Lux Wright - Steve-O's Wild Ride! Ep #79

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hey everybody and welcome to hands down the most engaging wild ride with stevo yet we are talking engagement because this is my fiancee lux right and yeah maybe you know her from all of our naked photos on instagram maybe you don't either way i love this woman she is the [ __ ] and she opens up so much we get so personal in this episode this episode is the [ __ ] and when i'm taking a [ __ ] you better believe i am well equipped for the most healthy bowel movement possible why because before my [ __ ] i put my feet on my squatty potty what does that do that puts my knees in a position where poop comes out completely and fully why because the human body is designed not to sit on a toilet but think about it cavemen they crouch in the freaking woods man that's how the body was designed to poop and squatty potty lines you up in that natural healthy position otherwise you can have all kinds of health risks if you don't poop in this position and the answer is squatty potty man telling you dude it's a complete bowel movement for total poop health and you got to have it so how do you get it you go to stevo they got all kinds of cool stuff and it's a really fun website plus if you use 20 off your order man i've been using this for years dude literally like eight years since i got my first one and i never turned back neither will you so head to stevo right now and let's get into it that's the air tag dude we should do one where you like stick it up your ass and try to find you like a little a hunt oh wow that is funny just like you put it up your butt and you just run into the bushes and it's like dark out or [ __ ] up my butt something into a cornfield and we gotta like find you like we're geologists tracking bigfoot dude the sasquatch suit and then you like going to the forest like you're [ __ ] sasquatch yeah and we're trying to find you like wait for sure let's just do this okay are we rolling on all cameras we sure are scott ladies and gentlemen lux's right here hey favorite hi guys hi yeah hello welcome to the website so far yeah i'm over here um yeah thanks paul has a great question prepared for you okay that's right right off the bat yeah we're in so what's your favorite sexual position yeah let's warm up a little bit well no i think a lot of people don't know how you and steve met i think that's a good start they got to know that right we met on set yeah on a job you were there i was there and then you saw it and what attracted you to steve uh how well it's like obviously his looks are attractive but i was so impressed with his overall awareness of everything that was going on during the shoot i mean everything and how he handled it how dedicated he was to filming um it was it was impressive what was the shoot oh i'm sorry she says i couldn't believe what an attention [ __ ] he was not on that level i mean like all the departments like you were just so aware of everything it was like you were like a dedicated crew member like and not just like typical talent on set like it was impressive so would you ask him when he went up to him because i don't think i've ever talked about this but when i remember the first time you guys met okay and then you walked away and steve's like is she a dopey yeah is she a dopey yeah i mean like are you a nug yeah are you like a donor no like like a dope good-looking chick oh okay like are you are you like do you remember saying this to me i don't remember saying that i i think what i remember is that they had like three models like paid to be there to look hot i think they were dancers yeah and i was like dude they paid these chicks into their car like they're not even as hot as luck's over here thanks and then what and then and then you reached out to steve she went okay to be clear lux was wearing um a uh a ring on her wedding finger yeah like the the marriage i mean and wearing and so i i understood that she was taken and i was being respectful yeah yeah and i i felt like when we had our goodbye i felt like it was like a very like it was like cool so nice working with you and it was very like dragged out like we just kept like talking repeating things like well yeah well i hope to see you again like okay cool have a good night and then i was just like what the heck is happening yeah i just like i felt like we did have a connection overall in the shoot like we kept it professional um but then like a week later i was just still felt like it was just different so i was like i'm gonna shoot my shot and just see and then you guys went on a date she slid into the dms yeah and what was the dm it was just like hey it was so great working with you like uh you know yeah i specified the what the job was so he would know it was me um just in case he read it i don't know and then um and i signed it like a little flirty i think like something with like a exo or a heart emoji or something so it wasn't like so that's a flirty move it wasn't like you know trying to suck your dick but it wasn't like i just wanted is there an emotion for that i want to say banana in the water eggplant and before you reached out to steve did you reach out to one like one of your girlfriends or like do you think i'm going to ask him out no no you just did it and then where was your first date where was it yeah we went to dinner yeah sun cafe it was a it was um this is this vegan restaurant on uh like ventura boulevard and we showed up late well i should have been i showed up on time but i was on a call with my agent and so like you showed up late on the phone [Laughter] how late wait like you showed up but then you sat in the parking lot and finished your call i stood outside of the restaurant right and uh did you give at least give her like a no i didn't even walk in the restaurant until i finished the car i mean that's late you know watching yeah i was late the moment you walked in the restaurant i walked out of the restaurant late you're right thank you and i i don't mind even saying like uh we we had uh a european tour which was um some months before that and they were lingering ah i mean i guess it was actually like two months before that that it ended um there were there were lingering issues with uh with promoters who had actually lost money because there were certain shows in europe where just people weren't stoked to go watch stevo do comedy and uh and and what i was on the call doing with the agent was insisting that those promoters got money refunded i said i don't want to go i never want to work with people and have them lose money for for working with me and so uh i was arranging like figuring out like how much to refund to to certain promoters which is good and you're redeeming your tardiness i mean did you tell her that when you walked in there i don't know no i didn't care like it was probably like because they just keep fighting people couple thousand dollars babe yeah it's hollywood no but we had a good dinner we talked forever i feel like the waitress came back like 20 times to get our order because we were just talking the whole time right and when she got him to go to the bathroom oh she was wearing these jeans and her ass was so red oh i mean like unbelievably red i even think she was like oh okay you know now i'm gonna like that's what you say even no dude it was insane when she's like i'm gonna seal the deal with this walk right now let him know yeah yeah so was that a like let's go back to my place kind of night or not even that night and what'd you guys do after that like did you guys part ways uh well you know lux doesn't like that i make such a big deal out of this all the time but i was so impressed with her because she was like like boiling over with enthusiasm she was so excited about how her best friend who's a girl named nicole and who has who has like two kids two jobs you know and just and she was like i felt like nicole needed a break so so what i did was i arranged with her jobs to get her time off you know i arranged with her her boyfriend to make sure the kids were taken care of like i freed up her time she doesn't even know it and i and i bought both of us like flights and flights to japan and hotels wow so i could pay for like a whole week for her to just not have to worry about anything yeah she needed it she never she never traveled never been out of the country and we've been best friends since fifth grade so we were turning 30 i was like i want like you know a monumental trip with her and like i'm just gonna make it happen so it was it was really like uh striking how excited she was to to do something so selfless for for her friend and and uh it impacted me and then there's another thing that she was that she talked about which was um her dog olive who's now our dog and and all of um if anybody has seen the my bucket list show all of the [ __ ] guzzler so yeah they're familiar yeah um the uh the olive had like a herniated disc or something yeah and uh yeah and and it was like the the the the vet says you know she needs this back surgery or it's just we gotta put her that put her down and and it was like a ten thousand dollar and luck said i think that was the most like the biggest purchase she ever made was to save her dog yeah wow and and that was that that uh those two things really made me think okay this is this is an extraordinary woman and so then did you guys make plans for the the second date at the date or did you say okay we walked to the car and uh i think it gave her a kiss on the cheeks yeah which was so cute i still to this day i love that and my favorite thing that you said to me i enjoy you yeah you said that i said i enjoy you it was so sweet yeah and i said i enjoy you and uh i love watching you walk away [Laughter] it was pretty rad it was super rad yeah i don't remember how the second date came about i remember the second date um i i was performing oh that's right at the comedy store that's right and i think we had already made plans for to get together for dinner and then i i sort of added on it then i said would it be douchey if i said you want you want to come watch me perform comedy right which wasn't you handled it so well it wasn't douchey at all i loved it it was cute and uh i remember thinking like oh my god i like what this so so the second date was at hugo's and we went from hugo's to the comedy store and and as i parked in the comics it was like i'm pulling into this parking spot and this guy like was like dude i was about to park there like and and then it was he was like challenging my our masculinity date yeah and then it's but then the guy has like a girl come over and i was like oh i'll get out the car like we're we're doing it and i'm like and i'm like it's it's not that big of a deal to me but but common sense dictates to me that it was my parking spot because like i i got into it first i don't care i was gonna park there like well you didn't and i did and so i'm sorry i don't know what to tell you right but i don't want to look like a dick and i also don't want to look like a [ __ ] right right so like i was just so i was just so maddened by this and i was and and i yeah i could tell you were you were just like i was like don't don't [ __ ] put me in this position when i'm on the second date that's something that's important to me and i think i i turned to lux and i was just like am i am i crazy or is this ridiculous like like i am in the spot so whatever the [ __ ] he's talking about makes no sense and we agreed that i wasn't crazy and i think that that's what that that was very helpful because rather than just you know knee-jerk reacts and weight like i kind of checked in with lux yeah and we sort of handled it together in a way that made sense and it was like and i was like hey you know what dude i think this is pretty silly but go away i think i gave him the spot yeah we did yeah because you never want to leave your car because who knows what right because yeah all right and then you leave your car and walk away yeah and the next thing you know something happens to it show up and now we joke about it like i was totally gonna park there right and so then we went into the comedy club and i and i performed my celebrity cocaine stories and what'd you think of that lux i don't remember that i'm glad you didn't ask me whatever what you performed because i i didn't remember and then when was your first kiss i will never forget our first kiss but i'll tell you we're doing a whole lot more than kissing these days and we are having an absolute blast why because i found out about blue chew tablets they're chewable tablets with the exact same active ingredient as both viagra and cialis but they're chewable and they only cost a fraction of the price and man i'm telling you dude it's a lot of fun with the kind of a boner you get from these babies and how do you get these babies well the good news is you don't have to go into some weird awkward doctor visit in person no dude you go to and you consult with one of their medical providers right there and it takes no time man then you get these babies on the way you know what's even crazier dude if you use the promo code stevo you get an entire month's supply of these delicious chewable boner tablets and you don't even have to pay for them a whole month's supply for free all you pay is five dollars for shipping man you gotta try it dude go to use the promo code stevo get an entire month's supply of these babies completely for free pay nothing but five dollars for shipping and get to having a wicked boner and having a really good time now let's talk about that first kiss like about a month after we met yeah we dated for a month well we met on january 7th of 2017 our first kiss was february 5th of 2017. so two days shy of a month after meeting wow how many dates was that how many days no it might have only been our third date wow you think so but that feels long like to wait a whole month was it like for everybody i didn't check her out right so you were oh you had to check i i had a checkered past i thought you said i had to check her pass and i was like wait i don't know yeah it takes a month for the report to come back yeah that's green light yeah so you were kind of like i'm gonna i want to do this one right sort of is that how you were approaching that time i had a terrible track record with relationships i was very candid with lux about that i uh you know and yeah i very much wanted to kind of stick to a dating plan and and do things in a responsible way and uh and be like honest and transparent what was your move like did you like uh brush your hair back and then go with the kiss we were watching super bowl at a restaurant that we we had gone there before right or was that our first time it's probably our first time but but the thing okay it was a super bowl day the first kiss it was super bowl game we were actually it was during the super bowl yeah i just couldn't stand it tom brady's so hot he's like i'm getting hot over here it was all very natural and organic and just it was cool yeah it was a good kisser the difference was on that date the difference was that we didn't meet at like a restaurant or anything like she came over to the house and and so i could take her on the hike across the street we went on the hike and then we came back to the house she went first on the hike [Laughter] i don't know [Laughter] we have a guest room in the house which is like supposed to be a kid's bedroom oh yeah it's got this like little hidden like sort of like fort kind of like with this tiny it's it's a weirdest little thing yeah i showed it deluxe and we we crawled into this little kids kind of fort space yeah that would have been a pretty dope spot yeah you're the first one yeah yeah you could have just like waiting around in there i was like so what are we doing in here wait at this house yeah where is that what do you mean we'll crawl in there later all right we'll go in there maybe we'll see it's a really cool little little thing and yeah like that would have made sense but then we would i think we were like running late for the kickback the super bowl yeah you sped like a [ __ ] we got there just in time for kickoff was that the first time you've seen him actually drive drive actually that was an impressive driving moment because it was like time we need to get there and he drove well and yeah in retrospect that's probably the best driving you've ever done because you're the worst i'm not a good driver that's for sure um see and then we made out with uh during the super bowl and then we came back to the house and we made out with each other's peepees okay so same night yes to the pee-pee just straight in the batter's deck to third base yeah knocked it out of the park with that one and um did um then then like immediately there was no more like pacing ourselves right and like you know then i moved in and then really i mean i was in a position where i was looking for a new place um and i did get an apartment because i because i was looking for a new place it would have just been weird she was in this awkward living situation with like an uh an old like with an x where things went sideways and she was like stuck still living there she was like super uncomfortable and she just needed to get the hell out she was definitely looking for a new place and then this happened with us and uh it would have been very easy for her to say hey you know what i'll worry about getting placed later i'm kind of having a good time with this guy you know like i'll just stay with him but she was sensitive to like not putting like undue pressure on the relationship like like what if things aren't really going well she really wanted her own sovereignty she wanted her own so so she got this apartment and we we affectionately referred to the apartment as her storage unit yeah i stayed there maybe four nights out of the year that i had it really maybe maybe four nights that's being generous yeah so what you moved in there yeah and then you met steve like all in the same no i haven't been moving she found the apartment after we met we yeah wow yeah before our first date i had just come from like an apartment viewing just to i was actively trying to move and yeah but it was important to me to get an apartment it just made sense to not put that pressure on the relationship it's a good move where are you originally from oceanside in stockton two or nine babies 209. uh what what ages stockton was till i was 11 and then oceanside was until high school and then i how was it growing up in stockton until 11. did you get into a lot of fights or did you not a lot of fights um not a lot of fights not like i never like fought like girls but i was definitely not i was i was getting bad like stockton's not an a great city or when i was there it wasn't it was rough a lot of gangs like i heard a lot of violence did it i don't know my memories of it which more recently i've i've adapted to like that's where i'm from like own it kind of deal um but it was yeah it was a rough spot so and we were poor so it was like you know there was it was a little rough growing up there but then you moved to ocean crazy and how long were you an oceanside for junior high in high school and then what'd you do after high school i went to fit em the college fashion institute of design and merchandising how do you know uh my aunt noni's a guidance counselor okay so i know i don't know noni hillier noni isn't that a name for her well that so that college they have two campuses or multiples um but i went one year in san diego one year in la and once i got to la state here so i've been here for over 13 years and what was your major in visual communications and that's for like and then how did you get into doing sets which is what i yeah it's like relative to my major so it's i bounced around a lot i didn't i went i didn't go straight from like school to what i wanted to do i did like retail and body piercing because it's like everybody at school it was like advised to have an internship but i was like i'm i'm trying to i have to have a full-time job and i'm going to school full-time like i can't work for free like who the [ __ ] can do an internship like mm-hmm but um body piercing yeah how long did you do that for not a long time i worked there for two and a half years but i only did body piercing for about six months and some of the craziest [ __ ] i've ever seen even still like to this day is like working there piercing just crazy you pierce a lot of nipples crazy [ __ ] did you pierce [ __ ] and kicks yeah and it's like some girl came in one time on her period and like didn't have a tampon in or anything was just like blood everywhere and i we were just like like you couldn't wait five [ __ ] days like what do you why do you need to get your vagina pierced right now yeah but like did she do the [ __ ] or the labia the [ __ ] that's got to hurt that's gnarly yeah you ever pierced a prince albert so i didn't but this guy would come in to get it stretched like his he had like a ladder there's like multiple piercings on the shaft of his penis and he would get them stretched get what stretch what do you mean so that it didn't like heal over just just give it a tug just pull on it you guys do stretching right i don't know it's like lotion on it you can't just just stretch it just stretch it stretch it over your wrist yeah you waited till after hours yeah he only came in at night [Laughter] stretch armstrong tickled my body it's called a ladder when you get like multiple piercings on the shaft of your penis so you have like the shaft of your penis and you have multiple piercings okay and then he would come and get each piercing stretched why still don't get stretched which way like the whole the hole okay so you kind of gotta like work it a little bit oh you mean a boner with your tongue stretch it up and then stretch it down was that the weirdest thing that's happened to you um i mean it was crazy like people would pass out like this guy came in to get his lips pierced and he was like uh um in the service or x mariner um but he got his first lip pierce like the first piercing and then he went to do the second one and he passed out and when he came back he was like like in combat and like my other piercer had to like hold him down and he was like just not with us like you could tell he was like wide-eyed and like ready to fight and we had to be like you okay you're okay like you're an oceanside like you just got a piercing you passed out you're okay like and then another guy we thought he [ __ ] died like i went like he was out for so long and turning blue and not breathing like i went over to the phone to call 9-1-1 and then he finally came to and when he woke up he was just puking everywhere and i was just like oh my god we like made him stay at the shop for like two hours until he was okay and like ordered food for him and just people passing out all the time like big dudes coming in to get their nipples pierced and just dropping to the ground and it was crazy it was a crazy job you ever haven't do you have any weird piercings not weird but no i have my tongue pierced forever which is probably still open but i would have to stretch it yeah but yeah nothing else it's too crazy my belly button i've had my belly button pierced since i was 14. and yeah is it still pierced it's still there do you stretch it yeah all right so because lex has this past as a body modification professional um she knows about all of the blood-borne pathogens all the stuff that you have to you know learn that's why you're so right all the things that you ignore yes exactly right so when we were in orlando lex came like you know on a few tour stops that were strung together and after a show this kid's like dude i brought a tattoo gun man oh will you tattoo me and i remember being late at night i'm doing a meet and greet for the second time after two shows and like he waited until after this wait until then he was polite he waited until the very end i was like all right dude look it's the last thing i want to do is more work but i'm gonna do this so fast i'm gonna tattoo yo mama's name on your butt cheek and we're gonna get done get it done so fast i gotta get the [ __ ] out of here but i'm gonna tattoo you so i did i thought it was kind of funny and uh and then i come back to the hotel room like oh it looks check it out i gave this kid a tattoo and i showed her a little instagram story yeah she says you tattooed somebody without wearing gloves yeah you had and you're like it's fine it's fine and i look at your hands and you have ink all the [ __ ] everywhere underneath your nails and your and you had like that's an exaggeration i don't you also had a cut on your thumb and i was just like well this is weird not having sex without a condom for six months i need to get tested like i don't know who this random kid is like you know give him the benefit of the doubt but i'm not letting you put it in me without a condom and you were not having sex without a condom for six months yeah i'm like what are you talking about yeah you were yeah you thought i was the crazy one we actually boned with a rubber yeah for like a month that is we went a long time i remember you are like it's fine honey like he's a former heroin addict oh my god that's right you might want to tell us that before he starts tattooing you and he was like ah dude it's all good you i do i'm so glad that i'm who i am and made you not we went for a long time we went i wanted to say for a long time five months like five minutes we went for a long time and then there was one night when we were in the hot tub together and it was things got a little bit hot and then what and it was great because it was like yeah it was like six months of [ __ ] condom sex and then jacuzzi sex yeah exactly like there's chlorine in here it'll do something yeah i think yeah i think we even well looks you're i mean your tolerance for what steve's does is insane like just surprising and especially the like the pe belly flop that we did the other day it was like yeah i can't believe it was a lot i got pushed to a like a brink that i've never been pushed to ever in my life and i do you know long crazy physical days at work and but your line moved much like when you first started dating steve you're like oh like were you saying like that i could never handle but then six months later like here we are like he's [ __ ] on the balcony sounds crazy man but let me tell you something really crazy i stayed up last night until six o'clock this morning because i'm finishing up my new book and i'm telling you i obliterated my first book this thing is so good but how am i operating just so well and like hey man chilling dude because not only do i drink coffee i drink four sigmatic coffee this is made with functional mushrooms like lions maine and it keeps me totally on point man it keeps me energized but not cracked out and jittery right no gnarly crash and it keeps me functional because we got those functional mushrooms man they're actually proven by some studies to regenerate the brain which is good for a guy like me who hits his head all the time but yeah man i'm telling you dude this is delicious coffee and it's really healthy for you i was worried that i was drinking too much coffee not anymore man i pound this stuff till six in the morning i don't even care and they're they've got a special deal just for the listeners of the wild ride podcast if you go to slash stevo you get up to 40 percent off of any mushroom coffee bundle and free shipping plus when you're there you'll see they've got all kinds of dope stuff like mushroom cacao mix and how about the plant-based protein powder with superfoods come on dude that's for repairing yourself these people are tuned in to your health and you got to try it so go to stevo and again that's going to get you up to 40 off of any coffee bundle mushroom coffee and all kinds of great products man so take care of yourself take care of this podcast go to now let's get back to it i feel like my lines are all over the place i think the only thing that shifted is uh your nudity because you know being in an intimate relationship i wasn't like so stoked that you just had your dick out for certain things and uh we we worked past that so my line my line moved on that but everything else is kind of situational i would say so did your line move on uh clona willy and that's no no so so for the audience people looking i i had a clone of willy sent to the house why not not this no i wanted to sell stevo's dick but monks had the idea but here's yeah i had the id i told him that his package was so beautiful that i wanted it like basically cloned like you're saying like [ __ ] and balls like i want the whole thing like i love it yeah i love it all i want it all and he's like no no no and then scott comes up with the idea to sell autographed stevo actual dildos and then you're like oh that's a great idea [Laughter] did you ever clone it no because you still have that yeah that's just in our kitchen and just hanging out it's been in the kitchen for like well over a year yeah which i love that we just have like a dildo thing in the kitchen your dad's like yeah it's great so you're not budging on that we can't sell stevo dicks yet or ever i mean or if we give you a wow dude i feel like scott's really making some progress right what if we gave you five percent oh there you go she's sharing the profits it's a code can we get a verbal confirmation you can talk about it later it's a co-production but what if we show lux on the packaging and give her more of a percentage yeah 10 negotiations but i don't yeah i mean honestly it's like you know it is so much of our life and you specifically is like shared with the public like it is kind of nice to have something be between us so if it's you know i'm not tripping over selling molds of my penis you could do your balls though and like you know how they they hang them off of trucks and stuff like if it was your balls that would be good because yeah even though i love it oh yeah because balls are more symbolic to like you yeah right right you're all balls they call me all balls yeah i mean that makes sense for his who he is okay [Music] of his well you have the willie upstairs for when he's on tour so uh these guys are just i feel like this podcast is going pretty remarkably well oh yeah it's productive it's productive yeah it's coming up new merch keep it coming guys well i mean like what surprised you most as you got to know steve other than like his enthusiasm for production and what do you think would surprise other people a lot that they don't realize about steve because you know him more intimately than anyone probably even more than than we do yes god knows him pretty intimately um that does but we don't get the pillow talk you know i don't know what's well pillow talk i thought about this the other day is that we had the most ridiculous realization of each other however long ago where you can do beavis's voice and i can do butthead's voice and we were like in bed just pitch dark like doing beavis and butt head voices to each other and we tried to record it i feel like and it didn't come out as well yeah yeah i feel like sometimes we sometimes late at night we laugh so [ __ ] hard over the dumbest weirdest [ __ ] like yeah coming up with the next oh my god i enjoy it so much i love when we're cracking each other up yeah we just come up with silly names i mean you guys know we have like our own weird language baby talk i mean yeah we have just like a weird language i feel like between us for sure it is a type of baby talk though yeah big time but it's unique it's your own little baby talk yeah yeah yeah um all right so keep coming guys well would you do you have any questions for her i mean ah i mean out of all these i feel like we've been very nice to me what what are we not like oh there we go i earlier was trying to allude to the fact that you're the worst driver ever and you just skipped right over it yeah let's keep going what else what are the other worst traits of steve well i want to focus on the driving for a minute because i feel like it's so it's problematic when i'm driving yeah when i first started working with steve he drove us to the airport i almost threw up every single time he joined the airport and obnoxiousness and stress and then he was like stressful he was like you drive so then i drove and then he's losing his mind over the thing no no he's losing his mind the fact that the crosswalk i went this far into the crosswalk and because he got a red light ticket for doing something like that if you go this far into the crosswalk then technically you ran a red light he will lose his [ __ ] [ __ ] see that i mean that lose my [ __ ] i'd lose my [ __ ] on a lot of things dude okay that's bizarre that you even know that because i was so like observing you drive and being with you driving i'm like he's just so bad and then i realized at one point you stopped to do it to like get into a parallel spot and you you stopped and we're on like melrose like a really busy street and and like ever just like what the [ __ ] and then he turns his blinker on like oh i want this spot and everybody starts honking and i'm like i never turn on my blinker but the point was that you were like i'm like you got to put on your blinker it's like your communicator to the other cars around you you got to give them the heads up and then you break and you're like but i'm not turning yeah i'm like yes how did you get your driver's license did you fail any tests i i i failed my written test when i first um i came to california i took the written test and uh it just wasn't in the cards for me to drive so but you did it but you got that i mean here's my driving history never even learned how to drive period until i was about to turn 20 years old picked up the car on my 20th birthday i got a dui within six months wow and then uh and then i didn't have my license because i got the dui got my license back got dui number two within one month of getting my license back now i'm still on like 21 years old and i've been driving since i was 20. and then what state was that and i was living out of this car that i got my second dui in in florida florida okay and uh the the i was living out of the car i got two duis the [ __ ] tags are expired it was just all bad news ended up moving out to i just i was i couldn't afford my my probation i couldn't afford my dui class all that [ __ ] that comes with it i just couldn't afford it i was homeless living out of a car then these guys stole the car which was a blessing i moved to albuquerque i was like none of my legal troubles will will follow me to new mexico because they're not felonies so i lived with my sister in albuquerque and just did not drive for two and a half years and then uh [ __ ] i it was years later i got i got another car that's when i drove to california yeah but i feel like those problems they just disappeared when i went back to florida i addressed it okay and whatever like uh then then when i moved to california uh they i find that the you have to take a driving test to get a license and that's what i think is what i learned at that moment with the parallel parking i was like oh he just doesn't know certain things like you just don't know certain rules of the road like we'll be on the freeway and it's like we're in the like lane that's about to exit and then he's like oh he like sees the exits coming all of a sudden we're like five feet away from it and then he wants to get over and i'm like the the lines in the road thicken up to let you know that this lane's going to exit and he was like oh how about that did you guys know that we pulled in we pulled into a ride aid we pulled we went into the driveway he the the door to the ride rite aid was right to the right he stopped on the sidewalk and the driveway got out of the car and went into the rite aid and i'm sitting in the passenger seat like a car got an accident behind me or like something happened to this car the two cars behind me were screaming at each other because they couldn't go anywhere the guy comes over and is trying to fight me and i'm in the passenger seat like i don't even know and then and then and then like uh for some reason like a grocery cart just rolls in front of us hits another car oh my god and then steve comes out your nightmare by the way i can't imagine you in this situation [Applause] and the guy's like like ready to fight me to go stevo can i get a selfie and yeah he takes a selfie and steve's like gets back in the car he's like thanks for waiting here dude i'm like you have no idea what just happened to me like this has happened like three or four times exactly and that's part of the problem is like you get away with it because of who you are which is great for you but like but what was i did what was it that i did which was wrong like i you pulled into the you so so for some of you you good you go down lost siena guy you make a ride in the rite aid right okay and then there's you know how you like the driveway kind of goes up and then like your whole car kind of goes up into the driveway and then there's a sidewalk and then there's the parking lot right not like any normal driveway like has an elephant you stopped in the [ __ ] sidewalk oh god so like nobody from the street can get around you and then the cars behind we're like stopping on the street there's the front door that's what i need yeah you were in the car it was a live park right right you turn the hazards on you're good turn on the hazard you just left you go out and you left your door open but then but you want to talk about open doors what happened because i could go on for about that forever oh like the house so so two so two like the the crosswalk like running a red light ticket this is like a month ago we were coming back from a podcast and and he was on his phone texting i was driving the podcast this van back and there's almost like an accident just coincidentally in the intersection right i was like oh [ __ ] dude like these cars almost hit and then he looks up and he's like yeah dude you really gotta you can't park in the crosswalk i'm like no dude these cars just almost got the gnarliest wreck of all time he just like glances up from his phone and thinks he figured out what's going on and you're like i've been driving and paying attention and i'm way he's like better you really can't be parking and he's like it's a red light ticket and i'm like what you're also like a liability as a passenger because i've been driving you're like here like read this text and i'm like later dude like i'm driving you're like look at this text i just sent it to whoever you know it's not even look at this text look at this text like a gnarly accident too remember coming back from uh from albuquerque or whatever we saw like shoes fly oh yeah and then we're driving away from that you're like anyway like read this text i just realized like really you saw that happen yeah we were like if we would have been 10 cars ahead we would have either hit this person or like they could have i think someone got hit on a motorcycle and then like flew in front of other cars and then other cars hit those cars it was it was pretty gnarly yeah that's scary you ever been arrested lux no i haven't haven't i have not been arrested all right so what else what else about steve that you had it takes getting some used to takes getting some use too that's such a nice way to put it well something that's interesting is um i i did have a motorcycle when we met and steve was uncomfortable with me riding around which makes sense it's dangerous it's the most dangerous yeah and especially in la it's like driving in general is dangerous like so i got rid of my motorcycle and i think a lot of people would find that surprising that he is uncomfortable in motorcycles roller coasters which i love both dude we were driving from oregon in his old van roxy and we were on like the highway and i was going like 65 you know and we were but we were turning a corner okay and he's like ah yeah and i'm like and he's like i'm like what are you doing he's like and did he bring his knees up and he was like and he's like he's like he's like he's just freaking me out i'm like what's freaking you out he's like dude i'm like am i driving too fast he's like no and he and he's just like it just looks like it's too crazy going around this turn in the car and i'm like oh that's interesting like it's similar to a roller coaster right it would be the effect that i thought that was interesting yeah so something else that um we've talked about that i had to get used to is um you know i'm obviously not famous so being with a famous person like he gets so much attention everywhere we go and it was an adjustment for me to not get attention like you know what being like a hot chick i respect that so much lux was just like hey you know like i'm a hot chick no i didn't say that specifically well right but have you seen this ass honey well i mean you know like you i know i know the amount of tension i get going out and then it's like significantly decreased since i've been with you and it wasn't an adjustment like right it's totally true she didn't say i'm a hot chick however she put it was was thoroughly appropriate and it was so candid and intimate just say like hey you know like it's it's a thing like being used to getting a lot of attention as an attractive woman and then all of a sudden you're with this guy who just sucks all of the attention out of the room like uh it was tough for me and i was like wow you know like i respect you so much for saying that and uh you know just yeah it was an adjustment but i'm yeah it was in the beginning deal but now it's good but yeah that was something do you get more attention from dudes before or after being with stevo like dudes hit on you now but like before before yeah but what about since you got your titties oh yeah it's a new it's a new kind of that's it it's a new kind of world of getting hit on and it's even because it's titties yeah my buddy kevo was i was like yeah you know lux wants to get big tits and he was like oh dude don't let her do that and i was like what and he was like man that's all i've ever heard about man when when when a guy's chick gets fake tits then then it ruins the relationship because now all of a sudden she gets so much attention from other dudes and then if you let her get fake tits you're gonna lose her and i was like wow yeah we're not working like if i don't let her get fake tits she's not gonna let me get fixed yeah right is uh is steve is steve a good lover is he a gentle lover is he a selfish lover no he's a good lover he's a giver yeah he is we we we bicker over who gets to give oral sex yeah really mm-hmm yeah like no yeah we we call it um we we call the act of receiving no i'm sorry that we call the act of giving oral sex receiving a treatment because when i came back from peru with wendy on the trip and i don't know if people know this but paul briskey we met in peru yeah on the ultimate expedition mountain climbing thing and and that whole expedition was just sun baked lips cracked like the gnarliest like exposure to the to the the elements ever i come home from that trip and my lips are just my i i looked gnarly yeah and i was like babe my lips are like uh you know and she's like whenever i was like i need to eat your [ __ ] yeah i had to heal it with my lips yeah like you know and i needed treatment yeah and i just ate her box until my lips were better and ever since then it worked i needed treatment which means i need to go down on you yeah she says no but i want a treatment yeah mm-hmm and then then and then there's then there's a treatment and then there's a complete treatment full treatment which is what it means finger [Laughter] there's a treatment that just that's just warm up for intersex to the finish line wow it's like booking a spa almost like okay we'll put you down for the complete treatment yeah i mean i think people would expect steve to like be into some freaky weird sex because he's a dude he's like he'll show you his butthole to a to a crowd of 80 000 people so like when he's getting intimate it's opposite well is there anything that you want to do that he doesn't want to do that's too like exploratory in the bedroom she's been like popping up in uh some pretty rad costumes lately oh yeah are you guys dress up that's your thing i do i mean she'll just surprise me she she had this one [ __ ] thing she pops out of the closet and she's wearing like nothing but electrical tape it looks like yeah and i love how you're like that's a very elaborate way to not have clothes on like you're still not dressed but you like have all these straps everywhere it was it looked like electrical tape and it was dope you know yeah and then she had this other one uh this other outfit that she popped out what's the secret to keeping because you guys have been together for a while like just keeping the going on five years five years and you guys you know seem like you still have sex like rabbits because i've heard you in waco texas i heard steve giggling yeah i was like very quiet i feel like you did have sex that night i heard yeah you probably heard us like before or after but steve was just like he's laughing like but wait i feel like steve you avoided scott's question was there anything that lux wants to do that you're like whoa that's a little too freaky for me i mean i don't know lux wants to be more uh experimental and she's like just tell me like what uh you know like what crazy [ __ ] she's like i'll dress up like whatever like you know like it let's [ __ ] right and also in the beginning of our relationship i let you know that i also like women and i was like so you know that and you're like no i'm not into that i don't think that there's anything remotely healthy about uh threesomes in uh a committed relationship how many girls have you dated in the past uh i don't know define date you mean like how many persons my number between men and women is is pretty equal um i think steve pushed it over to have more for the men with steve but it's pretty neck and neck with men and women so like like a hundred and fifty and a hundred percent straight on bisexual yeah are you still find women attractive yeah of course i find women more attractive than i do men like for me to find a male attractive they have to be like just something about them or like really [ __ ] good looking or like great like there's it has to be most most guys that girls are like oh he's so hot i'm like i don't know what's your type of woman i mean i've been all over the spectrum of like looks you like big boobs small boobs big butt small butt skinny any of that i like i like pretty girls with like style who's your celebrity crush a girl um [Music] angelina jolie yeah for sure number one from day one very good and what about for men other than steve steven glover so yeah it's more of a thinking thing like i can think of like 20 girls but for dudes i think michael b jordan is handsome i think he's pretty hot okay i mean he's like epic that's what i mean like you know you know if i if i was gay dude you know who i would go after a celebrity who i think shyla buff really wouldn't really probably he's like that's a very interesting serious type yeah that does a good looking dude he's gotten ripped lately right but then he didn't get into trouble with now if i was gay yeah yeah what about you um you you comment on men's attractive yeah i mean i think yeah yeah i'm always weighing in on on dudes um yeah which is cute which which of the if you were if you had to date somebody in the jackass crew who'd you date looks wise um i mean knoxville is handsome you kind of gotta go for knoxville right but i feel like your chemistry with pontius is kind of what would make a relationship last that's true well yeah is this just a [ __ ] or is this like a long lasting it's like mary yeah [ __ ] mary kill that'd be fun um i don't know wait who's your who's your celebrity crush yeah i really like the girl for mad men the redhead oh yeah i don't know her name christina something hendrix christina hendricks yeah okay what about you paul i don't know rihanna has always done it for me she's hot she's so beautiful yeah when you like flawless miley cyrus when you fly into like uh barbados there's a big poster of rihanna nice man she's hot as [ __ ] yeah she is yeah for dudes though i don't know brad pitt has always kind of done it for me but if you had to suck a celebrity dude's dick yeah who would you choose you could choose anyone but you're gonna have to suck their dick this is a complete treatment complete i might go with brad pitt yeah brad pitt i feel like shia labeouf would just like face [ __ ] me and like that's kind of gnarly i mean dude ryan reynolds is [ __ ] hot dude he's got a great body i think he's a body and he's funny he's hilarious yeah and his face is gorgeous and his body's like jesus dude yeah and he's a good kisser so were you in a relationship with a girl before you met steve like right before was the transition from a girl to steve no no but you're gonna say something but that was a open relationship where it did date women yeah i feel like that would be hard to be in an open relationship just because it would never work it's tricky it's um you know relationships are tricky in general and so to add like this other element um i felt like for me the best way to go about it that i could like assess from the beginning was like if the relationship's having problems then it's closed if the relationship is good and we're both in a good spot then it's open again but um but that didn't work out so yeah you're right i like you know i agree with you on that one but what's different about steve than anybody else you dated why you know you're deciding to marry him it's like what was so special about him yeah you know i never cared about marriage or like getting married or never thought about my wedding day or anything like that um no ever and then really early on with you like probably like june of 2017 i remember thinking like i want to marry this man like i want that like union with him like that like you know bringing together of our lives and [Music] and i it was it was more about that than like the wedding or anything so i knew that pretty pretty early on it wasn't i don't know just something i realized it's beautiful yeah yeah it's like when you know you know kind of deal like people always say that and then when did you know like june of that year when he first went down and gave you a treatment it was when um it was when he burned himself that happened on july 3rd of 2017. in denver you flew out yeah before that and then that happened and then it was like yeah it was a pretty heavy uh that whole little like time around me getting burned um and having the skin graft surgery was uh intense man there's a lot of heavy stuff kind of going on it was like this perfect storm of like spirituality and intensity and yeah you know commitment and and uh yeah i remember it being around that time that uh i had the idea that i wanted to ask you to marry me but i knew that it wouldn't be like soon i just had the idea yeah and so i got you to uh get your ring sized like just as we're like oh yeah like just you know which was so cute you had no idea no like we had talked briefly about like i think in the hospital we had talked about like you know like this is new for us like we don't we've never wanted to get married but here we are like wanting that like and just being okay with it you know like um and then after we've been home and you had something and you like just were going to run in really quick for 15 minutes i had an appointment with my psychiatrist yes i didn't want to tell your story but yeah and you're like i think you know there's probably like a jewelry store around here like do you want to go get your finger sized and i was just like well that's [ __ ] cute and um there were a ton of jewelry stores around but it was in beverly hills and i was just like didn't i send you into a poncho i found a pawn shop and i was like this is where i'm gonna go and you text me you're like did you find a store and i was like yeah i'm at a pawn shop on the corner and you're like oh i love it and so yeah and then and and and like uh i remember the she told me the size i remember and then like what like a year later however you know however however long six months later yeah six months later i'm going to go get the engagement ring i tell the the this engagement ring jeweler her size they refused to believe me they're like no way that her finger's that small you've totally remembered it wrong and i'm like no dude and uh and i'm [ __ ] her ring's just that small yeah but you do have an exceptionally impressive memory well thanks you know like we'll be talking to him and he's like so distracted and you think you didn't he did he didn't even know you were talking and then he'll get done with what he's doing and then he'll be like he'll repeat the exact verbatim question that you asked him and then he'll answer it and you're like what the [ __ ] how did you do that like like well you also asked me that question in october of 2019 yeah how many times does he like spitfire dates just in this podcast yeah i know or like you'll be like use the take where i said like this one like very minute little thing i'll be like oh okay i think i remember you saying that and like of course it's there and it's right type you know yeah your memory is crazy and which is impressive just like you know at base and then then after all the [ __ ] head trauma and drugs right yeah it's it's yeah it's crazy i mean i've smoked a lot of weed and my memory is not as good as your my memory is pretty good but it's still not it's impressive what is i mean what's next for you guys obviously you know you talk about the the animal sanctuary plan a lot but have you guys narrowed it down to where you think or is it for sure since the idea has come up and and to this day we had the idea we thought about the animal sanctuary being like this this non-profit organization with all these revenue streams to keep it going and it's a destination where people come and visit and and all that and and during the pandemic i just watching all the the stimulus money and the trillions of dollars of debt and it's just like all of the speeding up of like yeah like what makes america uh precarious i think the american economy and the dollar is like has been precarious and considerably more so after the pandemic and i started looking to canada you know so uh like the canadian border has been shut down i think it's starting to open back up we love the idea of going to go look there and uh and and maybe if we get a property in canada and and and turn it into this fun farm it's more of a like a self-sustainable farm right that kind of runs itself and less and more of like off the grid like doomsday prepper kind of a farm type deal where we just dip out and don't want to draw any attention to it right um and that's kind of what it looks like more but but whatever it does look like we've we've uh really liked kind of settled on the idea of getting married on that property and uh well recently we've been a little more yeah we've been flexible with it just because we're so busy right and hardly home which we love our schedule we love our lives and it's like okay realistically if we had a home in canada would we be there would we go there is that right but then i saw this video like called like how johnny knoxville spends his 75 million dollars and it and it's like well he bought the this property in florida this property in tennessee like he's gonna [ __ ] put i never heard anything about it until i saw that video i'm like i said babe you know who cares if our schedule's busy like i think that like owning properties all over the place might be the call and i'm like cool i've been telling you that for five years rental properties or these animal sanctuary properties uh i don't want to be a landlord on any level like by the idea of buying a property to rent out to people so that you can right force but forced to evict people who are down on their luck i don't want to be so at the very least it's an investment property right investment property yeah but that's not always the case and and i think if we buy a property in canada and and turn into a farm and we're just too busy to be there i want to have like a family uh like a family of farmers like some local like thomas yeah like ranchers living there in the shed in the backyard whatever like you know maybe maybe there's some situation where like a a you know a farmer and his family like have like hit hard times and and like they need a place to stay that they could stay on our property like for free and uh and just help kind of get it going as a farmer land in the end yeah some some sort of help like that is probably going to be necessary anyway right if you guys are going to have more pretty standard for for large properties it's like you know even if people sell it's like the ranch hand usually stays there because they know the land so well and like have worked on it forever like it's pretty common we're finding right and it's got to have the the property in in canada has to have two uh dwelling units it's got to be like the main house and like the you know the second house definitely so this happens and certain and you know i presume that people are probably listening if there's people in british columbia listening people like uh they get the person to hit up families and farmers yeah like hey the people if there's families with farmers in british columbia they should dm luxe and be like hey so this is like a six to 12 month plan like but here's the things we've targeted a date for our actual wedding right so but probably because because we've right we're honing in on a date which is exciting but we talked about canada and then we talked about the realization if we're not there how much sense does it make so then we're like oh maybe we'll get married somewhere else and that's the last that we talked about it steve's already made plans i'm cool with like yeah i want to get i want to get married on a property in canada you want a big wedding let's do it i want to get married on a property in canada now that we've said this and put this out into the the the the ether the the universe yep like i think the people from british columbia are going to be like hey like we want to like get your property going and and live there and where can they find you to reach out to you lux relaxing on my instagram looks a lot lots a lot less somebody my dad looked at my instagram i said show dad an instagram post and he's like oh like lux likes that a lot like liked by looks a lot yeah which is great more than one like like by lux a lot yeah yeah if i like it i like it a lot it's just no in-between so that's cool so you guys yeah so it's canada huh big weddings small wedding intimate tiny small yeah mm-hmm how many bridesmaids you gonna have i don't even i don't i mean you gotta have bailey but here's that nicole here's the thing you gotta have ashley yeah i love all that and you gotta have monica andrea and andre but here's the thing yeah there it goes the thing is that there are so many details uh and decisions that go into wedding planning that i don't care about and so but that's your job like you would love it because it's you do it for work anyway right so so that's the other thing is like i do want it to be small and intimate and with what i do there's the other side where i'm like i can turn this into whatever the [ __ ] i want and like make it like an experience and i do and i do like the idea of like multiple day thing where indian wedding yeah where people come and like you know it's like today we're doing this tomorrow we're doing that you can join if you want but everybody gets to know each other beforehand and like you know establish relationships so then when the wedding actually happens then it's like so much more intimate and fun colombian wedding and yeah and it's just you know it's like a lot for one day i want it to be extended like so there's i'm on the i'm on two ends of this so it's like a canadian wedding this is the spectacular tuxedo everybody wears jean suits would there be an open bar at your wedding and would you be weirded out people are like getting [ __ ] up there and [ __ ] like that you know there will be alcohol there paul if that's your ass no no i'm just curious psychedelics and whatever else your friends i don't think i i would care too much i think anybody that i'm close enough with that that they would be at my wedding would be respectful sure and i mean nobody ever wants anyone to get super [ __ ] up at their wedding and make a fool of themselves anyway but i was just curious you're i'm not particularly concerned i mean with uh being around drinking like dude for 10 years you know 10 years it's been comedy clubs and my crowd drinks more than anybody's [ __ ] crowd like i was just curious what i don't like is breathing in people's weed okay if i'm breathing it in yeah like if you've got a drink in your hand i'm not drinking it i don't care yeah all right well we have some wedding planning to do then yeah you plan it and i'll show up yeah there's a gal planet scott yeah that's true too so so we're getting ready to shoot um one of our fun naked photos i'm so excited is that gonna be part of this podcast are you gonna show it or where are you gonna show it thanks i can't wait i think i i picture it again can't wait post it immediately once we oh well how excited you got it yeah baby i love you i love you so much thank you for having me i think i think this was a really good podcast we should do this again honestly this was really fun i really liked it i want to keep going but you you're ready to go can you tell with his body yeah steve says forward one hour like this that's another thing that we have had to to like work on is like we'll be at anywhere eating and then he's done so he's like ready to go and i'm still like drinking cool let's go and then throws in the card he's staying up and you're like yeah like hello where's the awareness of what but your dad called you on that and since your dad pointed it out and made you feel like [ __ ] one time i think you've been a lot better good um you're gonna have to go we have a meeting at two o'clock and you're gonna go buy a gopro before then yeah welcome there's a gopro somewhere in your house there's like three of them all right how do we get to the podcast i love you honey and thank you for being on the podcast i love you so much thanks for having me you guys yeah can you do an impression i want to see you guys do like your your language that or your language how you guys talk to each other it's like whatever dude it's probably like steve will accidentally he'll accidentally text me one time i'm like do you like it i'm like bro and then he's like oh sorry dude like wrong person i'm like what the [ __ ] goes on here [Laughter] i'm really long that's great how about that dude is my girl dope or what you know who else is dope my man paul briskey and he's got big news it's a kid okay it's that kid it's that kid is you which is his musical band and their albums out dude so [ __ ] come on what are you doing dude do you not already have it dude are you not a [ __ ] bro i mean come on dude let's support paul briskey the gorgeous paul briskey and listen to that kid is you that's the name of the artist that kid is you find it on spotify and yeah find it everywhere the album's argentina spotify apple music it's called argentina and the band is that kid is you so just look it up you love it thanks for [ __ ] sticking around guys i love you
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 460,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FoouRJh2q08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 28sec (4408 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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