Go After Your Moment - DeVon Franklin

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[Music] appreciate the support cuz I wouldn't have said nothing about the movie we're here I'm not really here about all those kinds of things I'm grateful you know to be able to produce you know a film like the star and and if you take nothing else from the star I want you to see that it's possible you know the star is is really what you see even if you don't go see the film when you see a clip I want you to be personally inspired that God is doing a mighty work I need you to know it I need you know you know one of the part of the work we're gonna get into you know mark chapter 5 and I'll get there in just 30 seconds it is really hard to keep carrying a dream when you don't see any evidence that it's going to hire this week anybody got weary carrying your dream come on now who am I talking to anybody got really weary this week you just been saying God listen I don't know I might just drop this thing I need you to know when you see a clip for the star I want you to hold on to your dream longer because it is evidence that the impossible will happen there has never been in the history of Hollywood and Hollywood is over 100 years old ever has a major studio committed millions of dollars to tell to tell a Bible story in CGI animation never happen close was the Prince of Egypt 20 years ago 20 years ago that a man dressed in Adel said we believe in this story so much we're going to produce it and we're going to market we're going to distribute it why did that happen not because of my greatness it came because of me - staying committed and believing that God was gonna make a way where there was no way I couldn't look at head of me and say I'm gonna follow this person to follow that person there was no road to this moment so I need you to feel encouraged that if you see it you have a dream just because you don't see the way doesn't mean it doesn't they're part of what you gotta do is you gotta carry that dream that you may only see one step ahead of you but please keep stepping when you see me please don't say oh well that's the fun no no no no we're all in this together I'm no different than you we're all in this together I have been right where you were literally showing up at Bible study saying god I need a breakthrough what you're gonna do it and I didn't see it because it's the fun if you trust behind faithful my word to return boys but you gotta hang in there and I'm not gonna tell you when it's gonna happen because if I tell you when then you're gonna put in your strength what I'm doing through you you want to have to trust in me and clapping you so now you show it up I got to Hollywood an ad 18 years old I'm 39 years old okay now let's talk 21 day you already entire okay 21 years up 21 years and I'm just getting started it's a 21 years to get to the starting line and here you are about to keep up because you've met a little resistance do you realize that this movie is carbon and develop over teen years how does developing the script back in 2005 and the studio didn't want to make it so if I got discouraged impact up my bags and left this moment would have never happened I'm talking something somebody would get me to lower it up somebody you've you know you've been talking too much and but I say you're talking to about you you're not affirming the positive you've been speaking oh you know this ain't gonna happen ha how you going to speak against what God already said yesterday I'm talking to right now but you can speak it oh I don't know when let me tell every time every time you get frustrated every time you want to speak against your destiny and speak against who you are I just want to give you one phrase to say before you fix your mouth to make a complaint or to say what's not gonna happen just put on my body I'm so blessed every time you get frustrated just repeat that phrase I saw once I woke up this morning I'm so blessed there are some who did not make it to this day so even as you're believing God to deliver your dream please don't get into a season of ungratefulness [Music] this is the month of things giving please offer thanks to God that he woke you up today and he has bless you and I we have a luxurious existence living in Southern California having access to what we can to be able to come on to this this school and worship really without fear of the moment that we're in and the reason why I want you to know the time is because when you know the time and what time it really is then I believe it will position you and I and get back in line and do not call us to do and tonight's word Matthew scanning mark chapter 5 you know last month we talked about I told the story that happens after this but I told her from Matthew chapter 9 but now I'm going to talk to you from mark chapter 5 and it's gonna be the prequel to last week last month passes all right we talked about the two blinded that partnered up and they were they were blind they followed Jesus amen and and as a result of their determination and their plan and their partnership they were ultimately able to get what they wanted which was healing but they had to follow Jesus wherever you lead it and what was so interesting is as I was asked to God Lord what do you want me to talk about what do you want us to hear but he said go back I said cool God go back where and he said go back last month I told you about the blind lead that's what we needed to hear but I need to go back and talk to them about the story that happens before the blind and so it's about the woman with the issue of blood and the issue of blood before we just jump into the word does anyone have enough courage to admit that you still have some issues you still have some issues oh come on don't get Holi on me a sin come on now see psych y'all lying right now because you got more than one issue so you should be raising both hands something else should be standing up come on now stand up right I'm raising all my yeah I got issues I do I do I don't don't don't let the position fool you all right I got some things I'm saying God please help me I'm going I need some help right now who am I talking to right now come on now admit we all got some issues we are trying to deal with oh my goodness so I want to talk to you about the woman with the issue of the blood and what I love about this story and God has given me some new revelation about being in position was they the word here we go mark chapter 5 verse 21 when Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake then one of the synagogue rulers this is verse 22 they need Chivers came there seeing Jesus he fell at his feet verse 23 and completed earnestly with him my little daughter is dying please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live so Jesus verse 24 answers the request and went with him him being gyrus it was interesting in the survey one of the things that was mentioned was the desire to study the Bible more and to read the word so I want to make sure that as we come together that I read the word as a way to start beginning that habit individually is that right okay so a large crowd followed or followed impressed around him and be Jesus and a woman was there who had been subject of leading for twelve years what I love about the text is serious woman minding her own business it does not say she went after the crowd it does not say that she was pursuing Jesus in this moment read the text it says a large crowd followed and pressed around em and a woman was there may I submit for your consideration all you have to do is stay in position and the blessing you have been praying for it's gonna come to you oh it's gonna give it your neighborhood it's gonna get it your vicinity I don't know who I'm talking to it does not say the woman with the issue of blood followed the crowd it said the crowd was following Jesus and as the crowd was around Jesus a woman that issue was there do you know where you are and do you know where you're going oh did you identify where you are too often we're out here running we're out here hustling we're out here Brydon we haven't even taken not to identify where am i how am i doing baby say how you doing all right so G other neighbors say do you know where you are I love it let me tell you so much of the promise being fulfilled that you're in my life has everything to do with staying in position now this woman had an issue of blood and again I'm not trying to get super theological with you but as a result of the laws of the time she would have been named ceremony unclean so that means she could talk to much anyone for fear that then they would become unclean she could even be stoned for being out in public but there she was having an issue for 12 years how long have you had to issue talking to somebody tonight Lord why do you want to do this it's too early a message more commercial break God I can't give a commercial break the other Jesus mmm some of you I got to keep you a commercial break we come right back to everything's good the program just in a moment some of you I don't know why God is telling me to tell you this but there's someone you have met recently and you are not taking the time you need to appropriate that appropriately then who they are so as a result you think that they're a blessing but they're an issue in disguise take give it time time and we'll reveal don't rush and make a decision on the representative instead of the person the representative looks like a blessing but the person is an issue give it give it give it time Lord prize I don't even know who this is for anything anything for someone in the room someone they be watching um you have made a plan to go on a trip with this person those same thing just in your spirit I try you got to go on a trip with an issue God says they twice I don't know leave that for let me get back to my regular scheduled program help me Jesus watch us oh boy okay so here we are and the woman was there who have been subject to bleeding for 12 years 12 years she had an issue she didn't ask for she had an issue that she did not sign up for and here she was a victim of this issue for 12 years and when I loved as you see in verse 26 that she is just not accepting the issue she is fighting trying to find healing and resolution for the issue she has suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and has spent all she had he gets instead of getting a better she grew worse God what he's trying to do in all of our lives I can say this that fear of successful contradiction is going to be unconventional so when we try to fit our unconventional selves into a conventional path we find that we don't necessarily get closer we get further away and here's what conventional looks like we look at somebody else's path and it's opening to glean certain things you think wanted to say hey I inspired by that person but I need you to know that when you begin to judge your path by that person's back we try to fit when it's unconventional unconventional God is trying to do a thing that's never been done in the earth but you and I is never been done it's never been done so these don't measure what it wants to do maybe your path by what you see them doing in someone else's back because this is where the air this is where I found the most restoration is generated because I'm looking at somebody else's what it looks like to happening in their lives oh man thank God look at their path I wish I could have that having no idea if you only knew the path that is even ready to be revealed in your life you would want nobody else's path sighted about what your PAP is getting ready to meet I love a woman talking right now watch this watch this where this texting rated though this blew my mind verse 27 when she heard about Jesus she came up behind him watch it this is why she did not know who Jesus was before he arrived yeah here she is having an issue of blood for 12 years has spent all her money on doctors and treatment trying up an invention of man and it just so happens that on this day she is standing and the very person that can bless her close it to her environment yeah and at first she didn't know who he was because if she knew it would not have said when she heard about Jesus any of them giving us an understanding like the two blind men that she already knew but she did not know until in my holy sanctified imagination she had to begin to ask questions who is this person that these people are so crazy about oh you know it is Jesus and he's a healer and he heals blind minute and he makes the Deaf leader and and then there was a guy he spit in the ground and he said hey don't put the foot on your eyes and wash it all and all of a sudden because I think that this is a man that was one word cast demons out of your body and she said are you serious oh oh well mate maybe today is my day I need somebody to know that it's not about what you're doing you think you got a network in this party and stop looking to my right I could have but y'all better because you want the left over here on the right over there I know my left and right you gotta stop looking to the left and right why because God is saying but you are looking around you are missing it he said here's what I know I don't know who I'm talking to somebody like you you are getting so very in well-doing yeah yeah doing it is so very well doing it's the equivalent of the woman with the issue of blood be in position Jesus was about to walk by and she says you know what I'm going home I'm time is I'm frustrated I'm never gonna get a meal I might wind it down she's just this closest young man go ahead to be in favor put your hand up like that turns you never say you just this just this close [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when are you gonna deliver me from my issue when are you gonna deliver me from the burden of this dream would even deliver me from my inability to walk consistently are you gonna show up and show me low it is sometimes I and there have been moments watch this do not let your disappointment please your past destruction but God has already planned for your future because see what has happened is that in our mathematical equation on our life there are moments that we thought we were close yeah what we thought we were close to didn't happen who am I talking to dr. Tom I said do not give wholly on manner who am I talking to who's been disappointed over an opportunity you thought was really close and then it didn't happen right so so as a result what happens in those moments is that when I'm close and I'm disappointed yeah the pain is so severe I no longer want you to tell myself that I'm close for fear that I'll find myself in a similar amount of pain so as a result to man as a way to manage my pain I lower my level of faith so I keep my expectations low I keep my faith low because the last time I had faith to the pain I felt and as a result of me not wanting to be in pain I got no faith because I was I thought I was close but you have to look at how heaven looks at ya when you poke but you see how heaven saw that opportunity heaven is saying listen in your natural mind you thought you applause but if we released what was on the other side of what you thought you wanted you may not be here today and what we wanted to build God is saying in that moment of disappointment was to help you build your character to help you build your integrity and to let you know please don't do math God is saying that only I had the answer to because we all want to figure out how long how long my other suffer in this day yeah come on I'm talking to say how long and there are moments but now when I say God how long every time I start to get into my own strength God says you're not gonna be able to do it on your own how long he's like I know the beginning from the end I created you I gave you the desire to want what you want what is even a gift for me God says and he says I know the time of the earth that will be ready for you and I also know what you will be ready for the time of the earth so God says please don't allow the question of how long to produce disappointment in pain that's right God is saying just submit your submit everybody raise your hands like this Oh hands this is what submission looks like lord have your way anybody considering the deal right now anybody that needs to consider each other keep your hands up keep your hands up it's someone in the process of a deal to stand up right now where there's a deal that you'll get you're dealing with you're trying to figure out okay those are the city you get into the leader hands down for those that are in the midst of the deal or deals come you go ahead and rage go for it okay all the way up all the way this is the process lord have your way I need you to get me out of the deal because flesh is trying to disrupt what God is trying to do you guys submitted it and through the submission when you give this deal back to God you just want to give you clarity on if this is him or if it's not I'm talking to because see right now you've been bearing the burden of the deal when it was inserted the beginning is God's D so these hands right now our hands of submission Lord I am giving this back to you and I cannot get through this without you and Lord if this deal is not for you let it go let me tell you God has more deals that we can ever cannot so don't get hung up it is one deal is going to make it no no God has many deals so God just wants me to tell you to submit to the process and let the process reveal that this deal is for you and if it's not I don't want you to mourn it one day if the deal falls apart 6 thank you Jesus you must have a better deal all the way I don't know who I'm talking to but just once please you don't have to see you can have mercy we'll get back to the scripture for those that were seated how many have been feeling almost suffocated by the desire to move to the next level to to operate in your greatness to move in steps of destiny but you just you just haven't seen it who am I talking to I want you to stand I want you to stand I want you to stand I want you to stand I want you to raise your hands to this is a mission floor or maybe however you want Lord you know better than I help you god help me go I'll be by to submit to you everything I submit to you please more give me patience and please lord give me patience please lord give me peace let me just then if you brought me this one then you will carry me all the way not in my strength but in yours I'm taking my hands off the wheel and I'm trusting you got to try and I will go wherever you Imogen how many are starting to feel the the burden limits to feel it oh my goodness watch this verse 27 when she heard about Jesus when she heard about who he was and what he can do how well are you representing who you say you believe in and who you follow because this implies that those around Jesus did a good enough job explaining who he is and what he could do that the woman who may not have known who he was was so compelled in the moment that she began to believe in his power without having a previous relationship and whoever was around her knew Jesus How well do you know how well do you follow them I am learning with every measure of success it makes me run back to him and hold on in time because there's a danger as God begins to bless you that we begin to think oh my god I got this oh you know so it was last time if you you started the day okay so what was the last time you read your word was less have you studied the word for yourself Oh hmm and then we wonder why we have no power there's a danger with success the more we get sometimes the tendency to pull away from Jesus I need you to know let me tell you every time you get let's go right back to him thank you Jesus thank you Jesus Lord this is for you thank you so much ha ha no no I need you if you take it be this hot I'm the altitudes different help me breath up we gotta go back to him and the other part of it we got to start talking about we got to start posting them yeah I'm talking to somebody right now I'm talking to somebody right now because we're getting to a time in the world where people need to know who is and people need to know who they can go to to find him and there may be some of your friends that may not know how to get to him because you're being silent there may be some of my friends that may not know how to get to him because I'm bees how many know Jesus how many of us who are our hands and raise my hands rates to can make a better commitment to talking about and letting others know who he is and what he can do amen as a result of those around Jesus this woman who had the issue found out who he was and here's what she did when she found out she came up behind him in the crowd and as much to his clothes because she thought if I just touch his clothes I will be healed now it was a risk again she is unclean if she touches someone else she makes them unclean and they both now have a problem she understood she had an issue yes she said if I could just touch his clothes I believe he has enough power then even the power in his firmament is greater than the power that I have because I've tried everything else now I've ended up worse but they tell me that this man is a healer and I believe that he can do what they tell me he can do so what do I have to lose I will take the rest and see mm-hmm so she's in position Jesus shows up but the moment for her to get her issue resolved still requires faith and work it's so interesting that even though Jesus showed up in her neighborhood she still had to go ring the doorbell oh I'm talking to somebody right now why are you so afraid you don't even realize the blessing is in your neighborhood but you are break the ring the doorbell who am I talking to right now why are you so brave to believe that Jesus is gonna work through somebody who doesn't even believe in him but God has already put you on their heart and you are afraid to go up and ask somebody can please do this for me and you also and you offer this for me can you hook me up with that and I'm not talking about people you do not know I am saying there are people right now that are connected to you that you are afraid to ask them for what you need and God is saying why are you so afraid to take the risk any good thing I have planned for your life is gonna be a river a requirement of faith and works by because that is the combination for success we know that thing that works is that these faith with worms is alive you got a book some works behind your faith and stop be afraid turn to your neighbor say take a risk turns other things they can play in and to sing Oh somebody is playing this tonight you have to understand that that this woman is your blood she risk everything in order to be there issues resolved by Jesus in CC I believe I believe this that sometimes we don't receive what is hardly been ordained for us because we really don't want it bad enough we aren't willing to put it all on the line and let me tell you something when you draw the line you can't be afraid to look ridiculous I'm in with GG on this let me tell you something well you are going to have to look on poultry the bow after there can be no vanities we talked about last month no vanity eat your victory none none there are people that will say you crazy yeah I'm crazy there's nothing want to see what I'll say you know what you don't you you really should get yourself together before myself is closer than you think Jesus wasn't on the other side of the lake Jesus traveled into the neighborhood she was right here she was this close to him no no here's the difference she wanted the resolution to her issues so bad she was not going to let it pass by and she was going to risk everything in order to receive what she believed was available to her what have you immersed in this year [Music] where's your sacrifice I listen you don't want the reading yeah you want the real like listen listen we come to a sinner I'm not here to play I love every single one of you I want you to become everything God called you to be and I love you so much I gotta tell you the truth I'm not here to pacify you I'm not here to tell you you know a patty-cake gospel make you feel good and go home no I didn't suck the truth and sometimes the truth hurts and it cuts but I'd rather let you with the truth so you can heal in the name of Jesus and do what God has called you to do they can never elder tell you what really matters and you leave this place the same way you came I can't do that I cannot do that here's what I know we has we gonna faith our whole life is supposed to be built on sacrifice we don't wait you comfortable we don't sacrifice nothing nothing we don't even go without watching television for a week we won't even go to turn off our phone on social media for a minute where is our price what are they this fee no risk no more so we wonder why the reward is not showing up it's not because God has not given we're not risking anything we're not sacrificing anything we aren't putting in the time into our skillet and we wonder why we're not getting our treasure back why because there's no price this season that I'm in right now and the reason why I can't talk about us I'm living it yeah if everyone wants to say all the stars great cosmic commitments is great let me tell you I'm a sacrifice it's behind the mobians what God called me to do sacrifice of time sacrifice of energy sacrifice of money sacrifice of friendships and and relationship why because I'm committed to do God called me to do I don't know how much time I have to do it so I'm trying to maximize every single relaxing but what I'm saying if relaxation becomes the rule instead of the exception we cannot look at garlic matter if they're not touching the result you know I love you right yeah is it okay to start looking at your sacrifices what are you giving up right now to pursue what God has called for you to pursue it's right in front it's not as far as you think but it's gonna require a risk in order to mercy do you receive that yeah watch this she said I could you know what she thought but I love about this firstly there's so much power in thoughts th o ug HT s I gots to clarify the some of y'all going now somebody gay come on out yo y'all wait wait what you're talking about brother to mama I'm gonna thought is that your mental thought a man can't until we get past some of these slang words man believe in thought of that or whatever okay there's a lot of power in how we think how about that amen some of y'all don't even know what I'm talking about here's what I love here's what I love here's what I love before there was an action she had to make up in her mind first what was going to happen okay everybody phones eyes right now right now and I want you to think right now between now in the end of the year what is the thought that needs to manifest in your mind right now of what it is you know you got to do between the between now and the year in it what does that thought that action then you know you have to take that you put resistance that she's been afraid to that you've been hesitant to do for some it might be putting out the resume for some it could be finishing the script for others it could be you know what let me go and apply for the for the small business loan for someone else God has called you to sing it you don't want to sing God's there's no I'm saying don't worry about other people just do it but what is that action thought in your mind right now can you see as you see I don't want you to raise your hand as you see it as you see as you see as you see as you see as you see open your eyes if you see it here how do you know what to go after everybody forgot your phone they got your phone tangible write down your action thought write it down right now take out your notes please don't use this as an excuse to check Instagram snap please the enemy will just divert you and distract you please take out your phone in your nose and write down what you just saw write it down write it down write it down this is what you need to do right now you're watching online write it down write it down why this important because as you have written it down you now have made it clear what it is you need to do and what your action should be within the next few weeks before this year ends and I don't know about you when I get done on the right of a word of what I need to do is so scary let me tell you something I'm like Lord you want me to do what's okay God over right now and I'm gonna do it not in my strength of yours because if this is my strength I'm doing it because it's it terrifies me don't be afraid for your dreams are terrified that's okay that's a good sign because if I can do it in my strength have you been doing your strength video dica right we did God what we can't do so the woman tissue up blood she got a never mind that she was going to do and what would happen verse 30 at once Jesus excuse me verse 29 immediately as she touched his clothes her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her supplement so it's fascinating that she had the thought she would after it fade and immediately she got the result may I submit for your consideration that some of the prayers you think are unanswered have already been answered we're just waiting for the answer to be revealing that make sense there are some prayers that when you and I prayed God said yes but it just takes a while for that yes to manifest because we read the word always think well why does it not answer this way well I think he still does easier than there's some answers like when I said God 80 years ago hey Lord Lord I'm praying when she please they go wait for main entertainment would you please allow me to have my own company to produce content when I break the prayer she says yes but it just chose 80 years of minutes but he did answered my prayer Mastan sit for your consideration you've got a lot of answers prayers that God has already set up to bless you so stop holding your head down and say Pete has an ear you'd you don't even realize he's already copied you want you to prepare it away I don't know who I'm talking to right now but somebody's been depressed this week wondering is God hearing you he said you don't even know not only do I hear you but I have already plan your itinerary from your future and you're gonna love this you have no idea how answered your prayers I am into the final [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know somebody like you is making plans to leave Los Angeles Khan says stay put stay put you're leaving too so stay put stay put there got to unpack your bag unpack your bag unpack it unpack your bag I don't know what you cancel the ticket cancel it now God says not now you got to just wait a little bit longer wait a little bit longer because if you move and the blessing shows up at your former address already it's already alright come on don't lie don't think anybody had that moment of self-doubt this week I want you to stand up stand up Santa whoa what's he seeing see I'm trying to stay in the world but see watch this watch this the woman with the issue of blood you have to understand how insecure she may have been how much doubt she may have had why because she tried everything and nothing had worked so there was a tendency to believe this would be my permanent condition and nothing ever changed so in those moments when we feel like nothing will ever change it's very hard to feel good about who we are I'm talking to somebody right now I'm talking to somebody right now so in those moments and I'm standing to bare in some moments this week where self-doubt has crept in and the enemy loves to get in my left ear here who do you think you are what do you think you're doing it's never going to work you're never going to make it you need to stop right now anybody heard these things resonate in your ear this week God is telling me to tell you stop doubting who he created you to be you don't even realize and I don't even realize that some moments that that God that he made each one of us he says this is my best and I created them to do something so significant that if they doubt who they are they may never see it God says it ain't about you not about me so let us not down our pound let us trust his enough every time the enemy says you you don't have what it takes say you know what you're right but I know what sir but I know anybody do for me you can talk about you could talk about right here but I know how I'm gonna doubt who God is and what he wants to do through me I don't know who I'm talking to right now oh come on ask me to tell you stop doubting yourself here's why you have a history of people telling you the impact you're making [Music] everybody you're having this moment as one translation says and immediately our prayer was answered what I love about this it is it we're gonna wrap it up when I love about this Tony says you have to imagine that her having that issue an issue because so long and she's [Music] in her spirit she felt this thank you Jesus now watch this what I love about Jesus Jesus I don't want you to be at the door I need you to do this thinking like watch this he's saying who touch me now see the woman wants to be anonymous she just wanted to get the anonymous blessing go ahead say thank you Jesus all quietly and go on about their business but Jesus recognized somebody will submit touch me I need to know now he is Jesus think about this he already knows who it is so the question is it's rehearse Oh [Applause] the disciple said you see people crowding against you and yet you Pascal touched me but Jesus been looking around to see who had done it verse 33 the woman to her and there's the whole the whole the whole totally you could do and so I knew that I ran the risk of making you unclean but I felt like your garden I would at least be respecting your power and so I needed to know if maybe I think it's my issue salt today because I'm tired going back the way I used to be so today was the day that I declared I was going to go after something different and you're right I'm sorry I didn't either violate you that's why I'm afraid I'm truly but let me tell you something your power works because I believe you learn [Applause] last person was done he said daughter your name that seems you go push it back she had felt the bees for the hill it's so bad turn the lipstick you sure thing searching other never say what I usually everybody get your hands in the air like this like I let you hold it up like this like this like you hold it not just get you can see turns you came to say turn your favor turn it up and say other neighbors say turn on your faith oh you got to turn that thing up so much the knob gets before turn it up you got to get back to a place where you believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how many this we have been dealing with this issue of faith in a major way it has every intention of fulfilling it the only way it won't get fulfilled is if we get our position and we stop operating in faith that's right Jesus said I'd heal you it was your faith if not as you believe you can do you have your needs met do you have your dreams business purpose point impressive do you serve a God that loves you so if you can affirm it here I want you to take that affirmation home when it's just you in the mirror that's right just you in the phone don't let the enemy get the victory in the quietness [Applause] he said don't let the enemy get the victory in the quiet place he's the same way you can infer me when it's loud yeah I want you to keep those affirmations when it's quiet and the last thing I'm going to say is the same way the woman with the issue of blood was able to experience life with her issue you think about that peace he wishes for us instead above all things I wish to cheat across class your soul all right that soul prosperity this piece that's right and I want you to know peace it's availing - yeah anybody need some peace you're where you need to be he's not forgotten about yes write your prayers already answered relax it just keeps showing up every day trusting in him the woman with the issue of blood showed up and the one day she showed up Jesus came right to her your blessing is but you got a solution you might cry so you might yell so you might shout you must only have to literally just drag you because you have no idea when you don't even feel like it you show up and that's when God says okay now I can release the Prince I be the next aunty [Music]
Channel: Ascend! Bible Movement
Views: 32,622
Rating: 4.9204969 out of 5
Id: Ky_i4YFV_0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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