My First Time Kissing QTCinderella

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you know what i've never told you and i know i haven't done this but cutie has talked about it on her stream a bit i have never told you the full story of my first time eating cutie cinderella now obviously by now you guys know i am dating cutie cinderella she is my girlfriend and it's something that happened over over months but much before ever meeting in person we met online actually on stream you can find the clip i'm sure we have two off limit things you guys aren't allowed to talk about one chest hole two the pimple okay that's it it's ringing i heard you have a chest hole what the [ __ ] chat but eventually even online people will meet in person which is exactly what we did two years ago over summer here's how it started cutie was like hey i'm gonna be in town to design a wedding it was like a friend's wedding i think she said she was gonna be at and it was over summer and she was gonna like do the cake for it i think that's what she told me it turns out that was a huge [ __ ] lie it sounds like i'm making this up it's because it was all a lie cutie basically told me this entire story about how she has to like be in la to like make a [ __ ] a cake and like do all this [ __ ] we're in reality she came through in props to her just so we could meet for the first time because at this point we've been talking for like a couple months pretty much like every day after stream we would talk we'd shoot the [ __ ] and i being a guy am stupid so when she said all this like pretty like not makes a lot of sense story about how she has to be here and it's like a few days but she's not actually going to the wedding but she like needs to be there for it but makes a cake for it because she used to make a lot of cakes on stream for weddings i was like sure not thinking much of it to this point in my life i i had i had actually i had actually turned down several women i was i was very sigma at this point you know i was pretty much all about the hustle and the brussel i was just trying to get my pen to paper and my paper and my wallet i was very keen on being a big streamer all right and so i wasn't really interested in having what the [ __ ] is the story can i cutie let me tell my story you can't interrupt my story it's my story because it's my version of events wait what did you just say you were a total simp okay do you want to be here for this i can't have you can either come here and we can tell this story together or you could listen in smiley face and chat as i was saying i'm basically a running back face palming all these women that want my attention because i was always focused on the grind all right getting to the top being a big streamer [Music] what is wrong with you what why are you lying what am i lying about i said i hadn't i had a bunch of women throw themselves at me that was not true i had dozens of women throw themselves at me dozens i had near hundreds of women throw themselves at me and i rejected all of them none of this is true okay is this how you're gonna help me tell the story by just saying not true what are you fact-checking me i just don't understand dude i don't know what to say besides this guy used to be obsessed with me i don't know what happened since then because it was so great and all right can i tell my story because you're jumping ahead a lot of years no you were obsessed with me before i came i have been finished i literally was talking about how a bunch of women they were not were throwing themselves at me if you don't want me to spill the realty no obviously not i would really appreciate it if you didn't but there were dozens of women dozens of women there was like one let me exaggerate you're you're now you're going too far no because i just think well you should be as honest as possible here really you think that we should no it's just called you're not letting me embellish you're making my story late dozen women dozens they were all viewers just sending them news almost hundreds they're all the women can i continue yeah so for two years after college every word are you gonna are you gonna bite on for two years in between college and going full time streaming i nearly had a girlfriend or even went on a date you didn't go on a date you are miserable to tell a story with you're miserable just hold it in just don't speak out loud what nary a day had i been on a date a soulless reinvented virgin since the days of asu where i had slayed thousands of women with my peen had so much copious sex but now i had a new beast to [ __ ] which was twitch that was my goal i wanted to be a big streamer i went full time and i put all of my efforts into that and i never really thought that i would put my time and efforts into uh into into having like a girlfriend because it can be a lot of work that was until i saw that was until i saw cutie cinderella and everything changed overnight the months toiling on streams amazon unboxings and you laugh you loses were a petty thought compared to her beauty her humor her conversation and every night after streaming days and days on end i would go to talk to her watch movies with her and just hang out over discord mary a day having met in person but truly forming the bond of bonds online but we had never met in person and so cutie makes up this entire story about how i don't even remember your story i really don't i just believed it because i believe people because i'm so honest she was like yeah i gotta go to la to see a guy about a thing and so you know maybe we can hang out it was like very she was like very blase about it she was like yeah like i gotta go for this thing but like maybe we could meet up or whatever and i was like okay sure is this true yes i did make up what i was doing yes interesting you're right i did interesting i did this this is the truth so far and so she landed and her first destination was actually my house because she got a hotel and they didn't allow checking until a little bit later and her flight landed quite early so my first interaction with her was fresh off of a plane and i had like just woken up because it was still pretty early in the morning i think it's like 4 p.m again still pretty early in the morning for me but you have to keep in mind that although i'd been talking to her i i had i i don't think i was leading a life that was uh a customary to women being a part of it and by that i mean i was a degenerate gaming bachelor and so she comes over you can give your impressions on myself yeah so apparently i didn't know this it was either slimer or nick were in the driveway as i brushed my teeth and spit it into the gutter which is very funny their front door was wide open by the way it was wide open when we got there it's how we rolled back in the day that's absurd it was kind of in and out policy you know what i mean like old napoli very weird and uh and so this is is that me in the doorway what was i wearing you were wearing a white shirt and black shorts you were just wearing like a white like tee from like target or something sounds fitted kirkland sounds fitted and kitted i don't think so regardless regardless your house was so dirty it was so dirty like i don't i don't think it had ever been vacuumed i cleaned it before you came it was not vacuumed well i didn't vacuum it i cleaned it it's different it was not vacuumed at all yeah but you know it was carpet so you don't need a vacuum carpet you just walk over it choose on if anything we were we had a staunch shoe on policy in our house not a shoe off house or a shoe on house well because everyone's a shoe-in that's what we said i then went to your room where we did just hang out like he was just showing me a stream set up and i think it was slimer nick one of them came in and we talked for a little bit and then i was like okay gotta go gotta go check into my hotel and then i left you a lot of people are are are uh trying to allude to hanging out meaning that we we boned or something genuinely not he didn't even hug me well this is gonna get we'll get to that remember that thought if you are thinking that for the next part of this yeah it gets embarrassing it gets well it gets cute is what i would say yeah because here's the thing about me i am i am a i'm a treat to talk to in person what why are you pointing at me because i was hoping to be like hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah but you know i'm not i'm not i'm not although it seems and i have in at one point sure that i am like hassan 2.0 and i'm out there just chatting it up and just you know being like yo baby wants some [ __ ] that's generally generally i i am i am much slower for to enter that because i really believe that women should drive the car for so many years men did in it and what has not brought us society is what i think a lot cap and so i was that's what i was thinking and so here's what happened she came over on the guise of like business and so it was a very casual it was more so can these two people who have met online have a sociable time in person and the stream went pretty well minus that one time i farted and she got kind of grossed out oh yeah i hated that it was pretty funny i farmed some locals it was not taylor thought you were really funny i did not think that was funny i was like the the real thing i wanted to talk about the crux of the story the juice the meat was was santa monica pier and again it wasn't really a date because cutie didn't come alone maybe concern that i was an axe murderer was part of it uh but when i was like let's hang out she was like cool and she brought not one but two people along with us her security guards which is fair all right i'm intimidating i'm a big guy all right you look me up and down and you would be a bit nervous i get that most children women and men are scared of me so we arrive to uh santa monica pier the first thing that cutie does the first thing because we go to get we go to get like a small dollar pizza store is she buys like what is it three shots or five it was like it was like a fifth of uh of whiskey and i'm like okay because i guess she was a bit nervous but but i think i i drove so i you know i didn't really want to drink much and i and also if if it's up to me i would i would drink like a light beer or maybe a seltzer but but she was like literally grabbing it and then just [Music] gulping it impressively in a way because whiskey's her drink of choice and uh and just absolutely downed it uh cause cause of the nerves and and we hung out with uh with the whole group and uh and i think i think you ran into the ocean at one point i was in a swimsuit yep no but i mean you just ran in and out yeah yeah not like fully clothed but in a swimsuit you ran in and out of the ocean which was which was freezing still and uh and then you also you're leaving out the part where i had a swimsuit everyone else there had a swimsuit because in reality it was me and my friend's plans to go to the beach and i invited you so that's why my friends were there yeah and so ludwig doesn't bring a swimsuit and i'm nervous about getting in the ocean because i was having fat girl problems and i just didn't want to be seen and by in my bikini and so ludwig trying to hype me up strips down to his underwear again this is like the second time i've ever met him strips down into his underwear and runs into the ocean in public and then after did you have the confidence to go in no i was like what the heck you did i sure but it wasn't from you running it in your underwear i was like oh my gosh people are gonna see that this guy's in his underwear what kind of underwear they're calvin klein's boxer briefs it was clearly not a swimsuit to paraphrase yes i did a chad maneuver and i showed off that anyone can be a chef much like ratatouille anyone can run in the ocean and after that we dried off we hung out santa monica pier i think we had uh we had played some some games a bit uh and then came the magical moment oh my god i have to leave this is on the ferris wheel at santa monica pier and we had our own pod and her friends had their own pod and as we go up and we hit the peak with the entire view of the ocean on one side and the view of los angeles on the other i kissed her for the first time no didn't duh why are you like this why are you lying what do you mean he is lying chat what what happened what do you mean what happened what actually happened oh yeah we rode the entire ferris wheel the whole wheel just uh the ferris wheel the whole way without without kissing and we just we just and then the roller coaster and then everything else we didn't kiss the entire time but we did hold hands that's right boys i was in almost assuredly months of talking online all for what the most magical moment in the world when my five met hers they clasped in harmony it seemed as if the world stopped for a moment and it did for me because i knew things would not be the same after these hands touched and then we went home to my place brought her back to mine this is the plan to go watch a movie you weren't like brought it back to mine to watch a movie and i knew i had to impress her with a really deep cut flick you don't want to watch avengers all right you don't want to be so on the nose you're watching 50 shades of grey so i found a one of a kind copy of legally blonde the musical now it just so happens coincidentally that this was also the exact recording of my high school's adaptation of legally blonde so i it was actu so what it actually was was a parent recording me acting and legally blonde as a 17 year old five years later and and and i and i showed her and i showed her that as our first movie and while the movie was going we were laughing a lot admittedly she will admit this because it was really funny like it's really you might be like like pepe painting but it's like a funny thing and at the crescendo of the movie when elf finally gets into harvard i leaned over and kissed her for the first time no you didn't slime came home and i said slime i brought you taut nachos from taco bell and then slime ate the top nachos and then how'd you what happened and then i got so drunk i passed out and i sat next to her while she was drunk doing absolutely nothing the entire time that entire evening because i had seen her down the bottle of whiskey and i understood that me a sober man would not want to sully our first kiss by being on unequal playing fields of drunk in soberness as the gentleman i was and am i refrained from beautiful i hate you is this story over um and that was our first kind of date it was a date you farted the first time i met you well that's because i don't like hiding anything and then over the past couple of years i've turned into the greatest boyfriend in the world it has just what years it's been years it's been a long time huh but it only feels like mere days in the arms of someone you love and it could go on forever and you would never even know because life flashes you by so quick flashes you by so quick yeah yeah no it's fine anyway that was it that was a first date
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 2,041,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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