What is the best asdfmovie joke?

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Man, Legal Eagle is cross-promoting with everyone these days. Should introduce Tomska to Indochino.

asdfmovie is always a bit of an odd duck to me. A lot of the random humor seems perfect for like a 7 year old but it's too violent for me to recommend to that age.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/Amarsir 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy crap. He's unrecognizable from the last time I've seen him.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/TheCheesy 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Great Video

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/randomguy101021 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Holy fuck that last clip got me loved it

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Dr_Hoffenheimer 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did not expect Tom Scott at the end.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/StopSendingSteamKeys 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Guess you had to be there

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/meme_dream_surpeme 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
asdfmovie! It's a thing. It's popular. 12 episodes, 5 songs, 1 gold record, 1 book, 1 card game (out now), 1 billion collective views, and 1 question: Why? ... How? ... What? brian david gilbert (off screen): That's actually three questions. [bang] ow! Hey you! My name is Thomas 'TomSka' Ridgewell' and in 2008 i created asdfmovie. A fast-paced, minimalistic, animated sketch show which will soon see its 13th episode. Now, I don't know about you but I don't really get it... How did a derivative, lol-random humour webtoon - which by all accounts should have passed its cultural sell-by date in the mid-noughties - stand the test of time and keep me observably well-fed into this most cursed decade? Today I'm going to determine exactly what makes asdfmovie work. What's inside of them, what makes them tick, what people like about them, what the best jokes are, and what the worst jokes are; and when that is all done... I'm going to create the perfect asdfmovie joke. [bouncy theme music] This is a stupid idea. Why am i doing this? I dunno! Something to do. Can't go outside! [laughs] Now, to make sense of asdfmovie I- Aah! Wait! I'm you from the future! The future? Oh! How does 2020 end? It doesn't. Yeah, that scans. But that's not important right now! What matters is that i come from a future... A future that's terrible for one simple reason... Because you didn't promote Raid Shadow Legends in this video! ... The mobile game? [slap] Ah! You can also play it on desktop you ignorant fool. Okay. Ow. But I don't know anything about Raid Shadow Legends! It's a turn-based battle MMORPG where you collect and upgrade champions and battle them. It's extremely popular! Sounds kind of stupid. [slap] Aah! Well, it's not! There's hundreds of champions, each with their own unique skill trees and millions of artefacts to find. What does an artefact do? Also they just rebalanced the PVP to make it more competitive and they introduced The Forge so you can save time on crafting artefacts! I don't even know what an artefact does... Well, you'll at least appreciate the graphics and the fact that you can play it in short or long bursts making it perfect for pooping time. How do you know what part I like? I've never even played this game! [slap] Ah! Because you will! As if you sign up today you'll get 50,000 silver, 50 gems, 1 energy refill, 1 clan boss key, 5 mystery shards, 12 bleeple bloops, a 1 day XP booster, and a free champion: The Executioner! You definitely made one of those up. [slap] Uh- How dare you! It's true, I made up the bleeple bloops. Alright, so, where do I play it? Oh, that part's easy! Just click the link in the description. But what if I'm in French? Tu trouveras le lien dans la description. And if I'm German? Klicke den link in der beschreibung. Wait. I never asked asked. What happens if I don't promote Raid Shadow Legends? Oh, your butt falls off. Oh no! Mien butt! Klicke den link in der beschreibung now to play Raid Shadow Legends. And you can find all your treasure here. [pop] It's back! You did it, me! [heroic celebratory music] [slap] AH! Anyway. To make sense of asdfmovie I'm first going to need to break it down into its bare essentials. Its comedic composition. Its... Secret sauce. Between the 12 episodes, 3 deleted scenes, 1 sponsored video, and 1... Skyrim parody? There have been 226 sketches in the asdfmovie series thus far and because I hate fun, I've compiled them into one gigantic spreadsheet! This is observably a cry for help, right? Like, this isn't normal. Now! Those 226 sketches all follow one simple comedic principle: The subversion of expectations. In short, surprise the audience with an unexpected outback steakhouse! "Outback Steakhouse: Aah, get ya steak here!" You think he's gonna fall down? Up he goes! You think being stabbed is bad? Not this time! You think butterflies are harmless? This one'll bang your wife. True story. Don't want to talk about it. But to truly understand why these subversions are funny, I need to dig a little deeper. "But Tom", you ask, "surely you wouldn't be crazy enough to try and break down the undefinable subjective makeup of comedy?" Yes i am! We don't have a second camera? We don't have a second camera. But yes I am. First, we have a "true random", where the punchline is completely untethered to the setup; where nothing in the build-up leads to the outcome. Hey, cool hat! Then there's "literal outcomes" because when you're expecting the unexpected sometimes getting exactly what's promised is its own surprise. I'm feeling carsick [vomit] There's "wordplay" because certain words and phrases can mean multiple things. Jimmy! Take out the dog. Yes, mother. [bang] [woof] ... For a walk, Jimmy. "Dark turns"! What a wholesome and harmless situation... Sure would be a shame if something bad were to happen to it. Got your nose! [laughter] Look out, he's got a nose! [gunshots] "Violence is funny"... It is. [child laughing] [car horn + impact] "Parody". Self-contained jokes are great but sometimes it's nice to fall back on a well-established, worldwide trope that it's safe to assume the audience already knows. Knock knock! Who's there? [wham] The door! "Sequels and callbacks". Recurrences of characters or setups that have appeared earlier in the asdfmovie series itself. Phone voice: I like trains. [train horn] "Funny visuals"! Where the animation or the weird visuals themselves are an integral part of the joke. Raaaainbows!! "Funny voices" for intentionally over-the- top or ill-fitting performances. But mother, I love him! "Thing talking that shouldn't talk". Because that thing shouldn't talk! I used to be a cow... And finally, "Anti-climaxes and awkward pauses" because sometimes the absence of wackiness is wacky in and of itself. Hm. Throughout the series, every single one of the 226 sketches uses at least one - but more often multiple - of these comedic devices... Except for two. One which is a pure subversion of expectation, and another which is a nonsensical paradox. But while this tells us what types of jokes are in the asdfmovie series it doesn't tell us what's actually in those jokes. So what are some common occurrences or themes in the asdfmovie series? What's that, Mr Gun? You want to see what's inside my ear? Okay! Gun: It's beautiful! Death can be abrupt, shocking, chaotic, unexpected, and therefore shares a lot of its genetic makeup with comedy. Or maybe i just need to see a therapist... But before we can ascertain exactly how significant the untimely and abrupt demise of a character is to the asdfmovie series, we must first define death! For a character to die in asdfmovie, they must transition from an inarguable state of being alive to one of certain death. Hit by a train? Dead. Shot in the face? Dead. Blown to smithereens? Neck snapped? Decapitated? Dead, dead, and dead! However, consumed whole? Not dead. As we have seen over and over in the asdfmovie series characters can fully consume one another only to regurgitate them an entire episode later unharmed in what can only be described as an inadvertent introduction to vore but we'll get back to that later. I don't- I'm not ready for that conversation. If all else fails though, just look to the eyes and the universal language of cartoons: X means dead. However, for this data to really reveal something the circumstance of a character's death is just as significant as its cause so we've got "Accidental deaths"! An act of god is a viable synonym for a freak accident and in case you're wondering... Yes. In the asdfmovie universe, I am god. [angelic choir] Yaaay! [splat] We've got "murder"! The premeditated, intentional killing of one character by another. How do we know it's premeditated? [gunshot] Look into those beady little soulless eyes and tell me they're not planning a murder at any given time... There's "suicide". The voluntary, premature termination of one's own life. Does a character knowingly carry out an action that gets them killed if so we've got a suicide! [gunshot] However, what if they merely express a desire or an intent to kill themselves but never actually carry the act out? Well, if that's the case, we'll just bump it to our fourth and final category of death... "Suicidal intent". But I wanna die! Ha ha ha! Cartoons. With those terms defined, let's take a look at our 226 sketches and see what falls where. Tree powers, activate! Is he still alive when he turns into a tree? Well according to Debbie S. Miller's 2002 thesis: Are Tree's Alive..... Yes. I like trains... [train horn] Maybe after the first time one could believe that the "I Like Trains" kid had no idea a train would hit him but the second time...? [train horn] Now That's What I Call Suicide! Piano! [bang + scream] Suicide? Murder? No. I did this. Me! God. Nooo! I like trains. Oh no- no- wait! [train horn] Something has changed... He's learned to control his powers. He even smiles! This is murder. Quick, shoot me in the face! [gunshot] Euthanasia: a mercy kill at the request of the victim but unfortunately not protected by the law. A suicide... But also a murder. [click] Oh. [boom] "Oh", he says? An accident, surely. Not planned... Not planned by him at least... [boing] [boom] My god! An intentional self-detonation! A murder/suicide. This changes everything! [crash] [llama bleating] Wait, did he want the man to step on him or merely want him to stop? Did he know the car would land there? Does Mine Turtle know my intentions? Does he know the will of God?! [nom] She is merely held within the cheeks. No bite has been taken. She lives! [gunshot] Man, I suck at this game! An accident? Grow up! A murder. [plane engine getting closer] [crash] He is reborn and his powers have grown! He craves chaos and mass death! [beep] Okay! Now jump! Encouraging suicide... But is it murder? Well according to the cases Commonwealth versus Michelle Carter and R v Morant... Yes. [laughter + impact] An accident? The coroners would certainly say so... but that ball knows what he did! Save me, Super Guy! No. You're a diiiii- He could have helped... But he didn't... Is that murder? [click] Hey, legal eagles! It's time to think like a lawyer. Today, I want to cover a situation that we all find ourselves in all the time when: you come upon a person who's hanging off of a ledge, and you're a superhero, if that person falls it's not considered murder. Generally we don't owe a duty of care to random strangers. Now, unless the superhero created that situation; he or she doesn't have a duty to save that person. Superheroes don't owe you anything. Be sure to like and subscribe! Smash that like button- [click] Well, laws are always good and just. I mean, why else would they be laws? Hoo! So! What tasty data have we dug up? Well, we have 26 skits featuring accidental deaths, 41 with murders, 18 with suicides, and 12 with suicidal intent... With a total body count of... Uh... Inner monologue: Okay so judging by the number of windows there's probably about 28 seats in there... so that's 2 cabin crew, 2 pilots... So that's 32 in total. 34 dead. Well if the tree is alive then he's not dead... Okay, the minimum crew number for a ship that size is probably 1, 2 3, 4... Okay, 4. So 5 total. 131 deaths! meaning that a character dies roughly every 1.7 sketches. Which, according to the Geneva Convention, makes me a war criminal... Oh... Of course, death isn't the only misfortune to befall our beady-eyed protagonist so... Let's punch in some punches! [punch] Aw, what the hell is wrong with you? And also kicks... And mutilations... I really gotta to see a therapist... There's "fatal injuries and impending demise" for when a character doesn't explicitly die in the sketch but c'mon... C'mooon! Oh you stole my lungs! There's "non-fatal injuries" because "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is a lie! It's- That's not true. [splat] You lied to me! There's "violence against or by children" because the corruption of innocence is tight! Hehehe I'm gonna getcha! "Explosions!" [boom] And the "use of weapons" but what exactly is a weapon? When is a kitten not a kitten? When it's being weaponised against a deadly allergy! As we've established the "I Like Trains" kid's first murder... I wanna be a pie! Billy, no! What killed Billy? Was it the oven? Was it the pie-ification? We'll never know... Cheese? Weapon. Muffins weapon. Aeroplane? Weapon. Envelope? Ah, why not? What does this leave us with? 81 imminent deaths, 35 non-fatal injuries 30 instances of child violence, 12 explosions, 45 uses of a weapon, and my absolute assurance the little girl who gets kicked to the moon does not die up there because after all Desmond survived... And who do you think ate him?! [dramatic music] Now, murder is great- [motivational music] but what about all the other things that we often see and hear in asdfmovie? The types of characters or creative decisions that happen over and over again and kind of make up the audiovisual language of the series? I don't wanna put as much effort into this bit so i'm just going to kind of rush through it- Weeeee!!!! We got music! Electric guitar? Music. Train horn? Not music. Slide whistle? Music! Slamming into a piano? Not music. Trumpet doot? Music! Big fart? Not music... Well that's 52 pieces of music but what about celebrity cameos where I brought in another YouTuber - quite frankly - because I know that they're gonna help the views and make the video better... Markiplier, Jacksfilms, Jaiden Animations, TheOdd1stOut, Jacksepticeye, Arin Hanson, Kylie Minogue, Dan & Phil, Vsauce! Oh god, I've just dropped all these names everywhere but all in all there's 54 instances of celebrity cameos but what about uses of colour? Blood? That's colour! Rainbows? That's colours! Pink rainbows? That's pink colours! Skin tones? That's people colours! Greyscale? That's not a colour. Grow up! That's 36 uses of colour! But what about the word "hey"? Hey (x48) That's 48 heys! But what about babies?! What's a baby? It's someone that's been born that isn't toddling yet? How many of those we got? Daddy! Those aren't babies, those are cakes! [baby cry] Baby heard, but baby not seen. No baby! [squelch] Yaaay! Babies can't walk but this one's technically not, walking he's just flailing in a direction! You can have it. This one's a baby but it's also food. Ay baby, you lookin' fine! Ay thanks, Jerry! You too. Okay now we're pushing it. That's 12 babies but what about animals which, for the sake of this, will just be any organic non-human creature. Yeah, sure, that's an animal! Have you seen my pony? Pony mentioned but not seen. No animal! Me neither. Duck faces but not actual ducks. I used to be a cow! He was a cow but now he's a food. [nom] Bees are animals. I'm on my way to eat your skin! Talking plants are also animals! Nothing matters! 41 animals "but what about food?" you didn't ask! Is milk food? No, it's a sauce! Marmite am food. Gun? No! Cake! Oom. Is he food? No, he's vore! This is also vore. And this is reverse vore! Okay, look. What is vore according to this article by Ana Valens it is a fantasy - often sexual - that involves a person or a creature orally consuming another. Usually not eating them just... Poppin' em inside. And there are a few examples of this in the asdfmovie series... [cats meowing] Those cats got vored. You wanna eat me? He wants to get vored so hard. That's some hat vore! I like trains! All avored (aboard) the choo-choo train [laughs]. I guess she couldn't avored (afford) to pay for her meal! Have you seen my lemons? I mean, come on... What have I done... With asdf characters seemingly being able to consume and expel an infinite amount of mass, the series seems to be a pretty prime candidate for vore and while I was not aware of this - not intending to depict it to the masses - it still seemingly has happened and if I've been inadvertently preaching the Gospel of Vore, I wondered what other kinks i could have been unknowingly championing so i reached out to Ana Valens the author - or vorethor - of that article from earlier and asked if she could scan through those 226 sketches and see if there are any other explicit kinks or just kink fuel that one could gleam from the series so what do we have here "Unbirth"... "Cuckholding"... "Inflation"... "Macro crush"- Oh my god, this is just asdfmovie12! What about the whole series?? 78 sketches?! That's over a third of them! Oh my god, what have I done? Who's letting their kids watch this stuff?! Lastly i was curious about the emotions expressed by the characters in the series after reading a whole bunch of books i was able to ascertain that there are 6 key emotions: Anger, fear, surprise, disgust, joy, and sadness. And while some Google results- I mean books- Disagree on this these are 6 I went in search of. You're fat! Body positivity is important. Hm. He didn't know what to expect but he was disappointed nonetheless. Who parked their car on my sandwich? I sure hate it when this relatable thing happens! [splat] I am a stegosaurus! Only a single frame, but there it is. Hey, I'm not like other girls. Ooh, an internalised contempt for other women? I have brain damage! This little guy doesn't know what's going on at any given moment. and these two sketches somehow feature no emotion whatsoever... Just like my ex-wife [studio laughter] And with that I learned that joy was the most commonly expressed emotion in the asdfmovie series. Followed by surprise, then anger, then fear, then sadness, then disgust. All that thought of feelings got me wondering "how do I feel?" so i added one final column to the spreadsheet which was to ascertain how i actually felt about every single one of the 226 sketches. Was i proud of it? Was I ashamed of it? Or did I feel extremely neutral towards it? And... turns out I'm just nowhere near as joyful as the characters in the series. So! The spreadsheet was complete. 226 sketches. 40 columns of attributes, 9040 yes or no data points. The whole series laid bare. I now know that the average asdfmovie sketch is 5.2 seconds long and features 2 characters, the further we get into the series "fear", "food", "violence", and "random outcomes" are on the decline whereas "wordplay", "parodies", and "literal outcomes" are on the rise... As are babies, for some reason... I guess I'm broody now? Ooh baby, I love you, baby! But all this could do so far was tell me what was the most common, not what was the most good'n. Remember, I'm trying to figure out what makes asdfmovie popular, here. I'm trying to make the perfect joke! So we made a website! The way the site worked was simple: present a user with 2 sketches at random and ask them to pick their favourite. The one they chose would go up in the rankings and the one they didn't would go down. We left the site up for 80 hours and in that time had 2,200,000 counted votes, meaning that each sketch was shown around 20,000 times and had ample opportunity to prove its worth and make daddy proud... I don't know why I said that. That felt bad. Before I reveal the most popular sketches though, here are some of the interesting things we learned when comparing the definitive rankings to the data on the spreadsheet. 1) It turns out people don't actually like murder all that much. If a sketch featured an intentional act of violence from one character to another, it was more likely to be ranked lower. 2) People really like suicide! Killing someone else? Monstrous. Heinous! Unthinkable! Killing yourself, though? Hilarious relatable meme. My god, we all need therapy... 3) People generally didn't enjoy anticlimaxes, vore, and blood. That's fine who needs blood anyway? 4) People really like funny voices, literal outcomes, and angry characters so... Oh, I'm really angry and i think I'm going to explode! Bleh! [laughs] That's what they want, right? This is easy. Also, here are some pie flavoured pie charts using data from just the top 50 ranked sketches showing which tropes often came out on top. Wow, circles! Now, I don't want to dwell on the lowest ranked sketches too much because there did seem to be a correlation between how new and therefore less-known the sketches were and how poorly they performed but... I would be remiss for not mentioning the 4 worst ranked sketches from least worst to most worst. We have: Farting Butt 4! I'm not racist, but... Okay. Farting Butt 2! I- I love you, but... [fart] Farting Butt 1! I am going to open this door! [fart] and... Farting Butt 3! [fart] Guess that's why they call it the "bottom" of the pile [canned laughter] So, without further ado, here are the 10 most popular sketches: At number 10 we have Doctor Nerd! Is anybody here a doctor?? I am! Well, you're a nerd! [high five] 9th is Trumpet License! Hey you got a license for that? You'll never take me alive! [doot] In 8th, we have Standing Up School. Hello and welcome to standing up school. [wham] aaand you fail! 7th - for some reason - is Mugged. You gettin' mugged, kid! No, you're getting mugged! Ah, how the hell does that even work?! 6th is "Carrots" Hey did you know that carrots are good for your eyesight? [splat] ... You lied to me! In 5th is Telephone Robbery. [ringtone] [gun cocking] Voice on phone: This is a robbery [dramatic music] [click] 4th is Take Out The Dog. Jimmy! Take out the dog! Yes, mother. [gunshot] For a walk, Jimmy... 3rd is Goodbye World. Goodbye world... Okay, Jim, I'll see you around. Where're you goin- [gunshot] Oh! Oh no! Oh, that's not what I thought he meant by that at all! 2nd is Pie Flavoured Pie. I baked you a pie! Oh boy, what flavour?? Pie flavour! [electric guitar] and finally, the number one... The numero uno. People's favourite sketch which, honestly, came as a surprise to me... Play That One. Hey, Bobby, play that one about falling down the stairs! Sure thing, Johnny! [tumble + piano impact] Johnny: I love it! What's genuinely so surprising to me about this top 10 list is that there are no recurring characters. No "I Like Trains" kid, No Mine Turtle, Suicidal Muffin... Aside from Standing Up School and Pie Flavored Pie none of these are jokes that i was really even aware of were fan favourites. Perhaps they're the least polarising sketches? They have the least annoying elements? They're the least overexposed through merchandise? Maybe they're the most self-contained? maybe when the website recontextualised them as still images they worked better as comics? or maybe they are just the best jokes and the ones people like the most... or maybe you're all just wrong! I don't know. So, now that we've plugged the rankings into the spreadsheet we asked the computer to look at what the most popular elements are and decide what it thought should be the most popular sketch in the asdfmovie series so far and it came back with Don't Touch That Cactus and given that Don't Touch That Cactus came in at the rankings at number 11, I guess it has surprisingly good taste? So we then asked the computer to predict what it thinks the most perfect asdfmovie joke should contain... and here's what it gave us: 3 characters, an accidental death, a suicide, suicidal intent, a non-fatal injury, violence, a weapon, fear, anger, & surprise, at least 1 animal, someone saying the word "hey", and a celebrity guest! The time is finally here... I have the truth in my hands! The objective formula for the greatest asdf- No, the greatest joke of all time! Proving that not only was this video not a waste of time but my whole life's work was actually building up to something so... Without wasting any more time... I present to you... The greatest asdfmovie joke of all time... [bouncy music] Hey, little doggie! [wham] Oh no! .... I'm still alive. [gun cock] [gunshot] ... I've wasted my life. [bouncy music] Hey you! Thanks for watching. I meant what I said at the start of this video: our card game Muffin Time is out now! You can find it at muffintimegame.com and I hope you enjoy asdfmovie13 when it comes out in the very near future! So, thank you very much for watching and i'll see you later. TomSka out!
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,966,113
Rating: 4.9586325 out of 5
Keywords: asdf movie, asdf, tomska, asdfmovie, tik tok, markiplier, meme, try not to laugh, movie, cartoon, funny, tik tok songs, tik tok video, tik tok dance, meme compilation, tik tok song, roomie, kylie minogue, jacksfilms, roomieofficial, tik toks, cow, random, tik tok memes, tik tok funny video, muffin time, muffin song, schmoyoho, trains, funny tik tok, sheep, the muffin song, i like trains, muffin, die, darksquidge, muffin man, amazingphil, danisnotonfire, content, unraveled, perfect joke, explained
Id: Kfhdp5U_J-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.