a mod with creepers you’ve never seen before

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- [Skip] This is every creeper Mojang will never add to Minecraft. And some, maybe for good reason. But, others look completely fantastic with unique models, animations, and of course, explosions. And hey, YouTube told me that no one has ever subscribed to the channel using their elbow. And honestly, I don't know why anyone would, but if you wanna change that, then wack your funny bone on that white button below. It's free and it helps out a ton! All right. So creepers look a little bit different now. Like this one! - [Jaymoji] Whoa, it's a sandy one! - [Skip] It might not be sand. (explosion) - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. (Skip laughs) - Fiery one. Oh no. (Skip laughs) - [Skip] This is the Fire Creeper. - [Jaymoji] Call the fire brigade! Ow! Ow! - [Failboat] Put it out, put it out, put it out, put it out, put it out, put it out, put it out! - put it out, put it out, put it out, put it out! - [Skip] But look, you can actually deal with them with water. - [Jaymoji] With one puffer fish of water. - [Skip] Look, so they take damage of water. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he dies. Take that you infernal beast. - Literally. Yeah - [Skip] Oh, you think you're, you think you're safe? We're to push you right in. - [Jaymoji] Oh, yeah. Nice. - [Skip] I'll just feel bad when he dies with nothing. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, That's a shame. - [Skip] This the water creeper. - [Jaymoji] Well, well. I don't know if your water's gonna help. He can't swim considering he's named water creeper. That's embarrassing. - [Failboat] Huh-uh Loser. - [Skip] That is a little confusing. - [Jaymoji] What happens when he blows up? I can only guess. - [Skip] Oh, oh, he is. Sorry. He's just so mad at Dan. - [Jaymoji] Ya, guess so. - [Failboat] Hey, there. I'll Humor you. - [Skip] Perfect. Oh, - [Failboat] That did no damage to me. - [Jaymoji] An immediate counter to the fire creeper. - [Skip] So if you catch both of these, coming after ya. - [Failboat] Uh oh. - [Jaymoji] Oh, oh. - [Skip] Wow. Nature is healing. That's awesome. - That's Awesome. - [Skip] Let's show off the bamboo creeper - [Failboat] Is he gonna scare me? - [Skip] Bam! - [Failboat] Oh! - [Skip] Boo. - [Jaymoji] Oh. Oh. It is terrifying. - [Failboat] Oh, he's a friend. - [Skip] He's Cute. - [Failboat] Look at him. - [Skip] So he's a neutral mob. - [Jaymoji And Failboat] Oh! - [Skip] It doesn't explode. It just bends down and smacks you. - [Jaymoji] I know that you guys said it was cute but if I'm being honest, I'm a little scared of that. No, no, no, I'm very scared of that. You didn't even attack him, he just went for you. - [Skip] No, I, I, I gave him, I gave him a fist to cuffs. - [Skip] Give him a little, little tap there. - [Jaymoji] If there were like 40 of these attacking me, I think that would've been my worst nightmare. (laughing) - [Skip] Oh, yeah. Say less my friends! Say less. - [Failboat] Horror - [Jaymoji] I can imagine these in a jungle. Look at this! You can't tell me this is okay and not freaky. - [Failboat] Oh, It's cute, man. I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, isn't it so sweet? - [Skip] So this might look like a regular creeper. I assure you it's anything but, turn around. - [Failboat] It's not. Ah! (Skip laughs) - [Jaymoji] Oh, he's upside down. - [Failboat] Oh, wait, that's awesome, what? - [Skip] That's the Reverse Creeper. - [Failboat] Oh my God, stop! - [Jaymoji] Ow. What is this? - [Failboat] Oh, that's complicated. - [Skip] You could just keep moving it up. (all laughing) This is the meteor that hit earth just giving up. It's like, actually, screw this. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh yeah. I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna put it in reverse real quick. - [Skip] Wait. No, you gotta look at the spawning It's even upside down. - [Jaymoji] Oh, it is. (all laughing) - [Skip] What if its if a you know. (Skip laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. - [Failboat] Oh, oh. There he goes, I guess. - [Skip] I, I can't even see what happened. - [Jaymoji] I'm like, in a hole in the ground. You have to into spectator and see this. - [Skip] Whoa, dude - [Failboat] Help, help, - [Skip] Whoa what? - [Failboat] Help me! - [Skip] Kept taking chunks away. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, they buried me alive. - [Skip] All right, so that's the reverse creeper. I love him. This one's a little cuter. Maybe not in its texture. It's kind of missing though, actually. - [Jaymoji] No, it's nice. It looks like fruit loops exploded on the dinner table, - [Skip] But it's a firework creeper. - [Jaymoji] Oh, It's beautiful. - [Failboat] That's cute. - [Jaymoji] That's all, that's all that it does? - [Skip] That's all it does is just a firework show. - [Failboat] That scared me a little bit. - [Jaymoji] I like that guy. That guy's cool. - [Skip] All right. This is a scary creeper. (Failboat screaming) - [Skip] This is the illusion creeper. - [Jaymoji] Oh, Oh, Oh. It is scary. - [Failboat] I don't like the prospect here. - [Jaymoji] Just disappeared. Oh! - [Skip] So it just creates duplicates but only the real one explodes. - [Jaymoji] Oh, I see. Weee. Which one's the real one? This one. - [Jaymoji] Ow. - [Skip] What happens if you spawn whole bunch of these? (Skip laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh my God, Dan! Oh my God. Dan - [Failboat] Uh oh uh oh. - [Skip] They kill so many of themselves. (laughing) Oh god. It's awful. - [Failboat] This is horrifying. (laughing) - [Failboat] Every time you pop one down, - [Skip] they're just like there's like 40,000. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. It's scary. - [Skip] It's also that they have like 2013 textures so they're just like. - [Jaymoji] yeah, yeah. They're just like really scary and purple and freaky. - [Failboat] Hey, buddy. - [Jaymoji] They drop purple illusion gunpowder when they explode. - [Skip] Oh yeah. You can use their gunpowder to make TNT of the same kind. - [Jaymoji] Oh, no way. - [Failboat] The better TNT mod we're back. - [Skip] We're so back. Look. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God, dude. Oh, look at that. That's amazing. That's pretty cool. - [Skip] This is a cookie creeper. - [Failboat] Look out got Jay. - [Jaymoji] Oh, that's nice. I'll take some. Thanks, guys. Oh, I actually am hungry, by the way. Thank you. I appreciate that. - [Skip] They literally give no damage. They're just cookies. - [Jaymoji] That's nice. That's nice that that's all that it does. - [Skip] I Mean, it's not as nice for parrots. Feed it to a parrot. (laughing) - [Jaymoji] Oh my God! What? - [Skip] Just frame one kill it, yeah. - [Jaymoji] You killed Parrots with cookies - [Failboat] Dude it's a Parrot farm - [Jaymoji] Yeah well, that's not what that means, I don't think. (laughing) - [Skip] Welcome back to my Parrot farm tutorial. - [Failboat] We're gonna be showing you how- - [Skip] Here, Jay. You wanna heal up? - [Jaymoji] Yeah. Why not? it's very subtly giving me healing. - [Skip] That is the healing creeper. - [Failboat] Skip, you've messed with me so much that whenever something explodes and doesn't immediately explode, I look up for the meteor. (Skip laughing) So like, what's coming? (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] What's on its way? What have you done to this world? (Failboat laughing) - [Skip] Well, speaking of looking up. - [Jaymoji] That's just a creeper. That's just a real creeper. - [Failboat] Oh! Oh, There they are. - [Jaymoji] Whoa weee. - [Failboat] Weee, bouncy. - [Skip] These are the air creepers. It's not just a shoe that they've made for, - [Jaymoji] for Nike? - [Skip] Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the air TNT. - [Failboat] How's this work? - [Skip] Here we go, - [Jaymoji And Failboat] Wheee - [Jaymoji] Ow, ow, ow! I took a lot of damage. Ow. (Failboat laughing) - [Skip] Sorry. I need a healing creeper. - [Failboat] Wait, wait, wait. - [Jaymoji] Thank you. Actually. Oh, that feels good. I'll eat my cookie too. Some of these creepers are so good to us. - [Failboat] Hit it. - [Jaymoji] Yeah. Wait, wait. Yeah. I wonder now. Whoa. It didn't do anything. - [Failboat] Whoa no. There it goes. - [Skip] Whoa - [Jaymoji] No, did, did you, the TNT that launches it is that an air one? - [Skip] It needs to be propellant. You're right. I got it. - [Jaymoji] Oh, two of them works too. - [Skip] Oh, there you go. (explosion) Oh, no, it didn't work. - [Jaymoji] What? Uh oh! (all laughing) - [Failboat] There's one over here, Skip. - [Skip] What do you smell, Dan? What do you smell? - [Failboat] What's this do? - [Skip] This is the Ender Creeper. - [Failboat] Show this one out of order. - Whoa, huh, whoa! - whoa! - [Jaymoji] There's two of them. - [Skip] It teleports. - Oh, it just explodes. Oh, - That explodes. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] I was expecting like it does a cool teleportation explosion. No. - [Skip] It explodes. But if you get, you can make it like teleport. Let's sample the wares. - [Jaymoji] Ah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Everywhere. Everywhere. Oh my God. It's awful. - [Skip] Jeez. Dude. That's terrifying. - [Failboat] I did not like that message. - [Jaymoji] I love that we blow stuff up here. We have fun. - [Failboat] It's pretty fun. - [Skip] It is pretty fun. This is the mushroom Creeper. My favorite for cuteness. - [Jaymoji] That's definitely cool. That's a winner in terms of visual. - [Skip] Well, Jay. Oh, he's actually pretty innocent. look he is not even going to hurt you. - [Jaymoji] I'm sorry. - [Skip] He is just a good dude. - [Jaymoji] Just a guy. He's just a fun guy. - [Skip] Maybe mix him with a little bit of flint, if you know what I'm saying. These guys will be poison spores for you. - [Failboat] He is getting a little too real for you guys. - [Skip] Yeah. Dan plays smash. (all laughing) - [Failboat] Look at this dude. This is my favorite one. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he is cutie. What's he do? Ow. Wow. (laughing) - [Failboat] That was unceremonious. - [Skip] He just smacks you, dude he hits you for three hearts though. - [Failboat] What? - [Jaymoji] He doesn't explode. - [Skip] No, he doesn't explode. A lot of the creeper overhaul guys don't explode. They just, they just exist. - [Jaymoji] Interesting, they exist and they chase you because they hate you - [Skip] That's pretty creepy. I don't know. Looking at them, it's freaking me out a little bit. - [Failboat] Yeah. This guy does hit - [Skip] When you're in survival, they be hitting different. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] As Dan dies (all laughing) - [Skip] You guys want to see what a Molten Creeper looks like? - Yeah. What's it do? - Yeah - Just lava - (Failboat screaming) - [Jaymoji] Oh - (Skip laughing) - [Jaymoji] Wow. I, I could saw, could have seen that coming - [Failboat] Run! - [Skip] Wow. Oh. - [Failboat] That's just nature. That's just science. - [Skip] Wow. - [Jaymoji] Look, we created obsidian. - [Skip] Obsidian! - [Jaymoji] A cobblestone generator using creepers. I've never seen anything like this. - [Skip] This is Iron Creeper. - [Failboat] Oh! - [Jaymoji] I didn't like it. What does it do? - [Skip] It just explodes iron everywhere. - [Jaymoji] Oh my God. It does. Hey, you get to die, but at least you get a nice, sweet reward. - [Failboat] Yeah. - [Skip] I guess whoever said death doesn't pay clearly hasn't respawned. - [Jaymoji] That is such a Walmart gaming T-shirt. (all laughing) - [Skip] It's awful. - [Failboat] What's this creeper? - [Skip] Lemon - [Jaymoji] It's the banana creeper. - [Skip] This is the lemon Creeper. Just kidding. It's lightning. - [Jaymoji] Lightning and lemon are too similarly spelled - [Failboat] Thunder! (everyone humming) - [Jaymoji] Wait, wait. thank you, Skip. I was just thinking that science experiment was a success. - [Skip] I love the school science fairs. - There we go. - Oh my God. - [Skip] I see what he's doing. ♪ Thunder strike ♪ - This is the jungle Creeper. - [Jaymoji And Failboat] Oh! - [Jaymoji] He went right for me. Should I be concerned about that? Uh oh. Help! - [Skip] It's just a regular creeper. - [Jaymoji] he just explodes. If you, dude, he's camouflaged. If you bury him in the ground, you'd have no idea. - [Skip] Hey dude, if I buried him in the ground, he'd probably be dead. - [Jaymoji] Look at that. Looks like a leaf patch. - [Skip] Dude. He's pushing up daisies. (all laughing) - [Skip] This is a Desert Creeper. Look, he's got a little, he's got a little microbiome on his head. - [Jaymoji] Oh I love that he glows when he is gonna explode like that. That's cool. - Yeah. - Aww! Look at them all. - [Skip] Just regular creepers, but they're cute. The mushroom creeper's still my, my cute. My cute winner. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, I think so too. I think he wins aesthetically - [Skip] The Badlands Creeper. This guy's just a giant turnip. - [Jaymoji] Whoa! He does. He looks like a, I don't know, like a mud. - [Skip] Whoa! They hit like a truck. - [Failboat] He looks like a truck. - [Jaymoji] He looks like, does he? He looks like a trunk of a tree. I like him. - [Skip] This is the Hills creeper. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he is like a monument. - [Skip] He's like a Thwomp. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he is like a thwomp. That is just a thwomp. - [Failboat] Look at it turn. He's so funny. - [Jaymoji] That is just a thwomp. He, does he not attack? Oh, he just blows up. Okay. - [Skip] I love these. - [Failboat] Hey, they're buddy. - [Jaymoji] These are the coolest. These are my favorite. I love them - [Failboat] Yeah, look at 'em. - [Jaymoji] And they're passive. - [Skip] The Savannah Creeper. - [Jaymoji] Oh he is like a a totem pole. - [Skip] Look at how cool his animation is - [Jaymoji] With spinny heads. - [Failboat] Oh! Oh, his wheels. - [Jaymoji] Oh, he's got like, yeah. This is awesome. - [Skip] This guy, this one's another one that just hits you. - [Failboat] Gives you a little kiss. - [Jaymoji] I love his little faces. He's so cute. - [Skip] His faces to vases. - [Jaymoji] He does actual damage. That hurts really bad. - [Failboat] Oh my God! - [Jaymoji] Oh! this one's awesome. - [Failboat] Whoa. Oh, it's a Swamp Creeper. - [Jaymoji] Take him to the water, bro. We gotta see this guy in action. Look at that. Look at that. I'd have no idea something was coming at me. (all laughing) - [Skip] This is the Dripstone Creeper, which I wanna see Is there dripstone damage when you land on top? Well, there is damage when you land on top. (all laughing) - [Jaymoji] (laughing) I was gonna say, what conclusion did you get to Skip? - [Skip] Uh, inconclusive. Need to try again. - [Jaymoji] Okay One more time on that - [Skip] Nope, yep. - [Jaymoji] Yup. Nope and yup. It's a complicated answer. - [Skip] Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is the cave creeper. Oh, nice save. - [Jaymoji] Whoa! - [Skip] TNT that'll save me (everyone laughing) - [Jaymoji] Yeah, that'll do it. - [Skip] The Dark Oak Creeper. - [Jaymoji] Whoa! Whoa. This guy gives you blindness. - [Failboat] Whoa! - [Jaymoji] It's very dark oak. Or the darkest oak. - [Skip] Yeah. - [Jaymoji] That one looks coolest visually, I think. - [Failboat] Well this is dope. - [Skip] That one's sick. - [Jaymoji] He's got little mushrooms on him and he kills me and blinds me and all. Well, I guess if you're dead, you're also blind too. Whatever. - [Skip] Well, let's counter that with the Light Creeper. - Ah! Oh, Whoa! - Whoa! - [Jaymoji] I'm so blind, But I'm glowing. - [Skip] Ya, cause they exploded. So there are lingering potions. Now you can get the glowing effect. - [Jaymoji] Oh, that's nice. - [Failboat] I want it. - [Jaymoji] I just see the outline of Jay as he goes into his Blue Man Group routine. - [Skip] Dude, welcome to my new fort. - [Jaymoji] Who's that in there? Look over there. (laughing) - [Skip] Who's that guy in there? - [Jaymoji] Exposed - [Skip] Oh, hi there. - [Jaymoji] Oh, it's a healing creeper - [Failboat] That's not! - [Skip] Ah! - [Skip] Jay, you wanna introduce this next creeper? - [Jaymoji] Of course I do. Stepping up into the ring. We have the unanimous, - [Skip] I'm just joking, dude. I'm just joking. You think I'm gonna let you have that kind of power over me? - [Failboat] We got the spruce creeper spot egg. Where you going, Jay? - No, we're good. - Oh it creates Silverfish. - [Skip] Oh, these guys are creepy. - [Jaymoji] Well, they're creeper. Oh, there they go. - [Skip] Oh man - [Failboat] Oh, it doesn't create Silverfish, it just blew up the end portal - [Skip] No, no. It was just that, it was next to the end portal. - [Failboat] Oh, I was really happy. - [Jaymoji] (laughing) It creates Silverfish What a blessing. What a great day. - [Skip] How about a beach creeper? - [Jaymoji] Oh - [Failboat] Don't call it that. - Wow. - Sorry dude. - [Jaymoji] What about it is beach? It just, it explodes and also looks like the beach. - [Skip] It's a bad beach. - [Jaymoji] Oh, very nice. - [Failboat] Put it in one of those. - [Skip] Beachy keen. (all laughing) - [Skip] This an earth creeper. (everyone laughing) It's just the light creeper but with earth. - [Jaymoji] He's got a nice hat though. He's got hair - [Skip] I like that. It's not even the grass texture, it's just the original creeper texture. - [Jaymoji] It's just, yeah. - [Skip] This is the dark creeper - [Jaymoji] Why is it called that - [Skip] Because it's the same as the dark oak, I guess. - [Jaymoji] I see. - [Skip] It gives you darkness for a long longer though. This is so much scarier. - [Jaymoji] 15 seconds. That's pretty scary. - [Failboat] Oh my God. I can't see anyone (Failboat screaming) - [Skip] Sprint when you have the blindness effect - [Jaymoji] A ghost. Oh, you can't. It's true. - [Jaymoji] I was playing up the reaction, but I was actually a little scared myself. Scared. Just like run at me. - [Jaymoji] Materialize out of, out of the depths. - [Skip] I am a little spooky. You can, you can be honest about it. Because if you just saw me just like standing. - [Failboat] Well now you are - [Skip] At the edge of your frame - [Failboat] Oh yeah, just the white eyes. - [Skip] We got a couple more creepers guys, you ready? Here boy, sit - [Failboat] (laughing) You're ready. Here they come. - [Skip] This is the nice as ice creeper - [Failboat] Nice as ice? - [Jaymoji] Ah, he's leaving a snow trail. Oh! And oh my God a free igloo. - [Skip] By the way, being called the the ice creeper and then giving snow. I'm feeling that's false advertising. - [Jaymoji] Yeah, potentially. I was expecting ice. No, no more, dude - [Failboat] Help. Help. Stop. Stop - [Jaymoji] Free igloo is awesome - [Failboat] No more please - [Skip] I'll save you Dan, I'll save you I'm on my way On my way, eventually I'll get there. Hang on. Don't move. Don't move. Listen to the sound (creeper explosion) (laughter) - [Skip] This is the miner creeper. - [Failboat] Oh, oh I get it - [Skip] In fairness not the best name. - [Jaymoji] Yeah not at all - [Failboat] Miner creeper is, hold on - [Skip] Let's call it the Mining Creeper, huh? Yeah. Yeah. - [Jaymoji] Oh, resources. Does he not mine ores? - [Skip] I guess not. - [Failboat] Mine ores. - [Jaymoji] (chuckling) Shut up. - [Skip] Mine ores. (all laughing) - [Failboat] Oh, you got the butter set. - [Skip] Dude you're butted out to the to the max. - [Failboat] I Got the butter feet. - [Jaymoji] Wow. How did I get no feet and all buttered up like a biscuit. - [Skip] Well, this is the enchanting creeper - Oh - I looked up - [Failboat] Yeah right, right. It's always like, what's the next thing? - [Jaymoji] Oh, it gave me unbreaking fire protection and unbreaking. - [Skip] Yeah you can get really good stuff. - [Jaymoji] That's actually really good. - [Failboat] Wait, wait, wait. Do that again, but when I'm holding a tool. - [Skip] What? - [Failboat] Oh it works. - [Skip] Yeah look at that. - [Failboat] Bane of Arthropods, sweeping edge three, and knock back two. Terrible - [Jaymoji] Nice. Dude. Can I enchant like a cookie? - Curse of Vanishing - You can't eat it - [Skip] (laughing) Curse of Vanishing? - [Skip] What's this creeper - [Jaymoji] A green one. - [Skip] The hydrogen creeper - [Jaymoji] Okay wow. How about goodbyerogen creeper. - [Skip] Come one dude. Wait. I wanna see. I wanna see if What happens if he's- - [Jaymoji] Here We go. - [Skip] Oh my God. Whoa. That's a huge explosion. Don't watch the first three videos - [Jaymoji] I've never seen an explosion that big in this area before. - [Skip] I will say that is- - [Jaymoji] Lightning. - [Skip] Ow! - [Jaymoji] Oh my God I can hear it from all the way over here. I wasn't even near it. - [Failboat] Who's this little surprise guy? - [Skip] I got a feeling you're not supposed to see that. This is the rainbow creeper. Now this one just does any of the random effects. So if we have a bunch of them. - [Jaymoji] Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm scared. This looks like a Skittles bag, but scary. Oh my God. - [Skip] Skittles are scary because sugar kills, Jay. - [Jaymoji] Wow. That was incredibly destructive. - [Skip] This creeper packs quite a punch. - [Jaymoji] Is it a fruit punch? Creeper? - [Skip] Kinda looks like it. - [Jaymoji] It does. Oh yeah! - [Jaymoji And Failboat] Oh my God! - [Skip] Oh no! (laughter) - [Failboat] Oh look, looking up. - [Jaymoji] We can actually look up at this one. - [Skip] This is the TNT Creeper. - [Failboat] Ah. I feel like I'm back home when that happens. - [Skip] Yeah, that is, that is a little return to favor. - [Jaymoji] That's beautiful That's wonderful - [Failboat] TNTeeper - [Skip] Dan you're getting a raise. - [Jaymoji] Oh! - [Failboat] Oh, oh no. - [Skip] (laughing) You got a raise but someone else got more of a raise. - [Jaymoji] How does it explode? - [Skip] Does it explode? I'm in survival punching it. - [Jaymoji] It must surely explode. - [Skip] You'd think right. Oh my God! - [Failboat] Oh my goodness. - [Jaymoji] Now you messed up. - [Skip] It's not even doing enything - [Jaymoji] Aw, it's just a friendly guy. Until he starts glowing white. - [Skip] Does it merge? (Jaymoji laughing) - Oh - There you go - [Jaymoji] It exploded, but it did not a thing - [Failboat] But it did nothing. They added in the biggest creeper, and it does nada? - [Skip] Hey, man, if I put the mutant creeper on top. - [Jaymoji] Whoa! What have you done, what have you done what have you done, what have you done. - [Skip] And with that, folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right and have a good one. All right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 4,221,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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