Coffee and Crime Time: Dylan Redwine

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she's like a sickness in my brain a vision standing by the window pain she ripples through the blinds and leaves me in a daze it's in the way her body moves me the way she grabs me and intoxicates until the signal's in my mind forget to operate hello everybody welcome back to my channel and thank you for joining me for another coffee and crime time today we're talking about the disappearance and subsequent murder of 13 year old dylan redwine we're also going to talk about dylan's pathetic excuse for a father mark redwine or as i've taken to calling him leticia stouk with a penis this case has been highly requested i just got a request for it the other day i can't remember who it was and i don't even think i responded to them i just remember seeing the name and i said yep i need to i need to do this now now's the time i've been following the case but i was waiting for the trial so that i would know the actual and real details of the case but this trial it just kept getting pushed back and pushed back for a variety of reasons one of the reasons was mark redwine's attorney being arrested for like domestic abuse but anyways mark redwine was finally able to be judged by a jury of his peers and when you look at all the evidence stacked up and you hear from the people who knew and loved dylan it's all so mind-blowing and you wonder how anyone could be so heartless and so cruel not only to a child but to their own child and of course it seems like the worst stuff happens in colorado and now we are back there but before we dive in and i get upset let's have a word from the sponsor of today's video case defy let's seriously talk about case to fight because protection for your phone is important in case defy is protection with personality case defy's impact and ultra impact cases are the slimmest most protective cases out there they are engineered with a two layer construction of chi tech material and drop test approved for up to 6.6 feet for the impact cases and 9.8 feet for the ultra impact cases and they have protected my phone through many a drop and sometimes even an outright throw even though i never throw my phone on purpose it just seems to magically fly out of my hand at high speed periodically throughout the day case defy cases don't just protect your phone from breaking however they protect you from all those scary germs that are just floating around waiting to keep you up all night long with a stuffy nose you know what i'm talking about case defy's anti-microbial coating keeps your case germ free and kills 99 percent of bacteria and if all of that wasn't enough case defies cases look great too and they allow you to show your personality without sacrificing protection they have tons of designs to choose from and many different personalization options so your phone case is truly a product of your own creativity pick your favorite color or print you can add your name or a monogram and whatever font style or color you like the sky's the limit i have several personalized cases from casedify actually all of these these four right here i designed all of them these two say harlow on them and they're so eye-catching i get tons of compliments on them when i'm out for dinner or in business meetings especially this one which is perfect for my add self because sometimes i just sit there and like turn it over and over and over in my hands so i can watch the colors and the swirls and i kind of get lost and it's like my own little meditation moment during the day case defy even has slim but sturdy leather cases that you can personalize in different colors and add text to and their ultra impact and impact cases are made with 50 recycled material so you can feel good about your phone looking great so the cases are made with impact absorbing material they have a raised bezel for top to bottom screen protection let's drop test this baby and see what happens and i mean at this point i've done like five or six drop tests for a case five with this exact phone in this exact case and it's still good still working not broken perfect i think you should head over and start creating your new favorite phone case right now so go to stephanie today to get 15 percent off that's stephanie harlow for 15 percent off and there's an e on the end of stephanie and at the end of harlow thank you so much to caystify for sponsoring today's video and let's dive in so first let's talk about who dylan was and explore some of his family dynamics dylan nicholas redwine was born on february 6 1991 to his parents elaine and mark redwine dylan also had a brother named corey who was seven years older than he was but despite this age gap the two boys were very close growing up corey would later say they were best friends and by the time dylan went missing corey had taken on a fatherly role for his younger brother driving him to baseball practice and to school talking to him about girls and offering him fatherly advice when it was needed corey and dylan grew up in the mountains of southwest colorado in a place called bayfield it seemed that for several years mark redwine was a pretty good father he was even a stay-at-home dad for some time when dylan was younger which led to a special and close bond between father and son but after 18 years of marriage elaine and mark got divorced in 2007 and she was granted full custody of both their sons i think one of the reasons she was granted full custody was i believe it was 2001 or 2003 something like that where mark was charged with child abuse but i could not find the details about that mark was allowed visitation but after the divorce he was distant physically and emotionally and he rarely took advantage of his visitation rights for a while elaine and mark lived in separate homes after they were separated and when elaine remarried she moved to colorado springs with her new husband michael hall in june of 2012 and she took dylan with her corey stayed behind for a few months to tie up some loose ends and he joined them in the following august dylan was a joyful kind of kid who had a rambunctious side to him his brother corey said that dylan was an extremely gifted athlete and he knew it so he enjoyed showing off his skills whether he was playing baseball or football dylan loved to be active and be outside but he also liked to play video games and he could constantly be seen all day long communicating with friends and family from his cell phone or his ipod if he had wifi he was really technologically savvy he was really interested in technology and he always had some sort of device with him relationships and loyalty were very important to dylan and it meant a lot to him that he maintained contact with his friends back in bayfield after he moved to colorado springs while they were living with their mother and stepfather corey and dylan would periodically visit with their father sometimes it would be for a week or a weekend whatever mark redwine's schedule as a long-haul truck driver would allow but the divorce and following custody disputes had been contentious and it seemed mark had started talking very negatively about dylan's mother elaine and it had caused a decline in the relationship between mark and his son dylan who was reaching his teenage years there also seemed to have been some sort of family argument or fight in 2010 during which dylan had witnessed his father's explosive temper first hand and apparently he never saw him the same way after that there would also be other things that dylan would discover about his father the following year that would alter their relationship forever so in 2012 when the courts mandated that 13 year old dylan was going to spend the thanksgiving holiday with his father he voiced his unwillingness to do so dylan said that he wanted to stay with his mother and celebrate thanksgiving with her family especially his grandmother who had recently been diagnosed with cancer elaine asked her lawyer amber harrison if there was any way that dylan did not have to go to his father's and amber talked to dylan privately and he told her that he didn't want to be around his father but there was nothing that elaine or amber harrison could do and harrison informed elaine that if she didn't put dylan on a plane she would be found in contempt of court the last time elaine saw her son alive was on november 18 2012 when she watched him walk away to board a plane that would deliver him to his murderer dylan told his mother goodbye and started walking away but then elaine called him back and she was like what are you told to give your mom a hug so he ran back he hugged her he waved goodbye and then he was gone just like that elaine would later say quote i figured he was safe because he was with his dad end quote when dylan landed in durango colorado a city about 30 minutes away from where mark redwine lived in bayfield he sent his mother a sad face emoji mark redwine picked dylan up from the airport and video surveillance shows their next two stops were to walmart to pick up some things and then to the mcdonald's drive-through to grab some food in the walmart surveillance video there seems to be tension between dylan and his father with dylan appearing to be standoffish towards mark after that mark drove to his home at 2 3 2343 county road 500 which is in a pretty rural area after they got home dylan texted his best friend in bayfield ryan nava and asked if he could spend the night apparently this idea was run by mark and he said no so ryan told dylan to come over very early the next morning at 6 30 am ryan and dylan had been best friends since they had physically collided in the dollar store and ryan said that when the two of them were together they were always up to something you know like typical young boys um they had a very tight tight bond ryan today is a 21 year old man just as dylan would be 21 years old today and ryan still has a basketball that belonged to his best friend dylan and he brought this basketball to college with him college an experience that dylan redwine will never get to have another friend of dylan's her name was amanda saxton she'd been texting with him back and forth that night they were talking about movies and television shows and dylan told amanda that he'd been watching adventureland but suddenly their conversation abruptly ended when dylan stopped responding according to cell phone records the last activity on dylan's cell phone that night was a text he got from his mother around 10 pm she texted how are you son doing okay but dylan never responded no one ever talked to dylan again after that night mark said that after he and dylan had gotten home they'd thrown a nerf football around outside for a bit and then they'd watched a movie that he'd purchased at walmart mark said he went to bed around 9 30 or 10 and he said that dylan was still awake at this point but he probably didn't stay up much longer the next morning dylan's friend ryan texted him at 6 45 am asking where he was because remember dylan was supposed to go to ryan's at 6 30. according to mark redwine he himself woke up fairly early that morning at 5 45 a.m and he apparently was planning to bring dylan to his friend ryan's house and mark city got ready for the day and he kept himself busy until 7 30 when he tried to wake dylan up who was sleeping on the couch dylan wouldn't wake up so mark left without him and went to his office to meet with his lawyer so dylan's got to go to ryan's at 6 30. mark's up at 5 45 but he doesn't attempt to wake dylan up till 7 30 and then he says he just cannot wake him up guilty conscience maybe you couldn't wake him up because by that morning he was dead because you killed him mark's cell phone records show that he texted dylan four times that day at 8 14 a.m he said hey bud out of the office call me a minute later at 8 15 a.m he said call me please at 11 23 am mark texted dill i'm home and you're nowhere to be found come back so i can get you to bayfield at least call me okay and again at 2 33 in the afternoon mark texted dylan you need to call me where are you during the time that he was sending these messages cell phone tower data shows that mark redwine drove from his home to durango which is about 30 minutes away and then back from durango to his home mark also called dylan's phone seven times the last time he called was at 9 32 that night and he called again at 7 19 the next morning after that mark redwine never called or texted his son again at 4 32 pm on november 19th this is the day that apparently he couldn't wake dylan up and he went to the office and came back and dylan was gone mark texted his ex-wife saying elaine i'm wondering if you have heard from dylan i've been trying to reach him all afternoon and elaine's immediate response to mark is very telling she wrote back it's really worrying when i'm seven hours away and i get a message like this from you i haven't heard from dylan today where did you leave him or last see him seven minutes later mark wrote back that he had gone into town earlier that morning and when he had left dylan was fine but he was worried because he hadn't been able to reach him elaine wrote back he wouldn't just leave he would have called me i am so suspect of you right now how could he just disappear i'm sure she meant to type suspicious i'm so suspicious of you right now but she was on her way home from work when she got this text so she was probably driving and texting hence the the incorrect use of the word suspect mark told elaine that he had just left the marshall's office where he had reported dylan missing this is around like 4 30 in the afternoon but elaine called the marshal's office and they didn't know anything they didn't know anything about dylan and they certainly did not have a missing persons report for dylan dylan's friend ryan said that mark went over to his house that day looking for dylan and mark also made some calls to some of dylan's other friends but no one had seen the 13 year old boy or talked to him since the previous night back in colorado springs elaine called her oldest son corey who had just moved out of her house and gotten his own place and she told him that mark didn't know where dylan was he said he was on his way to her house into lane drove home packed a bag and left colorado springs with her husband michael hall and her son corey at around 5 30 pm arriving in bayfield the next morning around 2 30 a.m at which point she went straight to the marshall's office it was there she found out that mark had reported dylan missing but not until after 6 pm that evening so a couple hours after he claimed he'd reported dylan missing mark told the marshals that when he'd gotten home from his office it was around 11 30 in the morning and there was a bowl of cereal in the sink and the television was on to nickelodeon but dylan was nowhere to be found so his 13 year old son is missing he knows that he's missing since at least 11 30 in the morning he knows that he isn't with any of his friends and that he hasn't even reached out to his mother yet but it still took over six hours for mark redwine to report dylan missing so we have elaine corey and michael driving seven hours to search for dylan but what was mark redwine doing well pine river deputy fire chief roy vreeland got a message to his pager on november 19th about a missing child and he immediately responded noting that it would be dark soon making it much harder to search for the boy when he arrived at mark's house first of all he noticed a lot of liquor bottles around the house inside the house outside the house but he said the mark answered the door looking disheveled and his demeanor was very laid back and nonchalant rieland said quote typically more people show a lot of emotion when someone is missing i would say that mark redwine was concerned but he was not frantic at all end quote that day vreeland was accompanied by a dog and he brought this dog hoping to you know find something in the house to grab dylan's scent from so that they could start searching the surrounding areas for dylan but when vreeland asked mark for a sent article which means something that belonged to dylan that he wore or used often so that his scent would be on it mark was like there's nothing like that in this house and vreeland persisted and he was like listen it could be anything could be like a toothbrush it could be a cell phone charger you know anything but mark responded that there was nothing in his house that had belonged to dylan so i get it you don't have full custody of this kid he's not there often but he's there enough where you would think that you'd have some of his belongings there like clothes that he can wear when he comes um a toothbrush something that has dylan's scent on it especially since he spent you know the whole last day with you but mark says he's got nothing and if that's not a red flag all on its own i don't know what is as a last resort vreeland asked mark to show him where dylan slept and he was led to the couch in the living room vreeland collected a pillowcase from the couch but for some odd reason the dog that he brought with him could not pick up dylan's scent on it even though it was the pillowcase mark insisted dylan had slept on the night before the initial search for dylan would continue until 1am that night that he went missing or that day he went missing because he's not seen since what like 7 30 in the morning when mark left the house to go to the office and at this point it's now 1am the next day and they're still searching for him but mark redwine was not searching for him in fact rieland noticed that by 11 pm all the lights inside and outside mark's home had been turned off like he was going to bed for the evening vreeland said quote most people tend to turn every light on and make sure their house is a beacon so that a missing person can find their way home whether it's a spouse or a child it was odd very odd end quote most people i think also probably can't get much sleep while their child is missing you know they can't like just go to bed and shut the lights off and get a good night's rest but mark redwine could mark's neighbor connie cochran would later testify that the previous night the night that dylan stopped responding to texts connie had noticed mark's porch light was on at 2 am when she'd gotten up to use the bathroom and this was not typical for mark connie said a few hours later when she woke up for the day it was still dark out and she noticed someone had turned the light off the implication being that mark was up very late that night even though he said he'd gone to sleep at 10 pm at the latest so he's up very late on the night that his son just stops texting anybody and doesn't respond to texture calls and nobody heard from him after that i wonder what he was doing the search picked up at 7am the next morning and by this time elaine her husband and corey were there to participate but mark redwine once again did not vreeland said that while he was busy setting up a base of operations across the street from mark's house mark stood outside with a steaming cup of coffee and like sat on his porch and just observed as everyone rushed around looking for a son and putting a plan of action into place mark didn't seem interested in helping at all nor did he offer to those who did care about finding dylan went door to door they searched nearby woods and abandoned buildings mark redwine never asked anyone how the search was going or if they'd found anything mark did tell the police that he wondered if dylan had gone fishing something mark claimed dylan loved to do even though corey dylan's older brother would later testify that it wasn't dylan's favorite thing to do yeah dylan loved being outside no matter what he was doing but fishing wouldn't be his first choice he didn't even know how to tie a lure by himself even though he was trying to learn but he hadn't gotten to that point yet so how is dylan going to go fishing by himself if he doesn't even know how to tie a lure by himself mark said that he'd searched all over his house for dylan's fishing pole and he couldn't find it and that's what made him think dylan had gone fishing so he told the police that dylan's favorite area to fish was a a little lake kind of nine miles away now months later mark magically found dylan's fishing pole in the garage like months later and he gave it to the police but by that point they had decided that the whole fishing story was just a tactic to have law enforcement searching in the wrong place like nine miles away from mark's home when it turns out dylan was a lot closer than that on november 24th cadaver dogs picked up dylan's scent at the edge of valacito lake and law enforcement utilized both divers and sonar but they found nothing police started exploring the possibility that dylan had run away probably because mark was pushing that narrative now the articles and like the papers and everything they say that police were exploring this possibility i don't think they were i think they just told people that like they were telling people we don't have a person of interest we don't really have a suspect we don't even know if we suspect foul play at this point this is kind of what they were saying in the the early days and weeks of dylan's disappearance but i think from the get-go they suspected mark in fact i mean i don't just think that there's several law enforcement officials and first responders who said that they suspected mark right from the beginning so i think it was just a way to sort of like throw the public off and not so much throw the public off but throw mark off like have him be able to relax and maybe make a mistake or say something that would point to him because he thought that the police weren't even looking in his direction but anyways mark was the one who started pushing that narrative that dylan might have just wandered off that dillon might have run away and dylan's mother elaine pushed back against this theory hard saying quote dylan wouldn't have left willingly if there was any way to communicate he would have called dylan is a generational kid and very tech savvy he wouldn't have gone to the mountains to pitch a tent or build a fire end quote and that was something that i think mark had suggested at one point because dylan you know if he ran away where did he go right he wasn't with any of his friends in the bayfield area nobody or none of his friends in colorado springs had seen him so mark i think said something like maybe he's just like hanging out in the wilderness like in the woods just hiding and elaine's like no man dylan loves his phone his wifi his video games he's not that type of kid and both elaine and corey said that if dylan had run away he wouldn't have run away to hide in the woods he would have run to them he would have run to corey who's been his father figure he would have run to elaine who he loved very much or he would have even gone to elaine's new husband michael hall who he trusted and had a good relationship with if he had run away from mark redwine's everybody could understand that because dylan didn't really like mark but nobody could understand how he wouldn't have called his mother or his brother or his stepfather on november 25th the la plata county sheriff's office called in the fbi they said that they were having some trouble rectifying some of mark's statements about what happened with dylan so they wanted the fbi to come in and sort of help them with that and i really give the la plata county sheriff's office credit for this because i know that a lot of local police agencies sometimes have a hard time calling in the fbi they're almost like feeling that it's uh shameful like they're admitting that they can't handle it on their own but just within a couple of days of dylan being missing the fbi were called in and i think it really made a big difference in this case so good for you guys it's really important when law enforcement or really anybody involved in a case puts aside their ego for the benefit of the victim special agent john gruesing traveled from denver where he was located to durango and he would meet with mark three times the first time agent grusing asked mark to write a free narrative and a free narrative is basically a story that organizes experiences or events so that someone who doesn't know the story can be informed of exactly what happened so in writing when you're writing a free narrative you're told like in classes imagine you saw something or something happened to you and you're trying to explain it to somebody who wasn't there and you wanted to explain it to them in a way that makes them feel as if they were there that's what a free narrative is a special agent gruesing says he did this so that he could see the places in mark's account where mark was either extremely vague or extremely detailed he found that mark redwine was very detailed about the events of november 18th from the mcdonald's drive-through to throwing the nerf football around and he even offered details about how he and dylan had been roughhousing that night you know kind of just like rolling around and i don't know what he means by roughhousing but i assume it's like wrestling you know together and this made him happy because he could tell that the tension between him and his son was subsiding allegedly now agent gruesing asked him oh yes you're roughhousing did dylan get hurt at this point did something happen to him that caused him to like bleed was he okay and mark was like no no he was absolutely fine nobody got hurt he didn't get hurt at all it was all cool remember that he says dylan didn't get hurt even though agent gruson gave him the opportunity to create a narrative where dylan got hurt mark chose not to do that mark also said that the day after when he'd found out dylan was gone he had assumed his son had gone fishing with a friend named tristan and that's when he searched for the fishing pole and then he took an hour nap so your son's missing um you got home at 11 30 you haven't talked to him in hours when you left he was apparently sleeping peacefully just fine you felt the need to say to elaine that he was fine because i mean imagine like you can't find your kid and you call your husband or your wife and you're like hey i left uh so and so sleeping on the couch like have you heard from them because i can't get a hold of them would you say oh he was fine when i left no you just said he was sleeping so that's enough to say he was fine why did mark feel he had to you know elaborate and even mention that dylan was fine when he left so anyways you know your kid's missing it's been hours he's not with any of his friends you can't find him he's not answering his phone you look for his fishing pole you can't find it so you take a nap you take a nap well your 13 year old son is out there somewhere i mean this is colorado it's a rural area he's out there somewhere you don't know where he is you take a nap mark also said maybe dylan had run away because of his mother elaine which agent gruesing found to be an odd statement because dylan hadn't been with elaine that day he wasn't with elaine when he ran away she was hundreds of miles away dylan was with his father mark redwine so why would dylan run away from mark redwine's house to escape elaine on november 27th agent grusing paid mark a visit at his home again and he said that mark answered the door looking even more disheveled than he had the day before and his eyes were red like he'd been crying or drinking i think it's probably the latter considering all the alcohol battles that were found all over the house and outside the house probably drinking probably not crying just my opinion they don't come for me agent gruesing said that mark was also clutching a pillow and he told gruesing that this might have been the last thing that my son touched so he's just gonna walk around cradling this pillow now here's the funny thing about that pillowcase because remember on the day dylan was reported missing pine river deputy fire chief roy vreeland had showed up to mark's house with a sniffer dog but the dog hadn't found dylan's scent on that pillow case the one thing the mark apparently had in the house that dylan touched everything else in that house was not related to dylan at all ray randolph this woman is a dog handler she's a good one too and she'd already come to the conclusion by the time that gruesing talked to mark for the second time then in her opinion dylan's scent was never on that pillowcase she said she'd been contacted by the president of the search and rescue team that she was a part of a search and rescue team that was searching for dylan and apparently there was some frustration on this team because several dogs had attempted to track dylan's scent using that pillow case but they'd been unsuccessful so ray decided to perform an experiment with her dog salah to see if the pillowcase was in fact a good scent article rey had a ball cap that dylan's mother had brought with her from home this is actually the scent article that allowed them to pick up dylan's scent by the lake when they searched the lake area ray laid out 20 random items including the pillowcase so all of these items didn't have dylan's scent on them except allegedly the pillowcase and then rey gave salah dylan's hat so that she could pick up his scent and then she set saila on those 20 items so if if the dylan scent was on that pillowcase after picking up dylan's scent from the ball cap sayla should be able to pick out of those 20 items the pillowcase that had dylan sent on it but she didn't indicate on any of those items ray replaced the pillowcase in the 20 items with a t-shirt of dylan's also provided by his mother and she brought sayla back again because sayla's not in the room when this is happening because dogs are super smart wicked smart and they would see they'd be like oh she's replacing something something's going on here so sayla left the room she brought sayla back in after she'd replaced the pillowcase with the t-shirt and this time sayla was able to track dylan's scent to the t-shirt amongst the 20 items so basically mark redwine gave these people who were spending their time their energy desperately trying to find his son he gave them a pillowcase that didn't even have dylan's scent on it why would he do that why would he do that maybe because he didn't want them to pick up dylan's son maybe because he didn't want them to find dylan so in court ray randolph testified and when asked if dylan scent had ever been on that pillow case ray responded i would say with a high degree of probability that it was not here's my theory i don't think dylan ever went to bed that night he never slept on that pillowcase i mean unless he slept on a pillowcase that mark redwine eventually got rid of but i don't think that's what happened i think he was killed that night the night when his text to his friends just suddenly stopped i think there was some kind of altercation that night mark killed him that night so dylan never slept on that pillow so agent grusing returned to mark's house for a third time on november 29th this was the same day law enforcement executed a search warrant at the house and grusing was kind of there to like let mark know that they would be searching but also to interview him again so gruesing told mark that the text would be in the home and one of the main things they would be looking for was any sign that dylan had been injured in that house now prior to this remember mark had been adamant dylan had not been injured but when agent grunsing took him to the fbi office that day for another interview the story changed several times mark was like actually dylan did have a cold sore on his lip that was oozing blood so yeah maybe you know he was bleeding and agent gruesing was like oh yeah great that's great information no problem i'm just gonna verify that with dylan's mother you know this cold sore story because you know elaine saw him the same day that you did right she put him on the plane that morning i don't think he developed this oozing blood sore within a couple of hours so i'm just gonna verify with her and mark was like wait wait wait actually no that was somebody else that had a cold sore silly me um actually that day when we were throwing the football around dylan got hit in the face with the football the nerf football which is made completely of foam and it busted open his lip and his lip is bleeding and dripping on the floor i don't know anybody who's ever gotten a busted lip from a nerf football but okay okay maybe i guess if it's thrown hard enough right i don't know i'm sure there's gonna be those contrarians in the comments who are like actually i've gotten hit with a nerf ball before in bled like i'm sure y'all are out there but listen unless mark redwine has the arm of josh allen who's got the strongest arm in the nfl unless that's the case i don't see it happening i have a nine-year-old son he hits me in the face with nerf footballs all the time all the time not purposely you know i just i miss and then hits me never have i bled never have i bled never even gotten a swollen lip then mark revised this statement again saying that after dylan got hit in the face with the football not only did he like drip blood on the floor he had spat blood onto the floor you know just in case you've gotta explain some blood spatter that's in your house then mark and agent gruesing started talking about what could have possibly happened to dylan and agent gruesing mentioned something about bears at which point mark redwine perked right up he got he got excited gruesing said quote i believe it was me who said like what about a bear and he got animated and he said we have bears around here a bear could have got him mr redwine's reaction was not what i expected when i posed the theory of what if a bear got your son he got excited almost animated at the possibility end quote so imagine a parent if if an fbi agent in our law enforcement agent is like oh no there's bears around here could a bear have gotten him the parent would be like yes great idea that is yes that's exactly what could we have bears here this is amazing thank you kind sir mark redwine was excited and he was excited in my opinion because this was an alternate theory that his dumbass had not considered himself and he was latching on to it he was latching onto it with the enthusiasm of a man latching onto a rope while swinging over a lava tank full of hungry sharks he was not going to let that go agent gruesing tried a different tactic he said listen mark you know maybe maybe it was an accident maybe things got out of hand maybe you guys were roughhousing you were playing and something happened to dylan and you didn't mean to hurt dylan it was just an accident at that point he claims mark redwine grew very quiet and he leaned forward you know with his shoulder slumped and his head down like this and he stayed like this quietly for a few moments before responding i have to think about myself dylan's mother elaine told abc news that she feared her ex-husband had done something to her son she said quote i was married to mark for a whole lot of years and i know the way he reacts to things if dylan maybe did or said something that wasn't what mark wanted to hear i'm just afraid of how mark would have reacted end quote and let's not blame elaine for this right let's not have the comments where oh she knew she knew something was going to happen to her son or she feared something would happen to her son and she sent him there anyways did you not hear there was a court order let's blame the court system let's blame the court system who still send this child to his father when he expresses adamantly that he doesn't want to go why don't the courts listen to the kids why do the parents have more rights than the kids when it comes to something like this and it's a very good question elaine went on to say that she didn't think mark treated their son very well and she wouldn't put it past him to have done something to dylan to remove him from the picture like a if i can't have him no one will situation now to be fair although elaine and corey both suspected that mark had something to do with what happened to dylan they did not think he had killed dylan they thought that he'd kind of like hidden him away or you know sort of like had him stashed away somewhere so that elaine would be hurt by that they didn't initially think that mark would have done this elaine also revealed that mark had not been talking to her or their son corey like they drove from colorado springs they're searching for dylan and they'd both tried calling and texting like to update him or to ask him questions but mark never responded and she couldn't understand in a time like this why he would be behaving in such an evasive way let's talk about what they found when law enforcement searched mark's house and vehicle according to the arrest affidavit dylan redwine's blood was found in multiple locations in the living room including the couch the wood floor in front of the couch the corner of the coffee table on the floor beneath a rug and on the loveseat now somehow mark redwine was able to convince this woman his ex-girlfriend karen alexander to testify and say that dylan had cut his finger and bled all over the living room around labor day 2011. this was a very convenient story since mark's house had caught on fire and he hadn't been able to live there for several months while renovations were happening a contractor who worked on the house testified to putting in new floors and all the furniture had to be replaced mark moved back into the house in april of 2011 and after that time dylan wasn't around a lot because mark was working out of town he was a truck driver he i think like during a year period he was only in colorado for like 90 days out of 365 or something it was dramatic like he wasn't there a lot so obviously mark can't claim that the blood the police found was in his house from years before when dylan was there more often when he lived there because the blood was found on the couches the love seat you know the furniture that had been replaced and the floors that had been replaced and those floors hadn't even been in the house for seven months when dylan went missing so of course citing labor day is the time that dylan conveniently caught himself and bled everywhere it was uh very strategic now on the stand this woman karen alexander she's like i don't know what to tell you that's what happened you know he cut his finger he was bleeding all over the place and you saw him come in he had a paper towel on his finger something like that no he had his finger at the sink in the house oh in the house oh i'm sorry i misunderstood yeah and he put something you put a paper towel on is that right paper towel or napkin from the sink because he was over by the bank and came over where i was and then she was uh cross-examined and they were like why didn't you ever tell the police this like you've talked to them several times you've talked to the police and the fbi but you never brought this up and her only response was well nobody asked so she's lying okay she's lying allegedly that's just my opinion karen alexander you're lying now the blood being on the floor underneath the carpet suggested that someone had tried to clean the blood up because the rug did not test positive for blood so it was believed that dylan had bled on this rug and it had gone through to the floor but the rug had either been cleaned or replaced because there was no blood on the carpet but there was on the floor underneath it that's pretty like impossible unless the rug got rolled up because somebody knew what they were about to do and knew that the rug would be harder to clean i don't know i'm just speculating it was also suspected that someone had tried to clean up the blood because of how diluted the blood was former cbi agent joe clayton had used luminol to locate the blood and when he saw all the different spots and all the different areas it was in he felt that this had not been a localized blood blooding you know like somebody getting a bloody nose or cutting their finger clayton said quote the blood on the couch and the loveseat of course they were dark brown leather to begin with difficult to see not a lot of blood there but it looked like it had been cleaned something had to happen there to make it so dilute it was not just centralized in one place if i had found stains in one area i would think you'd had a localized blood lighting event but this indicates movement you have it on various pieces of furniture and under a rug end quote the question is why would mark want to kill his 13 year old son who he had previously claimed was the love of his life whose name he had tattooed on his body we were inseparable i mean anywhere i was he was right there beside me you know he would come to me before we would go to his mom you know i think in many ways that was part of the problems that developed in our relationship was because while she was out earning a career it was very difficult for her to lose sight of the fact that she wasn't there bonding with dylan the way i was and i think that that was a huge problem for her and i think that that has been a problem for her for a long time now i mean we can look at him and say he had the means to do this he had the opportunity but where's the motives all the signs are pointing to mark redwine being sketchy af but what would his motive be what could his motive possibly be what kind of threat does a 13 year old pose you well law enforcement believes the tension between mark and his son dylan reached ahead in 2011. when mark was out of town and he got back into colorado and he called his two sons corey and dylan and he said pack some bags were hitting the road mark took dylan and corey to michigan for father's day and they spent some time going to baseball games watching car races you know just hanging out but one day while mark was taking a nap dylan used his computer and he found some things that would horrify and disgust him things that of course he had to show his brother corey now these are pictures i've seen these pictures they were brought up during the trial you can find them online i can't put them in here i know for a fact not only would i get demonetized but youtube would probably delete my entire channel they're disgusting they're awful awful oh gross so if you want to see them you can find them um but just take my word for it you probably don't want to see them so these are pictures selfies of mark redwine dressed in a woman's bra wearing makeup and wearing a diaper but that's not all he was doing apparently the diaper that he was wearing was filled with human feces like probably his own feces and there were also pictures of mark eating these human feces directly out of the diaper like it's all over his face okay it's on his nose it's all in his beard and in these pictures he appears to be enjoying himself immensely it's just absolutely horrendous no matter which way you slice this crazy pie so dylan sees these pictures and he's like holy [ __ ] right and then he and corey locked themselves in the bathroom of the hotel and corey actually used his own cell phone to take pictures of the pictures that were on the computer screen now obviously this discovery would have an impact on any child and corey said that after this dylan lost all respect for mark he no longer had a reason to look up to him or admire him like a young boy should be able to do with his father can you explain to the jury what he found he found pictures of mark dressed in women's clothing wearing a diaper taking selfies of him wearing the clothing wearing the diaper eating the feces that was in the diaper and just that's pretty much it was dylan uh back in 2011 was he 12 years old i believe so yeah fine how did he react to seeing those photographs with his father um he was pretty disgusted um it was something that he um he kind of had to try to contain himself um when we found the pictures we were in the hotel room with mark at the time um and mark was sleeping and dylan was on his laptop and i walked into the room i had a conversation with my current wife um just checking up on her since i was on the road and when i walked into the room dylan just kind of grabbed my attention i was trying to be quiet but obviously um was energetic um kind of you know like come here i got to show you this i've got to show you this kept pulling me and then um he took me into the bathroom where we closed the door and locked it and um that's when he showed me the pictures that he had it impact the uh his view of the defendant moving forward yes how so dylan lost uh um any reasons for him to look up to mark that day did you notice that and observing their relationship together from that point moving forward yes it does not appear that dylan showed these pictures to his father or even admitted to having seen them at least not yet and dylan's mother elaine says that she was not aware of the pictures or the existence of these pictures until after dylan went missing but now long after this mark and dylan went on another trip just the two of them and apparently while this was going on mark was bitching and complaining about corey and elaine because cory and mark had had a falling out and mark said some things about his mother and brother that dylan was offended by including that mark believed elaine and corey were bad influences and bad role models corey said he remembers that whenever dylan wanted to get a hold of you and it was important he would just send back-to-back texts and call repeatedly back to back until you answered so on this day when dylan and mark were out of town on like a trip corey was seeing a movie with some friends and he started getting these repeated calls and texts from dylan so he left the theater he opened his texts and he saw a text from dylan that said hey send me those poop pics of papa because he gave me a speech about you guys being a bad example and i want to show him who really is this was in august of 2012 three months before dylan vanished corey said that he didn't send the pictures to dylan because he didn't want to add fuel to an already raging fire but dylan asked for them over and over again seven requests for these pictures in total so he's obviously thinking about this he's obviously annoyed he wants these pictures in case he ever wants to confront his father about them in case his father keeps talking [ __ ] about his mother and his brother and he can pull it out and be like really do you have any place to talk so the reason that corey and mark weren't talking at this point was because a few months before this cory and mark had gotten into it when mark sent him a text with like a picture complaining about the way corey left the house when he'd been there with his girlfriend i guess corey had left some like liquor bottles and dishes out and mark you know sent a text being like oh like why'd you leave my house like this and cory at this point he's fed up with mark's self-righteous attitude and he sent his father the pictures he'd taken for mark's computer and he texted i've got some pictures too and cory also said some other things like you are what you eat look in the mirror you disgust me stuff like that and mark responded in anger he said corey was a thief corey was just trying to hurt mark like elaine and corey should not tell dylan about the pictures because dylan had been hurt enough and if corey really cared about dylan he wouldn't hurt him any further so at this point we know that dylan has not confronted his father about these pictures yet because mark wouldn't be telling corey not to show dylan the pictures if he already knew about them but investigators believe that this thanksgiving weekend when dylan was with his father and ended up dead dylan could no longer hide his contempt for mark and he told him that he'd seen the pictures and he told him just what he thought about him which spawned mark into a blind rage leading to dylan becoming mortally wounded it's pretty obvious that these pictures were a trigger for mark and his temper after it was proven that dylan was in fact dead a friend of elaine's had a very heated exchange with mark outside of his home apparently mark had texted elaine about a friend of hers a woman named denise hess who is now dead because denise has had really bad colon cancer and mark had texted elaine and he said that he hoped her colon cancer riddled bff died and that she did too so another friend kathy berry a friend of denise's she took denise over to mark's house because denise was upset about these statements and they wanted to confront him so denise and kathy they're like why'd you say that and mark just left you know he thinks it's a big joke at this point and he kept talking [ __ ] about denise's cancer and he said something about you know her taking her last breath to which kathy barry responded she would make sure with her last breath that he paid for what he had done to dylan so talking about dylan's death it doesn't trigger mark he still thinks it's a joke at this point and he responded saying that he would dance he would dance when denise was dead and this caused kathy to snap and she brought up those pictures at which point she claims his demeanor completely changed he got super angry his eyes were bulging he picked up a log and he went like holding the log like he was gonna chase her and hit her with it so obviously he uh he's either ashamed of these pictures or he's like super proud of them and he's like why don't people see how cool this is like why would you talk negatively about these pictures don't you see how happy i am just eating [ __ ] in april of 2013 there were still people out looking for dylan who had not been found yet and around this time marceline and corey went on the dr phil show where elaine and corey pretty much said they thought mark had done something to dylan corey suggested that maybe mark had paid someone to take dylan and hide him as a way to punish elaine and dr phil asked mark to take a polygraph but he refused he said i don't think it's the best time for a polygraph right now while the searchers were still combing the area around vallasito lake where dylan's scent had been picked up elaine's husband michael hall he was part of the search and he had to pee so he drove a few minutes away to what he thought was an isolated area on middle mountain road mike had thought that this area would be deserted because it should have been because middle mountain road is uh it's kind of it's up in the mountains and it's not all paved and it's pretty much closed off during the winter months due to the heavy snow and the you know dangerous driving conditions and this was why crews hadn't searched the area yet they were waiting for spring and for the snow to melt now this road's actually blocked off during the winter months with like a sign it's like no cars blocked off because it's dangerous to drive on the roads during this time so mike's going to pee it's still snowing it's april you know there's still snow up in the mountains nobody should be there and he saw mark redwine hurtling down middle mountain road in his pickup truck while just a few miles away a search is going on for his son even though he's never helped search but he has time to drive around an area he shouldn't even be in mike said it was strange because when mark saw him he took off as if he was like running away as if he didn't want to be seen so mike pursued him he followed him all the way to where the unpaved roads of middle mountain road hit paved roads and mike was so suspicious i mean rightly so what the hell is mark redwine doing in this area so mike installed motion activated trail cameras along middle mountain road so that he could see if mark went there and what mark was doing while he was there in june the snow had melted enough so that teams were finally able to move to the middle mountain road area and search and an investigator with the local police tom crowling he claimed that he had reached out to mark to see if he could help with the search but mark didn't answer he didn't answer his phone he didn't answer his calls or texts later he told crowling that his cell phone had fallen into the sink got wet and stopped working but pretty soon after that his cell phone was found in his briefcase and mark was like oh look at that my cell phone works again what on june 26th 2013 the partial remains of 13 year old dylan redwine were found in a wooded area off middle mountain road just a few miles from mark's home really right around the area that mark was seen by michael hall a femur was found a scapula was found and some other remains as well as human toes or fingers that were found in animal ex grant in the same area they also found scraps of a t-shirt that dylan had owned from an event or a concert or something he'd attended with his father they found a pair of earbuds like to listen to music they found one shoe and one sock and the elastic band from a pair of underwear dylan's skull was not located with these remains the initial set of remains were found by a search team just off an atv path and two days later a coroner confirmed that the bones did belong to dylan but he was unable to determine cause of death due to the fact that he only had access to very little of the remains and no skull the coroner did say with some certainty that he did not believe dylan had been killed by animals on august 14th mark redwine's home was searched for a second time this time the sheriff's office called in a dog handler named karen gooman with her dog molly molly was brought to the la plata county sheriff's office where she was presented with three evidence bags the evidence bags had a pair of shoes in them like tennis shoes a pair of jeans and like a shirt in the other one so they're all separated molly signaled for the scent of human remains on all three bags these bags held the clothes of mark redwine the clothes he had been wearing on the day his son vanished at mark's house molly signaled again near the garage and karen molly's handler said there was a large amount of human remains odors detected on the exterior of the property inside molly signaled seven times on the main floor in zero times on the second floor mali indicated the scent of human remains in the back of mark redwine's truck and molly indicated several times for the scent of human remains on middle mountain road along with mark's cell phone that wasn't working apparently a debit card with dylan's name on it was found in mark's briefcase a debit card that would normally be in dylan's wallet which hadn't been found dylan's wallet was never found dylan's ipod was never found dylan's cell phone was never found i also want to jump ahead quickly to 2016 so i don't forget because if we're going with the timeline it's going to take a while to get there but in august of 2016 investigators got a tip that mark redwine had thrown out a bunch of stuff so they went right over to his garbage and they grabbed what he had discarded which they have the legal right to do among other things they found pictures of dylan ranging in ages 10 to 13 and pictures of dylan's mother elaine so mark's son is dead you're never going to see him again and what you do when you realize you're never going to see him is throw out his pictures and don't tell me don't tell me that he threw them out because he was innocent and it was just too hard to look at him don't do that don't do it you're not his you're not his attorney you're not mark's defense attorney you don't need to come up with creative ways to make him look innocent just a few days later mark redwine was named an official person of interest in the murder of his son but it would be two years before dylan's skull was found telling us how he really died on november 1st 2015 dan foster and his wife were hiking off of middle mountain road when they spotted what looked like a skull in a medal now later mark's lawyers would try to argue that bears had taken dylan and killed him this is his family of bears had just seen dylan walking and they were like get over here and they grabbed him and they ran away with him but the experts would refute this on like every single level first a wildlife expert named heather johnson testified that most bears are in hibernation by november and even if they weren't which they are most animals would not carry prey or something they were scavenging over long distances so they're not going to see something that they want to eat and be like oh great i want to eat this little boy but let's bring him to a more peaceful place we can you know play some music light some candles have a really romantic dinner dylan's skull was found further up the mountain from where his other remains had been located about a mile and a half through very rough terrain so this uh expert heather johnson she's like no the bears aren't gonna like take him and then bring him to the the place his remains had first been found and kill him and then say like oh let's take his skull a mile and a half up the mountain dylan's remains had been scavenged by wild animals obviously that's going to happen especially in that area however he'd also suffered a skull fracture that happened around the time he was killed and there were two small marks on his skull that appeared to have been made by a kitchen knife or some other sharp object or tool forensic pathologist robert kurtzman determined that dylan had been murdered and said quote it's not natural in any way to have skeletal remains with cut marks found in an open environment it doesn't happen in nature bears don't carry knives end quote you gotta love a forensic pathologist with a sense of humor bears don't carry knives so we have a blunt force trauma found to be the cause of dylan's death and how does this tie back to mark redwine i mean since we know that a bear didn't just bop him over the head well dylan had another brother a half brother from mark redwine's earlier marriage to a woman named betsy horvath dylan's half-brother was a man named brandon redwine and he was old enough to be married with children at this point so he found out that dylan was missing from corey and he immediately got his wife and kids and they drove from gilbert arizona to join the search for dylan one night while brandon was in durango he corey mark and mark's brother david had a meeting at a casino in december of 2012. now this meeting was supposedly to like lay out a plan like what next you know we're not finding dylan where we're searching where should we search next mark where do you think he could be like think of anything and all of them corey brandon and mark's brother david all urged mark to show more initiative and searching for his son they were like you got to get out there man you got to show your face like people are talking so the next day in a demonstrative show of nothingness mark was like let's go guys let's go let's search for uh dylan on middle mountain road because they haven't gotten there yet because of the snow and everything like let's just see if we see anything we'll just go there so mark drove brandon corey and david up middle mountain road the place where dylan's remains would eventually be found because at this point it's december of 2012. so his remains haven't even been found yet i'm sorry i keep going back and forth girl for about 20 minutes before suddenly stating that dylan wasn't there then he turned around at that point brandon claimed that mark knew something he didn't know what he knew or how he knew it but he knew that he knew more than the rest of them and he wasn't talking about it after dylan's partial remains were found brandon said mark appeared stoic and he didn't appear upset or sad and when he and brandon would discuss the fact that only a few bones of dylan's had been found and brandon was like what do you think happened like where do you think dylan could be what do you think happened to him mark would continue to use the term blunt force trauma way more than he needed to and this confused brandon obviously because by this time dylan's skull hadn't been found yet and it was just a weird sort of speculation you know to even say that when you don't know what happened to dylan especially when you're out there being like oh animals got him and brandon said that when mark talked about blunt force trauma he did so in a very direct and passionate way like he knew what he was talking about brandon said quote i remember telling my wife he's telling me what happened and he's not telling me exactly what was used but we don't have enough information to be thinking about blunt force trauma it just shocked me a bit because i didn't see where it was coming from end quote additionally brandon's mother and mark's first wife betsy horvath told law enforcement that she and mark had been married for six years and in the mid-80s they'd gone on a family trip into the mountains together and mark had made a comment that this mountainous isolated area would be a great place to get rid of a body from the moment dylan went missing betsy horvath was worried she was worried the mark had done something to dylan because during her own divorce to mark in the following custody discussions market told betsy that he would kill their kids before he let her have them dylan went missing in 2012 only small portions of his remains were found in 2013 and in 2015 his skull was found it would take another two years before mark redwine was finally in handcuffs and charged with second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death now why is it second degree murder because according to law enforcement and the prosecution the murder of dylan redwine was not premeditated it happened in a fit of rage a crime of passion so to speak mark was probably trying to connect to dylan probably trying to make him not mad at him dylan finally exploded and was like i know about the pictures you disgust me i don't have anything to do with you and after i leave this trip this visit i'm going to tell the courts about those pictures and then i don't want to have anything to do with you and the judge won't make me come back this is just my speculation but i can imagine that dylan being as upset as he was most likely said something like that and then mark snapped so he wasn't premeditated i think personally any time you kill a child it should be considered first-degree murder and should come with the death penalty but that's just my opinion don't come for me mark redwine was found guilty of these charges second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death and his sentencing hearing will happen this october but because he's been found guilty of second-degree murder which is only a class two felony in the state of colorado he could be behind bars for as little as eight years or as many as 48 years being that mark is in his 50s let's hope it's the latter for society's sake and for the sake of that 13 year old boy who'd already lost trust in his father who'd already felt betrayed and confused who'd already had to witness his family being split up and who was crushed one last time by the man who was supposed to teach him right from wrong the man who was supposed to teach him how to love how to be a good person and instead mark killed him because he was mad because he decided to take some disgusting pictures of him dressed in a woman's bra wearing makeup eating [ __ ] so i try to find the light um in every one of these cases this is harder to do so i mean a lot of them are harder um it's devastating corey when he testified at his father's trial he was obviously upset and he said you know it's my father i still love my father i wish i didn't have to be here but he's also not going to let mark walk because it's his father so this is very hard for him however elaine redwine dylan's mother um she has tried to turn this into something that will help others so according to this article from the journal though the pain of losing her son will never heal elaine hall saddle loss she helped pass making tampering with the deceased body of felony offers at least a little respite she says quote the healing process is obviously day by day and i'm not sure i'll ever fully heal but seeing it used i'm happy with that it puts some meat behind the other charges so it says that elaine started working around 2016 with another mother laura saxton whose child kelsey shelling was murdered and her body was never found and they worked together to make tampering with the dead body a more severe crime the two mothers would talk to state politicians and spoke at a colorado legislative committee meeting in favor of making the punishment harsher in 2016 their efforts were successful elevating tampering with a body from a misdemeanor to a class iii felony the charge now carries a sentence of up to 12 years in prison and is usually tacked on two more serious crimes like murder elaine hall said quote i couldn't believe it wasn't already a felony in colorado to me it was very common sense end quote right just like killing a child should be a first degree murder charge that's just common sense this article goes on to say the charge was used in the case of chris watts who pleaded guilty in 2018 to killing his pregnant wife and two young daughters watts was sentenced to several life sentences 48 years for unlawful termination of pregnancy and 12 years for three counts of tampering with a deceased body in march leticia stouk who is accused of killing her 13 year old stepson earlier this year was also charged with tampering with the deceased body a report in the montrose daily press in january said that there have been 34 charges and 12 convictions for tampering with the deceased body since it became a felony in 2016. sixth judicial district attorney christian champaign what a cool name christian champagne he said it's important to make the crime a felony instead of a misdemeanor saying quote when we see someone who's doing inappropriate things with the remains of our loved ones i think it strikes many people as a very serious crime end quote champaign also said prosecutors can use the charge if there's a lack of evidence for more serious crimes in a case he said quote it's a tool we can use when we don't have the evidence and still get some accountability for someone who has hidden a body or move someone's remains to avoid detection end quote so this is awesome actually because of what happened to dylan elaine went and she worked with this other mother and she got this law passed and as as a result two people that i hate very much two people i hate probably more than anybody in the world because i don't hate a lot of people in fact i would say the only people i truly hate are like murderers okay so i hate lots of murders but i hate leticia stouk in chris watts more than any other murderers i hate them so much oh and casey anthony we can't forget but anyways we'll focus so these two people that i hate so much they were able to be brought to justice on these charges tampering with the deceased body because of what elaine did because of what happened to dylan and i'm sure that if dylan is someplace um aware or watching you know whatever you believe in i don't know i'm sure he's proud i'm sure he's very very proud of his mother in what she's accomplished and i'm sure he's you know depending on what you believe in this is just what i what i say to make myself feel better but i hope that he's somewhere with gannon stouk and cece watts and bella watts and nico watts and they're all holding hands and they're watching as this happens and as the people who hurt them face real justice i don't know if elaine's watching this or probably not i wouldn't but if you are that's an amazing thing you did and your son although he is not with you would have turned into an amazing young man he had a voice he was strong he wasn't easily manipulated even though some kids at that age can be by their parents you know your father tells you your mom sucks and all of a sudden you start turning against your mom no not dylan dylan defended his mother he defended his brother he defended the people that he loved and cared about because his loyalty was very strong and he would have turned into just an incredible young man that you would be proud of and if he's somewhere out there watching you he is incredibly incredibly proud of you i hope that brings some sort of happiness i don't know a sense of having done something good to make the world better and as for mark redwine's ex-girlfriend what was her name karen the one who said that she witnessed dylan cutting his finger she basically tried to i don't i think she was lying okay maybe she wasn't i think she was lying i think mark convinced her to lie for him um i wonder why she would lie for him maybe she knew more than uh than we thought or maybe she knew more about the situation than we know and mark threatened to talk about her part in the situation if she didn't do it i don't know why she lied allegedly i think she lied but it's disgusting but when you look at mark and what he was into behind the scenes the makeup the women's lingerie the eating [ __ ] out of a diaper you have to wonder what kind of person would date him right so i don't think she's right in the head just like i don't think he's writing that i don't think mark is like clinically insane i don't think there's anything going on there that would explain or justify what he did to his son but he's clearly a messed up person a messed up person who's into some really weird stuff and listen i'm very libertarian like whatever you want to do in the privacy of your own home in your bedroom whatever that's that's on you as long as you're not hurting anyone okay i don't care what you do but i can still say it's gross it's gross it's weird it's gross it's weird it shouldn't happen that's i don't i don't even know i don't even know what the mind of someone who enjoys doing something like that is alike so i'm gonna end it there because i'm getting agitated grossed out and i went to the chiropractor last night and um my neck is killing me which makes me grumpy it hurts it hurts a lot so i'm gonna go down some water uh because i was supposed to do that after the chiropractor and i really didn't um and i'm gonna edit this video and get it up and then in two days nope four days what day is today i'm recording this on thursday um friday saturday monday monday morning i leave for nashville where i will be meeting with my co-host on my podcast crime weekly derek lavasser we're going to go there for podcast movement it's a convention in nashville tennessee and it's all for podcasting and like how to improve your podcasting and networking and stuff like that i'm super super excited i've never been to nashville before i've been to knoxville not nashville but i really want to go i've always wanted to go to nashville and so if you guys have recommendations of amazing karaoke places like bars whatever in nashville let me know because i try to you know find a really good karaoke place every place i go but uh we will be there from the second to the sixth so this is going to go out and then there probably won't be any content for like the first week of august even though i'll be working on content while i'm going and writing videos that i can record when i get back and also working on halloween because that is right around the corner so thank you guys so much for being here like the video if you liked it not if you liked what happened to dylan but if you liked you know getting exposure for dylan and hearing about what happened to dylan and share the video if you think it's worth sharing subscribe if you haven't and if you are already subscribed make sure you still are because youtube sometimes likes to unsubscribe people from my channel even though they should be really proud of me because i didn't put those pictures in i didn't put those pictures in because i know they wouldn't want it they should be they should be like giving me a break here thank you so much for being here thank you so much to my patreons for having my back and always uh being there for me when i need to like rant or chat i appreciate you guys so much stay kind stay beautiful stay safe um literally a news alert just popped up on my computer about a plane crash and if somebody who is afraid of flying and who's boarding a plane in a couple of days it's not what i wanted to see but anyways stay kind stay beautiful stay safe hope that i stay safe and i'll see you next time bye [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] married but you don't know how deep it goes until that's getting you slowly so you got to let it go i got blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blood on the stream is
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 433,376
Rating: 4.9326634 out of 5
Id: Afuos6XCUNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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