Man Says He's Not The Father And Demands Birth Certificate Removal (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Alexander vs. Stewart.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Mr. Alexander, you are suing your ex-girlfriend for $40 for the cost of the administration fee to legally remove your name from her four-month-old daughter, Jarriah's, birth certificate because there is absolutely no way you are her biological father. Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Stewart, you claim that Mr. Alexander is Jarriah's biological father and say you're devastated that he would want to remove his name from her birth certificate? Yes, Your Honor. In fact, you state that his negligent behavior has caused you and your two children to become homeless and you've asked the court to award you $1,500 for child-care expenses. Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. Alexander, tell the court, why should your name be removed? Um, Your Honor, I have several reasons why my name should be removed from the birth certificate. For one, one night, we were, um, in the bed chilling, I seen text messages and several phone calls from this guy named Dexter. She wouldn't answer the phone when I was in the room. I guess she was waiting till, maybe, I left or whatever so, that's kind of a suspicion for me. So you saw text messages coming in on her phone? Right. But you never questioned her about it? I asked her about it and she told me, like, don't worry about it, like, basically, like, it's none of my business. So, that's the reason why I have a doubt. Also, a couple of times, when we were... We were supposed to go bowling, to, like, a pre-game bowling or whatever, um, we got drunk or whatever before we left and actually went bowling and she told me that, basically, I was too drunk, like, to bowl. Basically, took me home with the kid, and, like, stay here and watch the kids while she went out somewhere else and didn't come home till about 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. So that's why I'm in doubt, too. JUDGE LAKE: Because this was during the window of conception? Right. So, you feel like she was cheating on you during the time Jarriah was conceived? Correct. Correct. Is that true, Ms. Stewart? No, Your Honor, it is not and I'm not even sure why he denies. I mean, I didn't tell him that I was pregnant until I was about two and a half months, but I didn't tell him because we were rocky at that time, it wasn't a solid foundation so I didn't want to make it even worse <i> by bringing a baby into this situation.</i> So, Mr. Alexander, when Ms. Stewart told you that she was pregnant, did you have doubt instantly? Um, I did. I did have doubt because when she told me she was pregnant, we were actually on a three-month break and we got back together, like, two months after that and then that's when she told me she was pregnant. So, we didn't have sex on that three-month break. So, how could you be pregnant by me, anyway, is what I'm saying. So you feel like the time didn't add up? Right. So, Ms. Stewart, were you intimate with Mr. Alexander during that three-month break? Yes, I was. So you say you were? Yes. I don't understand how he doesn't say that. Every time we're on a break, it's not necessarily a break because we, you know, we still have sex, so it's not really a break. So, were you cheating? (CHUCKLES) No, Your Honor, I was not. Let me tell you what happened. So, I started feeling that he was cheating on me and I went online to, I guess, try to see if there was a way that you could tell if your partner is cheating on you, and so I saw this website that says, "Seven ways to know if your partner is cheating on you," and every single one, he was doing everything that it said. And then at the bottom of the link it said that there was a way you could put a track... Tracking device on his phone to see (AUDIENCE GASPS) if he was, you know, the text messages. So I put it on there and sure enough, there was a girl that he was talking to on the tracking device. So you put a tracking device on his phone? Yes, Your Honor. Do you have proof of that? Did you bring anything to court? Yes, I do. Yes. You did? Jerome, let me see that, please. And so this here <i> is a log of the calls that were sent to your phone?</i> STEWART: <i> Yes.</i> <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Walk me through this.</i> Okay, so the first one at the bottom, the 7:08 p.m., that is when he was gone, he told me that he was at his aunt's house and obviously you can see there that he's talking to a girl. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So at 7:08 p.m., his phone got a text from a number that's not yours...</i> STEWART: <i> Yes.</i> <i> ...that says, "I'm looking forward to tonight."</i> STEWART: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> "I'm telling him I'm working late."</i> Yes. And then at 7:15... Oh. <i> 7:15 p.m.,</i> <i> "Me too, I can't wait to see your fine booty."</i> (AUDIENCE GASPING AND GIGGLING) Mr. Alexander. Yes. Do you recognize this text? I don't. I don't, Your Honor. Not at all. Of course, you wouldn't. Of course, you wouldn't. Absolutely not. So you're saying this is not your phone? It's not me, I didn't text. Do you recognize the text, <i> "Of course, baby, I'm on my way now"</i> <i> at 10:17? You didn't write that either?</i> No, Your Honor, I didn't. So, you're saying this app is completely faulty and this is not your phone? Correct. Correct. And you weren't going after anybody else's "fine booty?" (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) That's right, Your Honor. So, Ms. Stewart, I'm trying to understand what this all has to do with Dexter. Because if we're being completely honest, even if this is his phone log, and he was going after someone else or dating someone else or cheating, that would not have anything to do with the paternity of Jarriah. Okay, so after I found all of this, I decided to be the same way as him. I came... No. (AUDIENCE MURMURING) I came up with a plan with my best friend, I changed her name in my phone to Dexter and I was texting her pretending I was talking to a dude just so that he would think I was cheating, because he cheated. Mmm. I've seen the text messages about, "Can I come see you?" "How you doing?" Like, like, Yeah, it was fake. that's her man, when I'm supposed to be her man. So that's, like I said, that's doubts her cheating, right there, to me, if you ask me. That's the whole reason I believe she was cheating. The only reason I did that is because I saw him cheating first. So you're saying the entire thing was just fake, it was hoax, it was something you were doing to make him feel badly for what you thought he was doing? Just because I wanted him to feel like how I... How he made me feel when I saw those text messages. I just wanted him to see how it felt to, you know, be cheated on. Mr. Alexander, you brought a witness. I'd like to hear from her. Ma'am, please step up. State your name for the record. Kourtney Alexander. And you are? I'm Mr. Alexander's sister. His sister? Yes. Ma'am, what do you have to add to this situation? What do you know about this? Well, um, Ms. Stewart and I have been friends for over fifteen years and we've always talked and told each other secrets about, you know, having back up plans as far as if you have a boyfriend, keeping one on the side for when your boyfriend makes you mad, you can, you know, just go talk to other guys or whatever. So, as far as this guy goes, it's not a hoax. They actually hang out all the time. No, that's false. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Your Honor, he calls and texted her phone several times throughout the night, 1:00 in the morning, 12:00 in the morning, like I said, but she don't answer the phone, like, that's kind of a suspicion. A person who calls you at 12:00 or 1:00 in the morning, especially a male, I mean, he only wants one thing and that's probably a booty call, so. And what about your booty? That's what I'm thinking. Your fine booty you're looking for, like... (AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) Also, I just want to add in that we've actually gone out to meet guys together. I have no idea what she's talking about. You've gone out to meet guys with Ms. Stewart? Yes. Recently, yes, we have. They'd just had that little break also and she thought he was cheating, so we went out to go hang out with guys. Your Honor, also, she's also told me several times that when we've been in the heat of an argument, that the baby's not mine, so. I said that one time, one time. Therefore, I have doubts. So you do admit that you said it, Ms. Stewart? Yes. One time, yes, I did say that. My words were, "I wish that she wasn't yours so that I could be done with you." Thank you so much for your testimony, ma'am. You may be seated. Thank you. Now that Jarriah's been here, what has Mr. Alexander done to step up to the plate? (SIGHS) He doesn't do anything. Um, all my doctor's appointments, (VOICE BREAKING) he's only came... I'm sorry. (SNIFFLES) That's all right. Um, out of all my doctor's appointments, he's only came to the finding out the gender and then the last two. I was going to all of them by myself. (SOBBING) I'm sorry. And this hurts you so much because you thought he would be there? Yeah. And she doesn't deserve that, look at her. She's so cute, like, why would you deny her? It just doesn't make sense to me. And it just... He doesn't do anything. One time, I asked him if he could make her a bottle, he refused to. So I gave Jarriah to him, went to go make the bottle, when I come back, she's on the bed crying 'cause he won't, he doesn't want... He doesn't hold her. ALEXANDER: Your Honor, I'm... You don't want to hold this beautiful baby? I'm not gonna take care of something that I don't know for sure, if it's not mine. JUDGE LAKE: Something? A baby. I'm sorry. A baby that I don't know for sure. Let's get it right. Right. That's a beautiful, innocent, little baby. Right. Whether she's yours or not, if she needs a bottle, you can give it to her. STEWART: (SOBBING) Right. You're right, I could. But you're saying the doubt, the sincere doubt that you carry around is preventing you from connecting with this child. Right. Ms. Stewart, do you understand how the tit for tat has come back to haunt you? Yes. I do. You get that, right? It was a dumb mistake. Do you think he can be a good father? Yes, Your Honor. He can be a great father. <i> We have another kid, a son, and he treats him perfect and he claims him and...</i> But he won't give the baby a bottle? Right, right. JUDGE LAKE: What is going on? Your Honor, I even have these text messages from him. May I see that, Jerome? These are? Text messages from me and him. I asked him if he can watch our kids and he clearly refused. JUDGE LAKE: <i> So, first you say "I need a favor."</i> <i> "You're going to be busy Sunday or Monday?"</i> STEWART: <i> Yes.</i> And then he says, "I don't know, it depends." And then you say, "Okay, well, I need you to watch the kids while I get my hair done." <i> He says, "I'll watch Jacobi, but Jarriah, hell, no.</i> "Find her daddy." (AUDIENCE GASPS) Yes, Your Honor, that's how I felt. Wow. I said it before, if I'm going to take care of Jarriah, I want to be sure that she's mine before I get too attached to her and then it turns out that she's not mine. I don't want it to go that way. Are you being spiteful, Mr. Alexander? Just to watch her with her brother? What... What would that do to you? It just seems a little spiteful. So, Ms. Stewart, you have come to court and you have a counter suit as well? Yes. You are asking the court to award you money for child care expenses? Yes. Did you bring a list of things for the court? I have, yes. Receipts. Jerome, let me see that, please. You've made a list of child care expenses. $168 in diapers, $120 in wipes, $675 in formula, baby clothes. Totaling $1,563. Am I correct? Yes, Your Honor. You know, Your Honor, it really hurts just to be alone. I don't, I just don't like the whole situation. I mean, right now, I'm homeless, I don't have anywhere to stay because of him. Because he got us kicked out of our old place and now he's denying our daughter and everything's just all messed up, just because of him, and because of this stupid lie. None of this would even be going on if she wasn't talking to Dexter. That's the whole reason why all this is going on. She was talking to Dexter and that's what got me in doubt. I see so clearly that if you're gonna try to continue to have a relationship with a person, especially have a child with him at some later date, that it definitely isn't the right strategy. Right. JUDGE LAKE: Um... Right now, he really doesn't know the truth, in part, because you planted the seed of doubt in his mind. Yeah, I understand. Mr. Alexander, I still don't agree with the way you've behaved towards this innocent, beautiful, little child especially considering that she's the mother of another one of your children. So, I'm ready to get the results because I want to see where you two are going to go from here after we figure out what the truth is as it relates to Jarriah's paternity. Jerome, I'm ready. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Alexander vs. Stewart,</i> when it comes to four-month-old Jarriah Alexander, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Alexander... JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Alexander, you are her father. All right. You feel vindicated, Ms. Stewart? I see you are feeling very emotional over there. I'm just happy at the end that the results came back like I said that they would. And how do you feel, Mr. Alexander now that you know for sure? Now that I know for sure that that's my daughter, I will step up to the plate, be a man and take care of her. I will definitely do that. Good. That's good. Speaking of that fact, you asked for a name change. We don't need a name change now. Right. Because she's, in fact, your little girl. Right. With that said, I am dismissing your claim for the $40, are we clear? Yeah. Judgment for the defendant on that. As for your counter claim, ma'am. You were claiming you spent $1,563 on child care expenses, you provided receipts. Yes. And a log as to what you spent. Since, in fact, Mr. Alexander has been determined to be Jarriah's biological father, you are entitled to half of that amount. Okay. All right? Under the law. Okay. And, Mr. Alexander, you should give that to her without issue. The amount of $781.50, judgment for the defendant. Clear? Yes, Your Honor. Now with that said, I always encourage our families, our parents, even people that just have to co-parent together, that it's better to do it voluntarily. Yeah. If you can. It's your child, you have two children together now, but they shouldn't have to ride this rollercoaster of emotions, disappointment and doubt because now the DNA has given us the proof. We have counseling for you, we have resources for you, take advantage of it. Talk about this, talk through this, figure out how to parent well. You have two beautiful children together, all right? I wish you the best of luck. Court is adjourned. Thank you. Thank you.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,647,477
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: Qx1Rucw3b5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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