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It's the Yung Bae remix of 5PM from Animal Crossing: New Horizons :) link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HihFcSHWq-A

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/I_seek_only_truth 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2022 🗫︎ replies
boys today we are doing ulab you lose the loser gets a tattoo on their ass the videos were all picked by ourselves so the pressure is high slime and i each had to get 50 videos to show the other person if i laugh more than slime i lose if he laughs more than me i lose and that's it you laugh you lose i am incredibly stressed but we have about 20 minutes each of videos and we'll see how many times i can make them laugh because i really don't want a tattoo on my ass well look we're not getting any tattoos today so we can put those as placeholders but we could also do like just your twitter ad on my ass and then mine on yours how about slime in like some beautiful beautiful cursive we i'm down for that i'm not for just like each other's script yeah each other's names i'll put ludwig seven of mine yeah but yeah i think either way the idea is i get a tattoo on my ass if you you get a tattoo on my uh your ass of me right and that's it and that's what happens to the loser today right all right dude you good you feeling ready i'm ready all right you know yourself i [ __ ] hate you you're you suck you know my mom died at an age where it really hurt no not like you my dad died way before your mom i know she bit his [ __ ] and i've always said that so this is me first it's slime laughs it doesn't matter only laughs for me matter whoever loses gets a tattoo on their ass of the other person's name let's get it on i feel like i'm literally walking into the super bowl right now [Music] [Applause] you make ice cream late at got night that's one i didn't think this was this long it's just a nervous chuckle i have nerves right now okay all right i can win you like that one too oh yeah i got this [Applause] okay okay [Applause] if i hadn't seen that one that's a fire one didn't laugh but i feel like i have to count that why i open mouthed you did open your mouth i wouldn't have counted it but i respect you and appreciate your honesty oh don't ever [ __ ] try to try to trick me again ever to obviously not try to do that because i'm specifically [Music] like that one yeah it's the honesty for our weather honey huh some cheese pepper jack cheese it's delicious but let's make sure we're muting our mic yours looks like this click it and make it look like okay do we want to do thirds or half still we can do thirds i'm only thinking uh uh i just want to throw you in the fire for a bit sure i think that's fair i'm starting you off i'm already looking at this and i'm like all right [ __ ] you ready boy oh boy nothing beats a hot and steamy hot dog weenie a little stadium mustard ought to jazz up this foot long dingle dong now that is a good-looking wiener yeah it is [Laughter] it keeps going i hit you with the double goddamn it i knew it i knew i'd hit you with a double it was a bait you thought the first one was the real deal i had the double ready god damn it okay on the board that's how i just wanted to start with a win i thought that's what i needed to get me going loosen you up a little bit huh you seem tense over there little hacks [Music] i smell [Music] guys also this isn't a meme i have never ever played it up for these comp contests anytime like this is unfortunately this is just it i can't all right all right all right ready yeah two big wins two big early wins wake up liberal [ __ ] wake up sleepy head a lady breakfast i love you alexa what is that song by jay-z and kanye west where they sing about the people in paris what the hell god damn it dude that's the best video i have uh i'm blowing my load early oh you wanna fight you wanna [ __ ] [ __ ] don't [ __ ] come at me love that guy my wife is asleep i'm gonna try to wake her up by farting oh my god alexa i'd rather fart for me okay here's big fart oh sh dude i've seen this one too it's so funny give me another one god damn it dude i hate it because she's just like whispering and it's like all sexual and weird i like it she says [ __ ] i'll give you big fart sure you don't have any hair [Laughter] all right i feel good i feel good i think that's going to be even match up this sure we'll be even i think i'm early stacked too yeah i'm front loaded i've froze mine's bangers all the way through that's the difference my turn baby you've come i mean i i knew you would come but you've come i have come up to michael for this comment right here definitely could not agree more let me tell you the number one thing to huge hot warm loads the internet is not telling you is matter-of-factly hydration oh yeah okay if you want a huge warm load you gotta stay all right all right i'll make it too much one thing absolutely i laughed at just reading huge warm love that's what made me laugh over anything was just reading huge warm blood so serious you see that one no it was you just made the worst sound i've ever heard in my life are you worried that the subathon will have an effect on your mental health no so every conversation with him is like they don't know this that is that's real ludwig that's austrian ludwig literally a howie community ask me like the most like are you ever worried about like death and like what you'll mean to the world and i'll be on my phone i'll be like no no but it's so confidently like insane [Music] this is just this is this is if i had not watched as much tick tock as i have challenged i thought so yeah yeah i thought you'd have seen a lot of these but okay hey pups it's g pup here and i wanted to give a little bit of a review of the ox balls [ __ ] rings now this particular one is called the urinal shape [ __ ] ring for a fairly obvious reason so they're nicely presented and it gives a bit more of a puppy look this is a nice gift it looks good and um if you want your playmates to last out a little bit further i think one more sure they bugging bro why bro bro bro she made [ __ ] banes what the [ __ ] y'all got that yeah all right all right i'll give you that i'll give you that okay all right your turn i just need three out of you here and then i'm death mode sheesh that [ __ ] looks busting on god on god respectfully [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh i got you on [ __ ] ketchup bro it's all ketchup from here on out oh i can't do it some [Laughter] holy [ __ ] babe you know the garbage needs to go down tonight can you hear me okay okay [Laughter] where are you taking me i'm about to change your life and by all means lead the way number one number one victory now yeah [Music] my friend just got down i revived him now we're heading southbound now we're in the pleasant park streets look at the map go to the market [Music] what the [ __ ] was that guy doing so much oh my gosh please stop [Applause] dude dude no way that guy is dying oh my god i was like i got this i just have to hold really hard longer than i ever would donald is always [ __ ] up my order bro i asked for spry and they gave me clown juice mom have you heard of george have i heard of george yeah george bush my earpods are probably charged hello hello hello check one two check one two luckily you saw that one before it's a shame but it got me alright last one what's up james hey what's up man how's it going good good to see you shut up no way fear very good shiner coors corona yeah just i'm like a kid in a candy shop over here holy [ __ ] yeah we just kind of threw it up there and it's nothing big how do you get the beer out of here no that this is [ __ ] cool can you not touch it though yeah i'm sorry hey can't touch the mona lisa either this is awesome i love that video i know all right all right final gauntlet final gauntlet so if i don't laugh i just win that's all is so hot what a hot song you gonna jump in there and try to have sex with that thing i'm trying to take a video from my mom [Laughter] [Music] i just like that one a lizard [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it i'm going to add one for that because i did secretly while i was playing chuckle loudly thanks for being honest i guess i guess you made it made it fair because otherwise i gotta hold all the way yeah i feel really [ __ ] about my chances here i'm not gonna lie my back end's not good i yeah but like if you put anything about ketchup in there like i'm done when you're ready hit that spacebar i love my mom so much and she was taken away from me chilling on a weekend like usual watching spongebob and scooby dooby doo she took the wires to my playstation she doing too much i didn't wipe my butt i just pooped and got up look at this [ __ ] this bird wants smoke look at that oh hey crack the window oh gross who bought the mayo oh [ __ ] fart on my roommate's door huh [Applause] did you see it on the left side of the door frame barely visible on camera a white translucent oh [Applause] [Music] ah it was so long i know did you see it though on the left side damn it dude i thought i had it all right all right you could still tie it up [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] i'm not going to lie to you slime it's a tie game did get me oh that's it yeah let's [ __ ] go that's it dude yes yes all right well what do we do ty gate i don't know i don't care you know [ __ ] dude that that last fart video oh [ __ ] i feel what i know what it's like to like be like mango and like [ __ ] barely lose you know yeah or like zayn or something like just just the [ __ ] this is the last stock dude and i choked it yeah it's a tie game it's not over god we could also do straight up rock paper scissors shoot no i don't want to rock paper scissors for a tattoo on my body that's fair that's pretty fair i'm not gonna i earned this tie i'm not gonna lose it because you go a frame late paper matching tattoos matching tattoos are kind of hype i i would do a matching tattoo with you what should it be i would get slime and you would get ludwig okay just so no no rematch no we'll just get a tattoo together this saturday whatever yeah film it [ __ ] you content [ __ ] you we just want tattoos now does the thigh hurt [Applause] he says my mom [Music] is a hairy butt [Music] there's no shame well you told me [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,245,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: yi9-ZoMfrrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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