Making EVERY Minecraft Mob A Spirit Battle for Super Smash Bros Ultimate

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minecraft steve was a character i desperately wanted in smash bros since the day it was announced minecraft would be coming to the wii u back in 2015. for that reason steve has obviously been not only my favorite addition in smash ultimate's dlc but my favorite new addition to the roster as a whole and ultimate with me wanting this character for so long i sort of built up my expectations lucky for me the way steve plays far exceeded those expectations i mean he's only behind kirby for me in terms of playtime which is obviously the most important thing however him being a dlc character meant he also brought over a stage music and spirits while the stage also exceeded those expectations i personally found those other two aspects a bit disappointing not having any of minecraft soundtrack represented besides the rare achievement jingle was lame but the remixes they did have are all incredibly good to the point where i'd actually say this is the second best music set for the dlc just behind joker that leaves the spirits the topic for this video while not having the least amount of spirits with the dlc i find only having 9 spirits for a game with so many iconic creatures like minecraft to be a bit sad so for today's video we are going to be creating spirit battles for all 59 minecraft mobs that did not receive spirits i guess for those of you who don't play spirit mode these are all battles that use smash ultimate's character roster to try and create a scenario similar to the spirit they're referencing i should also add when i say every mob i mean every single mob that has a spawn egg plus the snow golem and wither sorry to you giant and illusioner fans out there i just want to keep it with minecraft's main set of mobs oh and also this is as of the 1.17.1 update that's pretty important to mention it was a lot of fun to try and come up with all these ideas due to minecraft being my by far most played game of all time though if you all have better ideas feel free to let me know in the comments since only a small percentage of my viewers are subscribed to the channel i'd appreciate it if you did that as well also i'll do my best to visually show the battles that i'm creating but there are some conditions that are impossible for me to recreate so my footage will be closed but it might be slightly off from what i'm saying but enough rambling let's jump right into making spirits for every single minecraft mob for super smash bros ultimate before we get into that though let's discuss which mobs already have them now i'm sure some avid minecraft players were fuming during the intro due to there being more than 68 minecraft mobs so let me explain where i got 59 mobs from while it's true that there are only 9 battles one of them is the villager and iron golem meaning both are represented additionally while they don't have spirits there are a few mobs represented in classic mode so we could go ahead and make those their spirit battle first is the pillagers represented by wario in my opinion this resemblance is well not that good this is easily the worst one they came up with one i did really like though was for the evoker and vexes the vexes are represented by three small blue pits and the evoker is represented by robin i mean this is pretty much perfect this might just be my favorite reference they made they're even on luigi's mansion to represent the woodland mansions but then there's something that's really weird see for some reason the same mob will be represented by different characters in classic mode and on the spirit board for example the gas is represented by a giant metal jigglypuff for the spirit battle but is a giant white kirby in classic mode personally i think the classic mode 1 is way better so i'm changing that out the same thing happens with the villager where for some reason they're represented by steve on the spirit board despite there literally being a character on the roster named villager already this was done right in classic mode so yeah change the villager to be the villager spirit and then there's the most interesting case of them all during the nether round of the classic mode not only do we have two kirbys but also two small pink king k rules now i honestly had no idea what this was supposed to represent it could be a piglen but again they already had a spirit battle the wiki says they're supposed to be piglet as well however i'm going to make the controversial move and call these the zombified piglet one so i could be lazy and not make an extra spirit battle and two i honestly think it fits them better anyways than the normal piglet so that means we already have battles for the zombie creeper skeleton slime enderman villager iron golem gast piglen ender dragon pillager evoker vex and zombified piglet so that leaves us with 59. for each of these battles i'll explain what characters should be used which stage will be used and what other rules will be applied and i'll explain my reasoning behind them i'll also give each spirit a rank and also to avoid repeating myself every single spirit battle in this video will be in stamina mode most of them are already like this in classic mode and it just fits with minecraft much better so without much more delay let's finally jump into this i'm actually going to start with the hostile overworld mobs because funnily enough they were way easier to come up with than some of the peaceful mobs that mostly comes down to them generally being more humanoid so first i want to take a look at all of the zombie variants obviously the zombie already has a spirit battle and since zombie is an actual character its variants were incredibly easy to come up with first off we have the drowned in minecraft these mobs are found underwater generally near underwater structures so for that reason the spirit battle is going to take place on the pirate ship stage not only is it close to the water but sunken ships are a common occurrence in minecraft oceans so it fits pretty well let's back it up a bit though the fighter of this battle will obviously beat the zombie however i want there to be three of them one is just standard however the other two are both special one would be small to represent baby drowns and the other would be holding an item to represent the drown's trident there's no actual trident item in smash ultimate so i gave him the killing edge since i thought that would be the closest thing the only additional rule is that the drown likes to throw his item rather than just using it normally and it's also distracted by picking it back up the final thing about this fight is that it'd be an advanced or two star spirit since i do find drowns to be a bit more threatening than normal zombies alright one down and a lot more to go anyways the husk will also be represented by zombies this time only two one standard size and one small one to represent the babies in minecraft the husk mob will only spawn in desert by him so i chose gerudo valley as the stage though mushroomy kingdom could work as well the husk's main ability in minecraft is giving the player hunger one hits there's no hunger system in smash ultimate so the best thing i could think of was to have the rules reflect what happens to you when you run out of hunger so that means you'll slowly take damage over time and you'll also have your movement speed slowed since you can't sprint once your hunger is low enough in minecraft obviously since these are stamina battles slowly taking damage is a pretty big threat regardless this spirit will only be a novice since they don't have the strong trident to make them that much more of a threat than normal zombies the final humanoid zombie mob is the zombie villager this was tough to come up with since they don't act differently than regular zombies in minecraft besides being able to be cured i was stumped for a while until i happened to replay the wedding bowser spirit while getting footage for this video which had a unique condition that i think fits perfectly for this battle basically in that battle you're allied with peach however if she dies at any point you lose the spirit battle so for the zombie villager it'll have you take on a horde of zombies similar to the main spirit this time however you're allied with a villager and if it ever dies you lose this would represent of course the villager being turned into a zombie villager like in minecraft this is definitely much different than any of the others in this video but i personally liked it a lot this will take place on the planes very into the minecraft stage at night as there is a village in the background this would be a two star spirit battle since it's harder than the normal zombie one alright that's three let's do our best to pick up the pace from here the next main monster that they didn't have a spirit battle for is the spider this is our first major example of having absolutely no idea who to use for this i mean there's not a single character in smash with eight limbs let alone someone who even closely resembles a spider in any way i was stuck on this one for a while until i noticed one character that fits if you squint really hard that character is lucario with his grey alts now why did i pick him well if you count up his limbs you obviously get four however he also has these four weird things hanging off of his head yeah i know it's a bit of a stretch but it's kind of like he has eight limbs alright look i know it's not that great but you come up with something better i'm happy with this look at that he's even got the red eyes just like a spider so for this battle you'll face a big grey lucario since minecraft spiders are quite large originally i was going to make the stage one of the minecraft variants but since spiders are one of the three mobs that could be found in dungeon spawners i thought the omega version of the reset bomb forest stage worked here i mean it kind of resembles minecraft's dungeons with the cobblestone and all also the lucario would focus on jumping a lot since spiders like to do that in minecraft finally this would be a novice spirit another nice thing about lucario is that he has a cyanult perfect for the cave spider these guys are found in mineshafts shafts and unfortunately the closest stage i could find to one of these was the great cave offensive i mean it's a cave and it has mine carts it just unfortunately works way too well despite being a bad stage since this stage is so big though i thought it'd be better to fight three lucarios instead of one this time also they'd be normal size since cave spiders are smaller than normal spiders the final other role addition besides them being focused on jumping is that you'll slowly take damage over time cave spiders are infamous for being poisonous in minecraft so that's what the damage would represent this would be an advanced spirit alright let's go ahead and look at the rest of the illagers that weren't used first off the vindicator these are well known for their iron axis in minecraft which means they're very strong i decided to represent them by black crom for a few reasons one his sword somewhat matches up with the iron axe but mostly because the evokers were done by robin so keeping them with the same franchise and general art style seemed fitting like the evokers this battle would take place on luigi's mansion to represent the woodland mansion i'd also make there be three black croms just to represent how there's a lot to live in these mansions this would be our first ace spirit of the video since they're very strong in game the witch isn't technically an illeger but they fit the whole evil villager vibe so let's go ahead and talk about them i know that you can give me a witch hat but i really like the idea of using purple richter for this yeah the color's mostly fit but it's mainly because his down special holy water fits perfectly as a splash potion which are the witches forms of attack in minecraft so that would be the only attack this richter would perform the stage here would be jungle japes because it perfectly fits the witch huts from minecraft just add some more to this battle you would be affected by a random effect after a while be it damage over time slowness or weakness this of course represents some of the witch's different potions in minecraft overall i'm really happy with how this one turned out this would also be an ace spirit and that also means that each of the main illagers fit together as they're represented by an anime-s character and wario while we're at it though let's look at the ravanger i thought great battles fit the best here since they both have horns and are terrifying [Music] the great bowser would be made big and its dash would damage you if you're touching it this would take place on the plane's variant of the minecraft stage because of the village and ravagers being used during raids this would be another ace spirit hey so you know how pillagers ride ravagers let's go ahead and look at the other two main hostile rideable mobs in the overworld first we need to take a look at one of my favorite mobs the skeleton horse the only way to see these in minecraft is after a thunderstorm where they have a rare chance of spawning per lightning strike after approaching it it'll be struck by lightning spawning in four skeleton horsemen who are wearing helmets to prevent them from burning this aspect of the mob is obviously something i wanted to capture the only problem who in game could represent a horse seriously nobody's even close to resembling one just like the spider problem we mentioned before that was until i remembered yoshi since he's a mountain the main mario title so it wrote that we could use four white yoshis but apparently there's not a white yoshi alt in smash ultimate i swear there was like i seriously remember seeing one at some point but nope this is it this was incredibly annoying as it sent me back to the drawing board in the end i went with white king k rool he doesn't resemble a horse at all but when he runs he goes on all fours like a horse i know this isn't great but if you all have a better idea feel free to share anyway this spirit battle would contain 4 white kinky rules and 4 white links to be the skeletons themselves they would be separated into two waves so you would fight two white king k rolls and two white links and once all of them are ko'd the other wave would spawn just like in the skeleton spirit battle the legs would only use their bows king k role would also move very fast just like a horse i decided to make this on the tiger variants of the minecraft stage no real reason i just haven't used it much i also thought it'd be fun if the only item that spawned with the lightning to of course represent the spawning method of these mobs this would also be our first legendary spirit of the video since they're quite dangerous and rare in minecraft and this is one of the harder spirit battles the other undead mount is the zombie horse who only made it into this video on a technicality it's the only mob in this video that can't yet be found in survival mode that still has a spawn egg thus they aren't really that special and they've always just been kind of a weird mob i originally had this as crafted yoshi since they're both equally pointless but since we did k rule for the skeleton horse i guess we could do the default k rule for this i also threw in a zombie just to i don't know give something unique about this this would take place on the knight savannah minecraft stage and this would be a novice spirit now we have our two overworld miscellaneous hostile mobs first off is the silverfish i thought small grey sonics worked well to represent these guys since they're similar in color and sort of spiky i wanted this battle to take place on hazardous shadow moses islands as i think it's the closest stage to a stronghold however they could go with the mountain minecraft stage variants and silverfish can also spawn there the main gimmick of this battle is that it will start off with just one small sonic however after defeating it two more will spawn and after that three more will spawn for a total of six this represents the silverfish's main gimmick in minecraft where after being hit it will start to call out other silverfish hiding in stone blocks to come and attack the player despite this ability though it's no more than a novice spirit the other mob is the phantom the by far worst edition of minecraft for that reason rosalina will represent this fighter since they're both cringe alright i'm just kidding i think meta knight is the closest character to the phantom though dark pit could work as well since phantoms burn in the daytime this will take place at night on the planes variants of the minecraft stage mennonite will focus on using aerial since the phantom is usually in the air speaking of which both mennonite and u have low gravity to represent the slow falling potions you're able to make from phantom membranes the last thing i wanted to reference is how phantoms spawn when you don't go to sleep so it made the floor cause you to go to sleep the sort of floor condition is seen in other battles like wart for example so it'd work just like that there would also be 4 meta knights total to represent the max amount of phantoms that could spawn on the player at once this would be an advanced spirit that leaves us with three more main overworld hostile mobs i'm going to save one for a later segment so let's go ahead and jump into the underwater mobs with the guardian and elder guardian in minecraft these two are found in ocean monuments which are of course underwater in game the guardians are perfectly square besides their tail so i thought a blue kirby could work the only problem is i really wanted to represent their beam attack in some way so i'm going to do something that no other spirit battle has done to my knowledge and start kirby off with a copy ability i mean if opponents can spawn with items and such i don't see why this can't be done either so this would feature a blue kirby with the rob copy ability as it's also a laser that works decently similar to the guardians in minecraft that would also be the only move the kirby uses as well there's no real ocean monument stage in smash so i chose the great base stage for this battle there would also be three kirby's in total as well just to make it a bit more tricky this would be an advanced spirit a lot of this carries over for the elder guardian since it's much bigger than a normal one though i think making it a big grey kirby with the rob copy ability fits better there would also be three of these guys representing the three elder guardians found in each monument additionally elder guardians are infamous for giving the player mining fatigue so i thought giving the player slowness during this battle would somewhat replicate that this being one of minecraft's bosses it's obviously a legendary spirit as i said we're done with the overworld hostile mob so let's go ahead and continue on to the underwater mobs there's actually a surprisingly high amount of mobs that fit into this category which i guess makes sense when you had a whole update dedicated to the oceans let's start with the og water mob of the squid actually i'm going to combine the squid with the much worse glow squid since they both behave exactly the same in game why did you maniacs vote for this stupid thing the inklings are the obvious choice here since they're actually squids the dark purple and green also the closest to the squid and glow squid in color so i chose those two they would focus on using ink attacks since it fits with them spraying ink and game this would also take place on tournaments island and they'd be a novice spirit next up we'll do the dolphin shout out to my brother for coming up with this one because i would not have been able to think up of anything good his idea was using a light blue ddd which slightly resembles dolphins and have it spam up special to represent the dolphins jumping out of the water i think this idea fits perfectly i'd also added the dolphins would be easily distracted by items as if you didn't know dolphins in minecraft like to play with dropped items in the ocean these deities would also be slightly small and there would be three of them just to add a bit more difficulty this would be a novice spirit let's look at the other land water hybrid mobs of the turtle green squirtle is an easy choice to represent them though i'm going to make it a big squirrel for this fight to more closely match the size of minecraft's turtles i also think the turtle should have super armor to of course represent their shell and they would also have slowness this will not only reference them being slow but also the very forgettable turtle master potion which gives their user or victim slowness 4 and resistance 3 a very situational potion the stage would of course be turnover's island and i think it'd be nice if koopa shell spawned because you know turtle shells i'd hoped that'd have been obvious this would once again be a novice spirit one of the newest mobs at the time of making this video is the axolotl this was another one i had no idea who to use so i went to ask my discord and then immediately came up with who to use i felt that greninja was the closest character to the axolotl's unique shape with greninja's ears i think whatever they are they match up with the guilds of the axolotl pretty well in addition to that greninja has a pink gulp which is the most iconic color for axolotls unfortunately his other odds don't exactly match the other four axolotl colors available in minecraft but again if you squint hard enough it works so in this fight you would go against five different greninja pink is the main one and then there's the default green red and gray variants they'd also all be made small their final main gimmick is being able to regenerate health after taking a lot of damage axolotls will actually affect themselves with regeneration which is what this would be referencing stage would shocker be torturmer's island and this would be an advanced spirit due to just how many you have to fight and the fact that axolotls can actually attack some animals like squids in the game on to our last four underwater mobs with the four different types of fish the most common caught in salmon were actually the last two spirits i came up with obviously no one in smash resembles a fish but while we were scrolling through we noticed that this although pyromithrome matched up with the cod and salmon pretty well even though they don't match at all design wise i chose them made them small and threw them on tordor's island also i made gold dean's spawn from pokeballs because fish this is once again another novice spirit a similar challenge applied to the clownfish since these guys are known for being very colorful i decided to use bowser jr and the koopalings for this battle they're probably the most colorful characters in the game and they could be made small to resemble the clownfish even further yes this one is still a stretch but again who here looks like a fish this time the stage is actually going to be different though this transformation of the mushroom kingdom use stage looks a decent amount like coral reefs in minecraft which is where the clownfish generally spawn so this would be their stage but it'd just be frozen at this part again another novice spirit that will change though with our final fish the puffer fish this one was actually quite easy to come up with as a yellow kirby perfectly fits the round pufferfish shape puffer fish are also quite small so kirby would also be turned small as well one other nice thing about kirby is that his narrow attacks all around him and sort of puffs him up like how a puffer fish will grow in size the final condition of this fight would be you as a player slowly taking damage over time due to the puffer fish giving you poison i also wanted to reference the nausea effect that they can give you when you eat them in game but i don't think there's any effect like that in smash so it'll just be the poison sadly finally this would also be on the mushroom kingdom you coral portion and this would be an advanced spirit due to it actually being able to attack you now we have to look at the rest of our overworld mobs these were mostly pretty difficult to come up with due to them not being humanoid most of the time regardless i was able to come up with at least something for all of them first let's look at the hardest group with the mounts since the horus donkey and mule are all very similar i decided to combine their spirits together i used k-roll for the skeleton horse and he does happen to have three colors that somewhat match up with the three mobs being black for horse brown for donkey and red for mule i also added the condition that these guys are all very fast and could jump very high something that horses are known for doing in minecraft finally they'd be on the savannah variants of the minecraft stage and they'd be novice spirits for the llama i wanted to find a character that spits since that's how they attack in minecraft however piranha plant was the only one who does this in smash and yeah he doesn't really look like a llama in any way i decided to go with the yellow yoshi instead because he looks much closer to a llama and still uses his mouth to attack that was until i found out that there's no yellow yoshi okay i'm just kidding he has one this time this would be a fight against three yellow yoshis as well due to llamas usually spawning in groups which will be a trend throughout many of these peaceful and neutral mobs this would take place on the mountain variants of the minecraft stage since that's usually where llamas will spawn this would also be an advanced spirit due to llamas actually being able to attack the player in game while on the topic of the llama let's go ahead and look at the wandering traitor in his llamas because they're actually separate mobs there would once again be two yalo yoshi to represent the llamas and the wandering traitor would be the blue alt of the villager this could be on any stage since these guys can spawn anywhere in the overworld but i chose the savannah variant because for some reason these guys love to trade me acacia saplings despite this being one of the bottom two wood types in the game sorry all one acacia fan out there dark oak wood is the best type of wood anyways this would be an advanced spirit now that would have been all the mounts but i mean you can ride pigs if you want to luckily this one is super easy just a me brawler with the pig outfit on the plane's minecraft stage variant this would be a novice for obvious reasons since we got pigs covered we might as well do the other sort of classic overworld mobs for the chicken don't tell anyone but i may have plagiarized a bit see there's a battle for the cuckoos the chicken equivalent to the legend of zelda so [Music] in short this would be a fight against white falco that has low gravity on the birch forest minecraft stage variants with the only item being cuckoos also this would be a novice the sheep are up next and they're obviously known for being able to come in multiple different colors the closest character i found to them that had unique colors for all of their alts was donkey kong this would be a horde battle with all 8 donkey kong alts but they're also small the white one would also be the main fighter since it's the most common sheep color also to make this battle more unique i thought it would be fun if the floor was sleep inducing the sheep can't do this in minecraft but their wool is used to make beds so this could work the stage would be a birch forest again and this would be an advanced spirit it's only because this battle in smash is a bit harder than the other novice ones the cow is the last of what i would consider the main four classic peaceful mobs of the game this was definitely the hardest one to come up with a fighter for but i chose brown bowser the colors match up a bit and they both have horns sure it's not the best resemblance but it's close enough for me i'm making this fight against three of them on the birch forest stage the only items that could spawn would be the milk and steak food items just to match with the cows in minecraft give the player this would be a novice the cow's much rarer counterpart than mooshroom also needs a battle lucky for me a red bowser exists so that would replace the brown bowsers in the last battle there'd once again be three of them and the only items that could spawn are the mushrooms the super mushroom poison mushroom and the one we don't talk about because it's super annoying and never helpful ever the hardest part about this battle is thinking of a stage the mushrooms spawn on mushroom islands which are distinct for their grey grass and mushrooms no stage in smash really fits that so i chose omega magicant because i don't know it was the closest vibe wise i wasn't able to add in the brown mooshroom which you get from a lightning strike and a normal mushroom mixing together but since it doesn't have a spawn egg we're good oh yeah this is a novice spirit as well speaking of rare biome exclusive mobs let's look at our three jungle mobs starting off with the panda is once again able to do a little bit of plagiarism since their newest character kazuya has a spirit with a panda in it so it would be a big me gunner with the cat head and kk slider suit as for the stage i felt omega congo falls fit best with minecraft's bright jungles this would be an advanced spirit the parrots are another mob known for having many colors i chose falco to represent them since he burned and had him use 5 different holes the red one would be the main one though he would also use default green light blue and purple they would all also be small and have low gravity again this would be on a mega congo falls with this being a novice spirit our final jungle mob is the ocelot and a small b brawler with a cat outfit works really well here ocelots in minecraft are also very fast so i'd make the brawler fast as well and have it focus on running away from you i think it would be cool to have you need to defeat the ocelot before the timer runs out just to add some more difficulty throw this all on omega congo falls and it would be an advanced spirit since we already talked about ocelots though we might as well quickly talk about their cat counterparts these would also be small cap me gunners but it would be a group of five of them and they'd be on the planes variants of the minecraft stage since they spawned in villages in-game there'd be no time limit on this one though making it a novice battle on the topic of cats let's go ahead and look at the other tamible mobs the wolf the wolf gee i really can't think of anyone wolf obviously works i mean his name is wolf after all since these guys are found in packs this battle will be against four wolves it'd take place in the tiger stage since that's usually where i personally find them in minecraft this would be an advanced spirit since these guys can actually attack the player they're also pretty good at attacking hostile mobs as well may i add [Music] [Music] next up is the fox huh gee i really can't think of it so same thing here but this time it's fox specifically it is orange alt it would only be against one and since foxes are known for picking up items in game they would be easily distracted by items in the match this is on the taiga minecraft stage and it would be a novice if you wanted to you could also make a separate battle for the arctic box which is incredibly rare it would be a default fox in the tundra minecraft stage variants with the same item behavior speaking of the arctic foxes let's go ahead and look at the other three snow mobs polar bears are some of the most forgettable animals in the entire game luckily we already had the other bear mob the panda bear which we can mostly just copy just replace the cat headgear with the kk slider headgear to remove the black spot and boom you're done alright well not fully though i think it would be fun if the floor could actually cause you to freeze and the ai would be much more aggressive here this would also take place on summit since there's actually a polar bear in the background this would be an advanced spirit i also decided to throw the rabbit in here since its white variant was easiest to come up with since there's a rabid me outfit we can use that to be the bunnies just make them smaller than 35 of them they would also be able to jump really high due to that being a signature rabbit ability and the fact that their feet make leaping potions this would be on the tundra minecraft stage and it'd be a novice finally the last snow mob is the snow golem instead of making it one fighter to be the snow golem himself i thought it would be really funny if we had three kirbys two whites and one orange to represent the snow blocks and pumpkin needed to summon the thing they'd also be easily distracted by items and the only items that could spawn would be the smoke balls since they're sort of similar to snowballs down to both being generally useless the floor would also freeze you in this battle as well since the snow golems in minecraft are known for leaving snow trails behind them finally this would of course take place in the tundra minecraft stage variants and would be an advanced spirit speaking of transitions i ran out of good ones so let's go ahead and look at the last three overworld mobs for the bat mob we can easily have three small dark pits i would also give them low gravity to be consistent with the other flying mobs we talked about before the hardest part was the stage i decided to go with brinstar because it's very dark and cave-like which are where bat spawn in minecraft this would be a novice bees were a fun one to come up with since there are a lot of special rules i think yellow ridley fits very well here it would be three of them since that's how many bees can actually be in one beehive at once they would also focus mostly on using forward air and down special since both of these moves use his stinger much like bees do they would also be a little bit smaller and given low gravity beehives would be the only available item for obvious reasons and you would take damage over time to represent the bee's poison finally this would be on the birch forest stage since that's where bee hives can be found and it would be an advanced spirit our final overworld mob is also our newest mob of this video being the goat they would be represented by white donkey kong which can jump really high because goats can do that [Music] their dash should be able to hurt you referencing their ramming attack in minecraft goats are found on mountains so the stage would be the mountain variants of the minecraft world stage and this would be an advanced spirit we finally finished that huge chunk of mob so i would move on to the nether normally but since there are only two end mobs let's go ahead and get those covered the endermite would be represented by a tiny purple sonic since these guys are very similar to silverfish since endermen don't like these guys in minecraft i thought you would also have one as your ally this would be on the omega find me stage since it's the closest to the end dimension and due to this being an incredibly easy battle it's a novice spirit the last n mob is one of my personal favorites in the game the shulker these guys are generally found at n cities and they give you the very helpful shulker shells to make shulker boxes anyways i chose two purple dark samus to represent them here now this may be a weird choice to you all however i chose them because their side special will home in on opponents just like the shulker's attacks in minecraft that would also be the only thing these dark samusas would do since shulkers don't move in minecraft neither will these dark samus's to make up for this they are given permanent super armor which also doubles to represent the shulker's hard shells which are able to defend for most damage they do however teleport in minecraft so abra would be here just like in the enderman battle the final condition for this fight would be you as the player having low gravity to represent the levitation effect you receive after getting hit from one of the shulker's projectiles this would of course be on omega find me again and it'd be an advanced spirit our final dimension is up with the nether let's start with our biggest group of mobs with the pigs the normal piglen and zombie piglen were already included so now we have the incredibly strong piglen brew these guys are very similar design wise to the piglen so they'll be the same a goldmine brawler and a pig outfit this time though it will spawn with the killing edge the closest thing to their axe their attacks will do a lot of damage just like they do in game this will also be the same stage as the piglens being the transformation of the reset bomb forest for the bastions this would be an ace spirit due to them essentially being mini bosses the hogland will be represented by a pink donkey kong and a small pink donkey kong for the child there's not much more to add here other than it takes place on a mega noir affair and it's an advanced spirit i chose donkey kong due to him also having a green alt which would make him perfect for the zoglin if you didn't know zoglins or what hoglands become when they're transported to the oberworld meaning that the stage would be the plains variants of the minecraft stage there's no more conditions that need to be added so this will be an advanced spirit before getting to the mobs found in the fortress let's look at the other two mobs seen around the nether the strider is used to ride on top of lava so i thought red yoshi worked well as a fighter here additionally i can't think of any battle better suited for having a lava floor condition considering walking on lava is the strider's whole gimmick i would also make this on the lava transformation of castle siege just to add some more variety this would be an advanced spirit the magma cube was super easy to come up with since the mob is very similar to the slime which already has a spirit battle in that one you kill a large kirby then two smaller kirbys and so on to represent the mob's splitting ability the same mechanic would be copied over for the magma cube but it would be a red kirby instead of the green one and it would be on the lava castle siege transformation much like the slime this would be an advanced spirit on to our final four mobs with the fortress characters the blaze is first the yellow charizard does a great job of presenting the blazes i would also have you fight a total of six of them not only to show how often they spawn in spawners but also how many blaze rods are generally needed to make an end portal the charizards would prefer neutral special and the only items would be the fire flower curry and fire bar finally the floor is on fire due to the blazes being able to do that in minecraft their projectiles this would be in britstar depths and due to this obviously being quite difficult it's an ace spirit last up we have the skeletons and oh what's this it's the last hostel overworld mob i said i would wait to mention later the stray but you all forgot about him didn't you or you left a comment saying i forgot him anyways i wanted to cover him with the wither skeleton the straight would be represented by link with the fierce deity all due to the strong color resemblance strays only spawn in cold biomes so the stage would be the tundra variants of the minecraft stage like husks they affect the player with a potion effect in this case slowness so you would be slow during this battle obviously like the skeleton spirit as well the stray would only use their bows this is an advanced spirit the wither skeleton would be represented by dark link and also let me just add i'm really happy how well links alts fit with the different skeleton types with their skeletons don't use bows however so link here would be solely focused on using sword attacks additionally these guys give the player the wither effect a much stronger version of poison so you would take damage over time this would be against three dark links as well to represent the three skulls required to summon the wither the stage would be a mega burn star depths and this would be an ace spirit once again [Applause] speaking of the weather the secondary boss of minecraft is the last spirit of this video i was really sad when he wasn't able to come over in a smash ultimate since the wither is very iconic i thought the best character for the wither would be a giant mr game watch since he's not only the same color but his ball hands could be seen as the wither's other two heads since the weather likes to float around the game and watch will have low gravity his forward air is also pretty similar to the withers head attack down to the explosion so game and watch would mostly use that this guy will also affect you with the weather effect in minecraft so you'll take damage here as well now just to make this even more cool he'll spawn in two dark link reinforcements during the battle you won't need to defeat them to win though this is a reference to the incredibly overpowered bedrock edition wither seriously the java edition wither is a total pushover compared to this beast even without being able to spawn in wither skeletons he does way more damage and attacks way more no idea why they felt the need to make this guy so crazy overpowered finally the stage is once again brinstar depths and this is obviously a legendary spirit battle but anyways that's it for this video are you all mad i didn't say what song should be with each spirit battle let me know in the comments i had a lot of fun thinking up ideas for all of these battles so if you want me to do this for other game series let me know if you all didn't see the last video i'm using premiere to edit these down now it makes general edits harder but it lets me do much more cool things like the transition scene in this video but anyways dry bones for smash and i'll see you guys next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 221,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super smash bros ultimate, ssbu, minecraft, minecraft 1.17, every minecraft mob, super smash bros ultimate spirits, super smash bros ultimate spirit board, steve smash bros, minecraft music smash bros, super smash bros ultimate minecraft, super smash bros ultimate minecraft music, steve spirit board, super smash bros minecraft, super smash bros ultimate dlc, every spirit in super smash bros ultimate, odyssey central, steve smash bros gameplay, minecraft wither, minecraft bosses
Id: Ey6u2FF523E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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