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[Music] praise the lord everybody wherever you are hearing the sound of my voice raise one hand towards heaven it's a point of contact the holy spirit omnipotent power mercy and grace spirit of the living god bless our spirit tonight speak to our lives minister to us let the entrance of your word bring light let it bring understanding let your name be glorified jesus name amen make your hands upon the club to the lord come on come on come on come on amen amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord such a great joy to be here tonight trust in the lord to bless you and to touch your lives and to give us a word in season that will truly truly launch into great things like to celebrate faster for you and tony were you almighty for being such a tremendous blessing to the body of christ you need to appreciate celebrate and understand that this is a move of god and if you understand so i'd like you to really celebrate the move of god going on here celebrate this revival bless the lord for it bless the lord for it bless the lord for it amen amen amen i know you've been blessed tremendously i've just came to put the icing on the cake and uh like to say i didn't quite hear everything pastor jerry was preaching but the building was shaking and i was wondering what else am i supposed to say please celebrate pastor jerry is here tonight come on come on come on come on you must always appreciate and recognize the hand of god the move of god the grace of god and this is one of it i can tell you this is one of it i may not be as old as mama bola ray but i do know those times because i got born again in 1972 and i know when these guys were laying those foundations they are the people on whose shoulders we stood so that we can see fire and you must never take you must never take them for granted let's appreciate all our fathers all those who have really been a blessing to [Music] them i always like to just go anywhere i am with books because i love reading and i've written 108 and i believe that it will bless you this one is 12 major steps to perpetuating wealth in the few years that i've lived i only know two or three families in nigeria that have created four generations of wealth by the second or the third it's destroyed but in your life i am trusting god you will generate wealth this one teaches you how to do so the second one may be connected to my message another creative edge and just as i was sitting in the room my my son sent me a quick message that somebody had just taken over as the wealthiest man in the world and why did he do justice i mean just as i was sitting there just now and what did he do he was creative uh 25 years ago nobody knew him today is the wealthiest man in the world and it isn't about industries it is about what you produce this is the power positive prayer bible it's the only prayer bible in the world i worked with cambridge university press to make this happen it has 15 000 prayer points you bless you so i bless you with all of these three how many won their own copy let me see your hand yeah the book seller is just out there while you are a preacher tonight i'm gonna be a teacher pastor jerry is he blessed us as a pastor that's a preacher tonight i want to just i want to try and uh copy my friend men's autobill and stand in one place mesa just shocks me all the time i'll try to stay in one place and be like mensah and teach tonight genesis chapter one oh i'm already moving [Laughter] i don't know how he does it mensah is just one amazing man i know he blessed you please put your hands together for menstrual today you know possible you talked about relationships these are men we've been friends i think iron man sir maybe 23 years now a bishop dear for 35 years now you know you need to keep people in your life you can disagree without being impossible you know you need to learn how to just flow with other people genesis 1 28 i trust the lord to bless you tonight in jesus name so we are talking about really manifesting the kingdom and tonight i'd like to share with you on reigning in life how to reign in life your dominion mandate genesis 1 28 god bless them and said to them be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth may god bless his word listen to me tonight the christian walk is a call to a kingdom that is above diseases into existence they cannot be laid the one who take you to a place where you should become under circumstances things should not control you we are now in an era of receiving our rights working in those rights the call we now have is a call to his presence a call to propensity that is becoming all god wants us to be irrespective of circumstances god wants you to be able to rise a revolution above circumstances and know who you are in god the totality of what a man could become is hidden in the text which we read tonight five words convey all that god wants you to be number one fruitful number two multiply number three replenish number four subdue and number five have dominion so let me establish here that these words are not an encouragement these words are not an idea these are the potentials in anyone born of a woman but paralyzed by sin however delivered at calvary the first adam jesus is the last adam not the second he is the last adam the first adam had this potential before he fell i have this conviction adam lived in the rest of god that's why the four rivers of eden had no bridges he never needed one he walked on the water because he lived in the realm of god he saw god he spoke to god you can see i'm moving away i can't do this uh messed up your thing for too long man you know what i'm saying praise god he lived in the realms of god he understood the things of god he spoke to god face to face he was not limited by the circumstances the animals respected the honor the dignity the glory on him they came to him whenever he beated them come why because inside him in his supernatural spiritual dna had been written these five things they were the things we lost in the garden but which we should find in calvary amen amen and the first of them says be fruitful the american heritage dictionary of the english language says to be fruitful means to be conducive to productivity to cause the beer in abundance to produce something in abundance to produce results this is a result to be profitable to be fruitful is to be producing fruit fruit food it is fruitfulness in productivity the word productivity can be broken into three pro docked evt the pro means in favor of the duct is the passageway for what you are getting to manifest right here there are air conditioners and there is a duct that makes it that makes the air to come in so the pro docked means that you should be the channel through which some things manifest on earth nigeria should be blessed because of you africa should be blessed because of you the world should be blessed because of you am i speaking to someone tonight productivity the doctor there is a passageway we have air docked in in the old roman empire because they didn't have pipes they had aqua ducts which which meant that it was the passageway through which water was channeled into their cities so we must be pro doctors productivity therefore means creating the passageway for favor to flow through you somebody is sacrificing for this conference to happen they are a they are a doctor for blessings to reach us they prayed they asked which speakers should come and speak into our lives being fruitful god and it is the desire of god that a christian must always be fruitful god wants your wine to be prolific and that means to be fruitful and let me tell you the manifestation of fruitfulness is not just encouraging babies it is birthing babies of the mind ideas concepts breakthrough concepts creativity the biggest challenge of africa and particularly a country like nigeria is that nigeria could really be an oxymoron a a contradiction governments will be sponsoring weddings for people to give birth to children they have no capacity to raise and then there will be young people who should be sponsored to go study read create change our nation but nobody will sponsor them the real contradiction for me people are meant to pay you for your thoughts for your productivity that is when you are a producer of fruits fruitfulness is manifested when you are abundant in your productivity fertile in the things you lay your hands to do the bible says in john 15 2 he cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit while every branch that does not bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful so god wants you to flourish in your enterprise flourishing business flourish with ideas look for solutions and so and look for problems and bring solutions proverbs 24 verse 2 to 4 in the living bible says any enterprise is built by wise planning becomes strong through common sense which is not common and profits wonderfully by keeping abreast of the fact so fruitfulness is being productive fruitfulness is plenteousness fruitfulness is manifesting success through the works of your hand many have thought that fruitfulness is only child bearing so they will quote this scripture all the time you know the quote be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth but you see this passage goes beyond child bearing as a physical child bear stop having physical babies alone africa christians believers start producing brain children where is your brainchild you are paid to the level of the brainchild you have what i paid the man who cuts the grass in my house is not what i pay my lawyers because one has a brainchild that handles issues for me the other one just cuts the grass on my behalf so if you are complaining aft when walk back is over and all these anointing have rested on you you need to question and ask yourself what is my fruitfulness what am i manifesting what is the fruit in my life to be fruitful is to originate ideas that will produce prosperity it is by your fruitfulness that you will bless the world that you will change the world that you will impact the world jesus cursed a tree that was fruitless mark 11 14 where there is a manifestation of fruitfulness you are commanded to multiply and be the head i came all the way today to speak into somebody's life that your season of fruitfulness has come i said your time of fruitfulness has come your ministry will be fruitful your business will be fruitful your ideas will manifest the visions god have given you that have been latent they will soon become potent they will bear fruit shout out receive it listen if you don't bear fruit you will serve what is fruitful if you don't bear fruit you will serve fruit bearers that's the truth that is the truth and the time has come because the bible says if you stay in the world you should be afraid the king james version the niv version psalm 1 verse 3 says whatever he does prospers king james whatever i do it prospers amplified he does whatever he does shall prosper and come to maturity the message translation you are a true implanted in eden bearing fresh fruit every month never dropping a leaf always in blossom i'm speaking to someone today new living translation says their leaves never wither and in all they do they prosper the new life version says whatever he does will work out well for him the days of your fruitfulness have come too many people blame the devil for where they are but they never ask am i bearing fruit what do i have that people will buy what problem am i solving and i'll teach a lot i run something called the money master class and i begin to treat people you know people tell you follow your passion no don't follow your passion find a problem and solve how many people have been following their passion if you go to los angeles hollywood you will see 50 000 young people wanting a break in movies when they get workout pass just walker pass they are glad because when they say my passion is moving find a problem and solve the problem that is fruitfulness what problem are you solving for the world if you solve a problem people will not care if you're tall or short big or small you're solving a problem do you know that we're buying things of people who are atheists because they solve a problem for us they solve a problem i came to now to let somebody know fruitfulness has been lucrative with whatever you start fruitfulness is profitability with every enterprise you launch to be fruitful is to thrive once you start a thing fruitfulness is the capacity to generate fruitfulness is to make pregnant with ideas and to birth it fruitfulness is to experience a gain to be well paid to make money to produce riches i declare and decree into someone's life today your season has come you are coming out of limitation you are coming to a season of favor a season of fruitfulness shouting man with fire fruitfulness is profitability go and check one of the characteristics of poor nations is people in nations that elevate people who have no fruit they manifested how did he become that director general of whatever from my village he produced nothing he produced nothing therefore he has nothing to stand for fruitfulness is the ability to imagine to use the thinking capacity to innovate even a ministry you know i mean innovation makes churches grow research was carried out in the united states of america 85 to 95 of american churches are under 200 in attendance and those ones have no innovation and they have no creativity those who break the 1000 barrier are those who have a degree of innovation those who go beyond two three four five thousand are those who create who have creative skills and innovative skills fruitfulness i mean it's like fruit bearing it's like seed sowing i'm a rice farmer used to have an a hundred acre or further rice farm and even now i have a two thousand two thousand palm tree farm you don't just plant the palm tree you have to make it fruitful first you have to go to knife or to buy the right kind of palm tree then you have to plant it in the land they came to check if it can work with the fruit then you have to put fertilizer around it then you have to put mesh around baby palm trees because grass cutters love the or the cotyledon of of palm trees because it is full of protein some people just ah one day i know my lord maker wait for me uh wake up wake up i'm gonna be a little stronger maybe sarcastic talk to your neighbor and say where is your fruit the next word there is what huh huh please say it loud say it one more time let me tell you this very hard truth you don't bear fruit there's nothing to multiply they are in gradation you cannot multiply what you don't have you multiply what you have so when you bear fruit the bible is now saying when i begin to so problems the way i enter the levels of abundance i'm breaking through is i move from being fruitful to now multiplying the fruit when i beg when i was planting a further rice in you know father village they had never seen our kind of farm all the farmers had one one acre two two acres we are 120 and how do you do it how do you handle birds they had gotten themselves into this little mold where they did not multiply to multiply is the ability to augment what is inside you to multiply is to increase your productivity to break free from mediocrity it is to increase your knowledge to multiply is to grow in a mountain degree to breed to propagate to increase the amount that is why one idea one idea can bring you millions millions just one idea a young man in london 24 year old nigerian was playing with his phone decided he wanted to create a ringtone so that when his brother calls he will know it's his brother that's how alexander amusu creates the first ringtone for anyone so that today no telephone company will put a ringtone on the phone without paying alexander muslim i don't know why nigerians go out question he created the ring to song 24 he broke by 25 he was a millionaire he solved a simple problem ringtone and do you know what you are carrying graces you carrying anointing you are carrying power and i pray for you tonight you will not only be fruitful you will multiply you are living well back with a new level of multiplication if you believe say i receive it multiplying is magnifying everything that god has given to you to bless humanity multiplying is getting rich by the works of your hand multiplying is magnifying every seed to its full potential that was initially given to you multiplying is improving everything that was ever given to you and the word multiply means multiply multi ply you know the plywood with which they build houses the plywood is not one wood it is many many many many many wood they now put glue in between so many wood compressed it under a machine so it became plywood because there are so many plies so the bible is now saying don't just bear one fruit that's the problem of africa some people will bear one fruit and they're carrying it around like a hammer there are churches all they do there are some deliverance churches the only thing they must deliver something somewhere there's a demon there no no no you need to multi ply multi ply start companies why would god put four rivers in the garden of eden because god knew one source of income is not enough for you so i put multiple rivers i could i don't even make that a whole message because all four rivers have a meaning river euphrates means a breakthrough you fartest menemine tequel ufartes it is to break for rest for rest to break it's a breakthrough river how many of you have had some breakthrough money when the thing rushed in organic even your enemies knew that something had happened receiving the name of jesus then there's a river they are called garcia that one is a free flow regular free flow every day it is flowing in it just keeps coming uh let me not preach the four rivers but listen you need four rivers if god himself would put four rivers in the garden for adam to water one garden that's the reason many of us struggle and we make our bosses say god hey this man must not suck mew because if this man sucked me hey maruga somebody could die you a the devil is a liar you are anointed to be a king you are called to be a queen you carry the kingdom of god in you you are part of this awesome kingdom from today you will not bow to adversity you will not bow to shame you will not bow to sin you will not bow to the devil grace will manifest in your life say amen like fire [Applause] so after you've been fruitful you multiply you multiply to multiply is the enlargement of everything given to you multiplies the amplification of the dream and ideas that god had planted in you you think this is all that is in pastor produced mind he also didn't know welbeck would grow this big but then as it began to grow god has given him new ideas new visions new dreams in fact i'm sure sometimes sister tony is wondering hey slow down pastor slow down let's finish this one first you are already dreaming it says the thing inside me because the thing with god with the word with walking with god is once you carry out one dream three manifest once you carry out those three seven show up the worst thing that can happen to you is to build a house beside one vision you die you die be fruitful then what's the next thing multiply after you have been fruitful and you have multi applied your fruit so i told you you know i don't know if it was out of anger that made me plant 2 000 palm trees anger because of any time i watch nollywood movie i'll see these guys fighting over two palm trees nine nine you know the palm tree that is nine azimiri river they have gone to harvest the palm frond that wants to reptile his rapper they don't go to one palm tree they're going to take cutlass over one palm tree so i planted 2 000. [Applause] also because my father being a soldier was insulted by his brothers they all had five five acres act which they had leased my father being a soldier and holly just saw a prod of calling out piggy to eat and one of them mocked him and said that's why we said you should come and be a farmer you can pick cool or not now so i decided say you have five acres i bought everything in the town [Music] [Applause] be fruitful then multiply after you have multiplied what's the third word say it louder said one more time every in the english language means to do again never forget to replenish means some places are empty on the planet some places are empty in the world they are waiting for you to come and fill them up with your ideas fill them up with your dreams fill them up with your vision fill them up with your gifting fill them up with your ability replenish to replenish is to fill the whole world with the fruit fruitful which you have multiplied now it is time to fill the gap god told adam you know remember the bible says the earth was without form and empty so god told him now this empty place i gave you go and replenish to replenish means to add a new stock by supplying to feel something that has previously been empty the world was chaotic god created a new world and asked man to feel it god wants you to feel your world with the fruit which you have multiplied there are some young men and women who are here today don't wait for your nation don't wait for a big brother don't wait for an uncle john fitzgerald kennedy ask not what your nation can do for you but rather ask what you can do for your nation take your ideas pray over it begin to work on it look for investors patent eat don't give someone who may steal your idea begin to walk on it take your fruit believe it that one day you will bless your world to replenish is to turn the economic world upside down by the fruit of your hand that has been multiplied by god to replenish is to refill what was made empty to refresh where there was dryness to continue to reload to restore until the whole place is full again the same nigeria this same nigeria where there were no phones anybody where the phone was a king in the neighborhood people 15 houses 20 houses away give your number away as their number anyone wants to call them they'll be there they'll be sitting in your house waiting for the call every time i came to nigeria whenever i want to call my wife i have to go to nighttime and everybody's hearing your conversation you can't even get angry a little bit with your wife you have to be nice because they are listening but look at nigeria the only thing that was brought in were equipments and phones the frequency was not imported it was always here god created it all the wavelengths have always been there before we were made short wave mid wave long wave they've always been their radio wave was created by god not mtn but we were all just thinking it can't happen goldman sachs told mtn that they can't make more than five million dollar profit in a year i was in south africa in 2010 bought south african times and he said mtn in 2009 made a profit of 4 billion u.s dollars it's here why should another man come be fruitful in your land multiply then begin to replenish and you are a buyer you are a fruit eater not a fruit grower you are either an earner or an owner which one would you be too many nigerians are just earnest they just want a salary they don't want to own today i see a new day dawning in your life i see you walking in a new season coming into new grace multiplying and replenishing somebody scream replenish to replenish means to be established everywhere pastors who are here anybody who wants to laugh at you because you are planting churches they are making a mystic as long as there are souls to be saved replenish the church replenish replenish the grief replenish the vision replenish replenish your business create systems that make your business you know i teach money master class there are some people who do not realize by the dna of their business it's difficult for them to be millionaires it can be a hairdresser and one sport how many hair would you do in one day so you need to replenish have a name everybody knows so you have one five in sinular 10 in on the island 20 in shanghisha another five in a boolean by the time you have 100 shops you're only replenish i hope i'm making sense to someone tonight be fruitful multiplied replenish was the fourth word amen good fruit howling would take so subdue is a military term when the commander says take no captives finish everything subdue totally that is what that word is it's a military term it means to take charge to conquer totally within the context of our teaching today whatever fruit you produce are multiplied must go beyond your immediate territory you should see some of our designers in nigeria they behave like they are the best in the world but you can't buy their clothing bene republic it's time for you to subdue the air somebody screams subdue i'm a student of sociology and as i travel around the world and believe me if i tell you i've been to no no less than 20 african nations i'm proud to be nigerian very proud to be nigerian very very proud to be nigerian very very very very very proud to be nigerian you want to know why because only across the west african bed that the white man did not take up roots below the west africa everybody down from central to east africa to south africa they just read you see old mama we're going to wear gown see your papa go where's shoot when no suitable because it's been taken and here you are you are a designer they are desirous for your clothes they are looking for the things designed in nigeria but they can't find you you are just satisfied with some little thing you open stop do it's time to conquer our world or if you are the one i'm preaching to tonight shalt i receive it may your vision subdue your world may your dreams subdue your world god wants the product of your hand to conquer to subjugate subduing is a language of conquest to subdue is to have to the power to overcome to overpower to subdue is to have the power to go beyond your own imagination and enter the places you thought you would never enter to serve you is to overrun the place to subdue is to put down that tries to rise above you and the time has come brothers and sisters for christians in nigeria to wake up and realize if we truly as per support you have been given that word if we are to manifest the kingdom we are supposed to subdue the economic realm i told you i'll be a few i've been sarcastic a few times the teaching of the church global have made the church to not have people who subdue the economic realm out of the 3 000 billionaires on earth it would be a miracle if we have 10 christians i mean born again out of those who have wealth in nigeria i'm talking people who carry lots of wealth it is conferences like this that began to open our eyes from when the teachings of people like brother hagin entered nigeria 1988-89 that we began to understand that we were supposed to subdue the economic realm subdue by the time this conference is over a new oil will rest on your life nigeria will hear from you africa will hear from you the world will hear from you there are young men young women nobody knows you here now but they will hear from you if you believe shalter receive it we're supposed to dominate the economic realm we're supposed to dominate the spiritual realm and i love that because [Laughter] a lot of the things you see in nigeria are a reaction to the fact that we dominate the spiritual realm the fastest growing churches in almost all of african nations are pastored by nigerians or west churches that came out of nigeria we are dominating the spiritual realm churches that are growing in europe right now are churches pioneered by nigerians but we can even do better some people are going to rise from this conference who will see no limitation on their life they would take charity they would go where others were not able to go they will possess possessions we were supposed to dominate the mental realm by the works of our hands by the works of our hands and there i say a member of parliament in the united kingdom said recently say one of the finest books ever written by man by was chinwa achieves things fall apart can you believe that they really will want to give such accolades it means that great things come out of africa and you are the next on the line you are the next testimony be fruitful after you have become fruitful then you do what you multiply that fruit multiply after you have multiplied the fruit what do you do you begin to replenish you feel empty places you let the world know about your products stop spending all your money on data what are you selling you need to have something people are buying so that if they are watching social media they see your product please take charge get out of this conference and let a new oil rest on you solve a problem may even be a very simple problem look for the challenges around us coronavirus came into the world one family in england decided that they will do hand sanitizers they were not part of those who were always going to parliament protesting whether there's coronavirus or not within two months they made 33 million pounds 33 million pounds the man who made zoom did not know he was creating what was solved global problem during the first log down within 34 months he made 15 billion dollars 15 billion he was solving a problem he brought the world together via a very simple platform and i tell you some of the best geniuses are among our young men among our young women i came here today to provoke your spirit you shall be fruitful in the land i said you'll be fruitful in the land your gift will multiply you will replenish the earth shout amen three times [Applause] they may laugh at our institutions but they produce some of the best the only young man that have been able to bring out a baby and do surgery on the heart of a baby that is still in the womb and put the baby back for the mother to give birth naturally is a boy that was raised in ogun state teaching hospital not not harvard hospital not oxford university hospital you are gifted you are anointed then on top of it you are born again you have the spirit of god you have the grace of god you will not fail i said you will not fail after you have subdued what is the last word have dominion dominion all mine i could spend the whole day here but because of the brevity of time dominion is a divine authorization by god giving you mastery much over situations over circumstances it is the use of your god-given ability to rise and soar above all limitations as regards fruitfulness dominion makes you the boss of your own life open your hands open your hands open your hand there are men and women here before the next world bank you will launch your own business you will launch your own ideas you will prosper you will exceedingly prosper you will prosper accidentally you will do well you will take territories for someone who is here today replenish it your product will be in paris your product will be in paris your product will be in new york your product will be in america your product will be in ghana your product will be in south africa shout amen with fire stay with me dominion your spiritual genetic makeup prepares you to have preeminence in life you have the life of god the bible says i am come that day might have what zoe the very embodiment of all that god is you know in the english language is so limited because it's only 600 years old so it was just that they might have life flat the greek there the very embodiment of all that god is is inside you age you are a god carrier stop pointing up when the earthquake is heaven the occupant of heaven is already in you know yesterday [Music] [Music] and by the way if you keep pointing up as well heaven is suppose you are upside down on this planet you might be pointing to china anyway that's another message for another day somebody said dominion said louder dominion listen to me enough stuff was deposited to inside you to serve you you carry the life of god you will not fail miracles will follow you favor will follow you some of you you will carry can do power you will bind it shall be bound you will lose it shall be loosed dominion is exercising authority by reason of the power behind you so that it isn't you it's the one who is in you when you go to the american embargo i mean embassy don't worry pastor but you will clean up every trouble i caused they can't do anything to me i carry british passport i went out with that visa i paid the price man i'm saying you go to the american embassy a 22 year old young man stands in front of you and you are here you are standing in front of him you have a master's degree summa laude from from harvard university many years ago you are now standing in front of him he's 22. first question is ask you what's your grandmother's name you begin to shake you know why he's carrying the authority of the united states of america in the same vein you carry the authority of the kingdom of heaven hell merced sickness mercy you and bow devils must see you and bow situations must see you and bow if you believe it shall yes dominion gives you clout dominion gives you say so power to have dominion is to gain the upper hand in life to have dominion is to be the powerhouse of god through whom he can do great wonders on earth to walk in dominion in the realm of fruit bearing is to be a satellite of the kingdom of god what you permit on earth is permitted in heaven what you don't permit on earth is not permitted in heaven because if you go to the british high commission when that 22 year old man refuses your visa her majesty the queen refused you her husband refused you the whole country refused you and it's just 22. why the power behind him from today you carry too much power you carry too much power you're an ambassador of this kingdom and in dominion you are called to decree somebody screamed decree said louder decreed that was why daniel could legit he legislated he led slated and everything stood still in babylon that is why elijah could enforce he said as long as i'm here there will be no rain until i say so father let such level of grace rest on your church again let that level of grace rest on your church again let that level of grace rest on your church again [Music] so you shall decree a thing and it shall be established not only are we called to decree we are called to veto veto some say veto all the nations that are members of the security council i don't even know how many of them they will take a decision and those who have veto power russia china united states or britain if britain says no others must agree it has which it has been vetoed 25 nations 36 nations agreed to a thing america says no it is no then it's cancelled or if china who has a vital power says no then it is canceled do you know what you also have vital power to enact heaven's legislation from today somebody is leaving welfare you will take territories you will shake systems you will shake your neighborhood in the name of jesus shelter man with fire but the problem of the church is that it is always negotiating part of vito is to is to cancel illegal laws from today god will give you that power you will decree and it shall come to pass you will enforce the mind of god you will speak it shall become reality i said from today you carry out god's mandate from today as you open your mouth and release angelic presence god will go with your word what you disallow will be disallowed what you allow will be allowed the boldness of a lion will rest upon you the grace of god will rest upon you shout amen with fire [Applause] stop stand on your feet give god the biggest praise tonight come and give him the biggest praise my assignment tonight is complete but then some of us maybe have been left hanging and you're wondering pastor matthew you stared me off what shall i do let me give you a strange scripture matthew chapter three verse two matthew chapter 3 verse 2 and saying repent he for the kingdom of heaven is at hand what did i say about re to do it again so if it is to repaint what does that mean huh you are just telling me repent thank you brother a paint is a penthouse we've used this scripture only for getting people to to get saved repent or perish oh you sinners heaven belongs to you stop your sinning heaven belongs to you that's what we've used it for but that verse says re go back to the top go back to the top because at the top you have a different view at the top you see clearly at the top you have a better view at the top you have dominion one time i left nigeria at 10 a.m on virgin i am past pastor tony were on one flight one time and we would land like 4 5 p.m my driver came to pick me as i followed the embankment is by the river teams and the driver said no there's traffic there i said there's no traffic the guy looks at me like i drove there an hour ago there was traffic i said well i flew over it 15 minutes ago there is no traffic he saw the from the bottom i saw from today you are going to the top ministry is going to the top your family is going to the top your business is going to the top you are taking territories back you are taking back everything you have lost you are taking back those years lose favors lost opportunities in the name of jesus you will break through limitations you will enter levels they say you will never enter you will achieve the things that you never achieve you will reach the place the sign you never reach so shall it be in jesus name give the lord the biggest place in our community give him the biggest spirit
Channel: WAFBEC
Views: 4,288
Rating: 4.7735848 out of 5
Id: _LFFAOfq5N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 59sec (3299 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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