Man's Last Three Babies Were Not With His Wife (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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You may be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Moore v Butler.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Moore, you say there is only one reason the defendant, Mr. Butler, has doubts he fathered your one-year-old daughter, and that's because of his manipulating wife. Yes, Your Honor. AUDIENCE: Oh! Mr. Butler, you argue you've been told on multiple occasions by the plaintiff herself that you are not her child's father. Yes, Your Honor. You state that Ms. Moore has fabricated paternity claims in an effort to win you back. AUDIENCE: Wow! Ms. Moore... What? Has Mr. Butler been involved in your child's life in any way? If you're talking about diapers and wipes, that's it. That's... That's not a father to me, at all, period. Only diapers and wipes? That's it. All right, so, look. Let's talk about why we're here. Mr. Butler, you obviously have doubts. Yes, Your Honor. What are those doubts? She told me I'm not the baby daddy. JUDGE LAKE: So she told you that? One time was because he was harassing me. Him and his so-called, quote-unquote, wife. AUDIENCE: What? So, you admit, Ms. Moore, you told him, "You're not the child's father." One time. What happened? How did that conversation happen? It happened 'cause she told me I'm not the dad. She told me I'm not the father. Why would she tell you that? The baby don't even look like me. (SCOFFS) Now, your wife is jumping out of her chair. I guess she knows the story better than you do. She always got something to say. Which most wives do, huh? She always got something to say. JUDGE LAKE: Come on in here. Ms. Harrison, it is? Yes. You husband says he was told by Ms. Moore he was not the father. Of the child. Your Honor... Your Honor. On numerous times. MOORE: One time. Numerous times. That's a lie. One time. Harassment. Harassment. Really, harassment? I ain't never harassed you... You and your so-called husband. Whatever. That part, that part. Your Honor, I was getting my hair done. That part. That part. I was getting my hair done at one particular time, while she was on the phone, he had her on speaker, and she told him, "You're not the dad. You don't have to do nothing for this baby." Harassment! You're right. You heard it yourself. I heard it myself. Not only that. She did hear it. These texts right here. She did hear it. Jerome, will you pass me the evidence, please. She said her and her husband, her husband does a good job, of... MOORE: Fiance. And he do. No, that's... And he do. That's a text that was sent to me. And he do. He has been a much better father than Quincy. JUDGE LAKE: So... Trust that. This evidence that's been presented says from Ms. Carter, "My husband do a good job keeping me <i> "and his baby good."</i> HARRISON: His baby! MOORE: <i> Exactly, 'cause he stepped up. He stepped up.</i> And my daughter is gonna call him Dad. He stepped up. Quincy's not around. Quincy never been around. Never been around. So, Ms. Harrison, you're saying, this evidence, this text, proves you believe it's her husband's child? I believe that personally, Your Honor, it doesn't... To me? I believe that the conception dates are all wrong. Because how can you tell someone they pregnant in December but you have the baby in July? Excuse me, correction. I was seven and a half weeks, December 11th. Okay, but you would not have had your baby... December 11th. You would not have had your baby... December 11th. But did I have sex with you? No. Did I have sex with you? You're not a man. You're not a man. I had sex with you. I do have sex with him. That's the truth. But I've been messing with him for almost two years. Tell me point blank. Ladies... If you believe it, you married him. You tell me. Ms. Moore. AUDIENCE: Whoa! Ms. Harrison. It's classic, right, Jerome? JEROME: Mmm-hmm. It's always two women going at it over some silent, "nothing to say" man. Back and forth. But it wouldn't even be... JUDGE LAKE: Listen, listen, listen, listen! What we're gonna do here today is get down to the bottom. We're gonna figure out how we got here, we're gonna get the truth and we're gonna figure out where we go from here. But what we aren't gonna do, as ladies, is degrade ourselves, act a fool up in here. All she's gotta do is leave me alone. And we're not gonna be disrespectful and use disrespectful language. All right? (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) I want to understand this story. So, listen, let's now talk about why we have the doubt, because that's why we're here. Ms. Harrison, you say the conception dates don't add up. Mmm-mmm. Now, please, explain to the court why you believe that's true. Because if you told him in December that you were pregnant, your baby would have been born in September, 'cause my daughter's September 22nd. JUDGE LAKE: And so... She need to learn her math. Go back to school. Hold on, Ms. Moore, Ms. Moore. That's what you need to do. Go back to school. Really? Explain to me, why is she wrong? Because when I got pregnant I had left... Quincy was doing so much cheating. I found... His last two babies, and my baby and his last baby, is two weeks apart. I found that out. (AUDIENCE GASP) I found that out on his cell phone and I found it out because he had his last girlfriend's EBT card. The baby looked just like Quincy. Now, if she can't do the math, that's her problem. She can sit down. December 11th, the doctor told me I was seven and a half weeks. So, that means November. November, then. And the baby was born... MOORE: July. BUTLER: July. MOORE: July 26th. I had two dates, July 26th or August 5th. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, so... I had an emergency C-section on July 26th. Was Quincy anywhere to be around? No, you didn't tell me. No. When he came, he came with bags. When Quincy always come, Quincy always come with bags. That's just like the beginning of this month. Quincy came with bags. You say he came with bags. What does that mean? MOORE: Yes. When Quincy come with bags, he thinks he's about to stay. He's a leech. He is a leech, and his so-called wife told me that over the phone. It's never... It's always if I call Quincy, it's always her. Her, her, her. Because I'm his wife and his one, one, one, one. I don't care. That doesn't make sense, though. I'm his baby mother and I have to talk to him, not you. I didn't make no baby with you. It don't matter, he's married to me. And the money comes from me! (INDISTINCT YELLING) At the end of the day. So, can I get you for child support, then? Since he on SSI. Can I get you for child support, then? Whatever you wanna do, let's go for it. Exactly, and I'm gonna do it. Okay, go for it. I'm gonna do it, and I mean that. When you first found out you were pregnant, Ms. Moore... Correct. ...did you tell Mr. Butler? Did he accept the fact? BUTLER: No. No, no, no. No, I didn't tell him. My mother told him. You didn't? Her mother told me. Not her. Okay, I wanna talk to your mother. Ma'am, please stand. Please state your name for the court. Ketryna Gutter. Thank you so much for joining us. So, you told Mr. Butler that your daughter was pregnant. I called him and said, you know, "My daughter is pregnant." And he goes, "What do you mean?" I said, "She's pregnant." And he says, "Well, I'm gonna be there for her. "I'm gonna take care of her. I'm gonna take care of the baby." All of a sudden... BUTLER: No, no, Your Honor. There is no Quincy in sight no more. BUTLER: No, no. Mr. Butler, do you remember having this conversation with Ms... No, I didn't. You never did? No. So, what facts, evidence, knowledge, do you have that Ms. Moore was sleeping with anybody else but you at the time? Another dude. That's all I can say. Wrong. Wrong. JUDGE LAKE: Who is the other guy? Another dude... While me and Mr. Butler were in the midst of our relationship... I wish somebody would get to the answer to my question. One of his friends called him and told him that she had another man. They have no evidence. So, all right. So once this friend told you she was sleeping with somebody else, you thought what? "This baby might not be mine"? Yes, ma'am. Ms. Moore, let me ask you something. You say the birth was very difficult. Tell me what happened that day. When I went into labor, I actually went into labor... I started having labor pains on the 25th. On the 26th, my blood pressure went sky high. When my blood pressure went sky high, the doctor came in and told me that my baby's heart rate was going down. So, as it was going down, she was getting less oxygen. So, they had to get her out. And when they got her out, I did not see my baby. I went to an emergency C-section. When I got out of recovery for 45 minutes, I touched my baby and signed my baby off <i> to Pomona Valley Hospital, which is the city that he stays in.</i> He's right, I did not tell him where my baby was. I know how mental he is. And I felt like I don't want that around my child. So, when you go see her, I want to be there with you. When I got out of the hospital, I called... I called Mr. Butler. He do not answer his phone. I call him again. He do not answer his phone. I'm not gonna keep on calling you. I'm not gonna keep calling you, that's what I'm not about to do. That's a lie, Your Honor. She ain't never call me. Yes, she did. She ain't never called me and told me that my daughter was at Pomona Valley Hospital... GUTTER: It's "my daughter," now. She never told me that, Your Honor, so at the end of the day, I don't know whose baby it is. The reason there's another doubt is this picture. Jerome, would you pass me that evidence, please. (AUDIENCE GROANING) Oh, that's me and my fiance. Like I told you, he stepped up. HARRISON: This is the same man that... MOORE: He stepped up. That, that... Went to every doctor's appointment. HARRISON:<i> That looks just like him.</i> <i> No, you a liar.</i> <i> My fiance is way finer than him, so knock that off.</i> Not only that... Your Honor, the other reason is the baby doesn't carry his last name. Doesn't carry the last name. She's never shown him the birth certificate. So, your concern is that there may be another man listed on the birth certificate. Because you've never seen it? MOORE: I have evidence right here. I've never seen that birth certificate a day in my... Right here. Here you go. A day in my life... Jerome, hand me that. It's me and me only. I was the only one there besides my mother. If she could have been listed, I would have listed her as the father. (AUDIENCE TITTERS) JUDGE LAKE: Yes, no father listed. MOORE: My daughter has my last name. Name of father, blank. After Za'Marah is here, at some point, you do reconnect. Yes, after he made a hospital visit, after my baby had left. Then, yes, when she turned two months, because there were so many doctor's appointments, including when I was pregnant. I was seeing three doctors at the same time. And he knows that. He knows that. So, after... I don't know nothing about that, Your Honor. MOORE: You were there at one or two of them. Nothing. Nothing. I never went to none of them doctor's appointments. Wow. Wow. None of them. JUDGE LAKE: You've never been to a doctor's appointment? I was at one of them, that's about it. One of 'em, Your Honor. One of 'em. All the rest, I never went to none of 'em. GUTTER: You wasn't around, you chose not to be around. That's your baby. I don't know how you don't see it. She do not look like me. Okay. (SCOFFS) Okay, well, you don't have to step up. I'm already here. Don't even worry about that. So, at the point you do reconnect him with the child... I go to his auntie's house, which he was living... Who he was living with at the time, in Pomona. I go over there, I take my baby to see him when my baby is two months. They taking pictures, "This is my last time. <i> "This is my last baby.</i> <i> "I wanna be with you."</i> Taking her downstairs to see his friends. His auntie say, "Well, the baby look just like you." This isn't the first auntie that said my baby looked just like him. Recently, he sent his other auntie, which is his momma's sister, to Victorville, as a DNA test. I dunno how, she didn't swab or nothin'. I guess it's just eye vision. (AUDIENCE SNICKERS) She come up there and say, "I gotta tell you this." Taking pictures of my baby, and all that. "I gotta tell you this. Your daughter looks more like Mr. Butler "than any of his other kids." Now, this other gentleman that I saw in the evidence you submitted, this is the man you believe is Za'Marah's father. Might be. Might be. I wish so, Your Honor. I pray to God and I wish that I would have messed with my fiance around the time that I got pregnant. I wish. He has stepped up in so many ways that Quincy has never been. That never been. 'Cause they keep me away from her. As far as my daughter... They keep me away from everything. Calling my fiance "Dad," I'm gonna grant it. How are we keeping you away? You were just at the house two weeks ago. He was supposed to be there to live. The single point that I'm trying to understand is, is it true that you decided that maybe you'd go and stay at Ms. Moore's house with Za'Marah? Were you gonna go over there? To tell the truth, he went over. Yeah. So, you did. And was it because you felt like this was your daughter? Yes, I did. You did, okay. So, it's almost like you've got one foot in and one foot out. Yes, I do. It's been... MOORE: That's because it's being tugged on. I've been playing tug of war, and I'm tired of playing tug of war. If it come back to be my daughter, I wanna see my daughter, today. 'Cause, probably when I leave her, I not gonna never see her. And what is it, you feel that Ms. Moore wanted to be with you and since that didn't work out, Za'Marah's her way of getting back at you? Yes, ma'am. (GASPS) No. Yes, ma'am. I've been in a tug of war because I've felt like she's using my... Za'Marah, as a pawn to get back with me. 'Cause truthfully she's unfit... And she's half... Like, she's using me as a bait tool. Like, she wants my money, all type of stuff, Your Honor. So, you feel like she's trying to use you? Yes, ma'am. Now, look, we're in court. I have to be honest. This conversation you're having right now, is this something you truly independently feel or are these things you talk about with your wife? 'Cause you're in a difficult position. You may have a baby with one woman and you're married to another woman. And they obviously don't get along. They ain't never gonna get... So, are these things that you feel... Is your wife kind of egging these thoughts on or are these your independent thoughts? My own thoughts. So, now, my last question is, if these thoughts are true, when you get into an altercation with your wife, why do you run to Ms. Moore's house? I don't... Well, I did get into an altercation with my wife and I runs over here to see if this is my baby or not. A year and a half, it's been in a tug of war with this baby. All right. Well, I think there's only one way to get to the results. HARRISON: Please. It's to have the envelope. Thank you, Jerome. There results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of <i> Moore v Butler,</i> when it comes to one-year-old Za'Marah Moore, and as to whether her biological father is Mr. Butler, it has been determined by this court Mr. Butler... Yes, ma'am. You are her father. Now, look at her. I'm done. Thank you, you completed everything today. You're very welcome, sir. HARRISON: You feel better? Yes, I do. Do you? Yeah. Now you can start being a dad. When she was born on down, this is yours. Thank you for coming back in, Ms. Moore. I know it's emotional. How do you feel? I'm just irritated. I'm irritated. Because I know for a fact that Quincy didn't want this DNA test done. She did. JUDGE LAKE: Listen, I'm gonna run it down. I'm gonna drop it like a dime. You can pick it up if you want to. I'm just being honest. Ms. Moore, this is a life lesson for you. Mr. Butler, you have a beautiful, beautiful little girl. I want you to sit down with Ms. Moore and start figuring out how to let the past be the past. Thank goodness you've got Ms. Gutter here. Loves the baby but can also help you all, if you need it. If you need time to talk, she can take Za'Marah so you all can talk by yourselves and get this together, okay? I wish you all the very best of luck. Court is adjourned.
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,552,767
Rating: 4.6882339 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: PreEwhou5hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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