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alright look I don't usually like to teach these kind of things but people ask me this too much and I recommend you guys if you couldn't do this make sure you do those on the run the right people because some people are very vindictive and they have very long memories and they will try to get revenge on you years later alright so be careful what you do doesn't know your clientele alright but I usually recommend getting over them but if you guys are that persistent with this question let's get started either let me show you how to make anybody regret losing you right look especially this guy look first things first if he this is for if he dumped you or you dumped them all right and you want and you want to get losing you right first things first man I always come back they always come back right the second thing is that don't block people it looks emotional only black people when you can't emotionally deal with it but generally blocking is petty it gives away all your power right especially if you're looking if you're doing it to get a response so don't black people the next thing is that that there are two reasons that you got your eyes got dumped one you were to meeting you either one emotionally weak or two he you were not attracted to him anymore why were you weak emotionally you were reactive to him you were too emotional to another lol too many haha you were too there from two available and on the tractor part isn't just that you are unattractive it says that one you had a like let yourself go or two you were too familiar to him and and there's almost like any drug the more you take that drug the more okay actually man you're gonna be by it so you're not you don't give them that same reaction no more so the solution to this is very simple one space right and you say no and keeping that distance that's your strength right so you show struck by not contacting him first right you should shrink by when he does contact you you're polite right you're you're you're polite but distant so the way you do that is you take a [ __ ] long time to respond to that [ __ ] you take a long time to when you take it like a two or three days but you respond in a very polite way yeah hey how are you hope your day's going well anyways to have a great day like if he does contact you you don't respond a few days later but you don't ask a question you just say hey not much getting worked out and have a productive day and you leave it at that you just leave it at that you know you don't ask them what he's up to you just respond in a polite way but you take days to respond but because you're responding in such a happy way he can't say you doing that just so you know it's like it's so passive-aggressive and that annoys people and that kind of annoyance hurts guides egos trust me I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] alright so so that's one thing right I'm sorry show strength by emotionally not being affected by him let him have the last word right it was a [ __ ] you man we're done you if somebody comes you don't ask why don't ask why let them go right that's your strength that's you know if you don't ask why it's your strength I'm telling you your strength you can be like what the [ __ ] why are you so happy - right yeah the next one is pre selection right you see you got to put guys in a sexually competitive state most women want to satisfy their men so much that not satisfy their men so much they want to hide the attention of other guys give them that the guys are not in a sexually competitive state they don't they have a little threat so you got to put up that in their hearts so you do that you have a social life of abundance so if you have a social block of abundance just take it just say tickity souther class let's take a digital class and start posting it that's one thing I would recommend you post post your classes so post it on Instagram that's why I said don't block them so post those things on your Instagram and then people being around you and I compromise you by just doing that he's gonna assume [ __ ] he's gonna assume [ __ ] you don't have to be direct you're not to show a photo over you shaking hands with a dude and [ __ ] no just just make sure you show that you're doing things and people will fit fill in the blank right so if he's still so the next thing is always hit in the gym right always getting in shape I'm telling you that shape a guy's number one we it's funny a guy the way that guy gets over a woman is a if she gets fat I am not kidding with you at least younger guys that's why guys how the younger guys do it and guys in general the uglier you get the more not uglier the more you don't take care of yourself the easier it will be for me to get over you and when you end when you get bad I'm going to show you to my friends and say hey look I got over there look at her I'm telling you people do that [ __ ] right but don't or a Vitaly also don't advertise it you go to the gym though because that's so obvious don't tell people you go into the gym [ __ ] just let the results show all right let him be like what the [ __ ] she's working out right now what he does come back right he wants you to return to him if he said hey baby let's give it a try just say I don't know about this if he says why she say I just didn't like I just don't like your personality to be quite honest with you thinking back I don't like your personality right and that's how you're gonna end it if he ever comes back just say you don't like his personality and don't tell him why you're like his personality and then ghost him that [ __ ] is evil [ __ ] man that [ __ ] will [ __ ] with people he would never know why that [ __ ] will [ __ ] with people I am Telling You that if he's an insecure person and he comes back and then you say I don't want you because your personality a new moon gave him a reason why it's something that he cannot change and that blind spot will [ __ ] annoying him for many years if he's that as secure all right all right ladies is Alex on my for traction this is some evil video man it is evil I don't want you guys to do this [ __ ] man because you don't want to [ __ ] with the wrong guy man some guys are violent some guys you just don't [ __ ] with I'm saying you guys are not gonna pay attention to me all right all right ladies is that it's for my foot traction if you need coaching you know where to go I have monthly coaching the [ __ ] I have monthly coaching people so go check it out all right deuces all right ladies so this is the course that all of you guys have been asking me for and it's a psychological game of attraction this is pretty much the course that will make any man beg to want to commit with you this is the course that I wish I'd be on to if I was a woman this is kind of combs that I want because it's it's a course that's specifically geared to help you understand how guys fall in love and how to do it in a systematic way that's almost predictable right so let me show you guys how this course is set up by the way there's a 30-day money-back guarantee on this course so if you guys don't like it you guys will get money back look I'm sure you see how it's done right so it split up in a few section the first section is the introduction obviously what to expect from it after that is I'm giving you an understanding of the psychology the the psychology of attraction right because you need to understand that dating is a game you need to think strategically that there are certain laws of human nature that you cannot break that and just a few things of why people love each other you know it's very important to have a realistic expectation after that we go into the pre we go into the three phases of every relationship they and they all go in these three phases and these phases could overlap each other at times right the first phase is the pre honeymoon period it is when you first know the person or it is when you're becoming acquaintances with the guy or it is when you guys broke up are in our back together or it is when you guys had a long period of you guys not knowing each other and now you guys want to rekindle things this works in any point of the relationship that you need to spark interest and curiosity so these videos are specific for that specific to create curiosity how to get to know the guy the right way using anon variables how to create a powerful reputation it's it's truly powerful stuff after that is a honeymoon period this honeymoon period is what is how to get from curiosity to interest to creating a deep connection so all these videos are specifically geared to that not the 30 that no no these specific videos are there for this phase and this phase is any things you guys are having a good happy happy moment you guys just got back together and now you get you feel that peak you feel that that happiness and you guys felt that's what this is right so these videos are there for that creating a lonely fantasy the pre-emptive breakup triangle of love using words to control his man is as powerful stuff after that here's the post honeymoon period and again is a short list of videos because these videos are there to solidify the connection that you already created so if you're if you just had an incredible moment or you just came out of a vacation with a guy and everything went well you better use this face because if you don't do this he's gonna become disenchanted it's just how it is these are very specific videos and and if you in and all you guys do just say ah where am I I I tell you where you guys are and you just watch the video it's pretty much like being coached by me you got some bonus videos stop being nice dealing with the inevitable how to deal with breakup how to deal with getting over a dude this is the heart of how to overcome an Appalachian identifying manipulation the term manipulation defend yourself against manipulation what to do if you're ready in a manipulative relationship and how to avoid them through the attachment it's pretty much a the extremely succinct and laser-focused course not one waste of motion that's why I love it and there's a 30-day money-back guarantee if you guys don't like if you guys don't like it no questions asked people all right and if you guys want to support this channel this is how you support it and I hope you guys enjoy this alright see you guys inside
Channel: The Toxic Dating Coach - Mindful Attraction 2.0
Views: 159,452
Rating: 4.9571939 out of 5
Keywords: how to make your boyfriend want you more, how to make him fall in love with you, make him regret not choosing you, make him regret hurting you, make him chase you, how to make a guy crazy about you, how to make a man fall in love with you, how to make him chase you, make him fall in love with you, how to make a man miss you’, mindful attraction, how to make a guy chase you, how can I make a guy chase me, mindful attraction 2.0, How To Make A Man Chase You
Id: a53sp54AP9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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