"'Your Difference Is Your Destiny" - DeVon Franklin

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[Music] you know Petey first of all give it up for Petey and pastor Sarah come on you can do better than that you can do better than that amen god bless them as they are in Denver this weekend and a few weeks ago Petey said hey you know Devon why don't you come in September and do a two-part message on your book The Hollywood Commandments that's my new book amen amen amen it's a spiritual guide to secular success and I said cool Petey yes I'm in and as I started preparing for today God said don't be Labor the book he said get to the book next week he said what I need them to know is more important than you talking about the book I said Jesus lord have mercy on my soul Lord you see how many people there are here hey you know what we talked about this book lord help me Jesus uh-huh uh-huh si si I want you to know anything I preach to you about is because I'm going through a tool right I don't preach from here down here we all in this thing together and when you hear God you say Oh Lord I gotta be obedience alright so I'm not gonna talk about the book all I'm gonna tell you is the word he gave us commandment number eight that word for today is your difference is your destiny your difference is your destiny I just want to show you something look at you put it down Thanks oh it just makes it easier to get into it thank you okay so in my hand somebody's hungry my god a man you you you should eat a little bit of something before you come to church amen hallelujah so so in my hand we got mrs. fields we got some mini Chips Ahoy the chewy kind not not the dry-time not not too covered up and we got the Keebler's chocolate chip deluxe with the M&M somebody now as many of you are salivating cuz you're hungry I pray your hunger for the word is greater than your there's a Kohanga watch this I don't want you to get lost I want you to stay with me I hold in my hand chocolate chips chocolate chip cookies right now what's interesting is this is just an example of when you go to any supermarket there is a whole aisle dedicated to chocolate chip cookies you can get whatever flavor or everstyle you want but what dawned on me is that you mean to tell me there's a whole aisle of the same product so as I I sat there looking at the aisle I said how is it possible in almost every supermarket in the country there can be an aisle dedicated to the same product as I began to think about it I said it might be the same chocolate chip but what differentiates one brand from another the recipe may I submit for your consideration these chocolate chip cookies represent success we all have been destined to be successful but each one of us has a different recipe that God will use to create success what I know is that Keebler ain't trying to steal mrs. Fields recipe because Keebler does what they do mrs. Fields do what they do and they both can sell millions of cookies every single year why because they're committed to their recipe they believe that their recipe is the best and as a result they still find success you don't see on the package of mrs. Fields we taste just like a blurs now mrs. fields as mrs. Fields Keebler's as mrs. Keeler's and Chips Ahoy as Chips Ahoy Oh your difference is your destiny you have a recipe for your success so why are you over there trying to steal your neighbors recipe why don't you start cooking up what God gave you start mixing up your ingredients and know that if your neighbor can find space on the Isle of the world for success that God has some shelf space for you too I don't know who I'm talking to right now but your difference is your destiny anybody want some cookies I all right please do not open those in church please I don't want y'all say please after service all right watch this watch this it is so important as it relates to owning our difference that we recognize what makes us different as a way to helping us understand how God wants us to be successful the work that he is doing in you the work that he is doing in me is different then the work that he's doing anyone else all right but this is where it starts to get difficult why because if we're honest we don't like being different hmm and the church gets quiet to be honest we don't like standing out we want to fit in we want to be accepted we want to be liked and as a result even in this very moment some of us are even wearing something different that we don't even like but we know that it's the style so we want to be accepted even in one church so we wear jeans that we cannot fit we wear shoes we don't even like we wear a shirt that's a little too short but we like it because we're trying to fit in because somebody told us this is how one church dresses but what if God told you to put on a suit and what if God told you to put on a tie and bless your heart what have they told you to put on a dress and go to one church would you be obedient to the difference or would you say no I can't do it it's one church I have to be who they want me to be what about owning who you already are [Music] see hmm I gotta just give it to you where feel I'm gonna get to our text don't worry I got a text I'm going to in two minutes just give me a minute because see here's the thing the power to conform is so pervasive that many of us are prey to it right now that we really aren't owning our difference because we're afraid that if we do we will not be accepted by the one that sitting next to us so as a result instead of being obedient to what God has called us to do how he's called us to do it we have exchanged obedience for acceptance and then we wonder why we're not happy we were not designed to fit into someone's limited idea of who we're supposed to be can I get an amen and hallelujah somebody your difference is your destiny I want to give you this text real quick and then I want to talk about the pain of being different but also the power of being different I read this text in your hearing we're in 1st Samuel Chapter 17 verse 31 this is David going to King Saul telling King Saul that he is going to fight the giant Goliath and he says let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine why because your servant will go and fight him we're talking about destiny difference is the one thing that differentiates two people right or two things it's mixed it's the difference between what is similar and what is not that is difference destiny is the place that we were designed to operate it is our calling it is our vocation may I submit for your consideration that once we get to our destiny we have an abundance of opportunity you don't I'm here to tell you don't have to worry about money you don't have to worry about it get close to your destiny and money comes I promise you don't even worry about opportunity keep walking pores close to your destiny and God will give you opportunity I promise you how many know that they need to get closer to their destiny and are believing who are but how many are believing that God will bring you to your destiny how many are excited about getting to your destiny come on come on so what I know about destiny similar to the text his destiny comes with a declaration David had to declare what he was going to do not only before he did it but before he even had the opportunity to prove that he could do it how well are your declarations and what are you declaring what is coming out of your mouth and is it working against your difference and your destiny think about it what are the first things you say when you get up in the morning I'm late noticing a list anybody who heard reclaiming my time and got no reason or excuse to be late am i right come on somebody right hey if you late that's on you Amen we have to begin to look at our declarations and are we declaring the destiny even before it manifests are you speaking what you're going to do even before you have the opportunity to do it I'll never forget in high school I was 17 years old I had the opportunity to go to Washington DC the summer between my junior year and my senior year and it was a program called boys nation it was a program where they chose two students high school students from every state and you would go to Washington and participate in a mock government during the summer you would be a senator from whatever state you were from this was the same program where Bill Clinton when he was a kid met JFK President Kennedy there's a famous picture and so this particular summer I had the opportunity to meet President Bill Clinton at the time while he was in the White House and then they had media that was there and they came up to each student and asked each student what do you want to do when you get older what is your dream what is your passion what is your career goal and now I grew up in a community of faith I grew up in the church but God called me to come to Hollywood now the church didn't like that too much the elders would say no Devon why don't we just go ahead and lay hands on you and just rebuke the devil come on Who am I talking to many of you are here because you had to fight the rebuke of your own church community and family community because they didn't believe you could come out here and be successful who am I talking to don't get quiet on me 11 o'clock so there I was and in my mind I said do I tell the reporter what is acceptable by my church family that my dream is to stay in the Bay Area I'm from Oakland by the way yeah yep there is a stronger anointing on Oakland I think the Warriors show that okay we're gonna say say say in the message Devon stop it Devon stop stop okay here we go watch it watch this I'm going somewhere watch this do I tell them what will be acceptable or do I actually speak what is in my heart do I declare what is going to happen even though when my parent or my aunt's or my family or my church reads the article they may not like what I say but if it's my truth should I begin to monitor my truth because somebody else may not like it please let me get right beside you right now and ask you a question are you living your truth or are you trying to modify the truth because you want somebody next to you to say yes you're doing what God called you to do let me tell you something God ain't gonna tell everybody what it is that you're supposed to do he may only whisper it in your spirit and he may tell you the truth about your life so if you submit the truth to somebody else for a vote and they vote no are you still going to do it you've got to start declaring where you're going to go and so in that moment with the reporter I told him the truth I said I want to be a media mogul well do you know anyone in entertainment I don't know nobody but I want to be a media mogul I want to use the power of media to inspire and make people's lives better that's what I want to do seventeen years old had not got accepted to USC had not didn't know anybody in Hollywood but I declared it because I said you know what I got to own my difference because here's the thing I only got one life this is not a dress rehearsal can I remind you of that you don't get a chance to do this life over again this is the show you're waiting to perform the performance is now so if you don't live out your truth if you don't embrace your difference will you be able to look back and say whatever you shortchanged your difference for it was worth it whoever you shortchange your difference for were they worth it so often we become a limited version of ourselves just to be accepted by somebody who then goes on to move on to some and there we are left with the damage of having compromised ourselves for their love and acceptance and they de said no no and they're on to somebody else and we're still left healing from a situation we should have never been in to begin with say your notes Devon I just need to tell you right now please do not want love so badly you compromised who you are to get it if somebody you're dating cannot handle the fullness of your purpose and your calling and your personality why don't you go ahead and drop them right now please drop them cut it off cut it off why because all you're doing is wasting your time and their time be who you're created to be and if they cannot handle that god bless them go ahead and buy my bag of cookies and say I'll see you on the other side but I cannot allow myself to be subject to your limited thinking I am bigger than your capacity to handle Who I am Who am I talking to right now your difference is your destiny we all were created different we were created as Sandown you can't be like anybody else no matter how hard you or I try we can't do it he made us different for a reason so we had to declare so I declared it watch this I declare I want to be a media mogul check this Contra Costa Times 1995 and the article goes back home and people are like oh I guess you're not going to seminary I said no I gotta go to Hollywood and I believe that he's gonna open up away I had to declare it I had to speak it what are you speaking seriously what's in your mouth right now stop speaking to get yourself stopped speaking against your difference too often we say why can't I be like anybody else you ever been there before trust me I've been there I've been there more days than I would really want to admit because it's hard to be different it's hard to stand out growing up you know I'm the middle child of three boys any middle children in the house we got a support group okay right after this it's hard to be a middle child am i right amen so so here's the thing standing out is difficult because we all come in the world with the need to be wanted and accepted in love and that is natural that's okay but the question comes what are we doing to get that and are we doing it at the expense of who we were created to be so so difference is painful watch this not only does David declare it when you cut to verse 38 it says that souls rest David in his own tunic so Saul said fine if you want to go fight Goliath that's on you you're crazy so I'll did not believe that David had a chance to defeat Goliath but if David wanted to go on a suicide mission he was not gonna stand in his way so Saul says look he says I dressed he's a dress that says then Saul dressed David in his own tunic he put a coat of armor on him in a bronze helmet on his head verse 39 David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around because he was not used to them then he said to Saul I cannot go in these because I am not used to them so he took them off oh my lord oh my lord oh my lord David came into the reality that I'm different I'm the eighth son that that Jesse didn't even think qualified to be brought before the Prophet the oil has fall fallen on my head I'm a shepherd I'm a warrior and I know how to play the harp a masculine and feminine all at the same time watch it see too many times we try to own one part of who we are not the fullness of who we are David said yes I can play the harp and yes if you try me I can whoop they called him a warrior I'm just quoting scripture I'm just uh I'm just quoting the scripture this is what he did when Saul was in need of someone to play the harp the person in the kingdom said go get David he's a mighty warrior and he can play wait a minute so you mean he can war and he can also play I don't even understand how that works why David didn't trip he said I'm different I'm gonna own my difference you may think of me as just the soft harp player but let me tell you something don't mistreat or misunderstand who is playing the harp this is a warrior playing this thing I am playing strings of victory I need to talk to somebody right now because see here's the thing as men as men as men here's what we do as men we allow society to define what masculinity is Society says real men don't cry so so anytime we find ourselves getting emotional we hear the voice of society saying my emotion tells me I'm not a real man so as a result as men we are conditioned to cut off the emotion that means we can never fully love nor fully receive love because we are closed off and then the society wants to wonder why we are damaged as men because it has reinforced this idea that if we show emotion we are weak we are soft this is where toxic Nexus masculinity comes from but then when I go into the word it tells me that Jesus wept [Applause] Jesus is the man of men Jesus is the man of men he is the man of men let me tell you something if Jesus wept and I call myself a follower of the man of men that I don't mind if I cry too why cuz I'm not afraid to show emotion you're gonna see my heart let me tell you something any real man is not afraid to show your heart is not afraid to get vulnerable I need to know who I'm talking to are there any real men in the house right now not afraid to let somebody know how you feel not afraid to show that you care not afraid to drop us here once in a while who am I talking to right now we no longer let society define us we define what masculinity looks like we can be a play the harp we can also war we can write poetry we can also go ahead and write a soliloquy we can go and give a dissertation we can also go and be there for you when you need us the most we are redefining what masculinity looks like right now why because we are owning our difference [Applause] I'm tired of fitting in I'm tired of fitting in I turn to your neighbor say I'm tired of fitting in turn to your other neighbor say no I'm really tired of fitting in David realized what I am wearing does not fit this is what conformity looks like hmm many of the reason why most of you come to this church is because it allows you to be free the church community I love the church too so I'm not gonna vilify the church but I'm gonna tell you let's be honest about the church the church does not embrace difference very well growing up if I didn't want to be a lot a doctor a lawyer a pastor a preacher in terms of the church if I didn't sing in the choir or if I wasn't leading the praise team any gift that was not on the pre-ordained church lifts gifts were not embraced they were suppressed Who am I talking to anybody had your gift suppressed before because the church didn't know how to handle you so instead of speaking life into you they slept they spoke depth into you see here's what I know here's what I know as much as the church loves me and loves you people have a hard time dealing with those that are different they don't fit a norm is that their problem or our problem there have been generations of well-meaning Christians who have never lived out the fullness of their calling because they were afraid to go against what the church said was acceptable and what wasn't God sent me here today because he wants you to know you don't have to fit in you were created to stand out watch this David put on the armor it did not fit think about this for a moment just think about it for a moment he has gone before the he is exposed he said I am going to do it the king says fine if you want to go take on Goliath let me at least put you in armor that may protect you David goes he is obedient he tries it on in that moment he is having an identity crisis because he understands what is expected of him but as he is there in the dressing room of the palace he recognizes that the expectation does not fit because he can't move the way he's used to moving he can't do the thing he know he knows that he can do the way he's used to doing it so he has a dilemma do I keep the arm the armor on even though I know it does not fit and it's restrictive and go out into battle and do my best or do I have enough courage in the moment to say it doesn't fit I'm not going to wear it and going to the battlefield the way God called me to do it he's got a dilemma we have a dilemma how often are we faced with am I really going to own what I want to say in a moment or do I want to fit into my group so well do I want to fit into this network so well that I remain quiet even though I know I have something to say how often are we faced with an identity crisis where we know who we really are but we aren't sure if we embrace it if we will still succeed you got to understand something I'm standing before you not as Minister Devon Franklin I'm standing before you as Devon I'm standing before you as your brother I'm not preaching from here to here we all in this together and and there has been a tendency in my life again because I want to be accepted I want to be loved I want to be part of the in-crowd there has been a tendency to sand down my difference just to fit this book this book me writing and talking and calling it the Hollywood Commandments a spiritual guide to secular success is crazy because there are some people in the church crowd they say Devon you are too secular and there are some people in the secular world is a Devon you are just too churchy so in these moments we have that identity crisis where I'm trying on the armor of either one and I recognize that neither quite fit I don't quite fit completely in the neat box of the church and I don't quite fit necessarily in the wildness of the world but I do have secular ambition that I believe God gave me and I do have strong spirituality that's rooted in the Word of God so ask me what am I supposed to do because I'm not just this or just that I'm everything God created me to be so I have a dilemma do I wear the church armor or the world armor at the expense of the church at the expense of the world well I said you know what god bless your heart I'm aware both armors at the same time and I'm gonna teach you how you can do the same so you can be who everything God called you to be I'm tired of you thinking you have to fit in with one or the other no be who God created you to be and know that it's going to be enough oh here's what I can see in your spirit some of y'all are like literally jumping out of your skin right now because you came out here thinking like oh cool is LA and people in this industry have said no you're too spiritual as a matter of fact some of you haven't even gotten some invitations to go to some events you thought you should be getting into am i right can we be honest some of you hang with some people you thought you were friends with you even know they got together till you saw it on Instagram [Applause] am i right but see here's the thing I don't want you to covet every invitation because see because you are as spiritual as you are there are certain environments you go into and people can sense the presence of God on you ah hey they can they the presence of God is so strong on you you don't even have to say a word and you convict those that don't even want to be in the presence of God because it's on you and they didn't invite you because they didn't want to feel convicted so don't you feel rejected you just continue to own who he created you to be continue to be as spiritual as you are and he will allow you to be at the right places at the right time you don't have to compromise to get recognized you don't have to compromise just to get an invitation if they did not invite you well bless your heart that means I didn't belong I need to talk to somebody right now own your difference and it will lead you to your destiny watch this David made a choice I'm gonna take myself out of the armor and I'm gonna own what makes me different for better or worse life or death win or lose I'd rather do it owning my difference then if I fail and I can't the armor on I would have always regretted not doing it the way God called me to do it are you pursuing success in the way he called you to pursue it or are you like David could have been trying to wear an armor that does not fit because you believe that if you don't have it you won't be accepted I need to talk to the artists in the house any artists any musicians it has songwriters producers here's here's what I know here's what I know there are certain melodies that God gives you okay resist the temptation watch this there is a there is an exchange temptation which is to exchange what makes you different for what will make you common see sometimes we try to say well what's hot right now let me write what's hot let me produce what's hot no no what about writing was honest to you what about producing what's honest to you regardless if another person says oh that's hot cuz let me tell you all of us were born hot we were born in His image we were shaped in his life Who am I talking to you don't have to get hot you already hot they don't even know how hot you are you don't even know how hot you are you're trying to get hot you are already hot let me tell you something God does not make anything less than he makes us more than I don't know who I'm talking to but you're more than a conqueror you have what it takes to make it you woke up in the room and now all of a sudden the temperature starts to rise why cuz you're that hot I don't know who I'm talking to right now stop trying to get hot you already hot why what is here here so here's what I know the reason why God want me to talk about your difference is because it's too often we we exchange our difference for somebody else's difference too often we mistake somebody else's distinctiveness for our distinctiveness I need you to know because here's the thing I used to work for Will Smith right I used to make movies I used words in the first of all I was an intern for him I was an assistant at a company and then I used to make movies for him watch this and there was a time that I believed I had distinctiveness and difference because I worked with will because I worked with somebody who was so distinctive and who was so different I was confusing his difference with my difference watch this because here's the thing too often we covet being in the environment of somebody who is different and distinctive and we think that because we have proximity to that person that means success is gonna fall on us too I need you to know if God has you in proximity of distinctiveness indifference it's not because you're supposed to worship that it's because you already have the same level of distinctiveness and difference as the person you're in proximity - like attracts like don't outsource what makes you great for their greatness you are in their environment because there is greatness in you - I don't know who I'm talking to right now embrace your difference embrace your difference embrace your difference embrace your difference embrace your difference embrace it embrace it embrace it as a matter of fact some of you God has put you in proximity to people like that to put you on notice of what's getting ready to happen to you it's an email from God to you you think this is something I'm setting you up so that you know how to handle success when it comes now you know how to handle fame when it comes you know how to handle blessings when they fall you are in proximity because it's getting ready to happen to you anybody ready for God to do it anybody ready for God to do it anybody ready for God to do it Who am I talking to anybody ready for God to do it anybody ready for God to do it here's what you have to do you cannot exchange your difference for someone else's as I was working for will I'll give you a true story being transparent telling you my truth I'm in Beijing working on the Karate Kid I was the lead executive for Sony at the time and I and you know I had known will for about ten years at that point a little bit longer than ten years and we had made a pursuit of happiness and seven pounds and Hancock and now we were producing working on Karate Kid in so much of my success in Hollywood was because I had the association you might know I'm talking now oh so you're associated to him that means that's getting ready to happen pray okay cool so because you have the association we'll take your call we'll treat you with respect but there I am in Beijing watch it I'm in Beijing and I'm like great working on the Karate Kid this is awesome this is my movie in between takes it was will Jaden jada and Willow the Smith family and in between takes they're having a time they're just playing around and having fun and in that moment God says what do you see and I said Lord I see the Smith family he said no Devon what did you see and as I looked closer I said I see that this is their movie he said yes he said Devon this movie would have happened whether you worked at Sony Pictures or not because this movie was born out of their difference not yours Real Talk you are servicing their difference but don't mistake their difference with your own so as I'm getting the revelation I'm completely being broken down by God because so much of my identity was tied up in the relationship with Will Smith [Applause] so as God begins to tell me this I say Lord what am I supposed to do he said if you start asking me what you were created to do what your difference is and if you would stop downplaying your difference just to be close to their difference you would really begin to discover what I created you to do so I was completely honestly completely depressed by the revelation true true story we can be honest I can tell you the truth completely depressed by the revelation completely but what did I do that same trip while I took the Sabbath off in Beijing I said Lord okay well what do you want me to do what makes me different and he davonne where have you been in this past week I said well I was in London for a premiere I went to to the Bay Area to preach I was back in Los Angeles for meetings and here we are in Beijing God in one week he said okay what is taking you there I said well it's my faith because I've honored you I've held on to my faith he said exactly faith is the path to success not the obstacle and he said and he said who else do you know has navigated entertainment the way you have I said nobody exactly he said I want you to call up that book agent that came to you a year ago and told you to write a book and you told him no I want you to call them up and tell them the idea for your first book is that faith is the path to success not the obstacle we're talking 2009 this is happening I call up the book agent I say hey I got the idea for my first book this is what it is she said great I said what do you want to call she said what do you wanna call it I said I think we should call it produced by faith I was an executive for Sony I had to go get permission to write the book they said wait you want to write a book about how you can use your faith to be successful Devon do you want to get fired I'm like no but I believe there are people who can benefit from my difference and I want to be obedient to what I believe God is calling me to do and I want to hold on to my job as well you have not because you asked not to you better start fixing it in your mouth don't be afraid to ask for it the way he told you to ask for it you are different and God will allow circumstances that nobody else has been able to conform around their faith but they will conform around you why because you are different and not only do they say yes you could write the book but do you realize that writing the first book produced by faith was the key to harnessing my difference I would not even have a production deal right now making faith-based movies if I had not been obedient to writing the first book because the book was identity the book was different where is your difference you want to manifest your difference you got to start harnessing it no matter what stop being a brain turn to your neighbor say stop being afraid stop being afraid stop being afraid stop being afraid stop being afraid oh we might need to cut that stop being afraid stop being afraid why because when you own your difference power is on the other side peace is on the other side joy is on the other side reward is on the other side destiny is on the other side keep owning your difference and you gonna see God work this thing out last thing I want to say and we're going close Jesus in his first sermon to the Jewish people in the Sermon on the Mount he said you are salt and you are light he said what good insult if it loses its flavor you are supposed to be the salt of the earth and I began to think about this salt usually comes in a shaker salt in the shaker does absolutely nothing you and I have had moments when we are just like the salt in the shaker when we do nothing we can be of no use to the world but in order for salt to do what it's supposed to do you got to shake it on something you gotta shake your distinctiveness on something you can't stand here and where you want to be is there and you sit here no you got to get closer and you got to shake it on your environment shake it in your relationship I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you gotta stop being the salt in the shaker and you gotta shake it in your environment somebody should be able to taste something you've done and taste the fact that you flavored it why because you're different you're distinctive you add flavor to the earth you add flavor to the culture the culture needs you you don't need it the culture needs your salt the culture needs your seasoning you need to season up your gift real good cuz somebody needs it the way that God gave it to you I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you gotta shake that thing on everything God created for you to shake it on why because you're gonna make it better it's gonna taste better when you've you're done doing what you can only do with it I don't know who I'm talking to right now but you are salt of the earth you are light you cannot shine light and light you gotta shine light in darkness that's why God has sent some darkness your way not to depress you but to allow your light to shine even brighter you gotta know your difference is your destiny who am I talking to right now anybody ready to harness the power of your difference who am I talking to right now anybody ready to say today I owe my difference today I stop making excuses for being different today I will no longer limit myself because of my difference what I will begin to embrace every good thing that makes me different God wants you to know your difference is not a burden it's a blessing the fact that you don't fit in is good because now that he can isolate you because sometimes when we're different one of the prices we pay is loneliness if you've been lonely because of your difference I want you to stand I want you to stand I want you to stand I want you to stand I want you to stand I want you to stand here's what I know if you've been lonely and you have ever viewed your difference as a burden raise your hand please I want you to raise both hands as you raise your hands this is a sign of surrender I want you to surrender to the difference that God has created in you he didn't make you or I different to burden us to depress us but he made us different because he knows what needs to be done in the earth and he knows that we are needed to fulfill the purpose in the earth so he's allowed us to be different to think different to create different to walk different to talk different to dress different and this difference is to be celebrated you are right where you need to be but God is asking me to tell you it's not wishing you or someone else come on come on come on come on come on come on you are awesome just the way you are you are more than nothing you are powerful you are amazing you are incredible you have what it takes to make it I need you to know it your destiny is closer than you think when you begin to embrace your difference as you embrace it be more courageous in knowing and owning who you are every good thing that has come in my life has become because I'm own distinctiveness I've own being different I've owned it I just said you know I get you I get too tired of asking God well why can't I preach like this person and why can't I produce like that person God says you can't because you were created do something unique and God wants me to let you know you were created to do something unique it ain't gonna be like nobody else why cuz there's nobody else than doing like you alright you the only one you're one of one you are rare and this earth will reward those that are rare in the mind and mighty name of Jesus so here's we're gonna do before I pray for your difference is there anyone here today that knows that you need to give your difference to Jesus for the first or you need to give your difference back to the difference-maker here's what I know I could not harness the power of my difference if I had not committed my life to Christ committing my life to Christ and living for him has helped me harder the power of my difference and every day there may be days I'm down there may be days I even cry but I don't do it without hope I know who I serve I know I serve a risen Savior I know I serve a Savior who died from my sins and it's coming back so I know we have to go we got to get ready for the one o'clock but if there's anybody here right now and you know you got to give your difference back to God I want you to come down right now or you got to give your difference to him for the first time come right now come right now come right now come right now come right now come on don't delay god bless you my sister god bless you my brother come on come on come on come on come on god bless you my brothers come on come on come on come on god bless you my sister come on make room make room make room come on come on come on come on come on make room make room one church do not pattycake those that are coming to God I need you to celebrate there Stan amen welcome them as they come welcome welcome come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on make room make room it's all right make room make room make room anybody else you got to give your difference to God for the first time or you have to resubmit your difference amen rededicate your life hallelujah anybody else anybody else before we close anybody else anybody else you know you got to be up here you know it again to harness your difference begins with obedience be obedient to what God is calling you to do and who he's called you to be stop fighting who you are stop fighting it you are everything he created you to be you don't have to fight it just embrace it and own it okay is there anyone else before we close anyone else there you go thank you my sister god bless you my sister god bless you god bless you who else who else god bless you my sister my brother there it is come on there it is there it is hallelujah there it is come on now yes thank you Jesus thank you Jesus who else who else for those of you that are up here I want you to join hands please join hands grab your neighbors hand right now as in those that an audience you can grab hands as well I want everybody touching somebody right now for those of you that have come up to give your difference to God for the first time or to give back your difference if you have already if your rededicating your life I want you to I want you to feel the burden lifting because you've been fighting your difference some of you have been hating your difference because it's been so hard to be you it feels like there's a tax on every side it feels like nobody understands what you're trying to say and what you're trying to do and there have been many nights where you have cried yourself to sleep and you have prayed God just make me like everyone else and because he loves you he has not answered that prayer because he loves you he loves you so much he will allow you to remain different because he knows your difference will take you everywhere he's planned for you to be so I pray as you dedicate your life to him that you would know he is the difference maker and that your life your salvation is assured so now it's about walking it out day by day do not live as someone who hates who they are but live as someone who is proud to be created by the Creator dear Heavenly Father I pray right now for every living soul in this house I pray right now for every destiny represented in this building I pray dear God that those that have come down would keep their commitment to you and I pray those that are already commitment will continue to walk in steps of difference and destiny knowing that the combination of both we'll make them unstoppable I pray dear Lord that everyone understanding and hearing this prayer would feel motivated to own who they are to own how they feel like they need to dress to own how they feel they need to create based upon what you have told them right now in the name of Jesus and let them know in the depths of their spirit that they are enough in the name of Jesus we pray give your God a hand praise give him a hand praise [Music]
Channel: The Potter's House at OneLA x Denver
Views: 71,206
Rating: 4.908772 out of 5
Id: _JlYHqUdkV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 53sec (3113 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2017
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