat shalom you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 2,560
Rating: 4.9555554 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, assembled, Vayak'hel, 03/02/19, 3/2/19
Id: jB1A4mRAIlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 3sec (4023 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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