M855 A1 and 300 RUM VS Level IV Armor

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[Music] I'm a developing researcher today yeah these are tiny in their six by six but we're gonna still use them for a testing now first we're going to start off with we're going to go up to three hundred rum because Remington ultra Magnum is going to alter them and we had some questions after our first video on that but before we do that I figured let's take this 24-inch AR and I happen to have a little m855a1 here as you can see that's got steel penetrator on it this is the new nifty non lead projectile our army has started using and we're going to put out a 24 inch barrel we know this is super hot stuff so this is going to give it the absolute possibility to go the fastest speed so let's load it up and see what it says to the ceramic plate now level 4 ceramic is supposed to stop armor-piercing 30.6 and who knows I might actually be tempted to pull a couple of those bullets and load the man 300 rub to drive them at maximum velocity to truly see what will happen watch come on around and let's see how this thing goes whoa sadly the coronagraph didn't get anything bad crossing but wow we had a lot of stuff fall out of that let's go forward and take a look at the plate as you come forward you can see our nice little Chronos 1.4 here well it didn't come off the back of the plate oh my there's a nice deformation in there though oh oh oh hi let's shatter the entire first layer there's still a solid layer underneath but Wow I think two shots would get through this yeah there's not much left behind there though we still have enough room we can place one 300 Rum here and probably another one over here yeah because all the shattering seems to be right around here so this new military round won't get through this but if we drove it faster would get through you right as you can see we've now reconfigured from that m855a1 and a 24-inch er over to this the 300 Remington Ultra Magnus now if you want to ask is there any theme in what we're doing today well certain states are starting to ban let ammo or they want to well so today's testing is all done with nice barrel and manually friendly non light projectiles right here we have a 110 green TMX bullet from Hornady this is going to be copper and it's loading a 300 Rum and according to the book this should be doing about 3,800 feet per second let's see how that does into level 4 armor oh I am NOT looking forward to shooting this daddy's not gonna like the recoil oh oh boy oh and this only did 36 46 feet per second only 36 46 I think we went through or so or just the back defamation is insane let's look you oh wow that deformation you do not want to be on the back side of that bullet oh it caught it did not go through but is probably gonna get you yeah yeah the sad part is there's actually one little place here I think I can get one more bullet in so next up we're going to go to a factory loading of about 3200 feet per second but just look in there geez let's see yeah this doesn't feel compromised right up here so three shots per plate so we saw the 110 grain wasn't going as fast as it was supposed to you only did 36 46 but I didn't go through the back of these deformation is terrifying so right now we've got a hunting load here this is supposed to be doing 30 150 feet per second from the muzzle 180 grain solid copper projectile well okay not solid because it's meant to expand but it's still uniform one material all copper my shoulder is going to hurt we can get one more hidden on this plate please like if you actually enjoy this kind of stuff because these place are stupid expensive oh wow 3189 whoo and that plates off the table the clay is just Wow you she's not ready sir she's treating for 3730 not six I'm up here sir Oh God I mean I can't say 100% that it wasn't compromised there but that sure as hell it looks like it's only shattered now and it's through but I mean look at that that bullet went through I think the key to ceramic might be mass more than velocity I mean you need velocity but you also need mass that is a standard hunting load that is terrifying that is completely utterly terrifying and beautiful but that's scary that's your elk rifle this is a grizzly and beyond right this is an elephant gun yeah but there's people that'll carry that thing up in the mountains to shoot an elk with it hopefully not this rain cuz this variants like 11 pound but yeah so I can't say a hundred percent days game go through but looking at this I would say you've got a 75% chance that a hundred and eighty grain hunting 300 rum will go through a level four plate if not the second round definitely will yeah granted some goes for m855a1 yeah 110 Greiner but after you do that much damage to the plate oh this plate shop yeah three bullet rep in this place no more yeah close together hits especially something heavy like that and it's going through yeah but that might have gone through on the first round - yeah I I knew if we do on the most damage that's why we saved it to last so we could try and get as much testing as possible like I said this testing is stupidly expensive this plate was over a hundred bucks and no they don't send it to us we literally bought it just when you asked us to do that that round on a fresh plate you're gonna have to help us yeah that's what we have patreon you can send this money there to help us out because this stuff's expensive but we're more than willing tested for you thanks everybody for watching check us out later
Channel: LFD Research
Views: 4,678
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: Body armor, level 4, level iv, 300 rum, 300, Remmington ultra magnum, m855a1, epr, 556, ceramic, plate, 855a1, 855 a1
Id: yc9TcKiivAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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