Man Became Father After One Night of Partying (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. JEROME: Hello, your Honor. Hello. This is the case of <i> Boston v. Murphy.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. THERESA: Good day, your Honor. Mr. Boston, you have dragged the defendant into court today because you say you have undeniable proof that there is no way possible that you are the biological father of the defendant's 10-month-old son, Tristan, is that correct? JEREMY: Yes, your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Murphy, you say that you are tired of Mr. Boston's lies and you want him to stop denying that he's Tristan's father. You believe the DNA results will be your proof today, is that correct? Yes, your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Boston, what is your proof that you are not Tristan's father? Your Honor, you have to have sex to make a baby and I don't believe in, you know, I don't remember even doing that with her. THERESA: He's lying. JUDGE LAKE: You don't remember having sex with Ms. Murphy? JEREMY: All of a sudden Why am I finding out that I was the dad? He was at my house all the time, every day, every night in my bed. Stop it. JUDGE LAKE: It is your assertion to this court that you've never been in a sexual relationship with Ms. Murphy? I mean, I'm not denying it like that, but I'm just saying, like... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So what are you saying? He's lying. He is lying, your Honor. See? JUDGE LAKE: Did you or did you not have a sexual relationship with Ms. Murphy? I mean, I had, your Honor... THERESA: We did. ...But we had protection. THERESA: Plenty of times on different occasions. So I'm trying to figure out how this baby popped up. JUDGE LAKE: Okay, but now, you started off the whole case lying. You said you got to have sex... THERESA: Thank you. have a baby. THERESA: Exactly. You're saying you didn't have sex, but you did. Right. Now you're saying you used protection? Yes, but... JUDGE LAKE: Okay. Your credibility is shot. (LAUGHTER) So obviously, you all were not boyfriend and girlfriend? JEREMY: Nope. Yes, we were. JEREMY: No, we was not. Oh, my goodness. THERESA: Yes, we were. JEREMY: No, we was not. So wait, now you... THERESA: Yes, we were. JEREMY: No, we was not. Yes, we were. Yes, we were. JUDGE LAKE: So wait a minute. So Mr. Boston, you say you weren't in a committed relationship? Yes, we were. No. Yes, we were. She then turned the friendship into a whole marriage. OMG. Like, for real, really? No, that ain't how it went. Ms. Murphy. THERESA: Yes, your Honor. So how long were you in a sexual relationship? Four months. JEREMY: I wasn't even at her house for four months. THERESA: He's lying. He's lying, your Honor. She would call me and beg me over there every other night. He's lying. He's lying. Like, he was at my house... JEREMY: Sometimes, I can't... ...every night, spending the night, sleeping in the same bed. JEREMY: Sometimes I came to stay alone, kicking it with them. You know, having beverages. Stayed over time when my mom was asleep, so I couldn't get in her house. So yes, I did spend a night over there and I slept on her floor in her living room. It was an every... No, lying. You slept in my bed. Yes, I have. You slept in my bed. JUDGE LAKE: And so wait a minute. You say you used protection the whole time? JEREMY: Yeah. Every time? No. No. Lying. No, no, no. He's lying. He's lying, your Honor. He's lying. Because it wasn't a lot of times, your Honor. He's lying. It wasn't a lot of times. THERESA: He never used protection. Never. But it only takes one time to make a baby. THERESA: Exactly. JEREMY: Exactly. JUDGE LAKE: So why would you lead in this courtroom with a statement that says you got to have sex to make a baby? Yes, you do and you did. Yes, I did, your Honor, I apologize about that. (LAUGHTER) JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Murphy, how did it go? When I moved to Danville, I bumped into Mr. Boston. We exchanged numbers. After that, he started coming over my house, spending the night, and we had sexual encounters plenty of times on several occasions in my bedroom. And when I first found out that I was pregnant, he was happy, he came over to my house, he's like, "Oh, I found out you was pregnant." And I was like, "Yes, I am. I'm two months." Your Honor. Your Honor, I found out... He rubbed my belly and everything. He was smiling and everything. JEREMY: I found out that she was pregnant in the process of me being on... THERESA: No, no. ...over at a family member's house. THERESA: No. That family member came in the house and told me, "Well, you know somebody named Theresa?" At the time, I didn't know her government name. The only thing I knew was Bookie. THERESA: He's lying. He's lying, your Honor. JEREMY: I knew her by Bookie. He's lying. JEREMY: I never knew Theresa Murphy. Wait a minute. THERESA: Oh, my god. JEREMY: Even in Chicago, Bookie. You've been sleeping with her for four months and don't know her name? Not even her government name. JUDGE LAKE: You sound about crazy, Mr. Boston. JEREMY: Bookie. THERESA: Thank you. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: So you never knew her name was Theresa? Her government... Never. Even in Chicago, it was Bookie. (LAUGHTER) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. What happened when you found out Bookie was pregnant? I say, "Well, congratulations. Tell her congratulations. "Who is the father?" So the lady, like, "Uh, she's saying "you the father's child." "Uh, yeah, so, uh, how far along is she?" Two months. JEREMY: You know. I wasn't over your house for long, you know, for a little while. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, you're saying... So there was a span of time that you didn't go over there at all? JEREMY: Exactly. JUDGE LAKE: And you feel like when you found out she was pregnant, when you calculated back, it was during the time that you weren't around? Exactly. It's not true, when I found that I was pregnant, I didn't tell him. I didn't contact him. I was at home. He came to my house and knocked on my door. He was with his friend and he came in and I have my friends there and he was like, "I heard you was pregnant." I'm like, "Yes, I'm two months." He started smiling, putting his hands on my belly. He started rubbing on my belly. Now, during the time that I was pregnant, he was coming over there, but he had stopped when I was, like, six months. He has stopped coming over my house... Your Honor... THERESA: ...for some reason, I don't know why. JEREMY: No. I called her and talked about the baby. No, he didn't. No, he didn't. She's like, "Well, who told you?" I'm like, well, "It's running around, you know, "the whole of Danville." THERESA: No, he did not. JEREMY: So that's when I called her to get it... Get, you know, get the facts from her out of her own mouth. Okay, so when you got those facts, what did she say to you? JEREMY: She told me, yeah, she was pregnant, this, that and the third. You know, she wanted me to come talk to her. Yeah, I did go over there and talked to her with my friend, you know. So I asked her, uh, about this child. She looking at me, you know, she looking all sad in the face. Why? So I'm like, "Uh, so who's the father of this child? What's going on?" She like, "You." So yeah, at the point... At the time, yes, I was a little tipsy, you know what I'm saying? But in my head, yeah, I got another child on the way, you know, I'ma see how this work out. So after that little... That little alcohol... He was drunk, but still, that ain't no excuse. ...ran up off me, I then thought about it... JUDGE LAKE: So when you sobered up, then you realized, "Uh-oh, this may not be my child"? Exactly. (LAUGHTER) JEREMY: Exactly. (MUSIC PLAYING) After I had the baby, your Honor, he came to Chicago to see my baby. JEREMY: Yes, I did. JUDGE LAKE: So during the pregnancy and birth, you all lived in different states? THERESA: Yes, I moved back to Chicago with my mom. Actually, I have proof he came to Chicago to see my son. JUDGE LAKE: I'd like to see that. And I took a picture. He asked me to take a picture of him and his son and put it on Facebook, and that's what I did. JEREMY: No, I haven't. JUDGE LAKE: Thank you. JEREMY: No, no, I haven't. So what is this a picture of? THERESA: Tristan and Mr. Boston. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Boston and Tristan? THERESA: Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Boston, is this you in this picture? JEREMY: Yes, it is. Were you holding the baby just because or were you taking a picture with your son? I wanted to see what part of me is in this child, but I have... I have... For, uh, so long, I was, you know, I was patient about the situation because maybe on down the line as the child get a little older, I will see some part of me in this baby. I still don't see it. Okay. So what you did is you came to town because you wanted to see this baby because you needed to see if it looked like you? JEREMY: Right, if it has some kind of, you know, parts of me or my family in him. I don't see it. JUDGE LAKE: Some family resemblance? Exactly. JUDGE LAKE: All right. So Ms. Murphy, he's saying there's a whole gap of time... No. ...that he was not around when he believes you conceived Tristan. Was there a gap of time? THERESA: He was around. No, he was around all the time. You're lying. JUDGE LAKE: For that four months you were sleeping with him without protection consistently? Yes, yes, yes. JUDGE LAKE: Before you got pregnant was he the only man you were intimate with... JEREMY: No, no. all? Let her answer. THERESA: No. JUDGE LAKE: No? Okay. So why are you convinced that Mr. Boston is the father? Because for the period of time when I found that I was pregnant, the time adds up. He was the only man that I was intimate with. No, I was not. THERESA: He was the only man that I was with. We were together. You was intimate with other guys way before. THERESA: No, no. I was just intimate with one person after him. Because there was too many guys that already knew out there was telling me her name. No. After him, I was only intimate with one guy. Oh, how you know her? "How you know... How you know her?" Too many guys. Too many of them. JUDGE LAKE: Well, the court has identified and located another man who says he was intimate with you as well. JEREMY: Hmm. Look at that there. JUDGE LAKE: That man, Mr. Gregory, is here. JEREMY: A shame. JUDGE LAKE: Jerome, can you please escort Mr. Gregory... JEROME: Sure. JUDGE LAKE: ...into the courtroom? Mr. Gregory, thank you for joining us today. No problem. JUDGE LAKE: We've determined that you in fact have had a relationship with Ms. Murphy. TYRAN: A sexual relationship. JUDGE LAKE: Just a sexual relationship? Take me back to the day Ms. Murphy told you she was pregnant. TYRAN: She text me on Facebook and told me she was pregnant. I never talked to her again, like, deleted everything, so... THERESA: He blocked me. I blocked her, so I basically just blocked her and everything. JUDGE LAKE: You got a message on Facebook that she was potentially pregnant by you and you deleted her? Blocked it. THERESA: He blocked me. He actually blocked me, your Honor, because he had went back home to his girlfriend and he thought that I was gonna break up a happy home, which it wasn't nothing like that, because I don't wanna break up no happy home. This is about my son. JUDGE LAKE: But you just testified in court just a minute ago that when you calculated up the time during the four-month span, it was only Mr. Boston. THERESA: It added up... It added up to Mr. Boston. JUDGE LAKE: So why are we telling Mr. Gregory? THERESA: Because I had in my head that he could've been my baby's daddy. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. You're sleeping with him and you were sleeping with him, you don't know which one is your child's father? Were you sleeping with somebody else, too? THERESA: No. Anybody? No. JUDGE LAKE: Think about it. (LAUGHTER) I don't have to think about it. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Murphy, you brought a witness. I wanna hear from her. Ma'am, please stand. State your name for the court, ma'am. My name, Quiana Wynne. And what is your relationship to Ms. Murphy? I'm her best friend. JUDGE LAKE: You're her best friend? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Who do you believe is Tristan's biological father? Mr. Boston. (SCOFFS) JUDGE LAKE: And why is that? I... Your Honor, I stayed with... I was living with Theresa the whole time. So when he was saying he wasn't really coming over there that much... QUIANA: He was. THERESA: Right, he was. JUDGE LAKE: ...And he was sleeping on the floor. He wasn't sleeping on no floor. He was sleeping in my bed. Was Mr. Boston the only man coming over there within that four month period? When she was seeing... When she was seeing him, he was the only man. They broke up. QUIANA: They weren't talking for, like, I'd say, like, two weeks, that's when she started messing with Mr. Gregory. JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So that's the period of time that you're talking about that you weren't around. Okay. That lends credibility to your testimony, then you say she started talking to Mr. Gregory? QUIANA: Right. JUDGE LAKE: All right. Ma'am, thank you for your testimony. You may be seated. So Ms. Murphy, Tristan is now 10 months old. Has Mr. Boston contributed, helped support the child? THERESA: No. Ain't nobody did anything for my baby. Since my son had been born, I've been doing everything for my baby. I am a 24/7 mother, but my baby deserves to know who his father is. JUDGE LAKE: Is there a name listed as father on his birth certificate? Um, no. I put Mr. Boston on child support. You did what? I didn't get no letter. THERESA: I have proof that I put... JUDGE LAKE: Let me see that, Jerome. Mr. Boston on child support. JUDGE LAKE: Why would you arbitrarily choose Mr. Boston and put him on child support when you knew Mr. Gregory could also potentially be a father? At the time when I conceived, I didn't talk to neither one of them, but I had Mr. Boston information as far as his birthday, his social security number, and everything. I'ma tell y'all something. Y'all gonna learn something today. Y'all gonna learn something in this courtroom today. Running around here having sex like it's a sport and then when somebody asked her to name a father, she just named one that she got the most information on. Thank you. Thank you, your Honor. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: And I... JEREMY: Thank you. holding paperwork right now that has been submitted to put you on the hook for child support for a child that you don't know is yours, you don't if it's yours... JEREMY: We don't. ...and you don't know if it's either one of theirs. So the stakes are high today. I just want my baby to have his daddy in his life. I don't need... I don't need nobody to do anything for him. JUDGE LAKE: So why file the papers and put his name? Uh, I want you to tell me what's going in your mind. Okay. He was supposed to come to Chicago when I... Before I delivered Tristan. JUDGE LAKE: And he didn't come? THERESA: He didn't come. So when I received my child support papers, that's what I did. I filled them out, put his information on there. JUDGE LAKE: You paid him back and said, "Okay, you ain't gonna show, I'ma sign your name up on these papers..." THERESA: Exactly. "...and you're gonna have to cut this check." You're being petty and trying to pay him back for not showing up for the birth and not supporting you, "So I'm gonna put you on child support." Now... You're gonna have the state chasing down a man. He ain't got no money. So now, what's Tristan gonna have? He got me. JUDGE LAKE: And we... Right. That's the whole point. He got you. That's your baby. You're responsible if you know you slept with more than one man during the window of conception. It is your responsibility to figure out who that child's father is, and before you wrote somebody arbitrarily into child support without knowing he's the father to just figure out that issue. You know both of these men could be that child's father. And men, you're not off the hook, so don't think just because I am empowering this young woman to understand what she should've done, you all are not off the hook because I don't like how you all over here scowling at her when both of you laid down with her willingly. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: So before you get so disgusted, you be disgusted with yourselves. Oh, I'm not disgusted at all. JUDGE LAKE: You're not disgusted? I'm not. Because every time you look over in that direction, you got that look like, "Oh, my goodness." TYRAN: Because I want the DNA test. If the baby's mine, the baby's mine. That's how it is. JUDGE LAKE: So if the baby's yours, what are you gonna do? Be a father. JUDGE LAKE: You got a job? Yeah, I got two jobs. Excellent. I hope this child is yours. (APPLAUSE) Results, please. (MUSIC PLAYING) I hope this child is yours. These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Boston v. Murphy,</i> when it comes to 10-month-old Tristan Murphy, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Gregory, you... Are not his father. The next results read as follows. In the case of<i> Boston v. Murphy,</i> when it comes to 10-month-old Tristan Murphy, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Boston, you... Are not the father. (CROWD CHATTER) JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Murphy, do you know who this child's father is? Thank you for the truth, because you can't get anywhere until you tell the truth. As you come of age and get older, you're gonna learn that sometimes, you just got to put your big girl panties on and you got to tell the truth. And I mean this respectfully, you know how to take them off. Now, you got to put them on, because we got a little boy that's 10 months old and we have no clue who his biological father is. JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Boston, you are going to have to make sure that paperwork does not attach itself to you because someone arbitrarily gave your name. You owe him an apology. (SNIFFLES) Sorry. THERESA: It just hurts so bad. JUDGE LAKE: I can tell you're hurting. No young woman walking around this world with purpose in her life, self esteem, lays down with all these different men with no protection. Baby, I could tell you were hurting back then, but part of your healing process is gonna be taking control of this situation as best as you can, do you understand? Yes. I wish you the very best of luck. Court is adjourned. (STRIKES MALLET)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,488,980
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Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: L4kp1hQyLhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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