Sunday Morning Worship Service 7/4/21

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[Music] still has a word even where you are there's still a word from the lord god ain't through yet but when he gets through we shall come forth and you'll go [Music] [Music] everybody it's time to get busy [Music] write my name [Music] together come on who come out to have stress tonight let me see you raise your hand right now come on and clap your hand right now everybody listen here talking about the man name [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] baby he's all [Music] oh yeah [Music] you took two little fish [Music] and five blows [Music] [Music] you can do the [Music] in this house [Music] it's going to be in the morning yes it will be [Music] is going to be [Music] on [Music] [Music] is [Music] it will turn you around pilgrim rest nation good morning how are you this morning if you are in the bed go ahead and step out of your v out of your bed get on your feet put your hands together go ahead and stretch it's a beautiful sunday morning you have activity of your limbs clothes on your back shoes on your feet i just want to encourage you this morning that god is gonna make it all right how many of you believe that you're just not a believer that he will make it all right no matter what the situation is he still knows best he is still in control come on and put those hands together he'll make it all right he'll make it all right he'll make it all right he'll make it all right he will he'll make [Music] put some hand claps in the chat and say i know he's gonna make it all right let's do that again come on he'll make it alright all right [Music] whatever is broken [Music] come on he's gonna make it [Music] i alright you god you're gonna make it all right wherever you are wherever you are he's listening whatever you pray come on you got to feel good this morning he's going to make it work out for your good he will he will god come on you should feel good to know that your life is in god's hands he's gonna make it all right he'll make it all [Applause] it all right come on we're gonna encourage you say he will make it is all right let's do that again i know i know he will be that thing you're worried about he's gonna make it he's gonna make it all right put your faith [Music] [Music] is [Music] we know things have been shaken but god is still gonna make it all right stay all right you're gonna make it all right he'll make it all right he will he will he will say he'll make it all right come on he he'll make it all right he'll make it all right [Music] amen amen he will make it all right good morning pilgrim rest nation this is the day that the lord has made and we will all rejoice and be glad therein our scripture this morning comes from galatians chapter 5 and it reads stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage behold i paul say unto you that if ye be circumcised christ shall profit you nothing for i testify again to every man that is circumcised that he is a debtor to do the whole law christ has become no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law you are fallen from grace for we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith for in christ neither circumcision develops anything nor uncircumcision but faith which worketh by love he did run well who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth this persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you a little leaving leaving the whole long i have confidence in you through the lord that ye will none otherwise mind it but he that troubles you shall bear his judgment whosoever he be and i brethren if i yet preach circumcision why do i yet suffer persecution then is the offense of the cross cease i would they were even cut off which troubles you for brethren ye have been called unto liberty only use not liberty for occasion to the flesh but by love and serve one another i read to you galatians chapter 5 verse 1-13 may the lord add a blessing to the readers hearers and most important to do us over his holy word let us pray o heavenly father as we celebrate our nation's independence i thank you for the liberties that we have as believers in one body i thank you for the liberties that you bestowed upon us as believers in christ i thank you for the opportunity to worship and fellowship with one another i thank you for this liberty lord that others fight to have in their lives lo lord though we are as believers we have this liberty we have not ventured from your word when he told us not to fake forsake ourselves as some do even though we have been into [Music] thank you holy spirit fellowshipping through the means of the internet youtube and facebook [Music] the holy spirit reminds me that we do have members we do have people that are not afforded the same liberty and it and it is as believers in your word that we that are afforded this opportunity lord to pray for those that do not have this opportunity for some do not see the light until the doors of this church is reopened they will not have the liberty to see our pastor preaching the word the unadulterated word of truth to his people they won't have the liberty lord to hear the praise team singing songs of zion they won't have the liberty lord to heal the talented music staff playing firmly and with such vigor and they won't have the liberty lord to see deacons aligned in full battle array until the doors of this church is reopened lord i pray that our members pray for those that do not have this opportunity for your word tells us the poor would always be among us and it is our responsibility as christians to make sure that we take care of our brothers because we are our brother's keepers and i thank you lord for that opportunity i'm reminded of paul when he tells us in galatians 5 and 16 i say in you then walk in the spirit you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh but the flesh works against those who work against us we thank you lord for this opportunity we walk in the fullness of your blessing the assurance of your anointing and the goddess of your holy spirit lord knowing that until we as a body can come back on one accord that we are still responsible for one another we thank you lord for this opportunity we thank you for your many blessings it's in jesus name that we pray amen amen come on encourage somebody tell them say your health is on the way come on find somebody else even your household anybody around you just tell them your miracle is in route come on come on you got to believe that come on come on by your faith come on come on hallelujah hallelujah we encourage yourself [Music] i respect my miracle [Music] any day now any day now [Music] i'm expecting my miracle any day now any day now i shall what i need any day now any day now by coming to me any day now any day now i'm a spectator i'm [Music] i shall have what i know that he's coming me [Music] [Music] what i need i is [Music] i know [Music] oh [Music] hey if you believe it come on everybody i know i know it's coming up [Music] [Music] oh is i believe your blessing is on the way you'll heal it it's on the way come on come on come [Music] on come on [Music] is [Applause] i'm expecting my breakthrough my healing any day thank you god any day now i'm expecting my breakthrough i got in a day now um [Music] it's coming to me [Music] there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus god there is power in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god [Music] i'm expecting a miracle any energy day now because god is a miracle god he's a miracle worker and through him i can see the invisible feel the intangible thank god thank god for this state independence day [Music] 21 just happened to be on sunday morning but every day is independence david goes he whom the son makes free is free indeed do i have about 500 out there this morning who know you've been set free because jesus gave his life on calvary paid a debt that he didn't owe and one that we could not pay he died in our stand but that's not the way the story is got up i say got up i say he got up and because he lives we can face about because he lives oh hope he's not gone thank god good morning good morning to the pilgrim rest nation all of you who have chimed in by youtube facebook god bless you we are delighted excited to have you on this independence day god is still doing marvelous and miraculous things through his power and if god can't do it i promise you it can't be done i want to thank the praise team for ushering us this morning into the presence of god uh and our able and capable uh music staff for the media ministry for our vice chairman chairman todd and for all of you who've shined in listen stay tuned at the church notes i will be right back these are your morning church notes the christian education ministry will not meet during the months of july and august and will resume meetings in september for more information see deacon willie pritchard join us each week for midweek bible study on wednesdays via zoo our zoo meeting id is 538-043-0313 using the password one x b w e four you can also dial into wednesday night bible study by calling 1-301-715-8592 and enter the id number eight three zero four three zero three one three and enter the password six six nine one one four join us for early morning prayer live with pastor walter e ellis on monday wednesday and fridays at 6 15 a.m you can call the toll-free line at 978-990-5000 using the access pin number 687612 or you can call the church prayer line at 334-263-2263 pilgrim rest church members and anyone affiliated with gilgamesh church who have not received their first coveted vaccination may do so every wednesday from 8 a.m to 10 a.m at mulberry medical associates located at 1301 mulberry street in montgomery with dr joel mccloud the vaccinations are being offered at no cost but you must call ahead to schedule an appointment at 334-265-6153 extension 110 again no walk-ins please call ahead to schedule your vaccination thanks for your continued support of pilgrim rest missionary baptist church and our online streaming service we're counting on your continued faithfulness during this period you can give your tithes an offering by using the givelifly app the easiest way to give through our website at by paypal using the email pilgrimrest1550 at through the cash app at p rest nbc or you can mail your gift to 1550 east washington street montgomery alabama 36107 you can also bring your tithes and offerings to the church our church office will be open monday through thursday from 9 00 a.m to 2 p.m on fridays from 2 p.m to 4 p.m on saturdays from 10 a.m to 1 p.m and on sundays from 11 a.m to 1 p.m if you need another accommodation please call the church office at 334-265-1807 or call any deacon or trustee at 322-5209 to conveniently schedule pick-up of your gift for more information call the church office at 334-265-1807 thanks for your faithfulness and we'll see you online via our streaming services [Music] okay thank you for church notes let's break them in mine and be governed thereby a few announcements from the pastor's pen this morning i want to say good morning to the family of the late coach joseph evans who was finalized here on friday we praying for you even as you are going through your valleys and shadows just know that god still uh is able to heal and he can do what no other power can do good morning to trustee kevin mack whose sister transition last week in columbus mississippi and he's in columbus mississippi with his family and they're preparing for the home going and we are praying for trustee kevin mack and family on uh this morning i want to say good morning brother john williams john williams rather who has uh made his wish known to become a member of our church and he and i are going to talk about that good morning to deacon percy thomas and family how are you all on this morning i want to say good i beli belated happy birthday to my grandson mason who will have celebrated a big birthday i believe it was thursday good morning mason and belated happy birthday from papa okay i want to say good morning to bishop uh frankie bozeman and dr curtis bozeman on this morning and wish you a happy fourth of july celebration good morning to the first lady kim telus lily lance on this uh fourth of july day and i pray that you have a great fourth of july celebration i want to say good morning to john mitchell and family on this 4th of july good morning to the yeldo patterson patton rather and the reynolds family uh they had homegoing services on yesterday those are the cousins and nieces and then the cousin rather and niece of brother gary rental reynolds we praying for you this morning but gary and your family as you go through your hours of sorrow and bereavement just know that earth has no sorrows that heaven cannot heal we want to say good morning to dr joel mcleod he will be present on next sunday let's chime in to see what he's going to tell us on next sunday dr joel mcleod hey man all right let us not uh forget that the vaccines are still being given and we need you to be uh in compliance because we still need your numbers to help us to make sure that we are on the right track and on the right road amen god bless you is my prayer may he keep you there's a number on the screen for those who want to make uh appointments uh on wednesdays i think from 8 to 10 make those appointments no walk-ins make sure you have an appointment amen god bless now it's time for us to give our tithes and offerings as unto the lord we are have eight ways that we can give our tithes and offerings here at the rest to give a fly cash out paypal and other means that we have in place for your tithes and offerings and let me just say to you that i'm i'm i'm appreciative for how you have taken care of your responsibilities as it relates to keeping the church open and making sure that we uh keep our bills paid and and and and we're moving in a positive direction thank you so kindly you will never know how much it means thank you from the bottom of my heart and if you have your offerings ready excuse me please hold them up recite with me give and it shall be given unto you good measures press down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured unto you again luke 6 38 our father and our god we are grateful appreciative and god we thank you for how you have kept us through this pandemic this kovic 19 and we thank you that we're coming out we don't know how long we don't know when but god we know that you're able and we thank you for those who have kept their commitment to you and the church by the giving of their tithes and offerings bless them now some 40 some 60 some 100 folk it is in the precious and prolific and powerful name of jesus we pray we pray we pray amen amen now i am aware that today a lot of us are celebrating 4th of july on this day and i promise you i'm not going to preach my longest sermon today i'm going to give you a chance to do what you want to do and need to do today but i do want you to celebrate celebrating good taste good favor good grace and always remember where your freedom ends someone else's begin be safe be civil i ask you by the power of the holy spirit let me just sing a little song before i preach the lord is blessing me right now right the now [Music] keeps on blessing me right now [Music] right [Music] he started me on on my way that's why i can tell you the lord is blessing me [Music] keeps on blessing me over and over and over is blessing me [Music] right now y'all [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] this morning and he started me [Music] on my way you know what he did he didn't let me sleep too late no no no no no no woke me [Music] me yes [Music] gave me health and strength he did not let me sleep too late starting me home on my way yeah [Music] my way [Music] [Applause] right he keeps on [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] right now hallelujah hallelujah the gospel recorded in luke chapter 12 luke chapter 12. commencing at verse 16. it is and he spake a parable unto them saying the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully and he fought within himself saying what shall i do because i have no room where to restore my fruits and he said this will i do i will pull down my barns and build greater and there will i bestow all my fruits and my goods and i will say to my soul so thou has much good laid up for many years take that ease eat drink and be married but god said unto him thou food this night the soul shall be required of thee then whose thing shall those things be which thou has provided our message today how to handle a blessing how to handle a blessing most folks bless and don't know it and because they're blessed some people don't know how to handle the blessing uh bear with me for a few moments i told you i won't preach my longest sermon this morning because i know you're on the grill and doing your fourth of july uh activities but please listen this morning i i want to share with you a powerful parable one that is significantly relevant in its implication and profoundly meaningful in its conclusion it's about a man bowl modern standards would be considered extremely blessed endowed successful watch this and exceedingly selfish [Laughter] watch this when you're selfish god can use you when you're selfish god cannot get any glory y'all talk to me i preach and he shares his glory with no man when your selfish knocks you can't please god and it doesn't matter what the blessing heals because we know that when we are blessed watch this we are blessed to be a blessing what are you saying preachers when god has blessed you and you doing better than you ever done in your life it it it just makes good [Music] oh sense and common sense look around because we were blessed don't hard at all somebody uh needs shoes on their feet need clothes on their backs bless to be a blessing watch this when jesus spoke this parable he here's what he's doing he's trying to help us avoid the pitfalls of prosperity and give us the right attitude of gratitude don't get so high don't get lifted don't let pride get the best of you just because you've been blessed because everything goes up must come down jesus gives us a lesson in how to handle our blessings and uh not to have your blessings handle you let me say it again he gives us a lesson of how to handle our blessing but chairman and not let our blessings happen to you have you noticed people who used to didn't have but a little but since god has opened up the window and poured out blessings ah that vernacular change they they don't act the same way they used to act but the same god that bless you he's authorized huh he's certified to take it back some watch it some people can't help too much blessings become detrimental and dangerous i got to move on because they become arrogant egotistical cocky self-centered greedy and forget about the needy watch this on this fourth of day july there are some that will have plenty and others won't have any before you throw away all of your leftovers and scraps think about somebody who is less fortunate than you know you are it may not mean much to you but lazarus didn't want very much from the rich man's table he said when you clean the table if you only give me the crumbs i'll be satisfied there's somebody on this fourth of july celebration don't have nothing and a and a bone or a fish bone a chicken bone a rib bone or anything whatever you got don't throw away the scrap look around and try to find somebody who is in desperate need and you can help and you ought not just give them the bad minimum if god has blessed you you are blessed to be a blessing or something y'all ain't gonna talk to somebody else this man in the text was unconcerned about others you can't be a child of god and hard everything for yourself you can't be a christian on your way to heaven anyhow and don't think about helping anybody every now and then you ought to help somebody dr king says if i can just help somebody i travel along sure brother he's traveling wrong my living will not be this man was only concerned with what he could gain in this world and forgot about the world to come listen listen listen don't don't miss this uh carlos we are living in this world to live again if you're only living for the present your future is going to be jacked up when this life is over you know i i want to do it and and i know i i know i'm not saved by words i know i'm not saying that works uh the the bible said it's not that words that any man should boast but it's by grace through faith that we'll say but but but but works count y'all help me revelation says bless are the dead who die in the lord for their works y'all they're gonna talk to me follow them wax won't save you but it makes up the scale at the church let me keep preaching as i said we're going to preach though only cared about himself not the world to come listen you can own houses fleets of automobiles you can have more money in the bank than bill gates warren buffett and oprah wiffer put together but remember there is more to life than more money and a whole lot of stuff money can buy something can buy a lot of things but it can't do everything can buy your clock but can't guarantee your time can buy your groceries can't assure you an appetite you can buy your king-sized bed but can't guarantee you're going to rest at night you can buy your crucifix but it can't give you a savior y'all ain't going to talk to me listen one of the one of the what get this one of the world's richest couples recently divorced amazon uh uh founder jeff bezock and his wife mackenzie scott they they they they they divorced and they both came out financially set for life but watch this the contrast is that she sold to help the less fortunate with her fortune she has given more than 4.2 billion dollars to hbcus and other colleges while basil's uh has gotten he said he he's bored and he decided to take a flight to mars on a space mission what a contrast that that's what jesus was astounding on when he said in luke 12 15 take heed and beware of not covenants for a man's life consistent not in the abundance of things that he possesses things don't make you you make things don't let things blow you up and make you pumpers you got to be able to handle what god has given you because i promise you you could have this room full of money but god i snatch it can't live on earth what you won't go to mars what i'm trying to tell you it's risky to build your hopes on material things you better build your hopes on things eternal hold of god's unchanging hand watch this watch this i'm almost there this man had more than enough stuff but he didn't realize that his stuff was just temporary he didn't realize that there was a man that lived many years before he came along by the name of job joe was a richest man in all of these he had camels he had oxen he had sheep he had uh dunkers he had a great household job had it all going on job had it all but in the space of one day job lost every thing he had but i like the way job handled his crucial critical situation job did not get angry with god he did not become antagonistic toward god he did not blaspheme against god but he did say naked came out out of my mother's womb in a way when i came here i didn't have nothing i came here broke i came here a papa i came here depending on somebody else but god blessed me and since he decided to take it away bless be the name why do we get so upset with god when god decides what he has given us he's going to subtract it because god does add and he does subtract and not all the time have you done anything wrong joke didn't do anything wrong but sometimes just maybe i said just maybe just maybe god is subtracting because every time he gives you addition you never look out among you to see those who are in destitution and need for help just maybe don't don't say i said you broke because you riding i didn't say that but i said just maybe just maybe you can't handle your blessing and god has to take he'll take it from you give somebody a man had five talents man had two talents man had one the man who had the five invested his fire man had the two invested am i preaching his talents but the man that had the one dug a hole and here heals talking about i knew you were a hard task master reaping well you did not sow and guess what god did he blessed the man who had the fire not only did he have five he had ten and took the one that the man had buried in the earth and the man might only have ten now he has eleven if you don't do right y'all talk to me if you don't do right please remember whatever you have if you don't leave it someway somehow it'll leave you this man i'm talking about in the technique and this could be anybody a certain man this could be hint of this man forgot that if you put god first y'all help me preach he will never allow you to be less i'm gonna say it again if you put god first write this down matthew 6 33 but seek ye first the kingdom i feel the better of god and his righteousness are y'all gonna talk to me and all of these things but y'all hear what i said all of these things god has no problem with his pope being blessed y'all help me y'all ain't saying that y'all can say god has no problem with his people prospering he has no problem with prosperity falling on his people but you gotta put first things first seek he fights unto the kingdom and all of his righteousness he forgot that when you take care of god's business he'll take care of yours write this down some that except 25 data said i have been young but now i'm old watch this but never y'all missed that but never david said seven i've seen a lot of things i've seen children turn their backs on their parents i've seen parents disown bell children i've seen the best of friends who used to be ace boom become worse the enemies but he said i've seen a lot of things but never in my life have i seen the righteousness you can help me forsaken or is saved is there anybody out there that i'm talking to this morning who knows god will take care of you be not dismayed whatever the tithe god will take care of you if you keep your hand in god's hand leo retreat for right blessed open it and the opportunity to get god will take care of you can i say something can i say something here if you learn how to be a blessing in life you will never go lacking because my father is rich [Music] in houses and lane let me close you know bap is pretty close three or four times he he but he i got i got i got to tell you this watch this watch this don't miss it 11 times in the text we see this man proclaim his selfishness through the use of personal pronouns is what he said he asked himself a question what shall i do watch this because i have no room to bestow my fruits not noticing notice a personal pronoun but this he says will i do i will pull down watch this my bones and be greater watch this and there will i be store all my fruits and my goods and i will say i will say watch it watch this this get deep to my soul i will say to my soul so you got much laid up now for many years you've been struggling and see the problem arose because god had never blessed him like this before all the other yields his barns were adequate all the other yields henry he didn't have to look for any extra space but god tried it some washes on sometimes he tests you before you bless you but then sometimes he'll bless you and then he'll test in this instant in this incident he blessed him and then tested him and he failed y'all don't hear me he failed the test because he started talking about what i'm going to do yeah he started talking i'm going tear down my bun the problem with this equation is that he subtracts god from his monologue and as himself and says nothing about god but doesn't it make good sense when god has blessed you when god has given you more than you deserve when god has brought you from a mighty long way doesn't it make sense to just include god and say lord i thank you it could have been the other way as a matter of fact first thessalonians write this down 5 18 says in everything not for everything but in most of us can think it forward thinking for my new house thank you for my new car [Music] thank you for my new job thank you for my new how-to thank you for my new shoe we can think him forward but can we turn around and give god that same allegiance in it see some folk can't make it in it we feel like god is mistreating us but if you can't go through the storm how you then you're going to make it to the other side in every storm there's a lesson in every storm there's a blessing in every storm there is a way out if god puts you in it oh hallelujah he'll [Music] let me do this let me do this let me do this i'm through this to this fella i got to tell you this he seemly had it going on but despite his abundance watch this don't miss this please get this the lord labeled him a fool watch this now when the lord calls you fool usually it's because your judgment is off when when jesus calls you a fool is usually because you're not wise or prudent in your thinking you you you when he when he calls you a fool it means you wrap yourself around yourself and anybody who wraps everything around them make a small package he was inconsiderate he was careless this man was not aware of the authority of god and because of his neglect jesus labored him a fool when jesus what jesus was trying to show us and i'm through this time that this man was really empty a lot of money but empty uh had a lot going on but empty had a whole lot of fun full of goods buddy empty and i don't know about you but you may know some folk like that got a whole lot going on buddy empty can i tell you what empty folks do they get all of god's blessings come up in god's house and won't even say amen empty folk and get all the can from god come to church on sunday morning and won't even wave y'all they don't talk to me empty people yeah think that uh everybody ought to bow down and kiss their ring finger not knowing yeah that everybody else somebody had gone below this man that i'm talking about this morning in the text this man yeah hater uh he was lacking in his judgment his judgment was off i won't tell you two or three things and i'm going home like you are first of all in verse 16 and 17 this man had a wipe this down a debilitating dilemma here's what he said he asked himself a question what am i going to do but you know dr knox is strange that when people are blessed by god they always look inwardly rather than looking them outwardly yeah when you only look annually the only person that you are concerned about is yourself but all of us in this room ought to take a hard look and see what's going on not on the inside but on the outside they're suffering humanity they're mothers who can't afford to send their children to school and don't have lunch money and if god has blessed you stop looking inwardly look around and you'll find somebody in the need of a blessing can i get a little help here i said oh oh look around somebody don't have shoes on their feet and stop looking oh look around somebody's eating out of a garbage can but this man didn't have a yeah a good judgment and he had abilitating dilemma it should have been easy if i got more than i need if i got more than enough yeah what what garlic required me to have a message only because the poor will always be with us yeah his judgment was not good he may pull poor and inadequate decisions uh that's my number step two point uh yeah he said in as much as i had it i'm gonna keep it on for myself y'all don't hear me i heard him say what i have is mine and you get folk talk like this all the time what's mine is mine and was yours it's mine if i can get it verse 18 he said all that i have is mine but i want to send him to james chapter 1 verse 17 james said stop talking like that stop talking about what's mine is mine because you don't have nothing if you don't have jesus james says in 117 every good and perfect gift comes from the lord is there anybody watching me i need about a thousand of y'all out there who will lift your hand and say all of my help comes from the lord good morning i gotta save communion not only that he suffered from a dismal delusion the man became delusional after god blessed me he looked around and said all of this is mine he said all of this god has blessed me with her all of this i got enough to last me from now on it won't matter i got enough to just have a good life i got enough to have some fun i got enough totally sold so you got much laid up now for many years all you gotta do is eat drink and be merry [Music] [Music] looks low his eyes y'all help me on the sparrow and i know you watching over me the lord sits high he heals everything we've said he even knows the innermost thoughts of our being the when the man start talking a foolish talker the lord said to him oh thy food [Music] all that food out of all you've accumulated out of all your banging on it's not yours this night your soul is required of you now whose things are will those be be careful how you brag on yourself if you're gonna brag on anybody you're the brag on said the lord shouldn't have been good to me you already said it loud i brought your mighty long way you ought to say the lord kept me through sin and unseen things over and over again is that anybody out there can drag on god has god been good enough to you to brag on god and tell somebody keep nobody do me like jesus can't nobody do me like the lord the lord is good the lord is [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm through i'm finished could i challenge you could i challenge you on this 4th of july independence day to count [Music] your blessings and name them one by one and you'll be amazed surprised astonished to see what the lord [Music] has done can i tell you this i'm finished your blessings will outnumber your bruises [Music] every time oh yeah we all been through some tough stuff but do it all god kept us and i want to sing this little song maybe you like it maybe you don't know y'all [Music] satisfied [Music] satisfied satisfied [Music] i am satisfied with jesus what about you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just can't do it you just can't do it no matter how hard [Music] [Music] and i woke up and told god [Music] let me extend the invitation for discipleship anybody who does not know jesus even on this independence day it's a good thing to say yes they say we're gonna set freeways they're celebrated juneteenth they say we will set free on this day but one day i know we will set free when jesus [Music] died on the cross if you don't know [Music] it's a good time to get acquainted with it there's a number on the screen we'll take you by little christian experience or candidates for baptism come on come on [Music] oh come on come on [Music] call that number [Music] holy something communion the sacrament some called the lord's supper but jesus said this as often as you do this you show forth my death and suffering until i come again [Music] now there were those fortunate enough to come by the church and pick up their communion cup on yesterday and i'm proud of that but just in case you were not fortunate enough to do that i always tell you it's a symbol it's symbolism the bread is a symbol the juice is a symbol and i'll give you a few moments if you have some juice or cracker close by come on fellowship with us come on join us in our communion he's just saying to jesus we appreciate you you died of our carrier's death we should have been on that cross but you died instead you got up early sunday morning with all power in your hand we appreciate you come on commune with us if you will if it doesn't help you i promise you it's not going to hurt you i know too much about him i know too much about him in my [Music] [Music] pray with me oh god as we come now to the end of a worship on this first sunday in july we come now to carry out the ordinance that you left for us you say as often as we do this we show forth your death and suffering until we you come again we pray now that you would bless every participant in house and outhouse [Music] you know what they need and we know there's still power in the blood of jesus it has never lost its power it reaches the highest mountain flows to the lowest valleys bless your people now psalm of sin there's healing in the blood some lonely there's a friend that's sticking closer than a brother some bereaved but droughty hills today men broken hearts and field voids in your name we pray amen jesus blessed the bread in the upper room told his disciple this is my body that is broken for you blessed passing around told them take now and eat [Music] likewise he took the cup and he said this is my blood shed it in the new testament for the remission of sins i will not drink with you again until we drink anew in my father's kingdom take ye entry well god bless you the lord keep you is my prayer go in peace my brothers and have a great week may the good lord bless you as you celebrate the day celebrate but keep god in it in jesus name let the church say amen say man [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Pilgrim Rest MBC-Montgomery
Views: 2,272
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Id: vkyPkFhsmm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 15sec (5715 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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