I Rebuilt EVERY Biome in Minecraft Hardcore

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i'm going to attempt to rebuild every minecraft biome including the new 1.19 mangrove swamp and deep dark which i'm visiting for the first time oh no thank you to sandiction for the inspiration on this one this is going to take a while because well i need to build 33 different biomes and i'm pretty sure where we have lots of space to just dig into a wall is right over there case two and let's go [Music] what is that alright so we've got 33 rooms between two floors and now we need glass blocks for every single one of them [Music] let's be on our way to smelt this okay i don't have any coal i don't want to go look for coal because that's just an uh i guess i'm just gonna have to build a whole bamboo farm [Music] but at least we've now got fuel coming in to the minecraft minecraft with hopper it's time to get started on the rooms quick disclaimer i'm not doing every single biome that exists example i'm not building both jungle and jungle edge they are going to be instead one room the first materials we actually need are for the backgrounds of all our overworld biomes where we are going to try and replicate the sky on the walls so for concrete i need lots of sand which we already have and i need a lot of gravel this gravel hill alone took me like 30 minutes to find so like please subscribe [Music] oh man i'm gonna need a lot more concrete than what i have right now that doesn't look too bad i'd like to think and our first biome is going to be not a plains biome because that is just actual little oak forest i like it looks pretty nice now what do we do about the lighting situation one of the things i can think of is maybe doing a glowstone pattern like this so uh there we are with some glowstone that's nicely just lighting the whole thing up which means yet another block that i'm going to need to collect for all of these biomes i'm making this so much more difficult for myself up next i want to do a desert and i don't have any cactus me pick up some dead bushes while i'm at it as well i'll grab a little bit of red sand as well to see if we can make it look a bit more interesting now it's time to move on to some more fun stuff we're going to be doing a crimson forest biome right here so you get some of these crimson roots some crimson fungus and what is this warped fungus get some warped fungus as well there's a fair few blocks we need to get i'm not going to mention them all [Music] we'll put a tree right there we'll have some weeping vines hanging down more of these up here we might make this a little more mountainy though hang on kind of like that oh i forgot to add the shroom lights um there one at the back here i might put one just there cover this up and with that the crimson forest biome is complete as well we now have three and now for even more variety here we are going to do the main end island ah this project is gonna take days [Music] so there's that base there and it might look a little weird now but just hang on give me a second we need black concrete for the edges back at it again with the concrete mining we need some obsidian for a pillar what if i make an end crystal oh that could be cool boom and i'm also going to take this dragon head at the dragon egg there maybe then add the dragon head here and then an end crystal there we go let me just make sure not to hit the end crystal [Music] don't worry these glass borders will be gone soon you're probably actually seeing the nice versions in the replay clips and we are already out of light blue concrete okay and now i'm missing a piece of glowstone it just never ends it no it never ends there the birch biome is now also complete now what we've got on this side is just a regular minecraft cave oh my god be funny if i just did this i don't know why did that it's not that funny now see this one's kind of plain and it does really blend in with this whole thing but once we decorate this hole it'll be fine and there's a little easter egg here i went for the classic minecraft dead end cave where you go expecting to find something but you find nothing so uh the dreaded dead end let's move on to the next two one of them being the end islands which well i need to do the wall again all right so we've got a little bit of an island there add another one here this room is going to be really simple and then you know what to add a little bit of realism to it let's add a block or two that's what we all do right we bridge across these small islands when we get there for the first time there we go we're getting quite a bit done we've got almost two lots done we need one more for eight which is the soul sand valley if you take a look when you're actually in the area itself the surrounding fog turns kind of like this weird cyan blue kind of thing i'm very glad i have some terracotta right now soul sand valleys do tend to be pretty hilly don't they and then we'll add some soul sand into the middle of that [Music] and done okay soul sand valley complete as well we've got some bones some torches cool this place is starting to look really nice now that i think about it i think i want this top floor like just finished so let me just speed through this dude let's go the first one being a giant tiger so this does look a little bit better if you understand what i'm going for here these trees are so big that they actually just go through the roof so yeah i'm kind of going for that the next biome will be the badlands biome [Music] i like that that's cool next biome is the warped forest [Music] then we've got the another wastes we've got some lava a little bit of glowstone hopefully that doesn't reach the wood i forget how fire mechanics work but which reminds me i also need to do it to this biome here so that is the another waste biome complete as well we now need to do the jungle biome i'm calling this one spiky cave because why not we've also got basalt delta and this one here has actually just reminded me that i can add a little something like that in here in the soul sand valley yeah that that makes it look a little bit more full look at us go also here we're gonna add an ancient debris piece somewhere ah matter of fact let me just go do that right now this could end up taking me like 30 minutes but i guess it's worth the risk i think okay i've entered the headspace of putting a piece of soul sand down and pretending like it's ancient debris i think we want to put it like on display right like right here bang [Music] and last but not least the end city biome now this one requires a little bit of adventuring from us so i guess we're gonna go collect some blocks some shockers things like that [Music] collect some of this in stone brick the glass as well actually [Music] so we've got all these biomes complete let's just quickly decorate all of this wait this looks kind of bland there we go that looks a little bit better and now it's time for the punch line of the the tunnel the video the it's time for the punch line okay basically walking no i'm putting these rooms on display by sticking a rail track in the middle where we can ride along and look at one side down to the very end and then come back looking at the other side [Music] and now that that is all done as well including this really cool looking painting wall kind of thing i need to get all these biomes done before we move on to the big final one the deep dark the first one is dark oak and lucky we can just take inspiration from uh i'm pretty sure you find pumpkins in these biomes fairly often so i might include some of these as well [Music] the next biome we need to work on is the lush cave what if i just put some drip leaf down here right and i just yeah there we go gets rid of like almost all the work i need to do blueberries here and there a nice spore bottom right there and there's a last couple details so we finished our first two biomes and as you can see there is quite a long way to go we've got a lot of room so let's just get through some of these quickly first one being over here this is the nether fortress biome now i know i already did the nether waste but i thought i'd give the nether fortress one of its own dedicated ones because it's cool what i also thought would be cool is to get a wither skeleton head and put it on display this was not cool actually it was quite the opposite oh why did i five of them surely i get one skull out of these guys come on all that for me to literally just go ahead and do this after that i'm going for the polar opposite and making an ocean room of the warm variety we've even got some remnants of a shipwreck in the back as well as lots of tropical fish yo what are you doing hey no why would you do that what happened next up we've actually got a piglin bastion now i know this isn't a biome but i just felt like including it anyway similar to another fortress i just think it'll be a cool addition the next biome is a mine shaft of sorts again it's not a biome but just come on [Music] and here we are i wasn't actually sure about this one at first but i'm glad i went with the deep slate i love how this turned out we've got the little spider spawner vibe back there we've got the chest minecart thing this is cool oh my goodness dude next up we've got a snowy spruce and an amethyst biome both of which for i need to collect materials for uh maybe we'll make a little ice river as well i'm not sure if these will melt and of course we've got some snow now for the amethyst i will collect amethyst this one's gonna look pretty good [Music] okay dude and now for the snowy spruce put some snow down obviously now will this campfire melt the ice we are halfway with the bottom floor you heard that right we've only got a few more to go before we go adventuring for the difficult ones so let's do it we've got a mountain biome where i'm trying to replicate some sort of clouds on the floor a fun beach biome this is meant to be a beach ball [Laughter] an acacia one which unfortunately isn't yellow enough a stony shore one which i actually think turned out pretty cool we've also got ice spikes and a tall birch biome i thought it'd be hilarious to have this single tree going so high that you can't even see the leaves so we've got almost every biome complete apart from the last three we've got the mangrove swamp deep dark and mushroom fields finding these blocks could actually take me hours why am i doing this i should just use terra cotta i'm thinking going out into the ocean like this would probably be the smartest thing to do because that's when you usually find mushroom biomes right however despite my greatest efforts what i first found was whoa whoa wait wait wait a second is that a i mean i'd be happier if i found a mushroom biome but this is okay i guess oh no i'm so sorry [Music] take heaps of these leaves as well oh that sound is not nice is this the this is the woodland i've just found the woodland mansion this counts as a mushroom biome right all of these [Music] what is this swamp one tree [Music] i was actually kind of hoping it would take longer so that i could you know be like oh it took me two hours to find this but okay now give me this mycelium take some of this as well some mushrooms some of the other one yep that's it that's all we came for goodbye i'm not kidding and it has just hit me how much more difficult finding the deep dark is going to be dude wow give me some more land am i flying further out from base yes i am yes i am okay here's a cave here's a cave out cave after cave after cave also somehow circling back to the mushroom islands i don't know how i did that my lighter was almost broken i don't really want to risk just mid-air not working i'm not my brain's not working eventually we run into some skulk i don't like that color dude that's freaky i'm just here to get blocks i'm just here to get blocks i want to collect some more of this skulk vein that's all around the place no that's not what you want it that's not that's not what i want so can i just break this is that a thing is there another one there's another one somewhere this is not good that's it right i've just spawned him okay yeah you know what you do you i need more skulk itself a couple more catalysts maybe okay but do you wanna are you gonna you're borrowing back in all right great oh wow okay the hoe breaks uh this much much quicker i don't i don't know what i've been doing this whole time this bat is a threat to my existence dude [Applause] okay oh this dude is really angry at i think probably the bat yep can like i'm just trying to build some biomes man okay i've made it to the chest without making any noise it the comments are gonna love this one you're joking right is that what all the other chests are like as well uh you know what see you later diamonds because i need some of these here i am over 10 000 blocks away nice so all that is left to do now is build the mushroom biome [Music] that looks pretty good unfortunately there's not much more you can really do with that that's what the islands look like should have brought a cow or something we've got the mangrove swamp biome so there's that and i've decided to leave this one very like kind of raw and muddy and dark and gloomy make it look a little bit more natural we've got some trees going into the wall as well and stuff like that it's pretty cool and last but definitely not least the deep dark biome this one actually took about 30 minutes believe it or not and of course finish the entrance and i've actually also just at i've done all these different blocks to like kind of signal that you're going into a museum of all different biomes and stuff and it's really cool [Music] you
Channel: ezY
Views: 7,629,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ezyyhd, ezy, ezy minecraft, I Rebuilt EVERY Biome in Minecraft Hardcore, i rebuilt every single biome in minecraft hardcore, in hardcore minecraft, hardcore minecraft, deep dark, 1.19, mangrove swamp
Id: M_M8U7eXceM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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