THE BOYS 4x07 BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed!

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Jessica clevens and this is a breakdown of the boy season 4 episode 7 The Insider this episode was intense uncut gems intense by the end of it at Tran story is coming to an end butcher might have found a new superpower and that shape shifter just banged Huey for why we'll get into it all this breakdown but first a quick reminder to check out nerd ride. shop where you can find the latest and greatest in rock stars merch GE up for the biggest movie of The Summer I'm talking the minions no I'm not I'm talking Deadpool and Wolverine we do not have merch for the minions and I'm sorry if you want it good scream at Eric Voss EA Voss on Twitter we do have Star Wars inspired merch that I love so much grabbing some of the merch From Nerd r. shop is a great way to support the channel on all the work that we do here breaking down all these things for you you can also go get break room merch I love the break room merch it's so cute so simple so nice so clean all right let's get into the breakdown as I mentioned earlier this episode is titled The Insider this is the issue number 46 in the boys comic book run where butcher ushers huy to break up with Starlight and shows him footage of her being assaulted by the men of the seven huie breaks up with her in issue 47 which feels like we're on track for right now in the show we know by the end of the episode a shape shifter will have taken the body of Annie and just banged Huey what we haven't seen from the trailer is the group all hugging each other with huie and Annie holding their passports so it looks like Annie and huie will leave eventually and our regular Annie is Left Behind I could see butcher finding Annie and while all hell breaks loose he enlists her to help him and let go of huie hu's dealt with a lot this season but that's just a theory for another we open the episode with bot kids network vkids is another one of Bot International's offshoots a preschool TV channel for kids kids like PBS and I like that they even have a giant seven on the vot tower like the original building the music is clearly a parody of the opening few notes to Mr Rogers [Music] Neighborhood Mr Rogers Neighborhood also opens with a little scaled down version of a neighborhood just like we're seeing kind of here with New York City and Bot Tower we also saw Avenue V and gen V it was the show hosted by Jason Ritter with the puppet of the deep a parody of Sesame Street and Avenue Q Sam hallucinated Ritter telling him to kill all the people you can see a photo with a puppet version of black noir and on the right is a photo of puppet version of homelander and firecracker also on the mantle are Christmas cards featuring homelander and black noir on the wall in the back there are more puppet photos and firecracker isn't a lot of them obviously her star is on the rise in the Sev since she squirted that titty milk this is all I vot kids Christmas special and we began with Ryan and a train and I love that Ryan hated Adam Borg's pitch but this one seems cool enough we're going to see a gaggle of Puppets this episode the rap did an interview back in 2023 with Colin Penman who is the head of makeup for the boys and gen v he's also the voice of puppet deep in this interview they talked about gen V's puppet Massacre and creating the puppets hiring puppeteers to help design and build them and I assume the same process happened here and it was a lot easier since gen V puppet a train is voiced by Alexandra Moni puppet firecracker is voiced by Kira Hall and puppet homelander is voiced by Jamie Shannon if you don't know that's the man who created Mr mey on Nickelodeon he also voiced Mona and created the show nanalan do you guys know nanan is that too young too old I don't know I love nanan all the actors though are puppeteers we see all the seven members in most portraits except for sister Sage this could be because homelander is currently really pissed at her for getting brain damage at Tech Knight's Party last episode or because she celebrates Quanza as we know from her past Endeavors a train says he's sad because of antifa which is a anti-fascist anti-racist political movement here in the US lots of folks weaponizing to support Trump because he wants to declare it a terrorist organization this song has a lot if you can't tell of problematic parts to it additionally Ryan's mug says ho ho homelander and of course they have a ton of V merch for different holidays we get a new song from the vot kids Christmas album when you see something say something it doesn't feel like a phrase for Christmas but it's a common phrase for the black noir posters is one that we see in diabolical in the song they Nam the gay husband's principal Chad and this has to be making fun of the you know the name Chad being an incel culture there's just lots of dunking on conservative use of terms like woke and antifa also the general idea of some manufacturer War on Christmas Ryan is rightfully uncomfortable promoting this and ask for the director Adam bour could have been gone after Ryan forced the assistant to beat him with a clipboard or this is the vot kids director Tommy now played by Tim Beford Ryan says this we're telling kids to report on their own parents this was the Cornerstone of the indoctrinate the children to believe in the principles 100% so much so that they would even turn in their own parents the fact that homelander personally approved these lyrics makes sense since he is all for storm fronts Nazi ideals Ryan says I just need to go 101 and on a film set 101 is walkie-talkie lingo for going to the bathroom specifically if you need to pee 102 means you got to take a sheep no one ever really says 102 unless you're really close on set I would say 101 when I also had to poop as Sage walks in it sounds like Ashley says this PR made that apology to Temple bethl so that should be a ding deal there's a Hollywood Temple bethl this is one of the oldest Jewish temples in Los Angeles and I'm gonna guess they had to make an apology because firecracker was talking about Jewish space lasers on her show last episode Ashley mentions that marketing would like to start selling nfts of homelander apparently you're not buying jpegs you're joining a community we know the whole thing with nfts but these nfts are ugly but I do like the vot race car one it's a red and white and blue logo with the vot symbol and his Eagle it's kind of cool to how digal looking Knights costume you can tell homelander is going insane like the cracked mirror of his personalities his reflection on the black table is smashed into Cracks by the bug and reflecting in the image above is himself on the seven mural firecracker mentions Cameron Coleman golfing with Mike Lindell he just pulled 50 million bucks of pillow commercials I assume from bot news Mike Lindell is that right-wing my pillow guy who was batshit crazy he also buys a ton of AD time on Fox News Sage refers to firecracker as a Daisy Duck Dynasty which is a play on Daisy Duke from Dukes of Hazard and the show Duck Dynasty and I also appreciate the Daisy Duck reference here as well homelander says this you just focus on the shooter make sure he's good to go on the sixth so we have an assassination planned we know that the final episode is titled assassination run kpy revealed this on Twitter a while ago so this would be the episode when all the teams clash and we see the attempt or success of a political assassination on the boys a Newman singer or even homelander the deepest reading his book of poetry to Ambrosius it's titled Still Waters Run Deep poetry by the Deep how deep how good on the back cover people say it's surprisingly sensitive something about being America's wetest published by Karens and Grant and you can find it on vafi which I assume is a parody of Spotify behind the Deep you can see the portrait of him and homelander from season 3 that's when the Deep gets a text from sage and they're not even flirting anymore this is just it looks like the Deep also still hasn't cleaned that dirty tank you can still see the little suction prints the Deep says this and I got a notes call with Shai on his new draft of honeyboy 2 it's really starting to sing so the movie is happening the Deep mentioned this back in episode three darling Skyping her mom donno while huie looks at Victoria Newman's evidence and you can tell he's copying it elsewhere he has a sticker for briman on his laptop and if you remember this is where he worked at briman a visual when he was dating Robin starlight's mom's Bible group kicked her out and I assume this is due to the mass publicity around her abortion which is no one's business hu is wearing an Iggy and Stooges shirt they were a late 60s early 7s punk band formed by Iggy Pop this is where we learn that Annie trashed her OG Starlight suit after officially resigning from the seven however huie saved it and I guess for a rainy day because why would you want that then we cut to Sage who's doing this Shady deal in broad daylight while wearing her seven costume which is insane to do this is is the guy the homelander mentioned earlier to make sure that he's good for the six the shooter so if Sage this up she'll be in some deep crap the Shady man is credited as Eddie K from American Pie Harald and Kumar and those wild 2000s movie which I just can't see in him I still can't see it I like that huie refers to him as the Lee Harvey the man who assassinated also John F Kennedy MO is wearing a black sheep shirt and it's kind of ironic after you know the last episode with the killer sheep either way butcher gases us with his presence after discovering Kesler isn't real just his imagine ination better yet the little devil on his shoulder while Becca is kind of like the angel oh bring Becca back he tells the gang how he kidnapped amputated and force Samir to recreate the virus though as we know he can't make it to take down homelander without killing all the people that have V in their bodies I would say all soups would get contaminated but not all people with v are soups they're just average people doing weird [ __ ] that's when he reveals he pulled Frenchie out of prison to help Samir make it mallerie pulled the strings to get him out so the boy's plan is to take out homelander and Newman and Sage plans to take out the president back at homelanders pen house all decked out for Christmas Ryan has a lot of Christmas presents including a regular bike and what looks like a derp bike two bikes and a gaming chair this boy has my dream holiday gifts there's homelander wrapping paper one of the gifts has wrapping paper for cartoon queen mave and a Santa hat and of course the seven again has branded wrapping paper Ryan has a gift and it says don't be a which was the screen name for butcher to use to communicate with Ryan a few episodes ago in the video game butcher's gift is sticking out in the pile of fancy rap presents because it's just plain brown paper and it looks bad Ryan opens the gift which is just a picture of butcher Terror and Becca that we've seen throughout the season mother's milk announces his leave from the boys because he's passing out during missions our man's unwell M milk makes it his new mission to send Monique and Janine to B while war is about to strike down here in America between soups and everyone else then they kiss what he finally wanted to be a family again and he just can't have it I want the most for my man but I also want what's good for the world in the comics mother's milk's relationship with his ex-wife and the mother of his daughter is very up it involves her being a drug addict and a very bad mom so I'm really glad they made these two much more functional and healthy in the show we switch to the remembering of Cameron Coleman the news craw at the bottom says Jenny McCarthy another vax victim gone implying that Cameron Coleman died from vaccines Jenny McCarthy for those who don't know is the actress the woman who has organized an antivaccine movement that links vaccines to autism she constantly makes claims that she is able to heal her son's autism which is just [ __ ] her activism is [ __ ] everything she spews is Bullit I can't say it without being mean claim Coleman died of a brain aneurysm from the flu vaccine also Ashley is drinking a Mallen 15-year-old Scotch at asked what happened to Ashley assistant to which she says dumb could never get my sweet green order right sweet greens is one of the restaurants of choice for writers rooms to get lunch from so I bet the boys was just like munching down on S greens when they wrote this Ashley feels horrible about what happened to Cameron and yeah she's a dumb mean idiot half the time but she literally panicked when homelander destroyed blind spot's ears she brought him to the seven and she kind of got him wrecked and felt horrible about it so she's still as much of a human as she was when she got into bod she also says this it's so easy to become a monster around here and 100% right it absolutely is Ashley offers arain the chance to flee to Florence and I like that she's like you need a passport wait no you don't you'll just run everywhere cuz it's true I don't know if he even has a passport butcher hu and starlight wind up at this random address during his little almost barf moment Kesler reminds us Butcher and may hooked up last season we also learned for the first time butcher cheated on Becca and his internal dialogue is really is beating his ass when we enter the apartment this place is a freaking mess there's pizza boxes having food it's a pig then Starlight tells the gang she found a used tampon in the toilet and tampons never go in the toilet that's how you get it clogged every girl knows that unless of course this fing Shape Shifter isn't used to being a girl I don't know there's a lot of theories you can have about the shape shifter we see paperwork from the US Department of Homeland Security and the US Secret Service it includes information regarding the security detail agents and who they are watching they mentioned having detail assignments for January 6 which is singer rally and I also assume this is also a play on what happened here on January 6th in the US you know the capital attack in 2021 this shape shifter has the build of people what colors they are wearing and what their wardrobe is and even what car they drive the folder Starlight grabs has bought lab results with a map of the DC Fairground where singer is going to be speaking a closer look at the map shows where the security would be hidden in bushes along with the agents overseeing it it's literally all the Secret Service information they have the extraction point which might be a warning in case it goes belly up where they have to take the Super soon to be president butcher then says this I swear they're giving him the old daily Plaza which is another reference to the John F Kennedy assassination they hear something and stock down the long hallway to find a woman in a closet hiding she has scratches and marks on her body and we later find out this is the shape shifter and I wonder if she fought the woman who lived there originally and when looking at her she took on her injuries as well because we don't know what makes this shape shifter shift we see her grab this elderly woman look her in the eyes and it sort of makes a copy of their entire self her side ponytail and all I don't know we can show this on YouTube so I'm going to try to explain it as best as I can grotesquely this thing must shed its own skin of a new layer of whoever it copied then in a gross lizard-like blinking wishes away like Men In Black this is a new power we haven't seen and it's absolutely disgusting but it's a really cool take on shape-shifting doppelganger certainly didn't work like this but the boys have shown soups with similar powers that manifest them in different ways like Victoria Newman and Marie there are plenty of shape shifters in the comics like Mal chemical who can shape shift his form to be any person or element or material mallerie also mentioned him back as season 2 episode 6 however the green eyes really throw me off but what I like to remember is that Mal chemical was a member of the team Titanic like the Teen Titans who did have Beast Boy Who was famously green so it could be him Kingdom also in diabolical had green eyes when he shape shifted into a snake however he could only turn into like an animal unfortunately in body and in mind so he was kind of just a dumb loose snake so I don't think this is him this could also be a new soup entirely in Gina's rewatching of season one of Supernatural kryp is constantly tying stuff from the boys into Supernatural like Jim Bieber's name on the show is also Robert Singer in season 1 there's a shape shifter who does the exact peely offy skin thing he pretends to be Dean commits a crime and the cops go after Dean for it so kryp key is sort of repeating a storyline here by having the shape shifter pretend to be one of the boys regardless what's important to think about is who in this episode could have been the shape shifter sage has mentioned keeping tabs on Janine and knowing everything about everyone could it simply not be through security and analytics as she gets her information but entirely through the shape-shifting mole there's a chance Monique or Donna was actually this shape sh shifter at some point so this shape shifter must be close to Sage or else we would have seen them by now right I think so when she berates the man before giving him the files she says it smells like you've been drinking I wish you do youring job the look on her face and disappointment might make this be someone close to her I love a good game night game especially if it's easy to introduce to new friends too and that's why I love Doom Lings Doom Lings is a card game that takes five minutes to learn you're trying to score the most points before the end of the world by playing cards from your hand called traits and every card has these fun little monster type of guys on it look at it look at how cute these are look at them and it's so shiny I love him this one's my favorite oh my God that's so cute I'm going to play out this game every round is called an age and occasionally an age will introduce a catastrophe and the game ends when the third catastrophe strikes there now you know how to play Doom Lings literally it's that simple to explain and the rules are on the cards themselves so if you forget Doom Lings has you covered and now Doom Lings is expanding with the all new imaginary ends expansion the expansion literally just came out and it adds 127 new cards and five new varieties of Doom Lings each new Doom Ling adds another layer of strategy to the base game whether it's the suppressing power of the deep Lings or the luck mechanics of the glitter Lings plus the art looks so good again look at these you can get the Doom Lings in retail stores like Walmart or Target but if you scan the QR code or click the link in the description and use code Rockstar 20 you'll get 20% off your order at Doom look at this it's so cute I'm so obsessed with it of the teenage kicks both in the comics in the series there wasn't really a shape shifter what we know from Sage is that her grandmother was an ex- Black Panther and she was seemingly close to her she's from Chicago she was kicked from the Teenage kicks and that's really it this could be her brother and I only theorize her brother because every parent injected their children with compound B it wouldn't be surprising her brother also had it done to him and he's unfortunately just led to this life of sadness shape shifting then butcher Starlight and Hui run out to a sea of people not a single one in zebra print also none of them looked around the corner that would have been the first thing I did and I love this shot though overall to add drama to the it can be anyone but we do get another taxi ad for VOD at least we spot that mother's milk boarding pass is from transoceanic Airlines the same airline that homelander may let crash Adrian tells mother's milk about the little boy who saw him bring mother's milk to the hospital and it makes him feel like a better person which is all because of mother's milk no one else could have done it then we're taken to Kimiko and Frenchie and Kimiko is reading a Spring 2007 Vigor Magazine with soldja boy on the cover there appears to be a real Canadian fashion magazine called Vigor with the Canadian spelling you know with the o u the cover do look similar in style and I wonder if the show is just not into that since it's filmed majorly in Canada also it's odd that soja boys randomly on the 2007 magazine cover since he's been missing from the public since the mid 80s and won't reappear until 2022 but maybe vot still uses iconography a lot which also explains the semi plot hole and gen V of Kate having a crush on soja boy in her pre-teen years I love that they have Samir and a freaking Macy's Christmas shirt a reminder that it's Christmas time and Frenchie bought B burger and the bags are also holiday theme Frenchie plays Butterfly by Crazy Town calling it truly revolting garbage from the 1990s and I know damn well they weren't expecting Shifty shell shock to pass away just so recently then Frenchie sort of Lies when asks if the virus is just for homelander and not Victoria and I'm sure Samir knows the truth then we're with firecracker and homelander and homelander ignores Ryan and tells him to go along with the show then the doors open to web weaver and this is the same prison May was locked up in this definitely looks like one of the rooms that the four kids from gen B were locked up in at the end of their season 2 which further reinforces the idea that our four Gooden kids are currently being held within bot tower inside web weaver is [ __ ] out all of his web because he's nervous and or going through withdrawals he also somehow got his suit back from huie if he didn't already have two and I really assume he didn't have two because that one suit was funky it looks like this one smells too I can't show you what I see but homelander straight up tears this man apart from shoulder down mixing his milky butt juice with blood in gen V Sam ripped a person puppet the same way it's a repulsive sight and I hate the imagery this web fluid mixing with blood and seeing it towards homelander is definitely a nod to the reoccurring thing in the comics when huie first comes to America and teams up with the the boys he's staying in a really shitty part of town and butcher tells him something along the lines of yeah you'll understand why this place is a dump the first night you see Sean and Blood come seeping under your door and after that it just kept happening every time huie was home butcher was hiring someone to do it which is disgusting firecracker is shook because she probably never saw someone get so brutally murdered up close like this and please I'm not a pervert but her boobs definitely are getting bigger and I know it's because she's taking that medicine too much all that to please homelander back with Frenchie and chimo Frenchie says for no I think Noel is the French word for Christmas Merry Christmas in French is joyu Noel I assume Kimo still doesn't have her phone after losing in a tech nights but it's not needed because Frenchie speaks sign language so she doesn't have to use images or books to speak to everyone again we look into Kimo's past and her night at The Shining Light Frenchie said that she can't talk because she watched Shining Light kill her parents this was the story that Frenchie heard from kimiko's Brother Kenji we learned the truth that Kimiko was forced to kill another girl without making a sound for fear of being killed by her captors this whole thing kind of just reminds me of black widow's backstory those girls fighting other girls sleeping while handcuffed and all that but also it's so sad for Kimo and I actually really like her Arc in the series but I do need to see more of Shining Light and I know it's a horrible organization but like I want to see her kill more of them or just bring them to the Forefront for the next season Kimo mentions looking into the mirror and hating what she sees which makes me believe every time homelander firecracker or any soup is looking in a mirror they also hate themselves there's just a great foreshadowing when looking in the mirrors and having to look back at your own reflection and seeing who you are and these soups do it constantly the deep is eating his favorite snack from guy fet's flavor town the fried pickles he mentioned in episode 4 which means he's definitely coming back from deining and banging Sage Brandon wrote that ambrosus asked deep AKA B to get her some sugar fish a popular sushi spot with multiple locations in New York City and LA and it's actually kind of pricey ambrosus quotes Lisa Vanderpump from Vanderpump Rules reunion on Bravo in 2022 when she says this sometimes the way you get them is the way you lose them we get this great Where Have You Ben you're cheating on me tro between the deep and this octopus and I love it and brosious also mentions this my suckers can smell her on you after your tsts octopi can in fact smell and taste with their suckers I love that she's like I can smell her on you and there's a pair of deep sea undies just sitting right above her tank like yeah girl I bet you can the Deep chooses Sage because she says that he's a superior being and to make it more painful on the octopus she has four Limbs and as a reminder deep had no issues banging that dolphin back in the day and they had absolutely no limbs then the Deep flips out and breaks her tank releasing all that water and we hear her gasping and the other fish are just watching on but he ignores it behind closed doors the Deep had mentioned to new black noir in the last episode that he enjoys his recent violent turn they're not laughing anymore they show respect violence is power the Deep probably loves and respects ambrosus more than most people so his violence probably makes him feel very powerful however he is overwhelmed by the emotions that result from this act and respectfully Tila Swinton does go on for a minute her last word being I love you and then we cut to deep shutting out the world around him much like homelander did this season we see the broken piece of the table where homelander smashed the bug that's now gone his reflection of himself in the mural of the seven above is still the metaphor for how he and everyone of the seven are hitting a Breaking Point and finally cracking under endless pressure back with Victoria new she's packing up her home ready to move on and huie visits bringing all these New York snacks that she loves before she for DC she's eating mad Doritos these are like plantain chips Hy Compares it to Mitt Romney and I can't believe I'm saying this but Mitt Romney is now considered one of the more moderate Republicans one of the Old Guard who it was possible to work together with he stood against Trump and the Tea Party and the new insane right-wing nut jobs like Marjorie Taylor green he's still not great in my opinion but he's considered a dying breed of Republicans who have no loyalty to the cult that is Trump come on boys take them down this when Victoria Newman learns about the internment camps from Tech KN night's party though I don't know if I believe she didn't know about this already she has a really good poker face right now Samir calls her Vicki and huie calls her Vic and that's how you know she's a true friend to him then she says sorry for huie's Dad dying and how the does she know about that is she the shape shifter then back with Starlight at the boy's HQ the Deep appears and so does black noir the Deep seems to take back the apology he gave to Starlight both publicly and privately to feel okay killing her I guess the Deep mentions how she tried cancelling him which was for the assault he did at the Starlight in season 1 he follows it by saying because I guess that's just cool to do white guys nowadays which of course he'd say that he follows that by saying me to's over it didn't work then give us a good classic they all start tussling butcher vers black noir Starlight vers the Deep the deep and Annie bean soups are really just destroying this place being flung all over through the fridge and the doors and the walls it's destroying it like they did last season at bot butcher is truly holding it down using a gun and being half dead which honestly respect the impact of the shotgun blast into black noir can push him back but he's able to bounce them off his cuffs like Wonder Woman insane then black noir passes out and as a reminder this one is narcoleptic quickly though butcher takes notice before he comes too butcher starts talking to himself to do that thing he did to Ezekiel but it isn't really working he even requests Kesler to do something and this all furthers my theory it only works when he's actually in danger like his body feels itself dying down he's just getting beat up here so he's not really going to die luckily my hero a train shows up to save the day knocking the Deep on his ass this is when Noir and the Deep find out that a train is indeed the league then black noir flies and as he mentioned in the previous episode when he threatened to go join cir devot he also has a great line before getting a body full of lead from mother's milk eat a flying mother [ __ ] and then he falls out the window when Annie and the deep are fighting I also think Annie is digging into the Deep's gills here with this move and as we saw back in season one his gills are super sensitive I think we actually get a gross scene of Ambrose just tickling them then and Annie starts beating the hell out of the deep when he's finally dazed you see a magazine that has a soldier saluting it says hero cuz Annie is my hero when the deep is knocked out with that weight on his head we see papers for Bots American hero we've talked about that before this season it's the reality show that was finding a new super for the seven Ashley calls out for the Alexa and as a reminder that this is an Amazon show so of course they're going to use an Alexa I also like that they credited Nina roll who is the voice of the actual Alexa in the credits also they're really [ __ ] on chill white dude singer songwriters of the '90s and episode playing the Dave Matthews chill mix once they know a train is the leak he makes his escape and Ashley reminds him to take out his chip we saw in previous Seasons that the seven all have chips implanted in them so he can be tracked we see a picture of a young rebellious Ashley in Florence complete with cornrow un shaped armpits and Shake Gua shirt the only way I imagine Ashley treating every vacation like Jersey Shore getting cornrow and Florence God that's a horrible image so they're all at a bar now drinking Annie mother's milk and butcher mother's milk leaves and Annie asks him about Kesler and Ezekiel to which he says don't worry about it Mothers Milk calls Mo'Nique and tells her he ain't coming home for Christmas but one day they'll see each other soon my man does not get a win his entire family died to this cause and now my man doesn't get to be with his family back with psychopath McGee over here he's almost shedding a tear over ATR betraying him this is probably his sincere personality coming out it looks like he's cut out his tracking chip and his family is also gone then Sage reveals she knew all along at train was the league but didn't tell homelander then homelander irritated till Sage fired and when she retorts you promise he says you're lucky I didn't send you home in a bucket which is also how Kesler threatened Samir last episode jeta believes this is all part of Sage's plan and I hope to God she's red then on her way out she leaves behind her Queen mave notebook that she's been keeping every detail in and I can't wait to learn what's in that notebook and how she's saving Cindy for last I'm sure they're not going to give us Cindy I wish they would give us Cindy maybe soldja boy maybe that's the icing on the cake here I don't know but I feel like there is a secret person that we haven't met yet that's not the shape shifter that is going to be revealed she does tell homelander before exiting this if there's one person you will never ever defeat physically homelander can tear anyone apart or laser them down but he stopped in his tracks with Barb the holding power people like Barb and Stan Edgar had on homelander was done through mental manipulation but that didn't save still will at the end of the day it argu is Victoria Newman but he's holding on to her secret super identity so she's more afraid of him I generally think it's Ryan who everyone knows and notes as a mini homelander and might be the only soup able to take him down he has this weird affection and dire a need to be his father figure Ryan has him in a choke hold mentally and physically this could be the person that he could not defeat unless of course Sage is talking in riddles it means homelander like homelander himself is his own biggest enemy and he can't defeat it but this isn't The Lion King I'm not Rafiki I think it's Ryan and Ryan is the end game the deep in Noir limp back through VA like a couple of dumb idiots then Sage announces how she was fired and we learn that she's also been black noir though she ain't lobotomizing herself to be with black noir which is hilarious back with Kimiko and freni Samir shoots Kimiko with the virus then hops off the dude who got his own leg cut off being responsible for someone else getting theirs cut off is just some sweet Poetic Justice also you got to admire how quickly Frenchie Springs into action here I hate him and I love him at the same time as I mentioned in one of my last breakdowns Frenchie uses his belt like a tourniquet to stop the virus from spreading but it's moving very quickly another bad 90 song plays during all of this and it's Steal My Sunshine by lad I hate this song I don't think YouTube's going to let me show you this at all but Kimo focuses on this cute bee as her leg is being chopped off the bee says you're the bee's name and she's getting her leg caught off right above the knee we saw her regrow her hand earlier this season Frenchie also has the presence of mine to know to save the leg which has the only existing virus in it back with vot kids Christmas episode Ryan listens to his voicemail from homelander who was blatantly just ignoring him when we zoom out we can see a lot more of the little New York City and a billboard with Jesus and big letters we see the same deep puppet we saw from gen V is also there and then they start singing the song again and there's clearly a lot of conspiracy altright talking points in this song we cut to Ashley in the bot Studios television room where they're switching cameras so this must be live then we cut to Butcher and Kesler getting drunk at a bar on Christmas then Ryan stops the scene and Ashley Whispers to cut to Commercial and a reminder that all soups have better hearing but especially Ryan who can hear that loud ass whisper Ashley's trying to hide Ryan pleads to those watching not to hate their family and the show is bad he mentions mom loving Terms of Endearment a movie from 1983 then Ryan leaves off camera and butcher is just so proud now it's important to note that once he threw it in kesler's face he started breaking down like his body started shutting down so he's indeed in charge of when he lives and dies H's at home with a bandaged hand he tells Annie how he went to see Victoria to talk her out of it then we see Annie and her Starlight clothes seducing huy and that's when it's revealed Annie is the shape shifter and is this X-Men 97 All Over Again The Shape Shifter also just bangs huy which is unnecessary why wouldn't need to do that so the shape shifter has Annie's memory since she specifically mentioned their earlier conversation before they SW switched plus the fact that she knows the code to the safe doppelganger could only look like people but he said it was like flexing a muscle and he couldn't do it for very long he also never had the people's memories dup Annie takes ui's computer and what I think is the drive that has Newman's information all on it and we close the episode with the real Annie chained in a basement loose skin all over the place she's also looking at a shirt that says snows out hoes out hell yeah girl and the skin of a naked woman with gray hair the woman who asked for a goddamn photo so it's right after this moment that Annie's taken away not a single person and saw her drugged and take it away no one heard it also why did she have to bang huy the sex part really gets me cuz there is no need for it it's the boy so I get it but I'm also like you seduced him was this part of the plan and that's it for my breakdown of episode 7 season 4 of the boys there's only one episode left and I have no idea where this is going I'm skeptical of everyone and nervous who's going to die and will Sage come back check out next week where all is revealed comment down below your thoughts on this episode what you think her banging hu we had to do with all of this follow me at Lulu subscribe to all three channels in the new rockstars Network make sure to go check out the break room after show on the break room it's so nice Gina's right Gina's always right go look at it go subscribe to us for all the news coverage of everything you love oh God I'll see you guys next week
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 413,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars
Id: NcZjkSyjamQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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