Tunneling Under Enemies BASE! (Minecraft Factions)

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but let's keep moving how's it going welcome her back to another episode of factures here on the challenge today we're jumping straight into this so this base right here that we're standing upon is a pretty weird base so you might think that we're at our normal and high of a base which is like 255 no everyone goes up to the max loom well no this base only goes up a very very little amount like these guys I'm gonna feel bad rating because people don't really build these bases unless you're kind of new to factions and don't understand it like this space is extremely exploitable like there's so many ways you can get into space and you don't even need a cannon so we're going to be raiding it guys if you enjoyed this video do go down below smash that like button be greatly appreciated and I guess without further ado let's raid this so I've been eyeing up the space for ages like listen when I say ages I've had it for the last like four or five days now what if I haven't I trained it why ever be 9op well in the world download there's spots where they place down spoilers I can just never catch them online so I've been waiting and waiting and waiting trying to catch them when they're online so I can actually grab their supporters as well but if you waiting for four days and nothing they beat online they beat online but just not at the right time I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure we're at the opposite timezones they could be Australians somewhere around there I don't know as I live in Ireland so they must be a complete opposite times or to me because I never catch them online so anyway I guess what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna raid the base because when you have a base and you play with it and what I mean when you play over you kind of start like saving it for the right moment someone else could just come and take the raid off you like that they find it so really I do not like to try and save raids so there is a very very easy exploit so when I first found it and the corners weren't Ward correctly they were so when I came back to everyday and I sort of the the corners rush award I was like oh no like we can't get into the base now avow cannon but but but but if you come down here we're at the main part of the base up there there's nothing it's a farm that's being made there's absolutely nothing about there but down here is the actual farm but like they've done everything correctly I guess and and you think the floor would be made out of like obsidian or cobble like you see they have up sitting there but no the floor is made out wood so all we have to do is to be able to fire ball and we can tunnel underneath their base so if this fire ball works boom there we go now we got away a little bit more with fire ball again and we can properly tunnel underneath the base and enter it now I have no idea what's gonna be in the base because we raid in the chest there's all spores insider so we're just gonna see what's inside the base it probably won't be much this isn't the main thing for the video but we just got a radio we've got to make as much money as we can because of course like you know we're trying to go for a stop episode that if that means raiding little people as well got a raid little people big people every people but yeah hopefully we get some sort of value from this it doesn't really matter if we don't because let's be honest it wasn't like there was a lot of work being put into it right boom there we go right and then I think we're gonna have a cool down for a second now half drink of water even so I can chill so we're gonna wait 25 seconds so if you don't know you're not a donator by the way and you can buy these fireball charges from the raiding merchants which i think they're about a thousand maybe a thousand 200 a pop which is fairly cheap I think they should be a worth they should be worth a little bit more because of how useful eh er but anyway you can buy them there so that's how we're managing to tunnel underneath the space boom there we go we are in now he's gonna wait for one more fireball and I'm sure we can just basically explode this angle is there is there a chest and efis is there there's okay right let's set you fireball a little bit more over then explode it now since this is wood I'm pretty sure this is fireball as well but if it's not no need to worry because I'm pretty sure we can say get okay right nine seconds gonna wait I just wish I was raiding them with their spawn is but I just can't seem to catch them because every time they log off they take the spawn as room which is a smart move when you don't have any spawn is because you might as well do that okay come on oh I messed this up a bit oops I fire I fired at the wrong place it's not a problem it's fine the only thing is I have to wait 23 seconds all right three two one boom okay right that's the job now is there a chessani force I don't anyone ending in our way you're on that kinda way and I don't want to blow up a chest in case there's a good stuff in it cuz the fireball can sometimes burn it yeah I'm pretty sure that should be a clear spot we should be in like basically the center of the room the base isn't that big let me just make sure yeah okay right so I think fingers crossed but look we can get into space of a crew bracket just don't want to spend more money than they have to if that makes sense so far this has cost us what about six K maybe to get into don't have me keep keeping track of how many fireballs but boom there we go we are now into the base if we can just hit that corner we are in as simple as that and this is where they have this bonus but sadly they don't have to support this place what kind of sporters are they using that's okay that's definitely sheep anyway and then we have rabbit okay so it looks like they're only like level they're on the smaller levels of course these guys are new and I do feel kind of bad riding them but hopefully now they will learn from the snakes and the thing is will they even have I think the rate is the question not to be bad but like is there even anything here like I can't even open this chest okay boom all right well we might as well take these in case we are making me more bases they're not expensive but they cost money so I'm gonna take him score schneerson's okay what else always check the furnaces you never know what you might have lying around oh wow I opened out like getting really hyped and realized it was my a chest okay alright so and all might as well saw the iron $630 old it'd be worth more not gonna lie no okay right come on prop for okay I'll take prop 3 and above now like I said let's try make as much money as we can I do feel bad grading their stuff but if I don't rate them someone else to rate them Mazal sell the heads now they got a head there is that Wharf any money that is worth no money at all any prop three and you know that's still touch trenching TT not gonna take that TT I will even though that will barely fill up a cannon yeah I don't think we're gonna find much in this raid but that's not really this is just a bonus little raid for you find assisters just something's worth a bit of money not being pretty decent if we can make more than 6k how many I don't know I didn't keep track of how many fireballs this right off we can make more than 10k we've made profit and this raid was worth it why can't yes I couldn't they might behind some no dude these guys are insanely organized they actually have like they have all the chest like organized even have a dirt chest like the I should I should invite these guys into my faction just to organize my chest okay come on give me some prop for prop three something no okay these guys have weekly armor like I feel bad like if these guys are trying to defend their base they would not last a bit okay we got heads here update all these there we go well if this worthless worthless worthless a hundred and sixty one thousand dollars and worthless okey-dokey well first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna take all these heads in case they gain a lot of money you never know when someone's gonna make money on the server well we just got a hundred and sixty one thousand dollars we have just made profit actually hang on okay know what that she one hundred sixty one thousand dollars I was gonna say sometimes in the chest I think that's actually in Peavey's they can be fake oh do I hold on to the mask or do I sell it if I sell them now we've made profit for the raid yo let's freakin seller that was 110% worth it okay right well home V we're definitely taking these heads back to base I'm gonna keep an eye on them you never we should probably just have a head vault where you base you just all your heads you just when you're bored just go on and you just check them like you just like let you have a full chest of heads and you checking you never know who's gonna make money who's gonna come back like this could be someone's insanely rich all one day you don't know who's gonna buy an account of who you know you just just never know dude you just never know so so far we have made an insane amount of profit now and it might be more and it's still a few more chests to search which of these ones is unmarked one no no no right what's in these just in case because everyone will scream at me for not raiding these okay weekly pickaxes and stuff transy TNT okay right nothing here is worth it so there we go that was the raid but I'm actually really happy of it we got something out of it but let's keep moving oh boy let's go I don't have a driver's dream puck is if I have a shrimp pot I don't need oh my god did you suppose me no I'm not dying I'm not dying I'm not dying daughter let's go Hyup Hyup Hyup he's taken three percent less damage dude this guy's geared he's gonna be like how'd you get into the base how did you do it oh come on keep on the pot and keep him the patan oh I can't get my can't get mikekim come here is your head worth something you're at you online for once if only I waited a few more minutes I would have been absolutely golden dude he's prepared for PvP I'm nowhere near prepared oh dude oh let's go he's down he's down okay Kirby's head grab his head grip its head he always online 54k yes please thank you that brings up to like 200k profit right now holy smokes he's actually online okay he's got base building armor on door spare set of prop for let's freakin go I nearly died like when he started attacking me I didn't I started dropping so fast okay there's only a few this was elixir snuffing out in the floor home feed no I'm so sickened you won't catch me I'm actually so sickened right now cuz if I waited longer just a little bit I actually would have been able to probably raid that money kill him maybe actually it took me a long time to fireball in so if it's that - probably not and also get whatever sport is he had ah the guy in chat is messing me he's like why and I'm like why what it's like why would you rate it like it's it's factions I'm sorry it's nothing personal it's just the whole point in the game I feel bad but it's just something you gotta do I'm a monster alright so anyway that was a mini hard look how close my well that's not close no but look how close my armor was to actually breaking now Mikey's online what are you doing buddy oh you're selling that's what I like to see he's selling my [ __ ] oh my god does he not know what so hand F check F sell hand long he was he's selling it one by one I'm just gonna do sell hand I want some money so actually no I've actually made let him grab some money cuz he might be doing some base work and stuff and I've just made nearly over two hundred thousand dollars from a raid I did not expect so I'm pretty happy out right now how much he just make how much money's got we have sell chest yeah ohit's 572 Kok he's good wait how much you make how much did you just make 77k whoa that's is nice this farm is actually surprisingly making us a lot of money so do you for the last few days I have been I don't know why I've never been motivated more in my life to make a mask I think it's for the fact that we're its level 4 and I know it's really possible like this is not a high-end tear mask but what I've done is I've actually our farms being upgraded and I've actually got more spores inside there some of the spawn is up Mikey and stuff we're using but we have currently 18 thousand heads saved up but the only thing is and I haven't asked maybe I should have asked anything is I've been waiting to see waiting and waiting and waiting to see if a mushroom mask 5 or 4 or 3 just something that will help me give me a little boost will come up onto the aah and so far no luck we're gonna check right now let's just see please no nothing now I'm gonna ask Mikey there's a Mikey do you have in there I haven't if you asked in this patch members really do you have a spare mushroom mask just gonna see if he does he'll never edgy properly asked him ok right no he doesn't it's not a problem we just have to make our own mass like we can't like basically make a short cut now we're gonna try one thing one thing before we do this we're going to open up one Overlord charm right here or there's actually a head here is that worthless ok that's that head is still worthless I have no idea if it's if it's gonna ever be worth something but I keep just gonna hang on to it for now actually I've got more head to my PV as well where if this 3 mm I'm hang on see if it goes up more but we're gonna go to warp crates we're gonna open up our overload champ we're not asked if we watch I'm itchy all I want is a mystery mob mask that's all I'm looking for just to give myself one more chance before I have to go and waste heads on making the mask cuz reinforcing the mask is gonna be the real grind I'm not sure we're gonna get the mask fully made today but we're gonna get started on it nonetheless so 60k and protection - yuck not really interested in protection - right alright now we have enough to make a mystery mess 5 because we have over 9000 heads let's just see right let's do this boom one level - oh I hate wasting heads on this ever four and boom level five that leaves us with only six thousand Ed's dude okay right we're gonna have to it's gonna take a few more days probably get this mass fully sorted out so and I have no reinforcement essences whatever whatsoever so we are making this like as old-school as possible like weird no perks no enough and giving us advantage to think this is gonna be hard oh wait I forget to upgrade it I did rip is that collagen down there no okay wait a second Oh rip I don't have enough to make the fully decked out mask I thought I did I thought it was cheaper but obviously not I've six thousand heads I mean nine thousand two hundred and 16 more heads now all I can hope is that there's more mushroom heads on the edges no it's not let's go check our chests okay is that enough that is just about enough oh and we have a little bit more okay I'm shop fighter spawn okay now we can get a fully decked out okay so there we go we have a moisture mask five can wear again because if we wear it now it's only the equivalent of just a plain diamond helmet no protection whatsoever on it so now we need to put protection on it this is where it's going to get even harder because it basically is a huge huge gamble without reinforcement essences that is anyway so if I go here I might have enough to level up one okay so to level us up we need does it say how much we need we have a thousand heads at the moment okay so it costs two thousand heads just to get it from basically get protection one on it we do not have enough so sadly we will have to wait save up some more heads but don't you worry we're gonna do this if we can get some reinforcements asses in space that time that'd be great looks like frozen forest is also upgrading his mask good luck with that buddy that's a horse mask they're pretty hard to do about reinforcement essences okay so the people that we rated apparently want to speak to me on teamspeak this could go either way I'm not sure but the guy was messing me before saying that I am apparently he's been giving raids to Mikey and stuff like that and like we're kind of allies but I never heard anything of this now Mikey hasn't said anything to me and he knows who I raided so I don't know but I've read them that's that not giving back the stuff hello how did you get in what you mean out the game was a crew base all the way about firewalls all the way cheaper oh no you are you are you new to factions or are you not that's the one question I play like like four years ago I just came back okay your only problem was someone at when I first found a base I found that base but maybe two days ago three days ago and when I first looked at it your corners weren't fully Ward so there was possible to second anyway from just up there but then I know is that you've extended your walls you've also made like a farm bit up above and and yeah I noticed that your floor was made out of like wood like you didn't like put couple or obsidian even if co-op sitting that wouldn't be possible well yeah I know what your floor is I mean I would so I just kind of fireballed down and tunneled across and then just fire balsa wood and I was at your base oh that's all yeah boy nobody need to drop me like you nearly got me because I was not ready for PB one bit dude it was so funny i TP to my home I was farming all day then it was just standing in the middle of and UTP the way I was right and I was like oh hey I didn't see you the first time so when when I saw you you didn't that's when you came back with gear to find me I wonder why you were so real as a fight I was like yeah and I was either getting rekt like and you need rot me I literally potted up in time I had one restoration part in my em inventory I don't know how I got it maybe I got it from your chest not sure but that like got me back like wrecking you for a little while I was shaking but anyway yeah I got basically nothing from your base what I did get though was your 50k from your head which was beautiful yeah and 161,000 from someone's head in that place yeah no you do that yeah I got we killed two guys yesterday and I got two of his heads and that's just gone right I got one of my interests and then it was actually this is so funny I was going to my base to check if the hip was there and then it's so good sorry convert lock but yeah I was I've actually in a few days like waiting for the right time for you to be online and for me to be online to get your spoilers as well so I could raise you and yet the spoilers but I was like you know what been way too long someone else is gonna find this base and just rate it so I was like I have to go for it so that's funny because my part cuz I moved almost bonus to Michael farming base because I'm dad yeah just fun you know you you have like sporting yeah you have like build spawn another spots right oh and I have a claim it's claimed but you you want to know something else you have a base up on top of where you just want yeah I know that I didn't even receive much enough it didn't look like much anyway I'm sorry dude it's just nothing personal just yeah it's fact you exactly exactly and so all the time you know I had a home there I was trying to get Mickey it's at school I've had a home like I'm a witness I've had a home for a few days you had like your base was smaller not long ago and now it's a lot bigger lucky for ya but so when you find the base I was helping your friend to find raids and you find my base to read my key never as fight you never told me so like that's bringing your yeah it's cool yeah it's good yeah but like like I raided you not you I didn't know with you at the time obviously I need a fan but like I rated you because to show you where your weakness right now you will hopefully learn from that mistake and won't do it again yeah I was just gonna Chris yeah if you need to but it's a sign of weakness you could go back stronger raid me try get revenge should I don't even know how to make like a normal cannon join the fight a faction and learn from there yeah but the problem is I don't want to get into factions because this is mean and they do nothing I'm right they if I you know you factions can be the most toxic land of the world you know I mean I guess then my what we do is we've group friends we don't listen to any of that stuff I'm not interested yeah I mean ever wants to be toxic you know I'm they can be toxic but I'm yeah yeah that's probably the best thing you can do but uh if you want I have a read for you if you want to check it I send it to Mikey and I'll see just just I just want to be I don't fancy getting trapped yeah I mean all right I know I know but anyway sorry for raiding you I guess but I'm not sorry I didn't read much other than a head and stuff yeah all right I'll speak to you in a bit right yeah all right so there we go a nice guy in fairness I don't know I don't know why he would give me a red mic he has not said to me one bit that oh yeah this guy's helping me not one bit has he said that and now he's offering me a raid after just raiding him surely he would want to raid that since I just raided from him and he's lost stuff don't know just seems a little bit fishy I feel like I would definitely definitely definitely get trapped and I don't want to get trapped I don't want to lose the prop for that I just made now I did just say that I don't want to lose my dear I don't want to get trapped I don't want to die but that's because I don't want to get trapped and die I do want to try for you PC if we can make a little bit of prop for because I like when you get a set of prop for so that you can try go make it nervous that that makes sense I know now if I die it doesn't matter because I have at least one more set waiting for me because I have this set on I'm a proxy reset here's backup and I have a prop force that I got from that guy so we're gonna jump into arena hopefully when you're gonna need it okay we're gonna need a fire resistance that's one thing I'm gonna need and hopefully we're gonna get guy that comes in we prop for and I'm not sure of Carnage tumble if we can get a four kill streak if we're lucky enough yeah baby your baby maybe might win a little bit action but I doubt we're even gonna get in a four kiss tree because I think I'm gonna kill someone if he drops prop four retrieve that Prop for take back to the base then we have two sets but most likely what is about to happen is I am about to die all right we have to jump in and wait for a person anyway to enter I dunno I just want to get better at pupae as well I feel like I'm so bad at times and the only way to do that is obviously by just peeing okay wait for a guy within the same Lee mad God set is about to jump in wait for it just wait for it it's gonna happen Oh who's that oh go on Oh Phil wanted me to fight him earlier oh I've just raid this guy and he is now here too he's gonna have vengeance he is gonna be all ready to go hopefully this doesn't power him through all right let's go but let's go let's go okay get the first hair off let's do this is through this is do this come on come on keep him on the pot keep him on the pot keep him on the pot that's what I'm talking about keep him on the button okay I'm starting to take a bit of damage now just keep him on the pot keep on the pot boom there we go he is down on the floor didi have prop for it why can't I pick it up sorry you can't drop your items head that's definitely a bug dispose hello I can't dispose even I want to stop no dude give me the stuff no dude I can't pick it up that's definitely a bog anyway well we got a and ax we got a sharpness for enchanted sword why couldn't I pick up his stuff it wouldn't let me drop that's definitely a bug you should be allowed to drop stuff in there I will have to forward that on to mad that is sickening oh hang on dispose hang on go go critical you really couldn't can I get rid of it now get rid of a bit of pots PV some of this stuff and then I can jump back in and collect it maybe is that possible go on go on go on go on go on oh yes yes yes don't jump in don't jump it don't jump until Rina please please please no oh yes okay that is definitely the smartest thing we do so I sprawl leave hang on PV that lets just jump back in again oh look here we go I just need the boots I think I'm just missing that go go go go go go go oh they're gone they're gone rip now Phyllis go and please my axe like don't jump into the arena if you don't want to lose your stuff what you want for it let me see how much when he has how much how much is he willing to pay okay bro leave hang on what kind of actually let me just double check what axis is sufficiency 5 4 CH over 43 hang on let's go shop how much is fortune 3 again I might be able to make a little bit of money I was going to still have phil has $217,000 so he's willing to pay for it hang on cuz we can hopefully outsmart in a maybe 14 get more money ok so it cost 25,000 less to say 40k let's just see if he takes it sorry okay sure it's still profit oh and the way I see it 43 is 25k make it a bit of money on top of it I'm not gonna use the axe I already have a fortune axe I'm good so there we go he's got more money for the raid and we achieved and never setup for or technically like 90% of the set we couldn't get the boots in time oh dude thinners after anything entering the arena again I could died on if I died and I fuel them oh dude that I don't know it's a chance to get more profit all right we just got to do we beam the first time but be in the second time come on you got this we've got this let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go get straight in there get straight and I guess Trey and I guessed right why do you know I feel like this is why didn't he hit me for oh he baited me was brought to Armour that's way dropped and I can't pick it up great great he just said okay bye alright he bade me the armour was not worth it at all why can I drop stuff I swear you used to be a job stop in this arena I'm gonna for message mad that brawl leave okay right I don't know if anyone else is gonna enter okay these are anyone I want more prop for alright at least one boots so I actually have a second set alright I see this guy right here this is bait right he's doing the right thing that 100% is the if that is I think frozen part of your boy crew and who basically have very very OPI items that is definite him because last time I saw him in more PvP he was wearing exactly that and he hides himself so you don't know who he is and he comes in I'm pretty sure he has an insane axe if I jump into arena he will 110 percent beat me I wonder when they go in though just so I can prove it that's definitely him like that's bait he's trying to bait me in like if I go in he's the shark I'm Nemo go on in okay here is that yeah I knew I knew it'd be frozen for us I'm sorry buddy but I know for a fact if I walk in there I'm losing you have an axe most like he's in costume in chance stuff when that set I don't know dude I'm gonna leave it there I got lucky every day more PvP oh he left say he's scared he well he's also scared actually the fact that he left so quick makes me think that yeah he does have a bit of a God set because he probably went to sit in there and die to the wrong person or have a really old p person come in as well he left [ __ ] away just have prop for he might stay in there oh what about you what about you could I take you on I'll give it my best shot come on him I won't be to get your stuff though because it's a glitch okay right well this could be me dead just get good get ready here we go here we go go go go go go go go go go he bade me he freakin baited me did weakly arm Ron okay no this could be a trap bro leave maybe actually that could have been a trap maybe he could have been trying to get me in there so then I'm froze the force could enter alright we'll leave it here before I die cuz we're doing all right right now right now anyway so I'm I guess we're gonna get back to grinding more heads hopefully makes episode we can save up enough heads to upgrade it a little bit the only thing is when you start upgrading your mask and when I upgrade my mask maybe I'm then might try and tackle and see if I can take on frozen forest maybe set up a bit of a duel with him because I know he wants to fight me I want to fight him but I want to make sure that I at least have a fighting chance because going in there is basically y'all hit a few times but I'm basically just giving him my prop for for free like this he's just gonna absolutely destroy me we've got to make a mushroom ass and then we'll try take him on an arena and I probably didn't lose my mask guys thank you very very much watching niala see you guys in the next episode [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 174,036
Rating: 4.8368735 out of 5
Keywords: mine minecraft, craft minecraft, mine craft, minecraft video, kid friendly, minecraft youtuber, creepersedge
Id: I1KxyKykAzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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