The Chosen Global Live Event: Season Two Premiere

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The best part was Jesus rushing to stay in the room haunted by that dude's grandmother

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Uldyr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope the app is able to handle so many people trying to stream the premiere at once!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skipford77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Interesting the way they make the episode about John started writing his gospel. And Jesus telling John that He is God is very interesting.

And what a twist that Jesus meets the bandit from the Good Samaritan! Wow, that's a way to show that Jesus approaching the sinner.

And lol at "seek, and you shall find" as a joke.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/feb914 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Like how Jesus always has a sense of humor. Question: Has anyone had issues with app sending to tv?? I can watch on app ok but when try to bring to tv,tv says at first app installed and ready to cast. So try to cast and the tv screen comes up black than after a few goes back to normal tv viewing. But inside the app it says it's viewing on tv??? I have Samsung phone and 2016 samsung smart tv. I can watch all the trailers ok and extras also ok on tv but not any episodes. Thanks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Routine_Ad_3897 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was really great!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tylorban πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i uh i i'm really nervous i rarely get nervous and especially don't get nervous on these live streams because talking to you is always a highlight and you who love this show are like family in many ways and so i don't get nervous tonight there's a twinge of nervousness i gotta be honest with you this is big this is big time uh i don't know i'm not looking at the numbers right now colin where are we at in terms of uh viewers on youtube at least 82 000 already on youtube there's at least 40 40 50 000 on the app i don't know how many are on facebook right now but if you're watching on facebook hello if you're watching on youtube hello if you're watching on the app hello and uh i just this is a really heartwarming moment i just finished my team and i just finished this episode just a few days ago we just finished filming scenes from this episode a few weeks ago uh this is like we have been you know up it's been 24 7 getting this episode out by easter sunday and uh just for you we really wanted you to be to to be able to experience this on this special day so my heart is full i'm warned that you're here a couple of quick house keeping items before we start the episode i know you are not eager to hear me talk too much so i will keep this quick we'll get to the episode as soon as we can but there are a couple things i need you to know about so you know just think of this like typically if you watch something you've had to pay for it in some way this is free so with that freedom comes a little bit of responsibility and so i'm going to share with you a couple things very quickly first of all if you are new if you have not seen season one if this just came across your news feed and you are watching me right now and are wondering what the heck is going on stop watching or maybe watch for like five minutes but then when the episode's about to start stop watching i need you to watch season one first season one of the chosen the chosen is the first ever multi-season show about the life of christ we have the fortune of of being the number one highest crowdfunded media project of all time season one of this show was literally funded by nineteen thousand most people most of whom are probably watching at this very moment and also season two was financed by literally hundreds of thousands of people who paid it forward which i'll explain in just a moment so that you could watch this for free and uh so if you are new if you please just watch me maybe for a few more minutes and then go back to season one which you can find on uh on our chosen app which i'll also talk about in just a second so a special greeting to those of you who actually saw this episode last night last night saturday night we held a sneak preview for our investors and for everyone who paid it forward at the level of 300 or more and they get the access to these episodes a day in advance and so we had a great screening last night and the comment section i mean i was literally i've never heard the word wow so many times or read the word wow so many times so i i have a feeling like it's the episode went over pretty well so they're not gonna spoil anything for you i promise you and they pro i made them promise uh last night that they wouldn't spoil anything but on that note if you are watching in youtube and you do not want to see the chat because it's probably going by so fast you're not registering anything anyway there is a high chat button so just make sure you look for that whether you're on mobile or on your laptop or whatever hide the chat because it might be distracting and just in case someone is watching it maybe a few moments before you are and they say something you don't want to have anything spoiled so just make sure that you've got that hidden if you want to be otherwise you can sit in the chat and just type in things as you see them and people love to do that as well so if you're watching on youtube you can hide chat if you're watching on the app just make it full screen or cast it to your tv a quick note on the app make sure you're updated okay so even if you want to click out of it right now and you've probably updated because we usually give you a note but if you're not if you're having no problems then don't worry about it but uh you are watching either on facebook youtube the app and as a backup if something goes wrong you can also watch it on the chosen dot tv www dot the chosen dot tv all right so on the app i wanna this is very very important and i need you to listen in carefully okay this is going to be one of the last times that we do one of these for ep for season two okay so season two episode one season premiere we're watching it all together we might do that for episode two but this season is is going to be exclusively on the app okay so if you do not have the chosen app i need you to get it and we're gonna put up a little animation for you right now just to give you a little clue as to how to do it but you're going to go to wherever you get your apps on your phone google play or the app store okay you're going to look up the chosen it's isn't the perfect name for the app it's a very perfect name for the app it's called the chosen you're going to look it up you're going to download it it's going to take you just a few moments and then when you pull up that app it's yours and it's free it's easy we don't even ask you for an email address you don't have to sign up for anything you have to pay anything it's completely free all right now once you get that app let's say you say to yourself or to me i don't want to watch a show on my phone i'd rather watch it on my big screen tv i agree with you i don't like watching on my phone either so what you're going to do is you're going to connect it now there's going to be a cast button like a little symbol up in the upper right or if you're on your laptop it might be in the lower right but there should be a little cast symbol or a word like send to tv or watch on tv you'll see that you're going to click on that and then it's going to pull up one of your streaming devices roku fire stick apple tv chromecast and then you will click on that and as long as you are on the same wi-fi as your device you will be able to cast it to your tv it's free it's easy i promise it's unprecedented technology our partners at angel studios who have done so much work to get this app built and to to create this technology that allows you to do this you can even go over to someone's house and watch it on their roku or fire stick just get on their same wi-fi and you can hijack it and show the show okay it is truly remarkable technology and angel has done so much work to get it to you that's how we're able to do this for free and how you're able to watch it on this great device so i'm just telling you now tonight as soon as you're done with this live stream if you enjoyed it on youtube or facebook it's time to get the app and if you don't have one of those devices i mentioned roku firestick apple tv or chromecast get one they're not that expensive it is the future but we're going to need you to kind of shift a little bit shift gears and if that scares you if you're like i hate technology i'm scared i don't even know how to set up a roku or apple tv or whatever ask your grandson he will be more than happy to help you out okay so now is the time to get used to different to get the app and uh to start embracing it and loving it and uh and so i'm sure that you will do that and it's going to be fun i promise and it's going to be good and it's going to look great all of those things so bear with us partner with us here and get the app it's it's it's lovely so another thing if you want to make sure that you're updated on all of these things like every time that we have a new announcement or every time that we want to surprise you with behind the scenes videos we've got so many videos on youtube and facebook if you haven't liked or subscribed or hit the notification bell please do that and here's the cool thing about that some of you already know this but i want to make sure that if you're new to this that you understand our trailer came out just a few days ago okay our trailer for season two and it actually got into the top 10 on youtube in trending what that means is these are the videos that are most watched most engaged most causing excitement and youtube is able to pick up on that and our trailer got in the top 10 on the entire youtube platform number eight at one point actually uh and uh that's how big it was now how how was it doing that well it was because people were liking it they were hitting the subscribe button the notification bell on youtube they were commenting they were sharing it all of those things they really do matter and that's why when i when i talk to you and i say please hit that notification bell or subscription button it gets it in front of more people same thing on facebook when you're liking it when you're commenting on it right now as you're chatting in the chat rooms uh while you're watching the episode that gets the algorithm's attention that gets these social platforms attention and they go oh wow people are talking about this let's get it in front of more people that's how the show will get in front of more eyeballs and if that's you uh if you saw this show because it came across your news feeder because it popped up on your channel because that's because other people were were engaging with it and so you can do that for others as well so thank you for that and right now i'm sure that it's continuing to blow up and and eventually uh this live stream tonight if enough people are liking it and commenting on it it'll start to the live stream itself will get in front of people so that can be a great opportunity so uh there's tons of videos on our youtube channel that show you behind the scenes of how we make the show and uh that's on facebook as well we do literally daily updates on facebook four or five posts a day pictures behind the scenes videos all that stuff more and more content uh because this is not just a show this is like a movement this is a this is a relationship this is a family so we're giving you tons and tons of stuff so i want to answer one quick question before we get into the episode and that is how is this episode free all right well how is this show free and the reason that's an important question is because it kind of tells the story of this entire project now as you know season one was crowds crowdfunded by nineteen thousand people who invested from around the world season two how was season two funded well it was done by pay it forwards and what we originally were doing because we thought well we can't make the show free because then obviously we'll lose money and streaming costs money as of this moment people are streaming in the app and that actually costs us a little bit of money all over the world so we thought well if we make it free obviously we'll we'll lose so much money we can't even keep up and so we had this idea of well we don't want to make people necessarily have to pay so they can maybe pay it forward for others so our friends at vid angel again at angel studios came up with this amazing idea of pay it forward so the show is free for you um but if you so choose to have it be free for others so we can continue to make it free you can pay it forward now what was originally happening was we would give you the first three or four excuse me we'd give you the first three or four episodes free and then we'd say all right if you want to watch more you're going to need to pay it forward for others and and there are a bunch of people who are wanting to watch episodes and so you can pay it forward for them and it was going okay but um it ultimately wasn't growing like we wanted it to and but we thought well the the people seem to love the show when they watch it so let's just keep it going well then covet hit and there was a global pandemic as i'm sure you may have heard and we said you know what just for two or three weeks let's make the show completely free all eight episodes uh every country in the world no questions asked let's just make it completely free just as a goodwill gesture during this difficult time i know people are hurting and a lot of people don't even have the money because they're losing their jobs let's just make it totally free for two or three weeks we'll lose money that we're trying to get for future seasons but let's just go ahead and do it the very day that we made it free the day we made it free and we announced that we made that announcement our income literally quadrupled the next day at quinn tupled it continued to grow people were paying it forward at such an extraordinary rate you were paying it forward people were paying it forward for you and i was even saying if you can't pay it forward if you don't have the resource to do so don't do it just enjoy the free show and it still was continuing to build and that is how we were able to finance season two was through pay it forwards and uh god's impossible math you make it free and more money came in uh it doesn't really make sense but none of this project has made sense from day one because that's how god's been working so paying it forward has been a huge factor and that's how we're doing future episodes and seasons as well season three we've already begun funding season three seasons three through seven where there's gonna be seven seasons of this show okay now that's a common question we get how long you gonna go seven seasons yes we're gonna cover all the way through this story we're in season two right now we're writing season three we're almost done writing season three we hope to be filming it in the fall assuming that we get enough pay it forwards and enough people also bringing me to my second thing is our gifts so things like like even the sweatshirt that i'm wearing right now which says trouble on it which i'm going to explain in just a second as i introduce this next episode uh but books dvds uh you know all our shirts all of our shirts and hoodies and books and dvds were designed to take you deeper into these stories deeper into the gospels and so that uh website real quick just to give it to you but because that's not what this tonight is about but i'll give it to you real quick is and if you're new you're probably wondering why i sang it and i'm sorry if it's stuck in your head the rest of the night but that's how we do here so those are how these future episodes and seasons are financed and how we are able to continue to give you this show for free and how we're able to show you episode one of season two tonight paying it forward getting gifts for others fortunately the gifts right now are only available in the united states i promise you we're working on international speaking of international do you know that episode one not on this live stream because we can't subtitle live streams uh but tonight when this live stream is over in the app the episode will be there okay so when you go to the app it will be there and you can watch it with subtitles even english subtitles for those of you who maybe like to watch shows that way you just click on the audio and subtitles button once you pull up the episode you know you pause it you just find that audio and subtitles button 19 languages just for episode one just in the last three days volunteers from all over the world were translating this and subtitling it into 19 languages already even though we just finished the episode a few days ago truly beautiful i'm telling you this is a chosen family and i'm thrilled to be part of it i'm glad you're part of it tonight okay all right that's enough house keeping for now i've got a few more things to share with you after the episode so don't go a few more special things to share with you this is a very special night but i don't want to take too much of your time uh let's get into episode one of season two now i'm wearing this hoodie right now which says trouble because i want to give you a quick update of where we picked off where we where we left off sorry um we're going to play you before the episode starts a quick you know previously on you know when you watch shows and they say previously on you know walking dead or whatever we're going to do that we'll get you a couple highlights from season one just to kind of remind you of where we're at but this trouble hoodie is because season one ends with the song trouble so at the very end of the season jesus is talking to fotina the woman at the well and he announces for the first time publicly that he's the messiah and at one point she says i'm going to tell everyone and he says i was counting on it which you'll see in this recap in just a second and so jesus and his uh band of small followers now uh start walking and they're essentially leaving their hometown and heading towards samaria which up to that point had been extraordinarily hostile it's one of the most hostile regions uh in the area for jews jews and samaritans hated each other um had a lot of there was a history of war um the history of racism they really despise each other and a lot of spiritual disagreements and so but jesus was uh was heading in there they were gonna they were gonna hang out for a couple days and uh while they were walking the song that we wrote uh from our composers was called trouble and one of the phrases was uh should have known we'd been we'd bring trouble trouble's gonna find you here and uh that was referring to both the good trouble and the bad trouble that's coming because as jesus as his fame is growing he not only gets friends people who are coming to be redeemed and rescued and healed but also a lot of enemies so that's where season one ends uh ends season two picks up that theme we start to see a few people join the team that you may have seen from season one and so this season the theme is jesus's fame is growing and it brings with us both good and bad trouble so with that we're going to play you the previously on and then we'll go right into episode one of season two i cannot thank you enough um so many of you are responsible for being here and uh and for the opportunity that i have to share this show with you it's the privilege of a lifetime it's my life's work it's my family's life's work we are crawling on glass and sleeping on the floor in the office sometimes just to get this to you and i hope that you appreciate it that you're moved by this episode and i will i will talk to you right when this episode is done let's get to it francis is the man i told you about who helped me i'm jesus of nazareth because i need a miracle or i can be in big trouble this will cover about half of your penalty balance that's the penalty i saw it with my own eyes he made boat fulls of fish appear out of nowhere and the words he spoke and then he called me to follow him and andrew james and john he's the one we've been waiting for all our lives and i want to quit fishing and leave the sea behind i use the one they call john the baptizer he called us a brood of vipers i will not turn a blind eye to his sins even when all others do what it has begun what has miracles he invited me to join him he wants us to meet him in samaria in 12 days you asked me before if i knew his name now everyone knows his name and i fear for his safety i believe your words i just fear you may not have a chance to speak many more of them before you are silenced the teacher known as jesus of nazareth is on for questioning hear about the man what man the man at the shore who made the fish appear you really are a traitor matthew son of alphaeus yes follow me we're not going to the jordan we're going for samaria there's a place that i want to stop this messiah you speak of i am he i'm going to tell everyone i was counting on it and so it's time let's go [Music] the first time you know the first time you were there humor me uh i was out on end results loop and had a bad night at first i didn't even know it was him remember i thought he was a roman about to ruin my life huh and what happened next it was just the moment when i thought my career and my reputation were about to be destroyed philip just said come and see and i did and look i i don't know how to describe it other than he knew me before he knew me i was standing next to john the baptizer what creepy young and he walked by like out of nowhere and john freaked out he said behold i'm eating a new bug he was just sitting there eating lunch with all the construction workers cracking jokes i was uh on my way to jerusalem i'm sorry all of this is just um it's difficult to talk about it reminds me of how much i miss him but we have to i know i just i talk about him to others every day but it's difficult with all of you it's it's different with all of you just tell me about the first time you actually saw him it was in a tavern he set his hand on mine which isn't what it sounds like maybe leave that part out people will get confused i don't know yet what i'll be including i'm just writing a tone down it was the fourth morning of the third week of the month of adar sometime during the second hour it doesn't have to be precise why wouldn't it need to be precise mine will be precise my answer might not make sense try me mother i can hardly remember the time when i didn't know him there's one little kick go on my son why are you doing all this why now because we're getting older and our memories are i mean why now during shiva because everyone is here i need to get their memories he won't be the last of us this happens to who knows when i will see the others again or if not in a hurry to write a whole book but i do want to get the eyewitness stories now while we're together isn't matthew going to write something he's only writing about what he saw and about what jesus told him directly but i was there for things that matthew doesn't know about i was in his inmost circle he loved me he loved all of you you just feel the need to talk about it more often i prefer to treasure these things in my heart you know that if you tried to write every single thing he did the world itself could not contain the books that would be written hmm a disclaimer that's good i'm going to say that you see mother if i do not write these things down they will be lost to history james would agree where will you start in the beginning naturally i'm just um not sure which beginning his birth earlier his ancestry i'm pretty sure matthew has that covered maybe the prophecies the promise to abraham i thought about starting with abraham but still so much came before him what was before abraham noah and before him you could start there but i wanted to be known that he was much more than what can be seen or or touched what was before the garden in the beginning the earth was formless and void i cannot hear it without thinking of you two i cannot believe how much he put up with others they will not even remember the sound of his voice don't just be words he said they weren't just words remember heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away they're eternal you think of something take your time i'm off to bed [Music] wow [Music] me [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i'd rather clean up the holes after a long weekend you drink for a month i'd rather mend every hole in abba sales and probably saw your hands together in the process yeah i would rather wrestle a swordfish just get in the water with it i meant on the hook but i'd snatch it out of the water with my bare hands if it meant not spending a night with these people you know it has a sword on its face right we lucked out brother planting this field while the others tried to keep up with rabbi in cicar it wasn't luck he chose us you're going two thumbs deep yeah yeah rose three hundredths apart so why do you think he did that we're good workers and maybe he knows we don't like samaritans maybe jesus just likes us best yes that must be it so why do you think he likes me best for the same reasons i like you best you pose no threat to anyone intellectually or physically thank you brother wait a second what i want to know is who are we planting this for he said it would feed generations i assume travelers people passing through like us hospitality isn't just for those with homes john don't quit your day job it's too late for that yeah me too come on let's pick it up i don't want to lose this [Music] i would rather talk with matthew for the whole minute i'd rather listen to andrew's jokes cecar is on the other side of mount eva and the map says to head southward along the east side it could be this fork taking us towards either this left could be too early that's a theory it's a fact that we must veer south because if we keep going westward we'll encounter the hostile city of faster to go between mount gerizim and monty ball but more dangerous not if we avoid the cities there's no avoiding cities on a road that's what roads do they connect cities you're not taking my daughter off-road gaffney i have given you my word that i will protect reima from heart can you even protect yourself with due respect you are walking towards samaria to find a group of men you do not know and a woman a woman who would be with a group of men do not talk back to me young lady this is foolishness maybe they know the way shalom hey what are you doing talking to our mother jew hi daddy has counted 50 in the square with more arriving every minute is jesus ready yeah he's in his room he needed the moment alone well there are many begging to hear more he's been talking to people since dawn he needs a break i'll bring him some water i thought most people had left after the first sermon they left to go get their family and friends and now they're back threefold the population of cigar is approximately two thousand not including women and children there are 12 hours of light per day at this time of year and he said that we would stay here for two days which means over 24 hours the number of men we need to reach per hour is 83.33333333 yeah what's 0.33 of a man matthew simon there's a crowd going out there and we need to decide what to do why don't we just tell him the situation and let him decide that's what he's going to do anyway i'll tell him how many stadia wide is the city i brought you some water and [Music] rabbi rabbi it will give us a rubric of how many square qubits we need to reach per hour rubrics cubits per hour his ministry deserves careful thought no one's thinking about it more carefully than me he's gone what are you talking about he's not in his room or anywhere in the house i checked it out he lost him he's probably not lost okay james you search the southern side andrew and i will search the north that i used to keep an eye on the crowd what about me stay here in case he comes back i will be back soon and i won't be far staying here gives me the greatest likelihood of locating jesus first well there you go [Music] hey the one called jesus of nazareth has he passed this way have you seen the teach of jesus you wouldn't have to have seen the teacher of this way he passed by earlier the teacher yes but is he going to be back in the town square he's on an event where did he go uh down towards that alley but i was just about to go see him again and bring my friend he's not teaching again he'll be there to teach more you won't be disappointed there all tightened up so it was the axle i told my brother it was the axle sometimes all you need is a fresh set of eyes now hand me some pitch and it'll be as good as new you're good at this you should stay in town and open up a shock should i mm-hmm a shop quickly get the that other is going to introduce you to every samaritan in the country i hope so it's hot shalom shalom i don't know you but you're in the wrong place but we are looking for jesus everyone is you're here thomas and raymond yes yes mary good memory so good to have you it's good to see you again maddie this is reyma's father kaffny where is everyone they're out looking for jesus is he lost he's never lost he probably just needed a moment the townspeople have been clamoring to see him he's been changing many hearts i know how that works so your friend wasn't just being rude oh uh thomas this is matthew matthew thomas you approached a strange home and when the occupant answered you said i don't know you is that being rude we had a brutal journey it wasn't easy finding this place and the samaritans thought we'd be torn apart samaritans and jews are historical enemies i'm aware we knew the journey would be fraught but it's like he's actively trying to make it difficult to follow him i'd have come just to thank him for saving the reputation of my vineyard and your careers not that you care about that [Music] i'm glad we found you at least but why aren't you i stayed it's likely he'll return to the last place he was seen a little farther from the city is what i was going to say but what do you base that on isn't it most likely that he's gone on to his next appointment he does not keep a schedule no perhaps i can be useful as an organizer then i'm good with figures times precision is my specialty ah you made it good to see you again glad you are here oh sorry uh it's uh been a long day we were working because we know that god pursues the sick more than the healthy think of it this way are there any uh sheep herders in the crowd ayah ah welcome we are honored you are here i have a very warm place in my heart for shepherds who is standing your flock now my brother we're taking turns how many sh 100 teacher say one of them goes astray what'd you do i'd go look for it of course of course but what about the other 99 i'd have to leave them behind i can't lose the one sheep hmm and if you find it i laid over my shoulders and bring it home and i would probably do a little dance and what would you say to your friends who are worried for you rejoice with me i have found my lost sheep you see what he just said there he rejoices more for one sheep than over the 99 who never went astray so it is not the will of my father that one of these should perish in the same way i tell you there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents then over 99 righteous persons who need no repentance look at them i couldn't tell jew from samaritan the way they're listening did you see the woman in the little girl though i know simon did yeah i always get emotional you think you won't run then shalom hey you came through you made it of course he did thomas it's good to see you you too rabbi you remember rhema how could i forget so you'll be joining us also rabbi this is my father kathy oh yes the owner of the vineyard that produced such fine wine for my friends shalom very kind of you to say i imagine you want to speak with me yes if you have some time i would like to ask you some questions you wouldn't be a good father if you didn't here's what i'd like to propose if you approve we've both had very long days yes this establishment has rooms available for you so why don't we get some rest and tomorrow morning we talk about everything sound good i i i suppose we could it's a plan thank you we are delighted that you are with us now if you'll all excuse me for a moment i must go speak with a couple of men who performed a truly remarkable act of service today this escort you rabbi if you like we've arrived what happened i was just telling everybody the work that you boys did today how remarkable it was you must be famished yes um we were hungry eat restore your strength and when you're done please describe the work to the others i hope everyone takes note of what john and big james did here good night friends where are we going i don't know any more than you jesus gave them an errand and i said come with i don't get it either they describe moving stones and digging are they leaders now i don't know it didn't sound like much harder than fishing but i've never performed hard labor the list of things he might do is long first there's a leper colony to the west and they're begging him to come they're not allowed into the city so they have no way to hear him both jewish and samaritan purity lords for a big coming within four cubits of a leopard what distance do we have to keep from these samaritans we've been within four cubits of a leopard before andrew i'm just saying if he breaks the law it might cause a stir and for dinner we've been invited to the home of the town treasure and we have to juggle that invitation with another one to have dinner at the home of the high priest of sikar which could get messy huh why miss samaritan's beliefs are so at odds with jewish beliefs he might want to trap jesus in his word don't think he's afraid of being trapped by his words i'm just saying we could be somewhere else with people who actually want to listen to him and not argue if he convinces the rabbi of the town his message would be preached long after we leave this village let's leave it to the boss eh what do you think dinner the treasure or the high priest neither dinner with whom then you know there are a lot of people who want to talk to him yes but he wants to make dinner that's the errand that's the aaron yeah you guys are really enjoying this being in the gnome huh coming from you simon what does that mean he told us his plans so matthew distribute the money accordingly thaddeus buy bread enough for 12 13 13 people 11 unleavened rice sprouted spills assortment your choice 13. who are the others little james buy a leg of lamb including the knuckle and the fillet no no two two legs of lamb we only have andrew grapes currants cheddies if you can find them at this straight we will not have enough for start of this trip we didn't expect to find a bag of gold did we putting it to good use simon yes master three skins of wine done matthew black pepper chips salt olive oil this course will not make it to judea have faith matthew in him mary look for leeks garlic and onions okay what are you guys gonna do we are going to get out of the streets why scenarios biggest problem too many [Music] samaritans yeah three skins of wine please oh it's kinda red something with uh clothes i guess simon there you are i've been looking for all of you lucky for you we're all in this market what are you doing is he going to teach here it's shopping if you can believe it this man you told me everything you ever did yes we've heard them for ourselves because of his words we believe he is the anointed one you don't have to keep telling us watina no i only need three it's on the house anything for him thank you simon i need you delivered a message huh yes everyone yes but there is 10 of us please it was a busy morning i'll make you some portage what do you think he's doing i just need a few moments with him he said it was a short walk i'm sure he'll be here soon i have things to say you're lucky i even came all this way with you i could have just decided no i can't decide what thomas does he can make his own bad decisions but you i have things to say i know i'm very grateful porridge soon you will know every way to make it because that is what you eat when you don't have a job or live with your family gaffney good morning thank you for your patience i had a few people to meet before our important talk were you comfortable last night yes although i must say i didn't sleep very well um i know what it's like to be concerned about someone you feel responsible for but i am not the father i imagine all of this makes you nervous could we sure allow me to first say why i am here i want to thank you for whatever you did at the wedding you kept a reputation of my business and of my daughter and thomas from suffering remembers have insisted that you performed a miracle now i am an old man i need to leave for my journey and i do not have time to be unclear i believe this to be the edge of blasphemy and i am not in the habit of believing a man from now a man performed a miracle and i am not in the habit of giving my blessing for my daughter to leave our home but i am in your debt and that is why we are in this room with you now thank you for your honesty i cannot give you my belief or my devotion so i'm afraid my honesty is all i have left to give after giving up my daughter i understand i ask a lot of those who follow me but i ask little of those who do not i don't want to be rude but i have said all i want to say [Music] [Music] thomas one more moment [Music] i have long admired you for your hard work and you have done well in spite of the loss of your father but this is foolishness and i won't pretend it isn't i will see you next when you ask for my daughter's hand kufny i know i am not stupid you may be but i am not but when that day comes i don't know what i will say [Music] keep her safe [Music] hey this is some expert work my boys exceptional you should have seen this place weeds and branches piled everywhere we cleared and sowed it in a single afternoon so you've told us well done very well what are we doing here rabbi this is where we'll be dining tonight someone lives here you must be medic i am you're the teacher i'm jesus of nazareth these are my students i believe i owe you a debt of gratitude i would bow but uh as you can see it's john and big james here that put in the sweat are you on the field they do we thought it was for travelers okay so spit it out what's the catch catch you don't know me from adam you're a jew you come all the way from galilee to preach in town you send your students to work my land for tina told us you were in need she told me all about you so what do you want from me i don't have any money i can't make a donation to your ministry can't even feed my family that's what i want what i would love for you to share a meal with me and my friends yeah i'm really so very sorry but uh we don't have any food not even for ourselves we've got that covered please we would be honored the boat almost flipped then the myth strained so hard i thought my arms would come out of their sockets and james and john took the sweet time coming to help us yeah i had to call for help five times before you move so you followed him all the way into some area we did suggest the alternate route along the jordan you didn't think could be dangerous for you of course when i was a little girl my father told me the messiah would bring an end to pain and suffering if you are who people are saying you are when will you do that i'm here to preach the good news of the kingdom of heaven a kingdom that is not of this world a kingdom that is coming soon where yes sorrow and sighing will flee away i make a way for people to access that kingdom but in this world bones will still break hearts will still break but in the end the light will overcome darkness speaking of broken bones what's the story i fell off a horse i didn't see a pasture yet it wasn't mine ah a friend's horse that's always dangerous no not not exactly oh look you've already done so much for me that i didn't deserve come rebecca it's time for bed yes because nice to your new friends good night good night good night if you knew who i am you would never have helped me that's not true this is what we jews do we tell and listen to stories how stories connect us tell me your story we ran out of money and food my little rebecca i could see her ribs to her skin and hedwa her eyes turned gray it had been a drought so there was no work in town i had a friend in tiratana who was also in bad straights we travel south past the frame and lighten weights along the road from jerusalem to jericho we attacked a jew who was traveling alone pulled him down from his horse took all his money and all his clothes he fought back so deshawn knocked him down hit his head on a rock i thought he was probably dead the sean was to take the jews belongings and sell them the bond traders and anna dot i was to ride north and sell the horse at a roman outpost but i wasn't on for 10 minutes when she reared up through me broke my leg i had to i had to crawl on my elbows and forearms to the nearest town and beg for a ride back to cigar worse off than before so now you know what you've done the kind of man you've helped every day i think about that jew naked and alone on the road possibly dead i could be a murderer he didn't die somebody came along and helped him how do you know malik [Music] i know i promise you he did not die [Music] uh why me why did you come all the way out here isn't everyone in town falling at your feet the shepherd leaves the 99 on the mountain to search for the one that went astray what do you want believe my words return to synagogue search torah i never learned to read and listen to the word read aloud and let it affect your heart see what happens and then what tell others you know the crime i committed in cold blood you helped someone like me he would sleep on it we'll be in town for one more day yes i sleep we better go back into town before it gets too late yes we never know what sort of men may lay in weight along the side of the road huh too soon [Laughter] you taught him i think he already knew may i sleep with tonight my friend [Music] thank you for having me you're sure this is it i don't know this is the address i was given i'll be honest up front i only have five extra bedrooms and two of them are drafty they usually sleep on the ground i think they'll be fine are you sure this isn't a problem i'm dying anyways i don't need the house anymore where is jesus you have certainly lived things up around here you got me in a good mood just to fit in come in shall we all right one of the rooms is haunted by my dead grandmother oh i'll take that one do you know who he is he's not afraid of ghosts i might be [Music] really [Music] let's go him well what's so funny oh i just know of a family that's having an unexpectedly good morning oh melech what's happening you don't even have to be there to perform miracles don't sound so surprised john and one day you'll be given authority to do things i do even greater wait i'm sorry can you say that again so how did you sleep oh it's uh it took me a while i was a little scared by what neraya said about this room being haunted oh come on it's not haunted why didn't you correct him when he said it was i don't address everything at once with new converts big james well i'm ready for breakfast [Music] i'm thankful before you living and enduring king for you have mercifully restored my soul within me great is your faithfulness excuse me the invitation from the treasure stands and the priest the priest is a high risk only if he wants to fight over whose torah is better but a great reward if he believes don't forget the leper colony where are you going for a walk we haven't made our plans yet whatever the plans will be i'm sure it would be a long day and i need some time alone you need protection enough with the protection i'll be fine i won't be long but where can we find you seek and you will find these riddles you didn't sound like a riddle to me if you look for him we'll find him that's not what i heard oh yeah what'd you hear i heard you looked and couldn't find him you guys lost him for practically a whole day matthew said he goes where he wants when he wants yeah well we need to do better can you believe these guys they're taking the mod and suddenly they're running the show we just think we need some leadership okay security concerns aside we need a plan no matter what happens today the real question is where will we be after we leave here we'll get to that that's why james and i have outlined a plan for the next month beginning with a visit to the temple his first appearance there since performing public science a visit to the scribes at qumran two days preaching at ibran hold on he said we were excellent planners i'm pretty sure he said planters he applauded our execution we sent you to the farm to teach you a lesson and we made an impression let's vote on it sure okay all in favor of john and big james's plan i agree an agenda would be prudent i'm not voting me either why not new guy it doesn't matter what i think you should do or what do you think all opposed well i'm sorry you feel that way i for one am not okay losing him for long periods of time i'm not okay arguing about where we're going every day so don't argue [Music] hey where are you going to tell jesus our plan the group said to leave it alone they also said he gets to make his own decisions so let's let him why do you think he picked us to plant those fields i'm starting to wonder about that if i had known it was a samaritan's jesus was sorted out rabbi ah you couldn't wait could you we're sorry we just uh wanted to clean a few things up if that's okay by all means your jewish boys are far from home yes as a matter of fact we are shalom to you too here's our traditional jewish greeting for you don't lift the finger that was a warning try it again and see what happens quiet big james shalom to you too you filthy dogs i said quiet let us do something and what would that achieve defending your honor they reviled and humiliated you they deserve to have bolts of lightning right now and incinerate them yes fire from the heavens fire you said we could do things like that say the word and it will happen why not we knew we couldn't trust these people we shouldn't have come here in the first place they don't deserve you [Music] why do you think i had you work melek's field what was i trying to teach you to to help you think it was just to be more helpful or to be better farmers it was to show you that what we're doing here will last for generations what i told fotina at the well and what she then told so many others it's sowing seeds that will have a lasting impact for lifetimes can you not see what's happening here these people that you hate so much are believing in me without even seeing miracles it's the message the truth that we're giving them and you're going to get in the way of that because a few people from a region you don't like were mean to you that they're not worthy what you're so much better you're more worthy well let me tell you something you're not that's the whole point it's why i'm here i'm sorry i'm sorry as we gather others i need you to help show the way to be humble we will you wanted to use the power of god to bring down fire to burn these people up well it sounds a lot worse when you say it that way you too you're like a storm on the sea come on thunder exploding out of your chests at every turn in fact that's what i'm going to call you from now on james and john the sons of thunder is that a good thing or a bad thing today it was not good but strong passion can be a good thing when channeled for righteousness i just may have to delay giving you that authority we discussed earlier or in smaller doses until you two calm down a bit james john you look terrible what happened what happened is that james and john needed to be reminded we're here in samaria to plant seeds not to burn bridges master we've brought a guest i wanted to deliver an invitation to you personally rabbi this is gershon the priest of zika ah yes i've heard a lot about you and i've heard a lot about you you have blessed this village beyond our deserving the pleasure is ours to be here but we cut word today it might be your last dance car world travels fast indeed rabbi indeed what to do is the great honor of giving a riddance from the scroll of moses in our humble synagogue of course [Music] vaquira and he called vamidbar in the desert endeavour words i believe you to make your selection in private thank you uh yes rabbi can you send in my disciple john please of course the five books of moses and no more they're missing out on so much yes but we have to start somewhere what do you think i should read maybe moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it or balaam hitting his donkey when he was mad don't torment me how about when moses broke the tablets jonathan storming away from the dinner table samson's striking down the men of ashkeron oh wait they don't have those i get it i get it i really am open to suggestions for the reading i couldn't after today after yesterday i do not feel very much worthy who's worthy of anything you but no man apparently i'm a man john and yet i am who i am have you made your selection rabbi rabbi almost sorry almost they're getting restless out there so do you have a favorite passage from the first five um do you i don't know i like them all you don't say i suppose i love the beginning i love how god simply spoke and and the world came into being yes as david wrote by the word of the lord the heavens were made you know the greeks use word to describe divine reason what gives the world form and meaning i like that and it is a favorite memory [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a reading from the first scroll of moses in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth in the beginning was the word and the earth was void and without form and the word was with god and the darkness covered the face of the deep and the word was god then god said let there be light and there was light he was in the beginnings with god all things were made through him and without him was not anything made that was made [Music] in him was life and the life was the light of men the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it [Music] so [Music] so what do we think i hope you uh hope you appreciated that little glimpse into kind of our version on what john might have done how maybe the book of john could have been inspired you know if you noticed the beginning of the episode we had a few what we call easter eggs easter eggs are little bits and shows or movies that you don't maybe pick up on right away but if you pay close attention you might notice and early on i was watching the chat at the beginning and people were saying is this right after jesus died or well that must be luke or that must be jesus brother james or whatever and then when people started to realize it was john and he was working on his gospel and when mother mary called him my son and john called her his mother referring of course to that moment at the cross when jesus said you are a son this is your mother and mother this is your son and uh hope you also noticed mother mary saying uh that little bit that's at the end of the book of john that john said oh a disclaimer i like that so little things like that that we try to just put in there to bring a little life a little more just a little extra to the experience that we have of scripture but of course the ultimate goal is to get you back to scripture to check it out and even if you're not a believer just to see more insight and to read a little bit more about the historical and spiritual context of these stories so i hope you hope you appreciated that um so i'll let you go here in just a few moments but something that's really important because i'm seeing a lot of these questions in the chat and i was planning on talking about it anyway and this is our release strategy so what comes next where's episode two thanks for episode one but now i gonna watch the next one so first of all tonight in the app in the chosen app episode one will be there i don't know if it's there this moment um it might be there as soon as this live stream is over but episode one is in the app so if you missed the beginning of the episode of course you can watch the full episode in the app and of course also you can watch this live stream from the beginning so you just rewind it all the way to the beginning and watch it from the beginning that's the easiest way to watch this episode so if you were late don't worry it's still there and episode one in the app not on youtube not on facebook because we cannot subtitle live streams obviously because you know it's about someone would have to be standing there typing them while we're talking but in the app the app has already been subtitled in 19 languages and it has been dubbed in portuguese uh it will be dubbed in spanish very soon and uh will be dubbed in more languages eventually but uh as of as of right now as of tonight you will be able to dodge dub episode 1 no you will be able to watch episode 1 subtitled in 19 different languages so check them out when you get that opportunity uh so our release strategy episode two uh we are working on it right now and here is our strategy for the whole season we will get you each episode as soon as it's done so there's good news and bad news about that so the good news is we just finished filming a few weeks ago and we are already getting episodes out to you so we are working our butts off to get these out and we're not going to wait for some perfect date or every friday or whatever as soon as the episode is done we will release it and we will give you updates on how we're doing with it so right now i can tell you that episode 2 i've been told by my post-production supervisor should be done before the end of this week now that doesn't mean we'll be able to show it to you right away but sometime within a week we will be able to bring you episode two episode three will actually be finished shortly thereafter that so you probably won't have to wait a week for episode three we will probably show those episodes if not back to back quite close to each other so you won't have to wait a full week now episode four it's gonna be a little bit uh might be a month maybe a little bit less maybe a little bit more but we are working on episodes four five six seven and eight there are eight episodes in season two and uh we are working on them right now fast and furiously we will get them out to the moment they're done that's the beauty of doing this outside the system we do this show outside the system we're not uh we're not financed by some tv studio or by some uh big network or big streaming service all of our financing comes from you which means that we get to set all the rules so we don't have to follow some uh release plan or weekly release plan we'll get it to you as soon as it's done that's our promise to you and uh hopefully that means that you will then talk about it so instead of saying uh you know like for example when a show comes out every friday on thursday night it's not like a bunch of people are calling their friends saying hey did you know about tomorrow night the show's back on they already know hopefully you'll be the ones telling everyone oh my gosh oh my gosh i just found out episode 2 is coming out tomorrow night episode 3 is coming out tomorrow night watch it let's watch it together so hopefully you guys will talk about it and that'll be the way to get this show even more uh attention and dialogue and engagement on social media so anyway episode two is coming as soon as possible if it comes within the next five days i'll get it to you within the next five days all right so that's my promise to you so keep spreading the word about that uh but again speaking of before i let you go i just my phone is blowing up so i hope this is all good good things people telling me that they're happy with the show so i think so um so i'm gonna turn that off but because the show is free and because we are doing this outside the system because there isn't some studio or network or streaming service writing us a big check the only way that we're able to do these seasons is because of you so if you don't have the ability to pay it forward or if you don't have the ability to get gifts on our gift store in our gift factory that's fine just enjoy the free show i genuinely want you to enjoy the free show if you want to see future episodes and seasons if you want us to get going on uh season three by the fall then uh you can do your do do what you do what you want do what you feel led to do when it comes to paying it forward i want to make it clear we're not a non-profit we're not a church we're not any kind of ministry obviously some of the work that we do feels like ministry because so many people are being impacted by this show but we are not a non-profit we are a tv show and we have a cast and crew that we need to employ and sets that we have to build and in fact my family and i are moving to texas this summer because that's where the show is setting up shop we're going to be building our not only my long-term home but the show's long-term home in texas so a lot is going to be happening this year and we want to get season three to you within a year and that means we have to start shooting this fall so hopefully you will continue to spread the word about the show if you liked the show tonight please let people know please let them know to go to the app or they can watch this live stream here on youtube or on facebook or in the app and let's just keep this going let's keep building this thing and uh get it around in every country in the world uh today we we passed 100 million views the show has been viewed in some form 100 million times now of course some of you are going to say i'm responsible for 50 of those views so we know that that doesn't mean 100 million viewers but our goal is a billion people around the world that is our goal so game of thrones for example was eight season eight seasons over a billion people watched game of thrones and they spent around a billion dollars at least for those eight seasons we don't need nearly half that much we do want to reach a billion people but the goal is to generate 100 million dollars over the next five seasons uh for the for the for the budget of the next five seasons so that we can adequately produce this show in the way that it deserves and then also get it out to the world so a hundred million dollars for a billion people not a bad investment not a bad uh not not a bad ratio i i believe so join us in that in that goal just pray for that spread the word about that but that's our that's our big thing 100 million dollars for a billion people it sounds ridiculous doesn't it well this whole show sounded ridiculous 10 million dollars in season 1 from 19 000 people around the world based on a short film that i filmed on my friend's farm here in illinois was pretty ridiculous too but through god's impossible math it's got it's it's come to pass so you'll hear more about that about our vision for the next few years but you're such a huge part of that and i thank you for that and um it really means a lot that you're here tonight i hope you're going to join us for sit for episode 2 stay tuned you want to know when episode 2 is coming out you got to follow us on facebook and youtube make sure that you're aware because we will let you know believe me we will announce it uh and and on facebook and youtube and then turn your notifications on in the app if you do not have your notifications on in the app please do so and if you do not have the app now is the time if you're new to this live stream if you just joined us and you're saying what is this well you got to go back and watch season one and season one is in the chosen app so you go to wherever you get your apps on your phone you look up the shows and you download the chosen to your phone it takes less than a minute and then you can watch it my family and i just now were watching it on our big screen tv because we connected it to our fire stick fire stick roku apple tv chromecast all of those connect directly from your phone to you can connect directly from your phone to those devices and it looks fantastic so please join us in that i got this letter just the other day from a man by the name of jared campbell us army retired and one of the things that he was really one of the things that he said was my name is jared campbell i currently reside in eugene oregon i'm married to my best friend we were both raised in church environments but before the chosen we were basically going through the motions it wasn't the lack of knowing that god existed but rather our lack of education understanding his word i must admit when my wife mentioned your tv series i had some hesitation mainly in part because i was looking for something that would inspire me to want to explore more about god i'm here to say the chosen has changed my life and for the better i feel something has awakened in me and now i have started my own blog where i'm trying to get god's word out to those in need the chosen has inspired me to research the bible on my own and i've realized as christians we are called to do so much more and then he talks about more about his his experience and he says nicodemus's words referring to season one ring out in my mind constantly and they ring true even today we are all students and yes our understanding is never complete this is so spot on because our stories are always being written and our knowledge never ceases fire i never knew nicodemus even existed until i watched the chosen for the first time see this is all okay for now it's clear this is all okay for now it's clear what my new mission is i'll only not only thank god for my new path but path but also thank you for what you've done with the chosen dallas you've put together in my opinion an all-star cast did you love our cast you love our new cast do you love all the newcomers coming to this show i'm so proud of them and our crew did so much work to get this show to where it is uh represents the kind of authenticity that can't always be found the merchandise along with the books we don't say the term merchandise anymore we call use the term gifts at that's where you can get like this hoodie and other things and study guides uh the study guides you've done because we have a bible study guide that takes you deeper into season one into the stories of the gospels i've made our understanding of the scripture so much better what is being done on your end is amazing definitely you've been blessed by god we continue to help pay episodes forward to help those less fortunate experience this great message if you've had the chance to see this show around the world because someone has paid it forward for you hope you get a chance in the app you can give them just a thank you and all me all it says you know in the app i can like because i paid it forward for many people and i just look in the app and it'll say thank you notes and you can see the people that have thanked you for paying it forward um for years i was tortured by the spoils of war when i returned home from iraq i was a seasoned sinner and far from perfect so dallas if you were sharing this with the world my closing message is this it's never too late to receive debt redemption for our salvation and jesus because only you can hold yourself back from it not him did you catch that in the in the episode when jesus said to james and john you think you're so much better you're more worthy well let me tell you something you're not that's the whole point it's why i'm here i hope you appreciate it and the appreciated that in the episode thank you so much my heart is full tonight hope you enjoyed it hope we're living up to your expectations into the promise of season one there's more to come for the rest of the season stay tuned remember your job is not to feed the five thousand it's only to provide the loaves and fish god bless you good night you
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 2,676,127
Rating: 4.9727683 out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: 3m9fL8iJAoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 33sec (5913 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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