We Made A Giant 50-Pound Bento Box • Tasty

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hello i'm alvin welcome back to tasty's making a big the show where i make giant food for my friends and co-workers today what i thought would be fun would be to make a giant bento box with lots of fun things inside first i'm gonna talk to my good friend riya mcclenny to explain what is a bento box why is a bento box and how is a bento box let's talk to riya hi rea hey alvin what is a bento box and what is the context behind bento bento is essentially a meal in a box you can bring it to school you can bring it to office for lunch it's rice and a couple of small things that can last a while they won't spoil they won't go bad exactly bento is meant to be eaten cold so you want to season very well and what kinds of foods are usually inside a bento rice it's a must my favorite is tamagoyaki and fried chicken so it's a first season you made me a giant tamagoyaki it's a japanese omelette it was my mom's favorite as well when my mom was little she requested kamalaki all the time her school teacher saw that and she warned her if you only eat tamagoyaki every day you will turn into chicken and that made her very scared that's kind of messed up that's like when when my mom told me if you eat a watermelon seed it'll grow into a watermelon so you make sure you take out all the seeds that's not true at all what the heck one thing that i've seen in a couple of bento pictures is hot dogs that are cut in a way where they almost look like little octopuses people who make bento try to make it look very cute or like try to make it look like a character so i think i have all the information that i need thank you for teaching us about the world of bento i'm excited for you i'm scared i have my work cut out for me so i've invited my friend inca also a fellow buzzfeed producer we both make videos for about to eat go check out the channel there's a lot of fun stuff that we're making and going to make so welcome back inka thanks for having me elvis yeah inca i've heard that you've also made bento boxes and videos about battle boxes before can you tell me about that i have so okay the last time i made one on a video was like three years ago the ridiculously cute bento box you will be the expert i will be moral support nah you'll do it with me we'll do it together so to start i'm going to be making the rolled egg omelette that rie mentioned and inka is going to be making i'm going to make an army of octoweenies octo sausages little octopi wow they look like fingers half it like this it's not obvious right now it's going to be obvious once it hits the water we're gonna we're gonna cook them alive i mean boil them while inka is slowly assembling her army of octoweenies i'm going to be destroying an army of eggs for the tamagoyaki it's your army of eggs versus my army of sausages why did this turn into a competition this is a collaborative team effort look at this fanning out the legs oh yeah don't say that okay oh that sounds weird it's that does that sound weird well okay well inca i have one egg left and do you remember what we did in the ramen episode peggy i feel like we should have um eggy reborn reincarnated you know inca seems to be a little slow today so while i'm gonna get so much flack for that later tamagoyaki is usually seasoned with a couple of things wow i just burped oh sorry you had to hear that so soy sauce some instant dashi powder a good amount of sugar which might sound weird but is actually delicious salt a little bit of water now because i am too lazy to whisk eggs we use an immersion blender and viciously turn them into one big egg damn he's pissed alvin why don't i have an immersion blender shortcut you should have hand whisked it well you know uh let's just say i chose to do the eggs for a reason oh i knew it it looks like they're ready for war i have two still pet masks with nonstick spray borrowing another technique from the 100 egg omelet video i'm gonna bake these in sheets and you go look at that and i'm gonna slowly transfer these into the oven while inka toils away on her weenie army another bento box item that i'm really excited about is the fried chicken which is karage so instead of having little small chunks of fried chicken we're at making a bake so we're going to use the whole chicken thigh for the marinade i have soy sauce some garlic ginger oh it smells so good sake one egg sugar just gonna mix this all up whoa all right this is a little hot but look at that oh it's coming together good do you like karage what what are you what are you doing back there grabbing some um some of my special tools marinade is looking pretty good and i think what makes the signature coating is potato starch i love frying with potato starch it just has this really nice crisp like rugged texture i have really hot oil here i have the chicken it's only one thing left to do all right oh it's getting hot oh look at this color it's getting so beautiful dude look at this fried chicken oh boy that does look good all right first batch is ready to come out i think look at that i'm actually gonna double fry these because these thighs are big and as they rest they're also really juicy so some of the juices start to come out i think double frying helps get rid of that water and makes it extra crispy alrighty they've been in here for a while look at this one look at it a beauty well i'm gonna keep cooking these but are you cooking these butts no i keep cooking these bye aggie eggy i keep it boring i'm gonna put on the fancy eyes remember the ones from my video yes those look really good oh you know i'm on a big show making some really tiny stuff right now you see can you see it can you see the ice ready angry octo weenie [Music] our two different kinds today wow the premium on the right hey don't hate this is how i feel on youtube this is me after makeup vegetables are very important for bento boxes so i think you're going to handle the more delicate work because you are more artistic or maybe you just don't want to do the work that's actually the reason why i really don't want to handle vegetables so i'm going to roll my egg omelette now um you go ahead and you do you i'm not going to cook the tomatoes but i'm just going to blanch the carrots and i'll slice them up so then it'll also make it easier for me to cut them is everything okay over there you know they're just a little raw but those are massive carrots i know they're cute i haven't cooked with carrots this making a long time just trying to loosen up the egg from its little mat over here this is a time tested technique roll this little break is fine you keep it nice and tight now this is going to go over here no snack oh good hungry [Music] it's very sweet i like it sweet and savory i'm gonna stamp these out i'm gonna go with this big cookie cutter oh it looks like a heart nice uh okay here we go keep the wrap nice and tight that's the most important thing oh look at that let's roll it up roll it up it's a big egg baby big boy yeah eggy eggy excellent broccoli is good looking greener than ever i have eggie here beautiful baby smooth skin we love it i'm going to give him a face i have a bear stamp out here i'm going to use it to give me a smile so that sounded nice okay oh i love that wait cheeks oh yay oh it looks so cute on camera oh my god okay so one of the most important things about bentos is rice yes we are going to make rice bears this is three entire bags i don't know what that means but your bags it's a lot of rice so one big head and then two ears that sounds like a plan gosh it's like building a snowball oh yeah don't throw it at me this is not sticking together as much as i was hoping it would oh smart no i don't i don't know what i'm doing don't say don't call me smart i don't know what i'm doing squish it squish it compress ugh i hope this works yeah they didn't come out the way i wanted it to uh you know it's okay what are you doing is that how you feel help you know honestly oh yeah not bad no what the heck this is that's not a bear that is mickey mouse excuse me that is a bear i just want to make sure you're happy with what you're putting out that's all [Music] i just destroyed it no why is the camera getting a close-up of this oh my arms are burning it looks a little bit like a joker bear right now joker bear too big of a smile i'm going to make a small face on a big bear i don't know how this is going to look but let's get the ears i love it oh my god wait i love this i can't i can't all right well we have created two monstrosities our wonderful art team in la made a giant bento box so now it's time to assemble how are we going to do this alvin we can take turns because this is a very big box would you like to put in the weenies and the chicken sure all right all you oh right now well thanks for having me here again welcome to my show make you think [Music] oh careful you worked hard on okay well i'll just put these weenies in now like this as you can see some of these little octoweenies have like very cute mouths a little o shaped mouth and a little leaf hat looks like a pokemon almost thank you to the culinary team honestly they uh added some spice this is a lot of a lot of babies right here babies i thought we're in the army i mean it's an army of babies i'm not even i'm not even halfway there yet oh no he just flopped i don't know what's happening i just heard heavy breathing i'm trying to pick it up okay this is gonna be a pile of chicken who doesn't like that right oh oh it looks so good i'm going to do the egg now all right let's do big slices that's very satisfying right it's going to get a little messy it's placement is a little it's a little finicky i think that's why they don't make tamagoyaki this big yeah i think that's the best i'm going to be able to get it i think it tastes good it's just uh very tender hey they don't look bad thanks alvin's worried for no reason all right i have been given this spatula look here's the deal this is a big big guy and um gosh alvin i really hope i can do this me too oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i can't lift it okay all right i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna holy sh she's a kid show holy moly crowley moly's moly's all right hey no i'm i think i got it yeah he's he's at home okay my turn i did it oh boy let me tell you it's not easy i'm gonna put the ears on later oh oh he's sturdy he's a thick sturdy bear the arm shaking i'm shaking how are you going to fit all right yeah there you go there you go let's get one of your ears on little buddy oh that's a little high that's fine there you go all right some tomatoes at the bottom oh yeah oh yeah wow we did it well i'm so glad you came today i don't think i could have envisioned a better box i know i'm pretty proud of us it is probably 50 pounds we done did good yay anko would you like a plate yes please that's a huge plate this is the only plate we have oh this is the making of the course oh no no cheers [Music] oh my god so tender yeah and that potato starts coating oh my gosh we did it alvin we did it great job this looks so good julie i'm so happy this looks way better than what i had imagined and i knew it was going to look good because you were here so i'm glad we are very hungry and we like what we made exactly we just made like 50 bento boxes no big deal 100 yeah so um if you'll excuse us we're gonna take some time alone bye [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 2,175,483
Rating: 4.9665155 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, baking, bento box, bento box ideas, bento box lunch, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy breakfast recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, giant food, healthy breakfast recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, making it big, quarantine, quarantine recipes, social distancing, tasty, tasty recipes
Id: Pe9zbc3JM64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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