I Made Giant 30-Pound Oreos • Tasty

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hello i'm alvin welcome back to tasties making big the show where i make giant versions of some of america's most beloved foods today i'm gonna be making a giant oreo why i love oreos let's get going [Music] boom okay so this is an oreo do you guys see a problem because i do it's small and we don't do that here i'll save you for later so to start i'm going to sift dry ingredients into a bowl this is flour baking soda salt dutch processed cocoa powder this is the special dark cocoa powder that gives the oreo its signature color little whisk that looks cool right dry ingredients are set i'm going to cream the butter and the sugar in my trusty little kitchenaid his name is todd put in a lot of work last season whoa whoa whoa calm down now came back from the dead here we go i'm gonna say that's good now four eggs back on we go oh it's dark when i look into it i can't see anything it's like looking into a black hole and we're done oh wait it's not cooked maybe i shouldn't have done that looks like something from a volcano that's nice look at that it's so soft [Music] oh this is not shaping just like the circle i wanted it to now we're gonna get this onto a tray the question is how do we get this onto this the answer i i don't know i think it's sticking to the table a little bit [Music] oh it's starting to break a little bit well this oreo is very interesting hold on i got it oh it looks like we're going to flip it over and i dropped the dough good job alvin we'll be right back so this is some dough that we re-rolled using the scraps and i'm going to start cutting shapes because a regular oreos design is actually very very very complex a lot of triangles lines circles i'm starting with a square down you go nice this is very fun it reminds me of arts and crafts class that i did very poorly at i'm going to cut these into triangles so i'm going to go halfway good job alvin thanks now i'm going to cut some circles this guy oh how do i get you out good oh oh ignore the hole in the back i'm gonna be here for a while i think i'm just gonna cut out my own name so we have little letters i'm going to start from the back and oh god come on come out i should have flowered it all right alvin what are you doing that's a little ugly i want to do that again we're gonna flower this time like smart people all right come out oh well we're gonna give this one more try ah yes that's an n great how do you get this a out what yeah saying it chief hey yo this is a terrible a yeah i'm gonna i think i'm just gonna hand cut this a okay i might have made the legs a little too long that's okay this is alvin but a is bold while those shapes are chilling in the fridge we actually have two of these dough circles culinary helped me make another one so again thank you guys because an oreo has that ring on the outside and i want to see if i can get that design too center please be center now we can cut a ring around that is a lot stiffer than i thought it was gonna be nice i'm gonna save this for later so this is a little ring and this guy goes on this guy kind of like making dumplings you gotta wet the edges a little bit so it sticks so ancient chinese technique passed down from generation to generation [Music] oh god is it gonna break oh don't break it broke that's okay that's just how it goes sometimes one two and we go around that looks pretty cool all right now we gotta get this guy back onto the tray [Music] here we go i'm going to use this ring to shape him up a little better looking great feeling great clear hearts cold mines can't lose nope that's not how it goes at all all right the outer ring is done let's see if i know how to spell oh god that's not centered is it oh let's highlight this oh i like that one two one two oh that looks like a clock now let's get these wedges on now that looks cool all right i think i think this is it i'm just gonna for safety put this guy in the freezer and then i'm gonna bake him i'll see you guys after i take a little nap oh good oreo time to make the frosting apparently there's a lot of stuff that goes into it we found a recipe which is actually made by buzzfeed alumni scott leuch and we scaled it up we scaled it up a lot eight sticks of butter and we're gonna cream it wow it smells so good oh my god and this is clear vanilla extract i don't know where this comes from but it smells like rainbow so we're gonna put it in this is eight cups of powdered sugar another egg cups oh god look what you did alvin you messed it up again you doofus oh jesus oh jeez it's spilling again come on alvin oh god oh jesus get back in there no don't come out it's kind of looking like frosting wow that's stiff jesus okay frosting is done i'm going to get it into this bowl oh my god i made it like a sugar crime scene over here don't tell the police oh my god this is your brain on drugs nope i should not say that this is a family-friendly show that's for making a big after dark probably wallpaper my house with this if i if i had a house i can't i can't afford a house the top of the cookie is in the oven it's gonna bake for a little bit it's gonna chill now we have the bottom which has been baked off and we have all this amazing frosting that we made so i think it'll be fun to use an ice cream scoop ooh that's nice i like that very much this is like building a sundae but it's not ice cream it's just butter i feel like each one of these scoops has enough filling to almost like fill a whole sleeve of oreos i'm pretty sure this is not how they make oreos back at the factory smoosh them all together so they become good friends look at this look at this this is a smooth oreo so this is my oreo that i baked and the goal is to get it onto here not sure if i'm going to be able to get this but we will do our best this is an interesting problem how do i get you on there it's not coming off oh there it is [Music] all right okay that's on it's it's me in an oreo i heard that our culinary team wonderful people in the back have actually been making more of these so you know as oreo is proud to say they are milk's favorite cookie so we have a nice giant glass of milk look at this it's like 10 pounds holy moly this giant oreo is at least a hundred times the size of a normal oreo i very happy with this let's eat it this is one thick cookie oh it's like trying to get excalibur out of the ground would you look at that this is my oreo sandwich whoa this tastes like an actual oreo it has that crumbliness when you dip it in the milk oh that feeling is thick my heart is beating very fast well if you excuse me i have a lot of oreos to eat [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 1,484,372
Rating: 4.9567094 out of 5
Keywords: Tasty, tasty recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, how to cook, how to, how to bake, easy cooking, cooking, food, food porn, breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, breakfast recipes, lunch recipes, dinner recipes, quarantine, social distancing, quarantine recipes, baking, eating, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, fun recipes, easy recipes, easy breakfast recipes, healthy breakfast recipes, making it big, tasty, giant food, giant food challenge, making giant food, i make giant food
Id: 2pyIk71sUTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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