The Perfect Titled Tuesday Doesn't Exis—

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what's up oh are you coming to  take a picture of me okay sure okay what conference oh thanks yeah yeah  it's it's something it's not a big deal   yeah that's this will be in the  article later okay awesome uh yeah there's someone in here  taking pictures you guys   slender yeah just be careful the  camera that's all that's fine so i'm gonna play e4 no i'm  gonna play knight f3 against him i think arena kiss one a for the prime thing so  much let's go here play more of the same standard   stuff okay i'm gonna go here i'm gonna do a little  bit differently than i did against etn backrot   earlier so we're going to keep it a little bit  change it up a little bit here i'm gonna go here   actually no i'm not gonna change it up let's do  the same thing actually why did i do this it's not   okay he's kind of not taking advantage what i did  was not right let's go here f4 bishop e1 of course he'll probably play knight d7 okay  it goes for eight so i got four   i think i'm supposed to go bishop  e1 and bishop h4 here that that was   basically in the other game i had the  bishop on b2 which is why it was so bad   because it was on a closed diagonal whereas here  my bishop gets much better scope let's go here maybe queen f3 is a good move  queen out three queen h3 is   an idea again my bishop on h4 is  much better than on b2 excuse me what is this what is this okay i think it was just losing um yeah not not very good thank you  to penguin marine for the prime things   which penguin marine appreciate  yeah this is not not not good there are a lot of us that live in west la that  just want to drive hikaru around you haven't been   out man you haven't been out i mean i'm in la i  don't i mean when i'm not streaming you'll see me   you'll see me at costco you'll see you'll see  me you'll see me at gyms you'll see me at places   did i change my trading positions according  to uh afghanistan i i haven't been following   it that close i just think the whole thing is a  mess and i said it yesterday i'll say it again   like i think i i don't think it's a democrat  republican issue i think all the administrators   have done a very very bad job of um of dealing  with it that's all that i'm gonna say i think   they've all done a terrible job okay i mean i'm  just completely winning here let's go rook d one yeah i mean it's just serious that's just my  attitude you guys i i don't care which party   you support i think both parties both all the  administrations have just done a terrible job   okay i can play f5 here i mean i'm basically  winning i just don't i guess he wants   he wants f5 here but you know in a way i  don't even care i'm just gonna go b-flat b4 do i have a car yes if you live in l.a you don't  have a car you guys it's pretty hard although   to be fair i i've actually heard that almost  all streamers in la don't even have licenses   they don't know how to drive so to be fair i mean  oh wait wait wait i got to be careful not to throw   the game here well i'm too busy talking so let's  just go here on ip4 but yeah i've actually heard   that like most streamers who live in la they  don't even have a license which is pretty insane why would you need a license when  you never leave the house very funny   um you're from a different generation kids  these days don't want to learn how to drive   okay of course i'm not going to hand check me  he's going to take i'm just going to go like   i mean everything wins here but i'll go rook off  hit the pawn and f5 i mean this is all just over i just mean how are you supposed to get  around if you if you can't if you can't   drive on the on the 405 like i mean that  that's more my point okay let's just take   the pawn hit the bishop queen of seven this is  all just completely winning very very shortly i think the lulu philly one for  the five months thank you so much we have this little thing in the here in  the eu called public transport yes but as   as you guys might not realize america is a very  big country there are there's a lot of open space   you're not crammed in crammed in as much  uh as you can be in places like you know in   certain cities in certain countries in europe  so like it's quite a bit different let's take they get a penguin marine for the prime  data ironically think of crisp blinds   for the prime mmp brian okay here we  go next game coming up round round   seven okay we're gonna play twelve teams  somehow it's 2930s rating looks awfully high   that's really high 29 30. it seems i  maybe gained a lot of points somewhere i'm gonna play something slow what  can i play as complicated and slow what can i do slow don't have a good  slow okay whatever i'll just do it let's look at d5 takes really don't want to take but i  will i'm going to castle rookie 8. maybe i'll play knight e4 it's an  interesting idea maybe not best though   let's just go queen e7 keep it very simple  simple and slow i guess 94 94 again is   really begging to be played i'm going  to do it now let's see what he does   because now he takes the bishop i take i didn't  do it before so he could take and go knight c4 good good uh good pull you guys good pull we all  know what i said and it's whatever is winning it goes knight f3 okay that's not a big surprise  um i kind of want to find a way to attack queen e6   is not best but i'm gonna do it i'm gonna try to  create some kind of weird attack on the king side trying to create some attack on the king's side  here i don't know if it makes sense but i'm trying i think you know mike the what  for the 27 months thank you so   much to mike the wob appreciate it thank you okay let's see what he's gonna do he's gonna  trade is he gonna do something else i mean   queen g6 and queen h6 both  make a lot of sense here he's really deep in the tank as  well really really deep in the tank   then you know mickey for the sixth thank you to uh  moose manny for the two k mirrors gum for the 13   nina rodrigo sandblade for the prime doctor  cobalt with a prime and call me jose with   the prime as well thank you so much you  guys he's really thinking here what is he   thinking about is he looking for a tactic  or is he just what is he trying to find really really thinking here it's 94 i mean i assume i go queen h6 i'm  really trying to sack here i don't know   if it makes sense but i'm trying i also  queen e5 there me which was also a move okay takes on e4 logical still  can take with a pawn maybe   i think i definitely take the pawn i'm  definitely looking at bishop h3 here see what he does i'm trying to calculate the line  in my head while he's thinking here   so i have the line in my head oh goes 92  wow this must be wait this looks insane wait   take six takes knight g3 cakes takes yeah  okay this this has to be a winning wait so   let's back it up so takes takes takes  threaten me so he he blocks takes takes lift no this must be winning okay so he goes knight g3 so basically  he's blundered and now now it's just   time to mop it up that's all that i have  to do is just clean the board up just take let's go back and now queen h6  and now now it should just be   i should be very happy here i  should just be winning in fact he finds queen h5 which is actually a very  good move and i kind of forgot it existed   but again i should be winning he gets some counter play  there you guys like rook d1 if i get bishop f7 i should be winning one queen g5 is obviously a  move i don't really love it i think i'm just gonna do this okay now queen d  now now this must be winning now i consolidate   my position or do i he still has tricks  like ricoc i shouldn't have let that happen   there's a slight mistake by me six six ph5 i think it wins i don't think trade trade is good yeah i think it works i mean he kind of has to go for the sack  here if he doesn't he just loses the game   oh he doesn't okay so he doesn't actually take  on s6 now i mean now it's just very simple   now everything wins i think just even this check let's go queen d3 hit the rook game game's over   get the dub move to seven out of  seven pretty good stuff can't complain   new jacket uh yeah they they gave these jacks  out to the players in the tournament so yeah christopher you i believe is it is a slob player  so i don't know if this is smart of me go play g3 place e6 okay so i'm going to castle queen c2 maybe knight c3 which one  do i want to play this will take pawn let's go here let's go here i guess i'll go work d1 rookie  one probably he'll play knight e4 at some point   okay play c6 which i actually  really don't think is   it's not in the spirit of the position i'll go  here let's go here consolidate the chain first   i'm gonna go b4 now normally with the bishop and  the pawns like this is not what you want is black   this b5 i kind of thought he might do that  but assume i know this is always a big   question is whose knight is better cause  we're both getting knights to c5 and c4 sing for a long time here i wonder is it does he  think you can play a5 let's play a5 interesting   don't i don't like a5 at  all i think it's a bad move   because now my knight gets in and if  you can't break with c5 it's not ideal that's bishop that's a move  that makes a lot of sense i can play a4 before knight b1 i'm gonna do  it i don't know if it's ripe i'm gonna do it   i also had knight b 192 maybe right  away but it's a very very complicated   position i pushed page three i think  i'm gonna go knight d2 though to trade   actually that was maybe very bad of  me oh that was actually really stupid   because now i gave him knight p6 it's maybe not  still probably playable but it's not what i wanted let's go here probably going  to reroute my bishop to   take i guess but i'm way up on the clock which  also matters here thank you jacob   for the seven months there's so much to jacob see what he's gonna play it's not my move right it's this move  yeah i've been playing really fast in   this event you know maybe i have i haven't  really been looking at my time usage but i guess he's seeing if he can take his rook at  eight which i mean i assume i kind of expected   that i just don't know why i used 20 years to  make that move can play rook b1 maybe okay he's   got a good knight on c4 so i have to dislodge  at e4 it's possible doesn't look right though   i'm gonna go here i think i'm  gonna look to play e4 if i can okay i think and i have e4 here that was my  idea maybe it's no good also knight c5 maybe can also go rook a2 very let's go here   probably i'm moving too fast in general in  this event it feels like i am but maybe i'm not   that's a surprising one although  he does a bishop c4 i guess let's go wait let's go here and bishop one i guess oh that's a blunder anyway or wait no i have a5  wait be very careful let's go here i am moving too   fast i'm definitely moving too fast i had 92 there  which i forgot to play because i gave him queen c4 stupid oh wait did wait no i have a5   ah i've got a5 no no i'm actually i'm winning  maybe i'm not winning but i'm better i'm um ah   disregard everything i just said he missed a52 and  it took me a while to spot it yeah now he's in bad   shape he should not have done what he did because  now i think i i think i'm in really good shape let's go here try to trade off some queens  and i'm going to go for the legendary   double i can't triple it but this  is very hard to play now for black   he might still be okay but it's  going to be very hard to play bishop d6 i always have e4 i just have to  find the right moment to crack the center   do i want to go e4 h4 how do i do this e4 is such an obvious move and  maybe it's too early but i'm gonna go for it d5 maybe i guess there i'm gonna play h4 okay that doesn't really change  much i think i'm just gonna go   maybe we can play h5 here  or no i can't let's go here still very hard to play i  have d5 d5 is really lurking okay now i have d5 knight d4 maybe i still  don't love it so i think i'm just gonna   h5 is always an option i'm gonna do it oh wait  you can take with the queen which i forgot about uh sure sure it's okay i can obviously  take i know let's just go   i can go rook h4 hmm let's think about  this it's the order of how to win this okay f5 looks good here i think that's a blunder or it should that  should be a blender but maybe it's not maybe   it's not okay let's just go hmm i thought that  was a blunder but it's oddly not how i do this freight trade e4 takes f3 hmm don't actually see a win and what am i doing that's a blunder no i just take here okay we got the w guys we got the  job eight up eight down tough game   i really misplayed that towards  the end but we still got the win   still good we're playing sergey gigalico  okay i mean we'll see what he wants to do do i want to take or not i'm gonna go here i'm  gonna keep it simple okay play as a4 let's play a6   okay let's go knight f6 why not plays knight t5 i mean i can  obviously go 94 here wait   wait a second wait a second wait a second let's  think there's a free pawn here isn't there maybe i'm crazy i think it's free pawn it's gonna be a weird weird line  i don't know what's going on   i mean he has to take okay castles which  also gives me an extra option with bishop   too i also have an extra option with  bishop wait a second this is very weird this is very weird um i can obviously  castle bishop a7b5 probably is bad   i think i'm just going to  castle keep it really simple probably i mean i really don't know  if i'm supposed to take or go here   i mean i think there are many options that make  sense i really don't hide f2 is really interesting hmm two king of two i'm gonna go for it i don't  know if it's ripe i'm gonna go for it let's see i mean he has to take i think i'm gonna go like king h8 maybe off f6   i don't know what's going on here it's  very weird very very weird position takes okay so now i have to come with a move  maybe just h6 actually cause king eg allows knight   g5 but then yeah i think h6 makes sense just  play h6 gotta stop bishop g5 i'm gonna go d697   okay if i get this and i get 97 i think  i should not be worse here let's go here   target the night target pawn  i feel like i'm okay here i just go here king h7 allowed some bishop g5 which is why  i didn't play it might have been fine but bishop d2 i can obviously trade this actually  wait i also b5 maybe no let's just go   let's just consolidate the position  just play chess should be fine yes i'm gonna choke uh paimon  exactly thank you for that okay i think i'm doing very well here my position looks  very pleasant i have two pawns i've got a rook in   two pawns or not yeah rook and two pawns for a  night in a bishop position looks very pleasant rook f1 that actually strikes me as  a stranger because it creates more   more center center pressure for me here i also  have e for me but i'm not gonna do it just take   and go here i guess target the pawn knight  h4 i can maybe play off fire maybe just take i don't know if i was right the more i look at it yeah it's got negative schwarz i kind of for some  reason didn't slightly underestimated that move   kind of stupid um that i not stupid but it  was a little bit a little bit bad that i   for whatever reason just forgot  that was a move h5 is maybe a move   f5 is always a move here as  well okay let's think e4 king h7   g8 to move maybe i can just explode the  center just go here maybe queen g6 is my move not in love with my position here but i think it's  relatively okay because i have rookie 6 rook f6   and it should be fine doesn't mean it's perfect  by any stretch but it should not be terrible now i go here i have to guard everything  it's going to go like rook f3 i go rook f6   and then does he have some trick that i'm  missing it's really the million dollar question you can also maybe go queen h7 and rook g6 as well i want queen h7 or rook f6 as a  question i think i want queen h7   yeah i don't i don't see a win for white i get e4 as well i should play it's also  very hard for white to play this position   too much more so than black rock f6 is a  move h5 and g6 kind of makes some sense too   probably risky to do this but  i'm gonna go for it go here i mean i have f594 let's go here maybe let's go here go here here we go there we go you guys got another win nine out  of nine we're two away he car looks at us way   more with the set well i'm looking i'm looking at  the screen but yeah i also look sometimes straight   it's true i was my main setup i don't  generally ever look right at the camera   because it's because it's a bit of a distance  i do actually sometimes look right at it   uh just as a reminder so yeah okay here we go  the big dance um i'm playing on draka i think   i'm gonna play e4 again so i want to see what he  what he wants to do against the main line system although actually the problem with playing e4  is i i'm in a tough spot the draw is okay here   don't play knight f6 oh  shoot oh no okay you guys i   normally in this situation i would make a  draw here but for you guys for chat i'm gonna   go for it okay i'm gonna go for it normally i  would make a draw here but i'm gonna go for it   just for you guys normally i would make  a draw i would castle and do the wesley   draw but i'm gonna i'm for you guys i'm gonna  try to go for the big big perfect score here let's play this let's go here okay please h6 this is  pretty standard so far nothing too exciting but yeah this is for you guys because otherwise  i make the draw there and i guarantee myself um   i guarantee myself a tie for first but i'm  gonna try to go for the 11 out of 11 here so   we'll see if it works or it doesn't but  i'm gonna do it for you guys let's go here yeah this is actually not really  what i wanted i have to say   i'm gonna play no this really is not  what i wanted i'm gonna go queen e2 he's just wondering why this one yeah he probably  is wondering why it wasn't a berlin draw either   but i've won enough of these you guys so we're  we're going to go for it we're going to try to   go for the 11 so i feel like this is probably  as good a chance i'll ever have to do it   i don't know if i like takes  by the way i thought it was a   little bit premature i thought 95 and  some c5 first made a little more sense okay i can play b4 b4 is kind of interesting a4 i'm gonna go b4 here knight d2 maybe bishop b3 i kind of want to go bishop d3 but then 96 i  think i have to do this this isn't really what   i wanted to do because it's also starting  to it's looking a little bit drawish now   yeah this started look very drawish unfortunately  i guess i'll play a4 try to keep the game alive   there's very little about this game that  i'm happy with right now in terms of this   in terms of overall for for general standings  it's fine because this is pretty dry and drash   but it but in terms of in terms of wanting  to like go 11 out of he does go c4 however   which is going to mean the the game is going to  get interesting now yeah now the game's going to   get interesting because now i'm going to be able  to rerun now now however i'm not so sure that i   agree with what what on draken is doing we'll  go just here at h4 i just move my queen over let's go here gonna get i'm gonna get chances now i think really i did not i did not like c4 i thought he  should just trade all the pawns and it should   have been a draw still should be a draw with best  play but if anyone is better it should be me here   my only problem is my knight  that's my only problem let's trade i have only one issue which is my  night that's my only issue here   let's go i think i'll go here to play like 93  and maybe knight d5 okay goes bishop h6 over here i really want rookie six i cover the critical  squares in the center here they're both covered   okay i don't like that i think  that's a bad move now let's go here a little bit iffy i think black's still fine  but it's a little bit on the edge already if i   can rotate my knight somehow my knights if i could  put the knight on a3 it makes sense let's go here still is probably a draw with best play but  i feel like i should have some chances here   um it's kind of hard though to get my pieces in don't have a good way i guess i'll go here trying to maneuver in but it's very hard trying it's really thinking long here interesting kingdom  seven i'm gonna go here i'm trying to do something oh i gave him he's got queen d6 sure bishop c1 which doesn't really  do anything specific i guess i mean he has bishop beat  two but i don't think that's uh let's go here so there should be two i go  bishop d2 if he takes i take   probably i can't win though it's just very raj but i'll try to flag him maybe let's put g3 and he's got this there's just  not much i can do unfortunately 25 maybe we'll try it this probably  is wrong but i'll try it if i can get the knight to  before i have some chance maybe that's 98 oh did i just blunder maybe go here here cuz i have a6 now takes a take still  a draw still a draw was perfect play but let's try this maybe in bishop e2 the good news is i still can't lose  that's the good news let's go here   let's go here okay at some point let's go here try  to split the pawns try to create a wide pawn here here here and takes starting to work him a little bit  this is actually starting to look kind of good let's go here wait did he just hang up he hung a pawn oh  we're in it we're in we're in it to win it   we're in it to win it you guys we're in it to win  it now now it's just a matter of good technique sure here go back i should probably move my knife back around  what did i do sooner through the night let's go here go here let's go here oh no did i just blunder we got the dub you guys we  got the job we got the dog   10 up 10 down you guys we got  the win we got the win oh man all right well we're guaranteed a share of first  prize probably more than that but we got the   win we moved to 10 out of 10 and i think we're  guaranteed first you guys we're guaranteed first   um which is which is obviously good we guarantee  our 750 dollars but much like in the st louis   rapid and blitz um we have a chance at additional  objectives besides just the overall victory   and now we got to go for it now we go for  11 out of 11. no and actually you guys   99.99 i do not play a bond cloud because a  bond cloud means it's unlikely i'm going to   win the game so no bond cloud no bond cloud here  because 11 out of 11 is worth more than the memes   um okay here we go round okay  round 11. let's go you guys   what am i going to do against machanic he needs  to win right a draw is bad for him here actually   because he's tied for second so i'm going to  play the meta and i'm also going to play on   him where he needs to win for him he needs to  win because he draws he doesn't get any sandals   oh no no you know what no let's just  let's just stay true to form and go for it   now let's straight stay true  to form and play for something because if i lose i lose but a loss is not really  a big deal at this point because we have a shot   at history and being 10 out of 10 with a shot at  11 out of 11 never happens it just never happens let's go here 97 of course i mean you just you  never get chances like this i guess i'll go here let's rotate the bishop i guess probably i'm gonna play rook c8 at some point too plays b4 i can clog the toilet with b5 but then  if i play b5 it's very likely going to be a draw   so i don't really want to do that maybe i go  a5 okay i'm just going to rotate my king over okay please repeat i mean again i can  play a form b5 but then it's gonna   it's probably a draw but whatever let's  just go for a long long end game here probably it's a draw i mean i'm gonna go b5 and then  but neither side gets any play there's no there's no additional prize for 11 out  of 11. play c4 now that however is an interesting   choice because that actually opens it up in a  weird kind of way now so i can take and play   this will be interesting now it's going to get  double edged though this is going to become a   very sharp complicated position because now now  he gave me a jump i get a bastion here okay let's   just go i guess here get my king consolidated  consolidate my queen position as well everything   is consolidated now so now what i have to figure  out is how to win the game if i can when that is   maybe go f6 that doesn't make sense okay  let's just try to rotate our bishop out too i'm trying really hard to complicate the situation   it goes there i think i'm gonna go  let's go here target the pawn of course   24 as expected but he still doesn't have a good  continuation i think i'm just going to wait here maybe not rook h5 um let's go like here maybe here if i could put my bishop on h6 here i'd be very  happy but i can't okay let's just go back i guess this knight g5 that doesn't do anything of course h5 still very hard yeah i mean but i i want to take the draw but  i don't want to take the draw at the same time   ah i can i can make a draw if i move the rook  but you know what glory is worth more than   everything else in this world let's go for it  let's let's go for it you guys hopefully this   works if it doesn't it doesn't it was a great  run but i'm gonna i'm gonna go for it with this yeah i i have to go for glory 10  i've never been on 10 out of 10.   like this chance does not happen it's so  rare that you get an opportunity like this although i might admit that might be a slight  mistake no it's actually not a mistake no   good let's go here take the pawn oh he's got bishop e4 though  which i forgot g5 maybe trying really hard to confuse the matters  okay i can take with the pawn of the rook   rook takes looks obviously correct this  has to be right except queen e3 i guess f6 so here try to continue to complicate the  situation trying to put maximum pressure   on the pawn the king is stuck on g3 as well so a  lot of pressure here he's only got a minute there   i think i have a chance i have a real chance  here i have a legit chance to maybe win this let's see what he does i mean this is  exactly what i want i just want i just   want a messy position nothing else matters  wait wait wait that's a pawn but is it best   there might be something better i can take the  pawn and play i can do g4 maybe i mean bishop he offers a draw like he knows he's he  knows he's in bad shape he offers a draw   oh man that's classic but i really i can't  take a draw here i just can't i can't   this just doesn't happen let's go here i  mean you just don't get chances like this he has to take goes 95 wait a second wait a second   wait wait wait wait wait wait wait  a second wait wait wait a second i think bishop b6 wins i think it wins rook c4 rookie five night g4 i can  take take okay let me think for a second rook d4   rook f1 there's no win takes so takes bishop  takes evil rook d4 queen d4 is winning i think this is over ig4 fd4 even looks winning  no then rook f1 queen d4 no it's just winning   wait now i just hung the knight wait now i just  wait wait okay wait a second everything wins   so let's just take a deep deep breath and just take because i just  take i mean everything's over this is it history this is it this is the history  wait okay this is a double check check and check history there you guys go there you go perfect  perfection once in a lifetime right oh there we   go 11 out of 11 a perfect score you guys and the  funny thing is the first game might have been the   hardest game that i had to play in this whole  event um i was definitely lost in the first one   i think in many ways that was the hardest game of  the whole event was the first game that i played   it was pretty pretty insane tournament officially  ends here you guys and as you see the score   final score is in i finish on 11 points out of  11. second place is sergey giugalka with nine   and a half out of 11. third place of course is  uh david pravian the russian grand master also   on nine and a half out of 11 points so really  really good stuff really really good stuff stl   number one in title tuesday number one what more  can you ask for that's that's as good as it gets you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 175,702
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, Hikaru Titled Tuesday, Hikaru titled, hikaru nakamura titled tuesday, gmhikaru titled tuesday, hikaru won titled tuesday, hikaru loses titled tuesday, titled tuesday records, hikaru wins titled tuesday, hikaru plays titled tuesday, perfect titled tuesday, hikaru 11 titled tuesday, hikaru perfect
Id: GjfhiHGWSpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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