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[Music] praise god well you know we have this little thing going on on the earth but us believers are going to have to get rid of this and do it with the supernatural power of god i believe god wants us to do this matter of fact i'm going to give us some things today that we need to really come back and be mindful of so that we can govern this earth like we're supposed to well i want to say hats off to pastor poju i'm telling you and also pastatorian i tell you i remember when pastor poju didn't have a wife amen yeah amen he was he was looking and he got one that's well qualified now well thank you both of you i miss you i love you my wife sends her love thank you so much for having us to come and be before there's such a powerful ministry once again amen well we're going to pray and and get started father we come before you in the name of jesus thank you so much for the time in the word thank you for the anointing that's on me and these lips of clay that i speak this word with excellence accuracy and boldness asking you to think through my mind speak through my lips and this word shall come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force now lord we give you the praise we call it all done in jesus name can you say amen amen praise god all right let's open the bibles please to galatians galatians chapter 3. that's going to be our starting places today galatians chapter 3. and let's look here starting at verse 13 and reading through verse 14. i think you're very familiar with the scriptures but let's let's do it anyway praise god it says here christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written curses everyone that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of abraham now that's the blessing of abraham that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith the promise of the spirit through faith some people think that's just the promises your holy spirit well that's part of the promise the other part of that promise is what he promised abraham he promised abraham that he would inherit the world amen so uh that's going to be our starting place here and i'm going to have one of my people who oh i i've got it here it's my water uh let's go to our next scripture now let's go on over to let's see where i have you going let's go over to proverbs proverbs chapter 10. proverbs chapter 10. all this is good you know this lesson today is something that i was studying preparing it and i can see now that this is something that we we cannot let slip this is a most powerful part of this kingdom message oh by the way the name of the conference this year pardon me the um yeah manifesting uh the kingdom is your theme this year and i want to put manifest in the kingdom and then put uh in parenthesis the blessing all right there are all kinds of parts of the kingdom but we're going to specifically talk about the blessing today all right he says here this is in proverbs chapter 10 and verse 22 he said the blessing of the lord it maketh rich and he added no sorrow with it the blessing of the lord it maketh rich and addeth no sorrow with it now the niv translation says it's something like this the blessing of the lord brings wealth uh and with and and without toil without toil um and so what god wants to do is he wants you to get out of this uh you and i to get out of this place of toilet you know toiling is struggling it's it's it's some kind of mental sometimes anxiety and so forth one man use the word grope you won't grope and grope g-r-o-o-p-e means to feel around in the dark you won't be lost you won't be struggling for answers and so forth i remember one night i was we were just starting a ministry in minneapolis this is when i was still working for the company corporation ibm and i was in computers and god had kind of been speaking to me about starting a little bible study in church and it grew and it's so forth and and pretty soon we were having services on on sunday now i'm still working full-time in a job and now starting this ministry and that one night i was praying i said you know praying for a message and it was saturday night i wanted a message for sunday morning you know i'm trying to do like i saw the big boys do you know and so i'm praying and nothing will come forth i'm sitting up there and then tears start coming to my eyes i start crying about you know lord give me a message lord and i heard this voice i'm telling you he said what are you doing i said well i'm trying to get a word he said is that the way you come before me i said no sir he he said what does my word say he said to come boldly to the throne of grace where you'll find grace and obtain mercy to help in time of need i said okay he said why don't you do that i said all right in the name of jesus i mean before i could even get it out this that i saw revelation coming now what was i doing here i just somehow it's violating the word see i wasn't keeping the word in mind and we have to watch that because when we don't sometimes the churches could be labeled non-essential you know people treat the church just like they treat the world and that's not supposed to be happening not supposed to be happening so as we go through this today i want you to take it and make it personal to you don't don't look at well that's somebody else's over no you say that that's me i need to straighten it up i need to get that straight so forth and so on all right let's uh go step further so we're saying that the blessing of the lord brings wealth without um toil or without sorrow coming with it the blessing of the lord now notice when he said the blessing he didn't say blessings because that's something different he said blessing the blessing is something that we see back here in genesis let's go to genesis in genesis chapter one now this is when god's creating the the universe here and uh it says um verse 1 in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and the earth without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters and god said let there be light and there was light now notice what god did to get light out there he spoke it and if you go on down you'll see some of the other verses verse 6 and god said go down hear the verse 9 god said so forth and so on so every time god said something it happened it was all right now he goes on now it's time here to make mankind verse 26 and god said let us make man and i image after likeness and let them have dominion over the fish's seal of the fowl of the air with the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that liveth upon the earth moveth upon the earth so now he's giving the dominion or the rulership of the earth over to mankind and dominion has to do with you know you you control it you you uh have stewardship over it you have management over it you are the gatekeeper of it and one man says and i believe it that it also implies ownership that god is making uh man part ownership of this earth now um let's just keep going because one man said if you had no ownership you had no seed to sell you only sow what you own and look what it says here and going on down to verse 28 and 28 says and god blessed them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth and god bless them now this is interesting so what somebody says okay this bless them now one the first verse 26 he's telling you what you have and in verse 28 uh and and and what you were to do have dominion and then in verse 28 it's telling you how you're going to do it how you're going to do it you're going to do it with the blessing and he's telling you specifically be fruitful that means to bring forth or create or to produce and you'll find that nations that are not producing have to go to nations that are producing we call it gross national product what the gross national product of nigeria what's the gross national product of the united states so forth and so on and you'll find when the grocery gnp is low you'll find that production is low because it's a measure of production of the citizens of that country and so when that is low then what happens is they become consumers so they got to go to somebody else's producing so that they can get what they need and nations try to be self-sufficient they try to produce enough oil for themselves on the food for the citizenry whatever have you self-productive and it's interesting because in the kingdom once you and i get born again he makes us self-productive he sends us anywhere in the world and anywhere in the world we can manifest what we need he was in matthew chapter 14 it was on a tall mountain up there in the middle of nowhere he said this is a desert place said send them away so they can go get something to eat jesus said no you don't need to do that you feed them in the middle of the desert so god can meet the needs of people in the middle of a desert in the middle where there is nothing well why is all this poverty and why is all this this lack well one reason because of corruption we know that but one of the biggest reasons that it is is because of the absence of self-production they're not producing they're not producing well many people don't not in the kingdom well you can't produce like that except in the kingdom because the kingdom can supernaturally bring it forth look at how all the people that jesus healed over there in matthew chapter 15 and verse starting at verse 30. the bible talks about him having people who were blind maimed so forth and so on and and jesus healed them so far that the blind could see the lame could walk the main were made whole isn't that powerful so where did he get all these arms and legs from he got it from the same place that that that god has given us a reserve meaning the kingdom of god meaning this invisible reality that's here and more powerful than anything that's in europe that's this this let's call it uh heavenly treasures you know treasure house it has everything in it it has bread in it it has arms and legs in it it has so forth and by faith we can pull it out of inventory and apply it to somebody's life not only to ours but to somebody's it's okay if you you know somebody wants to have a heart transplant or something like that a liver transplant that's fine but the saints should be producers we should be able to get that out of the treasury or heavenly warehouse and actually put it in people's lives this is powerful notice what god did he spoke it now and 99 of what jesus did he spoke it 99 of the miracles that would work were working by words work uh were worked by spoken word and this spoken word is something that has kind of slipped it it's kind of come by the wayside people just do it use it to communicate but in the beginning that wasn't so most of words were spoken to create not to communicate so adam when adam felt all this just came into being so now what we've got to do is we've been redeemed christ has redeemed us from the curse now we no longer can operate limited down there now we can come on back up here and jesus came as a sample son and he came to show us how we could operate paul calls him in first corinthians chapter 15 the last adam so he as the last adam he was showing us how adam operated and god has taken us back to adam back to the garden and all of that see and that's the way he wants to be now as we look at this here is god creating man and let me point out a couple of things one it says here in verse genesis in chapter 1 verse 20 20. and god said let the waters bring forth he said aboundedly abundantly he said the moving creatures and and so forth here for the fowls of the that may fly above so forth and so on all right and notice what he said here in verse 24 same kind of field he said and let the earth all right bring forth and so forth and so on and one of the things he said in cattle or flying thing and cattle and creeping things after their kind now notice what he's doing he's speaking to water and getting fish he's speaking to soil and getting cattle and the fish have to stay with the water if they want to live the cattle have to stay with the soil if they want to live but notice where he got him he got him out of something else now so those things are created some things are made and so what happens is god can create something when he called the world out a light out he called it out of himself and then here's light and the light was and that's the glory of god and now here's god calling the fish out of the water and calling cattle out of creating cattle out of soil and notice they have to stay and eat things that come from soil okay you can't get a cow to eat a hamburger you can't do it all right so he creates mankind and if you look here in creating mankind he said in chapter 2 of genesis and chapter 2 he says here and let's see he said in chapter 2 and verse 3 and it says here that god had finished all the work which god had created and made so see the two there created and made made it out of something created it out of nothing meaning nothing you could see all right so notice when it comes time to create mankind here now in chapter two and verse seven and let uh and the lord god formed man of the dust of the ground now notice what he did he formed him out of something already existing then next thing you know he breathed into his nostrils breath of life and man became a living soul so notice the breathing came from him it was part of him that he breathed into mankind and that's the real you your spirit you're not flesh that's your house your spirit he formed your house and then breathe you into it and sometimes people get those mixed up and they they kind of you know think that that their body is really them no it's not and when you think that you'll stay down in the level where you cannot create you cannot bring things out of the warehouse so forth and so on so you've got to be spiritually minded you've got to walk in the spirit and faith comes to you for you enabling you to um work those spiritual works so if we look at this that's what we're saying here that god never made a chair for adam he let adam make the chair why in first corinthians chapter 3 in verse 9 he talks about we are working together with god we're co-workers with god and so god now put us in the earth and he said let them have dominion and he gave us the same blessing now what is that blessing that blessing is the power that god used to create the universe i had something down here the scriptural name that he gave to the creative power of god the blessing the scriptural name that he gave to the creative power the name that he gave to the power he used to create the worlds now he took that blessing and put it on you now i want you to see this because right away people say well that was adam so forth and so on if you go over here to genesis chapter 28 now i'm i'm leaping but i'm going to come back and get that genesis chapter 28 and in genesis chapter 28 you'll see here and isaac called jacob and he blessed him and he charged him okay now notice what he did he called jacob and blessed him now that blessing really took place over here in genesis chapter 27 starting at verse 28 and therefore the god giveth thee the dew of heaven now he's talking about all the aspects of what this blessing is going to enable jacob to do now notice what jacob did he ran in and stole the blessing he came in with seed and beca as the father took the food and ate it then he blessed his son now he was supposed to bless the firstborn but he blessed jacob because jacob posed himself as esau and so god uh jacob uh pardon me yes and isaac blessed him and once he blessed him now this is kind of interesting because now after he left and got all the blessing here comes esau and he saw okay dad now i'm ready for the blessing and look i said in verse 33 and isaac trembled and he was exceedingly he said and very exciting i mean he he was distraught he said well wait a minute i i just blessed somebody he said you didn't bless me well who did he bless he said that was jacob he has come in and stole my blessing and this is what he asked his dad do you have another one he said nope that was it so it's only one blessing now that's a revelation for you it's only one blessing well how can that blessing come on all the saints and all that because we are all in christ and we are all in christ who the blessing is on and so with this understanding that this blessing didn't lose any power it didn't lose any power that blessing has the same power that it did before it can create that blessing can bring things forth that blessing can go into a neighborhood that is totally um ruined uh poverty-stricken and so forth watch this and it's the only power that can turn it into the garden of eden literally turn it into the garden of eden let me give you an example we have a prison ministry in that prison ministry is to um you know we call it rise r-i-s-e and we're actually taking the people that are incarcerated and we are taking them and getting them you know born again um and getting them in touch with their inheritance their redemptive rights and so forth and getting them uh in a place where they develop some skills and and teach them leadership and we all of this now how did this start i said right here on my steps after studying and understanding the blessing i said this we're turning jails in the boarding schools wow now i understand somebody who doesn't understand a blessing say well he's just whistling in the wind no i'm speaking things into existence because now i'm aware i wrote a whole book called the law of confession because i'm aware of words and the power of words you can't get me to say i'm sick that thing got too much power to it i don't care what the doctor said you know what i mean and i'm just saying this one lady came to me and she said pastor i got healed of stage four cancer i said all right sister i said well now tell me your secret she said i never repeated what the doctor said isn't that something see words were designed originally to create and sometimes we just say well are we just kidding around so forth no that that the angels don't know that the spirit of god doesn't know that you know and neither does the soil inside of yours your your your spirit know that that would receive and conceive in what we whatever you speak so i said we're turning jails into boarding schools well what happened next okay all of a sudden you know short time after now understand the blessing is is at work so i i believe what i said is going to come to pass now jesus taught this in mark chapter 11 verse 23. a lot of people read that but they don't relate it back to the blessing it's the way it came from and look what it says here that whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe the things that he said shall come to pass he'll have whatsoever he says this is what he's talking about it's talking about giving you this understanding of how you are to manage the earth no toil now no toil you know that there's no toil folks no toil toil is is is is is mental hard work and so none of that none of that you're supposed to live your life in eden eden the bible says over in romans chapter 14 and verse 17 the kingdom of god is not in meat and drink but righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost you're supposed to stay in peace you're supposed to stay full of joy now that that's what i'm saying see your your body wasn't designed for any place but eaten constantly in eden so we're turning jails into boarding schools well you know people laugh you know so forth and and so uh next thing you know now all of a sudden here we got um things happening in the government and next thing you know they're calling us and we come up with the name rise and one of our people dr dr carnegie coming with uh who's got this works in the joseph center and it's got the responsibility for the prison ministries and we have other people that work in it and and uh they're going down but all of a sudden they call them say hey can you start a leadership class in here and we say hey well can we put a foundation class in there bible foundation we have 10 lessons for new believers and we teach can we take it down there oh can we start now broadcasting our sunday services have them come right you know right into the uh you know cook county jail okay oh yeah uh can we recently all right that last year i think was last year i was called to the white house set beside the president briefing him on prison reform why because he had signed an executive order on prison reform now why is all that's happening don't don't well it's coincidental reverend no it's not it's the result of the blessing now i'm saying i said that about four years ago a little over and so all this is still happening now see i'm not trying to take credit i'm trying to glorify god they and so what happened now they want to teach financial literacy i went in there and they have different divisions where people who did light crimes are there in one section people who did heavy crimes in another and i was coming out of one of the heavy crime section i was talking to the people over there in one of the detentions and i said at finish and i said all right i'll see you all now in jesus name or something like that and a guy called reverend reverend now one more question what's your net worth i said i'm still counting in praise god you know i just gave him the answers he had gave my spirit but my point to you is look how he asked about that all of a sudden they call us the sheriff wants to know can you bring financial literacy to the jailhouse now wait a minute everything look here now watch this now they're going to say okay the prisons some of them some of the incarcerated are going to be released and when they're going to be released um we need to get them jobs so what happened we started that we hooked up with this place and and they some of the companies and so forth they said well i'll hire one and i'll hire one well why because all of a sudden the borders are shut up you know of the southern border of the united states are building a wall all of a sudden some of that uh uh you know power of manpower woman power that's coming across the board they don't have it anymore now they're shorter people because the country now is starting to prosper and and so forth and so on they they need some more people so they say well i tell you what we'll make an exception we'll go ahead and hire the incarcerated and they don't have to even give us a resume without them and we'll train them and so forth now this is what's happening because that blessing is working see when they his joseph's brothers got jealous of them in genesis chapter 37 they they took joseph and they threw him in a pit first they were going to kill him but they threw him in a pit thinking that he would just kind of starve and so forth but along came a traveling ban of ishmaelites now they were merchant men they were they were coming and and doing business going down to egypt just happened to pass by watch this when they threw joseph in the pit no it wasn't a coincidence it was the blessing on joseph see the blessing will always rescue you the blessing will always protect you and so what happened is they came by they sold joseph and and sold joseph to the traveling band of of businessmen and they took him on down to egypt and sold him as a slave and that's what they did but here's what joseph said over in genesis genesis chapter 45 he said you think you sent me down here but let me correct your theology god sent me down here to preserve your life see joseph had that blessing on him and that blessing brings forth creative ideas see and when that blessings was working joseph had this big dream big dream now being big remember big dream and when he told them to the brothers they got jealous and so forth now what happened they got in strife in there so god had to move him to make the dream come true because it it he he had to be moved to an environment that would be conducive for him to bring forth the most powerful economy that the world had seen at that time so joe's about to do that see and he ended up having provisions for the world the church should be the number one provider of the things that the world needs the church should be that it should be a huge producer you should be the epicenter of creation creative ideas apples google and all of them shouldn't have anything on you now i'm talking about this blessing because we kind of got to wave god bless you brother hey god going on the trip god bless you so far no no no no no that blessing is powerful that blessing is what we've done it's kind of lost the revelation of what that blessing is we need to go back and recover it and there's several books out on it praise god to help you kind of recover that blessing so now the latest thing that's happening in the prison is now they're saying okay we're now building out computer labs with the god in detention and guess what we had not long ago they said dr winston could you come and be the main speaker at our graduation i said okay where are we graduating in the prison i said oh we're graduating people said yeah they're going through a series of classes leadership job development and so forth and now that we have watch this the companies are sending representatives to the prison to the graduation to interview the inmates after they graduate they're going to interview them the same day for jobs for when they get out they can go right to the job come on saints come on you can decrease something over nigeria you can decrease something over lagos you can decrease something oh come on come on now come on come on you got it all you have to do is believe it all right so what's the problem the problem is trees it's trees all right let's go to luke luke chapter 17. luke chapter 17 and let's look at verse 5. now in luke chapter 17 verse 5 the the apostle said i'll get there praise god all right and the apostle said him and he said and the apostle said unto him lord increase our faith increase our faith all right now if you're going to have anything to operate from god it's going to take faith to do it the faith to do it you know i know we got facebook and in in youtube and and we got google and we got all these search engines and so forth but faith is the highest technology okay all right that'll do things that they cannot ever do all right so look what it said in verse six and the lord said if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you might say unto the sycamine tree be that plucked up by the root be thou planted into the sea and it should obey you now the greek says it would obey you what is he talking about if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed well let's don't say mustard seed let's say faith as a seed so if you had faith as a seed all right here's what we're talking about all right a sycamine tree [Music] where i grew up was in a state called alabama and they had something trees growing and we call them black mulberry trees you look like little look little blackberries or i don't know whether you have those in in in your country but little blackberries and but they're not they're an imitation and they're not fit to eat all right so if you had faith as a seed if you treat faith like a seed that means you got a plant it you'd say to this sycamine tree be thou plucked up by the root be thou planted into the sea and it should obey you what's going to obey you well your faith is going to obey you number one because faith is the servant of the believer number two the tree will obey your faith now you can speak to the tree but you have no faith it won't obey you well you can see that in mark chapter 11 when jesus cursed the fig tree he looked the fig tree and he came that morning look to see if something might be on the fig tree but the tree was barren had nothing god doesn't want you to live a barren life on this earth you're going to be a producer and so what happens he cursed this tree and the disciples heard it he said no man eat fruit of you hereafter forever and the disciples heard it well when that happened they went on down to jerusalem and did their business and by nightfall they came and came out went on back up i'm sure by this tree and went on back up to uh the house uh where he probably stayed over it when mary and martha and him stayed now the next morning they got up and came by that tree and when he came by that tree it was dried up from the root from the root there were roots normally underground you can't see them but the roots were even dried up all right so that's symbolizing in the spirit that when you speak and speak words of faith it attacks a problem or whatever you're speaking to from a spiritual level nothing exists in the natural except it's gotten a component in the spirit nothing nothing you can cut off the spirit that's driving sickness so it's cancer or whatever you can cut off the spirit that's driving poverty and lack and so cut off this you can cut it at the root see and then that that would have to go away because it has nothing to to live by and nothing delivered nothing to anchor it nothing to keep it there all right so once he did this he goes and the disciple says master look the fig tree would you curse is with it away how long did it take less than 24 hours i'm talking about how fast your words can work you're going to develop that because in the last days you're going to see the glory of god we're in the glory of years now we're in the time for the church the the manifestation of his glory that means you're gonna operate at the highest level just like adam just like jesus did jesus was gonna raise lazarus from the dead after four days and he was body was decomposing jesus said if you believe you'll see the glory of god all right so this tree let's go back to luke chapter 17 now in verse um of six he said if you had faith as a grain of mustard you'd say that this sycamine tree be thou plucked up by the root be thou planted into the sea and it would obey you all right so this tree is bringing forth fruit that are a lot of like black morays they're not fit to eat and what has happened in every one of us we kind of live by trees if you will we've got to live by trees and a tree is usually something that represents your belief system and because of your belief system it produces fruit fruit is something you can actually physically see touch they spell so forth so this tree that's in us belief system is going to produce fruit now if you look at matthew chapter 12 he says something in matthew chapter 12 about the kind of fruit you'll produce verse 33 he says either make the tree good or the fruit good and the fruit good or else make the tree corrupt than a fruit corrupt for the tree is known by its fruit so whatever fruit is being produced the tree is behind it the tree is the belief system it's the unseen the unseen is going to be behind something you can see so if a person is struggling every month trying to you know it's too much month for their money let's say it like that hey they're struggling why because that image inside is producing that this is not because of the boss man or because of the country you live in god can take any country and make you prosper it doesn't make any difference so what he's saying here is look it's what's happening what's happening is there's a fruit in your life now he's saying now for you to get rid of that fruit because the world planted it because they wanted to control you so for you to get rid of that you're going to have to come back and dig it out and you're going to dig it out by faith and you're going to take faith and take the word of god and release it as a seed the bible says in luke chapter 8 and verse 11 the seed is the word of god so i'm going to release it as a seed i'm going to speak it down into my soil in my heart inside of me is a production center inside of you is a kingdom of god a production center right in you he said in luke and chapter 17 and verse 20 and 21 they asked him when the kingdom of god should come he said the kingdom of god cometh not with observation neither shall they say lo here or lo there behold the kingdom of god is within you praise god and that kingdom of god is designed to produce for you to lead you to to create for you everything you have need of independent of the nation you're living in of the neighborhood you've got brought up in so forth and your pedigree your color anything it'll produce it'll produce why it's from god he's giving it to you so you don't have to beg anybody for anything praise god that good preacher amen all right so what happens now so here's this tree i've got to dig this thing out and he said hey a good man of good treasure's heart brings forth good things he said a tree is going to be known by its fruit so if i got something producing in my life then i don't desire that it's not fit to eat that it's not producing any what god promised me in my life which is wealth and riches shall be in my house or uh that uh i'll be the head and not the tail or or that i'll never be ashamed or that uh i'm more than a conqueror if i'm not experiencing that in my life then i need to plant some seed i need to get in this bible and find out let me see what seed shall i plant here to make this come forth because all of your provision comes forth from the inside out he made it that way so you don't have to beg anybody for anything now this is kingdom manifestation this is the name of your your uh conference um i'm staying within the confines of what you uh have uh have uh have already declared that uh will come forth at this conference look what he says in verse o generation of vipers how can you being evil speak good things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak it now what is he saying here he is saying okay you're going to find that's what's in your heart is going to come out of your mouth especially if you get some pressure put on you now let me give you an example of that and that's found over in mark's gospel in mark chapter 4 and verse 35. and jesus spoke to them and said hey let's go over to the other side well they took him even as he wasn't the ship and that was also with him other little chips this was kind of an apostolic alliance and so what happened is they go to the other side but on the way here comes a storm now jesus is asleep he's getting some rest see that's a human side of him he needs rest just like you do and so what happened i'm sure they were out there trying to get the buckets and get the water out of the ship because the storm was putting on the ship well who was the agent of that well same at the book of job that was satan and satan can do things disturb weather patterns and so forth but he needs a channel in the earth just like god needs one to be able to calm it down he needs a channel and he used to use them people who are in fear of people in unbelief and so forth speaking things and so forth because man's got that kind of authority and he uses it sometimes with casting spells and so forth but you're you can't be touched by all of that you've got to believe you can't be touched there's a there's a blessing wall around you and so what happened in this particular case is uh they cried out for fear saying lord don't you care that we're about to die now i'm putting that in my own words okay all right don't you care that we're about to die and jesus got up rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still notice he spoke first to the unseen things you couldn't see and now to the things you could see now see how it all runs together but then the bible says there was a great calm now i didn't say the weather the weather pattern gradually changed no no no no the blessing doesn't do that unless it doesn't do that it creates a new environment and so right away it was a great calm and he turned to them and said hey why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith now out of the abundance of the heart that mouth spoke so whatever you have inside of your spirit in abundance it's going to come out of your mouth especially when the pressure comes up now if it doesn't come out in terms of words it's going to come out in terms of actions watch watch you in a case that things didn't go your way and now you get mad about it and you know talking to other people and so forth then well you know i don't like him anyway see that's that's coming out that's coming out that's what's in there see see gossip is in there could be unforgiveness in there it's going to come out and what you got to do is get all that out jesus said satan is coming to me but he'll find nothing in me jesus made you to be like him he's perfecting you he's making it so that you are a kingdom citizen that's walking upright before god and nothing but blessings are coming on your life so you can we used to say in the military you can shoot yourself in the foot you know what that means it means to sabotage your success you can sabotage your success with your mouth and that's what they're about to do so jesus had to wake up and stop that he didn't speak to them he had to stop that because their words put something in motion see all right now these experienced fishermen so this thing might have been mighty tough but look what i said turning jails in the boarding school look what's happening they're coming inside the employers are coming inside to hire ex-offenders to be employees interviewing hiring them and what we did because we declared it right now as i speak to you we have a shopping mall we have stores you know one of the stores was empty and we're going to use it for something was fairly big store we used to have it as a clothing store and let me tell you some guy who's a billionaire something from tennessee another state hey just hears about this thing i guess and sent us pallets of clothes pallets these are for young men now we're going into the women now as well but pat these are name name-brand suits that he sent us these are name-brand suits and and they're seeing these suits and i'm telling you i'm saying wow suits shoes shirts ties uh all and people in the ministry say i'll volunteer i'm a tailor i'll volunteer to to custom you know to make sure everything's healing and so forth so i'm lined up coming in trying on those name brand on marny whatever it is trying on all those suits i'm getting sharp coincidence no it's called the blessing it's so powerful and what has happened trees what are trees these trees are belief systems that satan worked hard to plant why show that you won't believe what the bible says so what do we have to do we got to go back we got to go back and understand the kingdom of god and what we said first about the kingdom of god if you go over there go over to matthew chapter 13 if you will matthew's gospel chapter 13. now i'm not done with matthew 12 but look at matthew chapter 13 and he says this in verse 10 the disciples came and they said unto him why speaketh thou unto them in parables and jesus answered and said because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given mysteries what are mysteries put in your notes hidden sayings hidden sayings uh putting your notes knowledge beyond human comprehension can't comprehend it not unless you're born again because the holy ghost has a give you understanding of what that means the other night i taught on oil i said somehow we've gotten away from the very basics of god's power in the earth and i said oil has anointing all his power i said i took him and i had him to take some anointing oil and put it down a block of the whole street that was infested with drug dealers they came out the next day one hour for one hour and never came back that oil god said give the bottle of oil bless that bottle give it to her and tell her to pour down the middle of the street she said well give it here look at that oil then i taught on the blood the other week the blood of jesus oh my goodness you can see that blood you'll find over in exodus 29 aaron and his sons got sprinkled with blood see you got to get the blood sprinkled before you can do business with god now what does that mean sprinkle i know we've been washed in the blood been redeemed sprinkle he talked about that over in hebrews chapter 12. he'd talk about sprinkle why because in hebrews chapter 9 he's going to purge your conscience of dead works what are dead works things you did wrong things were not good for you and so forth before you got born again and so if you're going to do business with god you've got to get your conscience clear why because conscience in a in a sense of unrighteousness and and a guilt and shame will wipe your faith out and without faith you can't do anything for god you get to get sprinkled to do business how about communion whoa that's powerful now all of that are mysteries the world will look at that and say oh that won't do any good oh i don't do any good wow uncomprehensible uh comprehensible they cannot comprehend it so what i'm saying about you is to them it is given to know the mystery of the king but the people who don't know god is not given they don't know the power of washing feet foot washing will get rid of pride faster than anything you know it's the power of it and every everybody in the kingdom should understand those basic power tools that god has given us huh this time they seem foolish to a natural mind but they're indeed so powerful any one of you sick let them call for the elders of the church let them anoint them with oil in the name of the lord that's a holy ghost and a bottle i'm anointed with all in the name of the lord prayer of faith will save the sick the lord will raise them up then any sins will be forgiven whoa wow that's shout material right there amen all right let's go on down this is mark chapter 12 again now let's go on down one more place he said here in verse 35 a good manner the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things now i'm going to cover one more scripture there first i want to correct my words one more scripture and then we'll go somewhere else but look what he said a good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things so notice the treasures in your heart meaning inside of you now how is it going to get there you're going to put it there you're going to speak it there over in one place he said take heed what you hear mark chapter four take heed what you hear why because sometimes other people can plug things in your heart in other words you believe what they say authority figures somebody so forth and so on but it's wrong they plug it right in your heart and next thing you know a tree grows up because it comes in as a seed tree grows up and when that tree grows up when it gets real tall the roots are real deep and that's why sometimes when you start confessing a word it takes a while to confess to get down to that root because it's so deep just keep confessing stay with the word because it's a law the law of confession that word whosoever shall say to this mountain or if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you might say to this sycamine tree be thou plucked up by the root be thou planted into the sea and it shall obey you you must said well i just can't forgive him i just can't forgive her i i can't forgive uh the other race for how they treated now you can forgive you can forgive if you got enough faith you can forget it tell me to the point when they remind you of it you try to wait i do remember something like that i'm trying to say that's what i said they in my own hometown you know hey uh hey you remember when we used to uh blah blah blah blah blah and i'm trying to say you know here's what i'm saying i can't hardly remember your name i'm trying to you know that old thing but you can why because these are mysteries the world can't do that they have to live with what they get and i'm just saying for you and i then pandemic this is our time wow we got the blessing we can turn any place to the garden of eden we got the blessing wall around us look at that blessing wall that was around job come on over there let's look at it job chapter 1. now you know the story of job everybody knows it but make sure you finish up with the story of how he got his blessings back how he got everything restored to him okay because that's that's the end of the story not that job got everything taken away and that's where some people stop all right this is job chapter one i think all right yeah all right so job was richest man in the east now the thing about um the scriptures um god these these scriptures and the blessing of abraham is a tangible blessing and and these scriptures you know like in deuteronomy 28 uh it's talking about you be the head not the tale the linden not the borrower and so forth he said you'll lend them any nations but won't you have to bow won't borrow but now when you look at this when he says this he means this that you will be so rich until you have enough to lend to another nation for them to re meet their budget that's how rich you're going to be the blessing of the lord brings wealth with no sorrow attached to it that's how wealthy you're going to be wealth and riches shall be in your house i'm decreeing it right now out of proverbs chapter um 1 uh psalm chapter 1 12 and verse 3 wealth and riches shall be in your house i'm decreeing that to you you wealth and riches shall be in your house praise god amen all right so all these blessings going to come on you and overtake you so it i look at this and i see in job and look what it says here in verse 9 and satan answered the lord and said unto him the job fear god for naught hath not thou made a hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side and thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the light look at satan testifying for job but notice what he said you made a hedge around him and why should god had made a hedge around adam and eve who broke the hedge not god look at job's life who broke the hedge not god satan got in on him and i'm telling you i attacked him and there's a scripture here that says in ecclesiastes and ecclesiastes chapter 10 and look here at verse 7 pardon me verse 8 he that diggeth a pit shall fall into it and whoever breaks the hedge the serpent will bite him but god didn't break it look at job chapter 3 and verse 25 and he says this for the thing which i greatly feared has come upon me and that which i was afraid of has come to me and look at job chapter 6 and job chapter 6 and verse 23 or deliver me from the enemy's hand or redeem me from the hand of the mighty teach me lord and i will hold my tongue and show me where i have heard praise god look at the next verse right after that how forcible are right words isn't that something your words can tear down your head in your life the blessing would be on you and the words that people speak can negate the blessing the blessing was on them because of joseph the blessing was on israel i mean it was manifesting joseph had him his father and all of israel had come down they gave him the best land in the um in the in the in the country which the blessing will do and then it and then next thing you know um joseph dies and they the pharaoh the change and he forgot about joseph and this new pharaoh came in and next thing you know they put israel under bondage and the bondage now why did that happen guaranteed it happened because they lost the manifest or lost the the revelation of the blessing they lost knowledge of it they're not just like the enemy to try to take that out because he knows that can defeat him so they lost the knowledge of the blessing watch this as they lost the knowledge of that blessing now they went into slavery now here's state here's his um um pharaoh he's now taking them and even the male children that are born he's having his people to go and kill him or throw him in that sea and so forth and so on why they that are trying to create uh keep the seed satan is after the seed trying to keep the seed from multiplying destroy the seed man today they've got you know sperm banks and all that kind of stuff you know but but the seed is what satan is after he was after with adam and eve because he adam had the seed he wasn't after eve he was after adam and now same thing here now they went into slavery now god then raised up a man named moses now i understand these people had the blessing they had the blessing on them here's what pharaoh did in one place pharaoh even heard moses came down and said let my people go pharaoh said they must have too much time in their hand i'm going to double their quota of straw they must gather and and of bricks they must make and they're going to have to get their own straw now what is he doing he's doubling the workload making him get their own straw do you know what that blessing could have done all of that could have done all it's a revelation in here not so much a pharaoh doubling the workload or you having the workload double where you are but understand you got the blessing there that can come in and cut through all of that give you a better way of doing it all kinds of things so here um this uh in slavery now pharaoh is practicing such witchcraft such witchcraft there's a lady um wrote a book called the legacy of the black race and i think it's really really good and her name is um her name is um well i'll think of it in a minute but it's called the legacy of the black race and it is is really really good and um and uh oh boy i normally think of a name um but it really talks about how the prophets warned um pharaoh of that witchcraft see and and because pharaoh was doing everything i mean they they knew they had medicine they knew how to embalm people and have their bodies preserved for years they egyptian broadcloth and their shirts i still buy egyptian broadcloth today because of some of the finest church and so all that came out of africa but here is pharaoh that witchcraft got so strong until now uh israel was going to egypt to get to council that was the end of that was the last straw but she really gives a good uh understanding of the hebrew and and how the african nations and and so forth uh came under some of the bondage that they did but christ has come now and redeemed us from the curse and i'm just saying that as people came from africa to the united states or transporting slaves from the united states to the united states or um i went to ghana where they were they had some of the slave ships parked there um during the you know way back in those days 1600s and so forth and so forth but how uh they were shipped around the world and and and so forth but um this was interesting how uh they went into slavery because they forgot about joseph they forgot about the blessing and i'm just saying that things of god are given to you but what happens sometimes is people get so close to the world until they take on the spirit of the world and the next thing you know here's moses leading the people through all of those miracles taking them out into the wilderness and now it's time um here for moses to go up and get the ten commandments now the ten commandments were were not designed to uh punish people ten commandments designed to give them some guidelines as to how to stay under the blessing and so here these um moses went up there and when he came back down they had made a calf now where'd that calf come from it came from egypt well how'd they get the picture of the calf they got it from the egyptians in other words they hung around them so close so tight and practice their waves to the point that they took on the same image and the next thing you know here they are in the wilderness trying to resurrect that image and that's what happened some people come i have people come to our services before they said pastor do you have a sunday school it's a sunday school no we have main service we have children's church and all that well okay where i came from we always had sunday school i said well we don't have no sunday school here you know what it means i'm teaching that's sunday school praise god and so what i'm saying is sometimes you try to bring their things or their habits or their um traditions over into something else where god's trying to move them up another level and and they can't let go of that and that was that first group that he brought three million or so out in the wilderness so once they came the spies went out to spot the land of canaan came back and told them hey there are giants in the land so forth and so on only two people joshua and caleb said let's go up at once and possess it well we are well able to overcome it and then others um they said no we can't do it and they wanted to kill moses and to two spies and so forth and get them out of the whole camp but they wanted to go back to egypt what did god do he signed off on him and said nope because there's a limit god will go and you say i'm signing off and i'm not going with you any further i pick somebody else and so forth i told them don't ever pick anybody else with me i'm going you call me i'm gonna do it buy that shopping mall yes sir you know now speaking of that let's speak of something and this is kind of a side note here it's called um opportunities opportunities paul mentions it opportunity opportunities mean just what they say it's an opportunity you can take it or leave it and sometimes people don't have spiritual sensitivity to understand that god just gave them an opportunity sometimes it's a giving time that god wants to get that's an opportunity there's an anointing that he's going to do some things and people are not sensitive enough to realize that um when we were we first moved we had our first location at lake polaski which was on the west side of chicago which is was the most powerful i mean i mean the devil had that place as a stronghold so we came in there and really had success there and then god moved us to the first near suburb called forest park and that's where we are right now we bought a shopping mall but before we bought this mall we were up on madison street and we had a smaller location in forest park it held i don't know maybe about 800 people or so maybe not that much but it held uh some people and then when we moved to the next location we uh had three services about 800 people of service and then we moved in this one and you have a lot of people uh thousands of people but but what happened was uh i was on the second floor where my office was in the building that we were in and it overlooked a street one of the main streets in forest park and across the street from us kitty corner there was a brown's chicken i know you heard of kentucky fried well they have another franchise called brown's chicken so that was there so god spoke to me and he said buy that brown's chicken well now first of all i got to look at my finances because uh it doesn't look like i have any brown chicken money you know to buy a franchise by a chicken so i kind of brushed it off and maybe a month later he said buy that brown chicken see what i'm looking for is a convenient opportunity that's not the case in the kingdom is not the case in the kingdom so whatever god says to you like that there's nothing capricious about the nature of god he won't tell you to do something without giving you the resources to do it when he told me buy that shopping mall well i'd learn my lesson with the browns chicken because i didn't move on the browns chicken next thing i know the brown chicken is being torn down whoa what's happening well somebody's bought the lot they don't want the chicken place brought a lot well what they're constructing there sell something really big a huge luxury condominium now if nothing else think about it i could have bought the land and flipped it and made you know this friend of mine said a guy told him says hey i want you to go with me you and joe so i want to show you a piece of land i think we need to buy that land he said no i'm not a real religious person but i think someone was talking to me and tell me that we should buy that land and they say well we'll go with it they went to see the land the land was just trash i mean you know and my friend said he had a thousand dollars in his pocket he said i'm not doing that my other friend other friend the other friend of his said hey no i'm not doing it either the guy said you all don't want to buy this i feel something telling us to buy this land he said no we'll take a pass on it he bought it six months later the government came to him wanting to land and paid him three million dollars for it that's a thousand fold i mean see my point to you is you're looking for a more convenient opportunity you see i was looking for more convenient no opportunities come by you every day it's just like the sun shining on you every day you got to be spiritually sensitive and that's why he wants us to live in eden peace joy calmness um you know and and so forth you can't live around a lot of strife and all that you can't you're never good opportunities will pass you by every day so i'm just letting you know that because god continues to bless you the blessing of the lord brings wealth it brings wealth the blessing not the blessings no s on this the blessing it's a it's a power that it keeps marching uh opportunities and we keep saying well i need a more convenient opportunity there are none okay well let's just finish this up now i'm almost almost done so what am i saying now let's go back to matthew's gospel again matthew chapter 12. we'll finish up here matthew chapter 12. you're getting something out of this amen all right so in matthew 12 look what he says here and let's go on down to verse um let's see matthew chapter oh that's that's what i want okay verse 37 no no let's go to verse 35 a good man of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things so notice where you're going to bring forth your things from you're going to bring them forth from your heart now because you're going to bring them forth from the inside out now nobody can stop you they can't stop you doesn't make any difference what they say doesn't make a difference how they feel about you so forth and so on why because your things are not in their hands they're in your heart and you're the one that brings them forth in all of that i taught a message one time called how do your garden grow but but the idea about it is inside of you as a tree it's a garden inside of you the eden is inside of you pretty soon you're going to speak it out to you and what you're going to plant is something that replicates the garden of eden let's go down to verse 37 for by thy words i shall be justified and by their words thou shall be condemned wow notice its words words are the power release of the blessing words words when spoken in faith you don't need to stick around and let them go now here watch this if you go over here to micah all right over in micah and look at micah i'll get it here praise god that's daniel amen all right and look at michael chapter 5 okay and look at verse but thou bethlehem ephrata though thou be little among the thousands of judah yet out of thee shall come forth unto me that is to be ruler in israel whose going forth have been from everlast from old and from everlasting so here he's talking about the messiah that's going to come forth out of bethlehem of judea now this is interesting because the prophet spoken and when the prophet spoke it in luke's gospel chapter 2 and verse 1 and it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from caesar augustus that all the world should be taxed and this taxing was made when cyrenius was governor in syria and all went to be taxed everyone to his own city and joseph also went up from galilee out of the city of nazareth to unto judea unto the city of david which is called bethlehem because he was of the house of the lineage of david to be taxed with mary is a spouse wife being great with child now notice what happened here here is joseph and he's got mary he's a spouse wife and now what are they doing they're going up here uh to pay taxes why because the decree went out and they have to obey the decree and sin now this decree is governing everything the word the prophet spoke is governing the thoughts of a king that's over here that decided he's going to tax all the people and they have to come back to their own hometown that didn't just happen that happened on time to get the child in bethlehem at the time the child has got to be delivered so they can come forth huh because he is going to bring the blessing back to god's people to the gentiles he's going to make it so that this blessing is no longer going to be limited to just the natural jews but it's going to go to anybody who would believe on the messiah and that's what they had so i'm just letting you know when i'm speaking something and saying i decree right now by this time next year there'll be millionaires among you you see what i'm saying now i'm just saying okay take it in jesus name ah i received that praise god believe the prophet you'll prosper in ii chronicle chapter 20 verse 20 last verse and he says here in verse 12 in verse 12 so we saw the blessing over in genesis now we're going to see the blessing in revelation these are your inheritance package saying with a loud voice worthy is a lamb that was slain that's jesus to receive power that's yours to receive um riches that's yours to receive wisdom that's yours godly wisdom to receive strength that means you'll live long and strong to receive honor that means wherever you go they will honor you and to receive glory and blessing isn't that something so blessing here it is from beginning to end a book of blessings and those blessings are going to be in your life from now on in the name of jesus i declare that whatever you've been struggling with your struggle is over i declare whatever's been stolen from you is going to be brought back much fold i declare right now in jesus name what's been blocking your way or harassing you will harass you no longer this is the last day you're going through what you've been through in the name of jesus my name is bill winston and i approve this message did you get something out of that god bless you pacified you thank you and the first lady thank you so much and god bless you in jesus name no longer are you going to accept average no longer are you just going to accept status quo wherever you are you have the potential to go much further one of the missions of the church is to put faith back in the marketplace and this joseph business school is a way of doing that [Music] you will not leave this earth without fulfilling all the potential that god has for your life on this earth and i'm looking for each and every one of to be people of influence all over the world [Music] isaiah 48 17 thus says the lord your redeemer the holy one of israel i am the lord your god who teaches you to profit who leads you by the way you should go formally this year covenant nation shall go into full-fledged partnership with the joseph business school the joseph business school is a world-class institution that educates christians teaching them how to become successful entrepreneurs and business leaders using biblical principles and now you can enroll attend courses and get certified in lagos nigeria register for our january open day webinar at open day
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Length: 78min 55sec (4735 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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