Hikaru CRUSHES, Magnus Not Impressed

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the st louis rapid and blitz this recap is gonna have everything it just ended the tournament did a couple of hours ago uh only reason i haven't been uploading more of it is because i moved everything i i was there my setup was there i moved it because today i finally got the fixable part of my um standing desk and now it functions and i yeah great but whatever you don't care about me this recap is gonna have so much awesome stuff i hope you're ready time stamps on the video player here we go including an amazing tweet from not just anybody but from el magnito magnus carlson himself okay here we go we're gonna kick things off with the final rapid game this is the ninth round of rabbit it happened a couple of days ago and it's hikarana kimura versus fabiano caruana it's a real lopez great a6 bishop a4 main line bishop to c5 now bishop c5 in rui lopez's is known as the archangels it's one of the coolest names in chess c3 challenges the bishop with either b4 or much more commonly d4 black plays b5 kicking on the bishop and now d5 now this just looks kind of aggressive um and it looks like you know white can open up the position and this really benefits white because white's king is out of the center and black's king is in the center and if you're gonna open the center probably the person whose kings is still in the center is going to have some problems but there are ways for black to go about this d takes e4 d takes e5 and now the queens are gone and once the queens are gone the dynamic of the game kind of changes because after pawn takes knight pawn takes knight and then a couple moves later you know hikaru rounds up that this pawn without damaging his own structure by pinning it right bishop d7 and he's got some pressure here um this is a very interesting position like everything changes now we're not talking checkmate although we're always talking checkmate like let's be honest look at this move this is a very interesting move and there's an interesting story to this move and this game and you're about to find out because you're watching this video aren't you happy you clicked on it i have more energy at 9 30 after lifting lifting heavy stuff the entire day paul takes you to why did hikaru not take back now fabiano's got wait hikaru's not taking the pawn at all this knight just dances into the middle of the board applying more pressure so the bishop has to take it now the pawn takes we're gonna get this pawn we'll get this pawn look i prom look look look we got the pawn you happy and there's no problems on the g file that's the only reason that hikaru was delaying taking there could be problems but the bishop just blocks and you know lunas x has the horses in the back but hikaru's got the bishops in the back so like i don't know which one is better because in this case these bishops are like really really strong so fabiano plays knight back to e7 his idea is that he's trying to go here and then he's gonna try to put something on d5 like he's probably going to try to put his knight on d5 if he's unpinning his king so hikaru just says let's go let's open up the board i'm down a pawn but it doesn't matter because i've got the bishops and i've got the rooks and you're under a lot of pressure fabiano plays king b7 now hikaru plays rook c5 that's a very interesting move adding a layer of defense to the pawn and the only reason fabiano uh delayed this move c takes d5 is that after bishop d5 the position actually is very dangerous the whole point of putting the rook on c5 was to enable this capture that is why you would do that and now you laser beam that rook black is in serious trouble black basically has to tie his shoes together to survive and let me tell you something if your options are not survive or tie shoes together to survive most likely you will end up over here but it will take a little bit longer like your shoes are tied together and then maybe you can like sit there for a little bit you're gonna have to go like get some food you'll probably trip over fall in your face okay i'm gonna stop reminiscing about my time getting bullied in like second grade bishop c6 fabiano's gonna get bullied though in this game take stakes takes takes and hikaru has now transformed the position from pressure in the opening to pressure in the end game right so even though he's still upon down activity is everything in the end game don't get it twisted material counts for a lot like you can't be like well gotham said in his video that i can be down a rook seven seven pawns two goats and one cow and three pop-tarts on a chessboard but i'm still okay because i have activity no no he carries down one pawn and it's a double death pun it's a difference and now he plays rook d7 and he's got this but he's also got rook d6 coming back like fabiano can't activate his rook because his knight is stuck so he he's got to move his knight but he can't he can't move his knight because rook f7 he just can't move he can't move his knight can't move can't move anything now now king f1 now the rook can't get in at all now bishop e3 and now i'm gonna go for your weaknesses so if you play this move king to b5 which looks like you would like to play it i can paralyze you forever now you're like really paralyzed this is very bad and he does it after king d5 plays rook a8 and um he just very slowly just sucks the life out of fabiano's position like fabiano can't move any pieces now he takes a pawn now fabiano's like i can activate my horse but hikaru just gets another pawn sure you activated your horse but you lost two pawns doing it and you still have all the problems of your pawn structure and now and only now do i take i go from a pawn down to a pawn up but it's more it's more than a pawn up because you you have this stupid stuff it's more like two pawns up i have a and b and that's that's it fabiano over signs now i told you there was going to be interesting lore to this game right i told you this is going to be a good recap well they all are but this one's going to be great because you're great so um hikaru said he prepared this line in 2019 at the isle of man tournament the winner of which qualified for the candidates it was wang hao but hikaru said that he had prepared against this game against fabiano and fabiano did not play knight c6 he played the petrov in that game and they drew and hikaru said that if he got to use that prep in this game in 2019 and win in the same way that he did there's a chance he qualified for the candidates he did not qualify for the candidates because he drew fabiano so he became a streamer isn't that interesting fascinating stuff now we're going to take a look at some more games shark we are mummies yara versus fabiano caruana here we go d4 now we're in the blitz so we're going to have a lot of like really fun blitz games uh openings are going to be bad the players make a lot of blunders we have a rogozin queen's gambit decline very aggressive bishop g5 let me get rid of that and play queen a4 check the point of queen a4 check is that you have to play this move knight c6 and it's not really that you're winning any materials just this knight is kind of dumb so now the players just develop as if nothing happened cd585 okay pawn structure has been determined what now castles self-explanatory well i mean if we're going to undevelop everything all right queen d1 knight b8 knight b1 let's get that rook back there no no the point of bishop f8 you got nowhere convenient to put the bishop here it's kind of in the way of everybody and on d6 there's knight d5 so it's very common actually you go here and you sort of let it rock and um in this game well there's a lot of weird shuffling there's super gm's just like what is rook b8 rook b8 rook b8 make a move that makes no sense you watch guess the elo knight a4 bishop d6 oh now the bishop is back now the knight transfers to c5 if one guy is making moves that look logical that guy's name is chakra or mommy diara but you know i digress knight e7 this is very common uh in these structures the knight here just doesn't do too much so you move the knight to f5 often to d6 and even to e4 but at least you move it over there and you play c6 and uh g5 is exotic that's a very exotic move g5 g4 i would think the rules are reversed i would think the chakra is doing this to someone but now that g5 happens he's like oh you want to go g4 yeah no no we we can't we can't have that you can't play g4 so knight to f5 bishop g4 that's interesting bishop g4 so i guess if knight comes here is he gonna take and then bring his queen out that's very interesting so king g7 h what is this aren't you gonna go like rook h8 in h5 yeah that's what he's doing queen f3 now c6 has promised knight knight to b3 bishop c7 and now shock is like remember when you thought you were attacking me i don't think so all right you're playing touch butt with that dork in the park i don't know why mommy giarov is now nate diaz at the first conor mcgregor fight or the second one anyway if you don't understand the reference just i'm in a good mood all right i'm gonna be goofy tonight today maybe it's the morning i don't we're gonna have fun and we're gonna look at chess de4 knight e4 now the queen's under attack where are you moving it well you got to keep the knight defended because my queen and my bishop see it but dude i'm telling you who is attacking who like now okay go ahead and play h5 you won't play h5 so bad so do it okay check not all checks are created equal queen c3 you gotta play f6 if you don't play f6 if you go back my knight jumps in so you gotta go f6 yeah but now i take because otherwise my bishop was endangered you take uh oh danger levels that's a problem you're gonna take my knight okay i'm gonna take your bishop you gotta move your rook uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh knight e6 knight d7 knight b7 and i have pressure on this so i could take anything bishop d5 rook d1 that is a very creative move that is called tactical defense of what well c7 c7 was hanging that this defends it how because rook c7 you want to go knight e6 you can't this bishop so you take it tactical that's what that's called let's back up queen f7 [Laughter] you want my pawn i'm going to take on g5 you're not going to be able to sleep at night okay so g4 so f5 what is chakra are doing now i can take no you can't here here green jittery and here's the problem who protects this your queen yeah that's really nice good job protecting your pawn bozo very nice you defended one and lost five do the math so rookie seven and now shark is so patient he doesn't even take on g4 he had a slightly better move but it's bliss he could have gone knight e6 this would have been the knockout punch he goes rookie one now computer here shows that after rookie eight black is apparently okay but the players are really low on time black's been suffering for a long time he's borderline you know fulfilled his duties as a buddhist check here and it looks like he's finally out of danger finally he's so close he plays queen to h5 trying to get i got so excited i spit on the screen knight d7 king f7 and here mamijarov played a move that was so dirty so savage so disgusting he played oh my goodness look at that move he sacks a queen to lure the king over the the eight and now he forks and the computer here tries to show some way that black can hold it but it's meaningless i don't even once you get hit with queen eight like it's over it doesn't even it he just brought his king and his knight and fabiano resigned because this is a losing end game you played g4 you win the other bonds i mean i don't even wanna yeah once again uh instant replay uh king f7 queen e8 gross poor fabiano he's two games here okay wesley saw versus jeffrey shang d4 we have a slav defense with knight f3 knight f6 e3 bishop f5 this is known as the sloslav the one that's driving this i don't even i don't even know how to say it knight c3 e6 solid knight h4 very common now the rest of this game is going to look very strong the rest of the opening is going to look very strange basically white wants the bishop and white wants to castle queen side okay so all those things are going to happen watch see queenside castle and you need to take the bishop because it would have patrolled your king and you're okay with this because even though it's a little bit weird the the enemy pieces can't really come forward any five is just a bit too weakening e5 is possible but it weakens d5 too much and now it's all about whether or not white can actually get going and black will obviously castle short or not castle at all uh but you're not really interested in what that looks like an over-the-board mouse slip but it's actually not i think jeffrey straight up thought that his king would be safer on f8 uh sam shanklin castled against wesley so i think in an online event and he got hit with g4 h4 h5 uh and it it was very painful uh wesley so did some nasty things um and uh yeah it um king f8 is what jeffrey did so rook c1 rook b8 knight e2 and it looks like he just blundered upon it looks like rook h2 just a pawn blunder but when your opponent strikes you on the side of the board do you know what you're supposed to do do you know what what you do you don't call security police no you strike back in the center uh sorry he took first now e4 this is very important because often times when the opponent is distracted on the flanks you go straight down the middle with your with your army you can often dominate both sides of the boards the way the board works you're on the right side you only see the left side on the left side you don't see the right side in the center you see both sides wise d-e f-e rook d-a wait what about the jeffrey jeffrey what about the come on jeffrey you can do it rook c8 pave the way put your back into it up oh no oh this is this this is very scary looking now here jeffrey had the absolutely ludicrous queen h5 and this just shows you the power of the queen it sees the bishop on the other side of the board and it threatens mate not quite because the rook can come back but if bishop takes d8 like for example bishop d8 there is check here check and then you win the other bishop queens are ridiculous which is why it's better to just trade them on move three especially if you don't want to get checkmated so rook comes back to c1 jeffrey doesn't see queen h5 queen goes to d4 and now just like the other game you saw the first rapid game we have two best pawns here that's pretty cool rook d7 queen b8 check 98 bishop b5 now if you move the rook anywhere it's mate you move the rook there it gets taken so you can't do that so queen takes e4 check queen trade no i'm gonna go all the way back you know why because your own pieces are suffocating your king queen h8 look at that right triangle look at that right triangle i got a c in geometry worst subject i ever had in school not very good at shapes king e7 bishop b4 knight d6 all right the king is safe right what if rook takes d6 queen eight is mate now if king takes d6 say a prayer to whatever whatever god it is you believe in because this is about to get very ugly rook d1 check king c5 that's just the hanging uh rook at the end by the way there's nothing there bishop b2 check king b1 and jeffrey's like yo man you could have all my pieces i'm going for perpetual check there is no perpetual check and this king is surrounded by the hooligans and uh resigns resigns wesley wins a very nice game very explosive game he's been crushing with this slow slav and you just can't let wesley get to this position i mean he is too dynamic as a player he understands the right moment to sack a little bit of material to go straight down the middle um yeah great game from wesley and the next game that i'd like to show you is the game between me mommy jarv is like involved in he's like the ufc fighter that wins or loses he gets the fight of the night bonus i mean he gets concussions and takes years of his off his life but he makes 50 grand so you know all is forgiven and pay structure is not really debated anymore now richard rapport had a great tournament report had a super tournament if you don't know who richard report is it's because he hasn't participated in a lot of the online events but he's really strong he's like top 10 top 15 in classical in the world maybe even higher really good at rapid and blitz so um i like to look at him for opening advice sometimes he uh he plays some very interesting stuff so he and mommy jarv go for kind of a king's indian uh fusion setup where white really doesn't play e4 for a long time like normally white has played e4 uh here mamijar have hit him with a little sneak attack thought maybe that report will blunder it he didn't blunder it so now you gotta go h4 i mean you got a rook and an and and a king on the other side so if you get rid of the h pawns obviously you're going to deliver checkmate but rapport just physically imposes a blockade of the move h5 now you can't go g4 that would be really nice for white so since you can't go g4 you go for the next best thing which is e4 and now the center locks uh sorry miss click um f5 is an idea oftentimes played in the king's indian and g4 is what white wants to play the problem is that if white for example after a5 were to play a move like rook g1 basically telegraphing this move black would play either f5 or this you can't play g4 you play knight h2 okay it's very clear you want to play g4 and to be honest uh it's actually not the world's worst idea now black would probably play h5 but this actually is a pretty reasonable plan um in fact the computer really likes this oh look at me maybe i should have played in this tournament i'm just kidding i wouldn't insult the players like that knight a6 knight c5 now now this is really starting to look like a vintage king's indian uh and at some point mommy jarvis is going to castle he does not set up for the next game uh he's trying to create a pawn attack but he needs to kick out the bishop kicks out the knight defends the pawn and now plays long castle and here white has everything this is the dream position white has figured out uh a setup an armada of pieces over here and he is ready to play f4 and g4 so obviously report needs to address the problems near his king and do something about them by playing the move rook to a5 look he saw rook a5 and he kind of liked it it's not a very good move g4 and reports like yo take my knight you want just go ahead well chuck's like well all right i mean it's a free pawn i'll do it but now the bishop opens up now black also always has some a3 on the cards you never know what's gonna happen b5 it's now plus four okay yes very good c takes b5 um if you take like this which is obviously the idea this is very bad just because you can take it doesn't mean you should uh because after rook b5 it goes from plus five to minus one your internet didn't lag i'm just dramatic effect that's bad you shouldn't make moves that throw the evil by six points i know you do i know i know i know i know you're capable of anything because you're great but the for these guys they're not capable of that stuff bishop e3 look what look what's going on here i mean like this is kind of scary so when miyarev plays this move e5 this is a really interesting move if you play queen takes e5 then after f4 you need to go back and then i'm going to run you over so this is bad this is bait e5 is bait so he takes on f3 instead okay mamijarov continues the assault with h5 feral but experienced um from sherlock holmes and he takes and now his position like is just it's right there i mean it's right there he's got the bishop and the queen lined up he plays a very good move top engine move king b1 getting out of the way of the diagonal report plays rook b8 now to his credit report's position does look pretty scary and if you have like five seconds to make a move here there is a chance you do something a little bit dumb but mamijarov continues chugging away he removes the knight from action dc5 um and plays the move bishop e4 now the queen hangs around the queen's like borderline trapped i mean literally rook g1 and d6 is plus eight just throwing the pawn down further down the board rook oh sorry jumped ahead rook takes h6 is uh yeah we're just gonna go past that it's really late and i want to edit that out listen uh you you didn't see you saw nothing you don't even watch the video right you're watching in another tab i know i know you rook h6 the game is like almost over even though you kind of just saw what happens a3 the position is plus 10 it is plus 10 it is officially officially a guess the elo game rook takes g6 it's like plus seven bishop d3 check and folks let me say something queen takes bishop rook takes b2 mummy drf has to choose between two moves do you go toward the middle do you go toward the corner 50 50 shot pause here decide you chose wrong king a1 that's incorrect king c1 is safe because then you can block any diagonal check with your rook the problem with king a1 the problem with king a1 is queen f2 and there is a combination of a few threads but rook a2 knight a2 queen replaces the rook with mate but report played queen e5 and now it's plus 15 again it's plus 15 because there's no threat the queen's not actually threatening to go to b2 so now you got to play d6 which he plays it is now plus 17 plus 40 or made in like 14. oh no it's now mate in 19. made 19 mating 14 mate and 10. okay great wonderful c6 and king of cheat now play queen f7 i know it's -10 we went from mate in 14 moves to -10 because now rook b1 rook b1 make a move that makes no sense three pieces can take that you can't take that with the knight because it's illegal all of them lose king takes b1 rook b5 folks he sacked two rooks when you do it it's a double root blunder when he does it he's richard report anything you could take it's mate you can move your king it's mate here check here and rugby one rugby one make a move them i oh my goodness if you don't know what i'm talking about by the way if if you don't un if you're like this idiot is just singing rook b1 why does he have a song about rook b1 guess the e-loads it gets the elo highlight from a previous episode after this is done watch the next two games and then go to youtube and type in rook b1 gotham or something like that probably if you just type in rugby one there's a video great video 350 000 views shout out to that small creator who uh made some anyway whatever um wonderful so uh that brings me um to my uh no actually this is not my final game this game is an interlude this is an interlude this is a 170 move game i'm not going to show you the whole game because you would lose your attention and i would lose my attention so it was a sicilian defense uh it was a timeon of sicilian with the four knights and it was actually a very complicated game i'm just going to keep clicking the forward arrow and narrating basically black was up upon from the opening but white had the bishop pair and very quickly won the pawn back upon the trade of queens there was a bishop pair versus bishop knight game and because black's position is a little bit blocked because all the pawns are on light squares and so as the bishop fabiano was able to develop some sort of initiative by removing his weakness of the double pawns taking control of the open file and making mamijara fight kind of on the back foot while mamijarov spent time moving his king out and stabilizing his position uh fabiano took over the initiative and again removed his weakness of the sea pawn but mamiyarov stuck around with d3 and knight on c5 and got a very playable position by using his pawns so now the initiative for white is still very strong but the position is quite unclear the c3 pawn's a little bit weak but the pawns are very strong in the center of the board here comes g4 now fabiano is completely winning but there is rook g8 it's a very tricky move trying to utilize the recently weakened white king but the king goes to f2 now we're at safety now the king goes to e3 why are both kings trying to meet in the center of the board was this some vienna convention look at this king f4 is that even where that's where that convention happened i don't know i don't know this game um by the way it's only been like 30-something moves so we're gonna kind of hit the forward button um yeah so the reason this game was 170 moves is because it was an end game of minor pieces knight and bishop versus two bishops with two pawns versus one pawn so basically a couple of things apply for why a game would last this long um number one the 50 move rule which is when there's no trades and no pawn advancement in 50 turns uh that can happen and that kind of did happen because a king just marched all over the both kings were i mean this game is an acid trip it's the chess equivalent of an acid trip um fabiano this is move 67 they play a hundred more moves basically black is up a pawn and what black is gonna try to do in this end game is promote the pawn and white will need to sacrifice material for that pawn probably the bishop because if you sack your rook you're going to lose because you're down a rook but after that happens the rook and bishop versus rook end game is going to arise and that is a draw i mean unless you lose it but it's it's a draw uh now that is kind of what is fabiano is uh trying to survive here because midarov is trying to promote his pawn um but uh yeah the pawn's not moving anywhere because of the dark squared blockade the bishop and the rook combine to block the pawn completely and now we are just going for the 50 move rule uh and uh if if fabiano basically just collapses in his chair from exhaustion there is a chance that he makes a blunder um but that never happens and the pawn cannot go forward and oh my god i have to keep clicking for another like 20 seconds and um [Music] yeah they drew and that takes me to my final game hikaru nakamura versus lewang liam okay we're going to finish this game the recap is going to be about 30 minutes and i'm going to tell you why uh why this video is called what it's called d4 knight f6 and we have a nimso indian queen c2 main line from hikaru d5 takes stakes bishop g5 h6 and this and liam says this is like the second to last round i'm really tired i don't want to play anymore g5 let's have some fun this is a very good line looks kind of like a ragosa and the bishop on b4 pins the knight to the king in many lines then you play knight to e4 this is very common and not just g5 you gotta go h5 who cares if children are watching i mean you got to go here and try to trap the bishop so f3 i know ben feingold says never play it but hikaru si car even gotta listen to that bishop is gonna come back here so queen e7 what are those yeah and he's like so you can't go g4 you can't put anything here how is yeah the computer is saying that black is better but so what the computer doesn't know anything about chess a3 knight h592 like the king is just amongst the people the king safe who's ever getting to the king castles rookie one f5 liam is like dude i can't believe this bozo just put his king on d2 like i gotta play a five i gotta play aggressive i gotta i gotta do stuff and then he's like what do i even do i can't i have no useful pawn move i mean b5 just weakens my knight f4 g4 no that works my king's there why would i open my king so queen g7 knight e7 and remember a couple of times during this uh recap that there was a certain move that gets played when a person wants to create an attack wesley so played it mummy's yard played it that move folks is e4 and hikaru goes for it and now there's going to be pandemonium because after takes takes the position is opening up and only one man is going to be happy when all of this happens and it's the guy playing with the white pieces because this king is actually weaker than the white king the white king is actually pretty safe but it's still very complicated knight jumps into f4 to do some damage d5 knight takes the bishop rook takes on e6 rookie 6 de6 and now a very nice idea queen h7 and black is better liam has outmaneuvered hikaru here the knight is very well positioned in white's territory king a1 gets off that diagonal queen f5 mobilizes queen b3 now the knight and the queen are kind of obsolete because there's no king and queen are not really in any danger rook to e8 now e7 check the queen checks the king look at look at that move oh god if you take queen f7 hello hello in chess resourcefulness is everything and blitz chess is when the brilliancy and the resourcefulness comes out knight e4 right on q and knight takes g5 another move that looks impossible and if queen g5 you take the knight so king here knight back to f3 and let it be known that this knight made it all the way back to b1 to defend the king now this is parrot this is pinned queen f7 is lurking queen g8 is lurking queen b7 is lurking to take the rook this is here we need four bishop back to c3 white is very safe you know who wins in a position of low time and a very weakened king the guy with the very weakened king knight c5 queen f7 from zero zero zero two plus four for white with looming threats on this queen f8 and hikaru just gives a check and there's nothing that black can do look at this that's the problem with the weak king boom this degree of resourcefulness tactical acuity i think that's the right word led to hikaru winning the saint louis rapid and blitz without losing a single game in 27 games against some of the best players in the world this is hikaru's first over-the-board tournament in a while in a while since 2019 i believe unless he played very early in 2020 um these are your final standings hikaru wins with the collective score of 24 three points ahead of fabiano and nearly five i had a report who by the way had an amazing tournament um and uh those are your final standings and the reason it's called professional streamer is because i mean the guy's been streaming none of these guys have been streaming that's like it's actually unbelievably impressive what he did it was very very well done he should be commended and that first story about the candidates um and you know the prep and everything that was pretty wild uh and now folks i will end by showing you this i will end by showing you this magnus carlsen tweeted congrats to world number two rated player in rapid and blitz hicarro for winning the st louis rapid and blitz ah magnus carlson two in the morning in norway he pulls out the android boots up the twitter app and tells cecaro that he is the second rated player in the world in rapid and blitz now there is shade in this why because before the tournament hikaru actually was the number one rated player in the world in blitz by like 10 points but because of the games against these players he actually now was the second highest rated player in blitz so he fell a little bit despite winning the tournament but he is the second highest rated player in the world in rapid so it's magnus cicaro magnusicarro across blitz and rapid magnus magnus magnus folks i hope you enjoyed the recap i hope the energy was high i appreciate you making it this far in the video i will see you in the next one i'm gonna go get some rest and get myself a waffle with some fruit on it and some ice cream good night
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 394,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, gmhikaru, hikaru, hikaru nakamura, hikaru nakamura vs magnus carlsen, saint louis chess, saint louis rapid and blitz, st louis rapid and blitz, grand chess tour, kasparovchess, grand chess tour 2021, gct saint louis, gct 2021, st louis rapid and blitz 2021, st louis chess, st louis chess club, rapid chess, saint louis chess club
Id: T_nFa8A-Oq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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