It took me 3 seconds to realize how STRONG this kid is at chess

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ladies and gentlemen something absolutely insane happened to me and I'm going to share it with you in this video you see recently I was in Charlotte North Carolina for a massive 3-day chess festival with over 500 kids and at the end for fun I set up a chess board with a clock and played a bunch of kids in a row they would have 1 or 1 and A2 minutes and I would only have 30 seconds and I played a kid who trash talked me so viciously that I knew I had to win at all costs but there was just one problem it took me less than 3 seconds to realize this kid was terrifying I'm going to show you the live footage of this game and then I'm going to analyze this game step by step oh and if you manag to catch this video the first 3 days it comes out I'm currently having a St Patrick's Day sale on all of my courses they're 20% off link will be in the description and if you miss the sale there will probably be another one in the future now let's get into this game you not even shaking hands just all right go ahead oh my [Applause] goodness it's like a earthquake oh my goodness we've knocked over every piece basically oh that move would have been really nice why didn't you play that move did you like a drop you sure yeah oh my go you could have won how strong are you uh I'm only thank you he's only 1,000 we can reset the board we will reset the board we'll reset the he should play these kids no way he's a thousand oh my goodness he might be a littleit well you know what you've earned the right to trash talk okay that was really fast so I'm going to analyze the game because there was some pretty instructive moments all in all but before I do that I would just like to tell you it is extremely difficult to play a game of chess with 30 seconds on the clock and it is even harder to do that physically over the board you have to play at a ridiculous ulous speed because you don't have a mouse you have to physically hit the clock and so I told all these kids I was going to try my hardest I played over 50 kids that day I won every single game except this game one kid I offered to draw like a move before checkmating him I won every single game except this game all these kids were pretty good but a thousand there is no way that young man is a thousand now funny story before I show you our first couple of moves here the day before this kid ran up to me we were we had an interaction and he said none of your videos are funny and they're not good and you think you're funnier than you are and I was like whoa excuse me and we had a little back and forth obviously it was all in good fun but when I sat down to play him in a game I was like I got to beat this kid did you see how fast he busted out the first move I knew immediately he was out to get me a lot of these kids played slowly slowly got their piece they were nervous did you see how fast that young man rattled off three moves like it was nothing he was out to kill me because he knew I only had 30 seconds and I was kind of easing into it now he already made a mistake in the opening but of course we're playing Every Move in half a second we're basically pre-moving IRL Knight C6 is not a good move in the beginning of the game this is a Sicilian Defense it actually started out as a French but we go here this is a Sicilian Defense he should be taking my Pawn but he's kind of in pre-move mode now I punish him right away I play this move D5 and in general you really shouldn't allow yourself to get overrun by Pawns in the beginning of the game in particular when your Knights could be targeted he took took and he was sort of on autopilot he played Knight D4 I did not expect the move Knight D4 uh and I'm sort of like mentally just programming moves of course Knight D4 is a mistake because Knight takes Pawn takes Queen takes but if I tell you you have half a second to make a move and hit the clock and at the same time I'm like oh my God this kid is actually really fast like I got to you know I got to the I played C3 right and I and I traded Knights rather than taking on D4 now I'm still better right and my plan was develop my pieces Castle quickly and go for an attack because again I need to win fast I'm I'm showing these kids no mercy and this young man said I'm not funny and that hurt my ego because I'm nearly a 30-year-old man who needs constant validation so I took with the queen he played D6 and now I was like look I can of course develop some pieces here and I have a slight Advantage here because his Bishop is a little passive I have a bit more space and uh space that's not a legal move and my queen is you know kind of pressuring stuff so I gave him a check and my plan was I'm going to trade him in a castle and I'm going to make a couple of quick moves and then of course I'm going to win because I'm probably a lot better than he is I don't know what his playing strength is but I imagine that I'm better than him Bishop D7 we trade and I Castle but dude was giving me nothing like I was ready for him to like blunder something put a knight he just developed his Knight I gave him a check because I mean I might as well improve the position of my Rook right and then he played Bishop E7 now I will remind you based on the video that you just saw literally every move is being made within half a second so there's no real time to sit and think but what's funny about my whole plan I had a plan from this position that I executed that I realized doesn't work my plan from here had been make this trade castle and in this position stop him from castling because I have pressure on the bishop and wherever he castles the king will no longer protect the bishop so I was going to go something like Queen E2 but that doesn't work primarily because first of all he could take but primarily because he can castle if I'm playing a move that prevents somebody from castling and they're not castling but then they Newcastle like that's that's really really bad and the point is he would pin my Rook to my my my my Queen to my rook and it's back rank Checkmate if I take the queen he takes my Rook it's crazy so I was like uhoh that's not good so I develop my night and now he castled and you will understand with very little time on the clock I need any advantage I can get if I have about 22 seconds from this position to win the game the only way to do that clearly cuz he's playing really fast credit to this young dude he was playing Super Quick and that's really important and and the thing is playing fast and really strong really impressive cuz he was like eight okay literally like I have no idea how old he was he was like an eight-year-old kid so I need to go for an attack right so right away I'm noticing my knight is going to get to F5 and from F5 I'm going to pressure the bishop I'm going to pressure here I'm going to go Queen G3 I'm going to M him right I'm going to get my Bishop out I'm going to put my knight on F5 I got my Rook active like kid's going to completely fall apart he goes here it's a it's a great move right he wants to move the bishop maybe he wants to trade Rooks with me I played Knight E3 at this point I got the sense like I'm going to take over the game now like he can't trade Queens with me I'm going to put my knight on F5 he plays a move here that was kind of a like a lazy like you know just sliding the but even you you'll watch the footage back he played this move fast he played every move close and fast he didn't do anything drastic he didn't tank for 10 seconds like I'm playing Gotham I'm going to no he was like really and that actually got me rattled the fact that he was keeping a pace with me for this far in the game and he's he's not worse you know now at this point I don't know why I didn't go Knight F5 again I don't have a lot of time to make these moves so I can't really so before I played Knight F5 I decided I'm going to play H3 because I'm actually going to go attack him with this pawn and then that way you know he doesn't have a knight protecting his King and I thought this was kind of a but of course I should bring my pieces like and and I you know I criticize y'all sometimes for executing a plan and then forgetting about it like this is the way you play this position with white you try to damage his structure you try to open up the king like this is a winning position for white because this Knight is so strong now I would go here and try to get him made in the future and and and that's the way I would play the position so Knight F5 is definitely the best move H3 and G4 is not the best move and again he's playing every move very fast right at this point it Dawns on me this plan that I'm going for in half a second second is not particularly good because in fact he's going to go here and I'm actually bringing his Knight to an even better position right but I'm all in and I'm and I'm and and I'm going for it right I just got to win the game right and I again mentally I'm thinking at some point this kid is going to collapse like he's young and he's probably like 14,300 like at this point my the the ELO in my head that I'm guessing is the kid is like 1,700 because it's equal after like 15 moves against me and I'm actually kind of trying like if I wasn't trying you know but I like I told you in the beginning I got 30 seconds I told all the kids I'm going to play as hard as possible this is not going to be like a play Gotham have fun maybe I'll let you win no y'all all going down I need YouTube content all right I got to feed my my wife and dog G5 he goes here and I realized here like I'm not winning and so I went Queen G3 with the intention you know this is side stepping for my F Pawn I'm ready to meet this move with F4 that was my idea and I thought okay Queen G3 my next move is going to be Knight F5 and then I'm going to bring my bishop and then I'm going to go here and here this young man played this move G6 play G6 he stopped me from playing Knight F5 so now I don't have an attack anymore this whole time I thought well this is going to be easy I'm just going to March into the position and then I'm going to play KN F5 no he played G6 now I have to readjust my strategy I don't I don't exactly know what the time stamp was here I don't know exactly how much time I had on the clock but I have to adjust on the fly so I said okay H4 I have to go for it I mean I I I got to rush the pawns forward I got to open up his King I got to make sure he gets nervous and he's going to go here and I'm thinking he's going to go Knight E5 and then I'm going to go F4 F5 blah blah blah blah blah no he just plays Bishop f8 do you understand how good you have to be a chess to play such a calm move like this kid has a future he's bringing the bishop to protect the King as a followup to his previous move he played G6 because the bishop has no forward mobility and now he's going to zip backwards protect his King and open up his Rook I was flabbergasted completely flabber like and again he's playing on my time too he sees I don't have a lot of time so he's playing really quickly right so H4 H5 he just goes Bishop G7 I don't have anything and I have to continue to make risky decisions like of course I should bring my Bishop out and I need to protect my rook and I need to go here and here in a regular game if this was just a regular game between Grand Masters that's probably what white would do but this is a game with 15 seconds on the clock and he's got you know 30 40 whatever he's got and so here I'm thinking I can take but then I lose all of my where's my attack I don't have an attack anymore so what I decided to do against this is shove this Pawn forward so that his King has a little bit less breathing room and I sort of thought okay my Pawn is really far Advanced what I'm going to do now is I'm going to find a way to just get to his King I'm going to play maybe you know some of these moves and so that that way here I played Bishop D2 and Bishop D2 was very simply designed to play something like Knight C4 want to play Knight C I'm going to play F4 F5 and maybe F6 mummify him my game plan is really simple he can't really move a whole lot let's go this is kind of my second wind and then he played another great move definitely for what the time situation determined as far as I'm concerned this is a fantastic move now F6 again keeps the game in the balance it might have been even better to play F5 just create this wedge not let me get any pieces forward F6 is just like yo Gotham what are you doing with this Pawn get out of my territory and it's another really good move it's a very very well-timed move at this point in the game I'm thinking like do I just get completely desperate like do I just sacrifice and play like G6 I got news for you I'm not even sure any of this works okay apparently taking works but if like if he doesn't take If he if he just puts like I just lose so taking works but otherwise it doesn't F6 is a fantastic move and you'll notice I was really like nervous I was like knocking the pawn down I took the pawn now it would have been really bad for him to take with the bishop because if he takes with the bishop I have a Target I'm looking to just get an imbalance I'm looking for anything okay if I can trade the Knight for the for the bishop and then get my Bishop here I'm winning again I'm I'm I'm winning I mean I'm getting into the position and I have a great he took with the Knight he did not take with the bishop 23 moves we have played I am trying to beat this kid at all costs admittedly I am not playing maybe the top engine moves because I'm playing them extremely fast he has stayed equal with me for 23 moves that is extremely impressive he has not collapsed he has played solidly and right here I realized oh I've messed up because I'm no longer attacking he's attacking me I'm thinking now I'm going to lose I'm going to lose this game that's a crazy thought like I I was not prepared to lose I came there I was going to win every game so I went F4 and the idea of f4 is like I said to play F5 but I'm realizing I'm fighting him and I'm a wounded man I don't have the artillery he has The Rook he has the Knight that's going to come in and beat me up he has a bishop protecting his King but it's ready to be in attacking piece at any moment and he played here every move this kid played was a good move and I don't have any time I got to keep fighting I get my queen out of danger I protect my Bishop now he was just very clever like the best move for him is not to take the Knight is a god it's an incredible piece and just to let you know like I mean if he gets this position it's over if this bishop Comes Alive as well the game is over so he's very close to being winning already he takes because you know again like he just played one night move a second night move and he's just trying to play simple moves he's trying to play Simple chess because neither one of us has a lot of time on the clock and now again he played the top engine move for the last like six moves he has played the top engine move of the computer Bishop f8 undevelop the bishop and defending the king is the top line of the engine this is a kid that literally said he's a thousand he better have lied to me he better have lied to me because he had the sight to know that I'm going to make a video about this game and when I talk about him being a 1,000 there's ain't no way in hell he's a 1,000 cuz a bunch of you are a th000 and you don't play like this by now you would have lost all your pieces this kid might be a th000 over the board which means he's like 1,700 on the line he has a better position against me after 25 moves he just goes Queen F7 I'm busted he's targeting my Pawn he's got a rook here he's going to play Rook up and double I'm I'm just losing like and again I'm I'm not in a I'm not in a mindset here where I'm thinking oh like we're going to you know we're going to make some trades and we're going to do like no no I'm losing the game and I panic here I mean the best move of course is to protect the pawn I should move my knight I should play here but I'm just's I just thought he's was going to go here and here so I panic and I play Rook e two and my idea with Rook e two is he's going to take my pawn and then I'm going to bring my second rook and then I'm going to go mate him because again I'm thinking he's going to mess up he's got to mess up at some point he's a tiny child he took my Pawn Rook F1 and then here I couldn't tell if he got my hopes up like you know in poker there's a thing called a slow roll when you know you have the winning hand or you're very confident you have the winning hand you play it slowly I think he had no intention in the game he played this move he he put his Queen there he kept his hand on it and then he brought it back and that's when I said oh it would have been great if you played this move and then said he gave me this check and I just want you to understand how clever this kid is he just took one of my pawns right he just took one of my pawns I went here do you know how many people would have just taken the second Pawn because mentally me eat Pawn me eat second Pawn he checked me he checked me to make me move my king into another check I am telling you this young man has a future in this game the fact that he held his nerves all the way to this point is absurd and now he fell apart now I went here he went here and I went here and I was just I mean I was ready to for him to plop The Rook down and go for a mate I mean straight up that just wins the game and he repeated moves and I went here and he repeated and so I was like are you trying to make a draw like do you want to draw because you keep shuffling back and forth right he knows the rule in chess if you Shuffle back and forth and listen I'm not in a position to bargain I'm past bargaining I was like you sure you want to draw he was like yeah and I was like he spared me it's like an it's like it's like a movie it's like a movie when the villain is just right there he's just one move away and then he's like I'm good and he kept me alive this young man kept me alive to think about this game for the rest of my life that's why I was like what's your rating I didn't know his rating he said a thousand a there is no way this dude is a thousand there is no way it's not possible he outplayed me for 30 moves yeah I had3 seconds to make the game review of this game is probably he had a 77% accuracy and mine was 74 I don't know who this kid is and frankly I never want to see this kid again in my life but I will say that was a ridiculous effort by him he should be extremely proud of that game I really wish he would have went for the win instead of repeating the moves but that's life and this young man better become a title player cuz he's really good and it took me less than three seconds to realize that so congratulations to you bud now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 981,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 6lix7ppvC5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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