30 Minute Homemade Fresh Mozzarella Cheese

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i get it the cheese making seems pretty extra but making the beloved fresh mozzarella also known as buffalo mozzarella takes four ingredients in 30 minutes yes it's true [Music] fresh mozzarella is easily my absolute most favorite cheese right in front of gouda because you know gouda is good anyway when i say fresh mozzarella also known as buffalo mozzarella which by the way um buffalo mozzarella is technically made with buffalo milk but you know not having the easiest time finding anything like that but what i'm referring to is the lovely soft cheese that's so beautifully tender and milky and you know the kind of stuff that accompanies a nice fresh tomato with some freshly torn basil a healthy glug of olive oil you know the goods i would say more but this feels like a good seller already so let's make this shall we all right hold your horses one second psa your batch of mozzarella has a lot to do with the milk you choose please don't use any milk alternatives no you cannot use almond milk you need whole milk that is not ultra pasteurized it's okay if it's pasteurized just not ultra pasteurized the milk i used was low temp pasteurized and non-homogenized raw milk is also a great option okay so now we're gonna actually get started so first thing is we're gonna stir to dissolve 1.5 teaspoons or eight grams of granulated citric acid into one cup or 250 milliliters of water you can buy this stuff at lots of stores including health food stores or you can hit the link in my description make sure this stuff gets completely dissolved then you're gonna mix half a teaspoon or three grams of liquid rennet with a quarter cup or 60 milliliters of water same purchasing scenario as before the link for this stuff is in my description okay so now with one gallon or 3.7 liters of cold milk in a large pot we're gonna vigorously stir in our citric acid to make sure it gets dispersed evenly trust me uh i made some opsis here and make sure that it's whirl pooling while you're adding this now you're gonna heat your milk over medium-low heat stirring occasionally until you reach 90 degrees fahrenheit or 32 degrees celsius immediately remove your milk from the heat and while stirring you're going to pour in your rennet mixture as soon as that run and starts to hit that milk while you're stirring immediately start counting to 25 and obviously don't stop stirring you want to stir the entire time what you're trying to do is disperse that red end in there and stop as soon as you hit the 25 second mark then add a lid now just as a note if you stir it too long after you add the rennet what's gonna happen is you're gonna break up the curd as it forms it'll just turn all cloudy that's not necessarily bad you can still make mozzarella with it you're just stirring it enough to thoroughly incorporate everything before the curd begins to form anyway so let this bad boy let it sit for five minutes then after five minutes there should be solid curd floating on top that when you gently tilt the pot you'll be able to see that there's a distinct separation of the curd in the way if it's still a little fragile you can totally let it sit for another five minutes okay so we're almost there now you're just gonna cut your curd into a cross hatch pattern using a long knife making sure to go all the way to the bottom of the pot just you know be careful not to scratch it up i clearly struggled here with the curd you know trying to escape me but you know you get the point now once you've done that simply place your pot back on a medium-low heat and continue to heat it stirring on occasion very very gently you do not want to break up the curd too much at this point and you're going to heat it until it reaches 105 degrees fahrenheit or 40 degrees celsius then remove it from the heat and let it sit another five minutes then remove your curds using a slotted spoon or a ladle or whatever the hell you got and place it into a strainer to allow it to drain for a hot sec not too long like maybe 15 seconds then gently squeeze out some of the excess whey in the curd you don't need to squeeze all of it out you're just getting the excess out okay so now we have a prepared curd that simply just needs to be warmed up enough so that it's malleable enough to stretch and shape that's it so first start by seasoning the liquid that you left behind in the pot that's also known as the whey with 1 tablespoon or 10 grams of kosher salt now we can warm it up one of two ways you can heat a small pot of seasoned whey to 180 degrees fahrenheit or 82 degrees celsius then just pour it over your curd in a bowl just enough to cover it and let it sit for 15 to 20 seconds or you could just place your curd in a bowl with some season way over it and microwave it for at 15 second intervals i know that that's gonna come across to many as sacrilege so you know choose your own adventure there i'm not gonna shoot myself in the foot also side note if this stuff is too hot for your hands and you don't have asbestos hands like i do then you can totally use food-safe dish gloves you know to protect your skin and all that now once your cheese is soft and malleable pick up your curd and separate your hands and let gravity stretch it downward fold it over itself and repeat this folding and stretching until it's smooth and one even mass this will take only four to six folds no more than a minute now if your curd gets too cold to form then you can just simply heat the bad boy back up it's it really is as simple as that now once you're done with that you're ready to shape the mozzarella take your curd and press a segment through your fingers in a c shape and once you've got the size you want simply pinch that bad boy off and place it in a container full of room-temperature way make sure that the whey is actually covering the entire ball another way to shape it would be to do this essentially the same thing but instead of pushing it through your fingers you would take a mount that you want snip it off and then fold the bottom into itself over and over and over until you get a taut ball then just pinch the bottom shut and yeah that's it repeat this process with the rest of your mozzarella curd making them as big or as small as you want and then just let these lovelies rest in that room temperature way for about 15 to 20 minutes before serving these i feel that these are way better eaten within a few hours at room temperature but if you want to store them then once they're they've rested in their waste solution you can just wrap them in plastic wrap individually and place them in the fridge and they'll last about three to four days and you've done it you've made mozzarella nothing too fancy here at all well you know except for maybe the b-roll [Music] all right guys and that is it fresh mozzarella made at home it takes 30 minutes it really blew me away how easy this one was and i feel like i say that a lot i really i really do say that a lot but that's just the truth of so many of these things you can make this stuff at home and it is a million times better when you do that and you know i can only tell you over and over until you actually do it and then you can see for yourself that it is true also just a quick shout out and thank you for all the support on my beef wellington video it's doing wonderfully i'm very grateful so thank you guys everybody's good as long as they support me you're good subscribe as always shameless self plug check me out on instagram twitter links are in the description but anyway if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you in the next video ah see i did it this time [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 4,888,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make mozzarella, homemade mozzarella, homemade cheese, homemade cheese recipe, mozzarella recipe, easy cheese recipe, easy homemade cheese, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, cooking series, vegetarian mozzarella, sat bawl pro, josh weissman, how to make fresh mozzarella, fresh mozzarella, homemade mozzarella recipe, fresh mozzarella recipe, how to make homemade mozzarella, easy mozzarella recipe, fresh, mozzarella, mozarella cheese
Id: mAxy_oXKJig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2019
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