MADAME WEB Ending Explained | One Of The Greatest Movies Ever Made

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host Paul and today we're breaking down midam web the brand new Spider-Man universe movie is now out and I'm so hyped because you guys know I love Marvel and all saw the web head let's go oh it's a Sony movie Madam web is one of the worst superhero films if not the worst superhero film I've ever seen in my life oh the [ __ ] but is it as bad as you think that it would be well throughout this video we're going to be going through the movie and talking about all the characters and also it's ending there will be heavy spoilers so if you haven't had a chance to see it then I want to see you out like Sydney Sweeny can't say that cuz this is a kid show but with that out the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into Madame wh a week ago I spent my life racing against time I'm going to help you out today okay trying to save people who were running out of it get until one moment changed everything come on Welcome Back to the land we living the movie centers around Cassie Webb who works as a paramedic and New York City after a Neath experience causes her to develop psychic powers she starts to see the future events in the Spider World this includes other women from The spiderverse Who in the future will become Legends of their own God damn and the marketing for this movie has been absolutely wild so while my character in the movie may be able to see the future I also can and I know what the future brings I know that when you see Madame web you're going to love it in fact I think you're going to see it twice there's this promo trying to [ __ ] me about about to leave my wife for this damn promo in fact I think you're going to see it twice so anyway I went to see it twice and they also revealed the costume on a bottle of Ocean Spray was about about to leave my June popcorn bucket for this cuz God damn but in case you don't know Madame web's a bit different from how she is in the comics for this first part of the video I'm going to put the crap jokes to the side and just talk about all the origins and the source material Dakota Johnson's a much younger version than how she's typically betrayed and this film explores her origins in the u0s first appearing in 1980s Amazing Spider-Man 210 she was created by Danny O'Neal and John Ram Jr introduced as a powerful psychic possessing Clairvoyance Cassandra was originally born blind du to a neurological condition obviously they've changed this up for the film whereas in the comic she developed her psychic abilities because of her blindness becoming a medium web in the comics instantly realized that Peter Parker was Spider-Man and through a phone call helped him to stop a politician from being murdered since then she's played a much larger role and has been someone who's been able to tap directly into the Multiverse now looking at the comics it's clear Marvel are leaning into their spiderverse run which first debuted in 2015 this was around the time of Secret Wars and it's a big story Sony's taking on a lot of inspiration from they've of course crafted their own spider films but beyond that the book features the great web this is a multiversal web made up of all realities which all center around their own version of Spider-Man in the book we watched a group of vampires known as The inheritors Who feasted off these spider totems and hunted them down yikes at the center of this all was a character known as the master Eva who lived in the middle of that great web no spoilers for who this actually was but they were put in charge of the Web of Life in Destiny the closest thing we have in the MCU right now is of course Loki who's probably about to wipe his ass with this universe don't do it though Loki we need we need Mobius for the memes yeah they're good memes worked hard on them now the comics we also followed silk who was protected by Ezekiel Sims she and Peta were bit by the same spider and Ezekiel knew the inheritors hunting her down thus he'd hidden her away and this is why she could pop up 50 years later like hey I've been here the whole time mate Ezekiel in this film's been changed to its major villain but he does have ties with Cassie's past I've seen that man before so who Ezekiel Sims he was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died okay okay so just going to ignore that because they cut that line from the film however they do have it broken up in a chunk so the meme still counts it still counts in the movie he's two Gain spider abilities along with Clair vs he's pretty much Sims in name and look only with a character being bare foot so that he can climb walls see I told you I'd be explaining why stuff happens this has also allowed him to see into his own future and Witness his own death at the hands of the spiderwomen thus he's been obsessively hunting them down and that takes us into our group of spiderwomen there's Spiderwoman Spiderwoman and Arana who's also sometimes known as Spiderwoman and the first of these play by Sydney Sweeny called Julia based on Julia Carpenter from the comics first introduced during secret War 6 she's become one of the Mainstay spider women in the Marvel Universe Julia also recently appeared in across the spiderverse with her now making her big liveaction debut with Sweeney in the role both she and web have a lot of connections in the comics as when Madame Webb died she passed her psychic abilities to her this gave her telepathy and asteral projection with her also having teleported on some very rare occasions she ended up marrying her College sweetheart and together the pair had a daughter named Rachel however it was discovered that he'd been cheating on her and after the pair divorced Julia got custody of Rachel from here on out she became embroiled in a government group called the commission that had decided to create their own superhero Julia was unwittingly led into the experiment by her college friend Val Cooper in she'd believe that it was an athletic study injected with a mix of spider venom she got similar powers to Peter and shortly after took on the identity of spiderwomen appearing in secret Wars she then returned to Earth and has become a character who appears from time to time in the Marvel Universe alongside her is Ana CarZone who in the films played by Isabella m said kzone is none other than the hero spider girl who was originally born in Brooklyn also sorry I'm I'm putting on an accent to say those I don't I'm try I don't know why I'm doing it I apolog olog if it I move on now the parent moved to Mexico when they were very young but they then returned to the states after her mother was killed bit bit more serious right now Anya is someone who has all the powers that your typical spider peeps do and some Dem miles she's also able to camouflage she's capable of hiding in Shadows and going invisible which is a bit like a crab spider that can also change colors do you understand seriously you need to be a neuroscientist to understand and that's 2 and 1 half hours of my life that I want back I want it back now back to Webb in the comic she was able to perform psychic surgery on people and enter their minds to fix issues with their brains he's also someone who's currently Immortal and this was Jude to the Gathering of the five that was something that we talked about recently with it basically being a group of five people brought together by Norman Osborne the five had relics that were a giant gamble with each one of them either being a blessing or a curse in the end they'd either get power knowledge immortality insanity or death but none of them were exactly as they seemed Norman believed one of the people got Insanity when in reality they were simply gaining all the knowledge in the universe as for oorn he was the one who got Insanity with him being under the impression that he'd actually got power the one who did get power was Maddy Franklin who became a version of Spiderwoman he's played by celesto Conor and all these threats take down Sims in the future now that gives us our Terminator Motif in which he's constantly trying to kill them before they're able to gain their powers however in doing this he inadvertently causes them to come together and kill them faster than they ever would normally the Terminator metaphors are Lac throughout with Terminator of course causing its own downfall went back in time to kill John Connor but in doing so it inadvertently created him however and Sarah stopping it it also created Skynet too and thus we had a perfect Loop of the motives of the Terminator being created by traveling back so it's a timey Wy wibbly wobbly stuff but I it's a pretty cool premise for a superhero movie so that was a [ __ ] lie now the movie begins in 1973 where we see constant web researching spiders in the jungle we learned throughout the film that her unborn child had a rare condition that Mena was going to grow up having lots of issues Constance wanted to get a legendary spider so it would help cure this condition andless she teamed up with Ezekiel Sims Ezekiel wanted the power for himself though and he shot her upon finding this spider Constance was then saved by the legendary lassar who were the mythical spider people of Peru they took her and a spider bitter as she gave birth which then provided a cure as constant passed away a man from noos is one of the last Aras and he said he'd fill her in when she was older and returned which which pays off later in the film Cassie then gets her powers which are activated by the accident and after her mate MPS dies she starts to see as a curse No One Believes her and she's got a real Cassandra complex however after saving a bird she realizes she's able to alter things guess she wasn't asked about saving Peter's a mom and dad and uncle in the future but you could say that was always meant to happen because it would create Spider-Man the two characters that have been kept from the marketing are the people being played by Adam Scott and Emma Roberts these are actually Mary and Ben Parker who are of course Peter Parker's mother and Uncle you'd think they'd be front and center of the plot but they're kind of cast to the side there were rumors that all Spider-Man references had been removed from the picture and yeah you can definitely feel that can you name the three Spider-Man uh Tom Holland movies yeah should I just go in faith yeah oh Spider-Man here's here he comes here he come that's number one y Spider-Man and he's back and the other one the last one is um at uh the Goblet of [Music] Spider-Man need a vacation Harry Spider-Man and the Goblet of man I'll talk about that more in just a bit but I feel like they should have just called it Madame and made it two hours of slow motion Sydney Sweeney Tik Tok videos anyway Ezekiel ends up hooking up with an NSA agent so he can get his hands on what's basically the tech from The Dark Knight using this using this and I'm not kidding you he sort of gets a mockup of the women from his dreams right shut up shut up for a second he gets a mockup of the women from his dreams has their costumes removed with the software and then uses his Tech to look through every camera in the world to see whereabouts they are most of the time you'd hide from the person you're sleeping with that you keep dreaming of Sydney Sweeney but Sims uses it to get a hold of the group it's m BS from the studio that brought us M BS and after going on the Run Webb leaves them in the woods and goes homeless see a mother's research after waiting for ages the gang go do a nearby Dino where their faces being recognized as missing girls from the front of the Daily Bugle ah that one picking up police reports Ezekiel heads there while a lady stands to Britney Spears Toxic you'd think they'd be laying low but Julia sees a guy she wants to flp with just just makes no sense doing this should shouldn't really be in the movie but to be fair she is 16 like the movie shot in tomorrow score this gives us a scene that opens up the trailer and I feel I feel like some of you guys might be watching this video without seeing the movie so I'm just explaining it from how it happens in the trailer Webb then shows up and crashes her car into Ezekiel and tells them to get in with it sort of being a reference to Terminator lying low at a motel she teaches the girl CPR and decides to go to Peru and find out about her past here she mind mails and travels into the web world to learn the story of her mother she had seen her mother as being selfish for going off and studying spiders in the amaz son before she died but she learns that she can be many places at once and this is what allows her to save the team at the end this was also where she saw the s that many thought was another of the s from the front of the logo of The Amazing Spider-Man run that Ezekiel first appeared in however this s is actually the sign of the Pepsi Cola factory this is where the fight goes down at the end but it turns out it's an abandoned fireworks Warehouse makes sense to have a sign for Pepsi on the top of this and this delicious delicious drink is La sh the film don't know if that's a ter Ator two reference again cuz it's everywhere in that too but on we go in the background we also have the plot with Mary Parker and weirdly they hide Peter's name throughout the entire movie and keep teasing it like we don't already know again according to reports the script was vastly different when theak signed on and she said that they put it through some major changes it's been leaked that a lot of things were supposed to reference Henry Garfield's web head and that they even plan to put him in the film however in the end this just all got removed with CBR saying they did reshoots to take out all connected it's not but anyway she gets driven to the hospital after her water breaks Sims uses this moment to make his move while web arrives after mastering her powers with great Powers comes great respon responders First Responders and we get Webb taking down Sims in front of a Calvin Klein advert by Calvin Klein and she arrives in the ambulance before they race through the streets finally they get to the Pepsi colola fireworks warehouse and fight it out in what an amazing battle amazing third act battle web leads him to the air which damages the bridge causing Sims to fall off and get crushed by the pee web then falls into the water and at this point she's blinded by a firework and I did I did tell you guys that all this comic stuff it was worth knowing at the start of the video now she's pulled to the shore and the Gang performs CPR like how they learned earlier however she's paralyzed and now needs a chair thus the hero has been born and at the hospital Mary also finally gives birth what's the baby's name never mind and they also say Ben gets to be an uncle which is all of the fun and none other responsibility would you dear me great line again anyway we'll see about that and it turns out that web can see everything at this point rocking giant sunglasses we watches the group go to her house and she correctly predicts everything about the Chinese Takeaway when they're going to sneeze lots of stuff that if you actually knew this person in real life you'd get fed up of very quickly do you understand seriously you need to be your neuroscientist to understand and that's 2 and 1/2 hours of my life that I want back I want it back also I love how she has to earn the blindness and paralysis what a big big hero earning moment you know most movies I have that bit at the end where the heroes earned their place and she really had to earn that blindness also if you want to support the channel we got loads of merch right below the video with Marvel stuff on there and a hell of a lot more it's all connected the t-shirts are on there and it makes a massive difference to us help spy great videos like this get made and huge thank you for all you guys support either way the other girls didn't get to be the hero of this movie Madame web sees in their future that one day they will be staring out of her web window she sees them tackling crime in New York City with her guiding them through the psychic plane she has her costume too with some Bret har sunglasses and she'll be there to guide her family on the way I was thinking she might get the NSA Tech and then that would allow her to be like in the comics where she's surrounded by computers never mind though time to tease a sequel we'll never get and that in the end closes out the movie now as for my thoughts on the movie I think in order to describe it then we have to travel back in time that takes us to the invention of the camera all the way back in 1816 next to that this is one of the most important moments in cinema with it being one of the greatest movies ever made I love how Sony they've decided to make Spider-Man spin-offs without Spider-Man and it's a genius way to take their Spider-Man universe I also think it's great to have an EMT who doesn't have much interest in saving people's lives it's great how she's constantly trying to fob off her respons posibilities because as we know with great power comes no responsibility I feel like film school is going to be pointless from tomorrow as everyone will learn everything they need to know about making movies by watching Madame web it's a t force that makes me think they might have used a Ouija board to channel Stanley cubrick and take his advice what I also love is that the spider Heroes never really get in their costumes and there's not been such an inspired Choice SS Matt Smith danc to the have sex song in Mobius what I love about the film is also that it has editing like this hi sir right I'm going to cut your seat [Music] [Music] Bel now the edit itself doesn't appear like this in the film but putting Clips out like this shows how little they care they only put out one trailer as well and it sums up that that was all that we needed just love the way that they have her go to the car then cut it so that she's in the car rescuing herself before she then Falls in reminds me of the match cut Lawrence of Arabia and will obviously be referenced amongst the one from 2001 the movie is truly transformative and it takes you back to 2003 it was like a time machine where I could smell the MSN Messenger and wishing I'd just downloaded this movie on line wire upon hearing of madame's mother who died researching spiders in the Amazon I felt like I was really transported there Cameron came close to it with taking me to Panda in the first avatar but this time I felt like I was actually there didn't need 3D glasses I was the tree the leaves I became a God now the reviews for whatever reason have people saying that it's terrible which I I really can't support or or get my head around I normally don't think that fans should go after critics cuz everyone's got their own opinions however I think that anyone who says this movie is bad should be rounded up and shot I know the film hasn't got any post credit scenes and some of say the shows they've got no interest in doing anything more with it to me though you don't need to tease another film because everyone's just going to keep watching this Forever morbius Came on the scene and it was like whoo Cinema can't be topped and then this comes along and bloody citizen canes it this is the greatest film son's ever put out and move of a Deadpool your Marvel Jesus is here drink blood watch movie eat food good make money click view subscribe you [ __ ] I have also given it a five which like I said yep five out of five I'm going to give it a 200 out of 10 and I doubt that I'll ever watch anything again I'm as enthusiastic about this as Dakota Johnson was on the Press tour and I feel like it's fitting it's a Valentine's Day film as I'm in love with this movie probably just going to delete the channel after this and huge thank you to Sony for sponsoring this video sleep no more MC Beth doth murder sleep praise the Beast worship the darkness Feast my child the blood king cometh and sacrifice yourself to the great spiderweb Sony you have completely saved Cinema and I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow anyway that's our thoughts on the film and thank you for checking out the video please drop a like on the video and if you want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button get early access to videos every week but there's there's not really much point in watching anything ever again because Madame web it's going to make a Madam billion and save Cinema with a trillion you want something else to watch which I don't know why you are you should be going out of the cinema now then check out the video that we've got on screen right now been breaking down the Deadpool trailer all week long and Marvel it's save we're we're finally Sav we don't need you Deadpool so don't bother watching those don't bother watching Deadpool just watch Madame web until the end of time yay
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 268,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madame web, madame web review, madame web ending, madame web ending explained, spiderman, spider-man, marvel, mcu, dakota johnson, sydney sweeney, madame web full movie, madame web post credits scene, madame web trailer, spider-man 4, spiderman 4, sony, venom, madame web spoilers, madame web spoiler review, madame web movie, madame web spiderman, madame web reaction, madame web movie review, dakota johnson madame web, madame web 2024, madame web interview, madame web movie recap
Id: 94U-cnnSFFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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