GAMBLED $5000 on 29 year old storage to see in these TRUNKS ! Storage Wars Extreme Unboxing

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5 000 twice 5 Just kidding let's open it Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates It is thursday morning, and it is I your cap and speaking I am on my way to an exciting story. I did a live last week Where I told you that by long california, they must pull projectile dispensers out of a storage unit when they're visible They must it's just california law. I don't agree with it. It's just what it is and we have to live by those rules They pulled 40 guns out of two of the three units one of them. There was no Rifles pulled out of and they're auctioning today. The tenant is uh deceased. The family doesn't want The stuff they're out of state. They said we're just going to let it go I don't even know if they know what's in there possible. But fact is we're going to look at three units real quick I'm already going to be nine minutes late it's so annoying right now that I have to even uh the pressure i'm under because I The traffic there's this light back here. Anyway, we're rushing to see these three units. There's three of them It's gonna be interesting. It's gonna be interesting I'm trying to buy one. I want one of three at least I don't think i'm gonna go for three beautiful We arrive safely on time and the auction hasn't even started yet. It's go season Like I said i'm only going for one of the three unless they're cheap and people are just sleeping But i'm not gonna overpay for three units i'll gamble on one. It's a game of three card monty today 38 2800 back. Yeah, 29 2900 3 000. Nope. 2900. Yeah Right twice It out. All right scout's honor I don't know if that's how you do it. Maybe like this. I forget It's been a while since I was a boy scout, but I wasn't feeling those units they weren't What I came to see Well, they're kind of exactly what I came to see because they look just like they did in the photos, but I have to smell It it's something I feel in a storage unit That's what's led me to buy every damn near decent storage. I ever buy is something I feel in my body. I wasn't feeling those The first two had the guns taken down the last one didn't that was my money was but I wasn't feeling in front of it it's like it's like I believe the universe just Had them take out all the value in there on accident it was all right there in the front That's often how it is. I always tell you guys there's three ways people load a storage unit four ways They put the good stuff in the front They put the good stuff in the back. They put the good stuff throughout the entire unit Or the fourth, which is the worst. There was no good stuff This one i'm gonna believe was the good stuff was in the front With that being said, we're on to the next one There is a unit there that I was actually more intrigued to see than this one I've never seen so many cobwebs in a storage unit before and you know that my three turn ons include dust cobwebs and ramps, so They're all three the same cash register same person I like this one though Don't stop now I'm not getting into pissing matches. Yeah, do you have a number on this? Do you have a number on this? I got 11. Negative 12 13 14 yeah 15. Yeah 16 17. Yep, 18. Yeah 19 2 000 yeah 4500 He's got four thousand what you got four thousand right here 41 41 42, yeah 5 000 here 5100. I got 5 000 once 5 000 twice thousand dollars Yeah You get along? Yeah How do you feel right now I feel good There's 30 years of dust in there. I'm glad we're going to get it 2500 Yeah I mean if we each lost a little bit doesn't feel as bad but it's a good gamble Jack, and I both wanted this there's no sense in fighting. We teamed up 2500 each. I think it's a good gamble Here's a desk youtube prep here guys. How are we going to do it when you're splitting you got to think that way Look at jackie's look at him rub the belly for luck. Oh like buddha Watch this guys Oh my gosh, look at that, right? There that is that is locker nuts It is a small unit what's intriguing when you look in this unit first you see dust This is i've never seen the level of spider webs in my life in a storage unit Models, he was building models. That's what I think. This wood is for balsa wood. Look there's a train part Train wheel you see little junk like books you see Possible baseball cards you see old paper. You don't know what that is Baseball cards paintings grandfather clocks seal boxes. You see that clock there's paintings there You know a painting could retire us. This one's so old You can't even see the art on it no more. You see that I see some dolls the cash register and shake me because look there's a crown royal bag You know people keep their collectibles in there. There is no telling what's in here. We're gonna have to fine tooth comb everything and then you got Just kick that kick it Those are not empty That is solid as a rock World war ii trunks right there i'm excited guys We're gonna go ahead and we're gonna get to it and we're gonna make some videos any any words before we get started No, it doesn't look it actually doesn't look like for five grand It doesn't look like that much but I think we're going to be here a while This one's going to be there's either a file cabinet or a safe there. You could see a piece of furniture with the pad It's right come right here. You can see the corner of it Oh, yeah, it's true I was on the uh, the ladder we're both just kind of in awe right now. We don't even know where to begin what to do Yeah, yeah, okay I'm excited because we went through your trunk which they could see on your channel and it was very good I think over two thousand dollars. This one's heavier. Hopefully we hit the jackpot Is it a lot of people get nervous when people buy storage units they would see these trunks and they might think Someone's getting into it You've already told the universe that I don't think that way I think This person had to get something out when they put it in here. That's what in my mind that thinks But anyway, let's get to it i'm excited 7 million Just kidding. Let's open it Look at look at these trinkets look at these trinkets Okay. I've never seen this one Some for drafting or something. Uh, yeah, that's a an altender 1666 that We're going to have nothing but things to look up here's another one but it says compass drafting property of the us government Do we have to return that? Nope Sorry, we called dibs. Ooh I don't know. It's it's That's got to be a hundred bucks minimum for that little set there. Oh, where do we go from here? What which I like this one Peel off the layers Ooh This is going to be valuable just because this is original look at that Can you imagine cleaning your that's like cleaning your toilet with one sheet of toilet paper trying to clean your gun Okay, you're about to say but weren't you no What is this It's just no there's something in there. It's a odd shaped pouch No, it's not something in there. It's like part of it, but Funny feels easy, okay It was pretty easy to pull that out Okay, the pocket guide to science. So was he a scientist didn't you say a lawyer? Oh, I didn't see anything what does this degree say? Uh, oh bachelor of science? Okay, so we're right on the list I see military stuff Damp collection. Look at these right here, though. Oh another box of cards Honestly that's money right there vintage singer stuff new old stock, right? Yeah new old stock very Peeling off the layers 7-up bottle ucla bruins, this is actually probably a pretty It's good, yeah Now let's get into this look at these Johnson mace pinnock lots. Oh, this is us That's silver no kidding. Yeah There's no greening I'm, i'm 99 sure that's silver and these look kind of like some some rare metals like this one here. I Believe is a good one. I've seen this before But there's two of them Are they that good? Somebody else somebody else's name not his we got some arm bars. This is gonna be This is from the world war one great war for civilization I've never seen this arm bar these uh, collar tabs. No those almost like german ones Look at all these pieces Oh, wow now we're getting the silver ones jack Those are silver right there says sterling. Wow. Yeah There's so many of these things dog tags. Those are his Lots of these There's a whole gang of these in there This one looks real nice. These are not just your average little pieces Of of metals that we normally find like these are a little more intricate a little more quality This one's gold that's mason right my sonic it's 14 karat I like jack's little finished her laugh there when we find something good That's the money money money. Laugh All right, so that's a good little Oh, look at this one, too. I've never seen that that that's this is actually silver thread really it's silver thread This is a good little pile of metal. I speculate a couple hundred bucks right there Pirates if you can I know some of you are military experts Please help me out The infamous crown royal bag. I don't know why this is synonymous with collectibles But it just is look at all these patches. Where do we begin patch? patch league champions Why do we always find bowling pit? Oh Look at this Air police. Oh, wow, that's a badge. That's money. Right? That's big money. That's what I mean i've got a quite a few people that tell me this is sterling silver Let them know if we find badges police badges this one. That's that's well over a hundred dollars I'm, not gonna quote a price and that doesn't mean we're gonna sell it for a hundred. It's a minimum hundred Camel repair kit. What are you repairing your cigarettes? For patching rubber articles camel look at you go the world's smallest clock Look at that. Wow This was a good trunk so far Some patches patches we got california state Champions tight he was a serious bowler But he was an average 200 plus Look at that. We got the boy scouts. Now this patch here is oh look at the difference of it This is like pre-war in my opinion. Whereas these are newer different divisions and stuff Here police, I haven't found that patch that patch right there is probably a hundred bucks Don't underestimate patches when I bought that military unit the 5300 or whatever. Yeah, matthew gave me like 400 for six patches. Wow Yeah, I regret selling to him now because he obviously knew what he was buying And I obviously didn't boy scouts Richard keller who is he's got like a boy scouts awards He's an exceptional guy. I think very accomplished. Yes Look at this another that's a good one because this is like world war ii era Slightly after because we know when he enlisted but he collected too so we don't know Look at that it's a hand playing a trumpet. I don't want to lose anything. This is a cool hat right here It's been eaten away Yeah, the moths liked it. Yeah, I don't know what to do if everything I'm, just going to take my time and put it back in Restricted information Damn That's cool. Yeah, i'm liking this stuff just because it's all has some value. It's not like we're looking at Bunches of crap like even these pencils have like some little bit of value See grooms In here A military ration books. Yep, um nice war rations United states, okay Carrying on that's what I was just using about here was i've never seen one of these That's the arm badge, right? This is what you would wear like this and you would It would attach into something there I found one of those before That's super good in recognition for me Meritorious you just said he was a person of merit right? Yeah, basically So we have lots more paperwork here home, we won't bore everybody which is all the 20th gold field That's kind of cool. Yeah, go feel. I mean anything gold filled goldfield carries the merit of silver scrap silver so often underestimated It's a good looking metal here It's how my bones sound in the morning For military merit that's a good that's a good one though And then we have those are metals too are they I think so, come on be a gold pocket metal on the label Oh, yeah still good American campaign and european african This is These are nice, too These are some cool buttons, these aren't like your normal buttons like roosevelt so you usually find like vote for smith, you know No, we got a um I'm digging this trunk I don't know who that is. We've got a nixon button fdr button. This is a good lot of these heck. Yeah World's smallest button Trying to get to this one because it looks like gold Usa it says sterling so it's like gold colored sterling, huh? We got It's brandon yeah a donkey nice I'm digging this in a small piece of silver All right. This is getting good. Yeah It really is Another one a sadia pacific and World war ii that's a good one. Um nice, maybe he was in world war ii what was in here Watch parts. All right, he could have been a career military guy. Not that idea. We found just was later in his career, too Ketchup, that's kind of cool. Is it postcards? No, it's a little book but that is kind of cool The prayer front, you know winner Cool little stuff religious type things. Yeah. There's a collector market for that too Special vintage i'm just gonna throw these away jay actually You know what someone if we do that someone's like I know vintage cigarette packs. You never know, right? Yeah the world's smallest box on three two one clickbait Please be gold something goes in there This one's sterling something goes in this what is it u.s patent Doesn't have a maker but like a clock or something or uh-huh Sunglasses look at that rose a rose is still a rose by any other name? Oh, here we go Rosary This is just insane. So many good little things i'm trying to move too quick because I just want to jump to the next thing This is just the metal container Keep your special memories in it. Oh, it's got some chinese writing on the bottom though That makes it kind of interesting. We've been scrolling there before seconds world's second smallest box on three two One click bait again. Sorry guys Okay, i'll give you i'll give you a hundred bucks you smoke one of those right now Are these cigarettes they are cigarettes. Look at that lucky strikes Ribbons for things school day memory. Let's see. What kind of memories he was rocking. Oh 1930 Interesting little book though for sure Oh he was on drugs Benadryl how funny yeah that's back when they prescribed benny. Yeah Nice all right Paper ephemera, oh 10 types Tin types are cool. Yeah, they don't offer than a stream value but it's just the little things that add Up world's great i'm gonna give this to you. Jack. Oh, thanks. Yeah, I found a lot of them in that last locker, but Swiss army knife the original one frank miller. What is this? This looks really just doesn't it? No. Yeah or like a boy scouts or something Masonic or catholic? I don't know There's only a few sectors that wear those things so Post car that's a nice one for this ford. Roberto clementi dies in plane crash, man Okay, so we're getting down to the We're getting down to the nitty-gritty on the top of this. But guess what we have to go through still the bottom That's kind of cool hankies there's a lot of little vintage paperwork we'll go through that more heavily at another time Now it's time to get to the bottom of things Oh that time is just the top, huh? Yeah the top tray we haven't got to the bottom yet. It's a really nice trunk i'm excited because it's just a lot of smaller, you know, like I like when there's money in your stuff. Okay, so we're ready to see you. You want to see us tomorrow? It looks good Oh Okay, first thing is an award Oh he retired he said, you know what i'm done guys. Hmm, okay I don't blame you. You got to get to that point at some point like property of the us air force dammit They're going to want this back Oh, that's neat he was a philanthropist. No, what do they call that? I don't know. They think it's philadelphia Wow That's pretty cool. Yeah, I don't know nothing about those The government we're going to give this back to you more profits Government can always come to our live auctions. That'd be tight. I'm storage auction pirate government Look at this stamps They're hinged though Is there germany yeah Looks like it could be wrong. All right, got a bunch of just stuff a lot of if This you know what? I'm just i'm getting the point that I think this is Stamps all in here. Really? I just get use what I see so far This looks interesting. There's old postcards i've seen that same postcard before. Oh those are unused stamps. I like the little blocks Little blocks Four stamps per thing I think is called a block Nice, I don't want to touch him because my hands are slightly skanky right now More stamps this good They call him flipper flipper There we go, yeah, I see some postcards in there yes coast guards are nice Syracuse new york one of the most beautiful place i've ever been to cincinnati, ohio chicago If this is upside down guys, all you have to do is rotate your head right now Well, these could have hundred dollar bills in them, no not that one That's a lot huh? Oh, yeah, there's a lot in here This is a couple live auctions right here Nice Nice What's what are these? These film strips or oh, they're first stamps Okay, yeah Dude, oh, look at that crocodile. Look Got some cool. Look at that one. These are good ones Yeah Those original photo ones what i'm liking is this that's neat. It's a postcard. Is it really that's cool Um trying to like work my way down to the bottom of one of these Stamps, okay. It's a lot of stamps in here Stamps stamps stamps Christmas cards 1939 More stamps Honestly, this is like what I expect to be inside every trunk that I find they never are full of stuff like this Very very seldom. They are when you buy with me, I guess so Look at that nice that's cool lifestyle pick Literally just It's just days and days of stamps and paper look That's great though. Yeah. Well, we do have stamp collectors that go to the auctions, right? I believe so, you know who was uh, Brian oaks haiti hunter he needs to go to stamps It's just all sorts of stamps. I have some stamp buyers, but I don't No offense to my stamp buyers, but they want a good deal. They want too good of a deal And i'm always afraid that they're not telling me where my million dollar stamp is And that scares me do we have anything lurking underneath See down there more photos black and whites Are they burying somebody chicken fighting what is that? Oh, there's chicken fire. Look at some ugly chickens. Holy crap. Oh wow Hmm some interesting ones too. Yeah, these are something else There's a whole bunch of them. They're just stuff for days down here. I don't wanna That looks pretty interesting stamp album Oh, michael, you're messing up the paperwork Look at all these postcards, that's good These are good ones too. I mean Yeah, there's just so much there's no way for us to like show The entirety of this trunk, but it's pretty much all really good. I feel like really good ephemera Saint matthias little wine stamp labels, very nice. Yeah Is that a passport I don't know. We got some car papers We've got a bunch more of the little stamp things More postcards, I mean this is that's fantastic wicked Like these are good ones in my eyes. Yeah, I think so, too. You got the right the like that It's me and my two kids i'm just kidding shout out to you. Michael. Mckayla. I love you Don't say I never shout you out my videos That's hand painted christmas card, did you you see the saw princess putting her videos back out again? Yeah I told her I hadn't watched it yet, but i'm gonna I'm glad to see her finally jumping back into it. Me too I wish my kids would do it. These are interesting, too Stationary yeah, that's super cool. Not just Regular there's so many things here military Huh? This guy had a good uh a good eye for collecting he collected some cool stuff Oh, it's just more of all of this stuff letters Great postcards, that's where we should be right now This is wild jack i'm excited i'm very excited I'm glad you decided to team up on this one. Me, too I thought about this on the Way here and you was like, I don't know if I want to team up and i'm thinking man i'm going to feel bad up I have to outfit jack on this. Well, you would cause I didn't have that much money Well, I was gonna that was my goal If you didn't want to team up, I was like i'm gonna have to outbid him. I didn't want to I appreciate that. I like splitting the risk, too These are good 1964. Exhibition Brand new nice. I think i'm getting the feeling that this is basically the philadelph I think that's the right word philatetic It's all stuff like that. What are these? People different I think there's a lot of money in this trunk here. I think there's we're well into Almost 2 000 bucks I think so too because I know what each little batch brings and There's lots of little batches in here That's cool. Yeah, and my kids complain about the way they have to live kids. What if you lived in this hut huh? I like my kids to see stuff like that Now it can't be getting all uh, you know tight life is so tough, oh man My kids are like it's 72 in the house. Yeah It's so hard So These are get some stuff i'll get it Those are earlier like 1800s, you know And stamps the the usa is good when they're earlier China is really hot stanford. Really. Yeah, that's like the most hot stance right now is china So I always go right to china And then I go to oh, that's very small. So we only have a few but those are old ones though And then germany does all right sometimes but that's a good stand book. I think this is Guys i'm excited we're gonna i'm that's just the whole all I could do for this video Is that one trunk right there jack went through another trunk I think we're damn near in our money back in the two trunks. I really do my honest opinion between this ephemera and The collectibles we found in that And the military items this is damn near Our money back at least four grand in my eyes. We got this whole unit to go through I'm a sneak peeker, you know, i'm always sneak peeking. I can't wait to see in that green box There's probably ammo you can see things. We're we're just a smidget in here somewhere back here I think is a violin case I saw because I hopped up on top and I looked that lens right there Seems like it's big money to me. I see baseball cardboard. I just I see a lot of potential and i'm excited To get through this unit. There's so much potential. Anyway, don't forget to check out locker nuts. That's jack right here He has several videos coming out and he have locker nuts And don't forget to hit the like button the share button subscribe and say something pretty like I love dust spiderwebs Real quick. We're going to add this to the end of the video because I we both want to see now. We actually bought two storages and I think the other one is over here are I think it's in the last row. We bought a second storage unit Together. I think we paid 1800 on this one. It's very intriguing. We're about to go take a Look, this one's really well wrapped still covered in dust. Not sure if jack liked the price per se But I was going to buy it. I just it's something about intrigued me sneak peek of 1800 storage Yeah, but that's like every day nowadays that's like the average look at this What was nice about this one really, well, you know, I didn't I didn't notice you see that Yeah, somebody tried to open this one thing up nothing really looks disturbed but that I didn't notice that before Didn't look super duper close either Hard to tell if there's a lot of boxes look at the dust guys You know where the most common place to find a black widow is in a storage unit In the door on the other side of it. Yeah Empty cushions I don't think so. Jay Personally I believe this one's gonna have gold in it. Really. Yeah a jewelry box. I just it's good furniture Look at the quality of the stuff the couch looks nice. It's dusty. Obviously. The mattresses are nice. There's furniture in there I think there's gold in this unit I want to crack one box open just to see what we're looking at. Sure I say we look Sure See that's what I like to see shoe boxes, yeah, that's all right. What kind of shoes Call them I found cash and shoe boxes in my 1800 awkward set It's all um Nice macy's tags, I think they're nice. Yeah, uh memory foam they're Sketchers, this is some sketches. Nice 30 bucks. What size are those? Um, This is just too big for a little woman, she's a six that's too good She's a 10 at my eyes, but on the shoe side. She's a six No of a strong good feelings about this We're done for the day Pirates I had to sneak I didn't look in there. I was saving the momentum as well But there was these I saw these cases I saw one and there was three Cases there's that one that one and that one I shook them. There is definitely something in there We're gonna find out I need you guys right now to pray on the words antonio stradivaris
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 425,835
Rating: 4.7225251 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: 4Odo4ZEV1sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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