Lucky for Life Winners, How Did You Win It and How's That Going for You?

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redditors who have actually one dollar sign x per week month year for life how did you win it and how's that going for you one of my friends won a 5 000 a week for life in the ny lottery a few years back it's actually only for 40 years but that's plenty of time to save for retirement and live a long happy life he's doing well because he isn't acting like a lotto winner it's as if it was the social security he was receiving previously he is disabled he still has his friends too it pretty much went as best as possible he must be a level-headed person i once won a year of free groceries they gave me 52.100 gift cards to use any way i wanted i was single and ate and drank like a goddamn king that year nobody went hungry when i was around that's the dream for me neighbor won 500 a week for life he quit his job divorced his wife and moved into a small apartment across town where the wrench was cheap and now he almost never leaves he has everything delivered to his house from amazon yes i get it already he's living the dream i make more than that and i'm still broke wtf i got free pizza for a year 12 pizzas i got 12 pizzas it was about a month ago and i've used around four of them already it's not gonna last a year i'd say that's some bulls but you've already eaten four free pizzas and have eight more you bastard i get free aureus for life i won an oreo stacking contest when i was 10. i am 21 now and glad to say that i do not have diabetes i won free bagels from a bagel shop for a year it was good for 13 bagels two loaves of bread and two tubs of cream cheese spread each month i tried three different locations and none of the managers believe that the voucher i1 was legitimate at their store they all gave me different reasons for why they wouldn't accept my voucher call corporate my older cousin won five grand a month for life it ruined him he got all paranoid about people only wanting to be around him because he had money we live in a rural fairly low wage area so that's a lot of money to some people if you ever mentioned it to him he just stopped talking to you he's pretty much a loner now with almost nothing to show for it web developer here i made a website for a local pizza chain the owner paid me then asked for support i gave him a price 75 hr and he suggested free pizza for life i took it i've enjoyed excellent quality free pizza about 10 times since 2006. he's had me do about an hour's worth of maintenance i just walk into one of his stores order a pie and when they ask for payment i say call tom they do they talk then they hand me the pizza it's kind of cool actually it sounds like it's only free pizza for you for tom's life once he dies they'll have no way to confirm it's free i won a free movie from blockbuster for a year ended up being one rental per week card after a couple weeks i realized it was just a coupon for one free rental and i used it as often as needed eventually i modded my original xbox and started renting multiple games a day and copying them to my hard drive i killed the blockbuster lots of people killed blockbuster won a year's supply of dog food when i was 10 and tried to convince my mom that it was the perfect time to finally get a dog as it must be a sign we did not get a dog i gave the vouchers to my neighbor i entered a radio competition in the 90s for free music every month for a year i didn't win that but i won the consultation prize which was a copy of alanis morizet's jagged little pill we already had a copy of alanis morrissettes jagged little pill a rep from the station told me they would mail it out on the 15th well it arrived but never stopped arriving on the 15th of every month a copy of alanis morris says jagged little pill would show up in the mail this happened till we had about six copies of alania small resists jagged little pill i called and asked the radio station if they could send something else besides alanis morissettes jaggy little pill but they did not they just corrected their error later that year my sister got a birthday present from one of her friends when she opened it it was a copy of alanis morrissette's jagged little pill i won free iced coffees for a year from dd but instead they sent 500 in gift cards not mad interestingly enough my girlfriend also won the exact same contest three-day contest she won the first day and i won the third and final day a family friend frantically bought a scratch off while fleeing a road rage driver she was telling the clerk to call the police on a parked car that had followed her to the gas station she gets three dollars k a week and works because she wants to and not because she has two every gift she gives now comes with a lotto ticket 40 000 pounds per year for life on a 10 pound national lottery scratch card it was that or 1 million pounds up front i had just turned 21 at the time so my dad made me take the annuity because i just spunk the 1 million pound in a couple of years left to my own devices now it's good it takes care of my mortgage every year so my salary is just for me and the family we get a couple of nice holidays a year but don't live to excess 27 yo now so i'm sure i'll see over 1 million pounds over the next 4-0 5-0 6-0 years with sound financial planning taking the million up front would be the best idea at 21 and poor decision making taking the 40k is probably the safer bet my friend won free lunch for a year at a school fundraiser but he had to enter in his account number so they could at least document it he was promptly given a limit on how much he could have i get free lunch anyways because of my parents low income my neighbor won 1 000 a week for life on a lottery scratch-off ticket i haven't seen him around recently but he lived at his childhood home with his parents for a while and owned two corvettes he also loved dogs and would always stop me to pet my dog when i would walk by he was always a nice guy who seemed to be smart with his winnings comma smart with winnings comma lived with parents comma 2 corvettes makes sense i won a year's supply of nestle sweets and chocolates in a quiz on the radio when toy story 2 came out you had to answer three questions about toy story then you got entered into a draw to either go to space camp in cape canaveral or cowboy camp in arizona but you got the chocolate for just getting on the radio i got the three questions right but some other kid won the draw then the chocolate arrived in one big shipment huge boxes of it it was literally incredible then my mom made me bring it into school and share it out among everyone in my year a few kg of chocolate and i hardly saw any of it grateful little shoots ate it all in minutes i'm still bitter sounds like the runner-ups of charlie in the chocolate factory my family won free kfc for a year when i was in the eighth grade we got a 30 pc family bucket each month but had to pay for everything else it was pretty decent i won free chinese food for a year from a local chinese place in my old town they gave me 52 vouchers good for one dinner each and then closed a month later i was not a happy fat man that reminds me of a bee a company that had a contest in which whoever got the biggest or two of their logo got free beer for life well one guy gets a full back piece and wins the company then went under about a year or two later a grocery store chain had a winner years worth of bananas contests a couple years ago i had to watch a video about how they store their bananas and then answer a question i thought what the heck my kid loves bananas and entered and i won they sent me a gift card for the equivalent of a year's worth of bananas three hundred dollars we spent most of it on meat totally worth it i feel like maybe you won because you were the only one who entered the sister of my friend won a car when she got a special oreo in a packet you could win different prizes depending on what your special oreo said like trip or car or whatever nabisco came to our school we had a big pep rally thing they gave the girl who was like 13 a new vw beetle filled with packages of aureus everyone at the school got a pack of double stuff aureus they had just come out it was awesome girl's parents sold the car started a college fund anyone who went around to visit got tons of free aureus i think they eventually just donated hundreds of packets to a food bank that a pretty awesome story most people who win cars full of food just end up in a car crash and with diabetes lorem ipsum dollar sid amit consector turret dippising ellit said dewey asmud temper incident a week for a year just had to be one of the first 100 people at a new store it's pretty good they do this at every chic fillet and no i'm not in your city i read an article for college about lottery winners in sweden and god dang does it sound difficult on your social life friends of the winners felt that if they were buying food and looking for deals or being sensible with their money that they should relax and not worry too much you have loads of money also that the winners should pay for meals and drinks act just cause they were better off but the kicker was when lottery winners spent too much on something or done anything out of the ordinary with the winnings the friends told them not to be careless with the money and smarten up basically a vicious circle for winners where they are doomed if they do and doomed if they don't any similar experiences for lotto winners simple solution just make sure you don't have any friends i'm almost there i receive 500 a month i want it by not falling out of an airplane properly and receiving a disability discharge from the army it's going well we use the money as the family vacation fund i get 1775 each month i wake in burning pain every day i'd happily trade this money to make it go away every now and then i get lucky enough to be the 1 millionth visitor to a website i am still waiting to collect around 30 ipads oddly enough i've been the millionth visitor to the same website before my grandfather won the lottery for two million he died two years later to prostate cancer my mom was the recipient for the remaining 18 years of 80 000 a year after taxes that time period has now expired when i was younger my brother won a 7-up bottle cap contest which either allowed you to appear on tv or get a pair of 7-up boxes he choose the boxes good choice tv is for suckers not me but my brother was hit by a car when he was seven and my parents had a killer insurance policy on him he gets seven thousand dollars a month for the rest of his life and got 1.20 cents million when he was 25. since he was 15 he has been addicted to crack been in jail six times for violent crimes one of which very nearly killed a guy and has five children with five different mothers because of the kids he pays almost all of his settlement money and child support every month and has to work as a dishwasher at a crappy diner to get by the 1.20 cents million was spent long ago on drugs kazi destroyed and parties he threw for his friends if true that is beyond sad years after world war ii the german government began paying reparations of sorts to victims families of the holocaust i don't know what it used to be but once a year we get something like 14 in the mail it's a bit odd i knew a guy whose grandfather was a chief of an indian tribe one day he got a letter in the mail saying that due to past relations and oil found on their families old land the government was paying out dollar sign xx billion over the course of 10 years or something years ago m and amp m was having a contest where you won something like 10 dollars a year for the rest of your life if you open a special pack of them and amp ms i was at work one day opened a pack of peanut m and amp ms at my desk they had bits of other color shells stuck to the outside of all the candies i looked at them thought to myself this is weird then ate them and threw the package away in the next couple of days saw the commercial letting me know i freaked myself out of some serious cash the girl that sat across from me thought it was hilarious my question is did i lose my one chance at something seriously glorious or is there something still in the cards for me number number you blew it in middle school i was in a science class that won a contest for free m ms the teacher got all of our information to make sure we all got our share after it got sorted out as it was approaching summer break none of us ever got our m m's and i can only assume the teacher ate them all himself and won himself some diabetes i won a year's worth of chocolate i'm not a huge fan of chocolate i'm more of a savory person myself so i was expecting my winnings to last well over a year it ended up lasting less than a month everyone kept taking a few bars here and there thinking i wouldn't notice since there was so much by the time i actually went to get some for myself there was two bars and a pack of hot chocolate mix left the company was called divine [Music] monster energy was having a competition at my college and they were for some reason having it at the new dorms that hadn't opened yet well i happened to be touring the dorms on room selection day and had a nice conversation with the guys at the table about fallout 3 which had come out five months prior because i had killed their loneliness they gave me about 100 entries into a contest for free monster energy for a year well only about 30 or so other people had entered at that point so i figured why the heck not and filled them all out right there of course i won but the catch was we got all of the monsters at once so i was given 365 cans of monster things did not go well from there i drank myself sick on monster just because it was free and the school's tap was horrible one of my roommates drank so much monster that he had heart palpitations and had to go to the emergency room we did make some awesome can pyramids though which was pretty fun i didn't win anything but i am now getting my pension that with my savings gives me a budget of just over 100 k per year just under 2k per week so far it's great no more commute and no more bulls meetings i can sleep in as long as i want get on with it as much as i want and pretty much do whatever i want within reason basically it tastes like freedom you want retirement not me but during the time of the vietnam war my grandfather was convinced by some shady dude to buy a stake in an apartment building fast forward to today he gets 350 000 in the mail per year from the building which is apparently doing very well for doing absolutely nothing pretty sweet deal not so shady shady guy after all there was a new mcdonald's opening up around campus and they offered free big macs for a year to the first 100 people there one free big mac a week a bunch of my friends and i got up at 3am to go wait in line for our big mac vouchers it is currently week 28 and we all want to die but we have to use them we are poor college students damn it my dad won a year of free great harvest bread which amounted to one loaf of bread per week month i forget which it was delicious well i bought a one dollar scratch ticket and i keep winning my dollar back every time i go to the gas station i use it to buy another one dollar ticket and i keep winning it back so there's that so basically you volunteer your time to the lottery as an amateur scratcher when i was working at a pizza place we had a guest who got free pizza for life but he didn't win it he earned it our store was robbed and as he was just pulling up to pick up his pizza he noticed what was going on inside and didn't leave his car when the robber drove off he followed him and got his license plate number then came back to the store so he could give it to the police robber was arrested with all the money and even the checks addressed to our pizza shop still in his car the guest got free pizza for life he only came once a month or so though i don't think there was even a limit on it i won free arby's beef and cheddar melt about three four times a week for about five months in college at one point they had this thing where you can get a freebie fan cheddar or curly fries if you did a one minute online survey using your receipt normally your ip would limit you to doing one once a month or something like that the first time i went in and redeemed my free sandwich they gave me another receipt so i just went straight back to the computer lab and did the survey again so i can redeem it the next morning and it kept repeating i did the survey at school about three four times a week without problem i guess due to dynamic ip or something idk at some point i tried it at home twice and a prompt told me it recognized my ip after the second week i think they realized that giving a receipt with another survey for free food to someone who's redeeming free food was probably not a good idea this slowed me down for about two minutes then i figured out that i could just buy literally anything for one dollar when i go to redeem my sandwich and they would give me another receipt anyway one dollar for a delicious snack and a voucher for another four dollar sandwich worth this time around i decided to swap between four different stores during the week so that they don't notice something weird going on so i did this every week for an entire semester and a month or so of the next semester until all of the stores in my area and on my commute paths to school stopped printing those receipts all together big bummer many many months later the surveys resumed but the prize became value-sized fries or a value-sized drink it wasn't worth it anymore but thanks for keeping me fed during the poorest semester of my college life rbs tl doctor abused the get a free sandwich online survey at arby's for many months but got them to change it to free value menu items i won a free small frosty per visit from wendy's for not being a bee i came in during a shift change and there was no one at the counter for a few minutes i could see people were changing over so i just waited until the lady cleaning the lobby came around the corner to take my order she was shocked i had been patient and cheerful and gave me a free frosty keychain card frosties are delicious a while back i won two thousand dollars cash an xbox and a year's supply of hardy's burgers in a burnout revenge tournament the free hard ease came in the form of 52 vouchers for free burgers i worked as a porter at a car dealership at the time and there was a hardy's right next door to the gas station where we would fill up the new cars once they were sold so naturally i would swing through and redeem my vouchers pretty regularly one day i filled up a new civic and ran through the drive-through came back to work delivered the car had my lunch and went about my day on my way home i realized i left my burger booklet in the center console of the car someone went home with a new car and about 30 free burgers my mum won godiva chocolates for a year and a diamond necklace from a box of chocolates my dad gave her for valentine's day every month we would receive a small styrofoam cooler with i think three five boxes of chocolate worth about 50 bucks per individual box for a year and they gave her options of diamond necklace styles so she picked one and received in the mail pretty soon after as well we ended up saving most of the chocolate in the freezer seeing as we couldn't eat that much chocolate each month but it's all long gone now as this was more than five years ago when i was only three years old january of 1995 i won a lifetime supply of ben and jerry's ice cream for being the runner up in there you i wanna be your ceo contest i have an ad card that works at any scoop shop where i can bring me and any number of friends to get free ice cream as well they send me 250 coupons for individual pints that i can pick up at any retail location grocery store gas station etc and if i ever run out i just call for more they make great thank you note and birthday card stuffers no i do not eat a truckload of ice cream a year i'm 6 feet 3 inches and 165 lbs 75 kg i happened across a 25 000 enlistment bonus when i joined the army during the iraq surge it was dispersed in three payments once after graduating basic training and then two more payments once per year my family found out about it and tried to trick me into giving them power of attorney over my bank accounts in order to steal the money i actually kept all of the money after my enlistment i used it to move to japan i lived there for four years and got a bachelor's degree with my gi bill i'd say i made fantastic use of that money because the experience was just incredible i'd definitely do it again i don't talk to my family now sorry to hear about your crappy family if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,027
Rating: 4.8508773 out of 5
Keywords: lucky for life, lucky for life winner, lucky for life strategy, lucky for life lottery, lucky for life lottery winners, lottery, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: gAfs8xSgukk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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