Mystery Night Food Challenge… Oreo Donuts, Szechuan Wings and Rum Shots

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Hello! Welcome to FridgeCam, we are SORTEDfood. Now today we have one of my new favourite videos for you, it is Mystery Night and basically the four of us take it in turns to plan a night out for the others. We take their money we tell them how much it's going to cost them and they know nothing else and tonight I get to plan it. So the last couple of years there's been like a surge of bars opening in London that have fun activities. You can go to a bar and play beer pong, you can go to a bar and play table tennis, in this bar you can play darts. Shall we go to our private room? Oh mate Always go for a good profile pic. Again back to when he was 17. Anything he thinks will impress. We used to play darts all the time in an old mans pub in St Albans and for me I can't think of a better way to kick start our night. Playing by himself - like a normal evening. So the thing they're really good at is sharing platters and I thought that probably works out quite nicely for a big group thing so we got marinated teriyaki beef in gem salad parcels. Pan-roasted padron peppers with smoked rock salt. Coconut popcorn chicken with sweet chilli sauce. The roasted Mediterranean vegetable pizza with buff mots. Copa salami pizza with mozzarella rocket and parmesan. The salt and pepper squid with chilli and sriracha mayo. All topped off with a tasty trio of fries: straight fries, sweet potato fries, curly fries. That's enough to get us started. Started? Normal friends just get bread and olives. Yeah that's why you came out for a night with me. No wonder he got a 6.3. I love the fact it's come to a point where Jamie doesn't even know what's coming next they just keep bringing stuff. This is the triumphant trophy. Ketel One Citroen vodka. Chambord. Raspberries, mint, lime, sugar syrup, Old Mout passion fruit and apple cider. Ebbers, suck it, you know you want to. You don't have to ask me tw- ooh that's nice. Things going well. Good reaction from the boys and I think they like the cocktail I think they like the cocktail more than they're saying. Eurgh. You don't wanna drink this. It's actually quite nice. I dunno what's more embarrassing the fact that you're on that horse or you haven't finished your beer. Last game in this place and then we've got to move on. So the loser of this next game will have to do a shot of my choosing at the next place. We on? Deal. It's a very strong start. And you know I'd have been happy to finish in there. That's disgusting Shall we move on to the second place. He's been to the Blues Kitchen once before and goes 'I like whiskey, I like jazz' it's the place for a night out. He's walking past it, he'll walk to the end and walk back again I guarantee it. Alright, the boys guessed it, we've come to the Blues Kitchen now we've all been here before we could go for all the barbecue in the world and nothing would make me happier but actually the food at Fight Club was fantastic. So I think whilst we can add to that I don't want to try and over egg it and I think here is about beers maybe a cocktail and just good times. Before we move on. Oh yeah! Let's go to the bar. Next time I'm squeezing in the other way round. So for Barry's shot Mike and I have sent a tweet asking what we should get him. You like rum. I never make a fuss out of a shot. There's a burn. Oh Would some food help you? YES. We got some blue corn tortillas with a hot spinach dip, buffalo hot wings and we've got some smoked ox cheek nugs. Getting worse. It's good. Honestly these are life changing. It's just a chicken wing but it's a Szechuan chicken wing and it's really really sweet but there is a tang there that is - it's not spicy but it's just tanging. It's the numbing of Szechuan pepper that's going on but also crispy coating. It's crispy and then succulent chicken all in one. The smoked ox cheek nuggets are little cubes of meaty deliciousness and those Szechuan Wings - winner! Crispy and and crunchy and sweet and kind of numbing heat with a mango dip. It's at moments like this I realise why I'm called Ebbers 2. Get over yourself. I think it's cocktail time. Cocktails on order and Jamie thought we'd chase them with Oreo Donuts Oh I see. That is an Oreo dipped in donut batter. I've got my appetite back again. Can we play five's 12? I dunno why I said 12. You have had a doughnut oreo too many. So far, if we've still got money in the kitty I think we've already had a great night. We can't have much left, can we? Barry's already got a hangover. This is it. Only 15 tables per show experience the unknown. So during the day this place is a coffee shop and then at night they open up the downstairs. Mate this sounds so dodgy. I've picked a cocktail out for each of us. We've got a table downstairs, there's music playing... cocktails will come down, we'll have a great time. Does that sound alright? I've ordered them. The cocktails have all got fantastic names. So for Barry it's a classic rum based cocktail. The official name is the suffering bastard. For Ben, Aperol Spritz or here: The Megan Markle. There are only two cocktails in this world that Mike loves. Malcom X. And I've gone for the Paulo Coelho. It is something pretty special, and if you walk past this place I dont think you'd think about coming in or know this was underneath and that's why I wanted to pick it. Because I thought this is a bit different. I want his fingers. Oh Ebbers! The speed... I just asked Ebbers what he thought of the guitarist and he said 'I want his fingers' Shall we go? Let's get out of here. I think it's time to go. So it's the end of the night, we've all finished but Ben's decided he's staying for one more. That guys brilliant and as soon as he's finished having his cigarette and goes down for set number 2 I'm gonna join him I don't need the details mate I don't mean his number If the thing that you've organised is so good Ebbers is staying - what number does that warrant? Exactly. Text me your scores - I will then pick somebody I deem to be 'lad of night' I feel like I've got a 50% chance. Boys. Good job. You did well. Yeah sure. You did great, well done you. See you tomorrow! So it's the end of my night and it's time to go home and I've got to be honest I think it all went according to plan. I wasn't expecting to enjoy that night as much as I did. The night started really strong. The darts was an amazing call. and after that because of the darts and the food kept flowing I was gonna give Jamie an 8. but then after that. Well we all ended up taking it out on Barry. The food and drink at Blue's Kitchen, on for a winner I didn't think I needed a third place, I'd eaten plenty, I'd drunk plenty. The music was phenominal. In fact it was so good I stayed for one more and therefore I'm gonna score Jamie. - An 8.7. - An impressive 8.4 I'm still gonna have to vote Jamie above my night - a 6.6. I think that's fair. And who am I gonna pick as the winner? It's gotta be Mike. The way he destroyed Barry Barry with that shot. Mike is my winner of the night. Mike, it's down to you you've got to organise the next one Well I better get planning. You better get planning because I've seriously just upped the game. I really enjoyed that, as you saw. Let's talk books! Books?! Our last book that we put out - Desserts In Duvets, was snapped up within I'm gonna say minutes because everything is broken down into minutes if you break it down enough. But! We're gonna do another one and we don't want you to miss out and there's a way to make sure you don't miss out isn't there Jamie Spafford? If you sign up to the Club Letter we're gonna get your help deciding what the book is, what goes into it and you'll be the first people to know about the book so you can order it before we run out. Exactly! And that link is in the description. So make sure you go into the description and have a great week. See you on Sunday. Bye. Bye bye.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 619,700
Rating: 4.9553127 out of 5
Keywords: sharing platter, night out, london, london food, london drinks, what to do in london, mystery, mystery challenge, challenge, challenge london, sortedfood, food challenge, rate my night, cocktails, cocktail night, cocktails london, darts, bars in london, food and drink, flight club shoreditch, shoreditch, the blues kitchen, the basement, drinks shoreditch, food shoreditch, jazz, jazz london, jazz bar
Id: dkg4G_z_F2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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