Why Madame Web is complete GARBAGE | Video Essay

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so I just saw Madam web and I think we may have a front runner for worst movie of 2024 on our hands that is not going to be dethroned and it's only February I think Sony have managed to deliver something that is truly worse than morbius how is that possible I have no idea but they've done it now look when the first trailer for Madame web dropped I think we all knew this movie wasn't going to be good all the red flag signs were there the trailer was just utterly ridiculous the dialogue was mind-blowingly bad and Dakota Johnson dropped her agent the week the trailer came out which I just find absolutely hilarious not to mention as we got closer to the film's release actors were subtly on it in interviews Dakota Johnson even went off about how shitty Hollywood is right now whilst promoting Madam web like it doesn't take much to read between the lines on that one and you definitely feel sorry for her after watching the movie Sony's marketing was also seemingly trying to hide the movie and the review embargo dropped the the day before the movie came out which is a Telltale sign that the studio has absolutely no faith in the movie so it's safe to say that Sony knew for a fact that this movie was dog and well we're going to get into why this movie is complete dog Madame web is one of the worst superhero movies I have ever seen the acting by some of the cast members is just awful the editing is worse than my University short films and the story lacks any focus and the characters are just something else man now look I normally try and keep my videos somewhat serious with a little bit of levity but I've got to go into this one full lighthearted because Jesus this movie is bad so let's dive deep into why Madam web is complete dog and let's just try and have some fun with it cuz I definitely didn't have fun watching it but first a quick word from today's sponsor this video is sponsored by Opera browser now Opera browser is a faster safer and smarter alternative to the default 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now they do have a bunch of other features as well that was just a handful of them and full transparency I am absolutely loving using Opera browser I'm going to continue using it because I just think it's a great product and I think you guys will really enjoy it so remember to use my link in the description down below to download Opera browser for yourself today and just a massive thank you to Opera for sponsoring this video and not making me panic that Sony's going to copyright strike this video so when there was a Madam Web movie announced I think we were all wondering the same thing because Sony just continues to exploit the Spider-Man world without actually having a Spider-Man like the Venom movies I think are a relatively good time they're not high art by any means but they can be fun morbius is just well morbius and now we have Madame web and yeah Sony it's time to stop now look morbius was that bad that it became a cultural event I'd argue morbius actually left more of a cultural impact than James Cameron's Avatar movies which is kind of funny to be honest even though I do like the Avatar movies but it's speaks volumes as to how bad it was and it just got MD into Oblivion so what did Sony do when making Madame web to ensure that something like morbius doesn't happen again well I'll tell you they hired the same writer who wrote morbius like you know that Meme of the kid who put the stick in the bike wheel yeah that's Sony at this point honestly this just raises suspicion that this movie is a tax write off for Sony and nothing more and was intended to be that way before production even started because there is no way you can set out to make the best movie you can and you hire the writer of morbius and gods of Egypt like I'm just thinking of Jamie Lannister and Gerard Butler juking it out on top of a pyramid like I've got nothing personal against the writer of morbius and Madame web but Sony you can hire other people like there is no way they can actually be this incompetent this has to be a dumpster fire on purpose at this point now morbius always fell into the category of so bad that it's so memeable that you can actually enjoy it Madame web is as bad as morbius but without the fun at least with morbius you could kind of tell that Matt Smith especially got the memo of the kind of movie that he was in and he just had fun with it I don't think any of the actors here really got that memor of the kind of movie they were in because despite being as bad as morbius all the characters are played pretty straight the only character that even remotely worked for me here was Dakota Johnson's Cassandra web and that's because it's just Dakota Johnson playing herself with dead pan humor like that was the only scar of enjoyment I got out of any of these characters Madame web is the quality of morbius without the fun the only truly funny thing this movie really did was bait a sequel like are you kidding me Sony have balls I will give them that so let's dive into the movie itself the story revolves around Dakota Johnson's Cassandra Web a paramedic who starts to have premonitions which tie into her past as a result she has to protect three teenagers who Ezekiel the film's antagonist is after as he dreams of the three of them killing him and he wants to stop that from happening so it's essentially a Terminator movie meets Final Destination I think that's the best way to describe it to be honest which actually sounds really damn cool but this movie is as if Terminator and Final destination came together and was written by someone who puts crayons up their nose that's basically Madam web this movie's plot is completely all over the place it is horribly paced incredibly contrived and even though it clocks in at under 2 hours long it is a seriously Hard movie to sit through because you can't even laugh at how bad it is it's just bad now one of the things that bothered me the most about Madame web was honestly the editing there are several moments where the editing just stands out as a big problem now editing is at its best when you don't notice it same goes for Foley and dubbing and all of that which we will get into later because holy the dubbing in this movie like if artists are doing their job properly you won't notice this stuff they didn't do their job very well here because it's all I noticed the editing in several moments sticks out like a sore thumb and is incredibly disorienting and not on purpose there's a scene where Cassandra goes into a car to rescue someone and it cuts to a shot that makes it look like it's from a different scene but it's not it's the same scene it just makes no sense in the flow of the edit now in film making there's this thing called the 180° rule where you keep the camera on one side of an imaginary line so you don't disorientate the viewer it's one of the first things you get taught at film school now you can break the 180° rule it happens all the time and it's usually for a specific reason but in Madam web they break it and you quickly learn why why the rule exists because it's executed so poorly now this could be down to the director getting the wrong shots or the editor's cat running across their keyboard who knows who is to blame but there's another shot where Cassandra and the three teenagers are walking into a warehouse and you get this random half a second closeup of Cassandra that serves no purpose other than to completely make the scene as jarring as possible like the editing here is just mind-blowingly bad I haven't seen a movie with editing this bad in a long time on top of that the film's villain Ezekiel also seems to have had the majority of his lines in the film dubbed over in post- production and it is so distracting there are scenes where he's talking but his lips just are not moving you think I'm joking I'm dead serious and there are scenes where his lips are moving but they just don't match what he's saying it's like that Kung Pow movie but at least in that movie The dubbing was intentionally out of sync it's kind of like that at times it's actually really funny but at least in that movie movie The dubbing was intentionally out of sync there's a specific scene in the movie where he jumps down off like a ledge or a step or something as he's talking and the line is so clearly dubbed in because the line is delivered as if he's sitting on the couch doing nothing but the problem is he's just jumped off like a ledge or a step he's actively moving around so the delivery just makes absolutely no sense in accordance to the actions if you've seen the movie you know exactly what I'm talking about and I've seen a couple people mention this and I didn't believe it was actually going to be that bad but it was I'd love to get the reference footage up for you all to really showcase exactly what I mean but I mean it's still in theaters so that's kind of impossible for me to do now it also doesn't help that the dialogue in this movie is just absolutely terrible in the first place it's some of the worst dialogue of any comic book movie in recent time like this movie's dialogue makes the Marvels look like Shakespeare like yeah it's it's that bad I swear to God at times it's as bad as the room you are tell me partly sir this was actually a major red flag in just the trailer itself Dakota Johnson has a line in the trailer where she says he was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died I'm not exaggerating here either that's actually a line from the trailer I'd play the clip but you know copyright like if you think the dialogue improves from there in the movie it doesn't it actually gets worse not to mention having seen the movie it's just dawned on me the entire movie is literally in the trailer if you've seen the trailer for Madam Webb you've seen the movie you don't need to waste your money to go and watch it there's no point even dropping a spoiler warning on this video because the trailer shows you the entire movie now it's also worth noting that the CGI in this movie is laughably bad I'm talking X-Men Origins Wolverine claws bad granted this movie's budget was around $80 million and considering how Hollywood is obsessed with2 200 plus million movies that look pretty much this bad anyway I'd say you could almost give the shitty CGI here a tiny pass Mark but but I'm not going to it looks terrible and especially given how strong the CGI was in Godzilla minus one with a fraction of Madame Webb's budget like I'm not letting it off it deserves to be brought up and it deserves to be criticized like there's a scene at the beginning of the movie where these Amazonian spider people that's another thing they don't say Spider-Man or Spiderman in this movie it's spider people it's it's really weird anyway they carry Cassandra's mother away over these Treetops and it's some of the worst CGI that I have ever seen and that's the other thing this movie it just looks bad the way it's shot the way it's put together it's just visually jarring to sit through it's horrible the action scenes are full of shaky cam to cover the obviously terrible choreography in CGI like I'm really struggling to find anything I can actually say that I like about this movie because like I said even though morbius was complete garbage I can still have a good time watching it because it's just so memeable at this point this movie Madame Webb isn't memeable it's just bad so if Sony were intentionally trying to recapture that memeable poor quality of morbius here I don't think they even succeeded in doing that so they've actually failed at making a bad movie on purpose if that is the case which is just mindblowing to me now I do have to talk about the characters here obviously Cassandra is our lead character she is this closed off talks to a cat all day type of person so literally me but she lacks the ability to even accept a child's thank you for saving someone's life so she's unlikable from the start and almost lacks any empathy and by the end it's supposed to be this massive deal that she accepts these three girls as her family the movie does nothing to earn this nor as the viewer do you buy that Journey for even one second as for those three teenagers I can't even remember their names I think one of them was called Julia that's that's that's a guess I really don't care now conveniently all three of them have troubles at home which leads them into coming together with Cassandra as a surrogate mother of sorts I think it's trying to do a Last of Us type of deal when it comes to the character types here where you have the older main character who's closed off and then finds connection and Humanity through kids who seek the very thing the main character is closed off from so by the end it's this big payoff when they all come together and accept each other as family the problem is this isn't the last of us this is more morus 2.0 so this doesn't work at all why because they hired the writer of morbius and gods of Egypt I've seen a lot of people call this movie a waste of potential and it is its Terminator meets Final Destination with a slice of The Last of Us character Dynamics but absolutely none of it works even for a second it's actually impressive how the concept was so mishandled now if I was to give this movie any praise at all because I know there's going to be that one person that watches this video that unironically thinks this movie is great so I'll throw them a bone the villain has a clear motive that is it that is all this movie does that I can actually give it credit for he wants to hunt the three teens down so he doesn't die it's a clear motive it doesn't make him any more likable because the rest of the movie is complete garbage and 99% of his dialogue was dubbed in poorly after the fact but he does have a motive 10 out of 10 cinematic Masterpiece and I've just realized as I've scripting this video together they try and do the with great power comes great responsibility line and they completely butcher it to the point that it makes absolutely no sense now it's when you take on great responsibility great power will come yes it's as stupid as it sounds overall Madam web is one of the worst comic book movies I have ever seen if you told me I had to watch Madam web or morbius I'm watching morbius 10 times over this is a poorly written poorly edited poorly directed example of everything a comic book movie should not be I didn't have high expectations for this film at all in fact I had very low expectations but I didn't truly believe it could possibly be worse than morbius but I'm willing to say that I think it is worse at least you can have fun watching morbius as bad as it is there is nothing fun about watching Madame web I absolutely love that I get to do this movie YouTube thing for a living but this was one of the super rare occasions where watching the movie actually felt like work Madam web through and through is a complete disaster
Channel: Movie Overload
Views: 105,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madame web, morbius, madame web movie, marvel, dakota johnson, sydney sweeney, sony, comic book, worst movie, film analysis, movie overload, sony pictures, hollywood, movie review, video essay, superhero, madam web, superhero film, mcu, marvel studios, the marvels, deadpool and wolverine, deadpool 3, spiderman, movie analysis, 2024, film review, madame web review, madame web spiderman, review, madame web sony, spider man, venom, deadpool, marvel cinematic universe, cassandra web
Id: C1YKa8yBNF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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