Maple Bacon Cupcake recipe | Big Night In

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[Music] this week's theme is flour and with flour you can make cakes on Sunday it's big million its burying been there is super any points of the graphs and then is going to handle the cooking while very handle T experience I feel like we've made up a job for you welcome gentlemen to our gentlemen to our communities in front of us right now we have a three year hanging cupcake in front of you haven't upside-down three kid hanging cupcakes our four ways Wow I immediately I'm coming you pressed eclipsed by the dangled eNOS the big lighting in front of you we have cupcakes how does that make you feel one of the words that springs to mind immediately is inadequate okay can I also add to that the candles and the twinkly lights of freaking me out are done they're gone except cake isn't complete without coffee so we have some coffee on the go behind it Jamie we do you mind parsley coffee round and of course the gentlemen's afternoon tea isn't complete without and the bitter booze [Music] cheers Cheers afternoon tea no tea now can we talk you through the food yeah first art some structural engineering it's an upside down tiered cake as a celebration I think it works each of these cupcakes started exactly the same way with a classic vanilla cake mix a classic sponge that's butter which we've softened mix with castor sugar until it's light and fluffy and kind of pale then we crack in one egg at a time half a dozen in total a tablespoon of flour with each a teaspoon or two of vanilla because all of the base cupcake tastes the same to start off with with put loads of air into it finally we turn it right the way down and we fold in our flour and baking powder this has the gluten the gluten provides the structure to our cake and the most embodies and most of the body dive in what take your fancy straight away probably going to break ah ha hang on bad which one do you want ready great election I'll go for the only one that's left I am so on the edge of my feet right now I came in LAC Andre with double wrapping our cupcakes five gentlemen offering tea party that's because we don't want these to stick inside because the most analyze the bottom which is in fear loft that's most fancy ones the outside it look good I'm so glad you had first because I would not have spotted that this is going to be up our mate there is a good surprise oh hello look at that oh let's do play gooey there's a chocolaty surprise and I think that is that caramel peanut butter peanut butter he's like one of those yes please thank you here we're making a cupcakes out I assure you everybody is going to love their chocolate cupcake we're going to keep at the middle and put some Nutella and some peanut butter it's got Mike's name whatever it's sort of world label it's the internet flame over this right so that is a hazelnut chocolate isn't it uh-huh so that is delicious and then with the peanut butter and the actual showed the buttercream take that really good leveled up buttercream by Mike guys delicious add a star meringue buttercream is exactly the same all four and then will differ the garnishes it's made Oh eggs separated white go over bain marie also add your sugar in it calls to the grain then place it into a mixer whisk it to cific and when it's stiff peaks then add in the butter we should be just pliable one cuber time so did you design this just to make so they seize my cupcake we thought they were flavors we get your sweet box and it was the one you went for first J you also opted for the one from the tower could we poke key words well it wasn't going to be the memory sprig of Minami or the one with what looks like I should only imagine being sweeping orange candy mmmm ooh that looks like lines yet colorblind it could be anywhere yeah there was candied grapefruit earlier in the week I can only imagine yeah and here's a classic example of Jamie being an absolute and this isn't exactly the first time his personality is being a problem if you hold on to the end of the video we're going to see if we can help cure Jamie Miley realized to do don't forget there's a brownie points at stake for been here and he's like responsible for the food we were just working here I go usually I'm scared of this one it might work out well but the same time Ben did describe it in a slightly unusual manner I have a feeling if we ate them too meaty it's going to taste a bit like dog food so I think subtle smoky bacon ii pork in it is good okay if it's a meaty cupcake left though don't look this into it I guarantee we taste it he'll make this noise yep yes wow what a boy that guy's a cob cake army yeah also got the bacon because that was all the stuff in the face bit there's a massive smokiness to it as well like no there is making garnishing on top we also did just blitz them up of a plate and crumb through the middle so it's smoked bacon baked until crispy blended until crummy and fold it into the batter along with one other flavor that we paired it with a little bit of maple syrup we're just thinking leave all that James yeah and of course at the end as well we possibly holes in it and we refused it you had a whiskey drizzle that's fantastic should we do you guys personal experience bends for the same time who those who conquer yes right yeah like yeah sure are you gonna leave if you lean that way yeah holiday display okay Holly pack the one I mentally hoping for is a sweet saving it so at the start of the week we did thyme and rosemary in our polenta cake for this one I thought with the sweetness and the vanilla a little bit of basil chopped up and to be honest with you I went quite a bit of basil because I wanted that flex I'm just trying to be cool and on trend I've heard they're all putting hers into their base in Amsterdam so I thought why not in London basil it is a couple of sprigs finely chopped and mixed into the batter angle facile I'm not going to risk it I don't to meet you go whoa I can't really taste it that look that might be a point I think now I think it's a fear that if they're gonna likely to cake they've really got to pack a punch or flavor badly let me get back something like a pizza yes I'm guessing you're not event I won't like it they smell great and they're too those were like cabinets they smell great I'm sure I'm sure we've spoken about it before but that's all used to be a perfume yeah a prostitute back in the day you attract customers Italian women is pleading out and I think that that combination works I think it's very surprising when you first see fit when those ones you go yes resting yes that's okay wait you're restoring the interest it seems interesting dive in on myself a bloody avocado isn't it if there's no other 500 smoked salmon another guard berries is a lemon drizzle cake and the base is simply yesterday ement into your mix we're lemon jello cake sweeney's and lemon to get lemon lemon juice in a bowl give him honey in there and then drizzle that over your pre pricked cupping then pipe on your buttercream and finish with candied lemon I think we got the word lemon in there about nine times lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon lemon party palm man oh oh wow that is so lemony I love her fresh days I feel furthermore lemon personally yeah Erin lemon the otherwise that's perfectly its do brownie points at stake is so also the questions rely on how to cooperate it have fun it was and and the quality of the product is come out back into it absolutely flavor combination couldn't do with the mark separately yep for you I don't think I could have improved that cupcake for me you seem to realize that my savory food is actually start bigger than my sweetie and so the addition of the bacon the whiskey yep balance to the maple and the vanilla that was already going on in the cupcake in the buttercream I can't I can't really fault that berry how was it working with them I am in the process I was concerned and I feel as though you got carried away at times with some bagel carried away well Carrie the way I think it is the herb garden to go excited even dabs at one point what I feel uncomfortable as all he did not leave hello Steve him down his forehead no handy kid that we've picked up the other day if you think your meringue buttercream is a little bit yellow and add a little dab of purple coloring to make a little bit more so was it out all right well we need to get down to the business end so it's time to give out some brownie points mhm if we do at all James didn't start week based on the food do I get mine Asian experience - Sarah get hit you're not going to argue your way into a decision no by saying a whole load of stuff you don't have to eat the bezel one that was for me no you don't owe anything we've tasted our decision yes and our decision is we will let you know after this community question so Lauren our since you spend a lot of time together what do you think each other's most annoying habits are oh how many years together now we're not together but you know I mean having known each other right number one when you end oh yeah Barriss the kind of guy that says that he'll meet you at seven o'clock with your group of friends to go out for a few P and next thing you know it's Monday morning he didn't turn up but he did send note him no no no no I would say with Mike yeah if he said he's going to be there he will always be there he will never let you down however he lives in a different time is over the rest of us Mike I'm Mike Beier sir Jamie does this thing it's fun the big deal fish to cover picture Jamie loves his music okay and when he puts your headphones on this is the music on me it's when I'm not concentrating on breathing it becomes very noisy in your subconscious forgets the fire off the action basically yes now I think the conversation centers around our expectations versus what was the lived on yes now was your expectation deliberate on afternoon sir not with partner so no however was what we have great yes okay so therefore I would say and I don't feel agreement half point I agree I'm sorry no it we didn't quite live up to expectations of the night without detecting that I only came for me and I think actually if you look at the insight we all get to the rules that were set by the invite my partner food and but dress code wise shirt may jacket no jeans plus it we know it [Applause] [Music] now you may use this channel for recipe inspiration or some sparkly entertainment but we are to use it for self-improvement the problem we have the view Jamie that's we all of us is Jamie you are your own problem a good one starts off Jamie was an idiot in this battle that's why I think he should be disqualified from all future battles and replace' Jensen this is from the infamous baked potato vacuum that we had a new shunned so very nicely Jamie's trying to save his own creative but by so narrowly defining baked potato dig is even called Hasselback potatoes not baked potatoes please want to talk I agree with Ben they're all potatoes and they all have been baked plainly annoys me and here's the papers to get to start our actual baked potatoes I'm just I'm just thinking other people to click on the baked potatoes recipe video and then find to have three of those recipes aren't Bates a toast hi why don't you turn that into a jacket potato we were both in bacon yes and I usually only one of us is doing bacon potato you can make a jacket oh sorry just go over to your bench and shut him out Jamie it's so annoying and unfunny every video calls banned him everyone else is awesome the comment to end all comments Jamie could be replaced with a watermelon and the video would be exactly the same now we've decided Jamie that there is no helping you in situation and so we decided the best thing we can do is we want you to that well but also the vets are booked up we want an apology to us most important here at sorted and also to employee watching this right now could you please sincerely honestly give an apology to everybody oh dear boys sort of routine prequel of the internet people for well I sincerely apologize for any offense that I may have caused in any videos or any real-life interactions but I may or may not have had with you and I am just trying to be accepted and I do that by trying to be funny and I realize that and a lot of the time I fail and if those attempts have offended you then I really do apologize and I will try to be a better person [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] as you can tell these self-help sessions are really helping us out if you have any more advice for any of us how we can improve ourselves please come below and let us know we want to be better people would you know what that is take wheat done but I feel like cake we shouldn't be we take we should probably be a year given how many cakes there are in the world we've probably missed sound things as the ones that you would love us to cook let us know down below because I'm sure it's probably going to make a comeback to almost only if you want to get any of the recipes that go from this week they are available on salted foods dot if you haven't already subscribe what are you waiting for subscribe we're going to make you hungry if you have already subscribed to make you couldn't know no no I'm going to say it clicks of Bell because the Bell is going to be the thing that notifies you every time we upload a brand new video Monday morning 10:00 a.m. UK time we kick off another week with another theme but if you can't wait for that yes then go to sausage through calm now and you'll be able to find out what the theme is and the weird way about that is we don't even know what do you know so trying to figure that out until Monday or now in a and confusing thirty-second time or a Monday we'll see you yeah goodbye that make any sense click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 415,609
Rating: 4.9626365 out of 5
Keywords: maple & bacon cupcake recipe, how to make maple bacon cupcakes, bacon cupcakes, maple syrup cupcakes, elvis cupcakes, bacon cake, maple bacon cake, best maple bacon cupcakes, candied bacon, big night in, big night in sorted, cupackes, cupcake recipes, bacon muffins, how to make cupcakes, 4 cupcake flavours, cupcakes 4 ways, homemade cupcakes, baking at home, cookign at home, lockdown baking, with me, cook with me, bake with me, maple cake
Id: Ckc9DXDpCb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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