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Today, the gamer becomes the game. Let's talk about that. <i> ( music playing )</i> Good mythical morning. Today we're gonna channel our inner gamers by playing a game with Markiplier while we're all speech jammed, and then I'm gonna test Link's knowledge of the most ridiculous indie games out there. But first, typically when you play a video game, you are in control of the character, - Mm-hmm. - but have you ever played a game where you are the one that's being controlled? Mm mm! Well, that's what we're about to do! It's time for... Welcome Markiplier to the show! - ( applause ) - Whoo hoo hoo! - Thanks for being here, man. - Hey, no problem. - It's been a while. - Yeah, about two years now. - Yeah. - Three almost, actually? Since you've been in the Good Mythical zone? Yeah, was it 2014 or 2015? - That could be the case. - Goodness gracious, it was so long. Every two years, that's all you need of us. I just said, I think it was three years. - Small doses, man. Small doses. - But I miss you. - Please. - Let's make it a regular thing! All right, now you are well-practiced at controlling games, but today, we're reversing the roles. How do you feel about being the game? Depends on what you're gonna do to me. - That's a good question. - So, you know. A lot, I think. I didn't know that I was gonna be the one being controlled. Well, we're all gonna take turns. I'm gonna go first. - Oh! - Here's how this is gonna work. So I'm going first, and I'm gonna be wearing a body cam, so you guys can see my world, - 'cause I can't see. - You're basically our puppet. - Yes. - Our avatar, in this round, then we'll switch it up. - So you ready? - Yes. Link:<i> Okay, Rhett is in the game zone.</i> He cannot see or hear anything. All he knows is that he has a water gun in his hand, and he is about to play "Call of Shooty: Infinite Cheddar." ( snickers ) - That is the worst name... - ( laughter ) - ...I have ever heard. - ( laughs ) No, it's not, because it-- there's cheddar cheese in the gun. Yeah, yeah, you guys told me about that. ( laughs ) It didn't help? No. Well, I mean, I'm always happy to be on this show, don't get me wrong. But when the whole concept is we have to shoot cheddar into the mouths of three... - Yes. - ..."volunteer" crew members... - They volunteered, yes. - Yeah, okay, yeah. And, we-- Rhett can't hear us unless we push this button. Can you hear us? Yes. Can you hear me now? - Mark:<i> Nice. </i> - Link:<i> See, he can't, okay.</i> - Proof. - So, um, the only things we are allowed to do are say "up," "down," "left," "right," - and "shoot." - Yeah. He's not gonna move around, so... All right, Rhett, are you ready? Yes, and I am holding this gun right in the middle of my body, which is not normal, but I think this will help you be able to see where I'm aiming. Let's bring in the first Mythical crew member. Link:<i> That's Chase. He volunteered.</i> Yeah, Chase looks super happy to be there. - ( laughter ) - Mark:<i> Yeah, I'm sure Chase got a bonus</i> <i> in his paycheck for this maneuver.</i> No comment. Chase, open your mouth. <i> We should say "right." I don't know.</i> <i> ( stammers )</i> Mark:<i> Wait, if we're saying instructions...</i> - Link:<i> Oh, he's moving up. </i> - ...why do we have this thing here? I don't know, this is worthless. Here, get rid of that. Okay. Mark:<i> Okay, all right, right.</i> - Link:<i> Oh, goodness. </i> - ( laughter ) Link:<i> Left, left, left, left, left, left, left.</i> <i> ( keeps repeating "Left")</i> <i> Right.</i> <i> Oh! Left.</i> ( whispers ) Right. - Oh, yeah, that's it right there. - There, we got it. Up. Ready to shoot? - All right. - And... shoot! <i> ( both groan )</i> - Link:<i> Down, down. </i> -<i> ( Mark laughs )</i> Link:<i> And, shoot!</i> Chase, you can't duck when it's going in your mouth. I have no idea what's happening. The rightiest right. <i>Shoot.</i> - Aah! - ( laughter ) Link:<i> Left.</i> <i> And... shoot!</i> ( cheering ) Link:<i> All right, sit tight, Rhett.</i> Right there, right there. Send in the next contestant. Mark:<i> Now Alex knows what's coming. ( laughs )</i> - He volunteered. - Yeah, I'm sure, yeah, okay. Link:<i> Right.</i> <i> Left.</i> - ( laughter ) - Link:<i> Down.</i> <i> Shoot!</i> - Mark:<i> Whoo. </i> - Link:<i> Down.</i> Mark:<i> Catch that backswing.</i> Link:<i> Right. Shoot.</i> <i> Left. Shoot.</i> I was just trying to hit him in the balls. ( laughter ) You give it a shot. Up. - Little down. - "Little down" is not on the thing. - You can't say "little." - Shoot. -<i> ( Mark grunts ) </i> - Link:<i> Try again.</i> Mark:<i> Down.</i> <i> Shoot.</i> - ( applause ) - Mark:<i> I'm so sorry!</i> All right, send in the last Mythical crew member. <i> That's Mike. He volunteered.</i> Yeah. You know, the way he's crossing his arm, <i>it does not seem like he's volunteering.</i> Link:<i> Right.</i> -<i> Oh, he's spinning. </i> - ( laughter ) <i> Left.</i> <i> Uh! Stop.</i> And... shoot! - Mark:<i> Ooh, yeesh! </i> - Link:<i> Down, down.</i> <i> Shoot.</i> - Oh, so close! - Down. <i> And...</i> <i> Shoot.</i> <i> Oh, that's a little low. You try.</i> <i> Oh, it's in there!</i> Mark:<i> The spit, I like it.</i> Mark has some thumbtack gloves on <i> and he's in front of a wall of liquid-filled balloons.</i> <i> Some of them are orange and contain orange juice.</i> The goal is to pop five orange balloons to create pure, unadulterated orange juice. Of course, the other colors have different liquids, which may be nasty, and if they're punched they will enter the concoction <i> that he has to drink at the end.</i> When he's popped five orange balloons, the game is over. There's "tilt up, "tilt down," "step left," "step right, "left punch" and "right punch." Do the honors, Link. -<i> ( video game music ) </i> - Step right. <i> Tilt up.</i> Rhett:<i> Oh, that's right in the middle.</i> -<i> Punch. </i> - Link:<i> Step left.</i> -<i> Oh. </i> - Rhett:<i> Punch right?</i> Link:<i> Right punch.</i> ( laughter ) Link:<i> Great job, Mark.</i> - That didn't sound good. - ( laughter ) - Okay, uh... - Good try. Rhett:<i> Small step right.</i> "Small step" is not a thing. Rhett:<i> Right punch.</i> <i> Yeah!</i> - Link:<i> Step left. </i> - Okay. - Link:<i> Step left. </i> - Ooh. - Link:<i> Step left. </i> - Ooh! - Link:<i> Step left. </i> - Ahh. Link:<i> Tilt down. Step right.</i> <i> Ooh. Step left.</i> You're horrible at this game. - ( laughter ) - Punch-- -<i> Left punch. </i> - Rhett:<i> What?</i> Mark:<i> I don't feel confident about this.</i> I-- well, it's right there. Rhett:<i> Step left.</i> <i> Left punch.</i> - ( laughter ) - Link:<i> He's got two, though.</i> - That's two orange ones. - We're not laughing at you. We're just, uh, laughing at you. - Rhett:<i> Right step. </i> - Uhh... No, it's my turn. Too much. Left step. Link:<i> Right step.</i> -<i> Right step. </i> - ( grunts ) Link:<i> Left punch.</i> - I got nothing. - ( laughter ) Get closer. Link:<i> Left step, left punch.</i> -<i> Yeah! </i> - Rhett:<i> Aw, sweet.</i> It smells bad over here. - It smells bad. - Tilt down. <i> Right step.</i> <i> Right punch.</i> -<i> See, that's how it's done! </i> - Link:<i> Tilt up.</i> ( grunts ) - Link:<i> Uh... </i> - Rhett:<i> Go for that one way up there.</i> Link:<i> Left punch.</i> Hard left punch. ( laughter ) Link:<i> That was a little short.</i> ( groans ) His arm's not long enough. Hey! Hey, I heard that! Oh, you've got the button pushed. ( laughs ) - Tilt up. - Just 'cause we all weren't made tall freaks like you guys. ( laughter ) Rhett:<i> Hard left punch.</i> ( laughter ) - Mark:<i> Did I do it? </i> - Rhett:<i> Is that five?</i> - That's five! - That's five. All right. Remove your blindfold, but do not poke your eye out. Poke my eyes out, got it. Link:<i> All right, so we have made--</i> - Oh. ( laughs ) - Link:<i> We have made a concoction</i> <i> that includes five orange juice balloons.</i> - ( laughter ) - Mark, go ahead and bring-- Yeah, bring the juice back over. Bring the cup over here. Punches were fierce, man. Thanks, man. Your insults were fierce, too. - ( laughter ) - I didn't know he was holding the button down. Ow! ( chuckles ) Oh, that was good. We just wanted you to bring it over here so we could watch you drink it. - All right. - You actually got some orange balloon in there. - I mean, that's extra special. - Thank you. I'm gonna try to put this where it's not horrible. - So it looks orange. - All right. So how much do I have to drink? Taste the fruits of your labor. - Just taste it. - What, uh-- should I-- I don't know. Don't know what else is in it. I see floating particulates that are not orange. - You like pulp? - I do like pulp. All right. Cheers. - Whoa, daddy! - ( laughter ) - That's not good. - ( laughter ) Okay, Link is going to be playing a game called "Angry Baker." And our angry baker is Jen, <i>who will be throwing cupcakes at Link.</i> You know she's his arch-nemesis. ( laughter ) - I don't know that. - Yeah, you don't know the story. The story is that recently, Jen threw a full bag of flour very hard at Link's face. Oh! ( sound slowed ) Oh! So now, Jen will be attempting to up her ante <i>by throwing a collection of cupcakes at Link.</i> And we can tell him to "duck," "jump up," "jump left," or "jump right" in order to dodge her cupcakes. If he gets hit five times he loses. Is she trying to get him in his mouth, or-- - I think she's just trying to make contact. - Okay, all right, gotcha. Link, are you ready to obey our commands? - Link:<i> Yes. </i> - Very quickly obey. Jen, whenever you're ready. -<i> ( video game beeping ) </i> - Rhett:<i> Duck!</i> - What? Duck? - Mark:<i> Terrible advice.</i> I don't think "duck" should be the first one that you go for. ( all talking, laughing, at once ) You're doing great. You're beautiful, man. -<i> You're doing wonderfully. </i> - Rhett:<i> Left!</i> ( laughter ) What the crap? Mark:<i> We can't see, look up. Jump right!</i> Okay, Link, new strategy. Just-- we're gonna do constant movement. Jump up. Jump left. <i>Jump right. Jump left.</i> <i>Jump right. Hey, he jumped left.</i> - Mark:<i> It's good, it's good. </i> - Rhett:<i> Duck!</i> ( laughter ) - Sorry. - Am I facing the right way? - Mark and Rhett:<i> No! </i> - Rhett:<i> Turn right.</i> <i> Turn right, turn right.</i> <i> Okay, stay. Jump left!</i> ( laughter ) How do you you jump jump? ( laughter ) Rhett:<i> Okay, Link, we're gonna simplify your commands.</i> <i> We're just gonna say "left" and "right."</i> <i> You don't have to jump.</i> <i> You just have to move left and right, okay?</i> My foot's sticky. Rhett:<i> Left.</i> - ( both laugh ) - Rhett:<i> Left!</i> ( laughter ) Rhett:<i> Right.</i> Aah! - Collar bone! - Okay, all right, that's four. <i> Stay still.</i> Just stay perfectly still. Mark:<i> I think our strategy</i> <i> is Jen can't aim, so you're great.</i> - Who? - Nobody. - ( laughter ) - Hey! ( laughter ) That's five or six. Hey, Link, take a look at who's been throwing those at you. - My nemesis. - ( laughter ) - Want another one? - No. Well, Mark, thanks for helping me put Link through that. Oh, no problem. That was oddly satisfying. Yes, it was. Hey, and we're not done with Markiplier yet. Stay tuned to watch us play "Overcooked" while speech jammed. <i>Raise your hand if you're a mythical beast.</i> <i>Now use that hand to type ""</i> <i>into your search bar, because that's where you can buy</i> <i>this "I am a mythical beast" shirt right now.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,595,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, gmm food, Season 13, rhett, link, mythical, markiplier, rhett markiplier, link markiplier, rhett link markiplier, rhett gamer control markiplier, link gamer control markiplier, gmm markiplier, gamer control markiplier, gamer control, markiplier gaming, markilpier lets play, real life video game, hilarious, you smile you lose
Id: 0uWLfjXhudg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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