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[Music] i again i want to give glory to god for the privilege the honor to stand and minister to us i'm not taking it for granted at all and from the depth of my heart i return all the glory to god come and give the lord again good word [Music] and want to particularly appreciate your money when okay if you want to clap go ahead thank you there are many things i can say by him but let me let me spare you that when i was briefed by my son that's why isaac today that in getting ready to receive me for this meeting he personally went in search of an accommodation that he felt would be suitable for me in person he went beyond protocol when the person he had always given me the best from federal palace hotel to intercontinental to a co-hotel but this one he went beyond i said this place will be good for bishop bishop likes to do prayer work this is a good place for him i was so touched i was close to tears that with all his business and everything he left all of that to look after me all the days of your life good look at me i i don't take it for granted at all please give the lord a handful [Applause] of [Applause] [Music] lady this year explain expect pleasant surprises and they will begin tonight everybody with a hand to the lord and just give him praise give him glory give him honor say something good to the lord say something sweet to the lord magnify him rejoice in him celebrate him give him glory what the mighty god king of zion rock of ages ancient today's el shaddai the one who has no beginning of life not the end of days the one who inhabits eternity before time began you were there before the beginning began you were there the beginning met you there ancient today lord of hosts god of signs and wonders god of healings and miracles the god of the patriarchs the god of the prophets the god of the apostles the father of our lord jesus christ to whom nothing is impossible or meaning potent god everlasting god our redeemer is stronger the lord of hosts is his name we lift you up we glorify you take over this meeting do what you alone can do and be glorified in this house they're glorified in this church be glorified in this ministry they glorify the love of your set man and his wife be glorified in this conference and lord let a tidal wave of global revival emanate from this house to go to the east west not south to circle the globe for the glory of your name and you alone receive all the glory thank you father in jesus mighty name we pray father we thank you again your word of everlasting praise your word of eternal worship you deserve it i align this meeting with your throne oh god at tonight's meeting will fulfill your eternal counsel take it out of our hands let it be all of you none of me anoint my lips of clay say what you want to say do what you want to do do that which only you can do give everybody here a memorial today that they will look back to this day and they will glorify you forever thank you father we give you praise jesus mighty name we pray you may be seated thank you very much thank you [Music] don't make any mistake tonight is extraordinary i'm going to make it extraordinary for you [Music] let me hear you loud amen but let me get this out of the way stepping into greatness somebody say i am stepping into greatness when the meeting is over tonight don't be in a hurry to go pick a copy buy the truth and sell it not people rise by what they know nobody can live beyond the level of ease or understanding your understanding rules your life so get this product the precious lord of jesus very very very powerful word go get that the weapons of our affair there's something about this book when i wrote the first edition i dedicated it to my son pastor isaac i said lovingly dedicated to password isaac no i didn't say password lovely dedicated to isaac trust in the lord to fulfill what is said about you before you were born so one day it was a miles college in atlanta i went to visit it manny came and said dad i don't know what you wrote in your book what did god say about me i said i'm not good go ask him because i don't want to be the word one calling him i didn't want him to answer my call i wanted him to answer god's call now ministries his life is passion and this book is dedicated to him so when i made him the ceo of a publishing outfit he made sure he repackaged this and he didn't let me alter that dedication please give personalization [Applause] alone with god go get it and then change from glory to glory to devotional okay thank you thank you very very much [Applause] revival of science and wonders i approach the messenger tonight with some measures of trepidation because i believe it is prophetic the book of jewel chapter 2. reading from verse 38 32 chapter 2 verse 30 verse 28 to 8. thank you joel 2 verse 28 anisha come to pass be very sure one thing when god says it shall come to pass it must surely contrast his word cannot fail forever although the word is said to be in heaven it shall come to pass afterward that i will pour out my spirit upon flesh everybody please repeat after me say i will pour out my spirit upon flesh that's what god promised and your sons and your doctors shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams so young men shall see visions verse 29 and also upon the servants and upon their mates in those days will i pour out my spirit for such a please and i will show wonder somebody said wonders in in the heavens and they add blood fire and pilates will smoke verse 31 the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and the terrible day of the lord the great and the temple of the lord another situation come to pass again that whosoever shall call on the name of the lord shall be delivered for him on zion and in jerusalem shall be delivered someone said deliverance you don't need to wait to experience it the atmosphere is loaded thank god for worship thank god for those who you come thank god for um my son uh doctor what's your name again remind me please accomplishment his parents were doctors in the bottom he comes from a very very serious family and i've known him from the time was like that don't tell myself he's a powerful worshiper i didn't discover in nigeria i discovered him in new york then good for you now okay the atmosphere is loaded so and talk about deliverance don't wait don't wait i remember i was preaching ministering in the university of lagos listen to me every testimony i'll be sharing with you on this holy order is the truth they happened i don't need to help god to be god [Music] i don't need to lie for god to do what he wants to do he is god by himself before i was born he was doing what he wants to do now he will do what he wants to do why do i need to help god it's not bad to be helped i was speaking at the university of lagos many years ago i think that was like nothing is the one on there about we've been look we've been seeing this thing for quite a while and then the meeting was holding at the college of education auditorium and then they brought a note to me that so other people want to use their tutorial and we should round up okay so i ran it up in a hurry just prayed and left him left by the side and a young lady ran to meet me say sir i've been suffering from this to my cohost for 13 years i came here today bleeding i will go to the restroom i'll pass through i'll say blood i was in pain but as we were speaking it was like they took the spirits and poured it on me the thing came all over me and the pain disappeared and i went to the restroom to check whether because i had been struggling with blood you know and i finally think it's gone so i said before you run out i need to tell you 13 years old sir is gone i didn't lay hands i laid words he sent his word and he healed them and he delivered them from their instructions the water is already still here tonight anything can happen glory the place is soaked so don't wait until you begin to pray receive someone say everything whatever it is that you want to receive all things are possible why shall it be taught a thing encourage you that god should raise the dead we serve a god who quickens the dead who cause those things that be not as do they wear so just reach out to him is right there beside you to give you the desires of your heart each and every one of you through the mercy of god today you are returning home with joy so god promised that he was going to part his spirit upon all flesh and on the day of pentecost peter quoted this same scripture by the holy spirit all right verse 16 acts chapter 2 he said peter was speaking acts 2 16 and peter said okay let me let me check okay but this is that which was spoken by the prophet john verse 17 and it shall come to pass in the last days somebody saying the last days that's very very important said god i will pour out of my spirit of flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams same scripture same prophecy same promise of god but quoted differently by the holy spirit that inspired it originally in jewel that i quoted he said god said it shall come to pass i will pour out my spirit upon flesh i will pour out my spirit upon flesh i will pour out my spirit upon flesh now go back to acts chapter 7 chapter 2 verse 17 new list will now say i shall pass in the last they said god i will pour out of my spirit of no flesh one word has come in off and god chooses his words very carefully nothing is as important to god as his word in the beginning was the word the word was good also it was god god is very careful about this world so he said i will part my spirit upon a part of my spirit now peter what are you talking about let me just mention this because i'm going a little far peter was saying through the holy spirit that day that what god promised in joy what is happening now this is a deposit this part fulfillment this is a full total fulfillment what god said is i will put my spirit but what is happening now is that i will pour out of my spirit when it was time for a friend tonight and pastor poju was speaking that those very very powerful gracious or soft spoken powerful and good for you about offering i'm good for you that's why you don't lack you don't manipulate you don't know now i turned to isaac as if isaac i gave you an envelope yesterday he said yes that is it with you is it yes okay give me off that money i didn't ask for the whole money and he reached into his pocket and took a pack and a wand or some cleaner notes put in my hands out of what i kept with him not everything so what happened on the day of pentecost was to signal the beginning of the former reign [Music] not the fourth thing and what god has promised is that he was going to pour both and the lottery at the same time joel chapter 2 you will see it's in verse 23 both be glad then you should resign and rejoice in the lord your god for he has given you the former reign for marine moderately the former rain in israel normally is a sowing rain the planting rain does the render falls moderately when the seeds have been sown for planting and that was exactly what happened on the day of pentacles when the church was born when the church was planted god released of the spirit god released the former rain that was needed moderate enough to get the church planted but look at what god promised let me read that person three two two all right and he said be glad you shouldn't be glad then you cheated on them i rejoice in the lord of god he has given you the former reign moderately and he will cause to come down for you the reign the former and the lottery in the first month ladies and gentlemen there is coming a mighty revival [Music] i'd like you to listen to me [Music] a great revival that will wrap up all the waves of revival the wave of salvation salvation river the wave of restoration river the wave of holiness reverb the wave upon the conservative rubber the wave of charismatic river the wave of healing revival the wave of prosperity revival the church has witnessed prosperity i was telling you the story of early seventies yesterday that time we looked across the whole nation we were persecuted we were arrests we were young we were poor we were broke hear he gave his sacrificial friend 500 naira [Music] what a sacrifice but that's what he had that's where we had that time that's where we were we looked across we wouldn't see any but the only true figure we could identify with i told you a bit of phalloplay in english it towered as an issue like us and then in lagos here honourable justice is a difference the father of apostle paul apostolic was an oak of a believer those were the two pillars we could identify with and rally round we were all poor and broke today by the grace of god our university is running the third academic year and with the meaning we haven't had a course to borrow and we do not owe if you want to clap go ahead and come [Music] you know the last end you see accreditation exercise that they came when they gave me the bill and almost passed out [Music] for a three day visit 247 millionaires i didn't want to run me out of town i first got angry the bee was paid the visit was successful we didn't take loan we didn't borrow we didn't owe from a mushroom level they used to call us mushroom church now we are much room church because anytime there is a revival prosperity always follows any time when god pours out his word and people receive it pause that spirit receive it pause this anointing recipe when that wave is going abundance follows i'm not talking about prosperity this year but somebody hear me is here 2020 21 you will drink rain from heaven [Applause] i can hear the sound of abundance of rain upon your lives upon your life the money you never dreamed possible you will command it in the name of jesus so there is a coming there is coming a mighty remember to wrap up all that have been happening to summarize and tidy up the move of god on the earth and prepare the earth for the emergence and the returning of the glorious king the act will witness such massive salvation of souls dwell describing a toxic multitude multitude matured in the value of the decision so let's get ready get ready for that mighty move don't you never tell me say get ready for that mighty move somebody say amen the early rain the former rain jesus brought it he did introduced it he did he initiated it he did i did in science and wonders in luke chapter 4 verse 18 he said the spirit of the lord god is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach god's will to report he has sent me to heal the broken hearted to pre-deliverance to the countries and recovering outside to the blind to set at liberty then that bruce you can see that the move of the holy spirit the power of the holy spirit moving is about people about helping the poor about healing is sick about opening prison doors about making people's lives that have been broken and battered making them whole it's about people the holy spirit does not move in a vacuum when the spirit of god is moving there's restoration there's healing there's deliverance there's breakthrough mountains move miracles take place and they will take place here today in your life in your life the move of the holy spirit is just holy spirit moving nebulos in a vacuum just doing something no it's about people touching people during the time of worship you had people were already shrieking connected with god possibly you ought to our because if we let it go we wouldn't live here until maybe midnight so jesus came and introduced it and also the apostles chapter 10 verse 38 say how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing order to oppress the devil healing delivering doing good setting the cat is free that's what he came he is the anointed woman of god anointed to heal to save to deliver and wherever he moves something great happens listen to me tonight something great will happen to you to you to you to you to whom we receive first you not into shout you don't need to see how to receive if you want to shout very good many times when i pray for people who are lay hands i don't need to give you a slight so you can fall so you show that i'm powerful that's nonsense come on get out you may fall and all you get is dust on your clothes and you may stand calm cool collected now lay hands on you i don't lay empty hands on empty heads something will cross through your being and your life will change many times the move of god is spectacular there is noise about it sometimes it's so silent and quiet but not less supernatural whether it is spectacular or quiet if it is the move of god the hand of god it is supernatural something supernatural will happen to you today and do you see what that scripture says in acts 10 38 jesus was going about healing out that way or praise of the devil if you cannot even can i light that phrase for me i will appreciate it didn't color online all that were oppressed of the devil is the devil that oppresses not god is the devil that afflicts is the devil that makes people sick kobe 19 is an instrument in the answer of the devil permitted by god yes but if it is evil if it is negative if it is darkness it's the devil god is light in him is no darkness at all not at all now look at it some people they are carrying the affliction of the devil in their lives the oppression of the enemy and the attributes of god that's religion religion help me to pray that i will be done your will be done sickness look at that scripture on that way oppressed of the devil one of my daughters came to me and said that he i'm sick people pray for me that god will heal me of this my sickness your sickness okay i'm not the thief if it is your sickness keep it he said daddy what did you say i said you had me right your sickness the devil is putting something on you you're claiming it that's exactly what he wants claim it and then you keep it the devil get lost my body is the temple of the holy spirit there is no room for you now somebody represents satan get lost now now now see any walk of the devil in my life in my body be destroyed now first john 3 8 for this purpose the son of god was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil scientists they tell us mata can neither be created nor destroyed that is limited science somebody created it it can recreate and it can destroy if there is any work of the devil in your life today i command it destroyed [Applause] i don't even i don't even need to say that twice because i didn't call myself today i lean on the staff of his grace i lean on the staff of his calling i lean on the staff of his anointing i lean on the staff of his commission and i command every work of the devil in your body to be destroyed [Applause] the strangers shall hear my voice and they will fade out of their hiding places every stranger by whatever name i command you get out and never return for the axe is laid at the root of the tree every plant that my heavenly father has not planted shall be rooted in in this house today every planting of the devil be destroyed be destroyed be destroyed receive healing miracles liberty ah dry wombs open our dry worms open our dry worms open our dry woods open our dry worms open makaya [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus sit down jesus brought it he initiated it god had been performing science wonders and miracles from beginning from the day of abraham when my when happy meal like try to sleep with sarah abram's wife god god afflicted him god closed the womb of everybody that was about me like god appeared to him and then i said you are a dead man you i'm god i'll kill you the woman you have taken is another man's wife i hope some men are hearing me you are trying to touch another man's wife you are a dead man dead god he wounds he kills he heals you make a life he can kill you i'm sorry in the integrity of my heart i did the integrity said man is a prophet restore his wife he will pray for you and you'll be here that's the first place healing is mentioned in the entire scripture in the time of libra and in theology there is a law first mentioned where a case is mentioned first the dna of that subject is coded in there so sin can cause sickness but the blood of jesus christ can bring cleansing can bring pardon can bring forgiveness okay prayers can bring healing the bible didn't say that abraham injected abu malik there's nothing wrong with injection let the doctors do their job you are doing a good job do their their job until people come to the point of faith when they can believe god for the supernatural now abraham didn't give medicine didn't give the blood there's nothing wrong with it i believe in science i do if i'm going to america uk now i won't drink that i won't stretch my wind i will go sit inside the plane sit comfortably relax i don't need to understand the loss of aerodynamics i just relax and i find myself in london and i'm good so i don't condemn messi but i say superior realm whatever is wrong in your body the hand of the lord to touch you the anointing to wrestle for you it shall come to pass in that day that his yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing his body shall be taken from off your shoulders is yoked from of your neck every body of the devil be removed yokes be destroyed in the name of jesus bareness is over loneliness is over your joy has come your joy has come a lot of singles here male and female this year you will celebrate this year you'll be celebrated saw but you get ready for multiple weddings multiple weddings one saturday 25 weddings before the altar one saturday 45 weddings we declare the error of joy in this assembly we terminate loneliness loneliness terminated for he set the solitary in families whatever it is that had kept you in a state of loneliness today by the blood of jesus it is removed 20 21 we usher you into your joy let me hear your amen can you see me man i'm president i can see people here people here tonight you come to this altar pick your babies and go back home and go back home and within the next year it will manifest [Music] if that is you shall hallelujah [Applause] i was preaching for my son not anybody in his church he had troubled me that he calmed daddy that's okay okay i give my date i was coming from abuja i've got my jet hasn't arrived yet but what you are speaking here i know when it arrives they will criticize me i did came and they were writing what kind of nonsense i called him i said sir congratulations about love he was impervious to everything he was saying he didn't even bother i said ah i just come he laughed again somebody had this yeah you will laugh [Applause] [Applause] and i said i said baba don't mind what they are writing what they are saying he did not even comment about it he just laughed what they are saying is nothing what god has done was something and i said something i said baba take all the bullets now all the beatings so that when this is our turn they will have nothing to fight anymore you had a good laugh this year you will laugh a professor you will laugh you will laugh you will have you will have you will have when god visits sarah and abraham they laughed they laughed they laugh they laugh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they they called their long awaited miracle they call it laughter stretch your two hands to this altar from where grace flows receive your laughter laughter laughter don't think that when the lord does it you will reel with laughter receive it receive it receive it now listen i'm not a hocus pocus preacher to the law and to the testimony if this according to this word is because there's no light in them but i ask you hear me stretch your answer point of contact receive laughter laughter laughter laughter this year you will laugh you will laugh you will laugh you will laugh you will laugh all who know you will laugh with you come on give the lord a shout all right all right sit down jesus brought it the form the the former rain that planted his church initiated him he was for science he was for wonders he went about doing good he walked on the sea he cleansed the lepers he broke up every final procession he never conducted a foreigner when life meets death death is swolled up in victory christ has abolished death and has brought life and immortality to life through gospel the first dead that god was going to bring to life emma ministry was impotent young boy that died had no experience about that same miracles are thinking but not the dead the boy was laid down flies already flying whitey stuff coming out i didn't know what to do and in the hand of god i just felt there no god come with me and that scripture came alive christ has abolished death and i brought life and immortality tonight through gospel that was 1982 i called the boy's name i said sit up in the name of jesus see him his knees and wait a minute before my very eyes the boy sat up and began to cry the boy said i'm hungry i said ah you all the food in the world is available to you that was my baptism into the dimension of raising the dead we have seen not one or twice not three times let me not say that so let me not go further so don't think of me more than i should for there is nothing we have that we have not received we have this treasure in happiness that the excellence of the power may be of god the moment the moment i begin to touch the glory he will take me home he guards his glory jealously doesn't mess with him so i've seen him raise the dead i have i testified truly sincerely in integrity i've seen it raise the dead so if any part of your body is damaged beyond repairs if we replace it [Applause] and you will be well in the mighty name of jesus so now in mark chapter 16 when he was sending us and commissioning his disciples if you read from verse 15 he commissioned us with signs with wonders with miracles the preaching of the gospel is not complete without them it's not and he said unto them go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature either believe it or not i shall be saved by that believer shall be done oh boy i don't read that verse in the hurry you believe christ you're born again you are saved forever i give unto them eternal life they shall never perish neither can anyone take them out of my life but you don't believe you are damned damned down so make a choice my friend if you're here tonight you're not saved you're not born again or you're not sure make assurance doubly sure cross over from damnation to life by giving your life to christ very simple he already paid the price on the cross he shed the blood all you need to do is to receive go back go to verse 17 you know say these signs shall follow them i believe i spoke about yesterday in my name shall they cast out devils cast devils out they shall speak with new tongues if they take of serpents they shall take what's happening and if you drink any daily thing you shall know them and they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recall that's how he commissioned the preaching of his gospel where to preach his gospel the way he preached it and the way he said we are to preach it and then even look in verse 20 look at these guys these uneducated folks fishermen illiterates they couldn't spell their names but they had the temerity to believe the word of the master verse 20 said and they went that's obedience i'm preached everywhere the lord working with him confirming the word with science following somebody say amen they didn't preach signs sorry they didn't preach wonders they preached the word but god stretches his hands to confront the world besides if you study the scripture very well i have taken time to do a little bit of study everywhere there are signs wonders miracles is to confirm the preaching of the world is to validate the message of the gospel is to validate the message of christ science and wonders they don't happen by themselves now there are people who are trying to organize they organize miracles nonsense organize somebody gets healed they put it on the social media what for they don't know they don't know god they are occurring they don't know the scripture they don't know i have to help god to be god i just preach the word in sincerity and he moves to confirm his word that i preached that song and i've been lifted up from the earth how we draw all men onto myself that's how you commissioned it on the day of pentecost you know what happened the holy spirit came signs and wonders and then things began to happen if you study actual person you see the picture of the former rain awesome shadow of peter healing the sick in access 5. paul was preaching one sorcerer was trying to dissolve the preaching of the gospel you see in chapter 3 chapter 13 sorry he didn't want the government to be saved and god says you you agent of the devil the hand of the lord is against you so there is a sign for they signed against they are not against you'll be blind for a season the man became blind the man was a sorcerer ah but like they normally say in nigeria balance power pass power somebody said power pass bar the evil powers are there but they are under our feet on the outfit when the governor saw a raw naked demonstration of the power of god he believed the word the sorcerer was defeated pastor poju one of the most faithful witness of the power of god that i've seen i see when i remember it i said shiva this god should be feared he is god one of my daughters came to me and naked by name daddy my mom is sick i said bring your mom she can't come she's bed ready give me a day that you come and pray for my mom okay i give a date i went to the place in the battle that was when god was establishing us he was breaking the controlling power over the city ancient cities have ancient demons [Music] and when god wants to establish you in that place he breaks them down breaks them down i will go in the night prayer walk the city like a crazy man i'll go to my pool here i will look all over the city and i begin to cause the idols cast them out cause the demons subdue them call my children to come from everywhere and then so he said come and pray for my month i said fine so we went i hear i go to the place squalor poverty a small tiny house you bent to enter the one also within bed and i laid my hands to pray and the lord said take off your hands i had him the conference she's been bound and when it is deliverance you are praying for healing you are wasting the time if the power that is behind the affliction doesn't go the affliction won't go you pray that i cannot come i was young in this thing i was a bit afraid i told nikki i said we'll come back tell me the story of your mother the mother was a muslim woman married to analysis and then left allergy to go and marry elijah's friend and the man said i will show you where say you will shrink and shrink and shrink until you are dead you bring your body i will spit on it those guys are evil and the woman began to shrink shrink shrink did everything but she became bedridden and she was surely going to die so it's good to pray ah a little shamballa here shambhala there ah i i did i did some in the night in the night thank you for the place you give me oh god the honor you're the days of your life you made me comfortable i was comfortable to pray i was comfortable to listen to god i'm going to pray parappa kore because so i sent three of my elders i didn't know it was a pie encounter throughout my elders to go and made the allergy and say please let that woman go whatever she did for you eliza the man was very angry send him back to me he said who is he telling what i do with my wife is none of my business none of his business she offended me i'm going to deal with that boston you see when people have those yeah yeah power they boast my man came i said ah okay when they deliver that message something triggered me the spirit of the lord god is upon me i said go back and tell him to set the captives free that's my business to heal those that oppress that's my business to raise the wife from affliction that's my business i didn't he was the holy spirit they went back and told him and the man began to curse me hey surely there is no any chance against jacob neither any divination it gets israel cause me i said lord what do i do and the lord said go and release a woman you said i shouldn't pray this one i did extra praying i fasted because i knew it was power encounter i took my anointing let's go i know that whatever power has bombed you i crushed them i cut them off i delivered when you are dealing with the enemy is a matter of who pulls the trigger first woman sit down she said woman stand a rapper was falling off i said he can help your mom woman work raw display of god's power the woman got healed i know you are going to clap wait three days after the elijah died with with i'm standing on god's sacred altar my god killed him [Music] he he teared god he died and defied his anointed i may be small i'm a bit tiny i didn't call myself i didn't raise myself i didn't send myself somebody sent me and he's when i'm standing in his wheel he stands with me like a mighty terrible warrior he makes my enemy his enemies he makes my adversary is adversary clear out of my way otherwise you become history cleared out enemy clear out part of the problem in the body of christ is against the crisis people don't know who they are they don't know what they carry they don't know who is inside them enemy clear up please child of god because the enemy clear out of my way the man died in the morning before the evening they buried him the islamic way story over and for one week the fear of god gripped me grip me listen to me everybody raise your right hand i don't know what is happening in your life whatever agent of the devil enemy of your destiny holding back your breakthrough holding back your marriage holding back your babies holding back your progress holding back your rights by the anointing i crush them i crush them for the weapons of our warfare are not canada but they are mighty through god to the pulling down of stronghold in whatever way the enemy is holding you back from destiny fulfillment in any area of your life today i pull down this stronghold receive your breakthrough receive receive receive receive receive in the name of jesus when god said that when god was going to take the people of israel out of egypt listen to this he sent moses to pharaoh if pharaoh didn't let them go they were not going anywhere go there pharaoh those said the lord let my people go let me suddenly it was when the back of pharaoh was crushed the israeli free generation bondage was over 430 years of affliction was over because the prophet of god confronted pharaoh everybody do it again do it again lift your right hand to god whatever power whatever fear whatever herod whatever jezebel whatever agent of the enemy i've been hiding to afflict you by the anointing i crush them receive liberty receive liberty their arrows that have been sent against you are destroyed be free [Music] be free be free be free in the name of jesus somebody here you have been dreaming dreaming seeing your dead relatives eating with the dead eating with the dead and the enemy have been telling you you will die now that spirit of death i cast it out you will not die you will leave in the name of jesus there is a woman here three times i don't know you three times you have lost pregnancy and when you take it you take it you don't have problem taken in you just have a dream somebody you would we slap your tummy and you wake up bleeding it has happened one time two times three times i don't know you by sending the word of the lord to locate you wherever you are that attack is over the adversary of your soul that have been afflicting you i put him under your feet crush them now in the name of jesus and now hear me daughter by the word of the lord 18 months from now you will be delivered of three children that's one goal somebody give the lord a shout of joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy now my time is going if you look through actually the apostles amazing things the bible says in actual apostles chapter 19 11 god performed extraordinary miracles god wrote special miracles miracles themselves are special when you are not talking a special miracle you are talking of something special in the class of especially and that was the former rain when paul was going to have to finish look at romans chapter 15 romans chapter 15 what was testifying let me read from verse 18 verses 18 and 19 romans 15 verse 13 and i didn't look at the vampire but i will not dare to speak of any of those things those things science wonders healing which christ has not wrote by me it was christ doing them by the hand of apostle not poor it was jesus to make gentiles obedient by what indeed i told you science and wonders are to make people obedient to the world to validate the world to validate the claims of christ when we preach christ and we pray the word sign someone that's they upon us a matter of course and now you know i wanted to detect it through mighty signs and wonders if it was lying the holy spirit would write it down not just signs mighty signs wonders by the power of the spirit of god so that from jerusalem and round about onto lyrical i have fully preached the gospel of christ so you can preach part of the gospel salvation is part of it prosperity is part of it healing is part of it but the full are fully preached with science with wonders with miracles with deliverance with the oppressed going free with a burden conceiving with a lonely breaking into joy with those that have been tied down released so the people of god can fulfill their destiny i have fully prayed the gospel through signs wonders and miracles and that was a former rain we're entering into an era of both the former and the latter rain in the same month church get ready all that have been happening we have seen great things through great men that we need to mention you know we sing great things one man of god who went home to be with the lord not too long prophet silva badarey we were very close there he said he was doing meeting a particular turn i will mention he sat on the altar as they were singing a woman fell down and died in the midst of the congregation in a rural place died the others of the church they brought the dead before the author hello pray pray pray pray pray pray he said he sat on the other he said when when he got anointed he got up so all of you keep your mouth shut stand aside is god dead woman sit up tell us what to have done the woman sat up and told how the witches in the area had a meeting and sent her at their ministry to go and scatter the meeting by dying and that the meeting was carter baba said sleep back again you're talking of apostolic authority you're talking of ananias and sapphiras we're entering to that realm church get ready people go get it particularly nigeria church get ready god had invested so much into you nigerian church an investment is a preparation for the great thing that is coming and listen to this the heaven is about to open for the last revival that we ocean in a global harvest that will usher in the coming of the lord jesus christ and then those of you that are ready you will partake of it i mean if you want to partake of faith you want to participate in consecrate yourself dedicate yourself to god present your body as a living sacrifice choose to pursue god for god like elijah pursued elijah seek him pray first acts chapter 13 they pray the first they prayed the first they prayed the first they prayed the first they prayed the person and it broke get ready there's a price to pay to become a child of god costs you nothing the price is fully paid but to be the vessel of honor that will carry the end time glory will cost you everything everything everything totally sold out to god ready to run ready to preach the gospel ready to win souls you won't be preaching signs and wonders you pray the word you breathe christ and then science will break out including in the place of prayer the holy spirit spoke to me somebody else he wants to give you an isa 6 experience i don't know you isaiah a great prophet chapter one he wrote chapter two fantastic word of the lord if you'll be willing obedient with the glory of the land the monkey of the house of the lord shall be established on the mountain upon all the glory shall be defense chapter four chapter five great prophet will have been boosting johar three this one wrote two i wrote five five i'm great and then go meet him in the temple saw god and the thing that is that was standing between him and his greater glory god revealed it and got poached it and god commissioned him again there is a greater glory ahead of you you are stepping into it [Applause] tonight by the time god was done with isaiah in chapter six he entered the mesonic face of his ministry ladies and gentlemen jesus is at the heart of everything that god does in the universe at the heart of his is jesus every other thing they are wrappers all the prophecy chapter one two three four five preparatory as soon as chapter six took place pronto he broke into mizzani prophecy from chapter seven to chapter 66 it was messianic he entered into the plan of god for his life he would have died with 60 chapters of his books not written but the glory that took place that day was shared him in the encounter of the day get ready get there are people here that will carry the man too there are people here listen to me i i'm not a name dropper not at my age god is raising some people in the church this is fearful because it is in people among new generation that we reduce the great things past whatever we are done to dwarf [Music] i'm not trying to be disrespectful and be prophetic because god moves his people from glory to glory there's a greater glory coming upon the church it is for the hungry the thrusting the willing the ready there's a greater glory in the days of smith hughes what everybody thought they had seen the ultimate the man was raising the dead like a joke one was about to die god gave me a revelation of the coming glory and was crying he was whipping they said what happened to his i see a glory coming and i lost i'm not going to be part of it because i'm going home everybody say ah but we have seen the glory of god through his ah no you don't know nothing see all that you are saying now all that you are seeing in nigeria around the world there is a greater glory coming on your feet there's a greater glory coming there's a greater glory coming god is sending both the former and the latter reign together in the same month everything that happened in actually the apostles will become like a kindergarten school compared to what god is doing are you ready to be part of it lift your two hands with the lord say father i am ready to be part of your entire brother father if you can use anything lord use me use me can you pray that prayer you can use anything use me if you can use anything lord use me give me my own isaac chapter 6 experience now purify me sanctify me whatever we hinder you from doing what you want to do take it out usher me into the greater glory that you are prepared for this end time lord if you can use anything excuse me here am i hear a man here a man only available here are mine [Music] i make myself available if you can use anything lord use me count on me take a hold of me what you did for isaiah do for me i'm ready i'm ready no matter the price i'm ready no matter how far you want to take me i receive your grace i receive your help thank you father bring your prayers to a close in jesus mighty name we pray lay your right hand on your head receive healing now now now now enemy you didn't make these ones so you have no claim by about your creation you have no claim and after god made us and we fell jesus paid the price and redeemed us so by virtue of creation we belong to god by virtue of redemption belong to god satan take off your hands by the blood of jesus every sickness in your body is destroyed from head to toe be healed cancer go hypertension go diabetes go going to go vibrant go oppression go cataracts in the eyes go in the name of jesus be healed healed healed healed healed healed received now in jesus mighty name we pray somebody say amen if you want to get married in the next 12 calendar months raise your hand wherever you are male or female female middle finger repeat after me father i receive my joy father guide my feet into your own ordained marriage for my life i receive it now in the name of jesus by the word of the lord i declare your day of joy you will not miss it before the altar of the lord you'll be celebrated loneliness is dominated terminated terminated terminated in the name of jesus it is settled now listen to me my friend if you want a job you are the testimony the person could you read a significant appointment something new in your life about your economy lift your hand up to god i release you into greater glory [Applause] the lord will favor you the favor begins now now now many many many of you within the next 24 hours you have testimonies many many many many of you before the end of world bank 2021 you are testimonies receive laughter laughter laughter laughter in the name of jesus thank you father hallelujah now listen to me if you are receiving your baby one two three or more if you want seven they are available remember i told you last year two is not enough four is the beginning you are supposed to multiply you and your wife you are two you are your husband you are two so if your two multiplication begins with four if my mathematics is correct so whether you want one or two or more wherever you are stretch one towards this altar in faith in faith the god of glory is standing on this altar the one who makes the barren woman to keep house and to become a joyful mother of children receive your babies no more delay no more delay no more delay abraham had a long delay but left back came with pain as entered in your nights your mourning of laughter has come you will celebrate i deliver your baby into your hands it is settled settled in jesus mighty name we pray last but not the least everybody close your eyes please wherever you are men and brethren young and old great or small rich or poor wherever you are you want your saints forgiving you you want to receive eternal life you want to be genuinely born again you want to be free from the grip of the devil from the oppression of the devil you want to be safety you want to make it to heaven when you die you want to be a true child of god you don't just want to be religious going to church no you don't just want to be religious going to mosque you don't want to continue in irreligious city you want to be truly saved you want to enjoy the gross liberty of the sons of god i'm going to pray for you your sins will be forgiven and you receive the gift of eternal life if you want to be born again now i want me to pray for you raisopian wherever you are raise high thank you god bless you god bless you raising present thank you i see them thank you reason i want my sins forgiving me i want to be born again i want to be saved i want to become a true child of god i don't want to go to hell i want to make it to heaven yes my hands thank you lady thank you thank you gentlemen thank you obsidian thank you young girl thank you thank you all of you there raise your hands please take your bags take your bibles take whatever you brought to church and come here i want to pray for you come come gentlemen come come lady just come come i want to pray for you come on come on come quickly this is your day of grace this is a day of salvation this is a day of liberty please come come come thank you for clapping clap and encourage them clap and encourage them i want to be saved i want my sins forgiven me i want to receive eternal life keep coming thank you thank you i want to be free from the devil [Music] i want to make it to heaven thank you keep coming they are still coming don't stop clapping let's encourage them come my daughter come go go go come come yes yes wherever you are coming from come come we are waiting for you thank you come [Music] this is the day of salvation this is day of deliverance this is your victory yes anymore yes yes come come come come we love you jesus loves you come thank you [Music] thank you animal animal there's it coming yes yes yes thank you thank you you're coming come come come i can see you running thank you any mercy coming [Music] please put your hands on your heart like this i repeat at me say lord jesus i need you in my life come into my heart forgive all my sins give me eternal life today i surrender my life to you i receive you by faith as my lord and my savior from today jesus is my lord jesus is my lord amen receive mercy in jesus name receive forgiveness in jesus name receive grace in jesus name receive liberty in jesus name the grip of the devil of your life is destroyed you are translated into the kingdom of light father establish them in the church make them pillars in your house further keep them into your kingdom thank you father jesus mighty name we pray amen where is the head cancer look at that gentleman that gentleman raising his arm please follow me follow him just following this one follow follow him this way can we give the lord a hand for them give another hand for them [Applause] beautiful people give their hand for them how many of you have been blessed today if you are blessed hallelujah [Music] don't forget visit the book stand and get those books step into greatness alone good all the others take care of yourself feed your soul feel your spirit again i want to thank our first lady i am who paid personal attention to the mother of my welfare while here that's very touching to me thank you thank you
Channel: WAFBEC
Views: 4,969
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Id: CkebKz6QzW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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