Maintain Your GOOD! - DeVon Franklin

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[Music] goddess is doing the might work I can tell you that and I can tell you whether you feel it or not that the facts are that this this ain't called life is it's already set up in your favor that's right I need you to know it it's already situated for you to win I need you to know it because what I find is by the time we get to November if we're really being honest we have poured out so much we have hoped for so long we've had faith over something that has not yet manifested so we get to November and December and there's no wonder why when the statistics tell us when depression hits the most it's around this period of time and I began to think that sometimes we have hopes of what the Year will be and by the time we get to this period of time we begin to throw in the towel on the year because what we've been praying for has not yet manifested we've given we typically given and we don't necessarily see what we're looking to see so as a result we get to this period of time and we're a little empty who am I talking to don't get Y on me then here's what I know God gave me a word tonight because when we get into this season there is a tendency to let go of the V not just the hope but the pattern of behavior that led us to this moment and we're getting ready to let go over something that God is getting ready to bless and it's the equivalent of getting way to break through and right before you break through you take your pick and go home hmm Thank You bishop may I submit for your consideration that the things that you have been asking God for and praying for related to your purpose in this life he has hurt you and he has answered you however you may never see the full manifestation of it if you give up that's right amen it's no wonder than to get to this period of time our faith is tested our hope is tested may I submit for your consideration our bank account is tested most embody no you don't get all right come on now somebody else saying okay wait a minute I just got enough to make sure redness is due on the first - you're trying to get some money for some Christmas gifts can I just give you a commercial break I'm gonna come right back to records get the program please stop going broke let's try over people appreciate what you doing something just tell it god bless you right I'm a prayer right if I think you know please assist the words that are coming out of my mouth it's not worth it some of us are still paying off bills from last over kids we don't even remember we got people they put them in the closet don't know where they are and we're over here paying interest for what reason if we wonder if I don't have enough money to make ends meet to manage the fear consideration Jesus did not go born in a manger for us to go into debt julietam again may I submit for your consideration there is something wrong vapor in the relationship because I don't have it but you have me why is that not enough on the presence of our purpose given us limited resources we have to be wise and how we use that's right I don't want you to get into December making this big list if you got it great but if you don't please think twice if they don't love you because you don't got him again there's a problem with them that you said because God was giving me this word for for this evening it was interesting thing because he said Devon they're lower than you think they are hmm their air tank is is is closer to even it is 2f I said Wow Lord Rizla he said yeah he said he said um don't mistake how we come together to worship as a misinterpretation of the status of how they really feel we're to get to the word a minute I'm telling you what he told me he said because what happens is we come into circles like this even with the sin we tend to be pretty transparently pretty open and honest but what happens is we get into circles like this we get into worship we get into public communal environments and we begin to mimic the environment but the truth of the matter is we feel empty we feel like we keep giving in and we don't know when we're going to be replenished who am I talking to right now so so God said okay as I've been preparing for what he wanted me to say he actually took me to a fantastic book that I highly recommended that everyone here reads when you get a chance it's called atomic habits by James clear atomic habits in the the simple pieces atomic habits fight changed clearly wartime anatomic habits and the simple idea is that small habits produce big changes small habits produces big changes I'll say once I can small habits produce maybe changes and as I begin to delve into this book it make me a hold up a mirror to my own life and ask myself a question what are my habits both good and bad and what are the small things that I'm doing that are taking me where thought wants me to be and what are the small things I'm doing that are taking me away or God once I'm running mm-hmm our life becomes the sum total of our decisions and our habits good because sometimes we want to pray away our lack of discipline we want our praise to cover fascination we want to come into a place like this and try to worship ourselves into a victory but when we get out of this place right our habits are not supporting what we're praying can I be honest with you yeah and I say us because there are some things when I started reading this book and then I'll go to the word and show how the word basically validates what James was saying but when I began to look at my own life I began to say what are the habits that are taking me away from where God wants me to be all right and now let's see kind of just tells me I'm only here to tell you what God tells me to tell you I'm sorry the timing is not good but I just got to tell you when you killed me tell you right y'all the first time coming that you notice that you won't notice but you'll know after the night as how I roll one of the habits that was taking me away from where God wants me to be mind body and spirit sugar and now I know it's inconvenient given that Thanksgiving is next week talking about a habit of wanting too much sugar right so here if I mess up your Thanksgiving meal don't get mad at me talk to him all right he's in control I'm not okay we're talking about having to do our heavens take us to where God wants us to be away from God wants us to be at what I begin to realize is that I had an opinion see on sweets yeah okay Christo's don't get quiet either said you know not just any French toast okay come on I'm gonna be sometimes with the powdered sugar but if you notice there's the hot Sun oh I'll make it somebody home waffles and not nothing big waffles of Belgium office come on somebody and hey we really gonna do a woman who's my stream on it now am I talking to you know I mean in the cookies oh oh man see look at Holly normal lives lower rebuke the common it's in the name of Jesus amen right now here's the thing pile up upside down me I almost a the game tied upside down because I stole anointing come on somebody who might opportunity please don't leave me out here by myself anybody else lousy swings all right potato pie pie pie pie man unbelievable we get deplorable they go just be manner there will be some right so wife says it's one thing if we have a healthy lifestyle and we incorporate periods of time where we reward ourselves for a healthy lifestyle you know well this week I was saying oh it's okay it's okay it's okay we have to work to reduce the negative habits they're trying to catch out the good in our life it's about looking in the mirror and saying god what am i doing that may be keeping me from who you want me to be and what you've already ordained for me to have and I personally had to look in the mirror and say I am finding an escape in eating sweets and I'm justifying it because I say I quote unquote work hard [Music] now when I had to go to the doctor you know got some blood work there like um he said babe he's the nutritious that made your hearing sugar a dream he's like oh you have to see that your Butler Oh interesting so here I am say hey I'm working out right but what's in me tells a story like hey I'm working out but how you're really living life will tell the story why did God bring me here with this message because oh don't worry y'all no worries no we gonna take an iron don't worry it's kind of lay the foundations right for the message he meant because here's what I believe I believe that many of us find ourselves drifting to negative habits because we don't think the good ones are producing a result faster [Applause] preaching Andres a giant t-shirt but hey you gotta know God wants to do my tits need to be free to give you this word yeah so many of us we fear from what's good because we don't see the result and we find ourselves living a life dependent so if the good habit is virtue the bad habit advice mm-hmm and so no matter how purchased we want to be most of us live by still lives because we resort to vice to help us cope for what virtue we don't think is actually bring the enjoy life so yes you know what I'm drinking water and I'm trying to to have a good time but I don't see the result so you know what it's okay that I have a couple extra shots talking to somebody oh yeah oh yeah see all right when you come into sin like oh yeah okay uh-huh I've seen some of y'all Instagram feed I'm singing all right so hey hey we all of the journey so I'm not condemning I'm just saying when I say hey I'm gonna drink water but I also take some shots don't look like y'all know what I'm talking about I'm not saying I was doing it all right but I know that so often it's a balance so for what maybe alcohol for you it was sugar for me right so there's not pointing the finger the wheel on this together trying to find the balance because I am saying I want to be healthy but then I'm making choices that work against to help you choices I'm making and then I wonder why I don't have the help I want mmm and then I'm starting to get mad well you know I'm going to the gym and I'm not seeing the result okay yeah but you ain't gonna see the result if after you workout for the day you even pineapple upside-down and gingersnap cookies come on I'm telling y'all my struggles up late go ahead if I turn tonight all right I avoid no fingers I'm telling you what I'm going through so so so what I had to do was I had to do some deep diving into myself and say why am i finding so much comfort advice why am i finding so much comfort in habits that I know aren't good for me why am i finding so much peace in doing something that I know a long-term is not going to work for me but in the moment it feels so good around why and what's what's really interesting is that I know better but for some reason I just can't do better you know I'm talking to somebody right now all right like intellectually I know what I'm getting ready to drink I know what I'm getting to eat I know what I'm getting ready to do I know what I'm getting ready to hang with is not good for me but for some reason I just can't stop come on because every time I try to hang with the right people every time I try to keep the right thing every time I try to do the right thing it doesn't seem like it works so I at least just need a moment of relief and let's be honest sometimes vice provides that this is why I become such an addictive habit no matter what our Vice may be so what I begin to ask God I said God there's a person I want to be I want to be the best upon that you created me to be show me how to do that and that's what he took me for me what was sugar now getting my blood work person to a place was like you know like diabetes anything like that but it wasn't as good as it shouldn't be as it should be and so I had a choice am I going to stay committed to a program and try to work on this or am I just gonna keep living the way that I want to live and just the elgato just you know rebuked the calories all over Beauty calories on our largest come on out you know right now in I want to be very clear when I'm very clear in this particular analogy we all have to reward ourselves right but it's about finding health rewards it rewards that work with the good habit not rewards that overshadows good habits right so I want to go to the word because God gave me this particular text and then when he began to break down what this text was I actually understood it in a way that I never had before I take you to Galatians 6 of chapter 6 verse 9 and this is what it says this is Paul talking one sex will be done in about 25 minutes I'm sorry verse 7 it says do not be deceived God cannot be mocked a man or woman reaps what he or she sews the one who sews to please their sinful nature from that nature will reap destruction the one who sews to please the spirit that's the virtuous part from the spirit will read eternal life right verse 9 let us not become weary in doing good let's not become weary in doing good let us not become weary in doing good I want to pause I had to look this up what does it mean when Paul is talking about not being weary what does it mean to become weary the first thing it means is to give it to trouble when I get weary from doing good what is it virtuous one of the first things I be - we begin to do is to give it the trouble certain people we said you know what the last time I hope out with them I remember what we did that last night because we got so yeah yeah uh-huh I said listen listen I will come and get up all your business why that's why not God hate me to my core I'm here trying to help you right so we stayed you know what I've never won hang out with those people again you know that never that is what ever I hang with them I make bad choices so I'm done and I'm gonna try it just either be by myself or hang with the right people but then what happens over time we find ourselves slowly being pulled back into trouble people that don't mean us any good situations that are not produced were our best outcome okay right back somebody said program here's a commercial break there are some of your exes and so tell you something see this but let me tell you this is why this is why but we could have it in you the virtuous part is why you cut them off to begin with because every time you were with them it may have felt good at the moment but you know that it wasn't good for you long term so if you commit at all god bless you you cut it off but there are some moments when you get in your flesh and all of a sudden the taste comes through and you told yourself is its trouble but what are they talking about talking about is all the sudden we know we made a virtuous decision we find ourselves jeanny into trouble by because we're becoming weary right Bacchus God is not yet delivered the right man or woman to us so as a result we find ourselves being drawn back to those that we know don't have our best interest at heart be careful do not be weary do not get drawn into trouble right some of your concerns like like listen if you are choosing not to delete your exes from your phone that's your business but I would encourage you to instead of putting their name just there who the new content to be trouble so anytime they call or text it comes up trouble so you know before I listen or before I read this text I'm about to make a mess of trouble turns your neighbor saying don't get yourself into trouble when they start to even you just write trouble in lockup I'm talking to somebody I'm talking to somebody because here's what I realized are doing good has to be protected we have the safeguards in place we gotta keep ourselves from environments and people that will draw us back to the person we don't want to be so so so so if I'm a healthy person right and I'm a healthy person physically I have to stop putting myself in an environment where I'll be tempted to get into trouble what does that mean I got to stop buying stuff and putting it in the house that's gonna have a medium to travel because when I get hungry I just want to eat something but if I don't have trouble in my house and I have to do something do it whether I like it or not I'm talking to somebody I'm talking to somebody this is why it's so important to monitor how much temptation come on let me I pray to God I pray lord I wish Lord you would make me holy all day I wish you would take this this thing in the out but he doesn't and so then I have to realize the reality of keeping trying to be a man of God means to deal with temptation okay I'm saying act like you ain't dealing with temptation or the reality is our flesh is depicted everyday by the things that we know we shouldn't want but we wanna bang so what we have to do is begin to set our environments up for success this is where social media can't become a detriment why because we're tilted by what we see and sometimes we put ourselves in an environment mentally and psychologically that is tipping us to do things that work against who we are who we want to be this is why I have to catch myself mindlessly scrolling why am I so interesting that somebody else's life I got a whole lot going on in my life let me stop worrying about them because then I can complete it to do this I'm tempted to take my good habit that hell is going to produce a good result because I see somebody getting something that looks like it's happening faster and what I'm praying for God to do to change my habit to do what I think they're doing now realizing they are doing something which is a manipulation of social media the other side bubble we have to monitor situation and the way to monitor interpretation is to monitor the environment we put ourselves in I'm not here to tell you how to live right I want to empower you with the tools to make the decisions that God's call you made but here's what I will say I would say this but I believe it's true so we all can't go to the club listen I there have been times when you go to events and look I'm not gonna get in your mix right hey I've seen God work in many situations so you're not gonna hear me say oh don't blow the club not gonna say that right at the end of the day your life has to be between you and God and the decision that you made you have answered him not me but here's what I know sometimes there are environments like that that produce the worse and you're not the best if you talk yourself into oh no I'm good I can go in that environment still be me reality is that ain't always children and if you have fallen if you have found yourself being too in a way where you make decisions less than who you are in that environment may I submit for your consideration to stay out of that environment and it's okay said you know what no no no I can't I wish I could no trust now I really want to be there hey man you know I might just eat my roll just go ahead put on you know some garden needs a bad bunny something so great just so that I can feel like I'm there but I can't put myself in that environment why because I know I have some good habits and I don't want them to be corrupted by places where I could not be on the beach why because not only but so strong and sometimes we put too much temptation on us that we cannot handle this is why why want me to talk about people's and racism but this is why there are certain people don't do it because in their presence they have a power over you yeah and no matter how you want to just go take it well I can I can go out to dinner I can get on the phone with Miss no problem good I'm talking to somebody right now the next thing you know [Music] [Applause] do not be weary in well-doing okay so what is it what more does being weary mean so Peter the trouble here's the next here's the next thing that be coming where it means becoming intensely irritated by difficulty this difficulty is defined by being annoyed being frustrated or being worried we begin to become weary we become intensely irritated and we experience that irritation by being annoying being frustrated or be worried be frustrated and being worried can anybody just admit not raising my hand right I mean I've been saw it know it by some things this week and it's only Tuesday right now we just have an annoying a support group right now you know it's so funny because when we run boy doesn't everything just get on your nerves get on your gun you know your nerd demanded on your nerves when we are unknowing I want to talk to nobody do nothing right do nothing right right because I know I had the current status of certain things who am I talking to right now and when I find is the reason why I'm so annoyed it's because I'm getting weary I've got some good habits that are not yet producing the result I want contains annoyed by it because it doesn't seem like like living virtuously is working because I see other people who have one honest moment I don't understand what I'm getting annoyed because I don't understand how it is I'm trying to stay faithful and those that are fake bless seem to be selling more in the earth who am I talking to right Lord I'm getting annoyed because the query is not only a confounded by a noise but frustration yeah can we just have a moment if we just acknowledge we have been frustrated give me that frustrating way who am I talking to anybody just been having so much frustration you Brian George eat at night what am I talking to right now you just Oh Laura nothing seems to be working oh let me tell you something I mean serious and on my last name is Franklin but some things I feel like it's Devon frustration you serious there are some things I get so frustrated I'm just here until my lower okay wait a minute you and I supposed to have an agreement right you used too many times 42 - okay - more than that maybe you've done it I don't know I don't see it are you doing the disaster you manifested let me pick a long time but I'm getting frustrated because there's some things that I want to see happen ever happening and that's this whole interesting and every time I look underneath the foot of frustration it reveals a lack of thing because if I believe he is who he says he is and he will do what he said he would do why would I be frustrated so I catch myself in a momentary lapse of faith because when I'm faithful he doesn't always pay off quickly and as a result I mean frustrated yeah yeah but what happens is we will have much to show frustration right I believe that when we saw frustration we reap it it's not like a frustration is fertilizing for our faith if any if anything it destroys the soil which our faith is trying to grow right because because when we are frustrated we don't really believe God is all-powerful we don't really believe the answer to our prayers we don't necessarily believe he's going to do what we wanted to do or what we believe he says it's going to do so I'm frustrated I'm correct and if we're honest many of us live in frustration right I'm frustrated I don't have I'm not where I want to be in my career hey you could be you might be frustrated because you don't have the relationship that you want you have been frustrated because your and the money that you feel you need to have or should have given the age that you are God just called me to do this anybody that that it has a financially what I just said is eat you because you feel like you should have more money to live day to day than you do relative to grains would you stand up right now please yeah boy come and I'm gonna say this here's what here's what God is telling me to tell you you have been focusing so much on what you don't have it has created a compulsive obsession and you can only view life right now through the lens of not enough not only the promise of more than enough and God wants me to let you know that that money that money not only is on its way to you but there is some money that you feel you've been cheated out of God or that you gave with it's loaned that is gone but God says that would money to plenty to them was a seed that I am going to return to you [Applause] it's not about the money God wants the illegitimate son I feel like in other letter I just never have a mouth and Gaza doesn't listen to me he says I'm only sitting you through this what you're going through right now because if I did you would not hear me God is trying to speak to you because there's a place he's trying to take you but if you didn't have your attention relative to your finances you may go in the wrong direction so God is allowing you to now be alert why because there's some place he wants to take you that is better than where you've been the other things I'm gonna say about finances is that so often when it comes to money we begin to think well only if I had more whatever problem I'm going through would be resolved No do me a favor hold your hands just like this open your hands open your hands raise your hands just like this this is the sign of surrender brings them all the way up and open them you cannot receive if your hands are closed I do believe that as we get out of ourselves Lord I'm sorry you know what Lord I had squandered some money you gave me you're not made some poor decisions I'm not gonna run from those assists I'm gonna hold on and I'm gonna believe that you are the god of more than enough I'm gonna believe that your bracelet mercy is enough to cover my financial mistakes and I'm gonna create a better financial habit to maximize the resources you have so as you deliver more to me I do better with the more than I've done before same for those give us some financial issues every time I've had a financial issue the one thing that does not get touched and I'm just telling you what works for me based upon the word is time you know here we talk a lot about money because I don't have a lot to say but when it comes to money and faith that conversation and comes with so much energy and I don't want to give that much energy what I will say to you is that there have been times when I did not have enough money to pay rent and I still returned it on his time that's right and I literally would get a call from somebody who God put me among their heart and said hey you know what do you have money for rent this month and I said no well God told me to write a check for you all right I need you to know if you are dealing with money just return to him what is his and let me tell you something expect that God is going to take care of me he says if if the billions of the people have to worry if have to worry you don't have to worry let me tell you something if you're worried about money I want to go ahead and memorialize this tonight I want to put that worry to bed I want to burn me that learning place that worry with worship thank you to the blessings on its way to you thank you sources thank you for the answers he knows what you need get somebody we're dealing with bankruptcy in the name of Jesus he's gonna bring you out in the name of Jesus you can have your seat you can have your seat I don't want money to be an issue for you somebody just got free on that alright somebody just got free on that oh I'm gonna tell you well you have some trouble with your bills that you have given God your time literally there are times when I've had to say okay boy these your bills yeah Lord you show me how you want to keep my lights on this month Lord Lord come on show me show me more come on how you let me keep this phone on this money come on by treetog like eat your business manager come on somebody I'm talking to right now these are good any man but the doggy's does board with a little bit man being weary worried is that third part are we so worried I'm so worried by show of hands how many of you have evidence that God has operated your life before before today you have evidence that if it was not very mopping you would be here today maybe you gotta make both ends like as you know her serving it without him it would not be you had a fever is a bad name in Hollywood yeah I'm tortoise I okay so you're saying here's worth anything loves to get us they didn't loves just put season down before I even know he's gonna do it again yeah yeah he delivered you think though what about yeah now in that equation what's the only thing that's changed the Bible says it's not the same yesterday today in front so God is the constant what has changed about you oh why because the enemy listen you worry where's my next check gonna come for I'm gonna pay the rent how am I gonna fulfill the the dreams got a good within my heart yeah how I got my long how I got my happiness yeah how am I gonna find peace Lord I'm looking at the clock I mean you know Lord I'm not getting together come on somebody come on us before so with somebody before you kinda saying you had that same time Templar I get any other and I go find somebody like remember where we need to be right yeah yeah this is where you some movie do not become weary in well-doing do not become weary and believe me I am am i sayin I'm gonna do what I say I'm gonna do War II we begin to slide into worry why because that habit of doing heaven is not producing what we want fast enough so we have to be careful forward watch this what else is becoming weary mean to beat this defeated in spirit and discouraged some of you you've got to November and you feel the few you're deeply discouraged deeply everything that you think you're doing that if you hope was gonna work out has not worked out there were deals that were on the table that looked like they were going to take you to where God wanted you to be and they come true and the reality some of you are still nursing the disappointment from certain things you thought were going to happen that did not happen and I resolve and for being honest you're discouraged who am I talking to right now I need you to stand right now I need you to stand if you have been dealing with a season of discouragement God sent you here today because she knows that that discouragement it is so deep in your spirit that it has produced a bitterness where it's been hard for you to even enjoy life because that discouragement is deep in your spirit it's almost like you can't even enjoy the fact that you have like because you're so just you just upset that things have not happened the way that you thought they would there are people that have betrayed you praise there are situations that you thought God was leading but then all of a sudden it made a hard left turn you know I got where was that there were people you thought were going to lead you to marriage and then out of the blue they said it was over there were situations and family members that she lost along the way you said god I thought you were going to keep them alive until the day and then discouragement has gotten a new spirit God has sent you here today because he's trying to tell me to tell you this weight of discouragement he means it from you that's right give it back to him and don't be afraid to be honest about the very area that you're discouraged in too often we try to hide ourselves from ourselves and as a result than God God is saying be honest with me in the area where you feel I have failed you because in that honesty I can then get the root of this discouragement out of your spirit he said I need you to be encouraged but I can't put encouragement into your life if you're allowing that discouragement to stay lives of your spirit so here's what I want you to do I want you to raise your hand what's it Laura I am in raising my hand that I need your help I need to take out this discouragement from my spirit truth be told I am angry I am angry I am frustrated and I am discouraged and I actually want to give up good lord I am asking you to show me your will she's over your with it no matter what it looks like no matter what it feels like give me the strength to push through this discouragement and press in to my destiny I'm thinking you got anything for what you're going to do as a sacrifice and I trust Jesus alright alright we're almost done to despair or lose heart when I'm in the spirit I feel hopeless when I begin to become weary I begin to lose hope I need you to know and if you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth there is hope that's right but I tell you something you woke you up today he woke up hope let me tell you something it doesn't matter how can he have rejected you before today if you want you up that means he has a yes waiting for you there's hope don't you've a person come to talk turn I've never say don't lose hope why because so often when I talk to people this is the number one thing that goes home I just stopped believing you know I came out to LA I had dreams of what was gonna happen things didn't happen I got in with the wrong crowd and I just started saying well you know Lord every time I put my expectation up here or my hope or my prayers I hear in every admit something alone at a level where I can just live and cokecake there yeah yeah yeah God since you here today because he's saying as you go to the end of the year many are trying to down ship but I need you to put this thing in here and part of putting it here is to get your home back you got to open you got to get back to a place where you believe God is going to do it yeah why because here's what I began to realize when the word says do not be weary in well-doing because at a proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up it's fascinating when I went to this book because this book really was helping me put some some science in addition to the word so here's what he says he says breakthrough moments this going back to the atomic cabinets cool great door moments are often the result of many previous actions which build up the potential required to unleash a major change when we are in the valley of disappointment you may expect to make progress in a linear fashion and it's frustrating how ineffective changes can see during the first days weeks months or even years it doesn't feel like you are going anywhere but it's the hallmark of a compounding process the most powerful outcomes are the ones that are usually delay all right the word said do not become weary in well-doing because if you do not quit you will be a harvest James cleared through his his research said listen when you talk about a breakthrough moment most people say oh that person's an overnight success because they only see the results of what happened after the break rooms they don't see the process before the break room talking to somebody right now last week I was in Oakland California and I have a movie by a man okay okay and I said the Aryan folks program here so good today so so my next film is called breakthrough and then Steph Curry is an executive producer on the film so I went out last week so I wouldn't last week to do an interview with him for our he became our electronic press kit and I sat down with him and we be able to talk about the movie and his history and whatnot and then I said step I want to talk about breakthroughs I said I'm a few days ago use for 51 points and you say the NBA record for the most consecutive threes and are the most threes and a couple of games I said do you notice that I don't I said the Jews were 51 points and when I saw this back when I saw the highlights it was like every shot you put up was going in I said that was a breakthrough moment can you talk to me about breakthrough moments and he said the bone is very interesting into asking me this question he said because while this this moment was happening the only thing I could think about was a time during the summer when it was 6:30 in the morning and I was on the treadmill and I was pushing myself so hard I started going up he said Here I am having a breakthrough moment and I don't really think about the process priors for me to do this oh the harvest is relative to what has been sold and here's what happens frustration if the enemy tries to use frustration to dig up what we have sold because an opportune time is a Kairos time it's a destiny time when we are created to operate in the way of which we were designed to function in the earth now watch this if we don't so we may have a Kairos to all those times when it wasn't going to happen or so I was using that to prepare me the destiny [Applause] [Applause] because I will be Marcus yes let me see something well you're a farmer you know what you want if you harvest corn do you worry oh man have some corn I hope you free me oh I blended tomatoes I hope I don't get out this sounds crazy doesn't so you know what your place I'm talking to somebody the only way that we can be frustrating this I and we know we're planting something it doesn't belong in our and we may have to worry I'll tell you that on that but if we know what we're planning is doing that's alright that's glycine do b-but yeah why because your harvest your breakthrough it's closer than you think and a breakthrough is not some magical moment it's a sum total of good decisions in good habits that produce a result and far exceeds our expectation you may I submit for your consideration that you are so blessed and so highly favored that you have to work to keep what is good and virtuous at the top of your to-do list and our enemy because the enemy makes it so easy to live less than who we are yeah even less than what we know was supposed to hurt you am I talking to man yeah so as we enter this Thanksgiving season and as we make our way to the lastest end of the year which is an excellent here is my hope in my prayer for you that you would go back and reevaluate what are the habits that are being planted in good soil and let me not give up on those because here's what I'd up the more we stay faithful the more we position ourselves to see all of the amazing things God has already planned for our life and then when we get to that place when we get weary say okay wait a minute lord help me not to get in trouble or helping with my frustration though my discouragement on the altar and even if I cry I'm gonna get up a go to that gym even if I'm tired I'm gonna get on my knees even if I don't feel like it Lord and and it's a struggle Lord I'm not gonna call that person back because I know what they need for me just because it's a good happiness that means it's easy to ki get anything the rewards are going to get is that much greater because you know how difficult it was to hold on to it so if you've been going through difficulty if you've been dealing with challenges may I submit for your consideration the guys preparing you to reap the harvest that he wrote into your story before the foundation of the last thing what senses and pray of you and we'll ask you those who would like to accept the verses saying here's what I want you to know the best Christmas gift you would give him is to not only commit your life to him that's number one if you haven't done that but number two you've already committed your life to Christ the best gift you can give him is the gift of yourself and your best self yeah Lord here's the areas where I struggle help me God because I want to feel you can call me to me and I want to do what you called me to do and I need help in these areas is that anyone's prayer tonight that you're here I want you to stand Lord there's some areas in my life what I really need your help and assistance and your divine power lord I really I want to do right yeah but not as some areas where it feels so good to do wrong yes it god I need your help bad amen [Music] every eye is closed every head is battle let's remember father thank you right now I think you there God for the area where we struggled because in this struggles our Heavenly Father the enemy is trying to disrupt the good that you called us to do and I'm praying right now that as we stand and as our hands are raised our Lord that you would just give us the strength to make some new habits there God that will take us where you want us to be help us dear Lord not to lose hope in you not to lose faith that you you're not because it's really about what you want to do through us not even just about us ourselves so I'm praying there god that goes right now that came and that they were empty I'm praying that you would allow their spiritual take to overflow that you would allow their faith to hope that you would allow their hope to overflow and even though their God that there may be areas where we all struggle that's why they do have Grace and you've given us mercy dear Lord let us not be defined by our struggles but let us be defined by your strength and I am trying their Heavenly Father that this Thanksgiving season that we would thank you that you still love us that you only would thank you that you still care for us their God and I am pray by the end of this year that those troubles that seemed to be so strong they were all of us like a champ and that he would free receive freedom like never before break off addiction in the house they're gone come on take off negativity in the house dear Lord break off self-doubt in the house dear Lord my God where we in the house dear Lord and we go anxiety in the house dear Lord break off depression in the house dear Lord break off doubt in the house dear we'll break off loneliness in the house dear Lord and I'm praying that as we come through this we would reap a harvest apiece and a harvest of freedom dear Heavenly Father I pray right now that she would just heal the broken places in our spirit Oh God so many of us cared so much brokenness I'm praying for healing in the house right and she would heal as good God that she would put us back together life has really done enough on us Craner God that your healing spirit would be in this place right now and that we would not lose faith and hope and doing what we know is right and that she would give us the strength to do it or prepare me to be a sanctuary my name is Jesus [Music]
Channel: Ascend! Bible Movement
Views: 14,219
Rating: 4.9346938 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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