The Wolverine - Caravan Of Garbage

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[Music] welcome back everybody to another episode of Caravan of garbage where we're taking a look at the Wolverine Trilogy that's right we're nearly halfway there we will be at halfway through this video there will be a moment it'll flash up on the screen when we're halfway through we'll be talking but there will be an airhorn going off for a long time and You' be like what are they saying I could sort of make it out it'll be that kind of audio mix I hope exactly look forward to it leave a like actually for this video or even when that happens not both choose one or the other of course this week we're talking about the Wolverine this is the Forgotten Wolverine movie everybody remembers X-Men Origins Wolverine cuz it's the dumb bad one and then every remember is Logan cuz it's the poignant one yeah yeah that's all good stuff isn't it but this is the mid period one this is but this is also James Mangold who directed Indiana Jones in the dial of Destiny I don't we don't have to think about that we have to think about it here it is the whole thing just scrub through it Lawrence just the whole thing really quickly we can't get flagged if it's quick oh this is a test of YouTube's Reporting System here it is playing with fire see this one uh so yeah this also answers the question what happens to Wolverine's hair when it he gets obliterated by a nuclear explosion yeah this is a bold how does he get a hair how does he get a haircut if he gets a haircut it would just grow back into that shape this is one of these these Superman uh hypotheticals like how does Superman shave he doesn't in the mirror do you think maybe Wolverine gets his haircut cuz Superman heat Visions his hair in a mirror yeah I think he probably goes to Superman's house yeah you know it's kind of a bold way to start a Wolverine movie is it in poor taste that Wolverine has canonically survived the atomic explosion at Nagasaki and he knew what it was sure because afterwards he's like better stay down here for days I think it's a nuclear weapon a thing that most people don't know about but I know about for some reason think Captain America told him about Captain America probably told him he said this going to be listen this is going to be sick yeah you're going to love this are you sure you're Captain America anyways this is how it happened uh gomo Doro expressed interest in directing he was a big fan of the Japanese Saga of the Wolverine Comics he even met with Hugh Jackman about the role because of course Hugh Jackman at this point had a huge hand in the character and got to decide who's in and who's been had a couple of huge hands generally how do you think he fits the claws in that's right uh but he decided he didn't want to dedicate you know two to three years to this movie Darren aronowski was going to do it he was set to direct what I was I was going to say he was going to do it he was going to be Wolverine I don't think so Darren Aron not with those scarves no you would never take them off for a movie role that's right picture this Wolverine but he's got scarves get out Darren he was working on this project for about 6 months before he departed uh he didn't want to be overseas for too long away from his kids did he work with hu Jackman on that movie The Fountain yeah I think that's right that movie that's about space or the future or the past or the past and there's a fan of Youth and maybe it's in Spain but maybe it's in space Maybe Hugh Jackman explodes into flowers was at the end or something yeah I don't know I don't know uh of course James mangard was brought on board mhm now the original idea for this was a prequel as well so I guess a sequel to X-Men Origins but he'd like the idea of moving it forward and then exploring the burden of Wolverine's immortality and then fox said okay we don't care where it's put anywhere future pass it doesn't matter have you seen any other ones mang go have you seen any of the it doesn't matter we just need to slap in a post credit SC to vaguely tease something listening Mangold it doesn't matter when that's said or this is said if any of the characters hold up a newspaper with the current date on it we'll kill you it's a one rule do not put a definitive date in this at all so this of course explores a depowered Wolverine I think that's great I think it's great also in that this version of Wolverine appears to heal like the early version of Wolverine yeah so I mean I I personally think that a lot of the appeal of Wolverine originally in the comic book said the appeal is he stabs women in sleep all the time I did say that yeah as a goof though okay sure yeah um but I think the appeal of him in the comic books originally is that he is very kind of Tenacious but not the most powerful character he can't control the weather or shoot lases out of his eyes or telekinesis or telepathy or you know any of the incredible powers of the other mutants but it's that he can take a bullet and keep fighting it doesn't he's still hurt but you know he keeps he keeps at it cuz he's is a hero yeah but to make the you know I I feel like in the comic books he kept getting overpowered and overpowered to the point where he can be reduced to a skeleton and and just come back from that instantly so I think sometimes depending on yeah depending see that's the thing and it's the consistency as well but I think putting him in this spot where he is mostly depowered and he has to deal with that like at one point he cuts himself shaving and I was like you've never had to think about that before in your life idiot can you imagine though if they made this movie and he got hurt and he didn't heal and he just went I'm out I'm not brave and I don't like this this is dangerous now this isn't fun anymore yeah it was fun when I had the invincibility cheat code now it's not fun anymore no so the idea this time around is that yeah he doesn't want to be immortal anymore and he's propositioned all right first of all uh uh he's become a Wildman in the in the American uh much like a real wolf that's exactly right and then he causes a racus and then he's approached by yukoh who says do you want to visit my father uh in Japan and then he's like no I don't and then the cop car goes past and he's like I do actually you notice that that's fun the cops are after me but I will it's unrelated I will visit your father because of Honor yeah yeah I want to see what weird awful bed he sleeps in that's right that looks so uncomfortable just a pinboard bed oh yeah he's got the yash's hospital bed uses that Kryptonian pinboard technology uh so yeah maybe this guy doesn't have the best intentions you know maybe he's hiding in a big robot Samurai suit no spoilers here though I think that's just a decoration I think he probably bought that from a a what's new oh what's new did he I like this movie generally I think the action sequences are great as I mentioned I think it's more exciting when he's a d hour wolver and he has to adapt to that but I I do think upon a rewatch this is the kind of movie that every part of drama of it could have been avoided if two people had had a conversation or if he and yashida had like gotten along better in their in their second meeting cuz the he Wolverine comes over to Japan and Yash is like Hey listen I know how you're Immortal and stuff and that's probably feels like a burden sometimes but what if you just died would that be fun for you what if you gave your power to what if you just died I mean first of all he should have said oh are you're feeling a bit aimless have you considered Sudoku it's this craze that's sweeping the nation have you considered Pachinko have you considered the Metal Gear Solid franchise there's a lot of cut scenes that'll yeah you know you'll they'll run you about another century but he doesn't just go listen can I have some of your bone I'm dying yeah and remember you saved me from that atomic explosion so you owe me Wolverine you if you can just give me some some marrow and I'll give that a wh you know absolutely yeah n he's going to fake his death and he does hide in a big robot actually he does yeah yeah seems complicated no no it's not I mean it might be yeah and then Wolverine of course gets snaked he gets snake lady she's snaking everybody she's yep get snaked up the w presumably how else do you get that in yeah I don't really well the kiss I think it's from a kiss it might have been cuz he gets a he he's having a lot of Gan gray dreams and you said this before we started recording but he's sure he's having a lot of dreams about a woman who didn't like him that much that's right who he's in love with but I look I know you you probably loved her from the moment you saw her or whatever but like she was with Cyclops until he exploded yeah she exp and then and then you and you were evil then yeah she was evil then so like get over it man get uh though great there's a lot of other women you can fall in love with in this movie yeah there's one in this movie there's at least one in this movie I think the uh the action's good there's an action sequence which starts at a funeral and then there's a bit of a shootout and he's injured and it goes into the streets of Japan and there's a guy running across the rooftops throwing arrow throwing arrows throwing arrows at people then it goes onto the bullet train that's Hara so he's the Silver Samurai in the comic books was it big fake out big fug yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah you think he's in the he's going to Silver Samurai it it's funny cuz I realized watching the behind the scenes of this the second unit director on this was David Leech oh of bullet train fight exactly what is he obsessed with bullet trains seems that way yeah God get over it get over it stop having dreams where you're married to a bullet train that's right man don't be weird don't be weird about it the bullet train didn't even really like you that much uh he of course directed one of the Deadpool movies as well so he's you know he's had his foot in the X yes Atomic blonde yeah let's name all these movies The Fall Guy Etc he does good work yeah how do you feel about the surgery sequence though we has to get the the thing out of his heart and there's a moment there where yukoh is like Wolverine stop stop it don't do it stop I reckon once at the point where like he's got his entire hand in his chest cavity I'd be encouraging at that point yeah cuz you're not going to stop him he's in there already yeah you'd be like good on you deep you are doing such a great job yeah you're doing such a good job Wolverine now you've heard this Theory I'm sure and I think the director even confirmed this she says I saw you die with your heart in your hand okay sure and then in the next movie cuz she has vague uh for seeing the future see the future when you die powers and that doesn't happen necessarily in this movie I guess but in the next movie he dies holding his daughter's hand who's a clone which is his heart it's a metaphor but and the director was like yep that's exactly what happened there you figured it out but there's a moment where they go into that room and she goes I saw you die and it was in this room he died in the woods I remember mhm also he did die in this movie she did say it that's true he died for like 30 seconds which he can do oh I like that bit where he takes the katana goes through him I guess through his vertebrae in between oh yeah sure sliced yeah that's good stuff yeah that's a bit of fun isn't it's a bit of fun I like the you mentioned the bullet train sequence but I enjoyed that a lot I enjoyed the fact that again there's a playfulness to it yeah and him being deow I think you know we then sort of believe that like one Yakuza guy could could take him down that's that's good that's good intention you know doing fake out jumps doing fake to each other yeah it's really good stuff but yeah after his girlfriend gets captured the maximum amount of times that a person can in a movie they have to go to the big castle now we watched the uh she got captured a she got kidnapped a lowest Lane amount of times a Mary Jane Parker amount of times yeah yeah and there's some extended stuff in this cuz we watched the extended unrated cut or whatever this went pg-3 to Cinemas there's a lot more effing and is there yeah go [ __ ] yourself pretty boy uh so there's like seven or so extra minutes and one of the extra sequences is that they get on Just Wolverine effan and jeffin f that and heck with this uh yeah there snow plow sequence that's not in the the regular version the sequence where a bunch of uh ninjas get sucked into a snowplow and their their blood and and and bone meal gets sprayed all over various housers yeah that's interesting okay why they take that out I know wasn't effing or jeffing it's not that violent though either really it's more kind of I mean Looney Tunes violence honestly I completely agree uh and then the Silver Samurai turns out when I first saw this movie 10 plus years ago I thought it was like a weird tonal shift where suddenly there was an old man in a in a big robot making love to his tonic and [Music] Jin but I think having seen so many bizarre comic book movies and TV shows since yeah the ending doesn't stand out like at all in that way it feels fine I remember it feeling like it took a real left turn but it does it now yeah in 2024 we make the connections ourselves now okay it was stockpiling adamantium and now there's a adamantium Samurai Rob f i don't even mean in terms of like laying the seeds of it I just mean it's a fairly grounded movie than there's B robot but it's I don't feel that way at all you know it's not the silliest thing we've seen in an X-Men movie even no here it is the silliest thing you're not even going to think of it no okay great yeah and it does end well not the post credits we'll talk about that but it ends with like the promise of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and yukoh and she's like I guess we're hanging out now we're going to have many adventures together two years later she's gone she's gone she's dead probably everyone in this movie who's not Hugh Jackman's Wolverine is dead yeah unless they're in the post credits there is a moment right at the end when Wolverine's about to get on that plane and Maro says oh I suppose you'll be seeing me again and I'm like no no you're gone after this the continuity is going to change immediately you're not even going to exist after this no that's right but yeah the post credits of course leads into Days of Future Past you say it led into Days of Future Past I mean they show a robot or something I mean kind of they show a robot hand and they go dark things or a foot because it kind of it that would suggest that they leave the completely normal airport and the days of future past uhan future just outside okay all right great that's fine I'm fine with it is that why everybody's getting on a plane to go to Hawaii or whatever yeah that movie starts with them all getting off a plane don't you remember sure I don't you remember I don't remember your new futuristic suit is in the is in the the plane Wolverine and so storm and havoc and whoever else is in this movie I can't remember Mason I don't think it's Havoc it might be Sunspot Mason sure anyway Professor reor is alive that's right cuz if you remember in X-Men 3 which we have done a video on for some reason but not one and two yet he exploded yes and then at the end of that movie it's hinted at that he's alive for some reason cuz he transferred his brain through some sort of I think he did he bounce his brain waves off Wolverine's adamantium skeleton to get it around the world cuz he looks right at him and then cuz you'd think that he he was doing that like Spock McCoy style but I think he bounced the brain waves off Wolverine like an antenna into that the other guy's who people like oh it's it's it's it's Professor X's brother he's not he's just a guy do you think he's making people see him like that yeah maybe why do you think he looks like him then why did you think before I offered that explanation it doesn't matter yeah I forgot that it doesn't matter the guy's just a guy I'm saying yeah he's a guy whose legs don't work also but his legs also crushed by the devil maybe which was how comic book Professor Xavier lost his legs look James I'm willing to concede that maybe he just got out of a coma and his legs aren his legs aren they're not great currently or maybe he's just like you know what I like sitting yeah that's right also I maintain there is a version of this post credits where Professor X is walking I feel I've seen that that's the end of the last one we watched maybe that's it and the start of X-Men 3 is walking and James McAvoy one walks until Magneto deflects a bullet into him oh and I remembered also it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't matter we must all remind ourselves of that all right there are things in life that do matter I would even say there's certain media that matters oh yes but none of this matters wow movie to movie wow yeah anyways it's time for listen I'm going to give you the option go on we could do either my famous recurring segment thoughts prizes or Hugh Jackman's Fitness regime you can you can pick one I've put extensive work into both Mr Beast style I'll throw one away wow okay okay um I mean remember if you pick thoughts and prices anybody can win can win a prize so I think that's probably for the I mean look I feel like Hugh Jackman is as ripped as he's ever been in this in this movie he's pretty ripped yeah but I'm guessing it's just you know Etc and it's broccoli and chicken and then he a lot of cardio and and lifting and whatever so I don't unless there's something real weird in there yeah I don't I think I'll I'm going to go with thoughts and prizes cuz I'm a man of people and I'm hoping that we all win some prizes today all right um You didn't huh interesting that was thoughts and prizes everybody now it's time for the trivia wow so when you said you put extensive thought into both of those what did you mean I've got all this research for what he ate and calories and no but the thoughts and prizes one oh I mean I got all the prizes organized oh what are they no system set up what are doesn't matter now they're gone the prizes don't accumulate forget about it you said you would have loved it too let me tell you this one was very specific to you I don't think he had any thoughts and I don't think he acquired any prizes I did I don't know what to tell you if you work for the Australian tax office when he puts his return in I want you to I want you to look up prizes I need to order this guy and look for all the prizes I'm pay cash don't worry about it well are you wow anyways it's time for the trivia I love it I know we said last week for people to remind us of what this section was called cuz I think you said a good one but nobody reminded us I think if we do the trivia and it's got the like in the Wolverine font oh that's going to work yeah I think that would work good stuff yeahh okay I'll give you I'll throw you a bit of a bone for the diet Mason Hugh Jackman adopted a dehydration diet used by bodybuilders uh where he didn't consume any liquid for 36 hours before filming his shirtless scene that'll do it he said it made him feel headachy and faint but he was pleased with the result being ripped this might be the biggest he is yeah and who knows how many calories he ate me I looked it up but don't worry about it Jessica bill was off of the role of Viper snake woman yep uh but a deal couldn't be reached so she dropped out she was in instead she was Whistler she was whistler's Abigail Whistler yeah Rogue was involved in one of the versions of the Wolverine script she was going to try to convince Logan to return home and she was going to end up joining him in the adventure however she was cut from the story due to director James Mangold wanting to focus on Logan isolation interesting yes and an alternate ending of this movie was filmed where yukoh presents Logan with a box that contains his yellow Wolverine mask and costume from the comics or something and he never wore it not even in this upcoming movie Ah that's a trick I would have preferred the the brown and the brown and yellow one be I think that's the best costume the problem is this led directly into a Brian Singer movie and he would not put Wolverine's costume in any of his movies that's true and he did some other stuff too which I don't like even more than that wow box office on a budget of $132 million it made 44.8 million bit of a hit Mason bit of a big old hit big old hit and here's a hint towards what we're doing next week what could it be is it Logan yeah interesting obviously because we've done the two did you not know no I knew why did you even have to guess you should have known and if you want to see that early you actually head over to Big sandwich. where these always go up early it's not the only thing there though is it no there's so many bonus stuff there we do a comic book club we do video game Let's Plays we do movie commentaries we do bonus podcasts it's $9 a month it does help out this channel if you are interested we've got an X-Men movie commentary coming up we've got other X-Men commentaries there also we recently did a let's play of the X-Men arcade game we recently talked about the Old Man Logan comic book if you love The X-Men you're in for a treat absolutely and Other Stuff Etc also we have a podcast called the weekly Planet way talk movies and comics and TV shows that comes out every Monday check check it out if you are Kane uh it's got us on YouTube channel it's on Spotify uh we have a good time don't we we have a very good time and it's a good podcast it's not just us having a good time the work yeah we've we've we've you know we've factored in audience enjoyment that's right which not every podcast can say no you know I mean we enjoy it the most yeah that's undeniable otherwise we wouldn't do it yeah all right thanks everyone hey here's a question okay why does Logan hate flying does he think something bad will happen to him if the plane crashes bearing in mind he survived the atomic EXP expion at Nagasaki well I don't think he loves Atomic explosions I think if he had to rank those two things he'd probably prefer flying yeah I don't know but it's like a running bit what's going on yeah okay but if he falls out of a plane in the middle of the ocean he's alive and then he's in the middle of the ocean that's true he'd be sinking wouldn't he he'd be sinking like a stone yeah all right bye everyone bye [Music]
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 239,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: e32X-FIyyL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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