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ladies and gentlemen it finally happened again on September 4th 2022 the world changed Forever on that day two gentlemen were involved in a chess batch in St Louis Missouri with the white pieces was Magnus Carlson with the black pieces was Hans Neeman Hans Neeman won that game on the very next day Magnus Carlson with Drew from the singfield cup putting out a cryptic tweet as to why he did it and that set off a massive cheating scandal and that set off an internationally discussed $100 million lawsuit since then the lawsuit has been settled Hans deman has been reinstated to chess licom however Magnus and Hans have not played a serious game of chess since September 4th of 2022 they've been in the same room they've been in the same vicinity but they've never played a serious game against each other key word is serious they've played two times first time they played Magnus Carlson resigned in one move as a form of protest the second time that they played they traded all the pieces they made an effortless draw nothing happened was as if they didn't want to play at all until now March 19th 2024 Magnus and Hans are playing against each other this cannot be understated how epic this is and if they continue to play against each other in online events I will continue to make content I mean this is the ultimate highest form of of a sort of Feud a sort of rivalry rivalries generally are the players beating each other Novak jokovic Roger feder Rafael Nadal those are rivalries these guys have not played nearly enough games against each other but this is a blood Feud and I'm going to share it with all of you they met in the chess.com title Tuesday tournament it's a blitz tournament 3 minute Blitz with a bonus time per move last time they played Magnus play E4 Hans played E5 you'll notice the board color is changing because it's not the same position Knight F3 and after Knight C6 it was a Berlin and a lot of pieces were traded but that did not happen in this game because Hans Neeman plays the most confrontational opening possible which is the Sicilian Defense looking to create an imbalance and not allowing Magus to kill the game cuz the thing is in chess both sides kind of mutually agree to to to kill the game Magnus thinks for six seconds on the second move and decides to play Knight F3 I think in this six seconds Magnus decided am I going to try to beat him and potentially risk losing which is what Karo did every time Karo plays Hans online he tries to win sometimes he loses and Hans gets content by the way if Hans is going to react to this hi Hans shout out to the Hans Channel um magnus's decided I'm going to play Knight F3 I'm going to play the open Sicilian the open Sicilian involves the Kings Knight developing and trading in the center like this and playing Knight takes D4 hunt plays D6 Mainline Sicilian we have D4 we have takes Knight KN takes Knight f63 A6 the nidorf named after Miguel nidorf Knight F6 D6 A6 and uh it's the most confrontational opening that exists white now has no less than like 16 possible moves why can play one that's not legal one two one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 like like 17 18 19 there are like 20 possible moves that people have tried in this position Magnus plays the main line Bishop to E3 by the way black can play Knight G4 in this position and the players can repeat moves just just so you're aware uh Hans plays E5 that is the central idea of the N of Sicilian black decides where did to put the pawn on E6 E5 that's kind of the final branch and now white can move the Knight back to no less than three squares I mean you could also play Knight F5 it's not a good move though uh and then white tries to take advantage of the weaken D5 Square as you can see Black's two pawns are standing on D6 C5 which means the light Square on D5 is a bit weak and Magnus plays Knight F3 uh Knight B3 is very normal Knight E2 is very normal Knight to F3 is also uh completely normal black plays Bishop to E7 all right white plays Bishop C4 the pa the square on D5 is up for grabs castles castles Bishop 2 E6 at this point neither sign has spent more than one second on a move except magnus's deciding whether he was going to play Knight F3 or not on the second move we have Bishop takes E6 we have F takes E6 black has committed a doubling of his own Pawn structure however despite the weak Pawn on E6 he gets two good things number one the D5 square is protected number two the f file is open however this Pawn is weak so it's voidable right Magnus now thinks for a little bit plays Knight A4 the idea of Knight A4 very straightforward you are trying to put the Knight on B6 you are trying to control some of these squares also you might want to play C4 in the future just in the future right you want to move your Pawn which you couldn't move when the Knight was standing on the C3 Square uh this looks like a free Pawn because the Knight went there it's not because of Knight B6 and after Rook A7 I can play something like Queen D3 or quite simply I can play Knight D5 all right I can play something like Knight D5 I have various discovered attacks and the computer already thinks you should actually give up this Rook if you're playing black but uh yeah Hans doesn't fall for that he plays Knight F to D7 now Knight B to D7 looks a little bit more natural but Knight Knight bd7 is maybe not the best move because after Knight G5 you cannot protect your Pawn there's no way to protect your Pawn uh which is kind of the reason why this Pawn being here is obviously a little bit uh suspect right so here we go Knight fd7 C4 I did mention to you this was the other idea again the battle is still very much for that D5 square if black cannot move that pawn forward that is going to be magnus's Target for the duration of the game by the way isn't this exciting can we just take a moment and say like the two people involved the two major protagonist and antagonist of an international cheating scandal are just straight up trying to take each other's head off in a chess game I mean that's so sick can you imagine if this was chess boxing I think Magnus might take that one he's he's he's in really good shape I got to tell might be taller but anyway I'm not going to try to get these guys to punch each other in the head Rook C1 as you can see right we're trying to control this Hans is trying to create a little counter play he's got the open f file right he's looking for for the Knight over here Hans plays B6 I got to tell you visually optically this looks really bad for black it's actually it's actually kind of not like that's the thing about the Sicilian it's a very resilient opening you stop your opponent from getting in on all sides it's kind of like Sicily hence the name you know it's it's a beautiful Lush Island it's a perfect Outpost for for for for troops there's there there's fertile land and everything I went to Sicily last time it was really really beautiful place um Queen B3 Rook B8 defending the pawn right how do you get in Hans has the entire row protected all the pawns are protecting a square the knights are protecting a square what is he going to do well magnus's last move Queen B3 had a sneaky idea the square that is is literally protected more than any other in the black position actually that's not true technically that would be F6 protected 1 2 3 4 and five times wow you talk about that's pretty cool uh C5 with a discovered attack on the weak Pawn that Hans created for himself several moves ago Hans takes with the Knight he takes with the Knight because this is very important pay attention he takes with the Knight because this is Black's probably most passive piece and it's not really going to come back so he decided let me trade it let me trade it for one of these two pieces and then Magnus can take with check that's exactly what happens and the trade is that Hans gets the open B file but for getting the open B file the B Pawn no longer stands next to the a pawn leaving the a pawn a little bit weak Queen E6 King h8 very tense game in the in the aftermath of that exchange the B2 Pawn is weak he has to protect it but in the aftermath of that exchange right the D4 square is uh is up for grab so B3 Hans drops the Knight directly into the white position now a very big moment does Magnus take with the Knight and turn this into a Bishop position or does Magnus take with the bishop and turn this into a uh Knight versus Bishop position me personally I think Bishop takes D4 is microscopically better let me tell you why because it's a knight versus Bishop the Knight is a potential to go to light or dark squares right which means that if the Knight gets to D5 or C6 or F5 this bishop is useless and with black having so many important pawns on dark squares the bishop is really not a good piece black is going to have to rely on anti-position methods to catch up in this game anti-position meaning he might have to sacrifice a rook for the Knight he might have to put the bishop on a diagonal like there is nowhere comfortable for this bishop to be if you take with the Knight and put this into and make it as a bishop position you're going to have to rely on like F4 and it might work but black is going to have a bishop for a bishop so inherently there is no imbalance Magnus takes like this now a very big moment does Hans stake with the c Pawn or the E Pawn C Pawn looks nice but then you give white the open file and white can even play moves like Rook C6 which just it's it's actually very difficult to defend yourself Hans is smart he takes with the e- pawn now black has what we call a pass Pawn not only is it a pass pawn it is a protected pass Pawn so if everything cleared off right now black has very good chances to win this game because this Pawn is three squares from queening at all times it is protected twice so white struggles White's King can't walk off because this Pawn's going to Queen White's King has to stay in this little area right Magnus plays E5 tries to get a direct confrontation going with the position another thing he could have done here is played slow could have gotten the queen out then he could have played Rook e one could have slowly built it up right he could have went for the queen side he could have played A3 B4 trying to soften up the center for example uh Bishop F6 uh A3 you know Queen E7 you look for Rook E1 you look for B4 ideas like you you try to play very very complicated game but he goes directly down the middle magnus's idea here with the this move E5 is to get Hans to take him so he splits his pawns now the Knight is in the position now Knight F7 now we see the value of having the Knight versus the bishop cuz the Knight can't uh the bishop can't defend the light squares it's not possible that was the idea now Hans has a big moment here he thinks he plays D5 that is exactly what Magnus wanted him to play but that's a free pawn it is 100% free Magnus thought for 15 seconds on this move and didn't take he did not take the pawn on A6 maybe it's because black can go here and then black can play like here and black has an attack maybe that's what he didn't like alternatively I'm not saying he would have done this but like you know there's a rook sacrifice possibly G takes F3 Rook to B6 for example Queen to D7 and all of a sudden somebody's getting mated and this does look very dangerous I don't know I haven't spoken to Magnus about the position okay I haven't spoken to him about it I haven't spoken to get his thoughts all right so Queen G4 he doesn't take the pawn but what does he have he has a knight versus Bishop he has a pawn that's three squares away from queening just like this one is three squares away from queening so these two pawns kind of balance out now Hans play is a crazy move here crazy move there's a lot of good moves here Hans plays a crazy one utilizing where the queen is right now and he plays Rook to B4 he thought for 30 seconds on that move Rook B4 sniping the queen on the upper side of the board and trying to get this Pawn in so now worst case scenario is let's say D3 C4 and all of a sudden black has two pass pawns black has two pass pawns white has to play defense so Rook B4 is wild Magnus plays Rook D1 Magnus has a 10-second lead on the clock it's a very complicated back and forth game the engine is evaluating it as equal not because it's boring equal but because it's very complex on Place Queen E8 Queen E8 I think the idea of Queen E8 is to go Queen F7 that's basically it he just wanted to sneak the queen over to this side of the board right but this is a mistake and Magnus punishes it immediately by getting back into the position he gets back into the position now these attacks are not as powerful they're not there and he's threatening this pawn and he's threatening this Pawn so if black plays Queen d8 exactly where he was now he's going to take because this Rook can't get in of course there is Rook F3 you can play Rook B6 you can kind of go for the same concept but he gets the queen back there and Hans gives up the pawn on A6 a second time he gives up the pawn on A6 a second time and Magnus still does not take the pawn he doesn't take there is something he doesn't like about taking this Pawn I don't know what it is maybe he thinks he's going to be under attack I don't know maybe he thinks there's things like G5 I don't know but for whatever reason maybe he's playing Hans and he's you know he's just trying to get him into an end game I don't know but he doesn't take the pawn instead he goes for the end game of uh of Rooks and Knight versus Bishop Hans takes back Hans gets out of Dodge but Magnus goes to where his strong spot is which is the end game and the game is yet to be decided all right like we are entering a new phase Knight E1 with the intention of playing Knight to D3 kicking out the Rook attacking the pawn and playing F4 that is the idea all right now Hans plays a move that as far as I'm concerned is a small inaccuracy the idea is Knight D3 He plays G5 this is exactly how Magnus beats people he gets them to make overc committ pawn moves over overc committ moves in general and that was to stop white from playing F4 it was to get the king off the back rank as well but after Knight D3 and Rook B5 Hans is eating out of magnus's hand he's down 37 seconds on the clock and Magnus is going to work here's G3 the idea is F4 he's going to get two pass pawns together escorted by by the Knight the pawn can't come forward the bishop is worse than the Knight I talked to you about this whole thing The Rook is stuck this bishop is stuck if Hans plays G4 trying to stop Magnus from playing he'll play H3 he give up the pawn it doesn't matter cuz he's going to get the pawn back if he plays H3 and H5 is played then after it takes takes we got King G2 we got Rook H1 we got the Rook on the F we also have Knight F4 Knight D5 so it's really really bad stuff so Hans now plays King G7 trying to justify his his pawn move now a big here for Magnus right big moment how do you prove your advantage here what do you do you're the best endgame player of all time you have the end game you're playing your biggest rival you got to bury this man could play A4 but then you lose your Pawn right you lose your Pawn on B3 but you can take the pawn on C5 you know you're going to get to an end game what do you do what do you play King G2 you slow play it by the way why why why is he not playing F4 right away well maybe he doesn't like that the king can go to F5 and then maybe even to E4 he doesn't like something so what is Magnus going to do he plays E6 wow that is a massive decision so now the pawn is a target is the idea Rook F6 Rook E1 what is the idea because the pawn is not strong there it was a lot stronger where it was protected Hans backs up to f8 now Magnus goes for it with A4 he decides right now is the moment to force the issue right now Rook takes B3 Knight C5 so now these pawns are weak which means that pawn is weak which means this Pawn is weak however we see there the evaluation of the position is zeros it's dead equal why because it's not about Bishop takes if you take with the bishop all your pawns are weak and I have a pawn two squares from queening so one of your pieces is always going to have to play defense but that's not the point the point is and Hans finds this move in point five seconds Rook C3 and by the way here's an example by the way by the way by the way wouldn't CH wouldn't chess be crazy if you could take your own pieces like 96 wins for white I mean that would be nuts if that was a component of the game so Hans targets the Knight targets the rook and his idea is that obviously he would UND double and that would be a massive win for him something like Bishop A3 C2 C1 is just is is just crushing so Magnus plays Knight takes A6 and now Hans has an advantage Magnus has gone wrong apparently the best move was to go Knight D7 attacking The Rook Knight D7 and then you know if Rook C8 you could play Rook B1 and you try to get in on this it was very very complicated mag Magnus does what you know most Knight takes A6 now Hans could have an advantage if he plays Rook A8 forces the Knight back to the C file defended by The Rook via the rook and then plays Rook C8 little bit of dang stuff there instead he plays Rook C8 himself Magnus the only move now that doesn't lose the game by the way Rook to B1 and suddenly it is Hans Neiman's pawn and the one behind it that is causing a headache for Magnus all of a sudden the position is equal but Magnus is the one that has to be careful he plays King G2 Here Comes Here Comes Hans with Rook C4 attacking the pawn this is protected this is protected and all of this is protected Magnus gets the pawn out of the way both guys under one minute on the clock Rook A3 Hans going for the pawn but going for the pawn is wrong because you needed seventh rank prote action you needed you you needed to have enough flexibility in the position that The Rook stayed over here by walking over here Magnus is now winning with Rook to B7 hans's King gets close defends the bishop targets the pawn but white is winning after Knight C7 threatening Knight takes D5 which is simply a fork Rook takes A5 here keeps the game going because it at least protects this but then the Rook steps away from this pawn and then I can play Rook F3 and F7 and Magnus is back to winning he's done his thing he gets the Knight there plus 1.5 position Bishop C5 the game is over the game is over Bishop C5 doesn't even threaten anything that's not even under attack so the winning move here for white is E7 winning the game on the spot because you're threatening to make a queen if Bishop takes you have a fork Pawn to E7 utilizing the free space that pawn is uncapturable but it has to be captured if you don't take the pawn I make a queen I win the game so you move I you take like this Knight B5 check that is probably what Magnus missed he probably missed Knight to B5 but I don't know what he missed Bishop C5 E7 is winning on the spot Magnus beats Hans takes the lead in the Rivalry for now instead he doesn't play that he plays the second best move plays the second best move very tense position setting up E7 for real for real but the reason why that doesn't win is because now suddenly black plays D2 black is knocking on the door they both have pawns that are two squares away from queening it was a race but Magnus had an idea the idea of Rook e one was not just to push the pawn it was also to take this Pawn with a check and the King can't take the pawn because this protected Paul wants to take the Rook what's worth more than a pawn and a rook a king what's a king to a god what's a god to a nonbeliever King F5 great song by the way um King moves goes back Magnus is still winning and Hans nean has 7 seconds on the clock H goes Rook D3 E7 there it is he's in the clear now it's over and Magnus Carlson is going to win this game Rook takes you make a queen and if you go Rook E4 all you got to do with white is protect your knight and the reason why you're winning is because after you protect your knight you are threatening Knight to E3 check which also wins the rook and there's absolutely nothing black can do black can play Rook D4 I play Rook d8 I can also play Knight E3 but Rook d8 threatening a queen can take I take with check if you I take with check Etc Magnus doesn't see that he goes here Rook B8 threatens the queen but I don't have to take your knight I can take your Pawn and all of a sudden we're in a drawn end game oh my goodness Hans nean did it the absolute madman he survived that position he survived multiple completely winning positions none none more brutal than this one E7 that's that's an easy move for Magnus under normal circumstances I don't know what happened there he went for rookie one night D5 and then he got too low on top at 30 seconds but you can't make certain moves with 10 seconds on the clock it's a draw this is a draw because it's a known end game it's a two on it's a three on two and it doesn't matter because one on zero ultimately is a draw and uh Magnus is still going to try of course H's you know 5 seconds on the clock we get to this position Hans doesn't take this is one of the ways you could lose this end game is if you get the wrong imbalance if you get the one versus the two this is losing because I will play F4 I'll play Rook H6 and you really want the pawn to fight both pawns you don't want one off to the side so that's the one thing I was and and then yeah Hans knows that so he plays King E4 and now it's just going to be a shuffle Fest and uh one of the ways you know you you can try to play this for a win of course with white is you can try to trade the Rooks which you're going to see you know he he got his Rook out of there right and and and and Rook F4 that's a threat of a that's a threat that the the I told you I would not recommend getting into a king and pawn end game down pawns it's math you're going to lose right so don't do that um Hans goes Rook E5 and now it's just you know like they're getting a bonus second every time they make a move he chases his King all the way back here that's it I it's just the draw like I'm play I play Rook A2 the king can't get out can't get out king can't get out and Hans Neiman Against All Odds right gets the two-on one and this is it it's just a draw you can't win this cuz the second you push one I take and so black is just going to be here here for the rest of the game he's going to be in this Square that's where black is going to move the Rook is going to cut the king off but the truth is it doesn't even have to do much and H shuffles Magnus keeps trying we have now crossed 90 moves and there's nothing there's a he's not trading the rugs he's do in this position be it nerves be it a mouse slip Hans Neeman was supposed to walk up to his pawn and protect it and he slipped he made a moue slip or he was nervous but it's certainly looked like a mouse slip and uh yeah the king had to stay in this Square because it would either be getting out of checks or walking up to defend the pawn he loses this and it's over it's over in the most absurd of Fashions and now Magnus just brings the king up he uses the Rook as a shield right and uh he just slowly methodically walks up the board Rook E8 check and G6 if the if the Rook goes anywhere else if the Rook stays here uh you actually still win with rookie 8 and G6 because after it takes you have Rook E7 and then you win the rook and 109 moves and Magnus Carlson wins what a tense game I mean oh my God it was so tense it was a n or of Sicilian there was nothing to choose between them it was confrontational it was positional you know Magnus tried to impose his will the queen in the night but Hans was sharp sacrificing the pawn on A6 trying to create counterplay Magnus had to call the bluff he didn't he played slowly thinking he was going to beat Hans in you know in the in the phe of the game he's the strongest he went for it he went for it Hans defended really well but then he didn't then he didn't defend really well he was losing and right here put the dagger in the heart Magnus misses it and right at the end he's thrown another lifeline and he loses the pawn he had to keep the tension obviously he was a bit you know he was concerned like rookie one is very scary it looks like you're going to lose here but the craziest part about rookie one is that you can't do both The Rook is not actually you can't you can't take the Rook so you can play A6 if he takes you you do this he goes here you can walk out with your king to H4 that's hard to see he didn't see it and oh my goodness what a game so Magnus wins barely but these two are back to playing real games against each other and I will continue to relay them to you because oh my goodness cheating scandal and massive lawsuit this is uh this is everything we need in the Chess World this is or not I mean it's it's not you know some people argue that it's bad for the game and I'm a content creator and this is content I'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 486,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 0PO91BBm39A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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