It's Time To UPGRADE! - DeVon Franklin

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[Music] this year and the success of this year is going to be directly dependent on how much you love him not just how much you love what you do yeah yeah not just how much you love what he has given you but how much do you love him turn to neighbor to say how much do you love it I want to read two verses before we get into a word god Eddie this verse 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 no eye has seen neither however it is written that's what it says the beginning no eye has seen no ear has heard no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him he doesn't say he has prepared it for just anyone who is trying to access it it is a special blessing a sign for those who love Him may I submit for your consideration that maybe you have not seen what he wants you to see and maybe you have not received what he has planned for you not because you aren't worthy of it but because your attention has not been focused on loving him do you only love what is in his hand or do you love him Brady how strong is your relationship with God do you worship Him do you spend time do you care about him because he knew who you were before you knew who you were do you love him just because he is who he is or do you love it because you hope you could do something for him how much do you love him I'm gonna go to Romans 8:28 [Music] and they know that all these we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose many of you have come into this year you're wondering why things are working out the way they are but God gives us a promise that all the things we go through they can work for our good if we love you and we operate according to our purpose certainty they would say do you love it turn to other baby say how much do you love it how many have never felt God's love how many have no seriously how many have thought God's love before how many feel God's love on a day-to-day basis how many a feeling God's love right now I just want you to take a minute to thank you for him if you miss the presence in your life if you have seen him step in and save your life literally I just want you to take them if you know that it was all that allowed to be in this moment I just want you to thank [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know what fascinating is that the love of God is so powerful but too often we treat it casually as if it's just expecting so casually that we don't even recognize it what it is present I've seen so many people in this town love this town love what they're trying to get but I say do you love God I can't see the Instagram post I can't see it on your Twitter I can't see on your Facebook do you love it do the people know that you love them let me tell you something I've been at this now for over 20 years and let me tell you if you love this town more than you love God you are going to usually find yourself to the wrong place let me tell you he does have the whole world in his hand but I don't want what's in his hand I want him yeah alright and I said lord please please let me not treat your love actually I need to fall back in love with you this year because when I get close to God then I can breathe and say yes it's not about the things but these are only a manifestation of the relationship there was interesting I'll share this and we'll get to the word what gives this is this is the word you know I hit a calm this morning in second gratulations on your hospitalization got nominated for an Oscar go ahead and give it a proper hat and his response it just moved me he said I just want to do his will the Oscar nomination was not the goal doing God's will once the vote Stevie a man or woman diligent in their business they shall stand before kings and queens too often were focused on I want the nomination we're not focused on his will if we would focus on doing his will and if it be his will thank you thought for the nomination but if I never get the nomination I am who you called me to be and there's nothing that anyone can nominate me in or out of that can change that a few weeks ago I watched it a ninepin interview with Oprah from 20 years ago when her show had just gone national it is it national for three of those for three months she was 32 years old and Mike Wallace from 60 minutes is interviewing her about the success of the show and at the very end of the interview he says what is the show does not work what do you do then she said this show does not define me whether this show works or not because if it doesn't work then I'm just going to go on being me too often we're waiting for the result to define who moves back the mirror [Music] [Applause] oh you came to me the tanzanite didn't - oh you get to the wrong place because I see the world in a much more serious and I see that you're here so I have obligation - to tell you the truth about what's going to work and what will not so that you can have the gear that God has already promised you and then I can have the gear that God promised me and coming into this year I said oh Lord my whole perspective is all right because when I looked at my goals my goals were things and nowhere of my goals when I came to this year was it to his will I'm talking to somebody right now I'm talking to somebody right now Creegan I said okay Lord maybe I have experiencing so much disappointment because I focus on the thing yes not on you will powerful sit right next to the other thing means I want you to think I want you to think because because I see a hunger in this in this town in this place for these and what happens is we never can be happy if we only judge ourselves based upon what we believe God has given us and what he is not ready not only do we judge ourselves by that we allow our happiness and our relationship with him to predict it on what we think we should have or what we don't have I need you to know right now in this very moment you are blessed [Applause] charge my lipstick you are so blessed I need you to know at this moment you are loved you want to love you are love to hurt you favorites that you are loved no turns are over there was a human anybody would see me Lucy so as godless was directing me what to talk about he said you haven't laid the foundation because if you're with the wrong carrier you're gonna miss the upgrade if you're with the wrong carrier you're gonna miss the earthquake this year is all about the upgrade know who I'm talking to but could be this year's the upgrade was before God to break my service I had to make sure I renewed my subscription with the carrier I had to come into this year saying Lord let me not judge you based upon what I wish you had done last year and come into 2018 with disappointment I'm talking to somebody but the Lord lets me come into this year committee found life to you 100% turn to your neighbor says you got a minute and you gotta be with the right carrier there's a battle between self and between God the enemy wants you to keep your carrier with self when talking to somebody and then we wonder why some of us came into this year in our as much as we wanted to be thankful our energy was low who am I talking to please don't get quiet on me the Senate anybody you know it's almost in the January but with you who is just not felt that energy you need to get through the year come on please don't get quiet on me anybody that's been a little down lately if you feel like you know you're just trying to figure out where you're going what God has in store who am I talking to right now everybody that way God said it's about the upgrade but you've got it we renew your subscription with me you got to not assume that you know me you've got to get to know me again right now because we come into the year with new year's resolutions but how many times have we resolved to be closer to God and to get to know him in a new way so this year is all about the upgrade god wants to upgrade you emotionally spiritually financially somebody now it's interesting if the upgrade for your finances was determined based upon what you just said then some of you may not get the fullness of the upgrade available to you because you did not sleep with your mouth what you know God is trying to do so anybody excited about [Music] [Applause] any of the building left is calling you to be mighty tired I'm trying to figure out okay your credit card bill or you gonna eat anybody I'm tired of living for one thing to the next God wants to upgrade you but you've got sewers new your subscription with him er Napoli's to upgrade your life this year here are couple teens the first one is so often we focus on what we want to do instead of who we are becoming my pastor used to say this what you will be you are now becoming hmm I want to read this text second Corinthians 5:17 therefore if anyone is united with the Messiah with Jesus Christ he or she is a new creature the old has passed away look what has become fresh and new how well have you did United with Jesus how closely are you walking with Him hmm so much of what God wants us to do is about who he wants us to be he has asked us to get close with Jesus walk with you you might not like with him why so that anything that is old will break off of us and what is new will be birth in us now how does this look last year there were some people around you that when you said do you manage your life with Jesus you found herself with a group of friends that they did not actually honor what you said you were United to them why because you find found yourself engaged in behavior that was the opposite of who you said you were connected to I love it what a city it's quiet in your business hallelujah amen out of mind through your business why because if God is given the insight into your life that means or something he wants to change but he was up bridge we have to miss your make the commitment that we're going to unite with Christ anew and again just because you United last year there are new letters he's trying to tank uses but you have to renew your commitment and say lord please show me how you want to partner with me and how I can partner with you this year and the guarantee is that the old thing you passed away that the new thing will be created who meets a zoo think of intervening might come on this is why it's so important to not assume just because they're old friendships that they are supposed to be part of this program alright go see some of you are holding onto the old because [Music] you're afraid of this you keep rejecting it but then your brain forgot to give you a new result in their life you have to the unknown oh if you could only see the news trying to produce it your life you would not want the old any longer but she's gotta be courageous why because it's embracing the new means doing something different the OL is familiar the new is unfamiliar may have submit for your consideration that God is trying to do a new thing in this year but it's going to require a new level of commitment what I only just use the way God has given it to me and I don't I don't mean to be hard on you but if you go to the to a four-count all right and you don't sweat in the work I do that that works out all right all right so if I'm gonna if we not swept in this it is in his final study that you have not got in the word see see see we got a redo mark of the minute to do what God has called us to do and be who he's caused to be this is why they are people in your life that are on assignment okay watch this see some of you have like literally you have written down tonight I'm going to focus on my work I'm gonna work on the business plan I'm gonna finish this trip I'm gonna write this song you have made plans to do something that night and then all of a sudden check your phone and somebody says hey let's go hang out and you do the math hey you know what I can actually do this tomorrow right you go hang out with this group of friends you're tired when you get done and the thing you said you were gonna do and I kept it done in 10 words almost over you're wonder why have a new thing because you have not given yourself a new commitment to do the thing that God has called you to and Vees called you to be not every old friendship qualifies for the new you there are certain things that fall out as you embrace the upgrade that God has for you amen why message lower we all don't know be God just be talking to me and I think the commercial breaks out you're trying to be honest this is another commercial break and we will get right back to our regular scheduled program of zeppelins listen you somebody are you you are you are dating way down your butt if Christ was focused okay so when we unite our mind the price is not as a spiritual transformation but it's a physical one a practical one when I unite myself a new word Christ this year you give increased focus that means I have to keep my standards high and anyone that tries to take me down or destroy my focus I'm sorry but you know just not right does is trying to upgrade every area your life be mindful you spend retirement refined all of the time you allow them to take out of your life I gave a servant of the beginning of this year talking about time to town I did want it in my church as well we all give you two things right time for talent you will be doing one determines what happens the other one preacher said time is the currency of the earth if that's the case then all of us are rich why because it's been the same amount of time every day it's just a matter of how he uses please don't give people your time that are not worthy of it that's good he's trying to help rate you but you're holding on to the old it started to let go of the old that rights to new but how will you know what the new is if you don't spend time with over the break I'm spending time with the Lord God says lord I need to I need to come into the ear with the tip of mentality because last year you know working on the book and promoting the movie you know he was a blessing but but but I didn't have the right if I can be transparent with you you know I was I was focused on on the thing not doing it right [Music] [Music] we're trying to do a new thing I'm telling you the truth it's been as much time on your hair because anyone we collectively always spent over an hour in you know like 20 minutes today it's like that yeah I know this lady's like oh yes it's that long you like to grow it you know you still have a get it in the right you know so cut your hair he said because there's things I'm trying to do with you in this year that are going to be new and you're gonna have to maximize every minute of the day and if you're spending time in the mirror on things that you've not matter you're gonna miss my the season so now you can hold on to the vanity of oh it took you this long to Berlin or you can be obedient and cut it off they said oh no lower it's on vacation I was wrestling with him I'll tell the owner to come here tonight I'll tell you the truth talking about to the debate when I got my vindication I'll call my partner she came over my stake today she wanted touch me buddy cut it off and do you realize the freedom the peace between [Music] [Music] [Music] are you doing what God is calling you to do it are you beat he's calling you to be last thing I was saying guitar on this version this year you're gonna have to learn the gospel I don't really care what you think about me [Applause] I don't really care what you think about me because you're making a judgment on me based upon my face cause I really have missed the new thing that God is trying to do in my life this is why if you want to get an upgrade this year put yourself on a social media diet can I say put yourself on a social media diet because what happened is on Facebook Instagram Twitter snapchat we allow other thoughts and other parameters of who we think somebody is to disrupt who we are and what God is calling us to do and then we begin to care what people say based upon the likes based upon the comments and we begin to adjust our life just to get more likes and more comments let me ask you something what difference does it make if God told you to post something most it put your phone down [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna miss it when I care about what you doing what he's telling me to do I'm going to be focused on you're gonna get a set of his and there are certain things that got me call you to do that no one understands but they knew see over time what you do with well you know Lord I really wanted more likes on Instagram this is why a social media dining room will help us focus I mean scissors it's like this whole year of the one on Instagram minimally because I found myself just on their mindlessly oh my talking to and I'm like yo this is crazy it did what happens is like you stay up late I wake up in your time time my ketchup and the system goes over and over again like you kind of embraced a new thing the social media diet is the new thing charging name is that you've got to die I'm social week talk about embraces anything are you trying to become the second part of the operators this you have to have the goal what are you trying to do at Luke chapter 19 verse 10 this was the goal of Jesus when the Son of Man is come to seek and save that which was lost in one verse we get the mission statement of Jesus Christ he came to save and to seek out that which was lost this was his goal if somebody would come up to you right now and ask you what their goal is what are you trying to do could you do them in a sentence right here and the man today what are you trying to do what you go publish my children's book why do you want oh sure Jimmy is this about discipline it's about bullying and this is potential story about how a cat comforts his little girl which would be my character and she experienced domestic violence and and her cat comforts her and her cat it's a story about her our cat sees the little girl going through that night myself oh sorry I myself had experience being bullied and witnessing domestic violence to my house everywhere maybe yes I have how many Reggie I'm 14 right over and when he says I'm excited about injuries [Applause] you gotta know your goal what are you trying to do so often we try to enter them too many things at once the upgrade is about focus the upgrade is about focus the upgrade is about focus what are you trying to do who else knows their goal who else actually just help working with their color what's the hardest part about figuring out what you want to do [Music] okay so then the other brother was talking about there's a there's a blind spot when it comes to business he's more of a creative but doesn't know the business side so that sometimes affects his goals anybody can relate yeah here's what I've discovered that we live in a time where there is more information available to us than any other time in the history of the world yeah I can guarantee you without fear successful contradiction that God has already blessed somebody with the knowledge that you currently see I'm going to encourage you if you have the blind spot seek out the knowledge find somebody who knows they don't have to know you personally you can read their book right you can watch their blog you can follow their Qiblah whatever it is do not allow the idea that you don't have the information to stop him because the information is in the earth but you've got to seek it out it turns you never cease now to seek out alright here's the other part of the upgrade intention alternative neighbor say why do you do what you do other neighbor say I don't know all right John 10 verse 10 I have come so that they may have life life in its fullest venture other translations say life more abundantly Jesus is telling us his attention I have come not only to seek and save those that are lost but I have come to give life to those and abundantly that's his overflowing life he was aware of his intention why you do what you do is more important than what you do you got to know your why this right here is going to be the difference between the upgrade in your career this year and not the intention you may not have the money but if we have the right intentions the right people will find you I'm trying to listen I'm trying to tell you please please ascend I need you to hear me clearly intention is interval to the upgrade this year you gotta know why you want to do what you want to do because your intention is the magnet that draws other people with similar attention to you anybody watch this almost yeah hey my son over speech true story get some sexy earlier today before the globe's Oprah I said when you texted me for because I sent her some flowers just say hey congrats on season feet available and she sent me a picture with the flower saying these are beautiful how thoughtful years ago I had an intention that I spoke into the earth then I want to be somebody that uses media to uplift and inform people through the medium of entertainment I'm gonna make a positive impact on people's lives through entertainment that was my intention and do you realize that almost six years ago without making a phone call from no [Music] [Applause] [Applause] because the enemy is trying to distract you okay Lord why Lord commercial break I'll come right back towards this program see Oh see there are some people right now that you're in friendship with or you're in relationship with and all they want to do is hang out but cannot be that my heart reading is something I wake up to this si si si si I don't believe that every friendship wherever relationships should only be about being entertained really [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] but in every single friction or the relationship you're in it's only about [Music] what you tell us strategize together let me help you do what you trying to do this is what you're trying to do let's make a list of the people we might want to reach out to who may help you do it two minds are better than one cuz we're so focused on us we don't take a look at the person next to us say hey let's just sit down and talk this thing through I mean I know more about it did you know what you may be benefit you may be able to visit the board it's hitches back stronger just as a program clarify your intention you got to get me really clear on what you need to do right now that God blessed you with the answer to your prayer right now whatever your prayer is could be a million dollars could be a solid or awful thing it could be a TV show could be an outline or whatever the thing is your your brain got to do is he blessed you with it right now would you feel what to do with it because your intention is what you intend to do with whatever he's given you and I can tell you if you clarify intention this year you should write it down put it in your phone make it your screen stay there making them armed in your phone that tells you the intention I'm telling you I've said this before but I do I change my alarms hope kevin has my phone I change my alarms and I lakelyn things I just did a new label I am everything God has called me to be so every time I wake up to see that a long before Institute's up reminder Who I am talking to right now I don't know what I'm talking to right now since her attention I always keep it in front of you because when you can focus on where you're going you eventually will get there do you realize it is like putting the destination in ways no matter how crazy the road is you ultimately get there why because you keep the directions in front of you where you're going you're trying it just clarified it I believe the white guy is just heating me on this station today I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know Lord Jesus help me coming um God is telling us to give you an analogy um you know my my cousin Trek in the Bay Area he loves to cook risky right look they cook Spanish smoked that thing for like thirteen hours all right and it comes out it is just tinder and he does serve here and they're only a distraction that I hope you get two pairs I want you to be talking to right now but God says don't be afraid there are some people that you get to listen someone is already in your phone texting you you don't by text back one every time you text back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] your phone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're almost done let's sum up great your life this year you have to be this John 4 verse 48 unless people see miraculous signs and wonders Jesus told him you will never believe Jesus is always trying to show us please to give us a sign if you need us all prayers so that we continue to know he is who he says he is and he would do what he says he can do but you kind of look for I believe that the greatest way to get people to know him it's not by what I say but it's my what can they see on me for him everyone knows that if you think a walking billboard for him is not be walking around with judgment in my mouth because too often as the body of Christ our first thing is oh this purse is not right and that force is not right but the Lord says get the thing out of your eye before you try the Pope sighs do I look like course and believe it people see excellent only can people see love of me can people see committed Oh me yeah can people see persistence on you I don't want to just see a sign I want to be a sign I don't want you to just see a sign I want you to be this time you got an itch to supper say Lord I'm the reward and here's what I know wouldn't we commit ourselves to being the sign he will do things in us that others will say oh that has to become there's no promotion on your own because I as a resident I know what you meant so I could turn this position it has to be good do you see that's how you be used as the billboard so that others can see your great works as a result racial progress Seaborn I want to make sure the son he's still going to show you signs true story and can I give you these anecdotes that are just practical but I tell you because sometimes we're stressed out about what we don't have you know having to try to go get those things in our strengths and when we can't we get depress the frustrated angry and slippery slope back to where we're not supposed to be right let's just tell yourself because luckily anything that you're worried about that you want just says you know more that you will so to story this is how totally tribute but in terms of the one minute anybody heard of life happen whoa black hammer for those who don't know is is it all african-american starring cast or a barber so you know I was like oh man it would be awesome to be a part to be that premiere you know just as black people in the industry just like y'all how do we do so I thought oh you know maybe I'll reach out and try to figure out look whatever the Lord if it's meant to be we're gonna one of the hardest tickets to get into him she's still here so today I'm gonna meeting I check my phone cherry bozeman takes me to a good place black panther I'll give you talking about signs these available stuff brother you said hey um I hope this will keep you safe channel maybe there's not man I apologize I'm just trying to help get people to God that's all he said man yo are you here for the premiere I believe don't miss the point I believe that he's always showing this time yeah but I really just trying to see this is why as we upgrade our life this year and we clarify our focus we're gonna be able to see and use trying to communicate with us thirty two things trying to reach turns out the next day he wants to show who wants Jesus to show anybody need a new sign it's okay you might need a new sign you know there's a who needs a new signs of the Lord your heavenly Father you see these hands right now i am frank dear god that before the end of this month you show every single hand raised of signs that you love them that you are for them and that you have heard their cries and you who are answering their prayer more that you would still show them that you are the god of signs and wonders to lunch pray that she would work on wonder and every single hand that is right i'm praying dear heavenly father and somebody is worried about the money help them not focus on the money but show them a sign in their finances as they return their tithe that offering I'm praying that somebody has more breakthrough of that relationship give them a sign that the person that loves down is for them for you I don't know what I'm talking to you right now somebody doesn't have a child give them a sign unemployment mind that you have work cut out for them I don't know who I'm talking to right now but somebody's about to keep up all your dream give up all your talent give them a sign that now is not the time to tour the town give them a sign that it's time to double down on the power that is within them somebody right now as Betty's gonna do were gonna turn your back on them but God says I'm here tonight to show you don't you turn your back on me I love you too much but you can't turn your back on Frank right every single hand raised floor give them a sign before January 31st firstly megacities I live for last thing as we close part of the upgrade is the reward every time you operate your phone the reward as this works according to his function anytime - lately up 3 what happens your phone does not work right the Lord promises us a reward to watch this John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life you got a reward that the upgrade is just for this life but is with an extra - do you have an assurance from Jesus Christ himself thank you and I have access to eternal life all we have to do is believe he is when he says he is and he - he says he can do when I read in this text I've seen John 3:16 so many times I said lord I have been missing out on the ultimate reward anything that I had that I had to eat down here lord help it to have you turn vacations here's running mother anything that you do that I thought I could sue on this earth Lord I want the fundamental principle to be designed to help other people know about you so that as a result of what she's allowed me to do that somebody they make it into the kingdom that otherwise may not if you have not used I don't want it as much as I'm talking to somebody he's promised us overboard oh my goodness and also ever believeth in him will not perish meaning if you're afraid of death don't worry about death it's not the final it's just the door for those that love him believe in him and you get the ultimate gift is eternal life which takes us back to our original point do you love it and do you want to do as well because if you and I commit our life to the upgrading because we're serving you we know that the ultimate reward not the other not the granny not me not the deal not the Billboard charts not the best services but it is the key I think I thought we would be like when we get a chance to meet I've made a lot of people in this earth but there's nobody on the excited to these marches Jesus because the cross for my sins I will claim it he died on the cross for my sin did he die for your sins who receives that who says yes my sister and I want you to know that that his sacrifice was so powerful and bases so much love he says I died for you even though there are moments when you consistently rebel against me but the reward is still good I'm not going to take the reward away from you but I'm going to allow it to still be valid with the hopes that you will fully accept this is why as we come into this year just because you've been with Christ don't assume that you know the new he's trying to do in your life and it requires it was dinner right now before I die looking at my notes in that iPad and what popped up a software upgrade and what did I do remind me later the next thing comes up would you like us to remind you it's in the top right and we're not you remind me later why because I didn't want to take the time not only that even though in the moment I've delayed the upgrade I'm gonna have to pay for it later because the device that I had in my function according to his design if I do not take the time to allow the device to fully operate there's something even that goggles to do in your life what you've actually allowed to do is work [Music]
Channel: Ascend! Bible Movement
Views: 50,811
Rating: 4.957983 out of 5
Id: S5j9ZEIw9WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 4sec (3364 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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