GOD is Your Source - New Way of Living

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ANNOUNCER: The Believer's Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners, and viewers. BILL: Jesus came and introduced a new system. For the kingdom of God is a government that's set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what's happening in this earthly economy. Therefore, I say unto you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious, and worried about your life. No longer do you have to bear the weight of your own provision. I'm telling you, you don't have to earn a living your living is already been earned by Jesus Christ. So your labor is not in overtime, it's in the Word of God. Everything changes with the Kingdom of God. And the kingdom has come inside of you. BILL: He says over here in Proverbs chapter 10 verse 22, the blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. Let's look at that same scripture in the NIV, now they have it up on the board. They'll put it up on the board for you. The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, I didn't misread that. Brings wealth without painful toil for it. Now this is different. This is different than how Adam was living after he had sinned. Now, let's go and just look at that. And if you will, go to Genesis chapter 1, and in Genesis chapter 1 this is a case where God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, let them have dominion over the fishes here with the fowl of the air over the cattle and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God is saying, let them have dominion. Them is mankind, so he doesn't have it. Dominion authority, dominion rulership, dominion, stewardship or caretaker ship, responsible for it. Dominion ownership. Let them have it. I don't have it says God, they got it. Now with that thinking, one of the speakers on our international faith conference came through here and they did a composite. They put together some of the speakers and what soundbites they made some of the soundbites. And this particular speaker was Dr. Jesse Duplantis and he said something, he said, God said to him, said, Jesse, I am God. He said, and Jesse, I have the power to take your life. But I do not have the authority. Now that's a tweet. I have the power to take your life, but I do not have the authority. He said, there are a lot of people that had come up here and said that, you know, people say the Lord called them home. He said, I didn't call them home. They call themselves. I want to see what he's talking about here. Let's go to Numbers. Numbers chapter 14. Now, this is when there was the children of Israel had been in the wilderness and they sent out 12 spies, spy out the land of Canaan, and they sent those 12 spies out and the 10 of them came back with an evil report. They came back with something that God didn't say. Now remember where he's taking you is the impossible. That's why you need faith, because faith connects you with God and with God all things are possible, so where ever you see the impossible, just think about it. That's where your stuff is at. That's where my stuff is at. Got it. So the enemy makes it look impossible. Look what he says in Numbers chapter14:28, saying to them, this is God talking to Moses, saying to them, as truly as I live, saith the Lord, as you have spoken in my ears, so will I do to you. All that unbelief you spoke, you're going to get it. Going onto the next verse, after the number of the days in which you search the land, even 40 days each day for you, a year shall bear your iniquity. Even 40 years, and you shall know my breach of promise. You shall know my breach of promise. I looked that up. Breach of promise in my center column reference. Here's what it says. You have altered my purpose. Little you can alter big God's purpose. Why? Because of your authority. Jesse say there are a lot of people who say I called them home, but I didn't call him up here. Their mouth called them up here. Proverbs chapter 18:21, Death and life are where? In the power of the tongue. So notice what their tongue did. They were hung by their tongue. By what they said kept them out of 7,000 promises, and it'll keep you out. Jesse, I am God and I have the power to take your life, but I do not have the authority. Stop talking about that. I am God, and I have the power to make you rich, but I do not have the authority. I want you to see this, it's not God holding back on you cause you already got a promise in there that says, wealth and riches shall be in your house. So he's already got the promise... I get God. Ah, you ain't that special. You- God is no respect of persons. What he did for Bill Winston who came here with $200 and look at him now. Then he'll do it for you. He is no respecter. But I made sure I kept my mouth right, because I knew that if God before me, no government, no, no haters, none of that could fend against me. I've had them show up in my office. If I call the names you, everybody in here will know it. Reverend, how did you do this? I said, the Lord did it. No, I ain't talking about that. I mean, how did you do this? They want me to say some political, something, something. Don't need it. And I'm going to show you you don't need it. God is your source. And the devil's job is to get you not to see God as your source. All right, let's just work with this. Can we work with this just a minute? Alright, so Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, how about Genesis 1:28, and he goes on down and God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. So now that has given man all this earth. Okay, look at Genesis chapter 2 verse 1, and in 2:1 he says, thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them. And on the seventh day, God ended his work, which he had made, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work, which he had made. Now why did he rest? Because he was what? You mean he was tired? Wasn't tired, he was finished. Verse 3, and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work, which he had created and made. All right? So here's God, he's made everything. He made all this things on the six days and six days, and at the end of the sixth day, he made something or created something called man. We studied that. What is man? And so he created man, mankind. All right. So now this man is made like God. He's created like God. He's, he's got the same DNA as God. He thinks like God, he, um, all of his, um, whatever it is, it's like God. So this man created to live forever, but God gives him a prohibition. He puts him in a garden and he's created everything for the man. So the man doesn't have to go out and hunt anything. God has got everything him. Now look what he says here in verse 15 he's gives him a prohibition. He says this, Genesis chapter 2 and verse 15, and the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to dress it and keep it, this is his responsibility. And the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the garden of the knowledge of good and evil, though thou shall not eat of it for the day you eat thereof you shall surely what? Die. So it was man originally made to die? Nope, he was not. God told him the day you eat of this though, you're going to change the purpose. You're going to change everything. All right? So we go on down to chapter 3 in verse 1. So the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field was the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman. Yay. Hath God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And woman said to the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees, of the garden, but the fruit of the tree, which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it. Neither shall you touch it unless you die. So this is Eve talking with the devil. How many of you know, don't spend any time talking with the devil? Cause he can reason better than you can. Now all of these things that God made were made to serve man. Then he made man, got it? And put him in a body. Got it? The body is not man. And matter of fact, look, uh, if you will go to first Corinthians chapter 9 verse 27, but I keep under my body. This is Paul talking. He didn't say I'll put it under. He said, I'm keeping this thing under, he said, and bring it into subjection less at by any means when I have preached to others, I myself should be a Castaway. In other words, I got to control this thing. Why? Because this body in the Greek is soma, which means slave. So your body is a slave of your spirit and your mind and it was designed just like these trees. Just like this gold. Just like everything else God created. It was all designed to serve you, not you serve it. It does not tell you how it feels. It does not tell you to go to the riverboat. It does not tell you now you can go where you want to go, you're a free person, but my point to you is is some places, once you get born again, your new born again spirit had the DNA again of God and it's going to want to go to the left and that body might want to go to the right. It might, the body says it's 11 o'clock at night. I know I shouldn't have any pie but give me that pie. The spirit says, fool, you don't need that pie. You need to go to bed. You've gained 10 pounds already in the last week. Come on now. Now I'm not trying to insult you. I'm trying to tell you that you have to keep your body under, not put it under. You have to make yourself get on a treadmill at a every time you try to get on there watch your body say you don't need that today. It'll tell you in one minute you don't need that today. You've got to say, shut up and start walking. Praise, God. Amen. We all have to do that first. We all have to do that. Adam was created to live with an unlimited potential mindset. Now that's very important. Unlimited potential because he was made like the father to continue to create. Now don't think just because you did something yesterday and thought of something that's all there is. Folks, there's enough potential in you to last a million years. Every one of us. So new ideas, concepts, new visions. You were made to have those things. So now here's Adam. The Bible says, Eve ate, gave it to Adam, he did eat. Now they fallen. Now what did they lose in the fall? The first thing he lost was position. He lost his position. He was no longer the head. He was now under Satan's authority and now he's in a bad place. That supernaturally he's going to have to get out of. What else did he lose? He lost his potential, his unlimited potential. Now, mankind does have potential, but he doesn't have unlimited potential. With God you have unlimited potential. Why? Because God is your potential. What else did he lose? He lost his fellowship with God. Couldn't talk to him anymore. You got the phone working. All of a sudden the line gets cut. Hello? Hello, hello. Now they're still on the other end, but the connection is broken. We can't hear God and now he doesn't know God so he fears God, he runs from him, hides from him, the one that made him. And then as we go on down, he lost his ability to do what God, what God wanted him to do what God said. Why? Cause he's getting put out of the garden. Now he loses his assignment. But here's what I want to get to. This is why this part of the teaching is called opening the door to supernatural provision. He lost his provision. Now he's in survival mode. Verse 17 chapter 3, and to Adam He said, because you have hearkened to the voice of your wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee saying you shall not eat of it. Cursed is the ground for your sake and in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life. Thorns also in thistles, shall it bring forth to thee and thou shall eat the herb of the field, in the sweat of your face shall you eat bread until you return to the ground. Now, let's just use that verse 17 and start there in the amplified. Let see what he says. Then Adam, he said, because you have listened to and given heed to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree which I commanded you, saying you shall not eat of it. The ground under you is cursed because of you in sorrow and toil, underline and put in your Bibles, sorrow and toil, shall you eat a bit of the fruits of it all the days of your life. Next first, thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to you and you shall eat the plants of the field and the sweat of your face shall you eat bread until you return to the ground. Okay? So what is he saying? Adam no longer am I your provider. You are your provider. You're going to have to bear the weight of all your own provision. Now, because of that, then the earth is resisting you. So you're going to have to struggle to get it. So in toil and sweat and struggle and, and, and whatever else goes along with that. That's the state of mind that you're going to be in. So you're going to be always looking of how to solve this provision crisis. So everything you do now you're going to measure through whether I can can pay for this or not. Uh, if I can, um, do this, if I can afford this, so watch this provision. It's going to overshadow everything. So 24/7, mankind has been concerned about provision and that is what Jesus came to do. He came to redeem us. He came to take us back from being concerned about what we're going to eat and drink. How are we going to pay the rent, how we'll go send the kids to school. He came to take that off our minds. Why? Because when that's on your mind and that is a focus of your attention, then creativity drops down to all time low and you cannot fulfill the assignment and purpose that God has for your life with a provision minded mindset, because you can't serve two masters. Now are you here? All right, let's just keep rolling with that. Let's go over and see how Jesus came in and he introduced and start teaching on how to live independent of the provision of thought how I can live independent of, of this. Oh, if I could just get a little enough money so forth, how I can live independent of this kind of thinking, this anxiety. Let's go to Matthew chapter 6 please. Matthew chapter 6. He says first in verse 25, he said, no man can do what? Serve- pardon me, verse 24. No man can do what? Serve two masters. Alright, you were made that the master who meets your needs is the one you serve. You were made that way, no man or woman could exist without an overlord. You and I were always supposed to exist with an overlord. In other words, we were never sovereign within ourselves. We look to something higher. That's why I've man doesn't have Jehovah God he makes another God. He makes something because he was not made to exist without an overlord, he's just that way. With the curse system, mankind begins to see his job or people or whatever as a source because they don't have God. So this is the only thing that they have that they can rely on or trust in to help give them some sense of security. But then this job and the system that it's in is not designed to provide you with security. In fact that employer is not there to make sure that all your needs have been met, that that that employee, your employer is there to give you a decent wage and and make sure that you have a decent wage, but they're not there to take the place of God and, and what has happened is that we are trying to get enough systems in place that people don't need God, they've got social this and socialism that and so forth. Now hear what I'm saying, thank God for the system, but what happened to God as being the one that we go to who's supposed to be the bread provider for humanity? BILL: Well, I trust that you were blessed by that message. Now this is offering day on the broadcast, this is a time we give all those who are watching our broadcast an opportunity to sow into the ministry. Now, this idea of sowing and reaping is God's idea, I didn't think of this. This is God's idea. He said give and it shall be given unto you. In other words, we sow into the expansion of the Kingdom, it's like making an investment. God measures some dividends back to us, why? For whatever need that we may have. Now, I'd like to give you one thing that God taught me about increase. You'll find that when we come into the kingdom we all have ungodly thought patterns, we do. Every one of us. And these thoughts have to be changed. God said in Isaiah 55, your thoughts are not my thoughts, because of that your ways are not my ways. So I found that I had to go from a running out mentality to a running over mentality. Now that came through me studying the Word of God and finding out God's way of doing things really is. And so it happened to me, we were starting, we were growing here in the Chicago area, and God said I want you to go on radio. Well I went to the radio station, and I went there, and you know, I went and told them I'd like to go on radio for fifteen minutes on Saturdays. And he signed a contract, yes. I got home and God said no, I don't want you to go on for fifteen minutes on Saturdays. I want you to go on everyday for fifteen minutes. Monday through Friday. I said oh my goodness. Now, what happened I went back and convinced them, you know, we could do this. And I didn't know it but he went behind me and called a lady that we knew, he said, can he afford that? She said, I don't know whether he's got the money, but he's got the faith. Well, he signed us up. It's interesting that fear tried to come on me. Why? Not running out of money, but running out of things to say. I thought after about the third week something was telling me you're not going to have anything to say, you're going to be embarrassed and so forth. Let me tell you, what I found out when I emptied out is when God field me back up. And let me tell you, I'm still preaching today on overflow. Praise God. So I'm just saying to you the tendency that he tries to bring us fear when it's time to sow because he tries to make us thing we're running out. Well, that's the world's way of thinking, because they don't have a savior. You have a savior. And as you do sow God promised you He'll give it back to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, men give unto your bosom. Get your seed ready, get ready to expand the kingdom of God through your giving. Get that seed ready, get it in mind, write it out, get it in your hand- get it in your mind and let's pray over it right now. Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus. Father I bring the saints of God before you, the people of God that are listening to this broadcast and are sowing into this ministry. I pray Lord, that as they release that seed that my God supply all their need. Whether it's money, whether it's debt free, whether it's healing, whatever it is I pray that blessing come back to them speedily. Now Father we thank you. We call it done in Jesus name, amen. Praise God, isn't that powerful? Think about it, I came here with $200. Look at us now sowing and reaping. Sowing and reaping. If he'll do it for BW, he'll do it for you. That's all we have for this time. We love you, and keep walking by faith. BILL: Jesus came and introduced a new system. For the kingdom of God is a government that's set up to meet every need that a person would have independent of what's happening in this earthly economy. Therefore, I said to you, stop being perpetually uneasy, anxious and worried about your life. No longer do you have to bear the weight of your own provision. I'm telling you, you don't have to earn a living, your living has already been earned by Jesus Christ, so your labor is not in overtime it's in the Word of God. Everything changes with the kingdom, and the kingdom has come inside of you. ANNOUNCER: Step into the door of divine provision and experience a supernatural rest with an unlimited increase in every area of your life. In pastor Winston's life changing teaching a new way of living. To order on CD or DVD, contact us online at billwinston.org or by phone at 1-800-711-9327. Order a new way of living today.
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 95,260
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Keywords: Bill Winston, Believer's Walk of Faith, Bill Winston Ministries, faith, bill winston youtube, bill winston faith
Id: PDdjYW9r5JM
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Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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