Ludwig Takes a Lie Detector Test

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alright boys so today the plan is simple cuz today the plan is and we do the plan super not complicated is there a guy here we have John lie-detector test any question you asked revealed today John you've been doing polygraph test for over 30 years you're on like every TV show I don't know why I'm saying it's I'm just a little nervous yeah just realized I've salt to say that I feel like some things could come out today and I'm just saying saw him if people find out I'm five foot to the careers over okay guys well alright start with the first question is your name Ludwig yes is this mousepad a fat anime ass yes I'm ready for your questions let's get started with it does slime deserve your following more than you do no okay that's kind of a dick thing to say I do oh no I'm cool the slime have a massive hog no okay alright it might be it might be slightly larger than some other people I would I just did no mass master oh now that's a pogchamp okay all right you throw for content no obviously it's barbra calibrating question anything that's all you do okay I feel actually kind of bad with some these guys because John's here like if I have to ask a question about there being like come on your face and John's like in his heads like oh god you know I think why am I here why am I said why do I have to dealing with that [ __ ] and I feel bad [Laughter] have you ever beat your meat outside of the room no I would add in this line of questioning slide where did you do that I would end the line of questioning son we have one rule we have a couple rules in this house but one of them like The Fight Club rule stop question stop you don't want to know you have a Big Joe downstairs no come on the Joe and I got to know if you if you did that on the Joe the Big Joe beanbag are you asking a question did you come on the Joe no swear to God I swear to god it did not get on just don't ask about other place Jesus Christ let's answer this once and for all are you over 6 feet yes wait maybe the question wording was bad like are you over being 6 feets not included do you want to run it back maybe run it back you want to run it back maybe run it back can you take a deep breath yeah are you over 6 feet tall yes you did it the same way you're saying are you over are you forget this question forget this quit it's rigged it's raids chat do you see what they're doing to me I'm getting scammed all right there you go chat there's your there's your one would you ever sleep with a fan no respectable unless I found out margot robbie was a fan in which case it's different it's it's different kind of on right yeah yeah have you ever had a dream in which I was in it and having like sex or naked and hot and buff and cool have you ever had a sexual dream where I was involved in some way no okay okay okay I want to clarify I feel like there are some parts that you added in that made me say no specifically the buff hot and cool sure well just what was the dream that's not what this is about Slive weird I was having sex and margot robbie and you handed me a condom that was here involvement hey and stay safe have you ever used Google Translate to speak French no okay cutie sit okay yeah that's fine okay number one do you think women are funny yes okay you guys watch birds of prey and then answer the question it's probably it's probably false lies I'm just I'm I think with our funny I think women women are funny all right guys smiley faces women are funny do you think I'm funny yes no no no no no no you are funny I do you you make funny jokes that was a bad model you're funny you're funny you make me haha roll alemão do you think you are smarter than slime yes [Laughter] because you're like an old you know and they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks so I was just very stubborn about things he believes in it's really hard to you're not malleable I'm still young and malleable you're not malleable man are you a tier 3 pokey main sub no I've tier 3 and I'm not a tier 3 I have tier 3 it was a meme [Applause] you actually have a list do you think you are a better gamer than me yes what a freebie how are you calibrating do you ever lie to your roommates to get out of hanging out with them no do you like your chat yes oh sorry okay I like some I like your twitch primes boys have you ever been attracted to a 2d animator oh no Nami from one piece have you ever thought by neri is attractive no no no no no I so bloody okay it's a Pokemon okay do you are you out are you good yeah okay just yeah sure you still got more you got more you get more just give me like a second do you think you are the most attractive roommate yes any more freebies have you ever lied to me and told me that my cooking is good when you thought otherwise no okay she makes this thing it's called jell-o salad I think you're a good cook have you ever told me I look good when I don't yeah juice gonna come out boys I guess as well [ __ ] face the music do you think you are more attractive than me yeah but like come on do you do you do you think Hercules is stronger than your the average human it's like I think you're hot just don't know John Spartan confirm I think I'm out of questions for the moment Nick come on Oh you also got a list okay I didn't know where you're practicing for the SATs here okay that's cool do you have a favorite roommate out of everyone in the house no okay okay this feels a little abusive is your favorite roommate nipper no is your favorite roommate Aidan no is your favorite roommate slime now there is one more important question to ask okay is your favorite roommate me yes now we know it's your door a lot man okay alright well on that note would you trade any of the roommates in the house for a tree Aki no the list Nick Nick come on we could talk about it I'll get you breakfast man I got you star beast I got you star beast Nick use the [ __ ] game I'll give you benefited out I'm gonna only ask for one person so I have to nail who it is okay yeah you know I'm not this doesn't mean anything whoever use its random would you replace a tit for a tree Ock no I love living a good amen I love living David would it be cool to live with a truck yes okay in my defense in my defense oh you want to say Morris that was in the question have you ever had one of us on your stream and halfway through wanted us to leave but couldn't tell us yes when I did the you laughs you lose or not to leave the room I was like these [ __ ] will not leave Jesus Christ they look like two actual dead people back to life I think I'm out only I have a squat all right dude here we go are you ready for it big breaths deep breath are you dating cutie Cinderella No that is a lie all right boys well it's been fun it's been real has it been real fun I think it's time we cut it here make sure to subscribe to the YouTube hop on twitch bribe you got a chance lime anymore questions nope John did you have fun [Laughter]
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,602,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud, youtube, QT, QTcinderella, height, exposed, lie detector, john, slime, dating
Id: lYon4DgHYDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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