Go Get It - DeVon Franklin

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why don't we give it up for the lord of lords and the king of kings why don't you give it up for the one that woke you up this morning no I didn't wake you up your iPhone didn't wake you up your Android didn't wake you up what about giving it up to God why don't you thank you for life anybody excited today anybody grateful to be alive anybody excited all the campuses are you excited to be in the house of God today you've been allowing your stress to steal your brains don't let your stress steal your praise wait a minute wait a minute here's what happened here's what I love we are used to giving God 14 seconds the praise okay God there's my ten seconds what about giving God just a little more praise today don't let your stress steal your praise don't let your boss steal your praise go ahead and say thank you lord if it wasn't for him where would we be I'm so glad I never have to know because he's so good come on fake church let him know you love him let him know you appreciate him let him know you thank you you might be watching livestream no matter what campus you're at go ahead and give your God some praise amen amen and amen hallelujah okay now now now we're in the right place now you may have your seat as you can tell I'm excited I love bringing the Word of God because God has brought me all the way from Los Angeles California here for a word for you and too often when we come amen amen go ahead alright you know too often when we come into the house of God we don't prepare the atmosphere to receive what he has for us the Bible says he inhabits the praises of his people so every time before the word happens we got to give him praise to make room for him anybody need more room in your life for God I don't know about you but I'm trying to make as much room as I possibly can now now you know I came here because there's a word that God has given me to help you um you know as a kid I wanted to go to Hollywood now now that was not a on the list of pre-approved professions in the church all right you know I was raised in the church you know got baptized when I was you know 10 years old been saved sanctified filled with the Holy Ghost but God called me to go to Hollywood now now when I would tell people this dream they would say go ahead and get the anointing oil let's cast the demon out this boy Hollywood is Sodom and Gomorrah Hollywood is the devil's playground you can't go to Hollywood and I said oh really well god bless your heart how many days have you worked in Hollywood mmm it's so interesting how people want to tell you about something they have not had first-hand experience themselves and they want you to be happy with what they tell you to do but may I submit for your consideration that God is the only one qualified to direct your story I don't know who I'm talking to right now but God is the only one qualified to direct your story and and what was so fascinating is that growing up in the church we were taught that faith works right we're supposed to walk by faith not by sight we can do all things through Christ who strengthens me but what was fascinating is that in church we were taught faith but then when I would tell them what I believe God was leading my faith to do which was go to an industry that literally impacts the world people would said be afraid it's gonna take your faith be afraid your might you you might go too far I said but wait a minute you're telling me that that faith works you're teaching me that but then practically you're telling me to be afraid you got to teach me what works is it faith or fear because I can't do both at the same time I don't know who I'm talking to right now oh my goodness so so I had to go where God was calling me to go and I had to do it and face the very thing that people said could not be done which is to be in an industry and maintain my faith the only reason why I articulate my journey is to help you in yours because there are certain things that you're going through and there's places that you're operating in and someone has told you you know what just be okay with where you are but I need you to know that God has already told us we're supposed to be the head not the tail so don't be worried about going higher in your calling in your career because that is what you've been destined to do I want to show you a clip you know then this is this is a film I got a chance to work on this is this is the impact when you go where God has called you to go and do what he's called you to do I wanted to share this this clip with you of a film that I worked on years ago oh okay yeah I don't know you know you'll probably be about as good as I was that's kind of the way it works you know and I was below average whoa so you'll probably ultimately rank somewhere around there you know so really you'll excel at a lot of things just not this I don't want you out here shooting this ball around all day and night all right [Music] [Music] all right [Music] don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something [Music] not even me [Music] you got a dream you got to protect it people can't do something themselves they want to tell you you can do it you want something go get it period anybody know that there's something that God wants you to go after come on now raise your hand if you know there's something that God wants you to go get now many of you hate may have more than one thing so go ahead and rave both hands go ahead and some of you may need to raise both feet with all your toes because you know there's that many things that you have to do what I want to submit for your consideration is that if he's called you to do it he's already prepared the way so you have to face your fear head-on even when your fear wants to talk you out of what God is already convicted in your spirit to do mmm boy we bout to have a good time watch this word Matthew 9 verse 27 I want to just put in your spirit a text Matthew 9 verse 27 now here's what it says it says as Jesus went from there this is a story about two men who went after what God had promised them God is that through His Son Jesus said I will heal you however comes to me their burden will be like that's what Jesus said right so here we are we're picking up with two blind men turns your neighbors say two blind men turn together I say two blind men watch this as Jesus went on from there he had just left healing the Daughter of Jairus a local ruler as he went on from there two blind men followed him let me stop two blind and followed him see we're either sex and weak lost right over - how do two blind men follow something they cannot see hmm sounds like faith to me see because what you have in your spirit is a vision of your life but when you open your eyes you do not see it so it's gonna require you to believe that God is who he says he is and he can do who he what he says he can do and follow him even when you may not see him you gotta follow Jesus even when you don't know where he's leading but you can feel him in your spirit so here are two blind men following Jesus when I looked at the text I said how do they know where he was clearly someone around him had to be talking about him in so you mean to tell me the two blind men could hear where was because somebody around Jesus would say Jesus is here Jesus is amazing Jesus is a healer how well are you talking about him can those that are around you that may be spiritually blind can they find Jesus because they can hear Jesus on how you talk about him please don't get quiet on me faith Church you gotta speak the name of Jesus you gotta live the name of Jesus because there's others who may not know him unless you promote him I'm talking to somebody don't be afraid to promote the one you know can change lives and save you okay watch this it says they follow him calling out have mercy on us son of David have mercy on us so they make the request basically what they're saying is heal us meet our need right 28 when he had gone indoors mm-hmm anybody track on me wait a minute they're outside the house these blind men say have mercy on us son of David and then all of a sudden Jesus ignores them and goes in the house watch out too often when we are called to pursue what God has put in our heart we stop at the first sign of discouragement anybody been discouraged lately come on please let's be honest right now don't get quiet on me anybody been discouraged amen amen amen see here's what I want you to know too often we view conflict as evidence that God is not in it I want to flip your perspective this morning conflict is evidence that God is in it let me tell you something what story have you ever seen what movie have you seen and there was no conflict if you had a movie with no conflict you say that was boring it would not be interesting the conflict is at the level of the hero within I need you to know that if you've been facing conflict it means a hero is getting ready to come out of you so don't get mad at the conflict get excited because if you're being fought that means something is getting ready to happen in your life but you have to keep going turns your neighbor say keep going keep going keep going keep going don't stop don't stop keep going so when he had gone indoors the blind men came to him so they had to follow him inside in order to get the blessing that they were pursuing they had to go from outside to inside in order to receive and what's so interesting is Jesus says do you believe that I'm able to do this this implies that he heard their requests on the outside sometimes we stopped too soon or too short when we have to / commit to the process of success I've been in Hollywood for 20 years I started at 18 as an unpaid intern for Will Smith and now I run my own production company there were days when God told me the production company was going to happen but in year 7 I did not see it can you imagine if I stopped in year 7 can you imagine if I stopped in year 12 do you know it took 18 years for God to fulfill the promise of bringing me a production company that could make content that could uplift the world 18 years 18 years mmm see some of us we stopped too soon we stopped too soon may I submit for your consideration that you're closer than you think may I submit for your consideration that you're just one breakthrough to the door that is going to open up everything that God has promised you so here you are you're at the door but you've gotten discouraged so you've turned away not realizing that if you would just turn the knob and have faith on the other side of that door it's everything he's promised you God sent me here today faith church to tell you you got to go get it turn to your neighbor say go get it go get it go get it go get it go get it no no turn to your neighbor say go get it turn the other the other neighbors say well i'ma get it I don't know about you well so here's the thing so often we talk about the the what to go get everybody just raised their hand there's something that you know you're supposed to do right okay all right so we're all in the same plane here but what's interesting is nobody wants to tell us how to do it right so everybody wants to say okay what is what do you want to do and then sometimes people become successful and then they say oh I did it look like I did okay cool but how did you do it and it's the how the Bible says my people perish for a lack of knowledge I believe that's not just spiritual knowledge there's also practical knowledge how how have I been able to be successful in Hollywood an area that people said you could not become successful in by maintaining my faith do you realize that people in Hollywood they don't even necessarily know my name but they know what I believe people call me because they say oh you're you're that faith guy right I said yeah I'm that faith guy and you have to understand that along the way there were people that discourage me from being the faith guy they said define you don't want to be pigeonholed I said pigeon-holed well yeah you don't want to be limited by your faith I said my goodness you may not understand the God that I serve when I serve God and I use faith there are no limitations so so let me go ahead and be label the faith God why cuz that means I'm gonna be the god guy and when I'm God's guy when you're God's woman there is nothing he will not do for those that dare to believe he is who he says he is you gotta get your faith up fake Church don't just play Church beats nurse live Church faith is what's gonna take you where you need to be all right palm down to run y'all see I get excited and I still got three services to go amen hallelujah somebody watch this so let's talk about the house how do you go from what you want to actually achieving it and maintaining who you are along the way after 20 years of working in Hollywood I have extracted ten life-changing lessons for your success that will help you right now become the success that you're praying for ten I call them the Hollywood Commandments this is why I wrote my new book of the same name a spiritual guide to secular success now before y'all say Oh Hollywood Commandments Devon what's she talking about before you go there if Daniels Shadrach Meshach and Abednego wrote a book about success about they what they learned in Babylon this book is that equivalent because you have to understand that the more they honor God in a secular environment God did not take them out he took them higher and deeper oh I'm talking to somebody because he God wants to be put on a platform when you honor God at your work and people know it and you continue to go higher God gets put on a higher platform so people realize there's value to serving the king of kings and the Lord of lords so here are the top 10 lessons that I've learned to help you become successful here is the how number one your prayers alone aren't enough now listen I didn't say prayers don't work I said your prayers alone aren't enough too often we pray and we don't do faith without works is what that means faith with works is what alive come on faith with works is what that means I have to pray and prepare I pray and then I get up and I prepare for everything I just prayed for if you had a dinner party and you invited somebody over and they RSVP what are you gonna do why cuz you know what's gonna happen somebody's showing up hey when you pray you got to believe the blessing is on the way so you're preparing yourself to receive what God is going to do you got to pray and prepare here's a lesson for the next 30 days through 10 minutes of prayer every day 10 minutes of preparation by the end of the month you'll have 300 minutes of prayer 300 minutes of preparation and I promise you you will not be able to be stopped because you will have prepared for the very thing you're praying for so when it arrives you know what to do with it God doesn't want you just to have success he wants you to maintain success and preparation is key turn to your neighbors say you got a pray and prepare turn the other neighbors say no you really have to pray and prepare number two you are the talent you are the talent you are the talent too often we look in Hollywood we say oh look at the celebrities and their talent no no just look in the mirror look at the talent that's looking back at you you got what it takes to make it you have to get you have the power God didn't waste anything on you you have exactly what he needs you to have so we need to stop coveting the talent of others you have what it takes to make it and I'm tired of us looking at somebody else saying oh I wish let me tell you something I look in the mirror and say God my goodness you did a good job come on now you got to have confidence you got to have a talent mentality you can't look in the mirror and get sad you got to look in the mirror say God you broke the mold when you made me come on somebody watch out number three come a number three you have to carry a crown before you wear one mm everybody wants to crown everybody wants a throne but nobody wants the process in order to change your life you got to serve your way to the top you got to help somebody else carry their crown before you're prepared to wear your crown when you look at King David 1st Samuel chapter 16 he was anointed the King did he go sit on the throne no he went to go serve a king first we live in a generation that's all about selfie me me me any Millennials in just me me me me let me tell you you want to change your life take your phone and put it to somebody else saying hey how can I help meet your need what do you need today how can I become excellent in serving you we gotta start serving each other the service is the key to the top service is the key to success number four you have to know the rules to play the game this means you have to observe your rules in your industry know how to navigate them for your success too often the Bible says you know are my people perish for a lack of knowledge and too often we're in industry but we don't learn how to navigate it this is this commandment is all about how to deal with the politics anybody had some political issues you had to deal with it on the job right this commandment will help you do that number five your gut is hiding God anybody ever heard the Holy Spirit speak to you anybody felt the Holy Spirit move come on anybody feeling the Holy Spirit move right now convicting you to do what he's called you to do your gut is hiding God that means sometimes God will speak in a whisper not in a yell how do you know it's God because it challenges your comfort it challenges everything you think you know about yourself and and in how you know it's God is when you look at the facts the fact they're not aligned with what you did been told to do some of you have been told to start a business you say Lord I ain't got no money he said exactly cuz if you had the money why would you need me he said you don't have the money that's where your faith comes in cuz you can do all things you come on now come on now you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you that means you have to have the faith in him come on now you may not have the money in the natural but in the spirit the money is already there you gotta use your faith to make a withdraw you gotta use your faith to make a withdrawal you didn't realize your faith it's like an ATM card did you in order to withdraw every good blessing that God has already planned for your life you may not be able to receive it until you use your faith to access it you gotta use your gut God is listening he's talking to you we have to not only listen we have to do God is hiding in our gut number six you get what you negotiate not what your worth oh yeah oh yeah can I come and sit right next to you too often as people of faith we think oh I'm just I'm just gonna be taking care people don't they're gonna take you know that God has given us and the ability to articulate for our value anybody get direct deposit checks come on alright anybody still get the paper checks couple okay if you get a check if you just gotta check that means somebody is telling you you're valuable so you got to know the value you create and when it comes time to negotiate for that don't be a pray to articulate that value and then begin to strategize in order to receive compensation for the value you create amen amen amen amen I just said somebody free I felt that cuz ezg some of you have been living beneath that your compensation level God is saying uh-huh next time it's time to negotiate go in faith go in confidence and no I'm gonna prepare the way you have not because you ask not life and death are in the power of the tongue let me tell you some of it tell you a 30-second anecdote I was an executive at Columbia Pictures that's where I'm a pursuit of happiness for nine years I did a movie called heaven is for anybody heard heaven is for real hey man that movie was we made it for fifteen million dollars it made thirty million dollars in the first five days we're talking about negotiating two days after the movie was open I was in the Chairman's office she said Devon we want to promote you we want to give you more money I said I'm not taking either I quit she she said what do you mean you quit I said I came into Hollywood to produce films and God told me now is the time to get my production company so I've got to quit and start the company and actually in addition to starting the company I want you to fund it what did she say she said okay see you have not because you ask not life and death and the power of the tongue you got to start speaking that thing and ask for what God tells you to ask for come on now number seven you must master the walk of fame this means notoriety so too many too often we think of Hollywood as a place where the famous people live let me tell you something if you get up right now and go to the bathroom and somebody waves to you you are famous all right you have notoriety okay amen amen so we all have notoriety and notoriety can sabotage our destiny here's how we handle it we were created to give praise not receive it mmm I'm talking to somebody so what happens when we do a good job and people praise us we have a tendency to become addicted to their praise at the expense of being obedient to God if you want to learn how to manage notoriety keep giving praise back to the one where it's to amen give praise back to God all right that's how you handle notoriety that will come from success number eight your difference is your destiny look to your neighbor do they look like you tell them your difference looks good turned here the neighbors say my difference looks pretty good too this commandment is all about how you own the power of your difference your difference is your destiny I've spent too many years wishing I was like somebody else and God said Devon why are you wishing like you're someone else he said I created you to be exactly who you are so own your difference and know that the path has already been cleared for your difference I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you have to know that your difference your the way you are made your hair color your your way you think your creativity stop exchanging what makes you different for what makes you comment your difference has already been created room for to take you everywhere God wants you to be who am I talking to right now all your difference yes number 9 your amnesia is an asset all right I'm talking to somebody since we too often we stay in the past over a situation that didn't work over what we call a failure and we're so stuck in the past that we can't get to the present and prepare ourselves for the future may I submit for your consideration that anything is in your past the enemy is trying to remind you of where you've been to prevent you from going where God wants you to go this is why you have to have amnesia anybody ever seen men in black they were put up the little thing them you don't remember what happened after they did that right this is what this Commandments all about you got to forget somebody wants to remind you something didn't work last year oh really it didn't work well all I know it's working today because clearly I made it I'm alive I'm highly favored so God is continuing to bless me I don't even know what you're talking about last year something didn't work because here's let me tell you something anything you think is a failure anything you think is a setback when you're operating your purpose there are no setbacks there are no failures there are only set ups so anything you have said as a failure God is using to set you up for where he wants you to be I just said somebody free with that word stop calling yourself failure you have just been set up to succeed you've got to have amnesia because it's an asset number 10 your world is smaller than you think too often we think there's a long distance between where we are and where God wants us to be it's not we live in a small world there are six degrees of separation between us and who we need to know there's degrees of separation' so I want you to stay on your path and know that character counts because in a small world your character becomes your calling card this is why I need you to serve at the level of your capacity not at the level of your feelings because you may serve somebody that's not worthy of your service but you serve them like you're serving God and that will help set you up for where you're going to be in a small world you can move faster than you think I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you are in a small world and you're closer than you think now not in a small world I'm gonna say this we're gonna close see so often we wonder how can I meet the person in my area or industry that's gonna help me become more successful anybody ever had that thought is like okay how can I network hmm let me tell you somethin bout network and why don't you just get net start networking with God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit spend more time in that network and he will bring you see people wonder no oh well you know you saw in the video how did you meet Oprah listen let me tell you some I didn't go after Oprah I just stayed on my purpose I just kept pursuing God and Oprah called me in a small world the people that change the world will be on your phone she you ain't got to go after nobody all you have to do is keep pursuing Jesus now speaking of which when you get back to the text watch this they pursue Jesus in the house he asked him the question do you believe that I can do this and they said what yes the this strategy will not work for you unless you believe that he can do it so I ask you a question do you believe that God can do it in your life no no no that would that sound of really yes do you believe that the god you serve is faithful and will do exceedingly abundantly oh thank if you believe it then according to your faith be it on to you watch this he touches their eyes and said according to your faith be it unto you now some of us because we're so schizophrenic in our faith only one I would have opened I'm talking to somebody right because on Monday we got faith on Tuesday we ain't got it on Wednesday we got it on Thursday we ain't got it I need you to have faith at the level of your destiny consistently why because when he says according to your faith be it unto you you want the full measure of your destiny not half not 75 percent but 100 percent anybody want 100 percent of what God has already planned for you you've got to go get it why because it's already done I don't know who I'm talking to right now I don't know who this message is for but why don't you go ahead and lay hold of what you know God has promised you somebody's got to get up and say I'm taking it today I'm taking it today anybody where anybody Brett i'ma grab your blessing i'ma grab your blessing come on if you don't want it I'll take it in the mighty holy mansion may of Jesus get your got a hand print give your God a hand pray thank you for what's getting ready to happen thank you for what he's already done thank you for where you're going fake Church you gotta take your faith all the way up to receive what he has for you I want you to put your hands in the air right now dear Heavenly Father I pray right now for every dream in the house dear Lord they are summoned here they've had a lot of pain associated with their dream I pray you heal the pain right now I prayed their God that you would give them the ability to hope again to dream again to fight again to pursue again I pray right now that you would motivate them and remind them that you love them and because of your love for them you've already gone before them to prepare the way so I prayed their God that they would not only just have to faith but they would also use the strategy and the combination of faith and strategy and knowledge will make them unstoppable I want them to know right now that every good and perfect gift does come down from you God the Father of lights we love you we appreciate you and we thank you and I pray that this day was a day when change would take place forever and that lives would be changed and hearts would be changed towards you dear God and as a result this world would forever be different in the mighty holy matchless name of Jesus if you receive this prayer give your God a hand praise come on don't pattycake him don't matter take him you better praise you better praise and fakes you better praise amen hallelujah [Applause]
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 49,450
Rating: 4.936244 out of 5
Keywords: DeVon Franklin, Hollywood, Movie Star, Go Get It, Go Getter, Faith Sermon, Faith Church, Faith Church St. Louis, Faith Church West Palm Beach, David Crank, Pastor David Crank, Pastor Nicole Crank, Nicole Crank, Meagan Good, Hollywood Commandments, Commandments, Fear, Devon, Franklin, Will Smith, God's Not Dead, The Hollywood Commandments, FaithChurch.com
Id: FUSHj4EYnro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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