I Made My Girlfriend Play Siblings or Dating...

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youtube intro yes any music hi ladies i know you love the youtube we're welcome here too us not just the boys the ladies too ludwig has 11 females following and subscribed to him it could be 12. if you want to subscribe today you could get more of this content it's okay women are women are women are cool too women are cool out women don't forget to sub because today what we're doing is looking at incest maybe maybe not we'll look at some pictures from this instagram called siblings are dating and we're gonna guess if people are siblings or if they are in fact dating or if they are both sometimes we don't know we're an authority on this because we're dating and not siblings but sometimes people say we look alike actually more more people say that um more people say that i like they always think me and your sister are related in the eyes of god we're all siblings nope today we're doing first to seven points cornhole rules cornhole rules so if you both get it right then no one gets it right all right loser has to deal with dinner tonight all right let's do it first one well this is obviously siblings uh why do you think that because because they're like i don't know they just seem like they're having a fun sibling hike i don't like a fun sibling i don't know if they are i think they might be dating what i think they're dating you think yeah they have different noses yeah but they have like the same smile they just they both have smiles doesn't mean they have the same smile but they're both smiling i'm staring at them for a second you can take your time i don't want to rush you okay they're siblings i'm switching to dating i'm taking yours okay [ __ ] i thought you were right you convinced me and then i thought i was gonna hit you with the bugs bunny no okay no they i i decided to look at their chins they have the same chin dude i thought i was right and then you made me think i was wrong yeah all right well you get a point then dating they don't look at all alike i think they're siblings why i mean they both have the same forehead but that's it her nose tilts down his is straight so that's how you do this you think do they look alike are they what else what are you looking at uh i just thought that this was like a family outing and they're like like mom wants a picture so that was the vibe this smile like he's smiling at his mom holding the camera i think it looks like they're about to go on a date they don't look like they love each other in a way that dating does i hope i'm not wrong twice ah no oh you said siblings i said dating is this this is siblings are dating yes lesbians i've never heard of them but it's two women jesus these gotta be dating they don't look a thing alike i would assume her hand is on her breast yeah i would assume this is dating her hand is actually oh see this is what i didn't want to get oh my god siblings this is a porno i would watch if they aren't siblings well okay that's a good save there you probably follow these girls on instagram well that's not true probably though wow i think they're two gorgeous women that date and kiss each other and i would like to see them do it they look so much alike in terms of style it has to be siblings [Music] yes dude i'm over they're gorgeous hello why am i losing so much hello what am i doing wrong looks like most people i was close all right i don't feel bad that makes me feel better that i'm part of oh yeah i forget you can see that that thing's cool yeah that's cool hmm it is hard crazy if they were siblings to see i'm i'm going to go siblings i don't want to get god i'm going to say dating this might be your first right one his lips are just so big oh oh there's a second bonus picture okay we have a last second chance to switch sticking with dating i'm gonna go with protective older european brother siblings yeah good job they're just european good job you're european you don't take pictures with your sister like this well it's because i'm american i was born in america unless it's convenient then you always say you're european that's true that's the cool thing about a first-gen american oh cute that is a cute sibling picture maybe they're dating yeah i know i just slowed too i but i feel like they're uh i actually think they're dating they're dating i think they're siblings they're dating final answer yeah oh my god why am i so bad uh oh wow they look so much alike look like they're from boy meets world like they're both like they just came out of the 90s yeah nothing's wrong with that i just blow their jackets shocked by the choices yeah i would argue that they are i think they're siblings oh i think they're dating and they've adopted each other's style no they're simple yeah dating no why they look like 1a1b no you know what happens when you date someone for so long and then you start dressing like them ludwig everything you wear i bought you so you are thereby dressing how i would dress as a man unless you buy something yourself which i would never wear and after hanging out with me you have been wearing a shirt that says come in me i do wear that shirt sometimes and you would not have worn that if you did not hang out with me true [Music] same nose way different chins though they are 100 siblings way different chins i gotta stare at this i have a secret reason why i've gotta go with my i'm just gonna go with my gut and i'm gonna say dating i'm going with dating it's just my gut they're sharing one glass they both did this lip bite smile and i thought it was like you know like if they're the smiths there's like the smiths no the chins are so dramatically different i'm getting destroyed dramatically different chins it's gotta be siblings gotta be siblings if you just grow that out for 17 years same human yeah oh no she's dating her brother what oh no oh no are you serious oh no wow that's crazy they look so much alike yeah they do look uh absurd they like these guys don't look alike at all really yeah they don't they both look like they just smoked reefer yeah they both look very high they look very high yeah i gotta guys i gotta say siblings i'm gonna go dating okay oh good job oh they're just a couple who's token together all right all right wait didn't i say they don't look alike and then i said siblings oh i got tricked you you my own brain out loud they look nothing i got i got dyslexic right there that was my bad they hole no they're not related they are dating they're dating look at the puzzles the reason they look alike the pug is homophobic [Laughter] the only reason they look alike is because they're like i wanted a mom they also kind of look like they woke up and this is christmas morning and it's a family picture yeah they're dating for sure i think they're dating for sure they've got to be dating i guess eating uh yeah they're dating oh my god oh my god the pug is not homophobic i didn't want to lose oh no she is ripped dude she is ripped she looks amazing this is at a party there's like a dj in the background wearing a hawaiian shirt it's a dj this is a cool party that they threw when their parents were out of town look at those skinny jeans or their parents threw it those are painted on matthew his jeans yeah yeah he has the body like soda i think they're both gymnasts and they are related they're related gymnasts who threw a party while their parents were out of town i know i also think they're related not because of that because their mouth and teeth are the same oh well i just know the story so uh oh daetong they're daytime they're they tall never mind i guess not i can't believe they're daetong wow what a fit couple they every picture they pose in the same yeah she knows what the [ __ ] you could crush just watermelons her booty is so good his thighs though more importantly okay this is easter sunday this does they are these shoes they're married actually they're a newlywed couple yeah i dating think they are siblings because they're dating she does not let him leave with those shoes on [ __ ] did i lose already what do you mean she does not let him leave with those shoes she's wearing a tablecloth as a dress she does let him believe those shoes on i didn't consider that her shoes are also a bit wild all right hold up i lost a lot you lost i wanted double or nothing restart from zero in charge of dinner tomorrow too and if i lose i'll be in charge of dinner for the next week oh i'm scared of that but if i win you have to do dinner tonight okay okay i definitely haven't seen anything past those guys with the gorgeous blue eyes let's just start here but i want to see those ones with the gorgeous you just want to see there's so blue where up right there what the heck well it's edited oh i imagine i don't think that's i mean maybe a bit like a little filter i think like yeah filter but they looked great what do you think siblings first of all this looks like it's five years you think they're siblings yeah look at their lips i feel like i'm dumb at this game i'm gonna go with dating i ca you know why i do it i just want to go against the grain i don't have any logic there's no reason why i think they're dating i just want to be well sometimes that's the meta right oh yeah see yeah i actually knew it i could tell because of the way that they both had airpods it's a couple thing to have air pods together i don't think it is yeah it's not oh my god gorgeous they must be siblings if not you're dating a mirror no they're dating it's a mirror they're dating bro you know they're different this is like if we found out mary kate and ashley were not siblings they're different they're dating they're siblings no oh crap here she goes i think they look really different dude bro he's got like a jawbreaker in his mouth that chin's nuts she has a she has a good chin too it goes straight down that's cray henry cavill's jealous they're dating i was gonna go siblings they got the same chin oh my god i'm doing awful they have different noses i'm going off in this double oh this is so messed up oh my god okay come back season this is dating for sure they stole each other's style they like go to coffee shops they get a little dog together smell like patchouli yeah i just think anytime one holds a dog up it's unless it's the family dog you know it is christmas maybe it is family dog this is this is 100 dating dating yeah yep they like go to rocky horror picture show every halloween yeah i know everything about this couple no one was confused by that no gotta be dating yeah bro that is nuts if your siblings dating i think dating i just they don't look alike they've got to be dating they don't look like uh oh touch your sister's booty you touch your sister's booty you touch your sister's booty that is kind of weird wow they look so much alike no they don't no different chins i guess it's just because they're doing the same sullen face at the camera his eyebrows are so thick [Music] i mean i feel like she has his nose is turning i feel like she just has shaped brows i think they're dating i'm gonna go but i've been so bad at siblings they are dating can i change my answer siblings imagine yeah that would suck okay all right on the board yay i did it uh i choked there i guess that was obvious oh i think they are 100 siblings happy new year who spends new year with their family at that age though unless they're like in the hamptons they look like they're in the hamptons he's wearing a ralph lauren shirt but it'd be ironed if they were in the hamptons i'm still double downing on my siblings because i feel like new year's picks you get a little freaky little crazy little nut so you little [ __ ] nutty and i feel like it's a very vanilla new year's pick uh dating siblings roasted yes you don't spend new years with your siblings losing my yeah yeah these two are dating yeah and he like dyed his hair blonde because he's like obsessed with her or something is it not natural no his looks like it could be though that is so dyed that is so dyed looks great they both died they both look great i think she's a hairdresser and does both their hair oh that'd be hype yeah dating yeah i'm gonna go with siblings what beautiful people these are just uh i'm gonna say dating siblings a hundred percent she's trying to be a social media influencer takes a picture with her hot brother everyone's like your brother's so hot is he single and she's like everyone in chat spamming blonde wig just because he's white doesn't mean he looks like ludwig this guy yeah are you sure not the last guy [Music] [Laughter] everybody thought it was dating oh a lot to read into here analyzing dating 100 confirmed um it is impossible for them to be siblings because blue eyes is a recessive gene and he does not have blue eyes that is not how that works oh interesting they have the same eyes i think they're siblings wait i'm not sold yet here's my story yes okay she's at christmas he came home from monterey california they live east coast she said oh my god let's take a pic throws at the camera he just goes okay takes a picture snap it bang that was what happened they're siblings i think they're dating and i'm meta gaming here i think they're trying to trick me into thinking their siblings you think they took this picture thinking it would go no i think siblings are dating is trying to trick me oh and they know so i said dating dating yeah meta game meta game to that metagame that dude i had such a good story oh this is difficult there's a lot going on it would just be absurd if two sisters happen to be both drag queens both drag queens this is beautiful of drag queens too yeah that would be like gorgeous that would be too much nepotism or whatever the word i'm looking for is i mean but no gotta be dead everyone i used to work with they all did drag and they kind of got each other into the hobby so they could be brothers i mean you saw white chicks i did technically they did drag that is true they were not brothers actually they weren't brothers they weren't brothers they were co-workers who didn't date also actors in a movie i think these two are dating i think dating yeah i just think it'd be crazy for them like to happen to have a family with two kids that both happen to be drag queens dude imagine being that pretty unless one was like hey you should try this they look the exact same part yeah it looks like he took a picture and then like on a tripod and then just did two different poses okay i have a hot take yeah they are dating what i'm not i have a reason why i'll explain it sorry hold up oh siblings i'll explain it after dang it what was your reason my reasoning was this guy on the this guy he looks older this guy looks younger but his hair is thinning so i thought they were not they both have thin hair they're identical i thought it was like they're dead ass identical twins uh oh okay this one is hard cause this seems like what i imagine taylor swift's upbringing would be if she was never a pop star what like a 13 year old nashville listen they are not 13. you know what i mean though no i don't this is probably not in nashville tennessee i don't even think those i don't think so southern country boy but it's also prom no it looks like a wedding you think that's prom should have a matching tie or a corsage or something they're too old they're too old i don't know where you're getting this young 13 year old now pro i think he's like 20. that's not prom i guess that's true i think oh they're very this one's hard they have very similar noses but that's it i think i think dating i think dating i think a sibling yes she pulls ahead i said so you said siblings i was all over the map you were saying they were like 16 and [Music] i dead ass thought that was it i think i've seen this one uh i think they're dating yeah yeah i think i just saw that on instagram i have not seen this oh they gotta be he's holding his boob though yeah but it's like a fun sibling boob hold oh maybe i'm going siblings i'm staring at this for a second take your time they are both so goofy no i'm locked these two okay i'm you said siblings yeah i'm saying dating damn that's cool i just wanted to i just wanted to make it a little more interesting that's what i wanted to do yeah yeah yeah you did that oh i hope dating but i'm nervous that it's sibling but it is siblings what context no they got it they have to be dating their eyes aren't the same they're respectfully this isn't dating this is a problem the other day okay all right all right oh it's like when we take pictures but you're standing on the thing i would say that it looks like sibling rivalry she's the older one you know i used to be taller than you when we were kids and then she stands up and it'd be like like when we were seven she's so cute that's my reason that's a cute photo what do you think i think i think you're actually right i think she just got engaged and this is her engagement party and she's like my little brother but he's so tall and so yeah i think you're right i think they're siblings yeah frank uh siblings dating siblings uh siblings wait you can go dating no good dating i don't know i want to get this point [Music] dating whatever [ __ ] it they did oh there she is [ __ ] i want to get this point good dating yay dang i just got rolled i've just found the greatest instagram all right all right all right all right uh i did uh it's over that's all right i've dating rapid fire round okay which one dating siblings ch rapid fire go siblings dating uh dating siblings [ __ ] last one siblings i even lost the rapid fire all right cutie cinderella that was fun you kind of put me in the dirt it was weird so you're doing dinner for the next week i have dinner for the next week what do you think about mcdonald's you got punished by losing or winning i should say i know you shouldn't have won i'm gonna end up doing dinner i got dinner every night it's mcdonald's mcflurries literally every day whoa chicken mcnuggets let's go thanks for playing you're welcome chad did you play with us smiley face and if you like more of this content don't forget to hit the like button also check out cutie cinderella she uploads every single time of videos on their channel yeah which is like like three times a week stop you're so lazy okay okay siblings are dating dating that's the answer i'm just posing the question ow soul mates true [Music] guys [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,592,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: zziW7QyIor0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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