Madeleine McCann | Who Is Responsible? | PART ONE

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I find it crazy that some people don't know Maddie's story. Admittedly, I've not watched the video linked here yet, but I can't imagine that the parents are not responsible, and I find it sickening that they were never charged with ANYTHING, at least child endangerment.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/legendiconstar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is a huge case over here in the UK

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/oopsywoopsy1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 01 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've watched some of her videos and I found them very interesting. She's a good researcher. This story reminds me of Jonbenet Ramsey in so many ways. The parents definitely know more than what they claim.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rats_off_2ya πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 02 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello guys thank you for coming back to another mystery Monday today we are going to be talking about one of the most important cases in my life something I've been following since the very beginning and it's the Madeleine McCann case when this case happened in 2007 it was obviously an interesting case because it involved a very young child and I thought it was going to be solved really quickly you know a little girl kidnapped or lost that they were gonna find her or figure out what happened pretty early on but here we are now so many years later and still as much in the dark about what happened to Maddy as we were in 2007 there is a lot about this case that is why I skipped a week because it took me two weeks to research and look into this case and I really wanted to get a thorough understanding of what happened and also kind of formulate my opinion anyway that wouldn't be offensive to anybody or caused any problems so I'm gonna try to do that but I can't make any promises so Madeleine McCann was a three year old little girl who went on vacation with her family to Portugal the McCanns were from a Chester in the UK but they went to Portugal on holiday with their kids and a group of friends that would come to be known as the tapas 7 we will get to that in a moment but Jerry and Kate McCann were both practicing doctors back home in Britain and they got married in 1998 they had Maddie in 2003 and then they had her twin brother and sister Emily and Shaun 2005 so they decided to bring their very small children all under the age of four with them to Portugal on holiday as well as their friends who I believe most of them were also doctors and their friends children as well so the family arrived in praia de luz Portugal on April 28th for their seven night vacation they weren't staying at a resort so to speak as we know it so when we go to you know Mexico or Jamaica or we go to all-inclusive resorts it's like a gated community sort of you know you go into the resort everything's closed off from the public the hotel and the pool and all the restaurants are like right there and they're all kind of affiliated with the same resort but this was more of an apartment complex next to a kind of resort area next to some restaurants and bars and things so they actually rented a two-bedroom ground-floor apartment and what was called the waterside villages and the waterside villages were right on the perimeter of the Ocean Club which is where they spent their time during the days bringing the kids to the kids club Jerry and Kate had tennis lessons they would spend time with the kids at the pool etc the McCanns went on this vacation with seven other friends and coworkers Matthew Oldfield and his wife Rachel David and Fiona Payne Diane Webster Fiona Payne's mother Russell O'Brien and his partner Jane Tanner Matthew Russell and the pains that he'd medicine together at the University of Light Esther which is how they met them at Cannes when they moved to LA Chester in 2000 also in attendance were the children of the friends all under the age of three during the vacation the mackenz and their friends had developed a sort of routine for the evenings they would put their kids to bed and then they would go to the nearby tapas restaurant to have dinner and while they were doing this every 20 to 30 minutes they would go back and check on their kids so let's talk about the de medal and McCann went missing as well as the timeline in the evening that she went missing so as Thursday May 3rd this was their fifth day there so they'd already developed a kind of routine like you do as a family on vacation in the morning the family wakes up and they're having breakfast and Jerry and Kate recalled that Mady said to them over breakfast why didn't you come last night when Sean and I were crying went through his heart breakfast and it was at that point that Madeline said where were you when Sean and I cried last night there's one of those questions that kind of throws you we just made them I mean till naught about who said you know actually go tonight just need to make sure we're really check human two white Reuben light think they might wake up but crying and looking for us she basically stated her parents that she and her little brother had woken up in the night while they were dining at their tapas restaurant and had called for their parents and cried and nobody had come to get them because their parents were having dinner and drinks at a restaurant nearby so as a parent that's hard to hear from me because if if my three-year-old little girl in the morning said to me where were you last night I cried for you my first instinct would be well we're not going tonight you know the kids are waking up this is a family vacation let's just skip it tonight but Jerry and Kate didn't have that reaction they claimed they just kind of looked at each other and said well we gotta make sure we're checking more tonight so that's an interesting reaction I think to have as a parent when your child says they call out for you and they needed you and you weren't there that's an interesting reaction so after breakfast around 10:00 a.m. Jerry and Kate brought Maddie Sean and Emily to the daycare or kids club that they would bring them to every day that the resort offered to the tourists and this club would have activities for the kids during the day crafts and they even had little kids tennis lessons and those sorts of things while their parents were doing their own thing at 12:30 Jerry and Kate picked to the kids up from the kids club brought them back to the apartment and they had lunch after lunch they went down to the pool for a couple of hours to spend some time as a family at 229 p.m. the last known photo of Madeleine McCann was taken sitting by the pool with her father and I don't know it's just a sad picture to look at you know she's this little girl with her little son hat on and she looks so happy she looks so excited to be on vacation with her family she looks so happy and knowing it's the last picture that was ever taken of her it's just kind of eerie and sad at 3:30 Jerry and Kate brought their kids back to the kids club and they did their own thing I think a jury had a tennis lesson that they went to that afternoon at 6 o'clock it picked the kids back up from the kids club but brought them back to the apartment to start getting them ready for bed and Jerry had another tennis lesson so around 7:30 I believe Jerry got back to the apartment from his tennis lesson and they proceeded to put the kids to bed get them ready for bed she remembers a very specific account of that evening which I suppose isn't strange based on what happened later so they put the kids to bed around 7:30 they started getting ready to go to dinner and then by 8:30 they had left the apartment and were on their way to the tapas bar on the other side of the pool from the apartment now this tapas bar is interesting because every evening like I said the McCanns and their friends would meet at this tapas bar for a dinner at 8:30 and all of them would leave their kids alone and unattended in the apartment and they said they didn't think there was anything wrong with us because they were sleeping what's the big deal they're safe they're sleeping and they went back every 20 to 30 minutes and checked on them and I just find that it's very irresponsible as a parents I I could never even an older child I would never feel comfortable leaving in a foreign country in an unknown place and on top of that they left the sliding glass door unlocked so it would be easier for them to get in and out during checks that's crazy to me you leave your very small children so Shawn Emily and Mady were all under the age of 4 you leave you're very very small children in a foreign country any place they won't recognize if they wake up it's not home it's not there their own bed and then you leave the sliding glass door to the apartment unlocked and like I said this was not a gated resort this wasn't a place where there was only tourists this apartment building which was on the ground floor was literally right on the street where locals lived anybody could walk in and out it wasn't really safe and it wasn't secluded and it wasn't apart you know the regular comings and goings of pride to lose so every evening at 8:30 the McCanns and their friends had this standing reservation with a specific table at the tapas bar which has also come under a microscope because the McCanns were very very clear about why they wanted this specific table in the tapas bar because they could still see the apartment building from this table and they would tell you know all the serving staff that we need this table because our kids are alone in our apartment and we just want to keep an eye on things you know as well knowing that we were dining at a time passed by 50 yards away so they were not you know shy about letting anybody really know what was happening anybody who worked in that restaurant or talk to somebody who worked in that restaurant would know that there was small children left alone in this apartment building and how often the parents went back to check on them kay and Gerry McCann would have you believe that in his own words dining at the tapas bar while their kids slept in an apartment building was just like dining in your backyard let your kids are upstairs asleep I think you know who either way we've talked about it before it felt very similar to dining in your garden and know that you know have you ever left a child unattended for any length of time whether it be your downstairs in the child's upstairs and that wasn't the case it wasn't as close as they would have you believe in fact I think it was like a five to seven minute walk from the tapas bar back to the apartment especially if you went off of the street and through the front door instead of through the pool area and then through the back door so as you can see the star in the upper top right-hand corner of the picture shows the tapas bar over the McCanns and their friends would dine every night and then the star in the bottom left-hand corner of the picture that shows the McCanns apartment 5a which doesn't even face the poolside where the tapas bar would be visible from the apartment and vice-versa and they would have had to walk right out of the tapas bar and and take a left onto the street and then walk all the way up the street and around the apartment building in order to enter and see apartment 5a to hear Kate and Gerry describe it they get very defensive they try to minimize the distance that the tapas bar was from where they're sleeping children were left alone and unattended you know I would never have taken a risk it was something that wasn't it wasn't even a decision that's how safe it felt that we have to suggest it wasn't going to be safe we were dining 15 yards away we were making very foolish tracks we were going into the apartment always quiet every night I find it incredibly irresponsible and why they were never held accountable or responsible for this blows my mind so like I said the parents would check every 20 to 30 minutes according to them so here's the timeline of that so they get to the tapas bar at 8:30 they sit down order drinks whatever at 8:55 Matthew Oldfield believes that he able to go check on his kids at 9:05 Gerry goes back to their apartment to check on the kids he goes in through the unlocked sliding glass door and he goes and checks on the kids and he notices that all three are sleeping and peaceful but he did say that he thought the door was much wider open than they had left it so they typically left it like you know just opened a tiny crack so the light from the hallway would go in the room and the kids wouldn't be scared if they woke up and it wouldn't be completely dark but he recalls that the door was quite a bit more open than they had left it so he checked on the kids as he walked in and he looked down a Madeleine while she's sleeping and thought about how beautiful she was and that would be the last time that he would see his daughter so on Jerry's way back from checking on the kids he sees a friend that he's mad while they've been on vacation and his name is Jeremy Wilkins so he stops the chat with him and around at 9:10 Jane Tanner actually claims she passed the two men on the road while she was going to check on her kids she saw them but they don't ever recall seeing her which is kind of weird because it's not as if she would be really far away from them and they wouldn't be able to see her I feel like if she passed them they would have seen her but anyways she says she passed them on her way to check on her kids and also as she was walking up of the street somebody crossed like so if she's walking up this street on this street there's a man walking and she saw this man walking past holding a small child in his arms a blond child with pink pajamas on and she just remembers at that moment thinking oh you know that child doesn't have any socks on or shoes why is this parent bringing this child out on pajamas without any socks or shoes because it was kind of chilly at that time in Portugal and which blows my mind because Jane Tanner who's going to check on her unattended children left sleeping in a foreign country in a foreign apartment building is judging another parent for bringing their child out without shoes and socks on but Jane described the man later as being kind of like Mediterranean looking and she went out of her way to describe him as not being a Taurus and not being like on vacation that she thought he looked like a local because he didn't dress in the way a tourist would dress he had dark hair which was kind of worn in a long style and she kind of just went out of her way to make a point of making it seem like this man was not a tourist but was a local or a foreigner sketchy appears to be carrying unusual way yeah I was carrying sort of across the body like that I suppose in hindsight you probably think somebody would carry them more against the shoulder so a nine thirty this should have been Keith's turn to go check on the kids but she didn't both Matthew and Russell weren't getting up at that moment to check on their children so Matthew offered to check on Maddie and the twins while he was checking on his kids who were right next door and Cate said okay thanks and sat down and enjoy the rest of her food so Matthew Oldfield he claims he went in the McCanns apartment and he actually you know opened the door to the bedroom and looked in and he does say that he saw Sean and Emily but he doesn't recall seeing Madeline he just said he kind of assumed she was there I'm almost wondering if he even went in and looked to check to see if the kids were there at all because I think when he came back he said something like it's all quiet I almost feel like he kind of just opened door and maybe listened in to see if he heard crying assuming if he didn't hear any crying the kids weren't awake and they were fine and you know I think that's what happened I don't think that he actually went in and physically saw the kids with his eyes which would change the timeline of this whole evening much more dramatically especially when considering the let the couple hours after a disappearance or a kidnapping are the most crucial and finding the person who's been taken so on 10:00 p.m. Kate finally does go for her check now I remember at this point 10:00 p.m. this is two and a half hours since she's checked on her children or seen her children Gerry has gone back and checked once and that their friend Matthew Oldfield has checked once for them allegedly so Kate goes in to the apartment through the door they all left unlocked remember at the doors unlocked so she goes into the apartment through the door that's left unlocked and she notices again just like Gerry did that the bedroom door was more open than they had left it and when she went to reach for the handle to open the door and go in and look at the kids she claims a wind from inside the room slammed the door shut on her and this stunned her because she claims they left the windows all closed and laughed up so she opened the door saw the window was open and then saw that Maddy was not there but Shaun and Emily were at this point she does a couple weird things first she leaves the apartment leaves her two other children still sleeping there even after the door loudly slammed they were still sleeping she leaves them sleeping there she runs back to the tapas bar and frantically and panicked Lea tells her friends Maddie's been taken they've taken her what's wrong with that situation number one how do you know she's been taken I mean she could have wandered off she could have gotten up she could be in the bathroom she could have left the apartment looking for her parents she could be hiding somewhere messing around how do you know that she's been taken and if you think she's been taken Kate why would you leave your two other children in the apartment that your daughter has just been kidnapped from and run back to the tapas bar to tell your friends that your daughter's been kidnapped that was odd to me and I think it's add to a lot of people it's strange to leave your kids alone and unattended in a foreign country with an unlocked door it's strange that as soon as you see your daughter's not sleeping in her bed you assume she's been kidnapped and it's strange that after you assume she's been kidnapped you then run out of this apartment in a foreign country that you left unlocked that your daughter was just taken from and leave your other two sleeping children still in that apartment okay that's the McCanns and the top of seven or tapas nine if you include jaring Kate that's the tapas 9 account of what happened that evening is it true is it accurate are there holes in the story we don't know if it's true we don't know if it's accurate yes there are holes in the story and there are there's gonna be some things that we talk about and I'm gonna tell you what I think about it but first let's go back really quick to why as a parent would you leave your child alone in a foreign country in an unlocked apartment building unattended why didn't the McCanns leave them with family members at home back in the UK if they wanted to basically just hang out and play tennis all day and then eat dinner and drinks with their friends at night why wouldn't they have brought like an au pair or a nanny on vacation with them if they really weren't planning on spending time with them or staying with them at night why wouldn't they have taken advantage of the evening daycare that they offered at the Ocean Club it was you know a little bit more money and they would have had to pay for it but why wouldn't they take advantage of that they were both doctors they were physicians traveling and Portugal's not cheap they had money so why didn't they use it to make sure that their kids were taken care of while they were out drinking and eating keep that question in your mind always because it's something that I never let go of I mean my husband and I kind of know that a family vacation and an adult vacation are completely different we know that when we go on a family vacation and we bring the kids it's gonna be a lot of work but we're going to spend time with our kids and usually it ends up like my husband sleeping in bed with one of them and me sleeping in bed with the other and we don't get a lot of time one-on-one but that's okay because that's what a family vacations for you there to spend time with your kids you're there to hang out with your kids you're not there to kind of shove them off on babysitters all day and then leave them alone and unattended all night after Maddy's gone and Cate tells everybody obviously everybody starts looking for Maddy calling her and trying to figure out where she is and they call the police and Kate and Jerry start to call their family members back home like their parents and sisters and all that and they start telling them these stories and explaining the crime scene in a way that was pretty consistent over each person they talked to so they told them that the window had been broken into it had been jimmied they said so it had been tampered with and that they thought mellon had been taken out of the window you know stolen the person came in through the window not the unlocked door that you left on like they came in through the window and then they laughed carrying a child through this window and I'll show you a picture of the window it's not really a window you could Jimmy from the outside also the window was not damaged it wasn't tampered with nothing was wrong with it the police took fingerprints off the window and the only fingerprints they found on the window were Kate McKenzie no damage to the window was ever done so why did the McCanns tell all their family members that there had been damage done to the window and when these people recount what Jerry and Kate told them it's all similar so this isn't like a weird game of telephone or something got lost where Jerry called his mom his mom called his sister they called these people all separately and told them the same story on July 22nd 2008 the 57 page Portuguese police report was leaked online this conveniently happened the day after the Portuguese authorities had shelved the Madeleine McCann case the McCanns and their spin doctor I mean family spokesperson Clarence Mitchell they claimed that the report had been leaked on purpose to make them look bad and I do believe it was leaked on purpose but I don't think it was to make them look bad they looked bad without that report being leaked I think it was basically to get the truth out there and let people know that the PJ or the Portuguese police department they hadn't botched this investigation as the McCanns were claiming and telling everybody in in the media and anybody that would listen that the PJ had done a terrible job investigating this case I think the PJ wanted to get it out there that they did a pretty good job investigating the case given the fact that they were you know working with false information the cans provided a botched timeline in my opinion that was not an accurate timeline of how things went down so let's go over some of the key points in the police report from the Portuguese Police Department so basically in the first 24 hours they preserved the the scene of the crime and a lot of people have had given them flak for not doing that soon enough because a lot of a lot of other people had been in and out of the apartment obviously every single one of their friends and their children and people off the street who were just trying to help it was a tampered with crime scene at that point but the PJ didn't know what they were working with a crime scene at that point for all they knew they were just really concerned with him finding Maddy not trying to figure out what happened in the apartment they wanted to find her because like I said the first couple of hours after a person goes missing especially a young child are the most crucial typically if somebody kidnaps a young child for nefarious reasons they are killing them within the first three hours of having them so they really were more concerned with finding Maddy which they put a lot of effort time and manpower into doing that they collected and examined evidence they took a photos of the scene they started door-to-door searches so basically knocking on all the doors in the area asking people if they had seen her they set up control posts on the roads and the borders fame they brought in sniffer dogs as well as search-and-rescue teams both Ariel and Mary time which basically means they had like helicopters flying and they had boats looking so they were covering it from land air and sea they had people on foot they had people in boats they had people and helicopters and planes looking for this little girl they searched the terrain they searched people's houses they searched two vehicles on the road set up at these borders that they had you know like they said they had set a post on the border Spain they set up post on the road they were stopping vehicles searching them more than 700 people in the following days were interviewed a hundred officers from surrounding areas worked 24 hours a day and they had regular meetings and follow-ups with each other and with the family that's PJ to me they spared no expense and manpower and money and time trying to find Madeleine and they did what they thought was best which was basically like getting out there and finding her she wasn't at the apartment anymore their main concern was finding this little girl and how Kate and Jerry can fault them for this it it blows my mind another little interesting tidbit from the PJ files showed that the upstairs neighbor of the McCanns in their apartment in Portugal Pamela Fenn she claims a couple nights before Maddy went missing she heard Maddie crying in the apartment below her for hours so she says Maddie was crying calling for her father from 10 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. until she finally heard the door open and her parents come home and she stopped crying Kate and Gerry and the tapas at 7:00 they claimed they were going back every 20 to 30 minutes to check on their children yet we find out that Madeline only a couple of days before she goes missing was crying for almost two hours and nobody came to check up on them at that time were they really checking in on them as often as they said they were or did they just say that they were doing that to make them look less make left fall and less like terrible parents let's talk about a couple other things that don't make sense Jane Tanner and the sighting of the man that she saw walking away with a young blonde girl in pink pajamas and who she went out of her way to kind of state that this person was not a tourist and was probably a local Jane Tanner claims as she passed a giri talking to his acquaintance in the street outside McCann's building seconds before she saw a man carrying the girl in the pajamas so if she passed them seconds before this why did Jerry and his friend that he was talking to on the street not only not see her but not see this man carrying the girl in the pajamas so this would have been literally you know minutes after Jerry had checked on the kids and walked outside and seen his friend minutes because he allegedly checked on them at 9:05 and this was nine ten when Jane Tanner she saw the man walking by with the with the kid in his arms I'm in her first account of the sighting she doesn't really know what the man's caring is she says maybe it's a bundle maybe it was a kid I don't know if she doesn't remember what he was wearing really she doesn't know she doesn't recall specific like details about what he was wearing or what he was carrying she just saw a man her second - retelling of the events become much clearer which we know is the opposite of the way the memory works as we get further away from an event we actually remember things less clearly but not jane tanner she remembered things more clearly about seeing the man carrying the small child so when she retold it she suddenly said oh I do know he was carrying a child she recalled exactly how he was carrying the child she knew the color of the child's pajamas she could tell what kind of shoes he was wearing she could tell what kind of haircut he had so she really she really came through in that second retelling with many more details about this man that they didn't took those details and they made you know police sketches of and put out everywhere thinking that this guy had kidnapped Maddy so the cherry on top of this is super suspicious ice cream sundae is that Jane was in her own apartment when Kate found Madeleine to be missing so I guess Jean had gone back a little early because her daughter wasn't feeling well so she was in her apartment when Maddie was discovered to be missing and she heard them all i guess yelling in the street if she claims she went out on the balcony and like kind of stuck her head out and she was like what's going on and rachel shouted Maddie's gone and then at that point she says she felt you know physically sick and she remembered seeing the man and then people put two and two together in her head now Jane did seek ages month later but she could not bear to tell her about this sighting of the man that she was sure kidnapped Madeleine she could not tell Kate about it you know she just she she didn't want to burden her friend with the knowledge that might have helped find who kidnapped her daughter she claims at that time everybody thought Maddy was hiding which is [ __ ] because Cait immediately said she was taken and when Rachel called off Maddie's missing you know she was like Maddie's hiding they were all panicking they called the police how do you think that anybody thought Maddy was hiding so Jane's lying in my opinion I'll just say that so nobody can sue me James lying in my opinion she's lying about everything in my opinion I mean there's no way that anybody thought she was hiding the Portuguese Police Department told them I cans do not contact me press don't contact the press because as soon as if somebody took her as soon as they know that we're looking for her and there's you know footage on this case and it becomes high-profile it's more likely that they will kill her or get rid of her because they'll feel the heat so don't go to the prospect but the PJ report shows that within 10 minutes I'm discovering Maddy to be gone the McCanns were on the phone with the press why would you do something that could potentially be detrimental to your missing child so soon after finding her missing Lake we haven't even looked at but you're on the phone with the press getting them involved and when they called the press within 10 minutes of discovering managed to be gone they were posing it as an abduction gene nobody ever thought Maddy was a hiding basically it sounds like she was irrational izing and not sharing this information with Kate and Jerry because everybody thought Maddy was hiding and she didn't want to alarm anybody but really nobody ever thought Maddy was hiding so your story just crumbled months later when she was questioned by the UK police who eventually he got involved in the case she was asked when did she tell Kate and Jerry about seeing the man and she claims that she thinks it was a couple of days later she said she hadn't wanted to admit even to herself that it was true this is actually like a direct quote from her which it just shows you how incredibly selfish and narcissistic these people are she said the damage to us being more than the benefit to Madeline [Music] so basically she thought that getting involved in this case I guess and I don't know saying what she saw would hurt that more than it would help Maddon and it absolutely makes no sense because if you honestly thought like that this man carrying the little blonde girl in pink pajamas which melon was wearing pajamas if you thought he had taken her how can that hurt you and not help Madeline how Jean that's why I've been in and also when James interviewed she says she was walking on the left-hand side of the street and that she and Jerry and his friend were on the same side of the street when she passed them but when Jerry and his friend were interviewed they report that they were talking on the right-hand side of the street so nothing she says adds up there's so many holes in Jane Tanner story okay so like I said the McCanns phone and spoke with several people in the time following their daughter's disappearance they spoke with Trish Cameron who's Jerry's sister Bryan Healey who's Kate's father John Koerner who Sean and Emily's Godfather Jill Renwick which is a close friend of the McCanns and McCants described the scene to them one way a different way when interviewed by the police and they changed their details of their stories several times to simplify the shutters in the window were both reported as being closed and then we can said that they had been forced open for somebody to get in and abduct many the police investigated this shutter theory it was found that the shutters had not been tampered with it all the window wasn't broken and the shutters could not even be opened from the outside furthermore like I said the only fingerprints on that windowsill were that of Kate McCann the McCanns insisted that the doors the apartment had been locked but once it looked as if their window story was now gonna get their point of an abduction across they then changed their story and said that they left one of the doors unlocked so that it'll be easier to get in and out and check on the kids they oh they also said they left it unlocked in case of a fire so that the kids could you know get out of the apartment he's there's fire because two year olds and three year olds are gonna be so calm and cool and collected when a fire happens and they're gonna be like stop driving the roll and you know crawl towards this unlocked door that our parents left on LA for us in case there was a fire no that's not gonna happen but that's just Kate and Jerry you know showing and telling what great parents they are and how responsible their let's talk about the police dogs now and Eddie and Kela or highly trained highly sought after police dogs from the UK so these were not Portuguese police dogs you know they can't blame the Portuguese Department and say they brought in some biased dogs these were dogs that were sent to Portugal from the UK once the United Kingdom got involved in the case and they found some interesting things so Eddie and Kela where the dogs Eddie is a cadaver dog and cadaver dogs are trained to sense decomposing flesh and not only that but they can smell the scent of a dead body even after the body's been moved for a very long time after so if the body's been moved and then the dogs come in a month or two months or three months later they can still sense and smell the scent and death kela was a blood sniffing dog so Kela could smell the presence of blood even if the blood had been washed away or washed out of clothes or you know scrubbed away so these dogs were amazing and I mean they're trained since the moment they're puppies to do this work they're actually trained in the United States at a body farm which is you know disturbing but they have such a high success rate that these dogs can literally charge like seven hundred eight hundred dollars an hour for their work because they bring in results what happened when Eddie and Kela were brought in to search the McCanns and their residents and their vehicles I be alerted to an area in Kate and Gerry's bedroom so the master bedroom Eddie also alerted to Maddy's stuffed toy cuddle cat which was her favorite toy that she slept with every night and that Kate paraded in front of the media for a month afterwards and he also alerted to an area behind the blue couch in the living room of the apart Eddie alerted as well to Madeline's t-shirt and to a pair of Cape McCann's pants and a shirt of Cape McCann's so remembered that Eddie's the cadaver dog he smells basically the smell of death that a dead body has been there so we've got the master bathroom kate and jerry's bedroom we've got behind a blue couch in the living room cuddle cat Madeline's t-shirt and Kate's clothes as well so Kela the dog who smells the blood and senses the blood she also alerted behind that blue couch in the living room several days later both the dogs Eddie and Kela alerted to the McCanns of rental car now the McCanns had rented this car 25 days after Matty had gone missing yet both the dogs the dog that smells dead bodies and the dog that smells blood alerted to their rental car to say that there had been at one point a dead body in that car and blood in that car it's just Portuguese police ask to British authorities to bring over to specialist dogs one who detects dead bodies the other traces of blood the dogs reacted in the McCanns apartment and in the families rental car which wasn't hired until three weeks after Madeleine disappeared forensic swabs were taken and sent to the UK for analysis the leaked results or at least the Portuguese interpretation of them caused a sensation they took a swab of DNA from the apartment and I believe from the vehicle and it came back as a match for Madeleine McCann so this was a DNA kind of like a profile match so I guess that this maybe wasn't Madeleine maybe it was one of her brother or her sister maybe they get a nosebleed or something in the car I don't know I mean that's what the Macan said you can believe whatever you want to believe about that dogs searched five residences of you know people that they felt might be involved and only the McCanns apartment was alerted to by the dogs only the McCanns vehicle was really learned to by the dogs that's just something to think about and Kate and Gerry basically like a road these sniffer dogs off they said they were unreliable which I mean I think that honestly these animals are probably more reliable than most human beings would be in a case like this because there's no motive or reason for a dog to lie or hide or cover anything up they just are trained to do a certain thing and they do that thing well and they do that thing honestly because what's their motive to not do it honestly dogs don't lie and at one point you know Kate and Jerry were asked about what they thought about the sniffer dogs and what they thought about what they found and you know Jerry comes back with this really like sarcastic like jerky remark like I don't know as the dogs like what what is that about like we can't ask the dogs how can you explain the coincidence of the scent of the cattle of Category felt by British and not Portuguese dog sandra maybe you a fireman judiciary because they affect some and all that they don't have an explanation for that acid the ho Santa that's the dog no Jerry now I think that I've I feel free to ask you don't you feel free to answer me I can tell you that we've also looked at evidence about katana dogs and they're incredibly undermine unreliable dogs yes that's what they're ensures if they have tested scientifically remember that exchange I remember as if to us today he asked him me ask the dogs and I replied I'm asking you Terry I think it was something like that what did you make of of Jerry McCann's reaction I thought he's being arrogant he's not understanding my point I'm not offending him I just want him to to give me his opinion just try to fight and the reporter who asked him wasn't trying to be you know an [ __ ] about it she was just asking Emile what did he think about it and he gets so defensive they always get so defensive in interviews like it's more important for Kate and Gerry to let the world know that they are good parents to let the world know that this wasn't their fault then to actually like find out what happened to Madeleine you know you said that the night before Madeleine and Sean have been very upset and I didn't say that that was in there that was in the statement it wasn't that was leaked out was that not the case was she not upset the night before and talked to you the night before we said is there in this the next morning Madeleine had said to say why didn't you come when the client last night and at the time we thought that sort and you know we looked at each other and we asked her directly when she meant and she just dropped it and moved on so I wanted to just take a second and point out something from that previous clip the way the host tells Kate when you said the kids were crying for you and Kate's us I never said that and then the host just taps the report you know really gently and says well it was here in the report and the look that Kate gives is so dismissive and so just like sarcastic and horrible and attitude E and that it's kind of why people think that they react badly to things and they just get really defensive actually zoomed and on her face so that you could see the look again so here it is and that's why they hired clearance Mitchell so I told you we were gonna talk about their spend doctor I mean their PR consultant at a later time and let's talk about him really quickly I don't spend too much time on him because I think it speaks for itself the fact that that they hired him and that he worked for them for several years after Matty went missing Clarence Mitchell has more than 30 years of communications and senior level engagement and government relations experience gained at the highest level of the UK media HMG civil service the Conservative Party and latterly public relations his public affair clients have included the Iraqi Prime Minister the government of Iceland Microsoft Bank of America Lloyds Banking Group Heineken hewlett-packard and Costa Cruises within his crisis management portfolio clearance provided strategic counsel to kosis chairman and CEO during the Costa Concordia cruise liner disaster in Italy in January 2012 so pretty much like he's Aspen doctor right he's a cleaner when things happen that makes somebody look bad or to make a company look bad Clarence Mitchell comes in and he coaches and trains these people to make themselves look not as bad and he deals with like talking to the media so that they don't say anything stupid in front of the cameras and he basically he's like a public relations person do you watch ray Donovan like Clarence Mitchell's like Ray Donovan you know he comes in and when you do something stupid Clarence Mitchell comes in and fixes it for you and he gets paid quite well to do so so why when their daughter goes missing their baby daughter their three year old innocent little daughter do the McCanns feel it necessary to hire a PR person of all things like what's that about and I mean initially I guess he was sent from the government to help them with the media and then like this a millionaire British guy continued to pay his salary so he could stay on with the McCanns but then once the McCanns you know started looking not so great to the public eye this millionaire benefactor backed out he was and do with us and the Madeleine McCann fund continued to pay for Clarence Mitchell's high salary and the Madeleine McCann fund was basically a public fund set up by the McCanns for people to donate money to so that they could help find Maddy would help cover expenses show Mitchell claims that he was working for the government when the news of Madeline's abduction broke I was asked to go to Portugal to help with the media frenzy that was developing in September I decided I want to work full time to help the McCants with their campaign so I left the government and Brian Kennedy stepped in to pay my salary that asked the rich British millionaire that paid Mitchell's salary for the McCanns some months ago Brian Kennedy withdrew from funding it and so the helping to find Madeleine trust is now paying me to help continue the search for Madeleine - helping find Madeleine trust that he's referring to the one who pays his large salary to continue to help with the McCanns with what the media frenzy their horrible public image I don't know anyways the trust was set up by the McCanns in 2007 to raise money to help find Madeleine he goes right to Kate and Gerry so they decide what to do with that money like to pay the salaries of unimportant and unnecessary positions such as Clarence Mitchell's so I mean it's something like 11 million pounds or something has been spent of you know donations and people who wanted to help find Madeleine so these are like children who emptied their piggy banks you know older people who like donate their social security checks like these are people who just felt so bad about this and wanted this little girl to be found and they were willing to sacrifice and donate to the McCanns who are not poor people and the McCanns then decided what to do with this money which was paid Clarence Mitchell and pay off their mortgage on their home because that's what you do with money that's given to you in order to find your daughter and you know obviously there's other expenses so the McCanns are being sued right now by ex-detective gun kalo amaro who and he's suing the McCanns for basically covering up their daughter's death so the book is called the truth about the lie and he wrote this book stating his theory that he believes Madeleine died in the apartment probably accidentally that her parents covered it up and made up this whole kidnapping story so that they wouldn't look bad or get in trouble or go to jail and he wrote a book about it which you can't even find on Amazon try finding any book on Amazon that wasn't written by Kate McCann about Madeleine no book about Madeleine can be found on Amazon besides Kate McCann's book because my cans have blacked all of these and then they sued him for libel and then you know they won but then later that decision was reversed and now he's basically suing them back and if they lose this court case which is currently going on the rest of the Madeleine McCann a fund is going to be wiped out by that so I feel like a lot of them money in the Madeleine McCann fund went towards court fees for all the people that the McCanns have sued and all the people that have sued the McCanns basically that's what's been paying for so a donation to the Madeleine McCann Trust is a donation to help keep her parents out of prison in my opinion so let's go over some of these figures so it shows basically the generations they received between May 2007 and March 2008 and then it shows what's going out between May 2007 and March 2008 and you've got two hundred and fifty thousand pounds for search fees including private detectives campaign management including PR Fe so that's Clarence Mitchell right there and that's one hundred and twenty three thousand pounds legal fees and expenses McCann's defense lawyers right there's one hundred and eleven thousand pounds awareness posters in adverts eighty one thousand pounds legal fees for administration of fund sixty eight thousand pounds almost sixty nine thousand pounds website costs thirty-seven thousand pounds which seems high to me fund professional fees thirty six thousand pounds whatever that means production of t-shirts and wristbands twenty six thousand pounds media monitoring and worldwide auditors whatever that means twenty six thousand pounds so it doesn't show anywhere here where they paid their mortgage which we know they did shortly after addy and Kela you know found what they found in the apartment and the car then my cans were named our Guido's now our Guido's does not mean suspects so to speak it kind of means like a person of interest but they are named to be people of interest in the case so that they were being looked into Kate was taken in for questioning and for some reason they allow a jury to be in the room with her whenever she was questioning and he would sit behind her and always have his hand like on her shoulder and she was questioned she was asked I think something like forty nine questions and she refused to answer forty-eight of them so that's weird but we're gonna get into that in a minute let's talk about Clement to Freud Sir Clement Freud he's the grandson of a famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud he moved from Germany to the UK when he was young and he became a prominent chef and a food right before expanding his talents to television and radio he became a member of parliament in 1973 until 1986 and then he was knighted Wow he was also accused of being a pedophile and a rapist in 2016 7 years after he died many women came out saying that Clement Freud had abused them and you know even gone so far as to rape some of them in his many years in power in the British government and many of these girls were underage so what does that have to do with Maddie's disappearance well maybe nothing but it's obviously a theory because Vicky Haynes one of the girls who was abused by Fred when she was just 14 years old she's in her sixties now but she strongly believed that he was connected for one he owned and lived in a secluded villa and the Algarve at resort of pride to lose a few hundred yards away from the ocean club where Madeline and her family was staying and where Madeline disappeared from her son Mason allegedly had emailed this information to operation Grange which was the name of the operation once the British government got involved in it they named it Operation Grange so Mason emailed this information operation Grange and never heard back and they claimed they never received it but then the leader found it you know hidden and thanked him for the information additionally Clement Freud had Kate and Jerry to his villa about two months after Maddy went missing for lunch a visit that Kate McCann recalls fondly and her book about her missing daughter and they can say they received a letter at the beginning of July from Freud saying he was ashamed about how the media was treating them and the Portuguese Police Department was treating them and intruding in their lives and he basically said you know I own a home right around the corner from you would you like to come over and he handed it with you know like a cheeky I cooked pretty good meals you know cuz he's a chef like haha so why did a man who kept himself isolated and kind of apart from everybody in the area that he was living in in Portugal why did he suddenly feel like he wanted to reach out and he kept himself apart from locals and tourists so expats and locals alike and an expat is basically a person who just doesn't live in the country they were born in so anybody who moves away from like the country they were born and lives in a different country they referred to as an expat so he wasn't really like friendly it wasn't open he didn't invite people over actually a lot of the people who live near him never report even seeing him that often what about this situation made him compelled to bring two strangers that he'd never met into his home and have lunch with them and then you know develop a friendship with them and kind of involve himself in their lives after as kate describes colorfully in her book the lunch was an odd affair Freud's opening gambit was to offer his guests shots of strawberry vodka though it was just the middle of the day and he then prepared them as Kate describes a bloody marvelous watercress salad followed by mushroom risotto the best we've ever tasted and he regaled them with his trademark wit so clement went back to britain but he stayed in touch at via email with McCann's and he returned at the end of august a few days after he returned the McCanns award named our Guido's and then he reached out to them again to have them back over to his house this time later in the evening like 10 o'clock in the evening he greeted them in like a nightshirt and you know offer them brandy and he said to Kate which of the devout Catholic alcoholic depressed and nymphomaniac parts are correct and he's basically requiring like to the way she's been described in the media so he's making fun of the media's coverage of Kate being very inappropriate when the couple told Freud like about the sniffer dogs and what they had found and why they were named are Guido's he basically sarcastically said like so what are they gonna do put them on the stand bark once for yes bark twice for no so after he says this Kate you know says like that's just what she needed you know someone to make things seem a little less worse than they were so first of all his comments are just you second of all I'm not under any circumstances ever joking about the disappearance of my baby daughter I don't care who you are you could be the President of the United States you could be Bradley Cooper if you come up to me and you make a joke about the investigation that's trying to figure out what happened to my missing daughter I'm going to punch you in your face so why Kate thought that this was like cute or funny I don't know secondly why does Kate want everything to be a little less terrible it is terrible this is terrible your baby girl is missing you don't know what that happened to her I almost feel like in a situation like this it would be better to know that your your child had died because at least you know what happened here she's missing anything could be happening to her at any moment she could be an extreme pain crying loneliness missing you desperate anything could be happening to her and that are the those are the thoughts that would keep me up at night and Kate Jerry are just like having lunch with Clement Freud and you know haven't brandy and telling stories and making fun of the key the investigation was trying to find their daughters and you're hanging out drinking strawberry vodka and eating a marvelous watercress salad and the best risotto we've ever had while your daughter's missing and you don't know what she's going through so it's terrible Kate and nothing can make it less terrible this brings me to Kate and Gerry themselves and how they don't act like the parents of a child who has been abducted so first of all let's talk about cuddle cat we've talked about a cuddle cat a little bit but cuddle count was Madeline's favorite stuffed toys she slept with it every night and Kate made a big like theatrical you know show of having the cat with her all the time and putting it up to her nose and sniffing it because she said it smelled like Madeleine so she was always holding this in interviews and in pictures you can see early smelling it and um she's at a smelled like Madeleine I notice you've got Madeline's can be toying with you as always how did that start and what come for does it bring where did it come from no I did the idea come to just have it in your hands although all the time well it's something that Madeleine has it that I'd be nice and she's upset so not well then she has a couple pounds one sec provides me with a little bit of comfort some sort of modeling close to me and I get that completely under percent like I'm with you girl buds when Kate McCann found out that sniffer dogs were going to be coming to her home or her apartment in Portugal she washed cuddle cat she washed caught okay and she said it was because call cat was dirty and there was a smell of sunscreen on him and she wanted to wash him but to me I would never ever ever ever I don't care if it was filthy would ever wash the stuffed animal of my missing child especially if it still smelled like that child like that's all I basically have left like that is something that Maddie touched that night before she went missing and I have it and I'm not washing it ever what Kate did when she found out sniffer dogs were coming but ed he still smelled death on cuddle cat so I guess that didn't work out for Kate too well the search for Maddie in the days following her alleged abduction was incredible so many people took part in this volunteers and locals and police departments from all over but not Kate and Gerry Kate and Jerry never actually physically went out and looked for Maddie they said they were just exhausted and it was too much they were so exhausted that within days of Maddie going missing Kate was out jogging and Jerry was you know picking his tennis game back up so they were too exhausted to go out and look for their daughter but not too exhausted to pick up their old habits the McCanns don't consider any theories or evidence that do not support this abduction story if it was me any help or tip would be everything I would follow everything because anything the smallest detail even if I don't think it's important could be important they had nothing but distaste and criticism for any theory that was put forth that did not support the theory of Madeleine being taken from her bed and like I said there was evening childcare offered at the Ocean Club the McCanns could have used while they were dining but instead they left their children alone in fact the person that Jane Tanner saw walking with the child's you know that she thought was Madeleine was actually another tourist bringing his child home his sleeping child home from that evening daycare so it was available it was there why didn't you use it they lied about the scene and how they found it so they were telling everybody different stories they had different like stories for the police they had different stories for their family different stories for the media that constantly changed it every single one of them changed their story and I just don't see if you want your daughter to be found why you wouldn't give the truth because that's the best way to help your daughter become phone but they you know wanted to change their stories and lie and then they didn't take part in the recreation of the events on the McCanns or any of their friends in the tap of 7:00 they never came back to Portugal when asked by the police department because they wanted to create a recreation hoping to figure something else out or get another lead on how to find Madeleine but they didn't want to do that the kate refusing to answer those 48 or 49 questions you know who doesn't answer questions somebody who's pleading the fifth you know why you would plead the fifth to not incriminate yourself so why would you as a mother not answer questions the police are asking you so that they can help find your missing daughter the Portuguese Police Department instructed the McCants did not tell the media about Maddy's side effects so it's like the strip of brown in one of her eyes and they said don't tell the media about that because if somebody has taken her and they find that she has that you really like rare kind of distinguishable characteristic the person who took Maddy might kill her because they have more of a chance of being found carrying around a child who has such a distinguishable feature but of course Kate and Jerry you they threw that on the media immediately why would you do something if the police tell you that something could potentially harm your child why would you do that why would you do that the McCanns never seemed like distraught they're always controlled they're always polished Kate's always got perfect hair perfect makeup they're always dressed really nicely they seem completely like in control and cold and you know just kind of controlled and they claim that they were coached to be this way because if a kidnapper had taken her they would get off on their distress but I just feel like as a parent of a missing child you probably maybe wouldn't be able to control that and there would be times where you would see a crack or you would see tears or you would see you know just cracks in that controlled exterior that you were trying to hold up and you never see the cracks Kate and Jerry never crack they never show any emotion they never show anything except complete like levelled off kind of just chill you know recounting the story smiling laughing seeming really like it's almost like people who are acting the way they think they should be acting if they were upset way Kate Jerry described Madeleine is always physical she was so beautiful she was so cute and her clothes when she was born she was perfectly formed it's so weird that I could not find anything like talking about her personality or what she liked to do and I just feel like I have a young daughter my daughter's 20 months old like if she went missing I would be telling all these stories about all the crazy things she did and the songs she sings and you know the words she's starting to say and I I just why are you only describing your daughter in a physical manner even when Jerry says he went into the bedroom and saw her last he looked down and said how beautiful she was I never hear like anybody describe her personality except the only time I can find anything about her personality or mannerisms were talked about when Kate sighs she was a difficult child that she was like colicky for the first six months of her life and she gave her parents a hard time that's not the way I'm describing my baby girl if she's missing and I don't know where she is I'm not only gonna talk about like how much of a pain in the ass she was for the first six months of her life so the smell I keep closed that the dogs picked up their spend after I mean they're they're PR representative Clarence Mitchell he says it's because Kate's a doctor so she would have liked the smell of death on her clothes and I mean I guess but Jerry's adapter too and he didn't have smell of death on his clothes and also don't you have like scrubs or like a medical coat to cover up your street clothes so that they don't get like blood and like bodily fluids and you know dead things on them I just I don't buy it at all and it's so funny because they have an answer for everything in her book I'm I'm not going to read you the sentences from the book but basically it's so disturbing I can't imagine why anybody would ever think about or talk about their young daughter like this especially if she was missing but basically Kate says she had asked Jerry at one point like do you ever wonder what's happening to her and he said yes and she said I just imagine her perfect little genitals like destroyed so I didn't want to say it like you creeped me out to say it but that's what she said I tried reading her book and I couldn't get through it it was just painful to read but that is what she says about her three-year-old daughter and that's what she's thinking about apparently while her daughter's missing so that is disturbing to me on so many levels and I don't know anybody any parent who would hear that and think that it was normal it's not normal I am going to stop this here where I have to break this into two parts because it's just gonna be way too long so next time I'm gonna talk about the theories which I kind of feel like you already kind of know what my theories are but we'll talk about the mainstream theories and the theories that the McCanns are perpetrating and we'll talk about what I believe and what I think a lot of people believe and we will go from there so I will see you guys soon thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed it so far and let me know what you think this case is so so special to me like I don't I'm this person that like if you heard a kid or if you hurt an animal like I want to kill you so I just really get attached to these cases and I've been so engrossed in it and immersed in it for two weeks like I feel really personally attached and I mean technically I'd been in gross and obsessed with this case since 2007 when it wasn't solved and I thought it should have been so I become really attached to this girl who I believe is bad and I really want to find out what happened to her and if you guys have any theories or if you guys know other things please let me know but let's pick this up with part two and I will post that in a couple of days okay thank you guys stay kind and stay beautiful and I will see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 1,139,788
Rating: 4.8022323 out of 5
Keywords: mystery, monday, mystery monday, madeleine mccann, madeleine mccann documentary, the mccanns, kate and gerry mccann, clarence mitchell, sir sigmund freud, true crime, missing persons, missing child
Id: u0iQuIUhTGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 7sec (3907 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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