Mother Dupree turns Dr. Stacks Funeral into a Praise Break

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i almost want you to stand there just give me a second just lift your hands and tell the lord thank you [Music] i i so much going through my mind about dr stax my sister in the lord she's truly been a friend i met her in the year of 1972 and i've seen down through the years and the course of time her course how she changed course and how i've seen her grow in the lord and she has been an asset in my life and i was at home when i heard about it it hit me like a ton of bricks because as long as i know she was all right i was all right but one thing i know hey bashanna hey by marcia she finished her course and the inaudible [Music] glory to god and the charge the charge that she had she finished her charge had the asha a charge is being entrusted with a task a duty or responsibility and she held up great in that standing of her charge and i often amanacia hey glory after she died i began to talk to the lord about some things you know about why but then on saturday morning i talked a little more to the lord and that evening she visited me shamasia her presence was strong and the anointing came upon me i got a shot in the spirit [Applause] some people don't believe me but i'm a witness of it the anointing was so strong upon me i said and and and sunday it just messed me up but i'm underneath the ocean the charges every charge every hanky every towel you must believe that what you have received it is prepping you and getting you ready to fulfill your purpose some there's a job to be done and she finished of course now we got to finish hours she took the charge and she watched this poured into others and prepared you it's not over yet take the charge and run with it come on somebody i'm about to take my seat but i feel joy on the inside i can see her rejoicing hey glory because she did her part we got to do ours she visited me that day it was so strong bishop weiners i'm sorry i acknowledge you hey hallelujah i smelled the fragrance of the anointing and now all of a sudden you know the shots that you get from mother boy and how you feel just all messed up i got all messed up she came to visit me to let me know everything was all right and now my master yes god that tells us to do it i'm the baby because i was the last one with motherboard and my sister she helped me in many areas even when my mother uh had an aneurism she gave us instruction different things she had parted and did in our lives i appreciate appreciated but i want to tell you today take your charge and run with it pour into others like they poured into us prepare them for the coming of the lord yes oh yes there is a place there is a place i must go there's a place where you must go come on into your sunday we weren't given the choices from nothing but we better run run with the torch and give god glory she fought the good fight and she finished her course i can see her rejoicing and we said look i said yes i'm sad but yet i'm glad there's another general another soldier is going on in say yes yes [Music] [Applause] yes yes hallelujah jesus i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm we've been charged for this day somebody said this day to do a work for god come on into the old sunnah come on in anybody else here yeah it's time to run with the judge say yes [Music] for glory to god i'm gonna take my seat but i feel some joy [Applause] how oh come on praise him come on praise him come on praise him hallelujah come on church and praise him praise him praise him praise him come on praise him there you go come on praise him this that kind of church mother sex is used to hallelujah my god my god yes see y'all [Applause] hallelujah you better praise him come on and praise our king he's worthy he's worthy he's worthy come on give them glory i feel the power i feel the anointing somebody say yes yes yes yes yes come on yes yes yes yes yes yes come on yes tell him yes from your balance tell him yes yes tell him yes yes lord tell the lord yes come on yes keep telling yes keep telling yes keep telling yes keep telling yes tell them you're jesus come on give him some praise come on give him some praise [Applause] hallelujah my god my god [Music] come on and give god some glory oh [Applause] [Music] glory to your name oh god yes lord we give you praise and glory come on and thank god everybody [Applause] [Music] to this great bishop election [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] i hear the lord saying you ain't seen nothing yet what he's about to do in your life is going to blow the world's mind i feel another mantle and another weight coming on your life and i hear the lord say give them praise now because what you see today you won't see no more but there's another power another strength coming in the holy ghost somebody's saying yes somebody say yes come on praise them come on kiddo hallelujah yes lord yes lord to the what the fools to the weatherspoon family to the stacks family that's the bennett god bless you the soul [Applause] y'all come on praise him for a few more minutes come on praise him just for a few more minutes he ain't finished come on and give us god some praise come on come on come on come on the weatherspoon family to the stacks family to all of you and your prospective places to look it yes to my apostle apostle god for your curling god bless you all yes lord you know [Applause] you know [Applause] [Applause] you know when we got the news about dr stacks we did what we was taught to do we went straight in revival the very next night and we was taught to head off grief to hear what the lord was saying about the matter when you see a great general of this statue and leader going to be with the lord you got a lot of people who are hurting a lot of people in pain the lord told us to go into revival we did just that we went into revival and he they quoted the scripture earlier about how precious in the sight of the lord the death of his saints and the lord began to speak to me he said now if you serve me and i'm rejoicing then why aren't you rejoicing he began to say to me when a man's legacy precedes his life his works is complete finish done over he said she completed her works when god can get more glory from out of your death than he can your life then you have completed your work and your warfare has been accomplished
Channel: WilbGr8R
Views: 125,911
Rating: 4.9043708 out of 5
Keywords: Mother Dupree, Gertrude Stacks, Funeral, Praise Break
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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