Pisco Sours & Ceviche - Ben's Peruvian Big Night In | Sorted Food

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three iconic dishes from Peru at a table the way I wanted to do I googled by guinea-pig UK turns out little still breathing boys welcome to my big Peruvian night in a now I get a lot of stick for traveling the world and being spied by food and trying to bring back to the studio I know I get a lot of stick for you know all the hundreds of millions of pounds I raised to charity and you know I'm just really like so the point in this week was to give you a flavor because looking at photos isn't gonna do it justice we're gonna taste three dishes that you're going to absolutely love so what's the main drinking proven we always like to pair a drink with the food for big night in now we could go beer they did great being Peru pin while beer corn beer but I got for a short drink the pisco sour and it's all depends in terms of impressing them that very first sip so peace ago originates from the town of pisco in the valley of pisco next to the river pisco is where did they get the name from I know I did but it is delicious and one the classic drinks of pisco sours there's loads of versions I'm gonna do the classic one and it needs a bit of a DI wine okay you'll need to help out basically about a line to line the half each a whole bunch of ice and we won a lot of pisco a lot of lime juice so half as much sugar syrup and ironically although it's half the amount of sugar syrup it's also two-to-one sugar and Leslie you've done a great job thank you it's a line filled back there and now the egg part of the sour which gives you the froth however we do if you're doing it by hand I only want the egg whites tapirs you know it's easy ways to do this I saw in the Peruvian bar he did it a lot more tirelessly so now for the egg white part of pisco sour if you're making this and shake it by hand you want pretty much an egg white her cocktail but because in a blender it does not hard work to is plenty because it's going to get the air into it whisk it up they will get garnished with a little bit of bitters this is the Inca flag and therefore the flag of Pisco see what you think that drink is phenomenal and I am going to award you won brownie point if the rest is as good as that okay Wow okay so that's the first part a classic national drink the second part it's our causa the causa tastes delicious looks brilliant it's all about the history and the story of where it's come from and if there is one complain at the table about looking like a nineteen seventies dinner party I'm out I mean it looks like it tastes weird it's like a potato California roll CA USA literally means the cause and it was back when they were having war with Chile and basically hard times rations or they had with the cheap ingredients and they thought how do you make cheap ingredients look impressive build up morale and therefore this some through his claim was what gotten through the war was the the pride of having much better food despite the fact it was still stuff very easy available to them literally the potato part is yellow potatoes boiled up in their skins once they're cooked let them cool down and take the skins off push it through a ricer because they're quite waxy I think if you mashed it we go very gloopy and it's seasoned with salt lime two small lime and the Peruvian chili aji amarillo our May I had some of that when we made the steak stir fry it's quality you love that not too hot you have a good a good dip is fine yes predominately Chile its board up skipping a lot the heat all the flavor and it's got onion and garlic and other spices and some vinegar in there as well so the eggs are literally just boiled but boiled to the point where they're still nice and yellow and they haven't got that gray ring to potatoes once you've seasoned it with the lime the chili and the salt mix up job done the crab mayonnaise tin crab mayonnaise tomato chili like couldn't be easier so this dish centers around potato potato is iconic in protein fact I even went up high and when we got there there was a whole community of people and we're there to protect the potatoes they just guardians of the potatoes and they keep three different banks of seeds one they sent to Norway so should the world collapse basically this family have protected potatoes for our future and while I was up there while they're busy working the fields of potatoes their wives are taking our Packer wall dyeing it natural colors weaving it and turning it into presents and I've brought you some present back that's really kind I think they're reversible if you don't want the alpaca on the front you can have the arm on the back of mr. garrison so this is cured fish and there are lots of trains of thought on it the fishermen off the coast of Lima will tell you just salt and lime in the fish job done then over time it starts to build and lots of other flavors come in and now different species different places have their own style and this was the one that I was taught in Lima at a cookery school and therefore is the one I'm going to recreate for you I say meat that is gonna do most work first up sea bass traditionally just needs curing with lime juice but before you do that a generous pinch of salt what that does is the salt opens up the pores of the fish and allows more of the flavor and the lime juice and stuff to go in so couple of things generous handful of slice under this is just peeled and sliced as fine as possible and then you want the Chile now again this would traditionally be the same chip is before but I can't get it so we're using a Chile more available to us i spiced toilet a teaspoon next up garlic so this is just minced garlic minced up on a board or the back of a knife look up interesting so raw garlic a tablespoon or two of celery puree and it's celery with a little bit of fresh ginger in it again you can splash it or you can measure it about two tablespoons so more of our to the face we've got our diced chili but also our chili paste a little bit of coriander so to cure it lime juice the juice of multiple limes if you want I've already juiced some in the kitchen in the sour because you would make such a great job unlike a lot of ceviche which you might do for a long period of time or overnight in Peru make literally say you don't want to cure in lime juice for much more than about 30 to 60 seconds go you better hurry up then at which point you dilute it with fish stock because what you want is a slightly cured outside you still want yeah what is wrong but let the tech see difference ceviche was always served everywhere I had it with sweet potato that had been cooked in orange and as we've known previously in other videos we've done in previous years all this juice is the tiger milk and it is absolutely delicious this is corn roasted corn and it's Inca corn and for that reason it's so much bigger yes so there's a lot more going on than a very very simple salt and lime cured fish simply think it's so clean I really like that I'll do really like that so why cure rather than cook I think it's just so simple and it's very hot country so one thing that's recipes done for me I'm succeeding it's mainly one of the problems I need to experience now in Peru to experience the whole thing I think this is my forte this is my thing and I know you guys know we said tongue-in-cheek mate you know what we do the question to you guys is where next yeah where is the next big foodie adventure Benjamin April I would say personally I think you've done a wonderful job not just here but across the whole week yeah for that I'm gonna give you a brownie point because I mean God knows where it tastes like anything in Peru yeah I'm taking your word for it and it was delicious I think after a few more have a selling point for me and have a have a round of applause good job mate I like this I notice Paris staying very quiet but I would also like to award you a grounding point thank you very much have you got the questions they have what is the greatest prank you've ever played know someone me and my mate Phil had another mate could rob but who was at 6 in 6 form at the time and he became a vegetarian because he basically fancied this girl who's also vegetarian and we're like shut up mate you're only turning vegetarian because you're in love with very something no no no I'm doing it for ethical reasons which I completely support if you're going down that route but Rob was not so in order to prove that he was a vegetarian for the right reasons we bought him two chickens through birthday and a and a proper coop and we just perm in his back garden his mum went meant about 23 moral of the story is girls well that brings Peru week to a close if you've missed any of the videos the link is in the downstairs box below downstairs well I think we've been has done a good job in convincing us that Corey is not only a few some country but also wholesome the best food in the world and hopefully we don't have to see any more okay if you like this video make sure you like it if you haven't subscribed already - make sure you subscribe Annabelle I've got lots of jungle photos you can see click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music] you
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 500,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pisco sours, how to make pisco sours, easy pisco sours, peruvian cocktail, ceviche, ceviche recipe, best ceviche recipe, how to make ceviche, peru food, peru recipes, big night in, big night in sortedfood, cured fish recipe, spicy fish recipe, at home, cooking at home vs eating out, cooking at home recipes, cooking at home easy, with me, cooking with me
Id: b-Nv-l675cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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