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I just bought the storage unit I paid eleven hundred dollars but before we go see it I want to show you the pictures and why I bought it and kind of my thinking around it I have not seen what's inside the unit we have not been in there yet let's check it out um so as you can see here baby I bought it for eleven hundred dollars [Music] um trying to blow this up okay there we go so it does have a bike in there guys the bike is not included um this one here is not included because the state of Oregon in Washington basically they give the bikes free to a local tow I found out I'm gonna still try to get the bike because I do have a friend that's got a dealer's license but I can't guarantee that I'll keep you guys updated but even if I don't get the bike I love all the old boxes and all the dust you see here and uh this stuff looks like it has been touched for years I think this is going to be a jackpot storage unit guys I mean look at all the Vintage boxes on there uh so even if I can't get the bike I'm still gonna try to but if I can't this unit if they're hiding that nice of a bike in there there's got to be something in those boxes so all right let's go to the unit and check it out see it there all right guys we just bought the storage unit we paid eleven hundred dollars before we open it we have the brother-in-law Ashley's brother this is this is Holden's Ventures over here guys we're gonna put his links below make sure you're following him because he's gonna be doing a lot of these cool videos so we're gonna put Holden's links below so Holden's Ventures and then we have Ashley she's here are you guys ready yeah I'm the camera person right now so ready all right ready sure now we paid eleven hundred dollars and right off the bat what do you see uh this big old beautiful motorcycle sitting right here look at this thing guys this thing is sick look at that I don't know how much it's worth it looks brand new guys I don't know we're gonna pull everything out show you and we have you know uh motorcycle bag over here look at the dust oh by the way how long he's been 35 35 years this has been here just sitting collecting dust should be some exciting things inside here yes there's 30 literally 35 years you can see I love buying units this old um this is really really a Dusty unit and there's a lot of fragile boxes look fragile right there fragile fragile somebody Sam yeah that's a biker thing I don't know um so what we're gonna do basically is we're gonna open up every single box you guys can see what's in here before we do I forgot my table but we're going to use that table and we're going to put all the boxes on there we're not going to move the bike we're gonna work around the bike because it's really heavy uh so we'll we'll start pulling boxes out and showing what's in the boxes and then when we get the bike uncovered we will show you this beautiful piece this beautiful bike okay so don't go anywhere what do you guys think is this a home run yes I'm at 1100 so that's a lot of money you guys think we're gonna find something you better be home all right let's get busy be right back all right we're ready uh before we do though uh we were talking about the the motorcycle rightfully so but look at this Schwinn this thing is sick and it's beautiful condition guys anybody know about these old Schwinns this is from Chicago it's Arnold switch switch win from Chicago I'm not entirely sure but look at this this thing is in great shape guys if anybody knows about Schwinns let me know uh or if you're interested this is a beautiful Schwinn from Chicago so it could be worth some money here um so we got that chairs and we're gonna open up the the motorcycle bag first remember we have Holden's Ventures Ashley Ventures Grandma Ventures and weights Ventures the whole family oh my gosh sheesh like that is Dusty my dude uh let's start the let's start this one right here start right here on the side I don't even know if that's gonna open that's 35 years of look at that look at the dust pile Oh I don't think there's anything in there okay I think it's a jacket to be honest all right let's try the let's try the middle one oh oh do you turn it upside down oh it is old oh oh the zipper zipper's broken oh is it oh there's flows in there okay I paid 35 years oh you're right there it is it's like a little clothing [Laughter] oh my God now some old jeans are worth some money are those old Levi's let's see some tiny whities those are old Levi's I don't know no tags oh oh they are oh they're orange tagged orange tag aren't the one the orange tag Levi's the expensive ones we might have to do some work on this this one doesn't have nothing is it I I think it's the orange tag right where did I find that at I don't know that's an orange tag old vintage or I think there's something to the orange tag I could be wrong I haven't sold Levi's in a very long time let us know in the comments guys about the orange tag are these orange tags let's see these are old old Levi's I mean they could be nothing I I there's something to the orange tag okay so we got a bunch of clothes in here I was expecting uh helmets or something yeah all right let's move that to the side and let's grab that Xbox let's see this one right over here yeah Bear Creek fragile oh this is fragile let's see dishes and glass oh okay they love dishes and glass look at those and there's a lot of fragile boxes in here this is kitchen kitchen it looks like oh that's an old pot right there got a bunch of spots so they did wrap everything up nicely in our kitchen yeah okay so that old glasses here what what year is the newspaper curious oh I think that's CorningWare oh yep old corny morsa that's a beautiful place some gorgeous condition vintage CorningWare 19 1988 which makes sense because they said 35 years so 1988 they wrapped all this that old corn anywhere oh that's a Pyrex um is it Pyrex or anchor stanker anchor yeah yeah that old anchor good condition too we have uh oh this is the whole oh we gotta be really careful that's the whole set of CorningWare made in the United States oh what's that a little uh a vintage World Cup oh okay this is nice oh you know me I get really excited with when it comes to the kitchen okay there we go these are really is this the handle the same on yours on the back oh wow or customize yeah that's oh they're made in Japan these are um these are um the chili soup bowls I believe all right okay there we go baby how many do we got just one you know Pyrex vintage pirate oh yeah lots of Interest Pirates another one so we got two yeah you may need it after this storage unit uh here's the bottom oh here's the bottom we get a lot of these actually they're made out of pewter see you see the beer at the bottom what is that what do you guys have there oh my God I think that's what this is yeah I want to open it yeah wine glasses this could be Crystal right here folks just the wine or crystal glasses oh never mind but still really cool okay all right we're gonna put all this back in the box and we'll be right back don't worry we have a lot more to unpack and this really beautiful nice gorgeous Suzuki motorcycle all right guys all right we're ready table is clear ready it's a beautiful day in Oregon it's cold day in Oregon my fingers are oh I think we need the knife for this one okay well that's my job yeah oh it's right there okay thanks thanks Holmes Adventure is over here he knows what he's doing okay this one is taped that's old old tape on this thing it could be brand new this is 10 piece gift set it could be That's What It Is Well that looks like it's like the original yeah this could be it you know like whatever this is if it is brand new I'd be in that in the same set oh it is oh my gosh guys it's all brand new what is it let's see this is the set a gift guide set favorite wear brand new set pots and pans my mom had these whenever we're not going to undo it guys because this is the brand new set this is exactly how it showed up yeah wow I you never find these sets brand new like this guys that is really cool all of it's in there all right that was easy box dude man that somebody's gonna want that 10 piece set guys let me know in the comments if you're interested it's a brand new set 10 piece okay all right well what's in the cooler that's kind of fancy make some oh yeah a whole lot of nothing but the cooler itself is good condition look at the dust yeah really good condition a couple of couple issues but all right let's try this one here this one's this one I'm not too excited about yet so towels and sheets it does say be careful yeah okay so who knows let's try it that's a really heavy desk okay wood tape box they made sure it's like really really old school briefcase yeah well that gets me excited that gets me excited okay there's some old Nikes right here okay what yeah it might be oh my gosh there is what is in here oh it's a personal fine oh yeah they had the coin there I was like okay what's in the briefcase well there's a Code I think oh I think it push the button or push left is there oh man I don't know there could be but there's a Code should we shake it yeah let's shake it and see oh yeah oh yeah there's something in there something in there oh yeah I don't want to bust it if we don't have to but um we're gonna put this aside guys and we'll do it towards the end of the video that way if I have to bust it I will just put it right over there honey we'll okay that's a nice wood box oh my gosh okay a little while I mean I've never seen a box this nice before that is nice and we got a bunch of these guys in here so if you want some uh cassettes we've got them Dave Madison that's a nice box oh man are these Birkenstocks or whatever they are am I saying that right yep Birkenstocks they've seen better days though that's 30 years 35 years actually but these old Nikes could be something you know people repair Old Nikes there's a lot of people on Tick Tock that will repair and restore old Nikes those are really old all right let's do another box no commercials needed on this one should we see what's left we got fragile over here fragile I think the bike may be the highlight of the unit though for eleven hundred dollars that is a gorgeous bike okay let's try it let's try one of these right there the gray one oh no [Music] what's in there was it uh well someone look like they need keys but you flip it flip it down yeah there you go oh now that is an old old piece bro you gotta let's let's show them this right here let's see what this is oh my gosh look at that that is old let's hang on this thing okay not a night go it's a champion oh wow that right there is a gorgeous piece free college we gotta go through a few of these see what this is careful careful these are single stitched Guys these are these are worth some money like you know these are worth some money guys these are single stitched and this is 1950 1958 bro that or guys I don't even think I was thought of but no you weren't oh here's another one 1958 single stitch can we show that one more time this right here could be a hundred dollar t-shirt right here that's a hundred dollar t-shirt right there the 1958 to 90 okay so it's 1971. that's how old these shirts are that's San Francisco Snoopy these could be 100 t-shirts and these are single stitched you see these are single stitched really cool man it's Champion too yeah wow those are those those are close to 100 t-shirts right there that's 200 bucks it's nice let's see what else is in here let's get me all excited here oh wow we have a wool Rich this is a jockstrap okay let's show them the wool Rich guys this is a beautiful vintage wool rich and wool rich is is a very popular look at that that's a red there's some money here folks there is some money here got jeans okay let's pull the jeans off see if there's any more of these beautiful teas oh some belts oh this belts guys those are nice we can auction because they're all the same size probably so we can actually auction off all these vintage belts together if you want all right is there any cool sweaters any pendletons Robert made in the United States see I just want to see if there's any pendletons in here did you see how nicely um never heard of that before Oh that's Cashmere this is 100 cashmere I've never heard Panda 100 Cashmere cashmere stuff does well and then we have Brooks Brothers this is a vintage Brooks Brothers guys Brooks Brothers does really well this is high-end stuff this is made in England I've sold a lot of Brooks Brothers man there is some money here folks this is inside out but this is ambercromb vintage Abercrombie and finch made in the United States this is I don't know but this is this is here can we on uh that one is guys there and there's a bunch of ties in here Wimberly ties I mean there is there's we probably paid for half the storage unit with this one one uh one thing of clothing here I mean that there's probably four or five hundred bucks here guys I used to sell a lot of clothing so that's this is a vintage Ambercrombie uh I haven't seen many vintage Abercrombie and finch dude look at that it's interesting yeah I'm a f that's an old old piece right there wow there you guys go all right let's do the next one here yeah we'll be right back everybody keeps asking me Wade how do I buy this stuff in your videos well guess what I'm going to be selling on whatnot so you can buy all this beautiful stuff that we find in storage units and whatnot is a really cool online selling platform it allows me to auction stuff off to you okay so let me show you exactly how to get set up uh it's super easy takes two seconds because all this month I'm going to be selling on whatnot so you will not want to miss out because all this stuff is going to be auctioned off and you can buy it directly from me so let me show you how to set up set up whatnot on your phone or computer and let's get going don't forget guys fifteen dollars completely free if you're new to whatnot they'll give you 15 bucks free on your first order uh just click the link in the description of this video or you can go to like the first comment I'll pin it there it'll take you right to the download page if you want to download their app on your phone or if you want to go to the desktop sign up it takes two seconds and get ready for the auction because you'll need to be signed up before the auction guys if you already have what not downloaded just go ahead and search Wade's ventures in the search bar and you're ready to rock see you soon guys do another one you think it's gonna be more close I cannot believe the closing that last one if you guys are in a close you will know that that was some really nice stuff okay there we go oh okay oh my gosh this is gonna be the same situation here beautiful clothes oh my gosh guys okay let's start with this set let's start with this one we got a vintage LL Bean and this thing looks darn near brand new look at the tag on that thing 1793 oh my gosh dude what look at that 100 85 wool oh my gosh L vintage LL Bean here let's open that up that oh that's a vest oh my gosh guys there's some money here folks there is some money look at that open this one oh my gosh look at this dude this is this is insane right there that's a hundred and probably 30 dollar sweater right there 130 bucks no let's show it when one last time that was insane look you guys all know that oh my gosh this is in beautiful shape look at this thing oh my goodness all right what's that one the LLB red white and blue oh my God oh my gosh that looks like it's handmade maybe maybe turn it around that that's crocheted look at that my gosh there's a lot of money in clothes here and I'm not even selling any clothes anymore let's see what is in this one okay this is a vintage Cabela's wow look at that wow 100 percent oh wow oh bears oh my gosh here let's show the tiger oh yeah do it inside out that's the attack real quick guys this is a really really early NFL and it looks like it's never been used look at the tag it's never been washed oh my gosh guys somebody's gonna want that that is insane they didn't even use these wow go Bears oh my gosh look at that my man get high five up here high five high five high five I'm joking okay that is beautiful but look how early that's a very early NFL yeah okay let's see the other side there's another 500 here in this one little one little case here okay what do we got oh what what brand is that Allen something Hamilton bro this is uh made of the United States vintage Pendleton I knew we'd find Pendleton what's that oh here's the old Brooks Brothers okay let's show them this room oh my gosh oh my goodness grade Western 150 bucks and I'm not joking that that that's 150 pattern right there look at that you guys know clothes you guys know look at this old Brooks Brothers all wool made in Denmark wow we paid for the storage unit just in the clothing guys all right don't go anywhere we'll be right back all right Ashley's on a phone call real quick so I got a Holden's Ventress helping us out remember all his links will be below he's here local with me and uh we're gonna be doing a lot I got some storage units coming up with Grandma Adventures as well we're really far from the house guys so we've got I bought three storage units in our city so Graham Adventures will be doing some with me here as well all right what does this one say here it says a lot of stuff miscellaneous teapot phone oh my gosh okay let's put this on the ground real quick bench we'll take it out and put it on the table look how old that tape is yeah man yeah this close got me excited folks that was that was some of the Primo stuff I cannot believe it and the the tags were Krispy Kreme they look like they didn't wash them all right I really uh really old basket that will go in the garage sale some people will love that teapot old teapot some people still use those okay this is a miscellaneous old phones still use an old phone use an old phone oh yeah chess yep I used to play with my grandpa good old Checkers iron you got foam boost in there it says metal there's iron it's heavily wrapped yep okay oh is there a tag on there foreign something Thriftway chocolate Court chicken salad looks like a loan for us chicken salad it's an old school iron oh my God it looks like a great shape yeah that is a beautiful actually beautiful shade this is an old General Electric and these things sell you guys are interested in this old General Electric please let me know this is in beautiful condition might even do it on the whatnot auction who knows but there you go okay there's not much else in there phone books a little vacuum duster all right we'll be right back I'll put this away and we'll continue don't go anywhere this one says top fragile oh my gosh look at that shirts I hope they're single stitch look fragile this is gonna be good folks these are old old boxes even open you don't even have to shoes and but that is this brand new oh no it looked like they what is it it's a recorder it's a recording call 690 dial answering machine yeah that could be worth something I'm not entirely sure cowboy boots I don't know much about cowboy boots this one is um oh who is it Johnny something um looks like it they are El Paso Texas El Paso Texas maybe they're from the Texas area well maybe not though because they've been here for some dander boots 35 years oh danners those are vintage dinners yeah clean them up a little bit people will still buy those yeah these are some old here's the tag for them uh I don't know much about these but let me know if you guys know anything about these uh western boots they seem to be in really good shape oh let's pull this wool out baby let's see what's in there what do we got I'm thinking LL Bean yep hey right here 60 70 bucks I mean they're just you can't get uh these are vintage LL Bean and LL Bean some of the old stuff does really well this is a beautiful shape look at that and with wool you got to be careful of bugs and none of these have holes it won't fit oh yeah it's like some booty shorts yeah those are 70s maybe 80s uh okay eBay oh I think that's for your skis yeah oh that's a large ski bag could be for your skis all right let's see what these uh see what this vest is oh this is a Norm Thompson I've never heard of that before out of Portland and is that Pendleton nothing nothing okay interesting that was a nice box dress clothes yeah all right oh that's a wool Rich yeah that's an easy 55 bucks vintage Woolrich wool rich is similar to Pendleton I used to sell a lot of it that's an old one yeah that's a nice piece and they're all in beautiful shape I mean you gotta look at this this there's not one hole in here I mean these things are in gorgeous shape all right we're gonna put this away don't go anywhere all right here we go baby man don't worry guys I'm gonna have uh Holden do some of the camera work too he's doing all the work lifting but look at this art class baby all right let's see what's in there okay this one says tease oh my gosh okay let's pull some of these out and see I bet you're there in fantastic shape too let's go through some of these are they probably Brooks Brothers vintage Brooks Brothers yeah campus campus what do you got over there okay no attack okay these yeah these are some really nice old clothes might find some old Nikes in here too oh there we go let's see oh my gosh oh my God is that Calvin Klein is it no oh okay no no never mind I thought it was I was like Colorado El Dorado sleep look like okay let's tag tags ripped off but Boulder Colorado man that is really cool that's an old school what do you got over there honey the Great Pacific Iron okay let's see some tiger slabs Haggard is now those are some old corduroys yeah these are interesting oh oh my gosh these are brand new baby look at that brand new guys old school Levi's old school with the tags and their wool Blends look at the old Levi tag on there they kept really oh that's Eddie Bauer old Eddie Bauer oh whoa whoa whoa dude the blue and the red look at that man you can't get them anymore brand new like this oh more Chicago Bears some more Sports okay and here's a here let's see that show of Oregon has been weird yeah what was it 1986. yeah that's another report Air Show feeling old over here all right let's go this is a oh yeah this is a definitely a vintage tee right here folks let's see this one pull this sucker out that's an old school Chicago Bears it's in beautiful shape let's show the tag look at that made in the United States what do you got over there Beach Club we go from the Chicago Bears Club I like it is there any more of these uh brand new socks I mean they look good but there's no tags on them dress socks man all right let's put this back and we'll see let's see which one I'm thinking we do the art glass next I mean my goodness guys how much our glass is in there how much our glass is in there let's try that big old thing do not stack yep that the art class baby oh all both those say fragile both of them man that Xbox is freaking huge look how big that thing is it's made in Japan that art box okay it's a huge art box okay all right ready yep I'm ready again the old tape I know you guys hopefully you appreciate some of these clothes because they're in beautiful condition they're some gorgeous stuff [Music] there we go I have to rip it all the time people say I use my man hands because I forget my knife okay oh look at that yeah these have been here for a while it's that old record yeah okay you guys want to start opening these up I'll see what the first one is look how much dust is on here I mean interesting [Music] gotta be really careful these could be something look how meticulously they wrapped all this [Music] okay oh wow that is cool look at that it's an Oregon uh I don't know how old it is but needlepoint organ needle point that is really cool all right what do you got over there is that lithographs they're just photos 1087. 1987. I wonder if that's a downtown it could be um let's see maybe he's a photographer this is 1987. it's three of ten there's only 10 of them done all right Reflections is the title of all of them reflections who is that something Clark is the name on that I can't sell J Bud Clark J Bud Clark we got to be careful these may actually maybe something here folks let me know if you guys know anything about Jay Bud Clark because there's some more in here that we're gonna go through that they've wrapped them very meticulously so oh okay pull out another one let's see what we got killer whale killer whale all right what we're gonna do guys is we're gonna take a quick second but we'll open this one up but we'll take a quick second we'll open all these up um so that way it saves time on the camera and then we will uh show you all at once but let's watch see the killer whale one first make sure it's another point [Applause] I think you're right oh oh wow oh wow it's like Kiko yeah that's like a um William a I don't know much about these they could be something all right let's open up all these guys we'll be right back we're gonna open up all these so we can show you all at once to save time because they're really taped all right we have everything unpacked and you will not believe what we found I'm gonna need some help with this guys look at this 1983. isn't that crazy but look at this this could be something here folks look at that this is a beautiful uh I think it's a metal uh turn it around let's let's show them the back another backup yeah there you go the aluminum difference and metallic foil pictures if you guys know anything about this let us know this is a metallic foil I mean it's just really cool so there you go that could be something special now uh Holden's Adventures Holden found this um this could be old uh it's an old ski um turn on the back is there any anything on the back of it no just okay there is um a number 1653 but those could be something there we did find this Myrtle wood from Oregon I'm saying hopefully I'm saying that right but this this is so gorgeous I think it could go on the wall I used to play this game back in the day but look at that that is from 1930 National Air Races 10th anniversary this struggle that could be something turn on the back let's see is there anything on the back you know just glass wow look at that all right we're gonna put this away real quick we'll move on to the next box all right let's go do the big one here might need to help you is it heavy or awkward I know it's awkward a little big oh my gosh it's just fragile look at that oh man this is huge dude this is massive right here this is a big big big box I can't wait to find that it's just fragile that's all it says and it's on two different areas fragile okay is it gonna be paintings okay okay is it a TV that's weird is it is it in there what is it what is it I have the old school TV oh oh is it on its back oh wait no no it would come out that way oh oh my gosh is it a brother it's in there oh my gosh guys here hold this real quick yeah okay ready oh my gosh this stuck it's been in there for so long oh yeah oh wow wow wow it's in beautiful condition it's a brother em-80 and it is in gorgeous shape wow you want to start uh This Is The Internet of Things starting out here you go guys what do you think I wasn't expecting that but it's a beautiful shape yeah look at that okay well I'll have to look up the model number and see how much these things go for It's Made in Japan so all right this thing looks brand new I don't even know if they use this to be honest we're gonna put this away real quick all right we're getting some boxes out of here but you're getting more of a review of the bike I mean this thing is in gorgeous condition so we got a lot of boxes to go through I mean look at all those we're going to do our best to go through them all but look at this bike it's insane all right we're gonna start with this one right here and see what's in it another old box are you ready ready cooking sheet yeah is this another cooking cooking box oh you don't have to wait out honey oh oh wow old time coal miner what what's uh oh oh crap I thought I lost his head but it actually is a quirk okay oh let's put him back in there sorry I didn't lose his head it's a fork it's a cork thing I didn't break it I promise okay okay let's see some of the cells you know you gotta be careful it's not in the Sun um before it goes bad but people still love to buy old cologne remember that one minute we found all that perfume in there yeah oh wow oh mg look at this might be a little bit different this this is from 1958 to 1964. oh my gosh [Applause] I'll see oh this is awesome yeah look at that look at the color on it though it's a beautiful shape for the engine that's 50 years old guys all right let's see what Holden's got over here oh oh that's still equally cool that's that's what is that from the 70s orange juice type thing yeah Pyrex oh is that Pyrex no way it is an old part I've never seen one that's Pyrex it is all Pyrex is Pyrex Corning New York and United States man Grand adventure's gonna love this old Pyrex wow you gotta be careful be careful about that that is really cool oh it's got a gold silverware in here yep hmm he's got the whole set everything was very well wrapped with this old paper took care of everything oh candle candle okay blow it out make a wish it's not good okay all right let's do the next box we're gonna do this box real quick but as we are looking to get this box record albums baby old record albums we're going to go through that look at this fragile fragile fragile it's gonna be interesting good oh oh this is a good unit okay let's do the next box all right this one's as fragile as well I think it's gonna be glasses because it says glasses so let's check and see let's check and see [Music] pops and pans store is nice old school mixer yep uh this is a wherever United States can oh that's old Pyrex or oh yeah it's Pyrex so I from what I understand that the capital letters are the Vintage Pirates a lot of people collect that there's gonna be cups oh yeah old school yeah probably all those are the same thing old blender oh that's good blender oh yeah those are all cops okay we're not gonna open all these guys because it's all just the old cups look at that beautiful blender though it's an old old style we even got the it's rare that you find all the pieces to it all right we're gonna put this back all these are the cups it was labeled cups so I kind of figured it but we'll be right back all right before we go did you notice we switched something out he did because he helped me lift it out of there it's heavy um we have a all steel equipment desk here and this thing is sweet this is definitely not a donation desk this will put online you can't get these things anymore beautiful computer desk I've never found one before and there you go look at that All Steel somebody's gonna want this it's a little dusty but anyway we're gonna use it as our new desk all right let's start another box another box baby that's how we do another box tools drill oh screwdrivers oh oh we got an old uh oh oh this is a non-fun box okay yeah all right next I mean it's it's all cleaning supplies you know it doesn't really do anything for me it doesn't get me excited [Applause] all right but this now this over here may get me a little excited folks this is a United I mean the United States old Crosman they don't make them in the US anymore there you go Sears Sears model some people somebody's gonna want that oh glasses never protect yourself there you go you look stop hey keep those things on man you look good protected all the time you got books or nothing so a little tool I think these are fancy darts oh you're right these gloves don't help get everything else here I'll see if I can pull it out my hands are so cold right now um those are yeah it's a competitive okay took it to a whole nother level there uh let's see this is a nice little old container you put all your nuts and bolts in all right continue supplies let's put this away and we'll move on to the next next box oh my god oh by the way finally got the desk table out but look at this now we can really show you gs650g it's the model on this bad boy she is in beautiful shape beautiful beautiful shape look at that gorgeous gorgeous bike oh it's even got the key in there you go it's got its key all right let's continue here okay oh record albums let's see if there's any good ones in here this is where Graham Adventures would have been really good okay [Music] if you want to buy these let oh my gosh okay we got to spend some time here take out a big handful of them oh wow and there are beautiful shapes still in the plastic okay let's let's run through these real quick we're gonna kind of go quick on these because we don't want the video to go too long Greatest Hits but if you know any of these let me know who's this oh greatest hits of somebody from Joe Johnson Daryl Johnson what do we have there they are butterfly Leon butterfly Best of Traffic Peter Josh Peter Tosh this thing's Brand New by the way Beethoven oh there we go baby you may want some Beethoven blues uh I know old blues records are worth some money who's been talking this one's um uh something Stuart both sides boss sags this is where this is where gram Adventures would have been good she knows all these people oh there we go oh my gosh there you go look at that really Nelson yeah another Willie Nelson two of them they kept such good care Christine okay all right pull another group out let's see and don't worry guys we will not stack them like this for very long you're supposed to suck him up right like he has it Blind Faith some of these Christian bands do well Jimmy Cliff wow look at that cover no that thing's pretty who would have thought of that one let me put on all right Quicksilver okay never heard of them Led Zeppelin oh oh my gosh look at this Led Zeppelin dude is this brand new okay I don't know stereo Jimi Hendrix oh there we go Jimmy Jimmy boy Jimi Hendrix wow never heard of her and I don't know who this is anyway all right let's do another one let's see what else we got in here if you know anything about these records let us know if you know anything about the records let us know I'm really curious okay uh what year were you born uh 95 95 okay the Jazz uh okay if yeah that's why that's why I have a beautiful audience they're smart cookies they know what the they know what some of these are worth Stevie Wonder ooh look at that I love the cover of that Leon Russell oh no this is a Zeus Zeus yeah that's Zeus okay uh okay I don't know who that is Glover okay Jason Jackson Browne another Jackson Browne Glover look at that look at who's this Peter uh something Scott Brian Jackson okay okay Teddy all right oh my gosh oh that um lots of radio oh is that Platinum Platinum Plus Platinum Bluff John something okay give me one second here that yeah I don't know unique cover that's a very unique cover if you guys know about that one please let me know Stevie Wonder yep we got two of them all right let's do the last group here now there is well he he's getting that out there is another box of Records but we'll do that in a little bit because we don't want to do 20 minutes of record so we'll do a couple more boxes and then we'll do the last box of Records because there may be some expensive records in here you guys gotta let me know all right we have Hellbound that looks like me and Grandma Ventures did records in the snow do you guys remember that video when we did records in the snow these are all beautiful shape and they're on the plastic take care of their stuff okay oh she's looking fly that was back that was bought in 83. I don't know who that is a jazz bow some jazz can be worth some money Gordon Lightfoot around Christmas here let's let's let's see here I'm just ready Ashley you wanna see oh look at that this will not be good this will not be in the file okay you got a good one The Beatles love songs oh my gosh I found a lot of Beatles records never found this one look at that that's in beautiful shape guys Clover Washington okay oh it looks like it's hand-drawn yeah it does a little creepy Jeff Beck Jeff Beck Group that's cool that is really oh that looks like Dungeons and Dragons dust hand attack they're in fantastic condition s Michael Jackson oh there we go baby man somebody always gonna want to buy these records oh it's like a stand up full portrait oh yeah good old Michael J AI Earth Wind and Fire who is that that sounds familiar for some reason yes my mom went now soft machine Grateful Dead ooh The Grateful Dead now this could be a good one here no we're going through them oh Tower Records went out of business by the way all right let's do the last one it's brand new oh wow brand new guys John Coltrane brand new never opened from Tower Records Tower Records went out of business I used to go there as a kid all the time you wanna put that back in there on the clock journey of Love Journey to the left baby they bought it in 87 guys so that's 35 years old brand new let's put that receipt back it may go oh I I you got him they had really good imagination back then with these covers Glover Washington all right let's start making a new pile here and I'll put these back and records are coming back guys people love records he has to be like four of them and like I don't know who it is uh Armstrong or whatever look at that some of these let me know in the comments if you know any no Benetar who's your favorite and are they worth some money okay look at this Simply Red oh this looks really old that is old look at that boys and girls The Beatles really really old there you go I don't know all right next stack last stack stack we have another box of this we're gonna wait for a few more boxes of our stuff not that I I love records it's just okay George but some people are really gonna appreciate this yep some horses hey don't be laughing over there you don't know who half of these people are uh I'm sure I've listened to some of their music though John Coltrane Willie Nelson look at that I've got a lot of Records I've never found some of these before I've never seen these I'll look at that wow some more John Coltrane yep good looking guy this is intense decapitated head oh my gosh it's not like the bad version of uh of The Wizard of Oz probably look at this has anybody seen this before look at those heads Diane Ross oh and it's a frames now that I know who Diane Ross is there you go it's heavy like there's probably like three records in there Hotel California oh yeah we had uh remember the poster oh my battery's gonna die we'll be quick Casino black pearls John Coltrane John Coltrane harness yep Woody Shaw what he saw Summer Games and last one Willis Jackson okay guys we'll be right back we're gonna change the battery don't go anywhere all right this one says fragile lamps and bulbs I definitely got old bulbs oh okay let's take it out it's in great shape but they have everything accordion lamps use some big words there let's see what it looks like this unit dude I'm telling you this unit I've been picking some good units folks you better hit the Thumbs Up Button okay keep my luck going okay I'm at we might want to get a casino or a lottery ticket or something your boy Wade picks the best units right huh I'll pick some bad ones very rarely okay look at this that is good I've never seen a freaking Globe lamp like that before this is sick somebody's gonna love this thing wow look at that this is old guys this is old and I got a globe lamp and you got a hunk of wood all right what's next what do you got over there it's one that attaches to it so we got a new I don't know and really old yeah okay is there another Globe lamp no there's not that's it okay all right let's put this back all right let's go let's go you can hunk of whoops oh this is lamps over here so I'm wondering if the I'm hoping another Globe lamp is in here look at that desk that is an old desk folks really old desk okay well this is the next shall we see what's in here no don't do this to me there you go there it is perfect is this your uncle wood again probably open that one up oh no no okay that's something else I think is it a candle again why are you getting all the candles I don't know something's saying there's something something in the loving the air guys loving the air I never smells good it doesn't smell good oh okay [Music] these are really handy actually it's the whole whole thing there okay all right excuse our noses guys it's like 30 below under here my hands are ice right now yeah this stuff's probably popular because it's the rest of the Woods is it this is the rest of the wood the rest of the wood is it heavy oh yeah this is there like a big big one oh that's that's a gorgeous knife though man look at this oh man that's heavy somebody will love that look at that solid is there a name on it oh wow hard Hardwoods handcrafted huh it's heavy duty that's for sure yeah oh my gosh now that is the best thing we found oh my gosh gram Adventures is gonna love this one there's a light underneath too yeah this is cast iron folks oh it's numbered wow this is special right here somebody's gonna love that wow wow oh wow that's a beautiful lamp right there folks that is really cool okay dang man this unit keeps on giving we're not even halfway through we're probably halfway through but all right which box are we gonna do next I won't know what's in that big garbage bag but I think it's a big freaking uh garbage bag up there is that what do you think it's a a super light blanket it's something we can just pop the side of it open and see if it's see what it is it's dusty oh oh it's sleeping bag okay leave it in there okay you got something in your mouth okay are you gonna are you gonna be good this is the part where I hold the camera okay come on baby use your back use your back oh my gosh don't hit the bike that's the most expensive thing that's as big as I am okay say anything I don't know let's pop it open well if it's anything like the other clothes we are in heaven right now should we hung up close baby I don't know but I mean there's thousands of dollars in clothes in here it's just absolutely madness Okay pop that bad boy open yeah it's clothes hung up those are awesome nice nice clothes oh yeah these are these hey we always we always start for the ones that already wrapped what the heck is in here are you saying Lauren jacket oh my designer jacket there we go oh man this is a oh my goodness made in France boy I can't give me another high five oh look at me [Laughter] that's probably more yeah there we go another high five baby okay let's do the next one oh this is a Stanley Becker Sports genuine leather genuine leather beautiful condition my goodness folks he's all put in the back it's like this thing is so nice this thing is so nice okay there we go here we'll put a couple of these on the table just oh wait no no put them over there maybe it says luster less Dusty okay I feel like we're at a shopping boardroom oh this would be nice on the on the beach oh Michael can you see that there's that mic or something anyway yeah Michael Jordan tropical these tropical ones do well those tropical ones do well okay let's skip some of these These are really cool Christian Galore is of Interest Christian there we go yep there we go man this is this unit insane nice flannels another voyage and my arm hurts from like this one's pushing it that way okay John Henry John Martin John Martin another bug yeah British British Blues it's sorry I'm like pushing it that way okay nothing there looked like a Pendleton tag but it's off there now next this is like a records oh we'll work baby take that out we have two of these Pendleton oh I've actually these three high five high five four high five all four ribs high five smart girl okay come on pull them out oh my gosh dude hold in hold in remember a lot of this is going to be on Holden's store guys so if you want some of this vintage clothing you got to get a hold in store I'll put the link below he's selling on Poshmark and so this is going to be great look at this okay first one here step out of the okay ready okay ready look at that beauty let me show you inside made in the United States this has been just we find a lot of Pendleton being in Oregon next guys if you realize these are 50 to 60 shirts each look at that oh my gosh dude your online store is going to be insane my dude it's gonna have so much good stuff here's another one wow wow and look at that made in the United States guys great condition great condition okay let's pull this let's pull the this is the one I've been wanting to see there's like three oh my gosh oh my gosh uh let's bring it over here in the lights what is this what is this one right here is it a robe it looks the attacks okay okay let's see what is it what is it does it say Cashmere careful says dry cleaners dry clean only [Applause] okay who is it oh it's right there on my side all right then [Applause] gentleman's clothing Corbin hmm that is a corduroy beautiful it's a beautiful condition okay let's do another one here oh this is a whole set baby full set who is it there is there no oh my god there it is Southwick uh if you guys know look at that I wish we would dress like some of the olden days you know we would look fine this has got to be really old oh my God hold on before you show it this could be 400 400 500 guys no this could be four or five hundred bucks oh no you got it yeah yeah yeah oh that is old high grade Western Wear vintage 100 wool Pendleton folks bucks it's good that's right here very old tag very old Pendleton and it's in great shape you can always tell by the elbows and look at the elbow never been used oh well okay let's do this next one I probably know nothing about this one see oh oh oh I know about this Harris 100 pure wool yeah I've I've they're actually a very very expensive brand great condition this could be three or four hundred bucks right here oh my gosh all right we're gonna put all this away so we don't want any of these clothes getting dirty we'll be right back that paid for half the unit right there folks all right look at our boy holding work over here I'm joking I'm putting in a little bit of work on the scene not a ton but let's put on the on the ground wall yeah we'll pull it out there just because it's such a big box okay all right you haven't seen Holden a lot lately so we're gonna have to uh make him do a lot of work today right Ashley right that works for me this sister's life [Music] you gotta be kidding me there's thousands in clothes guys I don't think you realize how much money and clothes are in this unit oh my God undone Arrow Bridge no dude brand new oh insane the units I've been finding lately are just incredible look at this brand new Burberry scarf oh my God Avengers Burberry is probably all Burberry you've got to be kidding me oh man that looks good that looks good yeah it's like a snowman with the look at let me show the tag you cannot make this stuff up do I not pick the best freaking storage units guys I mean come on I'm talking to people on the channel pretty good yeah I'm pretty good I'm impressed yeah yeah Dusty another one look they wanted 24 bucks that was a scarf oh sir okay let me see the tag on that one I know a little bit about Nike that's from let me see the tag oh that's not Nike Oh weird you know Nike was not Nike before Nike this must have been um yeah before Nike was Nike it was something else uh I don't know the exact I want to look into that um let's see look at these man all wall somebody's gonna roll out these socks oh my gosh dude it's a regular Polo okay oh my goodness dude they never do you can't find this we may need these today actually men's man oh man this is such a good it's a kind of a drawback to time here I mean we got over there some pants what is this that's like if things go that's before guns you know um if you get out of line yeah the Vegas and you got the little circles there and the girls are there with the whip just for uh nice suits yeah pajamas oh my God oh my God what we're gonna do guys just a stick for the video we're gonna pull all these out real quick we're gonna pull all these out real quick and then we're gonna pick some really good ones and show you so we don't have to spend 10 minutes unfolding these so we'll be right back don't go anywhere all right guys here we go we're gonna show some of the best teas that we found just to save time we got an old old Missouri Tigers guys next you will not believe what we're found look at this extremely old Haynes guys look at that and that's a crispy tag right there these are all single stitched old old stuff nineteen eight probably 1980s late late night uh early 1980s Nike baby look at that now that is a really beautiful Nike made in the United States Toshiba now get this guys look at this old Toshiba old Toshiba single stitch it's got some better days but somebody somebody will buy that somebody will buy that old Toshiba Portland Timbers I didn't see the attack on this um see what it looks like oh wow Champion oh Champion stag wow size large too that's what you want it's large extra large vintage another one of these Colorado Boulder shirts yeah can you believe this unit it's crazy 1100 bucks for everything we've shown so far it's insane oh wow look at that Chicago it must have been from Chicago that's a very old one must have been from Chicago I would assume or San Fran oh San Fran they got a lot of San Fran look at that anyway from San Francisco let me know okay look at that South Pacific that this is a really old tea it's in great shape too all these tags are in really really good shape okay what do we got there [Laughter] records um okay this one is pretty cool look at that wow SR-71 Blackbird see the tag on that oh that's an old tag really old time St Louis Cardinals there we go baby Cardinals fans out there that's an old hanging oh my gosh world champions oh 1982 it's in beautiful shape look at that tag I mean my goodness guys oh yeah old Adidas old Adidas there we go there we go tag on that that is a really old detail it's in great shape for white all right and then we found a bunch of these we're just gonna show one pair but look at these old Wranglers guys beautiful old Wranglers and gorgeous shape look at that guys all right so we're gonna put all this clothes away and we'll be right back then we'll move on to the next oh wait wait wait we forgot these what is this oh look at the shoes on there what is that I don't know well look at that design on there University of Oregon wow third anniversary weird okay all right we'll be right back guys don't go anywhere all right let's see if they're in there JBL old school from night uh oh I don't know exactly the date but we're opening them up oh my gosh are these brand new in here or what oh my God are they brand new oh my gosh dude oh my gosh dude oh heavy duty oh my gosh okay pull one of them out we won't do this one because it's in here guys we're just going to show you one okay people still love these this is in great shape by the way got it okay we can leave the foam on look at oh my gosh it's even got the model number oh wow model 431b oh my God okay that is good all right we got two of them we're gonna put these back real quick I know we're making a lot of cuts but it's easier that way
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 203,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage unit, storage locker, storage unit finds, storage wars, self storage, storage auction, storage units, storage facility, self storage business, self storage management, storage unit business, storage units abandoned, how to make money, storage videos, auction videos, storage wars video, storage unit videos, storage locker videos, live auction videos, storage auction finds, storage unit finds 2023, 2023 auctions, auctions, live auctions, 2023 videos, Motorcycle
Id: 9dMAJ-c5OAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 32sec (4352 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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