The Cheesiest Homemade Texas Queso (2 Ways)

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look i don't need to say a lot here all right cheesy dip chips texas it's a beautiful thing [Music] this is one of the very few times yet again that you're gonna see me talking about something that may not seem very josh like and by that i mean it's not fancy not everything i eat is fancy guys alright there's some things that i like that are just downright nasty and this is one of them we're gonna make two different versions we're gonna make the traditional version which is unfortunately with like american cheese and we're gonna make josh's fancy version so with all that said let's make this shall we right so you can't have queso without chips i've made my own tortilla chips a few times already on this channel like in the doritos but better video so if you'd like to know how i made my own tortilla chips the link is in the description now let's talk about the main event the queso and not chili cone carne queso i'm talking texas queso you know that like yellowish stuff you see in austin texas first up is the unfortunately fake cheese albeit traditional version in a medium saucepan add two tablespoons of neutral tasting oil heat that over medium heat until very hot then add one medium yellow onion that's been diced followed by two finely diced jalapenos season that to taste with salt stir and let those sweat until oop dang you see that thing flour my hand like that it was like coming after me onions love papa anyway once those just begin to soften add in three cloves of rough chopped garlic saute until everything is softened and fragrant about two to three minutes stir in one nice and ripe diced tomato and saute just until the tomato is hot then add three quarters of a pound of fresh grated here it is boys my nightmare american cheese and a quarter pound of pepper jack cheese also grated immediately followed by one cup of whole milk you don't need a roux here on account of the good old-fashioned engineered spice cheese continue heating over medium heat while stirring constantly until silky smooth and looking something like this season that the taste of salt and finish it with a quarter cup of fresh and finely chopped cilantro pop that in there stir that bad boy and look if you live anywhere in texas this should look quite familiar to you so get that into a bowl top it with some fresh diced tomato rough chopped cilantro and look at that that looks like a proper queso if i've ever seen one despite the fact that we used fake cheese but whatever we'll just overlook that now let's jump over and try something a little more culinarian that's a word right we're using nicer cheese here a classy lightly aged cheddar in a cave aged gruyere first thing start with two and a half tablespoons of unsalted butter in a medium sauce pot heat that over medium heat just until the butter is melted then add two finely diced shallots i mean like really fine and four serranos that have been optionally seeded and sliced finally three cloves of rough chopped garlic season that to taste with salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste stir and cook until all the veg is nicely softened about two to three minutes sprinkle in two tablespoons of all-purpose flour stir to combine and cook stirring occasionally for about 30 seconds then whisk in one cup of whole milk keep whisking the heating just until that thickens you've now made a bechamel in a separate bowl mix together four and a half cups of shredded cheddar cheese and one cup of shredded gruyere cheese whisk that cheese mixture into your bechamel a little bit at a time until all of it is added turn off the heat and continuously whisk until the cheese is completely melted and you have a nice smooth queso finally finish that off with a half cup of sour cream and that's the full fatty version whisk that in thoroughly adjust salt and pepper levels if necessary now we have our queso but let's talk about plate up or bowl up i guess first get a beautifully ripe avocado assuming you have some sort of advanced avocado seeking abilities which you should at this point dice it up as chunky or as small as you like place a generous mound in the center of your bowl hit it with some flaky salt now pour your hot cheesy queso on top that's uh redundant until you've completely hidden the avocado start by garnishing it with some nicely arranged pickled onions very thinly sliced serrano chilies some daintily placed cilantro leaves and finally slang on a nice drizzle of your hot sauce of choice this one is a classic valentina hot sauce now that right there looks like an upgraded queso not queso now let's taste test this and see if it holds a candle the stinky poopy fake cheese we have queso times two that's oh that's dose that doesn't really does so we have the traditional the velveeta american cheese look this is one of the very few things where i actually might prefer this i don't know and then we have the fancier more thought out more swanier queso now traditional texas queso i mean it's a classic am i gonna freak out about it no but i will say that this tastes identical to any cantina or mexican restaurant that you go to in the central texas area the the fancy one has sat for a while so it might be oh it's not actually get a little bit of everything here hold on hold on now um this is a toss-up i like the kick of this too this is obviously spicier man this is tough here's how i balance this out i don't know if there's a clear winner but textually the original traditional queso i had no idea if that was gonna work or not textually this is the winner the traditional version now flavor-wise undeniably undeniably this is better you've got that rich cheese you can really there's like a level of umami from the cheese that you do not get from this this is almost like it's like craft singles basically and you got the kick from the spice i don't know if i can make a favorite i like them both very much look if you're a traditionalist this is for you you're forward thinking this is for you we need we need a native houston texas opinion we'll go with the og first cheerio proper yeah i went to papacytos three days ago it's very similar honestly i like the traditional yeah that was exactly this this tastes like every time i was away from houston as a kid came home got off the plane and went to a mexican restaurant right away it's almost like traditionally speaking when you're having queso it almost needs to be that sort of like neon yellow fake cheese it's nostalgia and it's the texas way you want to know what else oozes hot steamy cheese into the back of your [Music] throat [Music] all right guys and that is it so we made our queso two versions we had the traditional with fake cheese yucky and then we had the sort of fancy version that was made with a roux base so it was essentially an ultra cheesy monet i suppose we've been making a lot of mornay sauces around here haven't we sitting back looking at both of them they're both beautiful in their own way if you're a queso traditionalist you're kind of low-key gonna want the american cheese version unfortunately there's no way around it now if you haven't had it before you should definitely try the fancy version first enjoy that enjoy the palette tantalization and then try the unfancy version i think you'll find the beauty in both after doing it that way so anyway if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,527,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, queso, queso dip, cheese, texas queso, how to make queso, homemade queso, easy queso, easy queso recipe, homemade queso recipe, queso recipe, making queso dip, texas queso dip, cheesy queso dip, cheese queso, dip recipe, dip recipes, joshua weissman queso dip, best queso recipe, making homemade queso, texas, cheese dip, homemade cheese dip, cheese dip recipe, how to make cheese dip, easy cheese dip recipe
Id: sdL8bei1Tcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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