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welcome back to new rock stars this is a breakdown of Madam web the details you missed in what the hell happened with this movie I'm Eric Boss and because this movie's best experience with an equally in awe friend helping me break down Madam web is Jessica Clemens oh God this movie was insane but we had a lot of fun watching it I screamed and cackled some positive some negative either way let's go through it scene by scene for the Easter eggs that Sony threw in there and odd details that you might have not even noticed and no you weren't crazy most of Ezekiel Sims lines we dub but so we over half of the lines in this movie among all of the characters including Adam Scott and Celeste o Conor but that dubbing is a Telltale sign that a lot of this movie was reworked in postproduction and look you know Jess and I know that making movies is hard especially when you're working under Sony's weird parameters for their Spider-Man ajason titles and at the end of this video we are going to break down how there might have actually been a really good movie buried under all of this and that might be why you're kind of seeing a disconnect from the critic score in the audience score 100% % and the best way to support new rockstars is to grab one of our great shirts from nerd riot. shop I'm wearing our Deadpool eras tour shirt cuz I love it and I love to live in a Multiverse of different wads the film opens in dark as Peru but sadly no Paddington here and I know that you guys were looking forward to it it's 1973 and constant web is researching spiders with Ezekiel Sims as her bodyguard constant is pregnant and we later learn that she's seeking a cure to her unborn daughter's terminal illness this is a trend we''re seen in Sony's Marvel titles Heroes and anti-heroes seeking holistic cures to medical condition through mystical forces rooted in nature morbius Madame web and later this year Craven morbius bats were also from South America and in this opening shot we see a spiderweb and within seconds Ezekiel opens his red umbrella and I track this throughout the film I'm pretty sure the color red is in every shot of the movie and I suppose this is meant to link Cassie's destined life path from her time in the womb right now in the red colored spider the red color of the Aria tribe and her future as a cranberry juice toned Clairvoyant and you may also notice a lot of hand held camera shots and like quick Zooms in this opening scene and really throughout the film and this film was directed by SJ Clarkson who shot the Tom's bachelor party episode of succession on HBO which also kind of had this raw documentary style to it yeah you can see it constant finds the rare spider which has red and white stripes this is the same color scheme as Madame Webb's wardrobe in the comics and Animated Series where she was voiced by Stanley's wife Joan Lee constant says something so small could have so much power already this movie is dropping the words power and responsibility and you know they're going have some version of this line throughout the movie oh yeah it is so easy to fall into a rut with food but it's also so boring my problem is that if it's left up to me I'll eat the same boring stuff every single day like Zack hudon which is exactly why I'm thrilled when instead of having to figure it out on my own cook Unity can do it for me cook Unity is the first chef to Consumer platform that delivers freshly prepared pre-selected meals right to your door weekly cook Unity is basically a pipeline from your home to dozens of talented chefs that cook delicious inventive meals fresh everyday in Regional micro kitchens not not Warehouse production facilities and the meals they make are updated weekly so you can't get bored you can pick from whopping 350 plus meals each week based on your dietary needs including vegetarian pescatarian and keto you know that's me what kind of Cuisine do you like or just I don't know give me chicken I won't forget which could be the 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pregnant woman at gunpoint saying the complete sentence twice you're making the wrong decision you're making the wrong decision people just don't talk that way it feels like the actress said the line twice thinking that they would use one of these takes but then the studio saw the cut and was like actually we really need people to get this line so underline it twice leave in that second take and that actually probably watch this was like damn it I said that once I said it twice for takes yeah now Ezekiel shoots const s any fleas but she is found by the Arna tribe who paint their skin red and wear this black netting over themselves which in effect kind of looks like the texture of the original Sam Ry AA Spider-Man suit in which the webbing was raised over the red spandex later notice Ezekiel Sim spider suit will be the inverse of that with black spandex and red wiry webbing over it the leader of the group Santiago offers constant The Spider and it bites her right as she's giving birth to Cassie in the comics Cassandra Webb begins her story as a mutant blind and paralyzed with the powers of pre recognition telepathy and Clairvoyance she was originally stricken with mythia gravis and used a life support system designed by her husband Jonathan it was a series of tubes shaped like a spider web yeah instead we're once again seeing this Trope of a woman who gives birth gets a magical serum right at the moment of child birth and the baby gets Powers this is how blade gets his powers in the comics you know his mom while she's giving birth to him gets bitten by a vampire black panther Bon forever established that Neymar got his powers while his mom consumed a heart-shaped herb while he was in utero even The Last of Us established that Ellie got her immunity the CPS fungal infection because her mom was bitten while she was in labor it kind of seems like Hollywood is using this child birth as a Magical Mystery Box where anything can happen as a new dad had if you noticed that uhuh you've noticed it all the time I'm not going to do a rant about being a dad this it's okay but if you did I would have been okay with it we edit on baby Cassie's screams to the Wailing of her ambulance 30 years later in New York 2003 Cassie is a paramedic played by Dakota Johnson and she's working alongside Adam Scott who plays Ben Parker yes young uncle Ben we quickly learn this is queens and proving that this is 2003 they pass a blockbuster the Captain Marvel film also used a blockbuster to establish that we were set in an earlier time period they always do this I don't know why Blockbuster has to be the early 2000s yeah it's like a character us in a rotary phone uh so why is this movie set in 2003 well earlier versions of the script were going to lean harder into the connections to Peter Parker and actually it was going to be said in the 9s to establish that the baby Peter Parker in this movie was going to be the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man which would have made him a teenager in 2012 but that was changed and now at 2003 this would be a closer timeline for the Tom Holland Peter Parker in the MCU but the Peter Parker in this movie is not the Tom Holland version of the character he's not Andrew Garfield he's neither again there was a good version of a spider hero Madam Webb story in this movie but we can just feel various drafts of the film flashing with each other in awkward ways and even Dakota Johnson said in interviews that she doesn't know how many versions of this movie there were yeah I want to see what that original script look like cazy says to Ben what you've never been shot at in Queens this is horrible to say it is ruthless as hell it kind of makes me like Dakota Johnson's character I'm sorry I'm sorry this movie loves to make references to Uncle Ben's future and in this case it just feels really cruel and mean to Ben Parker to poke fun at the fact that he's going to get gunned down eventually though we should note that the Sam Ramy film establishes that Ben Parker gets shot in Manhattan not Queen so mattye Franklin pulls a Marty McFly and Toes behind a truck on a skateboard Cassie almost runs her over and Matty flips her off Martha Matty Franklin in the comics was really the third character to be known as Spiderwoman she's introduced in November 1998 just as Maddie and then in May 1999 as a new Spiderwoman she is the niece of J Jonah Jameson which comes up later in this film and because this is in 2003 and the movie always has red in it Ben and Cassie get what soda is that Mountain Dew a code red from the vending machine but we pointed out because the sodas are important in this movie trust us Cassie reluctantly takes a drawing from the kid of the woman they save because she begins this movie as a sociopath with zero bedside manner despite choosing to be an EMT insane Cassie is the second of two future spiderwomen Julia Cornwall Sydney Sweeney at the hospital in the comics Julia Cornwall or Julia Carpenter is the second Spiderwoman after Jessica Drew and Julia appeared in October 1984 during the 80 Secret Wars run she later takes over the title of Madame Webb from Cassandra now over lunch Ben says that he's met someone who's definitely may but we never meet her in this movie he invites Cassie to a baby shower for his sister Mary Parker and we know who that baby's going to be Cassie's fortune cookie message reads you will and while we can interpret this as Cassie's future just being uncertain the fact that it's a misprint probably means multiple letters were printed on top of each other which really means you will be in multiple places at once which is true for this Cassie yes Cassie passes the third future Spiderwoman on your corazone played by Isabella Merced who lives in her building Ana corazone is the most recent addition to Marvel Comics introduced in 2004 as ARA and later Spider Girl and yes the aranas is also the name of the spider tribe in Peru in this movie we see Cassie in her apartment pouring some milk for a stray cat they're not supposed to drink cow's milk do not give your cats milk you guys don't look at this movie and say hey I need to feed this stray cat some milk don't do it give us some water Cassie says us Strays need to stick together this was probably inserted to give Cassie a save the cat moment since so far she's been pretty unlikable but it also shows how Cassie is driven as a foster kid and is just looking for other lost or abandoned girls to take care of and feed cat milk to Cassie opens her memory box where we see she has a Peruvian birth certificate because she was born in Peru and hey this detail might have actually explained why it was so easy for fugitive Cassie to enter the country of Peru later on because she is like a natural board citizen of the country she could just be like look at this baby footprint but I did find it creepy that there is this photo of constant in Peru while she's taking another photo in the photo and I assume that this could have been Ezekiel using that weird spy camera and she would just be like dude stop taking photos of me you weirdo but Cassie turns the page in conant's diary and on the lower right corner you can see that constant wrote quote can transcend their physical form in order to exist in multiple places at the same time which for shadow was the big Power move that Cassie makes against Ezekiel in the final battle mhm Cassie and Ben attend an overturned car on the bridge this scene got mocked on Twitter for violating the rule of 180 which is where you don't position a camera Beyond an invisible line between the actors in order to keep the characters on the same side of the frame when you intercut the scene in the movie actually has a shot of Cassie crawling in the car so you see her cross the frame but Sony's marketing didn't do this movie any favors by recutting the scene yeah Sony just kind of didn't really know how to sell this movie now I was trying to figure out why the marketing team would re-edit the scene and I honestly think it was to take out this guy in the car who said that his name is Robert like do they not want Marvel fans speculating that this might be like Robert FOH rocket racer or do they not want the Robert actor to get a speaking line in a promo because they might have to pay him more I don't know it's just kind of weird that's weird Cassie goes over the edge and experiences a vision the cracked windshield turns into a spiderweb shape a white strand reaches out to her and takes a different shape a blue balloon the one that pops at the baby shower her own bloody hand from O'Neal's death a flapping pigeon the one that hits her window exploding fireworks from the firework Factory and a large neon s from the Pepsi colis meanwhile The Sounds we hear are echoes from Cassie's upcoming events including Ezekiel saying that she can't save all three and then Santiago's voice saying that she can be in multiple places at the same time and that she's the only one who can change the future so we are seeing and hearing Cassie's perspective of the web of life and Destiny something that had a more technological appearance in Miguel O'Hara's lab in Spider-Man across the spiderverse but this at least interpretation of the web from her point of view is just more fluid more Webby kind of like the flowing Venom of a spider going into bloodstream or like she's back in the reflection pool of the irania tribe that she was born into and if this is actually the web of life and Destiny it would establish that Cassie's Clairvoyance comes from the same Spider Sense AKA erative frequency that connects all spider things and it's probably why the three girls were randomly drawn to Cassie before everything happened and yes if this is true it would mean that Julia's stepmom was Gravely injured just so Sydney Sweeney could meet Dakota Johnson thanks for saving my mom but you know your existence cost she said this is cardboard I can't fold it was it was it was a piece of paper and she pulled out the map that her mom made from Peru and I was like that's cardboard it's cuz Dakota Johnson has bird bones so unnecessarily mean to that child for no reason that child did not had no speaking lines just handed her drwing she just squirted her code red in this face he's like it burns idiot Toxic Britney Spears Cassie begins looping back first while getting checked out by Ben he reads her O2 level as 89 rips off her pulse reader and now Cassie is left with a vision of her future in terms of power set it's similar to Doctor Strange using the time Stone to create a Time Loop but Cassie lives each of these dead ends and there's always some abrupt sound or violent gesture that snaps her back Cassie says she wants to go home and watch Idol referring to American Idol in 2003 American Idol was in its second season when it was a dead heat between Ruben stuttered and clay aen and I'm so glad I'm not in that time again yeah you know she's lying she's actually going home to watch The Apprentice now I might be the only one that noticed this but when Ezekiel Sims is at this random opera house he sits in the seat by this NSA girlfriend and there is this woman woman in the row behind them who looks so pissed that Ezekiel arrived late she shakes her head she rolls her eyes she reminds me of that woman behind Dr Strange in the church at the wedding in Multiverse of Madness she doesn't get any speaking lines but she is making the most of it she ate that up and there's nothing happening in that scene they just had the camera she's the only other person in shot other than the two Mains and she's just like I think she smells his feet he's not wearing socks she said Ezekiel is haunted by Nightmare in which he's older his spider is missing from his huge terrarium and he's attacked by the three spider women MD has a blue suit red trim goggles and mechanical Waldos Anya attacks him with a spider drone that glows green like it's OC Corp Tech Julia who looks most comic accurate snares him with a glowing webbing they kick him out of the window Ezekiel is gray-haired and Barefoot during this fight and he looks the most like his comic book appearance here Ezekiel in the comics was actually introduced in June 2001 and he's just kind of this weird old dude who explains to Peter that the spider powers come from these totems and when Peter Was Bitten he became part of a supernatural food chain which would explain why so many of his villains in New York are based on animals but Ezekiel Simpsons of teaming up with Peter by fighting a common enemy morlun which is a vampire likee entity that feeds on these totems morlon does not come up in this movie nor do totems other than bastardizing the powers of the arania tribe Ezekiel mostly goes after the women with this NSA surveillance technology which I guess was part of a war on terror subplot that isn't really fleshed out in this final version of the movie but we'll see since Madam Webb morbius and Craven are all animal based Sony might still embrace the idea of spider totems and at the baby shower there's Cassie's Captain O'Neal who's named after Denny O'Neal Who co-created The Madam web character the music playing is Four Non blond's wake up which fortells the way Cassie will later shout O'Neal wake up while performing CPR and I think I delivered that line just like she did Neil wake up Ben gives Cassie a Pepsi which connects to the pepsic colola neon sign that Cassie later uses against Ezekiel Sims and she's very very opinionated about pressing those Burgers into those grills she hates it she said don't get rid of the fat she wants to save the fat and feed it to the cat so Emma Roberts is in this movie playing Mary Parker wife to Richard Parker and mother to Peter Parker who says in this scene that the baby is quote always leaping around in there so Richard she says is not around like he's in Mumbai or Shanghai she can't keep track this probably came from Sony's original backstory for Peter's parents from the 2012 and 2014 Amazing Spider-Man films when The Parkers were part of an international conspiracy with oscor so again this isn't Tom Holland Peter Parker and timeline Wise It's not Andrew Garfield it's just like a different Peter Parker and Sony just loves the idea that Peter Parker's parents must be part of some corporate Intrigue Espionage conspiracy the balloon pops so we don't hear what the baby's name is but it's definitely Peter okay okay we got it it's we're moving on there's a warehouse fire containing industrial grade fireworks yes we can laugh at the fact that this movie's final battle occurs in a Simpson's meme when are they going to get to the fireworks Factory but this was after 911 fireworks and patriotism were very important to New York and then O'Neal dies the way that Cassie foresaw and she doesn't let anyone else Drive ambulances for the rest of the movie so we learned that EO has hired Amaria played by Josiah Mammoth to run his NSA technology allowing him to bring up digital scans at the faces of the masked women in his dream and then unmask them and then deage their faces so the NSA had this technology in 2003 and it took them how long to find Bin Laden just saying now nearly all of tahar raheem's lines from here forward are dubbed over like just look at this I didn't know we'd be targeting teenagers they're teenagers now but in the future they have powers and they will try to destroy me I came from nothing the audio sync is not even close to tahara raheem's mouth and it sounds like it's even a different actor impersonating him now look folks ADR which stands for audio digital replacement is in every movie and TV show but I've never seen it this sloppy in a major Studio Movie and it's almost like sushia Mammoth is laughing when it cuts back to her so what happened I think there was an early version of this movie where Ezekiel does use totems and animal food chain philosophy and like his false prophecy anxiety to hunt these girls and that it was all going to TI into Crave in but maybe the animal stuff just came off as like predatory in the wrong way cuz these girls are young and maybe Sony just freaked out and re-edited the scene and then paid David mammoth's daughter to make this NSA surveillance technology subplot and then dubb tahar with a different voice actor because the only way it is this bad in a theatrical cut was if the earlier version whatever it was was worse 100% at home Cassie watches A Christmas Carol another story about Destiny she test out her Clairvoyance with a pigeon from her vision then Cassie wears the same Red Jacket she wore for Peter Parker's baby shower to attend her boss's funeral in New Jersey on the train she foresees Ezekiel killing Ana then Julia then Maddie Ezekiel is now Barefoot as he is in the comics and I think it might be his way of fulfilling the destiny from his nightmare since he was barefoot in the vision oh okay so he's like I will complete this and I will take control of my destiny CL can no she sucks no Destiny now sitting down next to Cassie other train I have to shout this out this is a character actor that we know from the LA sketch comedy scene Mike Bash is may be the funniest part of the movie he never knows if he's on the right train he never knows the woman across from Cassie reads A Daily Bugle newspaper and Cassie gets the girls off the train but then Ezekiel crawls back toward them on the platform so they get on a different train Ezekiel follows it's all very creepy Ezekiel attacks the cops on the platform grabbing them from all sides if these cops can't see him who do they think is just attacking them just a random ghost and why does this ghost attack some cops one way and some cops another way he does it again you guys he is hitting a lot of the male cops I'm pretty sure majority of the male cops but he chokes and kills the female cop and he does it all the time it's his favorite freaking move is choking these women count it out in the movie because it's over 10 Cassie steals a taxi and drives the girls out of the city the taxi cab driver just did not see or hear them get into the car Maddie mentions calling an uncle Jonah who can help referring to J Jonah Jam so Cassie Amber Alerts them out to the woods where we can see that Anya is wearing a shirt that says I eat math for breakfast it's kind of like another version of one of these nerdy Math and Science shirts that Peter Parker wears in the MCU and you pointed this out that Julia has a black Cat backpack which feels like a tease to all viewers who thought that cdy Sweeney might be playing Black Cat in this movie no she's playing Julia Cornwall Cornwall Cassie returns to the city takes off the taxi plates which is insane and returns to her apartment how' she not get there's no plates on the car oh that's true confused she looks at her mom's research including a no about the arania tribe having a six sense and she tries to climb her wall the framing of this shot is just like Sam Remy shot of Toby Maguire's Peter Parker in the 2002 film but this time instead of following her up the wall Cassie just falls down back at the campsite Julia has a teddy bear and it's the same one that Cassie has Julia feels bad for Martha Stewart who was indicted for insider trading in 2003 the girls go look for food because Maddie says you won't like me when I'm hangry and do people use hangry in 2003 no kind like a later like word they find the fourstar diner which in the comics is a diner that Peter Parker attends during his college Years the boys inside this place play basketball for Midtown High which is the school that Peter Parker and Ned and MJ all go to as they walk walked into this Diner you may have noticed that a truck drives off that was a Daily Bugle truck and one of the people reading the newspapers from this truck inside is this guy who spots the girls and calls it in but the upper headlines on that newspaper include a reference to Mayor Bloomberg's smoking band and something about the homeless J Jon Jameson I didn't know he was a smoker I guess he has a cigar he probably piss off about smoking you know he probably doesn't care much for the homeless people so the girls dance on the table to Britney Spears Toxic now this song technically released on Britney Spears 2003 album in the zone but toxic really wasn't released as a single and played on the radio until January 2004 now maybe there were some radio stations who were like hey I listen to the BS side of this album and here's a song that I really like from it and the DJ on the radio does indicate that it's like a new song and he's like I think it's going to be big but it's 2003 and 2004 Britney Spears was at the top of her game there would be no DJ in America who'd be like hey I got a hot take I think this obscure track is going to be song of the year it'd be like hearing a radio DJ now saying hey I get this little song Cruel Summer mark my words this Taylor Swift Diddy is going to be a hit I think everyone knew toxic was going to be a hit even the side clearly the filmmakers really wanted it to be toxic to set up Ezekiel poisoning Cassie but when they shoot movie scenes like this they rarely play music on the set so these girls were just dancing to silence doing this doing this to like silence doing this Ezekiel finds them and kills all of them one by one and Cassie Loops back outside and now reset Cassie drives the taxi behind this log truck and I'm like hey Final Destination too another premonition thing but no she doesn't get to crushed by logs she does an illegal pth on the road and then she plows the taxi into the diner to run over Ezekiel and while Ezekiel loves to choke women in this movie Cassie just likes to drive cars into buildings and through things so she takes the girls back to a motel to teach them CPR so I guess one day they can do it on her in the final act now this in the movie would be the scene where we hear the line he was in the Amazon with my mother researching spiders right before she died but the line is not actually in the movie it's clear they use some of the audio from this scene to Mush it together for the trailer y Cassie flies back to Peru to trace her mom's footsteps she runs back into Santiago who takes her to the cave and the pool where she was born and he pushes her soul into the water the imagery looks just like Doctor Strange pushing Peter Parker's astral form out of his body and Spider-Man no way home and then Cassie sinks once again with a web of life and Destiny I'm calling it that it may not be that I'm just calling it that and she learns that her mother went to Peru because she learned Cassie while she was still in the womb had myasthenia gravis which is a condition Cassandra Webb has in the comics Cassie speaking to her mother through time or gives her and they hug and I kind of feel like they are saying in this movie that conant's determination to go to Peru came from this vision of her future daughter telling her that it's okay this sequence ends with Santiago saying when you take responsibility great power will come another we got it we got there back at the Parker residence the girls watch I Know What You Did Last Summer Mary's water breaks their backyard fence and driveway looks like May and Uncle Ben's house and queens were Toby's Peter and MJ chat in the 2002 film yeah and you were pointing out that like just Cassie looking at the puddle of emotic fluid I guess you would know if you're a paramedic but I also that my first thing and be like oh this is it's clearly amniotic fluid I think it's cuz she has this connection to water through the water cave and she's like oh water I get to understand and that came from a womb because her emotic fluid fled into this Webby fluid so Cassie steals an ambulance and drives it through this parking garage to Ram it through this 2003 era Calvin Klein billboard but look at this parking garage this level had a like a 4ot concrete barrier cuz they don't they don't just have open Ledges and parking garages I know Eric I know ER yeah I'm not telling you I'm telling you I know you're telling them you're just so caught up on this I'm so pissed off because how would an ambulance fit through that opening without slamming into the barrier it should have just been her slamming through it and then Cassie flying through the crotch of the cow and Crouch at and be like Cassie is now getting more confident with her Clairvoyant powers and uses them to tell the girls when to zap the ambulance roof to fry Ezekiel and I really actually like this scene it was really cool she has another vision and brings them them all back to the fireworks Warehouse inside romita is stamped on all the crates this is a reference of Madam Webb's co-creator John romita Jr now nothing is more chaotic and impossible to predict then an exploding Warehouse filled with fireworks but Cassie uses that to stay a step ahead of Ezekiel all three girls get pinned down in different spots and Ezekiel says she can't save all three which is like weird like why why why are you taunting her that way and then Cassie's like watch me and she checks her Astor through space so there are three of them and there's something about the magic of three with spider variants right we had oh home and then we got three's magic number and Ezekiel gets crushed by the giant neon P which is that like Peter saying you're done and Cassandra falls in the river and then she falls in the neon s so is that like the fact that that s doesn't Crush her it's like Spider-Man still loves you Peter hates Ezekiel Spider-Man loves I don't know I'm overthinking it but she gets blinded by a firecracker so I guess you can't foresee them all but the girls bring her back with CPR good thing you taught them good thing you taught him randomly in that hotel back in the hospital baby Peter Parker was born healthy Uncle Ben says he can't wait to be an uncle because it's all of the fun and none of the responsibility and Cassie says that's what he thinks Cassie stop joking about Uncle Ben getting shot in Queens it's not funny anymore she like ha that's what you think another responsibility That's crazy cuz my best friend's going to die so Cassie now is sitting in a wheelchair looking out a spider Webby framed window with a cool new red jacket and cool sunglasses and she tells the girls she can see their future fighting for what's right as we see these three spider women once again suited up looking awesome in crime we're back in the shot of the three of them looking down which is part of ezekiel's final image of them but now this is real this is the future and Cassie is now in her final Madam web form which is a curvy Ocean Spray suit with a thick blindfold that spider just kind of going over her fingers and she's floating Behind these three girls in this prophetic web and you know what it looks pretty cool this is the movie I wanted to see right here oh the ending yeah yeah kind of yeah I kind of agree with that and yes many people online did notice that this final shot of the camera swooping up on a building was taken Direct from Sam Ry shot during Spider-Man 2 so what is Sony doing here now Jess clearly Sony meddled with this movie they edited it to hell but I'm convinced there was a good movie buried under this mess so I wanted to run through a couple different things that like might have exist in old versions of this movie let me know if you think this would have been a better movie One make Julia Spiderwoman the star of the movie Sydney Sweeney might be a bigger star than Dakota Johnson is at this point maybe they didn't know that two or three years ago but like I think just have a Spiderwoman be the focus of the movie unite her with two awesome friends Anya cordone Matty Franklin and then use Madame web as just an older Charlie's Angels Mentor figure to them and then Julia could have been our focal character not Cassandra or maybe just make Cassandra the villain in a kind of a Maleficent way if you don't want to make her a mentor and then I think no Ben Parker no Mary Parker no Peter Parker either have Spider-Man in this movie or not you don't need Spiderman you have three awesome spider women and then I don't know what to do about Ezekiel Sims I kind of feel like I don't think you need him if you make uh her the Maleficent kind of type we wouldn't need ezekiel's whole choking attitude yeah or just like you can have him seem like the villain but like he's just some weird goofball who like teams up with them and they're like you know we love you Uncle Zeke oh yeah what if he became like ma unfortunately Madam webs like the bad one for now second movie she's actually the Maleficent and Ezekiel Sims is the one that's giving them like she knows everything you're going to do get out I would have loved that that would have been great yeah I don't know I'm I'm dying to read earlier drafts in this movie I would love to see an earlier draft because I know they probably reached for the Stars they probably were like oh we can do all of these things and then Sony was like cut this out we can't have this in we can't have these two people doing this take his voice away let ADR it later this is one of the most fascinating movies I think we've ever broken down just because there's so much going on in it and so many past versions of it I kind of feel like we're Madam web just seeing through different timelines different permutations of reality and trying to make sense of it all but we want to know from you what did you feel while watching this movie and we hope you actually watch it instead of just going to YouTube and be like a new rock stars will cover me for this no yeah you got to go see it that's not fair this is this is one of the movies where I'm like it's not a deal that you can just come watch us you got to go watch to go watch it hey get you know AMC Stubs whatever pay the monthly run in just run through run grab your doom bucket and just run in no one's going to kick you out of that seat I I guarantee support new rockstars by grabbing one of our great shirts from nerd. shop and subscribe to all three channels of the ner rockar Network for everything you love follow just at Lulu follow me at daos thanks for watching we'll see you next time bye bye bye a
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 590,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, madam webb, spumc, sony spiderman, spiderwoman movie
Id: 7lTwPX9qTZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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